xt7bnz80kk9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80kk9s/data/mets.xml Fowler, W. T. 1915]  books b92-109-27905156 English s.n., : [Hopkinsville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Christian County (Ky.) Description and travel. Christian County, Kentucky  / W.T. Fowler. text Christian County, Kentucky  / W.T. Fowler. 1915 1915] 2002 true xt7bnz80kk9s section xt7bnz80kk9s 

Christian County




IC             E _____TL i_______

 HOTEL LATHAM -- Hopkinsville's Handsome Hostelry


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    Thi s little booklet had its genesis in the suggestion that each
member of the Morgan party be required to write an article for his
county paper upon his return home. In order to make the task easy,
we have collected a few facts relating to Christian county as a farm-
ing and industrial center. The work has been thrown together hastily
and does not do our farming interests justice. We regret that in the
arrangement of the itinerary only a small section of the county can be
seen. Some of the very best farms in the county have no mention in
the leaflet. We were compelled to use such pictures a.s were on hand.
We respectfully dedicate the Leaflet to Geoffrey Morgan whose labors
have been an inspiration to the agricultural growth of the Pennyrile
and whose effort to cultivate a spirit of cordiality and co-operation
between the farmers of Central Kentucky and Western Kentucky is
his greatest contribution to the progress, enlightment and betterment
of Industrial Kentucky.
                                    Yours for success,
                                               W. T. FOWLER.




    "Not the oldest nor yet the youngest; not the
richest nor yet the poorest; not the largest nor
yet the least; but take it all in all, for men and
women, for flocks and herds, for fields and skies,
for happy homes and loving hearts, the best place
outside of heaven the good Lord ever made,"--
   Christian County is Her Fairest Daughter.

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  Christian County, Population (Based on 1910 Census) 42,000

                   COUNTY OFFICIALS

               OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY.

County Judge ........ Walter Knight
County Attorney ............ Ira D. Smith
Circuit Clerk.........                          Walter Radford
County Clerk.........                           Lucian J. Harris
Sheriff ......... Jewell W. Smith
County Superintendent of Public Schools ................. L E. Foster
County Engineer ................................... J. H. Dilllman
Conuty Agriculturist .................................. S. E. Puckett
Coroner............                            Dr. 0. E. Wright
Jailer............                                . A. E. Mullin
County Assessor .......................--.----.-.... W. J. McGee
Poor Commissioner .....      ................. G. E. Baynham
President Christian County Good Roads Association..Holland Garnett
President Christian Co. Crop Improvement Association..W. T. Fowler
County Surveyor....         .................. M. G. Moore
Keeper of County Farm ......    ................ Alonzo Elgin
County Physician .......................--.-.... Dr. F. P. Thomas
Delinquent Tax Collector ..  ...................... E. W. Coleman

   District No. I-T. H. Moore.  District No. 2-J. M. Morris.
District No. 3-Sylvester Reese. District No. 4G eorge P. Rives.
District No. 5-L. D. Rogers. District No. 6-C. L. Dade. District
No. 7-F. Lh Hamby. District No. 8-E. W. Woodburn.

                 COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH.
   Dr. J. H. Rice, Secretary; Dr. G. W. Lovan, Dr. 0. L. Barnes,
J. B. Allensworth, Judge Walter Knight.

Hopkinsville, County Seat Christian County, Popllation 13,500


Hopkinsville Has the Second Largest Tobacco Market in the World

                   A Bit of History.

                  AGRICULTURAL COUNTY.

     Christian county was organized in 1797, and originally embraced
 all the territory west of Green River, and was as large as the State
 of Massachusetts. She gave off, at succeeding intervals, such lands as
 she could not utilize profitably, and there was thus formed the splen-
 did counties of Webster, Todd. Henderson, Union, Daviess, Hopkins,
 and others. Christian, as the parent county, kept the best lands for
 her own. These lands are now famous for the production of a,lI
 crops which grow In the Temperate zone.
 Area, 725 square miles, or 484,000 acres.
    This is by far the largest agricultural county in the State  second
only in area, to Pike county. Population based on 1910 census, 42,000.
Christia,n county has for its capital one of the most beautiful and pro-
gressive cities in the State. Hotel Latham, her principal hostelry, in
commodious and resplendent, and under its present efficient marnage-
ment is one of the best hotels in the State.
    Christian county is the banner wheat county in Kentucky.  She
produces one-tenth of the wheat grown in the State. She holds the
State record on the highest yield of wheat per acre. Mr. J. J. Gar-
rott, of Pembroke, Kentucky, made a. field average of 63 bushels per
acre. A crop record of 40 bushels per acre is not unusual among a
large number of her best farmers. Her wheat in quality is the best.
and always tops the market.
    She produces more bushels of corn than any other county in the
                      TOBACCO INDUSTRY.
    Christian county raises more dark tobacco than any other county
in the State. Our soil - s adapted to the growth of the export to-
baccos.  Christian county grows 15,000,000 pounds annually, 75 per
cent of which goes abroad. Hopkinsville Is the largest dark tobacco
market in the world. She handles 30 million pounds annually. The
tobacco crop alone brings an annual dividend to our growers of
nearly one million and a half dollars. While Corn is king and Wheat
is Queen, our Tobacco crop pays the bills. Hopkinsville has some oi
the greatest tobacco plants, warehouses and loose floors to be found
anywhere. These buildings represent an investment of over one mil-
lion dollars.
    These tobaccoes are re-handled and specially prepared for the
various European countries. Each of these countries acre represented
on our market by a direct agent, who are in most instances local to-
bacconists. These tobaccos are consumed by England. France, Ger-
many, Austria, Italy and Scandinavian Europe. About 75 per cent of
our product goes to these countries annually; the remaining 25 per
cent supplies practically all the snuff used in the United States, also
a certain grade of cigars and stogies, for which there is an ever in-
crea,sing demand. There are a large number of independent fac-
tories that rehandle and prepare tobaccos on order.

The Railroad Facilities of Christian Cotint' ore Ursurpassed


           Christian County has an Up-to-Date Creamery

     Her metropolis-Hopkinsville--is the second largest tobacco
 market in the world.
     She has the most commodious and best equipped High School in
 the State. This building was erected in 1913, and is the pride of
 both county and city.
     She has the best wheat market in the South.
     Her milling industry is the largest in the State outside of Louis-
 ville. Her three flouring mill plants have a capacity of 2,500 bax-
 rels of flour per day.
    She is the home of the famous Mogul Wagon, which is doing
service throughout the United States and is fast gaining favor in the
Old World. This wagon plant covers 15 acres of ground, and has a
capacity of 12,000 per year.
    There are six live, progressive, thrifty towns within the borders
of Christian county, in the order of size and importance as follows:
Hopkinsville, population 13,000; Pembroke, Crofton, Lafayette, Fair-
view, Gra cey.
    Christian county has five ra'lroads passing into or through its
borders. There is no section of the county but what is convenient to
a railroad station: L.  N. R. R., main line from St. Louis to Pensa-
cola; L  N. R. R., Princeton  ClaXksville Division; I. C. R. R.,
Evansville Division; T C. R. R., from Hopkinsville to Nashville and
other Southern points, Cadiz R. R., from Gracey to Cadiz, Ky. These
railroads are busy lines. are well equipped and bear a. large share
of our tax burdens.
    Christian count, is the home of the Western State Hospital,
which is one of th" handsomest and most substantial of our State
institutions. The buildings have cost approximately 400,000.  A
model dairy barn and hog house has just been completed.
    More King Drags are in use on Christian county's public roads
than any other county in the State. She has more miles of maca-
damized 'roads than any other county West of Louisville. She ha.s
approximately 350 miles of macadamized roads. All the main roads
leading into Hopkinsville are now macadamized, a number of them
to the adjoin'ng county or State line.
    Christian county was the first county in the State to employ an
Agricultural Agent or Adviser. This employment was made before
State aid was available. Her first venture was to employ a young,
obscure Englishman named Geoffrey Morgan, who has in more recent
years acquired some reputation and fame. It is with some 'degree
of modesty we claim him as one of Christian county's products.
    Christian county was the birth-place of Jefferson Davis.  He
was born at Fairview on June 3, 1808. The Russellville Pike leads
from Hopkinsville to Fairview. just 9 miles. The Jefferson Davis
Memorial Park has been formally ded'cated and Is now open to the
public. This park is located on the Davis farm. When finally com-
pleted it will be in every way an appropriate and fitting memorial
to the distinguished leader of "The Lost Cause."
    Cbrist an county was the home of Adelbert, the King of the
American Stud. This noble horse was owned by Williams  Radford.
He produced more winners than any other stud in  America.   His
fame was on two continents. His colts sold at Sara.toga Park, N. Y.,

        Christian Countv has Sixteen Active Farmers Clubs


Christian County is -the, Home of Brumfield and Keeling Strawberries

annually for an average 5.000 each. One yearling colt sold for
    Christian county is now the home of "Imperator" 46291, the
greatest lyving Duroc Jersey Boar. The proud owner of this noble
animal is Mr. John H. Williams, of Pembroke, Kentucky. Imperator
is the sensational grand champion of 1914.
    Christian county is one of the first to establish and conduct ex-
periments in tobacco, wheat and corn raising. More than twenty
farmers conducted experiments last year for either the National or
State Experiment Stations. Mr. John Ford, of Church Hill, has had
a government expert in charge of experiments on his faxrm for ten
successive years.
    We were one of the first counties in the State to  adopt the
Serum Treatment for Hog Cholera. Our farmers have been taught
to vaccinate their own hogs. Our hog erop is now one of our best
crops. Scientific methods of sanitation are being employed and our
present County Agent during 1915 has not found a single case of
Hog Cholera.
    Christian county was one of the first ten to employ a Girls' Can-
ning Club Agent. Under the efficient direction of Mrs. Eloise Graves,
this work has grown in public favor until we now have over 100
girls in the Canning Clubs in the county.
    Christian county has appropriated 2,500 to purchase a site for
the County Hospital. She has been assigned a District Nurse who
will enter on her work June 1. 1915. This agent is the most ad-
vanced step the Government has yet made looking to the complete
sanitation of rural sections.

    The Pennyroyal Fair Grounds have been pronounced the most
attractive and beautiful in the State, outside of the  State Falr
Grounds in Louisville. Fair Day in Christ an county has become a
carnival of art, music and entertainment for all of Western Ken-
tucky. The races here have attracted some of the best horses in the
country. The premium list eclipses any premium list offered by a
County Fair. A visit to this Fair will convince any one of the
wealth and progress of Kentucky's best agricultural county.

Christian County is the Home of the Mogul Farm Wagon

,. .


     The Western State Hospital is Located in Christian County

     Christian county's metropolis is one of the largest mule markets
 in the South. There are sold for the export trade in Christian coun-
 ty annually no less than 3,000 mules. These are bought principally
 by the cotton growers of the South. Hopkinsville as a mule market
 exceeds Nashville and is equal to Bowling Green. A large number
 of mules have been purchased and sold to the governments of Europe
 for war service.
    Christian county has sixteen active Farmers'  Clubs.  These
clubs are being supplied with free circulating libraries from the
Kentucky Library Commision.
    There are two active Grange Lodges in the county, one at Church
Hill, organized in 1873; the other, Wheatland Grange, a recent organ-
    Farmers' Clubs have regular monthly meetings, and our County
Agent pays regular visits to these clubs and takes part in the discus-
sion. These clubs have been an inspiration to agriculture and stock
raising throughout the county.
    Christian county has one of the most up-to-date telephone systems
In the State. She was the first county to have installed a flash-light
system, giving free service to all residents, including  the  towns,
within the county. There are 2,400 telephones in th homes of Chris-
tian county.
    Christian county is the home of the Brumfield and Keeling stra.w-
berry. This industry is rapidly growing, is no longer an experiment,
and Christian county can grow as fine strawberries as any other
section of the South.
    Christian county has an up-to-date creamery, which was in-
stalled two years ago by the Peter Fox Sons Company, of Chicago,
Illinois. This creamery is on a permanent and profitable basis and
Its patrons are steadily increasing. The farmers living within ten
miles of Hopkinsville are making tri-weekly deliveries of their cream.
Mr. C. B. Petrie, of Fairv-ew, holds the highest record. He is now
delivering over two thousand pounds of cream per month.
    More farmers own automobiles in Christian county than any
other farming district of the same area. in the State.
    Christian county has abundant water-springs, brooks, creeks and
rivers. Little River passes entirely through the county, and at its
source, nestling in the hills of North Christian, is beautiful Lake
Tandy. Tradewater River, Polid River, West Fork of Little River,
flow through parts of the county and are noted streams. Montgomery,
Clark, Muddy Fork, McFarland Fork, West Fork, Winking Fork, Cold
Creek, Piney and Clifty are some of the important streams In the
county. The jewel among the springs of the county is the Old Rock
Spring on the bank of Little River, in the city of Hopkinsville, whose
waters are said to be charmed.
    Christian county holds the state record for the largest yield of
barley per acre. Grown by M. H. Nelson, Jr.
    Christiajn county is proud of its bequests. The Hon. John C.
Latham, of New York, banker and financer, has donated to his be-
toved home town. the city of Hopkinsville, and her institutions more
than 300OC0. Beautiful Virginia Park, Peace Park, the beautiful

Bethel Female College Has a Magnifcent Building on a Beautiful Site
                        in Christian County





We were one of the First Counties in the State to Adopt the Serum
                    Treatment for Hog Cholera

Confederate Monument in Riverside Cemetery and Latham Hotel are
monuments attesting his love and genrosity. Dr. E. S. Stuart, of
Fairview, Kentucky, one of Christian county's ablest and most noted
physicians, gave his entire fortune to the erection and equipment of
the beautiful Jennie Stuart Memorial Hospital, situated on Seven-
teenth street in Hopkinsville. Our genial and kind-hearted Will
Wilgus, whose smile and generous sympathy had gladened so many
hearts and allayed so much distress, recently donated his entire for-
tune to the purchase of suitable play grounds for the children of
Hopkinsville, whom he so tenderly loved.  This   park will be
purchased and equipped by the Boaxd of Education of the city.
    The Forbes Manufacturing Company is known throughout the
State as public contractors and builders. This company has won
wide fame for its integrity and square dealing, and is now one of the
largest manufacturing, building and contracting concerns in the
state. This company alone gives employment to more than three
hundred people. M. C. Forbes, the President of the company, Is one
of Hopkinsville's most distinguished citizens. He is a Christian
county product, of which he is justly proud, and is known throughout
the State.

                Live Stock Industry.

    Christian county has great advantages in the breeding and rais-
ing of live stock. We raise more tons of clover hay than any other
county in the State. Our soil is suited for growing all the clovers.
We can ajso grow luxuriant grasses. We have abundant corn and
water. Our sanitary and climatic conditions are as good as any in
the State. While we are not the leading county In the State in the
live stock Industry, we are on the map and are growing rapidly, and
some day expect to hold the banner in this industry. Some of our
best farmers in recent years have gone into this industry, with a
determiantion to win. The following is a partial list of Christian
county farmers who are engaged in breeding pure bred live stock, viz:

                       JERSEY CATTLE.
  H. H. Abernathy, J. R. Atkins. W. Li Gore, Ward Claggett, Atkins
Brothers. C. F. Lacey, Mrs. A. H. Cook, W. T. Fowler, J. M. Lacey,
James 'M. Mason, T. D. Moore, B. G. Nelson, John B. Trice, J. W.
Petrie, Dr. W. S. Sandbach, W. C. Binns, M. H. Nelson, Jr., M. 0.
Mason  Son, E. A. 'Morris, R. A. Rodgers, R. K. McClendon, M. K.
Anderson, R. C. Hopson, C. L. Dade, Will Forgy, N. L. McKee, J. M.
Morris, Ferd Schmidt, Drescoll McGowan, G. L. Campbell, C.  0.
Wright, G. H. Stowe, Dalton Brothers.
                     SHORT HORN CATTLE.
   Charles E. Barker, J. J. Robinson, P. B. Pendleton, J. J. Van
Cleve, Peter Barker.

There are Two Active-Grange-Lodges in Christian County


Fancy Saddl and Harness Horses is one of our Specialties

                     HEREFORD CATTLE.
   Williams  Radford, M. T. Hopson, Ben McKnight, Alex Wa.llace.

                      POLLED DURHAI.
   R. H. McGaughey, L. J. Stewart, Lewis Western, T. C. Jones, W. C.
Binns, P. C. Sallee, A. E.  Joe Fruit, Frank Lacey, Ben Wood, and
Charlie Boyd.
                 ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE.
   Williams  Radford, W. A. Glass. Charles Garland, J. E. Mose-
ley, S. F. Holloway, W. A. Gla s, Walter Trice.
                     SHROPSHIRE SHEEP.

   C. L. Dade, C. S. Coleman, Jesse Reeves, W.
Gossett, F. M. Dulin.

G. Brawner, J. E.

                     NERIVALES NOBLE.
             Owned by B. G. Nelson, Hopkinsville, Ky.
   This is an imported son of Noble of Oaklands, Mr. Haggins' great
sensational bull. He was bred on the Island of Jersey before Mr.
Haggin's Imported Noble of Oaklands. This animal is in every way
equal to his famous sire. He has won first honors in every ring in
which he has entered. This is one of th'e greatest Jersey Bulls on
the continent You should see some of his daughtrs. Christian
county is the home of some noble Jerseys. This was the home of
Hon. Geo. V. Green, for a long time President of the American Jersey
Cattle Club.- He was the owner and imported some great Jerseys.
"There can be found in Christian county more of the pure unadul-
terated blood of Golden Lad than in any other section of America:"
This statement was made recently by e man who has a national rep-
utation as a breeder and importer of Jerseys.

Christian County has an Abundance of Water-Creeks, Springs,
                    Brooks and Rivers:


   Thoroughbred Cattle is a Leading Industry in Christian County

                   THOROUIHBRED HORSES.
    Dr. M. W. Williams, Edgar Renshaw, Thomas Garnett, W. A.
Radford, Lucian Cayce, John White, L. H. McKee, H. H. Mallory, Nat
Dortch, Ward Claggett, R. A. Russell, F. G. Petrie.
                     THE ADELBERT STUD.
    Dr. M. W. Williams and Col. Cyrus S. Radford became the owners
of Imperial Albert in 1895 They also purchased twelve thoroughbred
mares. The produce of these mares placed Albert the premier stal-
lion of the United States in 1908, dethroning the great Hanover that
had forty two-yeax-olds, besides many older horses running for him.
Out of the first lot of twelve yearlings came Mesmerist, the cham-
pion two-year-old of his year, winner of 40,000; Bonnibert, winner of
the stallion stakes as a tyo-year-old, and won the Brooklyn Derby and
held the world's record at Brighton Beach, N. Y., for 1 1-8 miles for
several years. Another of Albert's get was Herbert, placed in both
the Brooklyn Handicap and Suburban, two of the greatest races in
the United States. The produce of Albert and Hoodoo won over
100,000. The produce of Hoodoo sold at public a.uction for 42,000,
the best price being 7,000 for her yearlings in 1902. Eighteen year-
lings that year averaged 2,100 each. Imp Ornus succeeded Albert
in spring of 1906, was used one or two seasons, when the stringent
laws of New York State practically put all the breeders of thorough-
breds out of busines. Ornus and practically all the mares were sold
at a, great sacrifice. In 1910 the Adelbert Stud purchased the Imp.
horse Cyclades by the great horse Cyllene and with a small number
of mares they have begun to rebuild their stud. After two seasons
Cyclades died, and they purchased the great race horse Zeus by Imp.
Adam. Adam was by Flying Fox, that sold for 200,000. The first
of Zeus' get are now sucklings. Local parties are interested in Zeus.
There will be a shipment of fifteen yearlings by Imperial Cyclades to
the New York market in August, 1915.
                   STANDARD BRED HORSES.
    J. J. VanCleve, Cowherd  Harris, J. H. Clardy, Elmo Lacey and
T. A. King.

                       SADDLE HORSES.
    Charles E. Barker, B. P. Eubank, J. H. Morris, H. C. Myers,
J. E. Stamps, John Williams, J. B. Dougherty, J. W. Riley, J. M.
Morris, Ross Myers, L. J. Stewart, Draper Brothers, G. P. Isbell.
W. G. Fuller, W. K. Morris, Mrs. S. H. Myers, J H Clardy.

                        JAMK STOCK.
    J. W. Riley, S. H. Boyd. H. C. Myers,  L. J. Stewart,  John
White, T. W. Pardue.

                     SOUTHDOWN SHEEP.
   Charles E. Barker, R. H. McGhaughey, T. R. Troendle, T. A.
King, P. B. Pendleton.
                    DITROC JERSEY BOGS.
   J. H. Williams, M. H. Nelson, Jr., M. A. Mason, C. L. Dade, C. S.
Coleman, John Garnett, P. B. Pendleton, Harlowe  Haile, J. B.
Gossett, W. 0. King, Jr., W. B. Belote, G. B. Brewer, Bob Pendleton.

If you are Not Chained, Break Loose and Come to Kentucky's Eden


We use Our Own Wagons Because they are the Best -- Try
                   The MOGUL

   R. J. Garnett, R. H. McGaughey, Fred Harned, J. M. Morris, C. L.
Dade, J. J. Hobinson, E. H. Reynolds.
                 POLAND CHINA SWINE
   Charles E. Barker, L. J. Stewart.

          IMPERATOR 46291
Owned by John H. Williams, Pembroke, Ky.

    We have thought it best to let "Imperator" make his own
eulogy, and have arranged for the Forenoon Itinerary tn pass
by his pen. We have not done this with a view of making an
advertisement for his owner. This animal is so well known he
needs no advertisement.

The Christian County Fair Attracts More Horses of Merit than any
                  County Fair in the State.


Christian - the;County Without a Crop Failure in Its History


    Mr. Puckett is- years of a ge; single. He comes of a family
of farmers. He took full course in Agriculture at Kentucky State
College. Puckett has proven a worthy successor of Geoffrey Morgan.
He took up the work in Christian  county in March, 1915.  He Is
energetic, affable, kind, generous, and has already become a favorite.
He has organized Boys' Corn Clubs in the county in addition to his
other work. He is now installing Free Circulating Libraries in all
his Parmers' Clubs. He has organized two new clubs and has a date
for the organization of a third. This will give Christian county 17
active Farmers' Clubs which meet monthly. He has organized one
club for colored farmers, and the colored people are taking much
interest In this work.
   Puckett Is the busiest man in Christian county. He found he
could not meet his calls with a horse and buggy.  He now rides a
Harley-Davison motorcycle. The thing fits him, and as he swings
around the curves at auto speed making all his dates just on the
dot, it looks as if both Puckett and the motorcycle have "found their
place in the sun."

We Produce 15 Million Pounds of Export Tobacco Yearly


                  G. H. STOWE'S RESIDENCE.
  "Prince Hill," the beautiful home of Mlr. G. H. Stowe, on the Canton
pike. This is one of Christain county's most productive faxrms. This
farm is in the heart of the wheat belt and is famous for its yields of
wheat and clover. Mr. Stowe is a neat, progressive farmer. He keeps
abreast of the times, and knows the value of  conservation.  He
knows the secrets of maintaining the fertility of his farm, and Prince
Hill Farm under his management has grown in fertility and produc-
tiveness. This farm Is a model for neatness and general arrange-
ment. The master of Prince Hill is a model farmer and a history of
Christian county would be incomplete without giving him and his
farm a prominent place.



Christian County was One of the First to Establish and Conduct
            Experiments in Tobacco, Wheat and Corn


   The oil tractor is here doing the service of 40 horses. This is A
scene on Prince Hill Farm preparing the seed bed for wheat at one
operation. The tractor is pulling 3 cuttaway disc harrows followed
by 3 smoothing harows. These harrows are cutting 25 feet in width.
The tractor is no longer an experiment. There are no less than a
dozen farmers in Christian county who own oil pull tractors, and are
putting them into general service, threshing, bailing and plowing.

Christian County was One of the First Ten to Employ a Girls' Can-
                         ning Club Agent.


Be good - prove your worth - and we will set you in

                      R. E. COOPER,
  President of the Hopkinsville Business Men's Association.

    Mr. Cooper is one of the wide-awake, public spirited, pro-
gressive citizens of Hopkinsville.  Not only is he head of the
H. B. hi. A., but he Lis-President of the Hopkinsville Tobacco
Board of Trade, and is identified:actively with a number of the
leading enterprises of the city and county.
    Having been actively engaged in the tobacco business for
many years, Mr. Cooper is in close touch with the farming in-
terests and he is always keenly alive to their needs.  The H.
B. M. A., under his wide leadership, has been a powerful factor
in upbuilding the town and county, and took the lead in organ-
izing the Christian County Crop Improvement Association,
which gave to Christian county, as one of the very first coun-
ties iu the State to take such a step, a County Farm Agent in
the person of Geoffrey Morgan. Mr. Cooper is always ready to
give his time, his money and his energies to public matters,
but especially so when the welfare of the farmer is at stake.

rhe MOGUL is Doing Service Throughout the South' 4 am


We have One of the Largest Mule Markets in the South

              Educational Directory
                   OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY.

    Almost every county and city claims for itself the best schools
in its section or state and Christian county is not too modest to
claim both. In the first place, she is one of the largest counties in
the state and has altogether 11, 587 school children. Second, she is
one of the wealthiest counties in the state. Third, it is inhabited by a
great people who believe strongly in education. The whole county
is astir with the thought of better schools and a more efficient system
of education.
   We have the children, the county, the money, the people. and the
people have the spirit and that's why we succeed.

       Educational Divisions-Divided Into Eight Divisions.
   No. 1-W. F. Lacy, chairman. No. 2- J. T. Simpson, chairman.
No. 3-Joe Johnson, chairman. No. 4-Matt Hill, chairman. No. 5
-R. H. McGaughey, chairman. No. 6-G. W. Buchannan, chair-
man. No. 7-E. F. Griffin, chairman. No. 8-Edgar Harned, chair-
                        Common Schools.

trustees, 76.
schools, 47.
schools, 4.

of sub-districts in county, 76. Number of sub-district
Number of white rural schools, 85. Number of colored
White rural graded schools, 7. Colored rural graded

   Graded Common Schools (cities)-White schools, 8; colored, 2.
   High Schools-White, 7; colored, 2.
   Teachers-White, 150; colored, 90.

   Hopkinsville School Board of Education-W. A. Long, chal-
man; T. L. Metcalfe, L. E. Powler, T. W. Morris, H. H. Abernathy,
J. H. Cate, Harry Keach
   J. W. Marion, City Superintendent.
   L. E. Foster, County Superintendent.
   Boy's Corn Club Director-S. E. Puckett.
   Girls' Tomato and Canning Clubs Director-Mrs C. E; Graves.
   Domestic Science taught in most schools.
   Practical Manual Training taught In schools.

Our Wheat Crop brings in Annual Dividends of 90.000.


HON. L. E. EOSTER,                        PROF. J. W. MARION,
Supt County Schools                          Supt City Schools

  These are the two figures which are directing the forces which will
make Christian County's future smile on the littleness of its past and
prseent.  The public holds them both in the highest confidence, and
are loyally upholding their hands.  Prof. Marion is a teacher and ex-
ecutive of great force, and has done a great work in the city schools.
Prof. Foster has done more for Agriculture than any other County
Superintendent in the State.  His program is a broad one, and the
teachers and patrons are supporting him loyally.  Christian County
is proud of L. E. Foster, and as we have acquired the habit of fur-
nishing State Superintendents we may lend him some day for this


We have Lots of Things fr Sale.  We Sell Land - But we Don't
                          Like to do it

                         B. G. NELSON,
   Christian County's Latest Contribution to the Agricultural Work.

   Genial, kind-hearted "Gordon" Nelson, the man who can do
things, who has more friends than any other man of his age In
Kentucky. Mr. Nelson has been made Special Agent for Kentucky to
aid District Agents in carrying on the work of establishing Boys'
Corn Clubs and Pig Clubs. He has always kept up a keen Interest
in agricultural matters. He is full of the new spirit which has found
expression in the extension work of the Department at Washington.
He has proven his capacity for this work in his labors among the
Clubs In Christian county. Nelson was Geoffrey Morgan's assistant
in the Club work. Morgan furnished the inspiration, Nelson did the
exhorting. The two made a team irresistable. Christian county
expects much of these two sons, and takes much pride in their ad-
vancement. It is with pardonable pride she expects to be the mother
of State Agents. This is not altogether a prophecy. If you do not
at first catch its meaning, Rust wait and witness its fulfillment.

Our Lands are Cheap - So Cheap - At any Price


Christian County Produces One-Tenth of the Wheat Grown in Ky.

[W. R. Brumfield's Farm.

Canton Pike.

Cut Shows Brumfields Wagons, Loaded With Strawberries and Other
       Vegetables Le