xt7bnz80kn16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80kn16/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1934-01-jan17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-01-jan17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-01-jan17-ec. 1934 1934-01-jan17-ec. 2011 true xt7bnz80kn16 section xt7bnz80kn16 

     Minutes of Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, January 17, 1934.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in President HocVey's office at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky January 17, 1934, at 10:30 a.m.    The members
of the Committee present were Judge R. C. Stoll, Chairman; Joe
B. Andrews, R. G. Gordon and Jamties Park.  President Frank L. M,1c-
Vey and Secretary D. H. Peak were also present.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of No-
vember 12, 1933, were approved as published.

     2. Financial Reports.

     The Financial Report for December was received and ordered
to be recorded in the Minutes.    It reads as follows:

                                              EXHIBIT "B"

           Statement of Income and Expenditures
                Month of December 1933

                           Previously    Current        Year
                           Reported      Month          To Date

General Fund Income
Federal Appropriation    32,062.50
Vocational Ed. Board       6,655.38
  Bureau of Mmin & Top.
  Survey - Misc. Receipts    455.26
  Bureau of Min. & Top.
  Survey - State Appro.    1,999,10
  Special Agr. Appro.       13,347.62
  State Tax                143,399.49
  Int. on Endowment Bonds   4,322.215
  Int. on Liberty Loan
    Bonds                      850.00
 Student Fees              86,411.50
 Student Fees - Sum.Sch.   37,386.25
 Student Fees - U.H.S.      5917. 50
 Student Fees - El.Tr.Sch. 4,G79.50
 Student Fees - Un, Ext.    8,789,62
 IsI isc0 Receipts          3,964.13
 Rentals                      888.05
 Ments Dormitories          6 786,41
          Total           357,91. 56

3,838.77    10y,94,15



147. 312.85



 4, 984,26


  Adm. Exp. and Maint.
  Add. & Betterments

 Excess of Income over

Patterson Hall Income
  Miscellaneous Receipts
  Room Rent - Sum. Sch.

Additions & Betterments

  Excess of Income over

4, 859k35
401.115, 30

(434 202,74)

20,361. 03
   114. 75

13,911. 22
   695. 00
14.606. 22


General Fund Income       381,324.99
General Fund Expend.      415,721,52
    Excess of General Fund
    Income over Expend.   (34,3964,53)
    Accounts Payable
    liquidated           (21, 362.30)
    Excess of Receipts over
    Expenditures for Gen-
    era.l Ledger accounts 52,578,.72
    Excess of Receipts over
    7,xpend.for the fiscal
    year to date - General
    Fund                  (3,180.11)

Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for the
fiscal year to date -
General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933
- General Fund
Cash in Bank December 31,
1933 - General Fund

19, 338,88
1. 522E93

  6, 382....28--

87,050,33 488,165.63

60,262 .52  17,059 .78

    198.83  20,)559.86
    40418     154.93
    239.01 23,651.44

  3,843.89 17,755.11
               695, 00
  3,843.89  18,450.11

  (3,604.88) 5,201.33

147,551..86 528,876.85
90,894$22 506,615.74

56,657.64  22,261.11

    ( 85. 00) ( 21, 417. 30)

(14,982.46) 37,596.26

41,590.18 38,410.07


16j 671. 05


Experiment Station Income
  Hatch   Fed. Appro.
  Milk and Butter - Cash
  Beef Cattle Sales
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales




914.98    5,000.06
  4.77      208.21
147.90      321.54

v . _ , _ _ ,



Swine Sales                  118.57
Poultry Sa.les               575.48
Farm Produce Sales           189.70
Torticultural Sales          954.82
Seed Test                    160.35
Seed Inspection             2,988.30
Rentals                    2,858.34
Miscellaneous                110.66
Fertilizer - Fees          5,707..5
Public Service - St. Appro.7,137.51
Public Service - Misc. Re-
ceipts                       21.05
Feeding Stuffs - Fees     13,092.75
Adams - Federal Appro.     7,500.00
Serum - Sales                447.01
Serumn - Virus Sales          24.70
Serum - Supply Sales          37.13
State Appropriation       15,790.82
Creamery - Licanse Fees    6,397.50
Creamery - Testers Lic.    2,100.35
Cxeamery - Glassware Test.   310.30
Robinson - State Appro.     3,222.71
Robinson - Misc, ReceiPts    726.04
7. Kentucky - State Appro. 4,643.26
7. Kent~ucky -Misc. Rec.     669, 76
Purnell - Federal Appro.  30,000.00
Nursery Inspection - Fees    920.00
Blood. Test                  294.00
          Total           118,986.41

_    34.28





 1 5 9 6 2 .   4 6_
 15 962.46.

   801. 66
   205.. 90
 1, 287 12

7,500. 00
   542. 41
 21, 738 01
    903. 74
  6,566 02
    96i0. 00

Expend itures
  Txoense                  118,724.48
  Additions and Betterments    930.72
           Total           1i92653.20

23, 729.77
23. 941.02

14-,454. 25

7xcess of Expenditures over
  Income                    (668,79)     (7,978.56)
Txcess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for General Ledger
  accounts               (23,453,90)      2,695.39

(8,647. 35)


Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts               (24,122,89)

(5, 283,917


Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for the fiscal
  year to date - Exoeriment
Oash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
  Experiment Station
Cash in Bank December 31, 1933
  - Experiment Station

(32,405. 86)



* s



Extension Division Income
Federal Smith-Leveri
Federal Add. Co-op.
Federal Supplement ary
Federal Capper-Ketcham
State Smith-Lever
County and Other


15, 500.00
26 545,52

   11658 0
15, 581, 40

147,562.12   32, 668.54

74, 154.38
15, 500,00
26, 545,52
18, 400,49
76, 363.31
211. 834.19

180. 230. 66

Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures -

48,690.67 (17,087.14)

Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Extension
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank December 31,
1933 - Extension Division

Trust Fund Income
Student Loan Fund
Student Notes Paid
        Total Receipts     -

  Student Notes

 Excess of Receipts over Ex-


87- 95

268 80

844.30      152,23       996.53

196.00       38.00       234.00
142100 __42.00
338.00       38.00       376.00

506. 30


Excess of Receipts over Expendi-
tures for the fiscal year to
date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
Trust Fund
Cash ini Bank December 31, 1933
- Trust Fund





31, 603.53

31, 603.53

9. 064.09

40, 667.62

- - Z.  - -..-


General Fund Income
Experiment Station Income
Extension Division Income
Trust Fund Tncome

 General Fund Expenditures
 Experiment Station Expend.
 Extension Division Expend.
 Trust Fund Expenditures

381, 324.99
118, 986.41
196, 252.79

15, 581.40

696,768.71  179,160.00 875.928,71

415,721.52   90,894.22  50b, 615 74
119,655.20   23,941002  143,596.22
147,862.12   32,668.54 180,230.66
    196.00       38.00      234.00
683,134.84  147,541.78 830 676.62

211,834. 19
  __268. 80

Excess of Income over Expendi-
tures                        13,633.87

Accounts Payable liouidated (21, 362.30)

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for General Ledger
accounts                     29, 124.82

Student Loan Fund Notes


Excess of Receipts over Expendi-
  tures for the fiscal year to
  date - Combined Fund        21.894-17



(85.00) (21,447.30)

(12, 287.07)


19334A0    41. 22R. 27

Excess of.Receipts over Expendi-
  tures for the fiscal year to
  date - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 - Com-
bined Fund
Cash in Bank December 31, 1933 -
  Combined Fund

            Abstract of item shown on statement
            of Income and Expenditures as "Excess
            of Receipts over Expenditures for Gen-
            eral Ledger accounts .$16,837.75.'4


Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts

16, 837. 75

   585, 73

41,228. 27

45. 188.20





Notes Payable



-50 000 00
3 -1869.38
16,837. 75

19- 334-10

41. ?PR 27



     The Business Agent further reported state-tax receipts, in-
cluding January remittance for December collections for the first
half of the fiscal year, July 1 to December 31, 1933, (not shown
above) as follows; inheritance tax $112,527.53, mill tax $202,233.0'

     3. Biennial Report to Legislature.

     President McVey presented the Report of the Board of Trustees
to the Governor of the Commonwealth and the General Assembly of Ken-
tucky for the biennium 1931-1933.   It was examined and approved,
ordered to be printed and copies presented to the Governor and to
members of the General Assembly.

     4. Widening South Limestone Street -- Woolley Property.

     The following resolution was passed:

          BE IT RESOLVED that the completion of the Limestone
     Street project, providing for the widening of that thoro-
     fare from the Good Samaritan Hospit. to the end of the
     University property, calls for the cooperation of all ovm-
     ers of property in that area.

          The Executive Committee ,knowing the public spirit
     of Mr. Charles N. Manning, trustee of the Woolley estate,
     requests him to give favorable consideration to the pro-
     posal of the city, so that the project may be carried
     out completely as outlined by the city engineers.    It is
     the opinion of the Executive Committee of the University
     of Kentucky that such assistance on the part of the
     trustee of the Woolley estate will make it possible to
     carry out this project as indicated, and by such act
     would be doing a public service of the highest importance
     to this city,   The Committee has requested the President
     of the University to present this matter to Mr. Manning
     at an early date.

     5. Student Union Building and the P. . A.

     Gordon E, Burns and Walter Steitler appeared before the Com-
mittee on behalf of Nu Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa Fraternity and
presented the following resolution, dated January 11, 1934:


     Be It Resolved:
                   That we, the ;members of Omicron Delta Kappa
     Fraternity, firm in the belief that we know the sentiments
     of the Student Body of the University of Kentucky, respect-
     fully request that the Board of Trustees of the University
     of Kentucky make application to the Public Works Adr!iinis-
     tration for funds sufficient to erect and furnish a Student
     Union Building on the University of Kentucky campus.

                  It is our conviction that the debt incurred
     by the erection of this building can be amortized over a
     period of years that will satisfy the basis for repayment
     of this loan.   We submit herewith a financial prospectus
     which shows what we believe to be a conservative estimate
     of the income that will be derived from such a building.

                  We believe that the Student Body will vote
     to pay a feo of two dollars ($2.00) per semester for mem-
     bership to the Union Building Association which will pro-
     vide all the privileges of the building and of the swim -
     ming pool..

                  We urgently request the Board of Trustees to
     give immediate attention to this resolution so that plans
     for the erection of the Student Union Building will be com-
     pleted at once,

     Be It Further Resolved:

                  That we, the members of Omicron Delta Kappa,
     signing this resolution, pledge our best efforts toward
     raising funds and maintaining student interest until this
     building is erected and paid for.
 This resolution was signed by thae president, secretary and twenty-
 two mae.mlbers of Omicron Delta Kappa.
     It was ordered that the resolution be received and recorded
in the minutes and that the fraternity be requested to prepare a
statement showing general plan of building, proposed cost, and
the sources of income.   When the statement is ready it shall be
submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration, but, be-
fore reouest for loan is filed swith the Public Works Administra.-
tion, the plans must be amDroved by the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky.

     6. C. 'W. A. Projects Approved.

     The report of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds in
regard to C. W. A. projects was received, the projects named
therein approved, and the report ordered incorporated in the Min-
utes.   The report reads as followed


Memo: - President F. L. McVey

                             Re: C. W. A. Projects Approved.

My dear President:

I spent last Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Louisville
at a. W. A. Headquarters and was fortunate in obtaining
approvals on 6 new projects after the dead line had been
set.   All of these projects, however, had been mailed in
on the old forms prior to this date.   Each one had to be
refigured and submitted in muadruplicate on new forms.
The dates were so close that it took some entreaty to get
therm over.  This addition makes a total of 17 projects
approved for the University involving a total expenditure
of some #;26,000  for labor and the employment of 150 stu-

I wish to go on record with a word of praise for Mr. Ro-
land P. Pyne, State 0. W. A. Engineer, in charge of this
division.   Even tho his office is a mad-house he found
time to give courteous and intelligent consideration to
our University projects.

I also wish to say a word about the student labor now em-
ployed on these projects.    I used standard contract units
of time in basing estimates on loving dirt by hand in
Wheelbarrows.   A check on the amount of dcrt moved on
Training School job shows the boys have gone me one better,
they have moved more dirt under the circumstances, muddy
conditions, bad weather and so on, than I figured they
would.   We have only had one boy to dog it on us thus
fars   This leads ne to an observation I have often made
and I will repeat it once more; the University should
constantly strive to provide ways and means for Glen to
work while in school and thus learn the importance of
true values.

The chances seem good for continuing C. W7. A. until late
spring.   If the University could finance materials thru
appropriations our pressing needs could be satisfied for
one-sixth the cost.   It is truly a golden opportunity if
economy is any consideration.

A separate table is attached showing general information
concerning C. IV. A. Projects as approved.

Sincerely yours,

M. J. Crutcher



                           January 2, 1934


Project             Description                Kind    No.   Man
Number                                          of     of    Hours
                                               Labor   Men

Ky435-44   Remove Macadam Parking Area, Rear
           Library Building                   U       6       396
Ky. 35-45  Building Stone Wall, Botanic Gar-   U       3      680
           den                                S       1       480
Ky. 35-46  Repair Surfaced Roads with Cold
           Patch                              U        4      320
Ky, 35-47 Resurface M4axwell Place Roads       U       6      510
                                               S       1       40
Ky. 35-48  Build 25 foot road from Graham Ave-
           nue to McVey Hall                   U       6      441
Ky. 35-59  Paint exterior of Administration
           Buildihg, McVey Hall, White Hall,
           Science Building, Mechanical Hall,
           Observatory, Agriculture Building,
           Law Building, and Kastle Hall.      S      19     2709
Ky. 35-60  Paint Exterior of Old Small Animal
           Building, Stock Pavilion, Alumni Gym-
           nasium, Kinkead Hall, Bradley Hall,
           Breckinridge Hall, Library, Museum,
           Teacher Training Building, Superin-
           tendent's residence and Service
           Building.                           S      15     1271
KY. 35-61  Grading in front of Memorial Hall U        10      1896

Ky. 35-62 Convert Road Administration Building
           to Library into Sidewalk.           U      10     1450
Ky, 35-63  Build Road from Dairy Products Build-
        .  ing to Stock Pavilion.              U       6       680
KY. 35-64  Build Football Field and Playgrounds
           Training School.                    S       1      720
                                               U      40   22,213
                                            Foreman    1      730


Unskilled - U ..   89 men.... .28,590 @ 45e. . , l2,865.50
Skilled   - S. ,,,37 men..... 5,220 @1.10...    5,742.00
Foremen       ..... 1 maan.       720 @ 66  ..    475.20
                                    Total    '%19,082*70



January 17, 1934


Proj ect                           Un-     Semi-   Skilled Fore- Mian
Numiiber        Description        skilled Skilled         men  Hrs.

Ky.35-84 Construct and set 300       12                       1440
         (more or less) concrete                     2         120
         posts along campus drive-                          1 3-wks.
         Construct Macadam road from
Ky. 35-85 east end of stock pavilion 20                       1800
         to east end of Agr. Eng;.                   1          90
         Bldg.                                              1 3-wks.

Ky.35-86 Int.painting in 16 bld.gs.                 10        1200

Ky.35-87 General repairs to int. and 6                          540
         ext. of Service Bldg.                      10         900
                                                             1  3-wkt
          Four truck drivers to op-
Ky. 35-88 erate and maintain trucks
          used for hauling on C F.A.
          ji obs.                           4                  600
          Construct Macadam wal north
Ky.35-89  of Training Bldg, Widen     40                       2400
          road south of Service Bldg.       3                  270
          Rebuild. walk from Limestone               3          270
          to Memorial Hall to conform                      1 3 wks.
          to new grade. Widen entrance
          to Maxwell Place and rebuild
          stone Pylons

       Unskilled ...... 72 mten. . .5640 hrs. @ 45 ... $2,538.00
       Semi-skilled. .. 13 men ....1410 hrs. @ 55(......   775.50
       Skilled ...,,, 26 men ,..,2580 hrs. @ 1.10..,,. 3,838.00
       Foremen ....... 4 men.....12 wks.    @20.00 ......  240.00
                                        Total           $, 9.0 -

     7. Student Labor on C. W. A. Projects.

     Reference is made to Mr. Crutcher's letter, section five above,
to student labor employed.   The students working on various C.gW.A.
projects were recommended to the City of Lexington administration -
by the Dean of 'Cen of the University of Kentucky.



     8. Property Line at Back of Lots racing Colfax Street.

     The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds trade the followl-
ing report:

     The recent check of the survey made by the late Professor
     Newman discloses 13 lots, facing Colfax Street to be 5 to
     12 feet on University property.   There are also 3 parcels
     on the S. W. Corner unrecorded, and from all I can find
     out no one seems to have the title thereto.   This makes
     a bad corner, and it would be to our advantage in planning
     and building playgrounds if this matter could be settled.

     The Superintendent was directed to get all the facts and data
available regarding this line and to take proper steps toward plac-
ing the fence on the line of the property conveyed by the City of

     9. Entrance to Patterson Hall Grounds.

     The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds reported that wher
Limestone Street is widened in front of Patterson Hall property, it
will necessitate rebuilding the driveway on Limestone Street, and
he suggested that the driveway be closed, leaving the circle as it
now is within the lot.   He further suggested that a driveway be
made from Euclid Avenue entering the Patterson Hall lot adjoining
or near Boyd Hall,   His suggestions were approved and he was au-
thorized to proceed with the change in entrance driveway, provided
the project of widening the street in front of Patterson Hall prop-
erty is carried out.

    10, Reouest for Financial Data for T. V. A.

    The reouest of Professor J. at. Manning as shown in the copy
of letter that follows was granted on condition that the checking
be Cone under direct supervision of the Business Office.

     Dear Doctor McVey:                  January 12, 1934

     One of the projects on which we are working under the author-
     ity of the Tennessee Valley has to do with city finance. In
     this connection we are making a study of trends of finance in
     the city of Lexington.   This study involves two types of
     factors, the measurable background factors having to do with
     general economic conditions, and finance proper.   The first
     includes data on employment in representative concerns in
     the city.   'Ve thought t;'ahat the University,being one of the
     largest employers in the city,shouldl be included in this



    list, thus we are asking thoat you grant us permission to
    get from the business office data on the number of persons
    on the University payroll by years since 1925 and the to-
    tal amounts allocated to the pay roll for this time.

    I can assure you that no publicity will be given for the
    matter.   We intend to take all the figures for various
    concerns and group them together, labeling the data fig-
    ures fox representative concerns and not from any one in-
    stitution or business.   At present, we have some of the
    representative businesses down town and we should like
    very much to include the University.

    Sincerely yours,

    J. S. Manning

    11. State Warrants.

    The Business Agent made the following report:

    Institutional warrants are now selling at 84 cents.
    The State Treasurer has paid most of our appropria-
    tions in cash from month to month.   We have on hand
    now only two warrants; one for Vocational Rehabilita-
    tion students, $948.87, and one for Experiment Station,

                                 (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                           Business Agent

January 17, 1934,

     12. Pelham Johnston Claim,

     The Business Agent was authorized to make a payment of $500.00
on the claim of Pelham Johnston heretofore allowed,    The balance
due after the payment authorized will be $500.00.

     13. Increase in Coal Price.

     Reference is made to Section 7 of the Minutes of the Executive
Committee of November 12, 1933, for statement of the Stears Coal
and Lumber Company as to increase in price of coal at the rate of
30 cents per ton.    The ouestion was referred to the State Purchas-
ing commission as directed at that meeting.    The Business Agent
filed the following report of thle State Purchasing Commission:


     Har. D. H. Peak
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Sir:

     The Purchasing Commission, after conferring with you
     last Friday, have decided to grant the Stearns Coal
     Sales Company an increase of twenty-two (22 ) cents
     per ton on coal furnished your institution due to in-
     crease in miners wages.    We feel very happy that we
     have been able to reduce this from the first request.

     Very truly yours,

     (Signed) N. A. Chrisrnan

     The Business Agent was directed to settle with the coal col-
pany on the basis of settlement made by the State Purchasing Corn-

     14. Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey - Pay Rolls Ap-

     The following pay rolls of Bureau of Mineral and Topographic
Survey were approved:

                        January, 1934

       David M. Young - i month - $110.00

       Louise Barton    1 month -    45.00

       Newell Wilder - 40 hours -    20.00

     Ordered certified to Auditor of Public Accounts.

     15. Result of Alumni Election Reported to Governor,

     The Secretary of the Board reported that he had notified the
Governor of Kentucky of the alumni election.    Following is a copy
of his letter to the Governor:



     1 9 3 3

     Hone Ruby Laffoon
     Governor of Kentucky
     Frankfort, Kentucky

     Dear Governor Laffoon:

     At the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
     ty of Kentucky held December 14, 1933, at the University
     of Kentucky, the Secretary of the Board was directed to
     cortify to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
     the names of those who were nominated by the alumni of
     the University of Kentucky for presentation to the Governor
     of Kentucky from which names he shall select a member of
     the Board of Trustees to succeed Mr. James Park whose term
     of office expires December 31, 1933,

     The election referred to above was duly held under the
     provisions of Kentucky Statutes, section 4636 0-1 and the
     regulations of the Board of Trustees.    The following names
     were selected: James Park, Lexington, Kentucky; William
     Rodes, Boyle County, near Danville, Kentucky; William
     Henry Grady, Louisville, Kentucky.

     *All'of which is hereby certified to you under the order
     of the Board of Trustees referred to above.

     Very truly yours,

     (Signed) D. H. Peak
              Secretary of the Board.

     16. Lease to Camp Site at Robinson Sub-Station.

     The Business Agent reported that he had received the follow-
ing communication, together with the copies of the lease named

601.53/CCC                      2nd Ind.

FIEADQUARTERS FORT THOMaS, KENTUCKY, November 7th, 1933 - To: Com-
mand-iag, General, Fif th Corps Area, Fort Hayes, Ohio.


Incls. n/c                    (Signed)  DANA T. MERRILL,
                                         Colonel, 10th Infantry,



   QM 601.53-C-R-0CCl-5th CA      3rd. Ind.           FD/fg
   MH., 5th C. A., Ft. HThyes, Ohio, December 22, 1933. To: Commanding
   Officer, Ft. Thomas, ICy.

      1.     Enclosed Lease WN 55-am-192/QIN 835, with University of
   Kentucky, covering camp site for Project zS-51, C.C. C., is furnish-
   ed for execution by the Lessor.

       2.      The following changes from draft submitted have been
   made, and should be brought to the attention of the Lessor prior to
                 In par. 1. - the word "its" included in line 5.
                 Par. 5     - completed to provide for renewal for 1
                Par. 7     - the word "Lessor" retained, in lines 1 and
                              5; changing this wLord to "Lessee" (as
                              shown in draft) is unnecessary. Note tha-
                              Lessor is reouired to keep "1saic! premises'
                              in good repair, etc. Land only being in-
                              volved in this case, no repairs could be

       3.    With the return of the signed lease, in quadruple, shoul
   be furnished evidence of authority for the individual signing for
   the Lessor. Upon acceptance by The Quartermaster General, one ful-
   ly executed number will be returned for delivery to the University
   of Kentucky.

               By command of Major General MOSELEY:

                                                   R. E. Fraile,
                                                   Captain, A.G.D.,
   1 Tncl. Lease in ouad.                          Asset. Adj. Gen.

      At the meeting of the Board of Trustees of October 6, 1933, (See
5ection 3, Minutes of that meeting) an informal lease to camp, site for
?roject S-51, CC.0C. was executed.   The informal lease is therein set
ruts  The formal lease corrects the informal lease as set out in lets-
;er copied above.  The execution of the formal lease was approved by
)ean Cooper in answer to a letter from the Business Agent as follows:

                                        January 6, 1934.
    Heme. for Mr. Peak

        The attached is satisfactory and I recommend that the Uni-
    versity execute the leases,

(Signed) Thomas Cooper
          Dean and. Dir ector



     The formal lease was approved by the Executive Committee and
the Chairman of the Executive Committee, R. C. Stoll, vias author-
ized to execute the lease, which he did at once, the seal of the
University of Kentucky being affixed.    The four copies of the
lease thus executed were ordered forwarded to Fred J. Braden, Lieu-
tenant, U. S. A. at Noble, Kentucky, with recuest that one copy
be returned to University of Kentucky.

     17. Purchase of Land from Johnsons, Robinson Substation.

     President McVey presented the following letter from Dean Coop-

                                    December 21, 1933

     Dear President McVey:

          In the development and building of a road from
     Troublesome Creek to Camp Robinson and the forest, it
     was found necessary to go over the right-of-way upon
     which the lease had expired.    In making the adjustment,
     it was considered advisable to purchase this right-of-
     way and readjust certain boundaries with the Johnsons.
     The necessary property can be obtained for $200.     I wish
     to recommend that we be authorized to purchase this land
     at a price not to exceed $200 and to make the necessary

          This matter has been delayed for various reasons
     and it is important that it be settled soon.     I hope,
     therefore, that I may receive your approval, so we may
     make an immediate settlement.

                                 (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                            Dean and Director

     The deed to land, approved by the Attorney General, showing
that it had been executed and recorded was presented.     The purchas
was  npproved and the deed was ordered sent to the Secretary of Stat