xt7bnz80kp6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80kp6p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1918-03-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1918 1918 1918-03-21 2012 true xt7bnz80kp6p section xt7bnz80kp6p THE KENTUCKY KERNEL
University of Kentucky







Boles Selection Gives Three
to Centre and Two



The prize of four Thrift Stamps giv
en by "Uncle Jimmy" Lyons to the
student writing the best limerick on
Thrift Stamps was awarded to Miss
Ora Lee Jones.
Miss Jones' limerick

is published

ain't the time for Just sighin'
and cryin',
Just sittin'
Thrift Stamps are the stuff
Oh, now

game of
The annual
picking the
team has been
completed and two Wildcats are on
the mythical Ave. According to the
selection of a local paper and that of
Daddy Boles, Thomas and Bastln are
The Kernel's selection coincides
with that of Coach Boles, and is as
Thomas, Wildcat forward;
Centre, forward; Tate, Centre, center;
Bell, Centre, guard; Bastin, Wildcats,
Every one who has followed the
game in the State this year must concede the honors to the two, Centre and
Of these two the Danville boys are the better. Their perfect team work and consistent shooting has won for their college another
championship, for which the Wildcats
fought them to the last minute. They
were a team of individual stars trained
to shine. No one of them stands above
the others for each is of the same
high class.
; After painfully typing this tribute to
an enemy, the scribe must turn to the
home feeding ground to treat material
which he loves better and is perhaps
better acquainted with. The Wildcats
had a splendid team this year. There
has seldom been a better. It was developed from the raw by the efficient
coaching of Daddy Boles and Jim
post-seaso- n



The Kaiser to bluff,
Get up and get busy


Extension Bill Gives $62,000
Annually to the
With the passage of the extension
bill, Monday, which gives to the University $62,000 annually, for
extension work in agriculture and
home economics, the full legislative
program of the University for the
year has been adopted.
The bill passed Monday, generally
act, proknown as the Smith-Lebe- r
work bevides for broad
tween the College of Agriculture and
the United States Department of Agri
culture. Thru it, this department of
the University will be brought in clos
er touch, and be made of more practical use to the people of the State.
The four points of legislation for the
University were the reapportionment
bill, which increased the income of
the University by $200,000; the trustee bill, which reduced the number of
to fifteen, actrustees from thirty-twcording to the recommendation of the
survey committee; the
bill, appropriating money to the University and other schools for vocation
al education; and last the extension or
Smith-Lebe- r
bill just passed.

With eight men of last year's team
with the colors and only a few in the
squad this year who had played high
school basketball, the prospects looked
gloomy at the beginning of the season.
The sensational development of Thomas, into the best goal shot in the Stato
of Bastin and Shank-lin- ,
and the follow-ugave the team its position in the
opinion of the coaches. Much could
Each of these bills was passed in
be said about each player and the spirpractically its original form, as drawn
it of each contest, but space allows
up by the University, without amendonly a few words.
ment. This completes the legislative
Shanklin has left a record of a class program
of the year, and enables the
of dribbling and evading that reminds University to start on a new.era. The
team. His
one of Morgan of the
redit for this legislative victory is
man was always forced to his best efconceded by those familiar with the
fort to keep up with him. Here is a ltuation, to Doctor McVey.
future basket ball comet.



'16-1- 7

Campbell started out in the season
with a rush but in several games lost
his ability to shoot. As captain of the
team, however, he was always "there"
and led every scrap.
Bastin lived up to the expectations
which his bulk and speed warrantej.
He was a guard, who loved to- shoot
and the ball found the basket easily
when propelled from his hands. Except in the final game, when he was
(Continued on Page Five.)



The Strollers will follow their usual
custom this yeur of giving two re
served seats to tho person submitting
the best design for the program cov

er. There has always been keen comThe designs

petition in this contest.

must be submitted to C. E. Planck not

'uter than March 30.
Make that date now!

No. 22



German may be taught in the Uni SUMMER TRAINING CAMP
versity hereafter if the House con
curs in the Senate amendment to the
Selection Made For Attend' bill of Representative Van Hoose to R. O. T.
ance At Summer
and Freshmen Lawyers
prohibit the teaching of German in the
May Attend
public schools.
In a discussion of the proposed
22 JUNIORS WILL GO amendment a communication from TO PARADE SATURDAY
Captain Royden was read, in which he
The annual inspection of the stu
Captain H. N. Royden received word
dent battalion and military depart stated that as the War Department last week from the Adjutant General
ment of the University was made yes- required the services of men who of the War Department at Washing
terday by Major Max B. Garber, in could read and write German, it ton, D. C, to the effect that plans are
fantry, U. S. army, who has been as- would be a mistake to take it from the under consideration for a short camp
signed to this work by the war depart curriculum of the University.
for military training for the Reserve
ment at Washington.
Officers' Training Corps. Full infor
Major Oarber, besides inspecting the
mation will be sent to institutions
batalllon and military department, BOARD 6RANTS YEAR'S
maintaining such organizations as
made selections from the student offi
soon as the plans are approved.
cers for attendance at the fourth offThis means that the students enlistLEAVE TO DR. TIGERT
icers' training camp.
ed in the Reserve Officers' Training
Following was the program arranged
Corps, the sophomores of the Univerby Captain Royden subject to change Miss McLaughlin Succeeds sity who intend to enlist in the Corps
to meet the wishes of Major Garger.
when they have completed their two
Dr. Marks On
Inspection, preceded by a review.
years' drill, and the freshmen of the
1st Call 1)1:00 a. m.
College of Law, may be sent to a
Assembly 11:10 a. m.
CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT training camp in the summer for a
Inspection of buildings and departshort course of about six weeks. All
ments, especially of the Colleges of
men attending this camp will receive
Routine business, for the most part,
Engineering, 1:30 p. m.
occupied the Board of Tmstees of the the same Instruction, be ranked the
of Cadet Officers,
University, in its regular meeting same, with no regard for the shoulder
Seniors, 2:00 p. m.
Wednesday at noon. Those present for straps he may wear now. This folCompany drill close order.
the meeting were: Chairman E. B. lows the plan adopted by the national
1st call 2:30 p. m.
army in its treatment of men attendNichols, Dr. S. B. Marks, Frank
Assembly 2:40 p. m.
ing its training camps.
P. P. Johnston, Jr.
Batalllon drill 3:00 p. m.
It is thought that if the camp is
Probably the most outstanding fea
Company drill battalion consoliheld immediately after school closes,
dated in one company) close and ex- ture of the meeting was the granting transportation
will be furnished the
of a year's leave of absence to Dr.
tended order, 3:30 p. m.
John J. Tlgert, head of the department men selected to attend. The members
The battalion
go of the University Reserve Officers'
formed in front of Patterson Hall and of psychology. Doctor Tigert will
army Y. M. C. A. work at the close Training Corps will receive their com- marched south, crossing the campus into
they are now doing, but
oT the present term and expects to be
assuming that it was subject to arthe new men will not be payed, but
sent to France.
tillery fire, 3:50 p. m.
will receive their board and lodging
The board authorized the appointFormation members R. O. T. C.
with clothing from the government.
who will attend R. O. T. C. camp ment of a night watchman for PatterCaptain Royden has arranged a
without expense to themselves, for a son Hall and the campus.
series of preliminary training classes
Doctor McVey was authorized to
period of one month, probably June,
for sophomores who intend to attend
take up with some reputable landscape
4:20 p. m.
this camp. These classes will be held
gardening firm the mater of beautiDress parade.
every Monday and Thursday at the
fying the campus.
1st call 4:30 p. m.
seventh hour, the regular drill period.
Assembly 4:40 p. m.
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin was
The commandant has appointed Head-leTwenty-twjunior students of the appointed editor of the "Alumnus, ..i
Shouse, Captain of Company A, to
University who will probably attend he magazine published in the inter
drill these men. They will be given
the officers training camp to be held est of the alumni of the University. I
an advanced course in military inat Camp Zachary Taylor at the end Miss McLaughlin succeeds Dr. S. B struction preliminary to
their enrollof the college year were given out Marks, who is with Hospital Unit No
ment in the Reserve Officers' Train40, at Camp Zachary Taylor.
Tuesday by Captain Royden.
ing Corp. The men waiting to go to
Following are the men selected by
camp are not required to attend these
Captain Royden who have signified PROF. McFARLAND IN
courses, but it is advisable for them
their intention to spend several weeks
SUMMER SURVEY W'RK to do so. All corporals are advised to
this summer in camp:
C. F. deMay, Louisville; J. Stuart
Professor Frank T. McFarland has
An erroneous impression that the
Walllngford, Paris; F. Paul Anderson, secured an appointment for the sum- Reserve Officers Training Corps ofthe
Jr., Lexington; H. M. Milton, Jr., Lex- mer months in the division of forest University is a war organization, inington; N. T. Puckett, Hattou; E. A. pathology of the Bureau of Plant In- stituted because we are at war for the
Lillard, Versailles; M. Smith, Ruston, dustry, for survey work on the white speedy training of reserve officers, has
La.; R. S. Arnold, Richmond; W. R. pine blister rust. The position will in- been current among the men of tho
David, Lexington; R. S. Park, Rich- clude the inspection of white pine battalion.
This is decidedly wrong,
mond; H. W. Stedman, Versailles; C. plantations and nursery stock for tho and Captain Royden wishes tl?o Kor-uL. Templln, Paris; R. K. Diamond, presence of the rusts. His work will
to correct such an impressi-n- .
Louisville; H. E. Grehan, Lexington; be in Kentucky, Tennessee, and MisThe Corps, like tho fifteen otheis
A. S. GUI, Columbia; J. H. Bailey, Bagsouri, with headquarters in Lexington. In the United Stales, is a peace organdad; S. H. Shouse, Lexington; J. M.
ization. It was instituted in many of
C. W. Bennett, '17, will assist him
Purslfull, Whltesburg; Frederick M.
the universities several years n"jo, but
R. Dudley, In the work. .Ir. Bennett will secure was not established hero until SepJackson, Versailles;
ParMns'ton; T. M. Bell, Madisonvllle, his master's degree, from the Michi- tember, 1917. It is a mere coincidence
gan Agricultural Collego this spring.
ind W. C. Piper, Lexington.
that it came in while tho United States









ts 11 :W P. M.
Prices S Cents and 10 Cents.
Afternoon and Evenlns.

Open from 10:00 A. M.

Is nt wnr.

When tho war Is over "over
there," tho Corps will still continue
ns before.
Cnptnln Royden nnnounccs thnt
sophomores who wnnt to attend the
training camp will not be legally
bound to their country by any oath.
No oath is taken until they make
known their deslro to Join tho Reserve
Officers' Training Corps.
Tho local committee of the "Books
for the Soldiers" campaign, which is
being waged this week, has asked
tho commandant for a guard of two
men to serve as escort at the central
station. Two men are sent down daily
to do so.
The battalion, in full formation, with

the band and signal corps, will take
part in the monster parade to be given
Saturday morning for the "War Dogs"
campaign, the movement to raise
money to care for the animals that
have been disabled in service on the
battlefield. Pull Information may be
xounu on tne military bulletin board.


Lieutenant Hutchcraft De
scribes French Ag.



In a recent Issue of the Kernel, a
number of letters were published from
Lieutenant Reuben Hutchcraft "somewhere in France," formerly a professor in the University. The Lexington
Herald of Sunday contained another
letter from Lieutenant
Hutchcraft, which the Kernel Is publishing in full.
Lleutanant Hutchcraft's letter fol- ows.
Dear Boss:
"T linnut all
fntv.11.. 1.nr
able to tell from my letter'8 how hard
lt ,8 to flnd anythlng to wrlte wUh
out violating the censorship
t,ons- Maybe you would be interested



labor, tho American would beat them
all to pieces. They not only use a
great deal of labor In fertilizing and
in preparing the ground, they also
waste a great deal of labor in harvest
ing and threshing.
One sees some
American farm Implements here, for
tho International Harvester Company,
has begun to bring them tho gospel
of labor saving machinery. I have no
ticed especially mowers and rakes, but
I have been In hundreds of barns and
never seen a binder. All their sheaves
are bound by hand with straw instead
of twine. In their barns they have a
crude sort of a thresher operated by
hand or by horse power sometimes a
treadmill sometimes one of those arrangements where the horse marches
around In a circle what do you call
them, anyway?
"All of their waste of labor seems
pitiful, especially when you bear in
mind that the voune able bodied men
army and that only the




Home of Paramount Artcraft GoWwyn Picttirea.
High-clas- e
that's why they coat more.

j tuc n ui rv.
Pretty Daughters Assets.
"Of course, if the daughter of the

i w it


Work Hones Well Kept.
"We will have to take our hats off
to the French when lt comes to work
I haven't seen a plug since
I have been here.
All their farm
work horses are of the heavy draft
type and all are kept In splendid condition. The owner may wear disreputable looking clothes and wooden
shoes and have nothing but a loaf of
war bread and a bottle of
for dinner, but the horse has a ration of oats that keeps him looking
like those in Rosa Bonheur's painting of 'TheHorse Fair.'
"I haven't told you anything nbcut!


tho farmers themselves.
They are
the solid part of France. I am mighty
glad that I have been among them,'
slept In their houses, eaten nt their
tnbleB, teased their children, talked to
them about their crops, Instead of seeing Paris. I have an altogether different Idea of tho French people from
hat which wo get at home, as a result of hearing about French dancing
masters, restaurants and perfumeries,
and Beelng tho women's styles that
originate In Franco. These people In
the country are modest, frugal, Industrious,
its worth while fighting to help them
defend their homes.
"Sorry I can't write you any news
about what we are doing, I am still
In perfect health, get plenty of exercise, plenty to eat, a good bed at night


(Continued on Page Three)

Member of A. N. A, M. of D.


good looking
house is particularly
metnocs ,n tins section of the
and there happens tQ b(J 8ome AmerI.
The University of Kentucky will de- - country, and I don't see how that
cm 80,dIer bmeted , the v,Uae
bate Transylvania College In the could give away information of mill- preUy pt tQ b(j .
chapel tonight, Thursday, March 21, tary value.
at 8:00 p. m. Since time immemorial
the south of France, which I .
can gfit
Kentucky and the Cuckoos have been vls'ted when I Had my leave, I saw
masters for a time; but we generally
rivals. This is the first contest, how- - a ereat many olive orchards and some manage
to keep those able bodied
ever, for some time.
citron fruit. There and well up into young
men busy at their Job of
Transylvania has selected an excel the middle part the wine business is threshing other things besides wheat.
lent team, from its corps of would-b- e very important and there are thous-- , "Owing to the scarcity of labor
ministers, and the contest is sure to'ands of vineyardsthere has been no such increase here
"The section in which we are bll
be exciting. Every student can supin the value of land as we have had
port the team by attending the con- leted now is very much like Central due to the increase of farm product
test. It is going to be a hard fight Kentucky somewhat more roiling and Still, the value seems outrageously
and a large number of Kentucky root- not as fertile but enough like the high, 400 "to 600 francs per hectare for
country around Leesburg or out in
ers will help.
cultivatable land, which is equivalent
the Pocket to make one homesick at
The question is: "Resolved, That
roughly to from $300 to $400 per acre
The Munroe Doctrine Should be Aban- times.
without buildings or even fences.
100 Bushels An Acre.
Kentucky will support the Wheat Yields
"As a rule here the farmers live
"The principal crops are wheat,
negative side of the question. The
mUe vIages There Is a village
speakers are: Eldon S. Dummit, a oats ana barley. Wheat Is sowed In every three or four miles. The barns
junior law student, and Lawrence F.l Ctber and harvested ln Au8H and stable sare in the villages built
" "W thG Wl,eat "eldS are prettylin with the dwelling houses. Fre- Bischof, a sophomore engineer.
Quently a door from the kitchen opens
On the same night Kentucky will
toche- -.
ctly into the stable. A 'farm,' as
uphold the affimative side of the same
u..u an uuniiK int. cum weauier wine they call an isolated dwelling house
question at Georgetown. Edgar Ever-it- t
for the wheat, I mean not very fine
.with the outbuildings surrounding it
Rice, and E. S. Dabney will contor the soldiers who had to be out In Is
the exception. The boundaries bestitute the University visiting team
tween the fields are marked only by
The average yield of wheat here,1 corner stones
and a deep furrow, or
so the French farmers tell me, is 40
by ft ow t(me fence Qr . hedge
doubles per hectare.
The 8tone fencej wou dneyer
"A double is 20 litres, a litre is one
stock and I suspect are only an ex- There were several errors in typo- and
quarts. A hectare is 100
for tak,ng the gtones
f thfl
graphy in the Kernel last week which metres squai-- and a metre Is about
mme of the flelds where they WQU,d
made certain utterances in it appear 39 inches. Three and a half pages of
,nterfere wUh plow,ng
both careless and ignorant. These er- calculations give the result that thelr.',...
firewood which is very dear
rors were the result of oversight on average yields of wheat Is right at 100
ti.uiyi. ,a mo
.Me lai
vui. ,Iful,. . tu uni; tu.i t.
the part both of the typesetters and bushels an acre.
use, coal being simply out of the
the proofreaders of the paper; and
"I suppose they stretch a little, but question.
since the Kernel can not lay the blame I know
their yields are astoundingly
"Fences are really not needed, befairly on the broad shoulders of the large
unless you stop to think about cause there is very little livestock inprinter, it does desire to ask its their methods.
dustry, that is, in this section.
readers to assume at least that its
"The fields are very small and the don't believe there Is a sheep within
editors are by no means so ignorant
seed bed is prepared with a care which 10 miles of us now. All the Bheep I
as the type made them appear.
we would not think of expending even have seen were in flocks In charge
on a garden. Every particle of man- or a shepherd or shepherdess,
TENNJS TOURNAMENTS ure is saved up, stacked in a shapely grazing in the daytime an dbrought
looking, but unseemly smelling pile back to the fold in the village at
Tennis players of the University will in the village street, rotted there and night. The same thing is true of
meet this week to make arrangements then spread upon the grain fields. The goats. I have never seen any beef
for a series of tournaments with only particular in which the French cattle, and the milk cows seem to be
Georgetown College, Hanover College farmers excel us, so far as I can see is kept at the villages. They raise some
and the University
of Tennessee. in their matter of the attention paid hogs for meat. They are penned in
Many students have been practicing to manure. I don't believe they think tho villages and f ed mostly barley
already and it Is expected that there much more of a wheelbarrow load of mash. The barley is ground and cookwill be a number of candidates for tho stable refuse than I think of my right ed with water. Hog killing on a froBt-lteam. Paul Anderson, George Zerfoss
morning is quite an occasion here,
and Pat Campbell are old stars, which j "If instead of comparing yield per as it is with us.
may shine again.
acre, wo compare yield per hour of
"Did I write you ubout the night I

came In lato, reached out my hand
In tho dark and found tho carcass of
a hog cooling In my bed room, or
about the hog wo bought for the
boys' Thanksgiving dinner when tho
turkey hadn't showed up?



Classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.

It is the aim of this school to teach dancing as it
should be, advocating at all times proper
positions and decorous actions
Music Piano, Saxopne, Violin, Trap Ddum





Miss Spurr


ancing Acadamy

Special Easter DANCE

Wednesday April 3rd

Special University Classes. Regular Dances Wednesday and
Saturday Night. Private Lessons by Appointment.

K. C. B'L'D'G.




High Class Tailoring

Moderate Prices

White Carnation

We Fit You







White Lily


Yellow Lily










Say It WithFlowers


ing Co.
145 W. Main St.

Get them From

Member of A. N. A, M. of D.
106 N. UPPER 8T.
will give two private dances

at Phoenix Hotel for
school girls and boys
Easter Dance, Saturday Evening, April 6th
She cordially invites the students of the University


A very







entertaining and interesting

What's on the

Fertilizer Bag?

Tho Department of English will
musical program of tho English Club
conduct a series of weekly lectures In
was enjoyed Friday evening at Paton
"A Challenge of Internation- terson Hall. Carl Hiller, of tho Victor Dr.Truett Says Some Things tho Y. M. C. A. rooms, beginning
March 28, at I o'clock to which memof immedialism" is Subject of
Are Worth Dying
Talking Machlno Company, gavo an 11
bers of tho University, community mid
Sec. Hurrey
lustrated talk upon tho subject, "What
tho public generally, will bo Invited.
Wo Hear In Music," giving selections
They will bo delivered by Professor
from our greatest composers and sing COLLEGE MEN IN LEAD
Dnntzlcr, Professor Farquhar, Profes- Many do
ers to explain his points.
Chnrles E. Hurroy, International
"Somo things aro worth dying for,' sor Freeman of Transylvania, nnd Dr.
Mr. Hiller said, "In our modern edu
Bccrotnry of tho Y. M. C. A., mado an
said Rev. Oeorgo W. Truett, Dallas, D. L. Thomas, of Centre College.
catlonal systems wo get most of our
method. Mix
Interesting talk In chapol Tuesday on
Texas, to tho students In chapol, Wed
March 28, Professor Farquhar will
knowledge thru Impressions received
"A Clinllengo to Internationalism."
nesday. "Theso aro tho sanctity of speak on "Thackery, tho Phllosophlcol
by our sense of sight. Our oye
Mr. Hurroy lias had tho good fortuno
womanhood, tho safety of childhood, Spectator of Vanity Fair."
workt overtime and our sense of hear
to know hundreds of tho foreign stutho integrity of tho state, and tho
Ho should bo greeted by a crowded
My book "Home Mixing"
ing is often neglected, wo see this
freedom of the United States. Wo house. The subjects of tho other lecdents In this country, and tho added
free. Send post card for ii,
picture show is rapidly taking tho
must remember that tho saving of tures will bo announced later.
benefit of visiting many nations and
quite plainly when wo realize that the
knowing tho young men and women
America Is moro Important than tho
25 Madison Are.
New York
place of tho drama. We can train our
saving of Americans. Sacrifice Is tho
who are reaching out for better things
hearing in such a way, however, that
fundamental law of all progress
and for better service to their native
wo may become intelligent listeners
Tho chief greatness is not of brawn,
lands In all parts of the world. His
(Continued From Page Two.)
One need not be a musician to appro
or brain, but of serving all others
address was therefore, very Instructelate and enjoy the good In music any
"Every great victory is preceded by and am having the tlmo of my life.
ive to the many In his audience who
moro than It is necessary to be an ar
a great crusade, and college men are When I get back I won't bo afraid to
havo been too ready to undervalue
chltect to enjoy architecture or
leading this one. Collateral advan match yarns with any Civil War vettho foreign students In America.
Hair Cut
scribe to enjoy pros eand good poe
tages will come out of this war, but eran around tho stove In Ford & Com
Mr. Hurrey said that the steadily
Geo. T. Martin Barber Shop
nothing that comes easily is of great pany's store, and as for veterans of
growing unity of tho human race was
The speaker then explained the difBasement Opp. Phoenix Hotel
value. We are seeing a great renais the
War, they can't
due to many things, but most of all
ferent mediums by which musical
sance of patriotism. Wo have come oven spit In tho same spittoon wo
to tho migration of students from one
messages are conveyed to us and
Beit of Serrlee
to the epochal hour of all human his uso.
land to another. There are now 7,000
showed the various tones of singers
tory. Will we bo big enough for that
100 nationalities here
"Love to all tho folks,
students of
and instruments.
Each voice, begin
1,400 from China, 1,000 from Japan,
ning with the lyric soprano, and run
In giving advice to his hearers, as
2,000 from Latin America, 200 from
DO YOU NEED MONEY? For any kind of dental service call om
ning thru all the women's voices,
a minister of God, Doctor Truett asked
Russia, 150 from India, 350 from the
thru the men's voices to the bass,
them to do three things: to learn the
Philippines and smaller numbers from
Take local orders for our guaranteed
was illustrated. The different instru
value of time, be thoro in all work, baking powder during spare time. $50
Armenia, Turkey, the Balkan States,
to $100 quickly earned. Also have
ments of the orchestra were also ex
Office hours, 8 a. in. to fl p. m. Fhone 864-and lay to heart the true meaning of proposition for summer work, with
and others. As a factor in promoting
plained. Structure and form of folk
life. The latter, he said, is service guaranteed earnings if desired. Op
unity of the nations, this migration,
songs and classic music were shown
portunity for both men and ladies
to others. On this theme, he said:
he said, outweighs the powerful agenApply immediately. International Spe Patronize Our Advertisers
to be made by flxt rule. The thought
cialty Association, 317 Caxton Build
"Selfishness is the defeat of human
cies of the growth of trade, the press,
ing, Chicago, Illinois.
transferred from the composer to the
Improved transportation,
life. Human life is but a trusteeship.
listener though each might be of dif A
man may be a miser with education,
and the moving picture enterprise.
ferent nationality, gavo example of
and all the gifts and powers with
Most of these 7,000, according to Mr.
how universally music is. In this
Hurrey who has the best means of
which he may be endowed, as well as
same respect several lullabies of Hun
$1.00 Per Year
knowing their motives, coma to Amerwith money. A man can suicide in
gary, Bohemia and Russia were
one night, or in seventy years. The
ica because of intense patriotism,
played to show that the poetic thought
5c Per Copy
thinking to carry back to their native
difference between man and man is
thruout was identical and yet the com
great land of promise
largely one of will."
land from the
positions were of markt difference.
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Doctor Truett was conducting a
the ideas and principles which will
In closing Mr. Hiller said, "There is
very successful meeting at the First
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enable them to be of service to their
an almost inexhaustible wealth of ma
country. They value the opportunity
Baptist Church of the city, and many
terial for study at our command, and
town people came out to hear him at
to study Democracy in its greatest
've could continue In this way until
stronghold; to study the English lanthe University.
The special chapel
we would Anally realize that music is
guage; to observe our Institutions to
exercises were arranged that the stu
W. B.
correlated thru all ages and nations
promote public welfare; and to see
dents might have an opportunity of
with all human life and endeavor,
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hearing him, as he was at Georgetown
how we fight our moral battles.
Hours by appointCollege for chapel Tuesday, and had
On the other hand, he said, we have
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ment. Phone 1988-- x
arranged to leave Lexington Thurs
the opportunity to reveal to those who COMMUNITY SINGING
come from abroad the best features of
our country, to help shield them from
The University
of Kentucky has
offenses and physical and moral break
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overcoming joined the mighty army of Commundown, and to aid them in
153 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.
obstacles ity Singers and the student body, led
the almost Innumerable
which confront those students who by Prof. Lawrence Cover enjoyed singSomebody Is always spoiling the
come to our shroes, poor, ignorant of ing the songs, old and new, sacred, pa- party and Fritz DeMay says Pullen
our language and customs, and burn triotic and rag time, that have been and Heber are too rough to make
ing with the desire to gather all tho sent to the University, Friday morning
anyhow. Fritz is an
knowledge to be had in this free coun at chapel hour.
ambitious young would-bmurderer.
try. We must also remember that they
Prof. Cover, by hook or crook, was
On Monday at the end of the third
have much to teach us especially lucky enuf to secure 700 of the Com- hour, while struggling with calculus
munity Singing leaflets which are bepatience and perseverance.
H E perfec
and designing, the Junior Mechanicals
We Cater to the
I tion of pencil' fcv
Before we reach tho ideal of inter- ing used in the cities and communi- decided to stir up something and buck
- Quality
University and
and brotherly ties all over the country, to familiar- DeMay's new uniform. It happened
national friendliness
smoothness, uniPatrons.
love, he Bald in conclusion, we must ize tho people wi