xt7bnz80m31w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80m31w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1947-08-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1947 1947 1947-08-22 2013 true xt7bnz80m31w section xt7bnz80m31w The Kentucky Kernel

Nxt Kernel
To Appear
October 3


Scattered Showers
In Afternoon
High Of 93





Registration Slated
For September 25
Classes To Begin
Following Monday

Dr. Williams To Deliver
Commencement Speech

New Officers

Are Assigned
30 Day Duty
ROTC Graduates

Still Have Work
To Complete Here

Veterans' Checks


registration for old
students the fall quarter mill begin
Thursday morning, Sept. 25, and will
continue through Friday, according
to Miss Maple Moores, assistant
registrar. Registration Hill begin with
A on Thursday morning.
Freshmen and new transfer students will register Saturday morning.

Will Be Held
"All veterans wanting checks
for September subsistence allowance held by the University post
office, must file a request for said

checks immediately," said Miss
Carrie Bean, postmistress of the
University station post office.
Government checks can be
held a maximum of five days and
then must be returned to the
Issuing office. A notice must be
then sent to this office to obtain
the check.
The University station will remain open during the vacation
between quarters. Post office
houm are
through Friday, and
on Saturdays.


Ten newly commissioned second
lieutenants in the army reserve corps
will report to three different camps
tomorrow for 30 days of temporary
active duty training, Col. G. T. Mac
kenzie, professor of military science
and tactics announced Monday.

(LV --


President Donovan

To Ag Staff

To Confer Degrees



Dr. John Davis Williams,
chancellor of the University of
Miv.ivsi)ji will deliver the commencement address at graduation exercises scheduled for Friday night, August 2'., in the
Memorial Hall amphitheater.


'Although no longer ROTC cadets,
O. C. Davenport has been appointed to the staff of the College
the new lieutenants still have varying amounts of academic work to
of Agriculture and Home Economics,
complete at the University and will
according to an announcement from
Dr. Williams, who resigned as
return at the opening of the fall
the office of Professor L. J.
director of the University of Kenquarter following the period of acassistant dean of the college.
tucky training school tn 1942. has
Prof. Davenport assumed his teachtive duty training.
chosen as his subject, "Democracy's
ing duties his week. He holds the
Second Lt. Randolph Simpson,
Essential Safeguard."
rank of assistant professor of forLexington, will go to Ft. Dix, N.J.
Dr. Williams was formerly presiestry.
for his duty and 2nd Lt. Bingham
dent of Marshall College. HuntingWillson, Moro, Arkansas is sched
Professor Davenport received the
ton. W. Va.
uled to report to fourth army head
B.S. degree from Pennsylvania State
Approximately 325 students, the
quarters at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, r?:,-5college and the M.S. from Purdue
largest summer school graduating
university. He formerly served on
for assignment.
class in University history are schedthe faculty staffs of both schools.
Eight Ordered to Fort Knox
uled to receive degrees which will be
During the war he was a member of
The remaining infantry officers
conferred by Dr. Herman L Donothe civilian service groups of the
are ordered to Ft. Knox where they
van, president of the University.
Davis Williams
Dr. John
air forces and the army engineers.
will be assigned to the 3d armored
by L. P. Witt
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain will dePhoto
division included in this contingent
liver the charge to the graduating
victims of the new long skirt fashion are
are: 2d Lts. Eugene Baird,
class and Dr. William Jesse Baird.
vogue or
Allan Watson, Princeton; shownto above the examples of the latest Davenport,lessNelda Ewing,
president of Morehead State Teachyoung lovelies are Stacey
John J. Blackburn and Dalton B.
ers College, will give the invocation
and Frances Jane Combes, all I'K students.
Caldwell, Williams town; and Charles
and benediction.
Baker, William Bryon, Elbert A.
Cnllis Is Organist
LexCheek, and Hugo Hempel of
for the program
papers at the administration build"Until this summer the self service beOrgan musicLela W. Culli. an will
inThe annual state checker tourna- ington.
played by
news stand at the entrance to the
ment will open at
deparment of mu.ic.
ground floor of the student union structor in the
program for fresh- on the University the Faculty club of The ten Universitypart of a group
An orientation
campus August
the committee in
building has been a credit to student charge of of program are Dean
men and transfer students will be- 30. The tournament will continue who received second lieutenantcadets
comhonesty," says Ed Murphy, a second Maurice F. the
gin Wednesday, September 24. The through Labor day.
Seay. chairman: Dr.
program which is being arranged by The tournament will get under missions earlier this month after
year student in the law college, who Chamberlain. Col. O. T. MacKenzie.
Over 460 of an expected 500 living
places the papers there each morn- E. B. Farris. John Howard. A. J.
Dr. Lysle W. Croft, University per- way shortly after a 10:00 a. m. busi- six weeks of field training at ROTC
spaces have been obtained for stu
camps on the east coast, volunteered
by Sophie Smack
sonnel director, will include classifiness meeting when officers will be
dent veterans in the veterans club ing. But on a couple of occasions in Olney, Miss Jane Haselden. Miss
duty and
While aid to Greece, and the concation tests and physical examina- elected and the playing rules will for the temporary active their duty
for or against longer skirts?" Each housing drive which virtually closed the past few weeks, someone has Mary Milton. Miss Maple Moores.
were allowed to choose
trol of atomic energy are in the person interviewed was advised to be this week, according to Darrell Han- removed from the stand loose change and R. W Wild.
be passed upon.
international limelight. University perfectly frank,
Prof.. Raymond
Fields, the presbut publication cock, president of the Veterans club. totaling 110 00. each morning, in time
coeds are concerned with a more
ent champion, will be defending his
ethics has prevented our printing of
If the 500 mark is obtained it is At 6:15 a.m.
personal' problem: "Must that pera few extremely frank, but interest- expected that 450 of this number will to catch the students who stop in
title against outstanding players
Of last fall be disfectly good suit
be for single veterans only. 150 of the cafeteria for breakfast before a
from ail over the state.
ing expressions.
carded because the skirt is Just a
Ed takes from his
Among the former champions atSome of the quotable opinions which will be open to either men 7 o'clock class, 100 Courier-Journa- ls
too near the knees?"
or women veterans. Not more than motor-scoottending the tourney will be Henry
Males Have Intrest in Skirt Levels follow: Stofer,
and places
Robertson, Lexington,
Dr. J. D.
graduate student: "I 50 units are expected to be obtain and Lexington Heralds the entrance
Discriminating males agree that like the
them on the wall near
skirts long enough to cover able for married veterans and their of
Dr Maurice F. Seay, dean of the McNeil, Louisville, Prof. Thomas
are also at stake in the the subject,
Dr. M. M. White, Dean of the their interests
the building for the convenience
University will leave next week to Gabbard. Stanton. W. D. Grote.
but short enough to be wives.
No statistics were available as to of all. A bit later, he too goes to class
printing College of Arts and Sciences, re- fashion swing toward lower hemlines. interesting."
attend two conferences at Gatlin- - manager of the Kernelplay as
In fact, the whole campus is alarmed
news stand
finding living space leaving his
possibility of
he turned to the University last Friday.
burg. Tennessee, on the development plant, will also enter the
Scotty Denham, commerce junior: the
attending a series of over the situation. Students of econoJ He has been
for married veterans with children. without supervision.
has done in previous years.
of resources.
"With dresses longer, how is a guy
System Had Worked
held In meetings at Laramie, Wyoming, with mic theory are firm in their belief
The meeting,
from the
The first conference begins Sept. Mt. Sterling lastwhich was be held liberal arts deans from throughout that the fashion experts are in going to recognize his girl friend?"
For thre quarters his good faith in University representatives
year, will
1 and will bring together leading
cahoots with the dress manufac
Smoe: "No comment."
nature was justified and he studying methodsintoBaltimore. ROTC
southwestern states.
and scientists from in Lexington for the first time since
turers. "If the trend continues,"
Dr. White said that twenty-si- x
could sit in class content that his programs in colleges and universities.
Joyce Trout, A & S sophmore: "I
throughout the United States.
little project was making money. His
Any resident of Kentucky is eli- college deans attended the meetings moans one professor, 'My lectures like the new hemlines because they
Mackenzie, plofessor
All students who will graduate
The second conference will begin gible to enter the tournament.
which lasted over a period of three will he as. dry to me as they are to make girls look more graceful.
recent losses, howevtr, has dampened of Col. O. T.
military science and tactics, said
this August should turn in their
September 8 and will be edvoted to
days. He drove to Wyoming with, his the students." Fatalistic art students They'rfe mere comfortable
this good faith:
military men in the
mailing addresses to the Kentuc- discussions concerning the developfamily and stopped enroute to see shrug their shoulders and exclaim, you're seated, and besides, why not
In order to discourage further pii- - educators and of the United States
eastern part
kian office in the basement of
ment of resources in the south. Dr.
Dr. Alexander Capurso. head of the "Well legs aren't everything."
longer skirts its the style."
McVey hall before leaving school.
Seay Is chairman of the second conUniversity fnusic .department, . who
Strategic Spots Canvassed
'Mrs. Robert Nelson, education sen"nits during th past year, and di
Otherwise they will not receive
a sealed can
ference which is sponsored by the
is teaching this summer at the UniIn the grill and other strategic ior: "I think it is absolutely absurd
cuss any improvements that may
their Kntuckians.
Committee on Southern Regional
versity of Kansas in Lawrence, spots about the campus where such to discard last fall's wardrobe beKentuckians are scheduled to
Members of this district of the Kansas.
Studies and Education of the AmeriEd. whose hometown is Rochester.
subjects, legs, that is, are always cause of the new trend. In the first
satisfied with the program as
be shipped from- the bindery on
Homemakes Club, directed by Mrs.
can ouncil on Education.
viewed with more than a casual in- place, some of us can't afford to buy
is now. " CoL MacKenzie said when
August 26 and may arrive before
Saunders, home demonstrain general are honest, but unfortu- it
Discussions and reviews of state, Ruth agent for Fayette county, are
terest, a random survey was con- all new clothes, and in the second
the end of this term.
nately there are a very few indivi- asked what improvements he would
Institutional, and
ducted in an effort to measure that place, a dress fourteen inches from
holding a district meeting this week
Posters announcing their arduals on the campus who cannot be
for the development will be in the University home economics
anomaly called student opinion. Be- the floor isn't the most flattering
Other University representatives
rival will be displayed on the
given the first three days of the building. Final sessions of the meetcause of strongly conflicting view- length for most girls."
reat the conference Include Dr. Leo
campus so that seniors may
conference, and then committees ing are being held today.
points an accurate concensus could
M. Chamberlain,
vice president of
ceive their copies before they
Jack Kimball, engineering
will analyze and suggest improvenot be determined.
the University, and Lt. Col. Jerome
leave the University.
"It all depends on the girl's
ments in these programs.
John Shelby Richardson, former
Tarter of the Air Corps ROTC. The
Student Opinion Poll
Dr. W. S. Taylor, dean of the colmeeting began this morning and will
instructor in piano at the University,
Charles Dearth, commerce senior:
Several, students were asked the
lege of Education, and Dr. Charles
and at present an instructor in question: "For what reason are you
(Continued on Page Three)
are vacancies for five under- end
Spain, associate professor of educaI nits Have Changed
1 piano atMichigan, has State, a East
graduate students in the women's
vistion, will attend the second confer-been
"The ROTC units have changed
residence halls, according to Dean since prewar days, "CoL MacKenzie
ence. Dr. Taylor will represent the
itor on the campus during the week.
Class schedule books for the
Jane Haselden, assistant dean of said.
Mr. Richardson is a graduate of
Kentucky committee on the develop-meA special meeting of the University women.
fall term will be ready for disthe Music School at Yale University
of resources and Dr. Spain will
"Back in those days a fellow could
faculty will be held at 3 o'clock Wed
"All of the women on the present get along pretty well if
tribution after September 1, the
and the Boston Conservatory and is
represent the Sloan Experiment
be knew
nesday afternoon in the law college waiting list have been placed in close order drill
registrar's office announces.
remembered for the excellent rewhich is studying methods of imand infantry tactics.
Copies may be obtained from
to approve candidates for degrees quarters, she further stated. Gradu- - But those days are gone.
citals he presented on the Sunday
proving education in Kentucky.
the office of any dean or by writt the summer school commencement ate students will not be able to get "Officers and men in the modern
Afternoon Musicale series in Meing to request one from the
rooms in the residence halls this army must
August 29.
morial hall and in this community.
a wide knowledge
registrar's office.
Dr. Maurice F. Seay. dean of the quarter but it is probable that there of a number have
He resigned from his University poof subjects and this has
sition in August, 1945, and has been
University housing University, said the meeting would will be some vacancies for them in been the theme of present day ROTC
service for all
at Michigan State since then.
hi; M4Aita iiiaivvi,
and food places, including frater- w kill, me, vi uiv J .
nity, sorority, boarding houses, and
Courses that have been added to
More space for the University in- the like," the report continued.
the required list of subjects for adfirmary is the No. 1 problem facing
vanced ROTC units include such
Year Termed "Good"
Vera W. Gillispie, who received
the University Health Service acthings as teaching methods, psychoIn reviewing the past year's
cording to the Service's annual reher A.B. in Journalism from the
logy and personnel
work the Health Service said the
University in 1938, has accepted a
port made public Thursday.
physical development, and governLooking ahead to increased enroll- past year had been "a good year."
position on the staff of the University
ment of occupied countries.
"The infirmary is running smooth
ment in the future the Health Serof Texas at Austin. She will teach
"Our ROTC today requires that
by Helen Henry
By Frark Domheim
vice said the first of "many prob- ly and efficiently, and the food situ
news reporting and radio journalism.
infirmary patients is
Dark - haired, statuesque Phyllis here. Huh! We speak English in all cadets learn gunnery and fire
The ivy will soon cling and crawl type of inactivity. One of the ac- lems" is the need for emergency in- ation much the
going to Texas, Miss GillisBefore
improved," Dr. Chambers Draper resembles Hedy Lamarr and, Ireland too. Very few speak Gaelic. jrntrols which formerly was studied
pie was an instructor in journalism on the walls of the University's cessories of the 100 by 48 foot formal firmary space to take care of epi- wrote.
like the Viennese actress, came to It's a difficult language, very com- chiefly by artillery cadets." the coloA. and M. She received newest men's dorm. Bowman hall. lounge 'on the first floor will be a demics.
at Oklahoma
nel explained. He said a number of
Report Quoted
Infirmary Needs Space
this country from Europe. Unlike plicated."
master's degree from the Uni- This imposing $420,000 structure powder room. This indicates that
Extra space "was badly needed
Hedy, UK's Phyllis is not Austrian, Main Difference In Schools Is Size other courses cijncerning current
The report went on to say:
which fills the gap between Brad- girls will be welcome in the lounges
versity of Minnesota.
Phyllis thinks the main differ- events had been added.
ley and Breckenridge halls, faces and wherever there are girls there last year" and "may be expected
"The Health Service has been but pure Irish, hailing from the
on Washington street, and forms is dancing, so possibly that over- to be a problem each year," Dr. able to get needed equipment and land of the leprechauns and the ence between American and Irish
the long awaited quadrangle. This stuffed furniture may be neglected J. S. - Chambers, director of the supplies on a better basis than ever elves. As would be expected, she colleges is in theirlarger," "Here said.
secluded area allows men, clad in after all. gA public address system Health- Service, wrote in the report. before. Some of this equipment and has smiling Irish eyes, and her lilt- schools are much
and paging will "A temporary building would cer- supplies came from the war surplus, ing speech inflection betrays her "In Ireland the universities are
shorts, to pursue their monastic for
ways in cloistered secrecy thus giving help to encourage activity in the tainly come in handy in time of and with the Health Service fee roots in the Emerald Isle. Different smaller, probably not more than
epidemics." Dr. Chambers wrote.
Two dances, jointly sponsored by UK the same air of distinction lounge.
increase we have been able to pur from the slouching amble of many two or three hundred students. It's
C. C. Hearne. of the office of field
The office and apartment of the In an interview he said he hoped chase many things needed.
the veterans club and the American which has been achieved in such
an American coed. Phyllis' walk is much harder to get In." Entrance studies and training of the U. S.
quon-sLegion Man o"War Post Number t, great universities as Harvard and director of men's residence halls the University would have a
"Many of the simple problems of proud and erect she moves with to these schools is strictly by ex- Department of Agriculture. Washwill be at one end of the first floor
hut left over when it finishes housekeeping have been" improved a sort of elfin grace that's part of amination, and students must pass ington, spent Tuesday conferring
will be held in the Legion ballroom Vale.
and two guest rooms for official its other housing projects which and the building is run much more her Irish heritage.
tests on one foreign language, two with University officials on
October 11 and 18.
Lounges Included
visitors to the University will be could be used by the infirmary.
subjects. English, and
orderly and is cleaner than ever
The dances, which will be the first
A native of Belfast, capital of mathematics history.
Bowman hall will add recreation
end. With these acHe
that no request
geography or
"In high school problems Involved in the education
held in the Legion ballroom since as well as distinction to the cam- at the other and its recreational made saidUniversity officialshad been before."
Northern Ireland. Phyllis is a citi- we take 'junior' and 'senior' exam- of extension workers. He met with
for adto
The report termed the past year zen of the
it has been remodeled, will be open pus. University officials have long comodations
H. L Donovan. Prof. L. J.
facilities. Bowman hall will be the ditional space for the infirmary.
"by far the busiest in the history Her section British Commonwealth. inations. To get in college you have President
to any veteran of World War IL
of Erin, comprising six
realized the lack of recreation and headquarters for men's residence
The report said the Health Ser- of the service, both in the number
to pass both."' According to Phyl- Horlacher,of aistant dean ofHome
Agriculture and
A floor show provided by talent they have planned the new resi- halls.
vice now has furnishings, supplies of people seen and in the scope o' counties, occupies less than
colleges, of which the uni- College
of the total area of the lis. Irish of Belfast and Dublin are Economics, and C. A. Mahan, county
Murrayli studio in dence hall to help meet this need.
from Arthur
In spite of all these extras, the and equipment for about 75 beds
service rendered."
agent leader.
island, which is about 1000 miles versities
According to the University comp building is a well designed dormi but space "in the Health Service the Three Epidemics Reported
Louisville has been planned.
the largest, are comparable to those
Mr. Hearne formerly served on
troller's office, there will be two tory intended to accomodate 108 building for only 42 beds.
If the dances are successful, lounges
EDidemics during the year, the re long and half as wide. Southern in England and Scotland.
the extension staff of the University
in the building, a formal and men in four room suites. There are
With increased enrollment the port said, were influenza, infectious Ireland is an independent nation,
several more will be given in the fall
In speaking of the political divi- of Missouri.
and winter quarters, according to an informal lounge. The planners to be two men to a room and each Health Service could probably ex mononucleosis, and several of acute the Irish Free State, and Phyllis sion of Ireland. Phyllis stated that
wants it known that the capital is
the informal suite is to have its own separate pand by offering some of the special resDiratorv diseases.
Darrell Hancock, president ot the have emphasized
the principal reason for the split
lounge, possibly because they under- bathroom. Suites on the same floor services," the report said.
Three active cases of tuberculosis not "Dooblin," but Dublin.
veterans club.
was religious. Southern Ireland is
Special Services To Include
stand that college recreation tends are not interconnected, and the only
Finds Bluegrass "As Expected"
requiring institutional care were re- predominantly
Roman Catholic.
toward the informal.
way to get from one to the other
norted among the students.
Phyllis came to Kentucky from while Northern Irelandn is Prot- This 124 by 48 foot social area in is by means of the separate stair
These services included dentistry
The rep0rt showed that 536 men tne
of tne shamrock
estant. mostly Presbyterian.
the basement with a large fireplace ways provided for each stack of aim Krv
i j.
and 371 women were admitted to lnvUation of th
Studied French I'nder Roommate
A resolution condemning the pro-,
,. ,
at each end. will be a gay retreat suites. This plan will foil loquacious r Chambers said that
the infirmarv during the year.
Phyllis is much interested in the posed removal of the drum major
w" ,e
who enrc!.ment is increased over the! other statistical data in the re- - C"xl.."
for bookweary students descending and mischievous individuals
ue was
n ireiana. one study of the French language as ettes was passed Wednesday noon at
annthpr ppnerat nhvsirian
Dean Jane Haselden has been giv- from the ivory towers of study. A like to wander up and down the nost
University in June. '46, well as her home economics work. a special meeting of the University
ing swimming instrucion to mem- sandwich shop in one corner will halls disturbing the slumbers and mav be needed."
oer resDii Htorv tract infec- - entere the
,for u. "
stuaent in tne department of and she was able to get a good grasp veterans club, according to Darrell
oivon tn
Th Health Service now has three
bers of the University Dames club provide snacks for appetites, whetted studies of others.
physi- - KturiVnK and facultv. and that 1.273 !home economics, studying costume of the language through the French Hancock, club president.
and one part-tim- e
Closet Key For Students Only
at Castlewood swimming pool this by the pursuit of knowledge. Two
pvp ear nose and design. Thus talented gl. who de - !ioommate she has had here, who
-rAlso discussed at the meeting held
smaller areas will be occupied by
Light colored maple furniture cians and four reuistered nurses.
si8ns ntl makes her own clothes, has recently returned to France.
tables to accomo- will give the rooms an early Amer- During epidemics such as the flu throat treatment.
in the clubrooms of the American
The assistant dean of women stat- pool or
calls Jewell hall her UK home. Phyl- The smiling, friendly lass from the Legion Man o"War Post Number 8
ican atmosphere. Other details not epidemic last winter more nurses
The Health Service treated 1.096
ed that an average of seven members date the more active students.
so nftticeable will add to the com- and laboratory technicians are em- - injuries and held 128 clinic con- - lis likes the Bluegrass state, saying land of St. Patrick expects to leave were the fall membership dnve and
Loujifre For Girls Too
attended the sessions which were
it's "just what I expected."
the University after this term. "I ll the social program for the fall and
"lounge" fort and convenience of the stu- ployed.
However, the accent on
conducted at 4 p.m. every Monday
get a
it's funny."
"Another expansion of
afternoon. She taught her first group seems to suggest the more passive dents, such as closet keys for stu- Service to be considered the Health tory remit of the work of the labora- - "People know, me if I hadshe said, decidedjcb," she said, "but I haven't winter quarters. The drive for mem
yet whether to go back to bers will begin at the btinr.ing cf
is the es- trouble
showed that, 1H.710 tests had
dents only. The janitors will not
of student wives at the YWCA pool tine nf relaxation and
tphlishmunt of u regular inspection
with the language when I camp Ireland nr si av in this ronnfry.'
iConiinued on Poat; Three)
the fall quarter.
furniture will be necessary for this
last winter.

Classes will begin on Monday,
September 29, and October 2 has
been set as the last day a student
may enroll.
Miss Moores called attention to the
closing date for fall registration. She
said a University bulletin had announced October 6 as the final date
on which a student may enroll but
the fyiculty had moved the date to
October 2.
Students who register one day late
will be charged an additional $3.
Those two days late will be charged
$4, and those three or more days
late will be charged $5, Miss Moores
Dean Maurice F. Seay, registrar of
the University, has some good news
for veterans In connection with en
rollment. He said plans were being
made to eliminate the "sweating out"
of those long lines waiting for book
purchases orders and other necessary









State Checker
Tourney Here
On August 30

Seay, Taylor, Spain
To Attend Research






Concealed Knees Cause
Much Campus Comment

Drive Closes,
Gets 460 Units

Thieves Steal Profits
From News Stand
Near Student Union

For Married Vets


Dr. White Back
From Meetings
In .Wyoming

In Baltimore


Dean Chamberlain,
Tartar Also Away



Graduates Note!




ifomemakers Hold
District Meeting'








Former University
Piano Instructor


Visiting- Campus



Fall Schedule Books

Faculty To Approve

Available On Sept

Health Service's Report
States Need For Space


Former UK Student

Degree Candidates

Epidemic Care
Is No. Problem

Accepts Position

At Texas University

Five Openings Listed
In Women's Dorms


Colleen Finds Bluegrass
Just As She Expected

Bowman Hall To Feature
Lounges, Sun Porches

Two Dances Planned

By Veterans Club

Hearne Conferring


With UK Officials


one-four- th

Veterans Club Holds
Special Meeting

Dean Gives 'Dames'
Swimming Instruction










over-stuff- ed


� Tagc Two


Friday, August 22, 1047


1947 Wildcats Who Should See Considerable Action In Ole 'Miss Opener


Wallace Jones


T Wash Srrini

T Hat Jones

I.eo YaruMs


Jay Rhodemyre



Jim Babb


Bill -Mcscley


Dopey Phelps










Dick Hensley












G Matt Lair

Bill Griffin





Leonard Preston



Grid Practice Cat Clippings
Will Begin
September 1


by Tom Diskin


Featuring Today

With the opening game of the
season less than a month away,
memebers of the Wildcat squad who

Prediction For Wildcats'


1947 Football Season

The Wildcats will liavo played ihcir first game of the 1947
lxfore tlic next Kernel ,iears, and everyone will know
or at least have some ideas alxml what the rtsct'ts for the '47


season will lx


Bryant, as is tvpieal of all good roaches, has constantly

bemoaned the outlooks lor his team. He readily points out that
we will be using the T this fall whith is entirely new to Kentucky;
veak at tackles; that we're just
thai in the line we're fjoing (l
ltiediiKie all over in the haiklicld; that all of our oponeiUs are
wauhing for Keimukv this year; that Wildcat fans are ini lined to
eH't ik nun It: that not knowing sxrts writers are picking Kentucky lo plav in a Ixiwl game; and that we lost 30 g(Mnl prospects
to the Kig Ten and other lily while leagues.


optimistic to the extent of hurling the
team this fall. We realize that over confidence on the part of the
team, as well as loo nine It balahoo by simh is writers alxmt victorious seasons and bowl games tan be disastrous.

it from us


Ik- -

However, we said eailier and are going to stick by our guns
the Wildcats will have a (air season, and fair usunow. we
ally is


I',y hx)kiiig at il one wav our sihedule is a disadvantage in that
we play Alabama'. Tennessee. Georgia, and Cim innaii all strong
opxncnts at home ami plav our cqual-- i haute opxneiHs on their


lu Ids.

way of looking at this. The three teams that
us last c.ix had the advantage of playing Kentuiky away from
the IJIuegrass. This year we have the field advantage in those
games. As far as i lie out of town games go this fall, sure the other
trams will have slight advantages, but we're hoping the Wildcats
will Ik gxxl enough lo overcome this advantage.

There's anoth'.r



In order to win eight games this fall, the team has to t one
of the three opxnieins we lost to last year, and by playing them
on Moll f ie ld we think il can hapx n. Which one? "Well, we don't
know and dmi'i tare, just as long as we set one of the liig Three

Of course Kentuckv fans must realize that while the games they
will gel lo sec lite Wilde als play this fall will Ik- - some of the Inst in
ihe nation, the Wildcats' home- record won't lx as pretty as last
ar. If we're liickv, it will lead three wins and two losses. If so,
let's not let it gel us down.

have been slimmer vacationing, have
started drifting back into Lexington
ready for practice which begins
Monday, September 1, as provided
by SEC rules..
Approximately 60 men are expected
t& report for the fall sessions when
Head Coach Paul Bryant and his
staff push their chips into th