xt7bnz80m27v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80m27v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-10-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1948 1948 1948-10-15 2013 true xt7bnz80m27v section xt7bnz80m27v The Kentucky Kernel

Weather Today
Sunny And Mild;
High Of 70

SuKy Pep Rally

7:00 Tonight





Commuter's Bill

Frankfort Center

State Clerical Workers

student commuters was introduced in Student
Government Association meeting
A bill to form a
pool for the aid of

Monday night.
The bill calls for
in neighboring
towns or out of walking distsnce All applications should be filed
of the campus. The plan is to have in Room 16 or the Administration
each student who has a means of Building.
transportation and who can accomAs the commencement lists are
modate others, either to or from made from these cards it is very
the campus, to fill out a form givimportant to file an application
ing the necessary information. This at this time.
form will be grouped with others
Candidates for the bachelor's
of the same locale. The form will degree will be charged a gradaalso be filled out by students wishtion fee of $9.00. This will cover
ing a ride. The two forms will be
rental of cap and gown, dicompared and an effort will be the
ploma fee. The Kentuckian and
tomade to get the two parties
other necessary expenses. Candigether.
dates for advanced degrees will
be charged a fee of $15.00, which
Forms On Page Two
V ' ...
These forms, which are found on will cover the above with the
page two of this paper, should be exception of the Kentuckian and
the hood
turned in at the post office window, in addition the cost of candidate.
to be presented the
not the letter slots, as soon as posGraduetion fees are payable not
later than the fourth day preThis bit of legislation was brought ceding the commencement.
about primarily as a result of the
recent fare raise of the transportaDr. Gladys M. Kammerer
tion companies.
Placards To Be Printed
Another Drovision of the bill is
to have 2000 cards printed to aid
The former University Chess Club
In getting a ride to the campus. has been made a Student Union acThe eight by ten placard is de- - tivity at the request of some of the
All over Lexington. University stu- - signed to be affixed to the back of a members.
Miss Margaret Bruce
dents are entwining themselves in ' notebook for easy accessibility. The' Cruise, social director, announced.
the thick meshes of politics.
white sign will read, "Going to UK,
Among the scheduled activities of
Lee Truman, fullback for "Bry- in blue.
the club are: (1) Chess ladder tourant's Bruisers," appeared on the
A committee consisting of Rusty nament, which has the objective of
rear platform of President Tru Russell, chairman, Richard Crafton determining playing positions on the
man's campaign train recently. He end Harold Holtzclaw has been ap- University chess team. (2) intercol
is distantly related to the presi- pointed to arrange and manage the legiate chesss matches with other
universities. (3i Exhibition matcnes
by professional chess masters, and
Republican nominee Thomas E.
periodic lectures on various phases
Dewey had a basketball presented
of the game.
to him Tuesday by Alex Groza,
center for the basketball ''zip kids",
Free chess lessons will start Tues
and Wallace "Wah Wah" Jones,
day, at 4 p.m. meet in Room 206,
forward on the same team, and end
Student Union Building at 4 o'clock.
for the football team.
Classes will be directed by Charles
Miss May Gadd and Miss Elsie
The ball, autographed by mem- Avril, authorities in the field of Wurst, current champion of the Cinbers of the championship Wildcat folk dance and folk song, wiU be cinnati Chess Club. Classes will exteam and the Phillips "66" Oilers, leaders in a workshop sponsored tend over a six week period.
was the one used during the .tour- bv the Lexington center of the
The club players meet every Tuesnament in New York.
Country Dance Society of America, day night in the social room of the
Harry Rouse III. state chairman of on Oct.
the physical education Student Union Building at 7 p.m. All
persons interested in the game are
the Young States Rights Party, in- department announced,
asked to attend. Miss Cruise said.
troduced Governor J. Strom ThurAll Interested persons are asked to
Anyone interested in joining some
mond the same night at the Wood- be at the Women's Gym at 8 p.m.
land Auditorium. A number of stu- Friday when the opening session of the activities may contact Miss
Cruise, Room 122, Student Union
dents are accompanying Thurmond will begin. The registration fee
on his campaign tour in Kentucky. for the workshop will be $2.00 for Building.
entire course or $1.00 for single
Workshop Includes Singing
The workshop is for all recreapresidential tion leaders, particularly those inThe
election will be the order of the terested in dancing and group singday when the Best Band in Dixie ing. It is a chance for people in
files out of the stands for half-tim- e
Central Kentucky, regardless of experformance at the Vanderbilt game perience, to receive practical help
in gathering materials and in teachFollowing a fanfare composed by ing techniques.
Director Frank J. Prindl, the
The program material offered will
Wildcat band will form a cover a large variety of American
the and English dances for all age
Democratic party.
Following that, the GOP elephant
Instructors Are Qualified
Is scheduled to take part in the
Miss Gadd is the National Direcpresentation by waving its trunk.
To the tune of "Dixie," the band tor of the Country Dance Society of
flag, America. She came to the United
will form the Confederate
States in 1927 after experience in
symbolizing the Dixiecrat party.
A floating V, in honor of Vandy England as a teacher of English
folk dance. During the war, she
fans, and the traditional UK formation is also included in the pro- contributed to the USO with work
in community recreation. 6he was
Critics rated the Mississippi game in charge of the Berkshire Music
half-tim- e
performance as "one of Center. As a director of the Counshe had
the best seen on Stoll Field in the try Dance Society, conducting nation
worklast few years," and according to wide experience in
band officials, letters compliment- shops in universities, schools, and
ing the show were received.
Miss Avril. violinist, experienced
This year's band is led by drum
major Bill Jones, with Doug Archer, in folk music, came to the United
me ieaturea iwirier, ana octtj ataxy, States as music director at
Camp. As accompanist and
lecturer on the staff of the English
Folk Dance and Song Society, she
made many contributions in the
field of folk music.

Program Under UK Control
The program is under the general
supervision and control of Maurice
. F. Seay, Dean of the university, and
' Louis A. Clifton, Director of the
department of extension. Miss Kammerer has been named
of the center and spends half of her
time at Frankfort in immediate direction of the project.
Two types of courses are offered
by the program. They are (It courses
. geared around particular job requir-men- ts
and taken on the job at
departmental expense by the state
employees, and (2) courses given
after hours at the employee's ex'

Chess Club Becomes
Function Of

Campaigns Draw
Student Interest


Work Started In Summer
The first type of work which was
begun this summer featured two
courses in accounting for the stepping up of enforcements of state

Group Sponsors
Dance Workshop


selincome collection. Twenty-fiv- e
ected employees spent three weeks
on concentrated courses on the
' campus.
These courses were followed by a
secretarial course being conducted at
the present time for Department of
Revenue employees in order to
develop them into first class sec-

22-2- 3.


Subjects in supervisory training
will be given later this year to select
groups of employees in other departments which wish to cooperate.
Departments must be willing to


Night Courses Offered
Night courses offered are accounting, shorthand, typing, freshman
. English, and public administration.
Additional classes will expand the
curriculum during the second semester to meet both vocational and
cultural demands of the state employees.
The courses may be taken on creit
dit or
basis. Those employees who do not desire credit, or
are ineligible to receive credit will be
awarded a certificate at the end of
their work showing satisfactory completion of their courses.

Donovan To Speak
At Education Convo

Independents Cabaret
To Be November 24

The University of Kentucky


erans Club went into action Tuesday to aid nations military preparedness ty taking immediate and
positive steps on the home front.
A plan to provide practical assistance to individual reserve and
National Guard units through


cooperation of local veterans organizations was proposed
by the University of Kentucky

The principle point of a definite
program of action set forth by the
student veterans club consisted of
the "adoption" of Headquarters and
B Battery, 441st Field Artillery Battalion, Kentucky National Guard
as the particular unit to which the
University veterans would devo'e
their assistance. A program of instructional talks to be given at guard
meetings by qualified veterans of
the club served as a major point
in the plan of assistance.

Pep Rally Tonight
In Alumni Gym

"On, on. U of K." led by the
Best Band in Dixie and Kentucky's
twelve cheerleaders, will be the sig- nal for the beginning of SuKy's
pep rally tonight at 7 o'clock.
Organizing at Alumni Gym, students will follow SuKy members
around the University drive to the
B S. building, where the group will
be formally introduced to the team's
wildcat mascot.
The student body will then snake
dance down Graham and Rose to
Euclid and the intramural field
where Vanderbilt will be burned in
effigy on a giant bonfire. The pep
rally will be dismissed at 7:30 for
the Lances Carnival.

Cats Meet Vanderbilt
Tomorrow Afternoon
Both Teams After First SEC Win

Students Attend

Promising Rough, Tough Battle





Members Today





bar association president,
Members of the bar association
pointed out that a February com-- !
mencement ceremony would relieve
graduates from the expenses and
trouble of coming back to Lexing-- I
ton for the regular exercises in June.
They also indicated that the num-- i
ber of students graduating in
would be unusually large.
F"eb-'rua- ry

Committee Charts

Campaign the

World Student Service Fund, the
of World Student
American branch
Relief, met yesterday to organize for
their coming campaign.
WSSF dispenses food, clothing,
medical supplies, and money to students all over the world. The fund
also supports and operates rest
camps in Europe for students who
need medical attention.
Last year WSSF sent $2500 for
much needed work among refugee
university centers in Delhi, India.
The relief organization is sponsored bv the United Student Christian
Council, the Hillel Foundations, the
National Federation of Newman
Clubs, the Student Volunteer Movement, and the Student

Inter-Semina- ry

Engineering Seniors
Take Inspection Trip

The student branch of the
can Society of Mechanical





Baptist Church, Little Rock,

ary to Japan; Dr. K.


Arkan- -

professor of missions at the South
ern BaDtist Theological Seminary,
The University of Kentucky dele- gates will direct the devotional ser- vices of the convention, and Wes- ton Bergman, College of Engineering, will be featured In the religious singing.
Other convention highlights will
be the concerts presented by the
Georgetown boys' choir, and the
presentation of "Lost Church," a
religious drama.
Students who want to be delegates are asked to sign up immediately in the BSU. Registration fee
is $1.00 with an extra fee for dinners. AH delegates will stay in
dormitories and private homes in


rf- -


Kentucky came out of the Georgia
Bulldog scrap with a dismal number
of backfield injuries and its second
straight conference defeat.
ACP Will Nominate
Dopey Phelps, who averaged seven
Candidates For SGA
yards a try against Wally Butts'
Party will nom- boys, was in the infirmary part of
inate its SGA candidates on Wed this week with a sinus infection and
nesday at 8 p.m.. in Room 128 of the u he does play, will certainly not be
SUB, chairman James Eddleman in top shape,
Truman Hurl
Eddleman said that the meeting
Fullback Lee Truman tore a lica- will be open to all students.
ment in his foot after three minutes
of last week's game had elapsed, and
it is doubtful whether he will even
dress for the game. Truman, who was

C. Goerner,



fvm Jign
VI y

lKentuckys outstanding player
against Ole Miss, watched practice
from the side lines this week.
SDeedv Halfback Shorty Jamer-oA sign reading "The Basketball picked up a shoulder injury in
of the World" will be placed ens. but will probably see action
on the Euclid Avenue side of the against the Commodores.
Alumni Gym, if a bill introduced; With these first string injuries,
before the Student Government As-- the Wildcats will certainly be the
sembly Monday night is approved. underdogs, in their bid for their fim




Ath-Capit- ol


Kyian Makeup Plans
Completed By Editors


A temporary

Education Group Plans
Campus Convention

Makeup plans for the Kentuckian were rnmnleterf at a rerpnr.
meeting of the editors with Robert
In- The Kentucky Association of Col- Loewer, representative of the ac
leges and Secondary Schools will dianapolis Engraving Company,
meeting on tha cording to Charles Whaley, editor.
hold a two-da- y
Group pictures and student life
campus beginning Oct. 29. according
section pictures are being taken by
to Dr. L E. Meece, secretary-treasurJim Sames.
of the organization.
Students helping with the page
"A New Concept; of Human Relations" .will be the theme of the dis- contracts and form sheets must recussions, which are expected to be turn them as soon as possible.
Under plans recently adopted,
attended by representatives of S5
junior and senior colleges and ap- the Kyian office will be open from
8 to 5 daily.
proximately 450 high schools.

sign was placed on Conference win.
Vandy la Good Shape
Vanderbilt on the other hand,
emersed from their 20-- 7 Ole Mm
Fred Nichols, SGA treasurer, who defeat in as good shape as a Daily
introduced the bill, recommended Double winner.
a wooden sign 30 or 40 feet long, to
Vandy has almost the same line
be used until the completion of the that last year beat Northwestern.
Field House, when a permanent sign Alabama, and Ole Miss. End Jim
will be constructed. Funds for the North is absent from this year's line
project. Nichols said, could be sup- up but
plied from the surplus in the treas- Charley Hoover is back
action to
help Captain John Clark back up
A bill was introduced for the Uni
the line. This is Clark and Hoover'-- i
versity student association to affili- fourth and last year.
ate with the National Student Asso- In the backfield the Commodores
ciation. after a talk by Bill Welsh of have third-yemen Bob Bern'.
Berea College, former president of Jamie Wade. Zack Clinard. and che
NSA. A similar bill failed to pass sensational sophomore. Dean Davidson.
the Assembly last spring.
Davidson is 203 pounds. 6' 2". fast
The bills will be voted upon on
as Citation, hit ten receivers in 40
tries last year, and averaged 44 yards
on 13 punts. He looked food during
the period he played in last year's
game which the Wildcats won 14-and will probably be one of the outstanding players on the field tomor
Chi Delta Phi. national wnmon't row. He prepped at Woodbury Forest
literary honorary U niw iivpntinn m Virginia
enT T,C!T7
manuscripts submitted as a basis for
Bobby Berry will be the chief ball
ted it last year 106
To qualify for membership, coeds 'TrieT "e
must have had one semester tn times and went 396 yards.
Jamle Wade
the team s main
residence at the University and have
attained a minimum standing of o06 yards copleted 27 P548 Ior
Pff8"' Hein 47.
All students are eligible to enter
,th? punt nam-Ci?Lackf
e ,SCa'flaSt
Delta Phi s short story contest.
Manuscripts for this contest as weU fn, 'v"ag.Vof
r? 80 boo.ts'

the building the week the basketball
team returned from the Olympic!



Honorary Opens
Story Contest




should be sent to box 5194. Univer.
sity Post Office.
Chi Delta Phi transfer students!
are asked to join Xi chapter at
meeting Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the
Student Union Building. A. B.
Guthrie, author of the best seller.
"The Big Sky," will speak to the

Company Proqram
Offers Scholarships


YWCA Ends Drive


Kent Hollirgsworth





The Kciuutkv Wildcats, third in the (jnlcrtiue in loi.tl '
wuc iiuiiuicu uciruait;
ui lic .
trd in Kiv.ing ottense, and lal in llic Ijoj Mammies.
Baptist Student Union will attend "'n,,cthe annual state convention at,i;lsi, Kjlh ,lc Vanderbilt Commodores at
1.x k loinoi row
.. ..
ueorgetown college on oct.
Because of lack of facilities, the allcrnooii on Moll rickl.
Uinversity of Kentucky delegate!
interest a Cim inuali
a battle lhat equals in nation-widquota is limited.
RttU " UmaRo Cubs baseball game, the two pre season daik hoises
On the convention program are
Dr. W. A. Vaught of the Immanuel will light it out to see who will hae the honor of sole jjossevsion


The formal membership drive of
the YWCA will end today.
Registration figures have not yet
completed, but Jo Daugherty.
' Definite plans are being made by been
the Independents for a Thanksgiv- chairman, expected a record total
ing Candlelight Cabaret to be held of new members.
New members will be formally adin the Student Union Building on
mitted at the recognition service
Wednesday, November 24th.
on Tuesday. Oct. 26, in the Student
Nominations for president,
secretary, and treasurer Union Building. which is for old as
This service,
will be open until Wednesday. Nomwell as new members, will be a canr,
inees for president are Gorge
dlelight ceremony, Sara Mae Green,
Gloria Bilancio, Peggy Comp-lopresident, said.
and Joe Rankin; for
Anyone interested in becoming a
Betsy Sutherland, Charles
to register
Browning, and Rosemary Haley; for YW member is asked
of the
in Room
secretary; Mary S. Powell, and Building 119any time. Student Union
Evelyn Caudel; for treasurer;
Harold Ziegler and Ann Wiesman.
Members of the executive council, Bar Association Favors
composed of representatives of the
colleges and the resident dorms, also Mid-Ye- ar
re to be nominated.
The Student bar Association this
week unanimously adopted a resolution favoring February commence-- I
SUB Tourney Set
ment exercises for students who
A ping pong tournament will be graduate at the end of the first se- -j
given by the tournament committee mester.
The resolution, calling on Univer-- j
f the Student Union Board starting Oct. ?S. with the deadline for sity officials to consider the matter,
was identical with resolutions al- entries Oct. 16.
ready passed by the U.K. Veterans
Club and taken under advisement by
the Student Government Associa- -'
Proficiency Exams
tion, according to James Chenault,
All students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences who
wish to take the foreign language
proficiency examinations Nov. 3,
4. 5. are to report to Room 128.
McVey Hall, immediately. Dean
M. M. White announced.

Vets Take Action
Backing Military
Preparations Here



President H. L. Donovan will address the College of Education convocation in the University High
auditorium at 10 a jn. Tuesday.
This will be the first of a series
in which Dr. Donovan will speak
before each college of the University. The plan of separate college
meetings was adopted last year in
preference to the earlier custom of
holding general convocations.


'Best Band' To Parade
At Vanderbilt Game

forfeit departmental time for the
training and must pay for the instruction out of departmental funds.


All seniors who expect to com-

plete their requirements for graduation at the close of the First or
Second Semester or the Summer
Term, are requested to make application for degrees on Friday or
Saturday, Oct. 15 and 16. This
applies also to Graduate Students
who expect to complete their requirements for graduate degrees.


new extension center designed to
nKwer the needs of the state's secretarial and administrative workers
has been established at Frankfort
by the University.
The venture, called the Frankfort
Inservice Training Program, is the
result of a survey conducted by Dr.
Gladys M. Kammerer, professor of
political science, in June, 1948. after
the adjournment of the General
Miss Kammerer acted as the Uni
versity's offical representative on a
committee of the Southern Regional
Training Program in Public Administration. The basis of her survey
started the present program. The
SRTP is making an effort to stimulate more inservice training for the
improvement of public administra- A


Seniors Requested
To Sign For Degrees

Passed By SGA
Urges Car Pool

Extension To Instruct


The trustees of the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation have
announced the second in a ten-yeseries of programs
which offer
and recognition
engineering undergraduates. Prizes
are given on a competitive basis for
the preparation of papers on various
Candidates for Lances Carnival Queen are from left to right: first row Dora Jane Hendry. Betty Seay,
phases of welding.
"Pinky" SaffeU, Elizabeth Gunther, Carta Maddox, Donna Russell. Betty Ann Stoll. Second row BerThe program consists of 77 awards
tha Ann Lutes, Gloria Bilancio, Betty Elliot, Carolyn Smith. Nancy Brewer, Mary Ann Goodsin, Pat
totaling S5000 and seven scholar-shiD- S
Campbell, and Evelyn Ewinc. Third Row Nancy Shinnick and Mildred W. Cox. Fourth Row Caroline
totalinir S1750.
Hill, Mary Lou Long, "Sitty" Russell, Ann Marcum, Jackie Miller, "Jinny" Haag, Joan Lindstrom,
The rules of the program were
Nancy Payne and Mary O'dclL
revied and approved by the deans of
engineering of fourteen prominent
engineering colleges and may be
obtained by writing The James F.
Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation,
There's going to be a rat race intermission time of the glance with Cora Frances Saffel; Kappa Delta, Cleveland 1, Ohio.
when the Lances Fall Carnival jets the runner-u- p
as first attendant. Elizabeth Gunther; Kappa Kappa
under way tonight at 7:30 but lit- Preceding the installation of "Her Gamma. Mary O Dell; and Zeta Tau
Majesty," dance specialties by Tau Alpha, Ann Marcum.
A genuine rat race, backed by Phi Sigma, modern dance group, will be
Program Is Varied
Kappa Tau, is but one of approxi- highlighted.
"Kentucky Politics" will be the
Campus organizations have gone
mately 30 entertainment concessions
topic of Sunday's discussion on UK
Sponsors of booths and their can- all out this year to jive carnival-goeplanned to make the intramural
a varied and exciting time. Round Table, a WBKY presentation
didates are as follows: Alpha Gamfield a place of fun and frolic.
ma Rho, Pat Campbell; Alpha Sig- The S.S. Sigma Chi, a gambling heard over WHAS at 10:30 a.m.
That's Not All
Members of this week's panel
ma Fhi; Carolyn Smith; Alpha Tau riverboat, will come in for a daring
There's music too, not only on the Omega, Mary Lou Long; Delta Chi, landing, and the Delta Chi's will are Dr. Thomas D. Clark, history
department; Dr. J. B. Shannon,
field, but. Bob Bleidt's orchestra will Gloria Belanzio; Delta Tau Delta, offer a
entertainhold forth for a cabaret-styl- e
ment in their burlesque melodrama. political science department; Mr.
dance Betty Seay.
in the Student Union Ballroom. AlKappa Alpha, Mary Ann Goodson; Alpha Sigma Phi hillbillies will har- Burton Milward, political reporter
though the carnival does not end Lambda Chi Alpha, Donna Russell; monize while the Phi Delts indulge for the Lexington Herald-Leade- r;
until 10:30 p.m., the dance will begin Phi Delta Theta, Bertha Ann Lutes; in a burlesque, and the Phi Sigs re- Mr. Hugh Morris, political reporter
at 9:30.
for the Courier-Journa- l.
Kappa Sigma, Virginia Haag; Phi treat into the mellow nineties.
Those who enjoyed a daring Kappa Tau, Evelyn Ewing; Phi Sig- w-lifting
items include the ADPi
Dr. J. E. Reeves, of the political
climb up the fire escape to the ball- ma Kappa, Nancy Shinnick; Pi nite culb and a peek at a "Night in science department, will act as
room last year must this year con- Kappa Alpha, Betty Ann Stoll; Sig- the House of Kappa Kappa Gam- moderator.
tent themselves with a dignified en- ma Alpha Epsilon. Harriett Russell. ma."
mantrance in the usual front-doSigma Chi, Nancy Brewer; Sigma
Gastronomical needs will not be
ner, for tickets wil be accepted at Nu, Carla Maddox; Sigma Phi Ep- forgotten. Candy will be raffled by Tau Sigma Tryours Set
the main door only.
Mrs. Revell Estill Shaw, director
silon, Carolyn Hill; Triangle, Nancy the Kappa Sigs. candied apples dists
Beauty's Not Forgotten
Ann Payne; Tau Alpha Pi, Bea pensed by the Delta Zetas. and Zeta of Tau Sigma, announced that
for Tau Sigma will be held at
Beauty as well as music and fun Freedman.
Tau Alpha will provide those old
Alpha Delta Pi, Joan Lindstrom; standbys popcorn balls and cotton the Women's Gym at 7 p.m. Monwill be a keynote for the night, for
each booth is entering a candidate Alpha Gamma Delta, Mildred Cox; candy. SuKy will be the official day.
for Carnival Queen to be chosen on Alpha Xi Delta, Jane Hendry: Chi
The tryouts are open to the enwith soft drinks.
the basis of the popularity and pro- Omega, Betty Elliott; Delta Delta
In the event of rain, carnival tire student body. All male stuceeds of the sponsor's booth.
Delta. JacKie Miller; Delta Zeta, booths will be moved inside Alumni dents interested are asked to at- i tend.
The coronation will take place at Nancy Gallen; Kappa Alpha Theta, Ovm.

Carnival Features Fun, Variety

WBKY Will Present
Political Discussion




inneers will sponsor a one-da- y
spection trip, Oct. 21, to Louisville for senior members of the
mechanical engineering department.
The group will visit the Henry
Vogt Machine Company, and Reynolds Metals Company. There will
be a banquet and joint meeting with
the University of Louisville chapter of ASME.
Professor W. M. Carter, faculty
adviser, is in charge of





10-- 6




V,!1,6 Ole r?fctorf

fnd tne

TjH rlinrtaArl
UllI VrtliUllcreU


Ky-U- T


SuKy has chartered a specia .
L&N train to carry Wildcat football fans to the Kentucky-Tennesse- e
game at Knoxville, Nov. 20.
which was approved by Mir.
Sarah B. Holmes, dean of womer.

ccst S16.
The train will leave Union Station at 8 a.m.. Nov. 20. and will
arrive in Knoxville at 11:45 a.m.
The return trip will start at 11 p.m.


Tickets for train reservations will
be on sale Nov. I at the ticket
booth in the SUB or may be purchased from any SuKy member.
Prof. Rhea A. Taylor. SuKy lac- UUT aaviser. ana airs, lajior. win
nead the chaperon Ust.
Kyburn Weakley, chairman of tha
arrangements committee, announced
1"1 SuKy will make no profit o.

the trip.

King Library Shows

Almanacs In Display
A collection of

almanacs are


on the second Hi l
of the Margaret I. King Library.
Early Kentucky
and southern
states, religious, patent mediant;,
English almanacs are shown.
Early books o the J. P. Morgan
Company of Louisville which published almanacs until 1930 arc o- display.

Mortar Board Takes
Orders For Mums
Mortar Board, senior women's
orhonorary, is taking
ders for chrysanthemums Friday
morning in the Post Office and in
front of the Student Union Building.
Chrysanthemums will also be
sold Saturday morning at Dunn s
Drug Store. Lime and Maxwell.
William's Drug Store, and in front
of the stadium before the game.


Page Two


The Kentucky Kernel


Managing Editor
the oniv.ur.t cf the writers Harry Green
do not itfcfnrii reflect Sue Warren
News Editor
the opmio. or The Kr rnri.
Tom Diskin
Sports Editor
SUU1,ey SCm", " :
Assistant News Editor
or BTAMrnATiow PFRions
Emerl at Uie Post Office at Lexington, Joan Cook and Monte R. Tussey
Kentucky, at sond class matter under
Associate Managing Editors
tie Act ot March s. win.
Hollingsworth and Dudley
Saunders .. Associate Sports Editors
. . kfmber







4zo Kumoii avi


im aasaits



yok. n. Y.
a ruacMco

ubscrtptton rates
i oo per

Society Editor
Herbert A. Moore
Allen Terhune .... Business Manager

Donald K. Clark. Charles Bretkel,
and Joan Cook
Mary Bert McKenna .
Rusty Russell
. Proofreader
FYank Cassidy



2. Limit all freshmen to at least
one pint each. At the Mississippi
game one of them turned red, then
blue, which was quite unpatriotic
considering that those colors were
the Rebels'.
3. Have all those who haven't


Prce SuKy?


vote on an expenditure of even 15 cents for ptster paper, and
that l'i cents has to be requisitioned by a lengthy process.
What's the matte r with SuKv?
(Jl course tins handicaps a group that has to woik f;tst, and
Why doesn't it stmt a card section at games, sxnsor lingo pep
often on short notice.
rallies, send all the cheeileadeis to otit-o- f town games?
SuKy needs more members, but it has to limit its number to
It can't.
") leanse it can't afford the sweaters and trips which are well- Suky used to be an independent organization, eager with the descivtd returns for working through the long, lough
spit it it tried to promote. Such lively displays as card sections,
pd icnl.
lor instance, appealed not only to students but to alumni, towns
Of ihe 12". students trying out now, only 2f can lie taken in.
people, and all outsidi is.
qU. ,n,,-f.imeicsied students must be-- turned away from a
The Circle financed its many active
with money made student
p organization,
from concessions at TK. games.
iih the threat of suspension hanging over its head ir ii
Two years ago, confession rights were taken away from this R'fs "vr ,s Imdget, SuKy should have the concession rights at
games, but the present contract makes that ini)ossible.
student group, on the grounds that its members weren't com- - 1
At least, the Circle needs a lump sum of money, more IIIm iiv
j, Ietcly coveting the stands. A (onimercial concern got the lights,
in handling it. and encouragement, not pinching, discouraging
under a
A tempoiaiy budget is set up for SuKy at the leginning of '"K 'fex nee with small efforts,
ps these days of businesslike athletics naturally produce
the year, but if the company doesn't make it, the Circle doesn't
a tendency toward making school spirit a machine-tooleproduct
get it.
also, relegating amateurish enthusiasm to the intramural field.
SuKy is hamstrung by having its funds dribble in in small
We hope not. SuKy used to lie an active, well known, student-ruamounts, rather thnn getting a lump sum. The group has to
student organization. It's too bad that it's fast becoming
aliout as lively as a museum mummy.







ly at the University of Kentucky, Lex- jiurton.
lor l4B-- .
state ot Kentucky
county of Fayette
Before me, a Notary Public hi ar.d for
the etate and county aforesaid, personally
aPteari Helen Dfits.
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toa-iu to the best of her knowledge
and belief a true statement of tne owner,
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in the above caption, required by
tl.e Act f Aucust 24, 112, as amended
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Publisher: Tlie student of the TJnlver-eft- v