xt7bnz80kx26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80kx26/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Hopkins County--Directories Kentucky--Hopkins County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Hopkins County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Hopkins County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7bnz80kx26 section xt7bnz80kx26 T   I I “   I""TT?YYTTIEYE77I      
I         I  
 ;V S     Compiled for I
    Tm; I-I0I>IIzI=I;NsI2: COUNCIL I
I    I .   I
  K C  

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 _ _Q__UIDE TO
(Madisonville—Earlingt0n—Dawson Springs)
P I By The
o.`I 'War Services Section
I . _ Service Division
; {}»;·Work Projects Administration, ¤e.
.¥- Louisville, Kentucky '
Q`g December l9&2

 A K   
$,4, 0. Q fw e C1  
In 5  

if Q
AQ `
p I
2; The Hopkins County Defense Council is Affiliated
·. with the Kentucky Defense Council
Q; Frankfort, Kentucky
YQ Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
_   Chai rman
fi John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
p Civilian Defense
i Madisonville ·
A -Maurice K. Gordon, Chairman
5 Dr. James D.-Sory, Nayor_of lhdisonville, Ex—Officio
i ` * ‘° ' A .
E Arthur W. Vinson Chicf Auxiliary Fire Deoartment
' _ ! J J I.
l '
li o.
{ Dr, Charles R, lbrton, County Eealth Officer
w ' ' ‘
{ · Edgar Arnold, Chief, Auxiliary Police
A H. W. Rudd, Chief Air Raid Warden
Q  nemo
El George H. Melton Harper Catton
I . .
A Scott NcGaw Basil K. Toorls
i Dr, A. W, Davis
I ` ‘ ` '
j Rev. W. H. Funderburk, Nortonville
~Q Bernard Murphy, Earlington
pj Cliff Hamby, Nortonville
r· · ·
y R, A. Belt, Dawson Springs
I B. F. Dukes, White Plains
}f Kirby mus-as gf i·_1§·ebqi·_ Qff i.,. *

- 5
This guide is prepared fornthe official use li
-.. . — M .
of the Defense Council of nopkins County and E ·
other agencies engaged in defense work, It ~i *‘
should not be made available for commercial M ‘
_ use. Additional copies can He obtained only V' {
V` at the office of the Hopkins County Defense } _
Council, ' 'C ” ‘ »· wr j l~ ‘
I ¤L _ V ‘· I E
' 1 · E
* · i
i .
` eh ' E

 IA`: —l-  
Clements, Madisonville.f Founded ICSS. President, Mrs. Pat Clements.- `
< Telephone 358*W. Secretary, Mrs. Clay Stokes, Earlington, Telephone 5291.
g Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Pilsen, Lake Street, lhdisonville. Telephone 4590-lL
I Terms ex ire Januarv 1945. ` < ’
I _ _ _ P · .4} _
I ,- . . . . ,
l jgumgirshipr 40. Qualifications, open to women members of the Catholic
T Church. __   " ’ ‘   `
M " ‘ . _- y
I j Committees: None reported. 4 _ r ·
g» Purpose: Care of the church and help to the cem unity in general.
l "_"“-Tu _ r
A Normal Civic Activities: None reported. ° `
‘ Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, -
f A Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, First
iu Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food, Operation of Canteons, Family Social
; = _ Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care. ` _ »·
T “ Local Publications: None. ’ l
A ‘ A ALUTNI ASSOCIATION OF EARLINGTON, c/c Charles R. Smith, Earlington. __ _-·-._
T Founded l920. President, Charles R. Smith. `Seeretary,.Agnes Long, *·
A Earlington. Terms expire April, 1943. “ `
lbmbership: lOO. Qualifications, graduate of Earlington High School. 'A
{ Cenmnttees: None. A I
§ Purpose: Lnprovemont of school and community life; _
A l Normal Civic Activities: None reported. ° _ T .
I , - ~
T Defense Activities; Interested in Air Raid Warden S~rvico, Civilian
j Aircraft harning Service, Auxiliary Fire Prcteetien, Anmulance Strvice,
j Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
Q Local Publications: None.
A ` AIWHICAN LEGIOY, HOPKINS COUNTY POST #6 ( National American Legion ),
j e/o Adjutant Paul Dillinghann Ihdisonville. _Founded 1919. Commander, C. W.
A lhloney, East Arch Street, lhdisonville. Telephone 754. Adjutant, Paul
Dillin ham. Teleehono 262-N. Terms exeire June, 1945.
8 *,_ J.
lbmbershipz léé. _Open to veterans of Jorld War I with honorable.discharge
g J

 . _ -2*  i
American Legion, Hopkins Ccunty,Post #6 ( continued ) "   »
Com;mittees‘“: ‘E3cecut_ive., ATF. GibsEm,,H.· W. Rudd, Dr. J. D. Sory, J. T. Gooch,  
"""’ ""“*vF"'T‘ } · ’· - · ` ‘ — " ·   * . 2 ··  p'
J. L. lzoffman, all of Madisonville.- , » _   · V  
Purpose: Terass-ist the American Legion, promote better citizenship, American-  
ism a-nodvlfational Defense. ‘l‘. ’ ~ D . _  
i  ii
Normal Civic Activities: To assist e::·servicc men and their families.  
Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross  
_ ,Ass:;st".nce,, Child Care, Collection of Scrap izetals and Other Metals, Public  
Speaking, Teaching Literacy Classes for Aliens and Others.  
Local 1*r.blicatie1:.s: None.  
- AI~.ERlC‘.1.“I.EG-IOIY, JOHN LEWIS EARL POST #l6l,_COLOPED ( National American Legion  
c/0 V. E., Bishop, 205 West Arch Street, liadisionviller, Founded l952. Commander, SYS
V. L. Bishop. Telephone 564-J. Secretary, James C.,‘3radloy,»~Lincoln Avenue,  
. .· ~·. . .. »~. . _,, . _r_ _. . . T
Madisonville. Executive Secretary, C, C. Kficlclifl, R. R. -,25, Madisonville. jqi
Terms expire June, l945. ·    
Hembcrihip: ,.50. Qualifications, honorably discharged veterans of World War I.  
Commit er er: z Sick, Irvin Suggs; Executive,VBrsLdley Grace; Fincugice, C. C. I
Wicklifi ; legal, Herbertfirame, all of lfadisonwfille. Kembership, Lewis Barton,
Earlincten, ` »   .»
Purpose: Rehabilitation of disabled veterans.   *
Normal Civic Activities: Cooecrates with schools churches and Red Cross.  
r___________ __________ ____ ____ I J _,
Defense Activitiesi Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of I
Surgical Dressings, Child`Care, Collection of? Scrajv iietals and Other Iietals, »
Entartainmont, Recreation. Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. _, I
Local Pvblicationsz None. _ · I
AI·.JERiC\L·[ LEGIOET, JOSEPH VERTEOZT LLOYD POST #2,, ( AnericanjLegion, Department of  
_ K(Yl".LL1CT.[§f; National American Legion ), c/o Jewell S. Webb, 409 West Side Avenue,  
Earlington. Founded l.0lQ. Adjutant, Jewell S. l`?`cb”o. Secretary, Bill Bassett,  
Earlinggten, Terms expire July, 1045.,] A
. EY..mbY;l.Il$;1`*_jffj_§_ [L2. Qualificatier;s,c veteran of World War I and honerably dis-
. charged. ' n _` _’
‘ so Le?

 { I
W · ..5.. A  
t, .American Legion, Joseph Vernon L10 d Post*¥2 Continued
I, Normal Civic Activities: Conducts annual Educational Week.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Child Caro. Interested in'Auxiliary lolice,
C" } Air 1aid`Wardcn Service, Civilian Aircraft`Uarning Service, Auxiliary Fire
Protection, Salvage Demolition Service, Entertainment, Recreation, Typing
and Other Clerical Assistance Interviewin» Consumer Protection Activities.
. ’ -’ .
P ‘-~ A . . · · - t
*i Local Publications: None. ° ‘
I ______i.__l_,_ --v-,. -,- ni i-- ·
- ll · — ` 7- v — ~ --7-- -`- —— " , -.-* . . · . * /
A1E]lCAl LEGIOL, LACK H. L;JCh POST ;lOO ( hationa1.American Legion ), c/o
Lester Schwab, Dawson Springs, Founded lCl9.` Commander, Lester Schwab,
Telejhono 4521 and 5411. Adjutant Harry N. lbrck, New Century Hotel, Dawson
A Strirrs Torts entire Julv l°A5 '
I ~ ‘
-0n la Ibm? rvhip: 50. Open to henerahly discharged veterans of World Tar I and
W1": l Jo? ?· ’7~T§"I"I ·
y< i » » »
# D V
k Committees: Civilian Defense Conmittco, Chairman, Jack Whitfcrd, Dawson
’ Springs. _ J 1
- I V 1 ·
F I- 5 ?urgrs;: To promote the welfare of ex—service men.
Q Hcrnrl Civic Activities: Cooporates with all civic organizations.
ton,   '“"’ ‘“*“*"""“"""‘ - »
i Dcforse Activitiesr Interested in Auxiliary Lolice, Air Raid Warden Service, A
i Civilian Warninr Service Auxiliarv Fire Protection Ambulance·Service]
t .> I B .1 3 ` . .
R - - . ·
r - i ~ .
l Local Publications: Jone. 4 " · ·—
i '°"""°€" `—"` '''' ` " " ` ` " ` A , r.
. { _ J _ _ 1 _ L,
i; t Auxiliary, Dopartnentfof hentucxy; Haticnsl AmJrio“n Legion Auxiliary ),
¤ - -. ., -n . . A A .
· l c/e hrs. E, J. Dozier, Broadway, imdiscnvilic. iowtded .e·i lCl9. President,
E Iks, A, FQ Galleway,`East Broadway, Ihdisenville, Telephone 355-J, A
  l Cecvvtary, lis, F, U, Dozier, Telephone D5?. lerms cxpirc· July, 1945.
i V ` · “ ' ' . A
\ .
i T ». . . _ . , o _ ~_ », ~
i lhmharship: 65. Open to wife, widow, dau;ntcr or sister of Jorld Jar
J of   veteran. ` _ l
*nue,* ’ ` . ‘
J_.'. t • v ¤ • ·"* -’ r J TT ' T ° " 'l" ( "
seec,; Committees: Child Welfare, lws.Cerecz narris; Legislature, hrs. Claueo
l 1"T""" ‘·"·".`- ‘ *,‘ NA V A- , . , ·:-r ¤ _· ‘ _ _· T \ " f_ _
  Aahan; Hational_Deiense, irs, Brent neil; An rieaiism, qrs. E. G. Lrewn—
  field; Fan#Amorican Relations, Hrs. J. T. G ,eh; Rehabilitation, lis.
-   Frank Hake, all if Qhdisonville. '
  Furpesei To give aid to disabled war veterans and their families. Child
E A Welfare. i U
normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross, American Logirn,
‘ ;

 ..4,.. p  
Armrican Legion Auxiliary, Hopkins County Unit $6 {Continued) $3
. · . ~. . .  
Defense Activities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Cnild Care, Cellectien a. J
ef Scrap Hotels and Other Metals. j
Local Twblicatisnsr Bene. ` E
"""' " """"""r"°`° .  
Auxiliary, Departnent of Kentucky; National Armrican Legion Auxiliary ), §
e/e_TbsL C. B. Johnson; Darlington. 'Feunded l92l. President, Hrs. C. B. Q§
Johnson, Telephone 2461. Secretary, Miss Anna Vannadu, Earlington. Terms Q
` indefiu te. . . _?
lhrberv;7p: l0. Open te_mether, wife, sister or daughter of a Legiennairc, E
“ Ccnnitt es: Hospital and Welfare, Mrs. Charles Erahern, Earlington. {
Purpsse, To assist the Legion and give aid and service te veterans and their Q
familiesn . Q}
Nermal Civic Activities: Uenc reported. l A ]
Defense Activities; 'Enraved in Scwine and Fre>araticn ef Sur ical Dressines ' l
_...---   - .. - --- - . . , A- ....·.—>..-1-.- ..... . * b _ —-· ’ n
Red Cresc Assistance, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Entertainmont,·g
Cell ·’», etin, Books, Public Speaking. Interested in Ambulance Service, `
‘ Local Eatlicationsz None. _ _ A S
¤ LDERICAH RED CROSS, HOFKIYS COUHIN CHAPTER, ( American National Red Cross`), it
“ Court House, Ehdise;villeL Founded l93l.` Ch;imnan, Liurencc Oarden,’East Q1
_ Neel Avenue, Iédisenvillo. Tclephene 450. Secretary, Iargarct lehan, 218 SetEQZ,
Harrig Stroet,, lhdisenville.r Telephone 510~FQ Terrs expire January, l945.j`
· ` ' r {
Nembership: 2,000. Qualifications, subscription ef enc dcllarter ever fj
annually. _ ‘ ‘ e . N  
_ Ekiruftees: Disaster Relief, E. W. Dezier; ?rcductien,·Hrs. Jchn Grayet; Q
Velunt+ar Special Services, Krs. Brent Hart, all of Madisonville. y»
Furpgsp: To provide aid and temporary relief in the event of disaster; Q
‘ furnish welfare service te Army and Davy personnel and their families, includ- »
ing verification of illness and investigation=ef emergency furloughs. j
yprpal Civic Activities; Coeperates`eith Geunty·3 ealth Department, American ij
` Legiin and American Legion Auxiliary. A I . . ,·
r {
 . M 
 ke-, ,,_, _,___ _,,_ ,____ ,_ _ __ _ N____ v_ r __ ,  I

 3  l
YT -5- I
Y _Amorican Red Cross Eeekins County Cha¤tor Continued l `- I 1· · ‘ l`
_: 3 _ .; I / _ .
1 I', ·‘ · . I _ '. , M · · ·_ _=_' `. I i   l'
A Defense Activities: Enrarod in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, $ewi2¤' 1
- ___N_.l.-l----,-l-.T.lsa$r-.... — _ ~ ,l
; and Prepcratien ef ¤urgical Dressings, First Aid, Collection cf Scrap
L Notdls and Other Zbt¤ls,'Interviewing. Interested in Auxiliary Police,
` Emergency Repair Service, Ambulance Service. ·· , ’ ·
» Local Publications: Red Cross Courier ( Ncnthly ). Repert ef Relief
y IHileYEiTnsn »“¤
V of Missions.), e/o Baptist Church, Colored, Earlihgtonl Founded 191%;
· President,’A1meter Tandy, Ear1ingtenQ Secretary, Lucile Fitzpatric, '
I Earllugton, Founded 1914. President, Almeter Tandy, Earlingten. Secretary,
; Lucile Fitzpatric, Earlington. Terms expire December, 1942.
LT Meroershiui IO. Qualifications, women members of the church.
__-.l.L-_-.¤ _
Conn ttees: Program, Sally Blood; Food, Emma Mems, beth of Earlingten.
Purpose: To help the sick and needy of the community. Missionary work.
OBP: Merril Civic Activities: None reported. l ~
Defense Activities: Engaged in Child Care. Interested in Sewing and
Prepurasion of Surgical Dressings. . _ _¤ V ‘
I Local Publications: None. _ ¤
SOPPI BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Kentucky Baetist Trainlir Unicn \ First Daotist
r_ U L I in / 3 .1 A
·9é*• Church, Madisonville. Founded l9l8. Dire Lor_ .s.’ Clarence R. Webster, South t
· Sewiiary Street, 1edisenvil1e§ Seeretary_ tlc. K- G» Cribtree, Slé South `
Kentucky Avenue, Nadisonvillet Telephone 50?—N. Terms expire October, 19l5. ”
Honorrship: 152. `Qualifieatiens, church nemtzrsiip and interested in
rrlirious training. L
Comni tees: Executive, Clarence R. Wcbsprr, Lsdisonville.
lud· Purgoscz Church membership training. l ,
Normal Civic'Activities: None. " '
cal'}. { .r ‘ ‘
I Defense Activities: Interested·in Sewing`a1d Preparation of Surgical
[ Dressings, Preparation and Serving of Food. *
> `
z . .
2 Local Publications: None. . I
y p L
l A · A

*6* u  
1 _ T 
. . . , , 1 ., _., ",·· ` H ‘ ,_ • _ r  
Elks Building, Court Street, lhdisonvillei Founded 1901. Exalted Ruler, %
Abner C. Johnston, 212 South Scott Street, lbdisenville. Telephone 552. Secro- é
tarj,'E. F. Claytor, East Broadway, Iadisonville. Telephone 575. Terms expire Q
April, l9&5. a
- . . A ._ . . _ · . . . · ·  
Veneer mln; 208, lualifications whito.American citizen 21 vears of are g
_____ __ _ ____.____ S , P e u qi
or over. I I @
‘ ` ’ ' ` "  
Cemmdt ces; Eouse F10 d Gibson; lbmbershio Neville Moore; Aowlication H. YL Q
_________'___ _____ _ J . I I 1 L 3  .1%
Rudd; Lntertainmrnt,'Neal Hollinger, all of ladisonville. Q
F Purec:·" A social and fraternal or anizatien enraqed in charit work. is
_______ __-____ _ ___ E Q no -  :5;;
. Formal fivic Activities; Coepcrates with all civic enterprises; §
Defen: Kctivities. Eneared in Auxiliarv Police Familv Social Service in ·f
‘ -... - ... .. ....._ .._.. .,..- ..1 . ,. ..- .5% .*1.-,.... _ '·’ , " A.
lndusb>i1l.lreas. ‘ Q
Local Quolications: None. V E
’BLUE GICGKIWG CLFB CF lKDISOUVILLE,`c/o lbs. Claude lhhan, 218 South Harrig _Q
Streei. “hdiscnville, Founded 1907. President, Hrs.'Charles Franklin, West ` g
Broaer:w, ladisonville. Secretary, Irs. Claude Zhhan, 2l8 South Harrig Strect,E;
Telepnzne 5lO~I. Tones expired June, 1942. . _,_ , Q
lbrhe¢-;ly: 15. Qualifications, women interested in cultural devoloymcnt. Q
1 Covmnbioisz Educational Research lad. B. Eollcwav Yadisonvillc, Z
...._.,.,   , ..- -.- » _ ’ ··* ’ gm
Qi Furjose: Cultural development, ` ‘f
Format Civic Activities: None recorted. , - if
Defenic lctivities: Engaged in Entertainm.;t, 1‘,l bi¤cm.si·u Leaders, Public eg
Spcakir . Interested in Collecting Books, __ I §Z
Local Edclicatiens: lone.   {
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCKTIOJ, c/e Fics Scott, Qhi;se;villo. Founded 1952. if ·
_ Presidlnt, Clarence Evans, Logan Street, Teciservillep Telephone 596-I. Secrv;-
tary, ism Qcott. Terms expired October, 1942. 2
l£ju§g?@ijg‘ lO. Qualifications, church mcmbershiy, if
. Committees: Hone._ . ,·
Iurrosei The hoard spensors'a;d supervises all church educational work. ;
_ · _r·-_. -l','_ ' ',...· • `  
l&u?§Q;I@§j§iflctivitiesz Cooperating in church and civic club activities. _’
 ¤§`,__ rr M` *0 , W _ r_‘___ __ r_________ ___ V _ __r_ ____  lr , 7 I-   V

_Q__ _ _ , . *7* . I
  ' _4_ ` ' V ·»
  ` ` • ' r , 4 { ,.
crc- Y Beard ef Christian Educatien ( Centinued ) ‘ I · * ·
pj.I‘m1r;1ity1. ‘ ‘— "
st V1 * ·
rect. Hermrl Civic Activities: Limited te religious activities ef the Methodist
Church. r ` `Y ‘ ·
Def ·2e Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance.
Lec»T Fublicatiers: Hehe.
BOY SCOUTS, IRDISOHVILLE CUB PACK QQOB ( Uatitnal Bey Secuts ), Ncthedist '
‘ Church, Scett and Center Streets, lhdisenville. Feundcd 1958, Sceutxmster, '
Dr. F. A.'Scett, Ierth Scett Street, Nadicentille. Telcghene ll6. Secretary,
I H: L. Ray, 124 Nerth Scett Street, Ehdiseiville, Telephene 652, ,Terns
_ * · ; i
l NerVership; 9. Qualificati·ns, C—l2 years ef age.
l Cc i;7tAx:es: llene. l _
Zeer? Prrv se: Training ef small beyc te becenc Cey Veeuts. '
H rrel Civic Activities; Ccejcrating with churches and scheils. ‘
Defense Activities; Engaged in Red Cress Assistance. Cellectivn ef Scrap
lktals and Other Ietals. ‘ · ` ' ' °
} Lecal Publicatizns: Here.
" Q

..3..  -
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, EARLINGTON TROOP #2 ( National`Boy Scouts or America ), Q
c/o Rev. M. T. Dick, 307 East Main Street, Earlingten. Founded 1931. Scout- Q
master, Rev. M. T. Dick. Telephone 4391. Secretary, Edward Fisher, 508 West  
Hain Street, Earlingten. Telephone 2501. TGYTHS €¤: Q Boy Scouts ef lhdisonvillc ( Continued ) ` · ; _ V
3·· I , ' .. l .— A "
ast ‘H "· n .· ~ ` - , ·
Q Defense Activities: Engaged in Auxiliary Fire Qrotccti»n, Hospital and
f Clinical Assistance, Red Cross Assistance, First nid, ryspsrstis; and I
>Vh0Tg Serving cf Food, Child Care, Entertainment, Icereatien, Collecting B’ckS,
·¤,iA` Sigwel Service, Typing and Other Cl rieal Assistance, Interested in
p .lrxiliary Felice, Radio Operatien and Repair.
@4 Local Publicatiens: None.
V~ l CIVIC CLUZ or EARLIQGTOH, q/e E. L. Browning, 2es East lhin‘Street, Uarling*
? tan, I i·’ ended 1957, President, H. L.‘Erewning. Telephone 5791. Secretary,
, p Car; Bryant. Terms expire Jniuary, 1945.
2 ·?hrfersk;n; 55. Open to business non and other citizens interested in tho
i adv"nceuent of Earlingten. l
Crnnittees: Fire Fretectien,_Paul·L. Ieerc, Harlingten, .
an It """““""" ` ‘ ” .
e Purpcse: Cultivatien ef civic pride and civic enterprises.
I `Tornal Civic Activities: Cooperates with municipal` civic and ether awtncics
-,..-,,, _._._-n. l.---.- ...-.-,- _-.. - · ·° —>
cn natters of public interest. ~
ss " · A `
, Dcferse Activities: `Intercsted in Auxiliafy Fire frotocti,n» SalvaQc
p Den litien Service, Sewing and Trcparatien of Surgical Urcssings, Ped, ‘
'U _ i Cross assistance, First lid, Collection of Scrap lktals and Other Metals,
* ·` - Cclltcting Books, Public Speaking.
5 Local Publicatitns: Eone.
  I1JaU€`—`QT3`iRS C·F’llEBEK.lH, OLIVE LEU? LODGE {iii?   C-rcztd L Jclge , Dauqgliters of
g_ Ree~k:F ) c/e I. O. O. F. Hall, Zhdisenvillc. Founded l955. President,
Q lhtgl YC Earl, 509 Sugg Street, lhdis?;ville, Telephone 19C, Tern
g expired June, 1942, Telephere 431. Tertiefpitcf Jdluify, l945.
_Q Membership; 46. Open to white women cv r`HC je4ss .f age and bearing a
Jbertfr geed reputatien. ,
Iollsw ‘ ‘
, Cevnitieess Sick, Brenda Yillians; Hntnicainn~nt, Belen Cox; Hes·lutivn, ·’,`
i Bury Ttrris, all of Tndisenville.
_ lurpcse: Fraternal, secial and charitable.
` n Normal Civic Activities: None reperted.
C Defense Aetivitits: Interested in Sewine and Lrcearati-n -f Lurgical
__-_i___l,_lii-__--i ,,n-i.n-ih..,n U Y = __ A N
Uressings, Red Cross assistance, bcllecti-n tr scrap l£C&lS and Oth r netals,
’ Crllecting Beeks, Typing and OtL-r Cltrical assistance.
i Local Publicati;ns; Bene.

It ‘ .
R. A. Bolt, Dawson Springs.‘ Telephone %421. Secretary, Paul Howten, Dawson q
Springs. Terns expire April, 19%$.,P _ ‘. _`r_ -- " Q
. lbybership: ”40. .Opon_te business or professional men. L
_ ConMQtc es: Done. _,. “ VE
Purpose; To improve business and civic affairs of Dawson Springs. _j
Nornrl Civic Activities: Coopcrates with Litns,.amorican Legion, P. T. A. Q
A hiY§EFZ}?H}liin having streets improved and also in the establishment of a §
·s-il ¤`;rorv¤*ion district. , I ` · S
Dofone»’ ..`-. rtivitiesz Interested in'.lu:iliaPY ?o1icQ; Civilian Aircraft jarninE E ‘
, Sbrti·c Lwxiliary Fire Protection, Arhulanco·Sorvicc. _ §
Loca} ;1blfcati;ns: Hono. . g
———-~ -»——         - .- u it 
DLIUOI QBRIIGS PnRE]T-TEACHER ASSOCllTIOH'( State and’Eational Congresses Q
T. T K ‘), Dawson Strings. Founded 1951. President, Hrs. R. H. Teague, Q
_ · I · · -· ». , Tr ·, - _ » _ : V  if
505 Smrmore Street, Dawson Springs. L€OT€J$&I'T;’; AQLSS M UONO11 Ff`8~¤kl¢#”—» ·¤ 
Sout? N·in Street, Dawson Springs. Terms expired Eby, 1942. A?
» " ‘ ' v ` ` `  $3
hmmberghioz 125. Owen to` arents teachers and individuals interested in the E
...- .....- - ..1- L ’  ,_
welfare w? school children. 2 3
» . Comm t;re~: Lunch Doom Mrs. Otis Vance? Ebmbershin hrs. Clrde Armstren · ` D
_________ __ _,___ : » L 3 J ’  ·.
Safety, hiss hnnie'§shmere; Founders Day, Yrs. L. hq Perry; Pospitality, Lrs. Q
~ . ..- . . T .. ,, - .  
a Hormgn Dame; Imsic, Drs. B. D. Disk, all OI Dawson Syringe. Q
° Pu1’p<_¤s_;: Child Welfare.  
—-— ---—- ~·-·· - . . »  {
· a
Iormfl Civic Activities: Coopcrates with`Tf n..L. ;rnehrnom.Project. ·$
Defense Activities: Engaged in Treparatici and 3orving‘of Food, Child Caro. Q
Local Tuilicationsz None. A 1 ‘ ` Q
DAUSFZ ”ZrTKGS JOEAT’S CLVD ( General Fedoratiow or Jonen's Clubs.), Kew m' E
4 Contvrv Yotel, Dawson'CorLn;s. Founded 1920, Dresidcnt, Yrs. J. E. Haynes, f
204 Berth luin'$trcot, Dawson Syringe. Teleyhone 4511. Secretary, lbs. ' i
Dudley Caudill, Fark Avenue, Dawson Springs. `Tolejhone 5051. Vice~Fresident, i
_ Ike. Raynend Dixon, 501 North lhin. Telephone 5591, Terms exoire lhy, 1943. ,§
Nomoorsvip: 82. Qualiiicatiens socially representative women interested <;  -.
».- · ···:—·—.--——-=-E . ’ ‘ · ·  2
in c;vic a” airs ei
» L L • · ¤ L?
 x.,,   M,_____ ,_,_   V 7-:-- » - .  

   . A
  -].1- , -  
§ M V “vl° ~ l
· é Dawson Springs Womau’s Club ( Continuod ) · j
ht, E ‘ H
a E { ' _ - . . a l ' V . '
{ Committccs:" Civic, lbs. Clint lbadows; Fino Art and Fhsic, Taos ZL IL
Q Framklim;7Studbnt Loan. lks; L. L. lorry; library, Irs. C. B. Mall;
* Education, Mrs. Korman Damo, all of Dawson Sjrings.
Q Fuyyosos Civic improvomcnt.
tl Hcpaal_CiviC`Activitios:` Spons0r."Clcan—up`Uook." Formod library and
E ;m:ow;t~d1it‘to tho_city.
Q Ucjoisoutativitics; Engaged in Library Scrvico. I;tcrcstod·in Rod Cross
E Kbsiotimcvp Child Caro. C
;;j;g;’ 2 Loc.} Publications: Homo. ~
iT L WT ... ,, . ,.~ 1_ ..a - .-.— »— - ~.- - ~ . Z W — .
g EAk¤lMGiOJ ATaLTZlC AcoOClATlOu, c/o Goorgc Aalkcr, Sarlington. Eounaod
j 1935. lrosidomt, Goorgo`Ualkor» Tolophcrc 477l. Torm indofinito.
l Irvs ···o rship: 22. Qualifications, whito adults possossing somo athlotic
‘; aTility.
_, Ctmwittocs: Homo. I _ - C `
 »l . ·*·`·’·*‘· "· o“‘· · `“**··‘·" Q, ` . .
the a Fv!>¤¤=: »`·“ Yhysioal oducatica of its mcmbcrs.
· l Hrraal Civic Aotivitios: Bono rcportod. ,
yS_ z Utfcpso Activitios: lntcrostod in Auxiliary Eiro Protcction, Ambulanco
Q Scrvicc, Rccroation, `   4.
Q Locll Publications; Homo. "
‘ S FO?"jl@L1L1 CLUB CF IQDTSOVVILLE, c/o Viv CV. I' Noorc, BSO lall ntroct;· `
,. T lhdlsoivillo. 'Foundod l9BO. Pr·l»~’- 3"1··1t<>rnal_, social and charitablee Qr"1;1;t;l an of good citizenship.  V
§qmz’ll;I_ _\J_j_jVt_g_ ?riCjb_i·_Yj·_it_j··_O_S_i 1\·j-J-ing j-ll thc S11;/it G li _(   T.’i~'}CIlYllC pllilR:l`b}lfOTQ1];T• `
` _Qr>_i`;a:1_;_,; { q*.t;i_vi.,ti_o_s__:_ E_n;geg_,cdMi1i Auxiliary; Police, Ar..rcilier;y Fire Protection. —. 
_ln_t.Lr,osj`;t._;l in Hospital and Clinical Assistanocn, l7iscxus;:i<>;; Leaders. 1
Local Pziblicationsz hone. . . e I n
FREE AND ACCEPTED EFXCSCXTS , 21"J>lSOl{VILL1i LODGE #l¢lE3 ( Grandlodge of l*Le;1tue1cy,  
F. & A. L. ), ilasonie lTC31`f?.PlC2, l`1C`.&il.S()l.l"f§l.1].C• Founded l843. Easter, Charles <
F. Cato, Madisonville. Seer~;tc.ry, D. CN. Qnxtligv., 51.9 llorth lhin Street, gi
II ~.·* adisonville. Toleybono 55. Terrxs expire Dccezwbtr, 1942. f
\ ,

 , .. m
` I
l _ · " l A I · A.   C ’\
Free and Accented Masons Fhdisonville Lodco JHQB Continued -
lp, l I V L; u
{Ju I _ ;_ ' _, , `·
i lbmbership;;*l47.,o Open to white, male adults, recom ended by members.
C Committees: None reported.
I · Furjooe; Fraternal, maintenance of lhsonic Widows and Orphans Homo, also
is 4 Old lesons nemo, N . ,,
1 Kernel 3,wic Activities: None reported.
·; Defen;o.£ctivities: Interested in Ambulance [Service, Hospital and Clinical
L Kssistance, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid. C
{ Local Publications: Ione. _
y Future Farmers of America ), c/o County School Superintendent, Ebdisenville.
Ԥ Founded 1958. Director, H. W. Wilkey, County School Superintendent,
, Ȥ lhdisonville. Teleohone 15%. Tcrm.exnires l94C.
]_Oj[]_` f  .; i·· . ' V " · .
' E Vhemhorsnipz lOO. Qualifications, enrollment in agriculture classes.
Q Soho ls and Agriculture Teachers: Hansen School, R. E. Simons; Hobo School,
i; n. C4 Ansenbaugh; Knton School, Glenvar Brown. `
7A li Purpose: To train future farmers of America.
Q Normal Civic Activities: Collected county~w;de scrap metal. Conducting a·
Q large orogram of farm machinery repair. ’
E Defense Activities:. Engaged in Salvage Demolit en Service,'@m:rgoney
? Repair Service, Collection of Scrap Kctalr and Cth r lbtals, Teaching
JLV Classes in Iéchanical Skills Iecded`in Dofoi;e l;dust:ies._ Training for
Q Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking. V C
{ Local Publications: Nano,
l' Q GIRL RTSCIVES OF DINSOU SFRIIGS ( Girl Heuer Gm oC America ),'c/b Kiss`
§¥ lhttie Horton Franklin, 205‘North Fain Street, Davson Springs. Founded
Q l925, President, VirginiaTBolt, 407 South lain Ctrogt, Dgwscn Syringe.
{ Teleyhene 4421, Seeretary,'Dora Jean Sigmns, South lhin Street, Dawson
Q S rincs. Terms`exoircd Mav 1942. Advisor 71ss Thttie Merton Franklin.
or P O   V .v .• V
yi Term indefinite. I
Q Membership: 50, Open to any high school girl,
; Committees: None.

 i -14.- »
` Girl Reserves cf Dawsen Springs ( Centinued ) g g r ;a ·Y
1 Purpese: Spiritual and character training. _ ,j; 2 V _
Nermal Vivic Activities: Ceeperatcs with Y. W. C. L. V `
Defc;.; Dctivitics: Engaged in Family Social Service in Industrial Areas.
Lees` ?i%i‘catiens: Neue. ` ·
, GIPL i*»iWJ`CN TLDIUOUVILLF (`Hatienal Girls Scents, Inc. ), Hasenic Temple, Z
Main Sire L_ Madicenville. Fiunded l959. Leader, Hrs. Clarence Evans, Lcgan
Street, h;*ise;ville. Telephene 978. Secretary, Hrs. Willie Crutchfield,
L V i@dirq;vil*¤i Telejhene 515. Terms expire lay, l943.
Membership 35. Qualifications, epen te girls fren 10 and net ever 15 years '
{lll Fljx ;  
Cem:wie~es~ Lecal Ceuncil, lbs. Lyle Brie, Thdircnville. Z
· Purpisc: For the premetien ef leyalty, hcners and kindness te cur fellew—
beings. L
Bernal Qzvic Activities; Ceegcrating with lecal civic_clubs and enterpriévs. L J _
Defense Activities: Engaged in~,Cellectien ef Bcraj lhtals and Other Ietals. Y
“ - Interc¤”,d in Red Cress Assistance, Cel