xt7bk35mcz0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35mcz0q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-06-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 06, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 06, 1991 1991 1991-06-06 2020 true xt7bk35mcz0q section xt7bk35mcz0q SUMMER

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV, No.156

Established 1894

Life on the edge

A night in the streets
with a homeless veteran

Senior Staff Writer


"No one ever came out of the
womb a middle-aged, homeless.
alcoholic Vietnam Veteran.”

Nancy Lester,
Director of Horizon Center

He was lingering in the night
shadows. standing near a porch
just off the dimly lit street.

“What are you doing?” I
asked, realizing how strange
such a question must sound at
1:30 am. on the lower north side
of Limestone Street. “What are
you doing out here?”

The homeless man approached
me and echoed my question.

"What are you doing here?" he
asked. “Give you a drink if you
let me wear your coat.”

Across the empty street, anoth-
er man was standing motionless.
like a soiled statue. The only

sound in the cold night air was
that of a grocery can, rattling
with garbage and empty alumi-
num cans. An old man and wom-
an walked silently behind it,
pushing their home in front of

The shelterless couple are a mi-
nority among street people. About
85 percent of the 250 to 500
homeless in Lexington are single
men, said Tom Johnson of the
city's Salvation Army.

These men, about 50 percent of
whom suffer from varying de-
grees of mental illness, generally
are forced to live on the darker
sides of Lexington.

Lexington residents have let
them know they aren't wanted in
residential districts or the down-
town business district (sec related
article. page 9). They cause fear
and devaluate property. say the
contingency that has gotten to-
gether block the proposed site for
a new. extensive homeless shel-

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky '

Independent since 1971

June 6, 1991



GREG SANS Kernel Stdl

"I'm sleeping on benches and eating out of dumpsters.“ said John Baxley. a homeless man in Lex—

ington who has nowhere to go.

But the homeless, living on the
streets, also have fear. Fear of
physical harm while they are
sleeping. fear of starving. fear of
not getting up the buck or two
some of them need to buy a bot-
tle. Fear of the unknown on the


“They come across as very
confident and tough and all that,"
Johnson said. “But underneath
that, they are very scared. Once
you break through. they are a
very trusting and friendly peo-


To break through and under—
stand the homeless. one must on-
ter their environment. It was this
spring that i met the man who of-

See ROBERT. Page 8

UK lauds proposal to increase black faculty

State would support five blacks

annually as doctoral students

Editor in Chief


UK officials are hailing a new
multi-state proposal intended to
boost the number of black faculty
at universities across the South.

Under the proposal. each state
that chose to participate would
support five black doctoral stu-
dents for three years at an annual
cost of 519.0(1) each. and a total
of $300,000 annually after the
third year.

Because the pool of potential
black faculty is so small. students
would be drawn form undergrad-
uates in the top 70th to 90th per-
centile. according to a report to
the state Council on Higher Edu-

The council voted at its May

20 meeting to endorse the propo-
sal. which was developed by the
Southern Regional Education
Board and is modeled after a
Florida program.

UK President Charles Weth-

ful in targeting a number of grad-
uate students who can be very
successful in completing the
PhD. program but would normal-
ly not have been in a PhD. pro-
gram because they would have
not been at the very top of the
heap in terms of test scores."
Wcthington said Monday.

”One of the problems that we
struggle with constantly is the


“One of the problems we struggle with
constantly is the difficulty we have in trying to
attract significant numbers of black faculty to

the University."

UK President Charles Wethlngton


ington. who serves on the
board's executive committee.
said he has "been very much im-
pressed with the Florida pro—
gram" and supports implementa-
tion of the multi-state proposal.
“It Qpean that the (Florida)
progrml has been very success-

difficulty we have in trying to at-
tract significant numbers of black
faculty to the University.

“And I think the research uni-
versities have a major responsi-
bility to bring more black gradu~
ale students into doctoral
programs . . lid make them

members of the teaching profes-

“This is one program that has
the potential for increasing the
number of black faculty that will
be available in the future.”

Blacks comprise 3.2 percent of
faculty at Kentucky‘s state-
supported universities. according
to council. report.


In the fall of 1990 — the last
semester for which figures are
available —- Blacks made up 1.7
percent of the faculty at UK.

Blacks also accounted for 1.7
percent of the doctoral students at
UK in the fall of 1990. Of the
1,336 students enrolled. 23 were

See PLAN, Paged


Brooklng’s Chili
closed last week af-
ter more than 50
years .

Story. Page 2.

Sports ..................... 1 1
Diversions .............. 1 3
Viewpoint ................ 1 4
Classifieds .............. 1 5

begins today
for 8-week


 2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 6, 1991





Closing restaurant full of history



Arts Editor

Brooking’s Chili, a campus
landmark for more than half a
century, closed its door for the
last time Saturday.

Once a favorite of legendary
UK basketball coach Adolph
Rupp, the restaurant closed be-
cause owner Myra Brooking, 79,
said it had passed its prime. The
property needs repairs that
Brooking cannot afford.

Waitress Charlene Taylor ——
affectionately called “Ma” Tay-
lor by some customers —- also
cited slow sales as one reason for
the closing. But a lack of cus-
tomers was not a problem last
week as hundreds of people
jammed into the tiny building to
get a last taste of the famom chili.

They also gathered to share
memories and friendship. In
some ways, customers felt like
they were attending a funeral.

It’s an institution that will be
greatly missed, customers said
Friday. Many have been gracing
the doorstep at 504 Euclid Ave.
for years — not only for the
food. but also for the people.

“it’s a family gathering place.
like the ‘old neighborhood.‘
said Robert Hunt, a retired con-
struction electrician. Hunt said
he ha been frequenting Brook-

GREG EANS/ Kernel Stafl

Sunny, Perry, the working manager at “Brooking‘s”. closed up
shop early last Saturday after making chili for 19 years.

ing‘s since Edward Brooking almost every day to have a beer.
served his first bowl of chili in visit with the Brooking family
1938. and talk to his friends —- the
. . . friends he has made at the restau-
Srnce Hunt retired in 1981, he

said he has been in Brooking's See CHILI, Page 4

/7l&? gonte film /




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Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 6, 1991 - 3

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 4 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 6, 1991


rant over the years. Hunt said he
used to wait patiently some days
for one of those friends to walk

“They all seem to come back
eventually —- several of 'em have
passed on now, but there is al-
ways someone here that you
know, and there has never been a
lot of trouble here," Hunt said.

Brooking’s served its last bowl
of chili, its last hamburger, its
last milk shake Saturday. Hun-
dreds of people showed up during
the weekend to pay their respects
and get a last taste of the Brook-
ing family tradition — a tradition
that includes good food and fond
memories crammed into a tiny
building along with three booths.
10 bar stools, two pinball ma—
chines and very little else, except
UK memorabilia that line the
walls overtop of faded blue UK


Fonner Coach Rupp was one of
Brooking's best customers, and
he helped make famous the chili
he ate after every home game.

The chili recipe is for sale
along with the restaurant’s build-
ing and some nearby residential
property said Myra Brooking,
who operated the restaurant since
the death of her husband Harold
in 1990.

Larry Smedley, a sales manager
with an office supply company,
stopped in on Friday — he hadn’t
been to Brooking’s in almost two
years -— but he knew everyone
who walked in the door. When he
talked to Hunt and 64—year-old
May Guyne. it was as if no time
had passed.

“May, are you stirring up trou-
ble again?" Smedley asked.

“What else?” Guyne asked rhe-
torically as she hugged him.

Guyne said she has visited
Brooking’s almost every day for
25 years, not to eat chili —- al—
though she said she has tried it
and she likes it -—— but to visit
with the friends she has grown to

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love in the family atmosphere.
“It’s going to be really
missed,” she said. “There's not
all that carrying on like in a regu-
lar tavern or something. It’s a real
decent place. When Mr. B. was
alive, he used to tell me he’d


“There won’t ever be
another place like this.
If there’s no Brooking’s
there’s no chili, they
say. The older Mr.
B. said cookin’ chili is
what kept him alive —
he lived to be 93. I hope
I live to be 93.”

Charlene Taylor,


wash my mouth out for (cursing)
— he wouldn’t allow you to say
no curse words.

“I’m going to miss the people
coming in that I talk to, the regu-
lar crowd. On my days off, I used
to help them out by doing the
dishes or something.”

Lisa Brooking Patterson, Ed-
ward Brooking’s great-

granddaughter, said she did not
think that Guyne ever really
worked at the restaurant, but she
was always there to lend a help-
ing hand.

Now that the family—owned
business is for sale. Patterson and
Taylor are tearful because there is
no one to take over and keep
Brooking's alive.

“There’s no one in the Brook-
ing family living here to be able
to take over the business," said
Patterson, a UK agriculture stu-

Until Brooking’s closed Satur-
day night. Taylor was still hoping
for a miracle, hoping someone
Would keep Brooking's alive.

“I’ve been praying every night
and I’m not giving up,” she said.

But her miracle did not come.

Brooking’s closed its doors for-
ever at 6 pm. Saturday night,
turning away customers because
there was nothing left to serve.

In fact, Brooking’s was so busy
during its last four days that Tay-
lor and cook Sonny Perry often
would stop taking orders and turn
people away because they could
not keep up.

Brooking’s ran out of chili so
many times in the last days that
even he was surprised, waiter
Jimmy Taylor said.

even he was surprised, waiter
Jimmy Taylor said.

Patterson said Friday that she
“felt bad ordering because they
were so busy, but I wanted two
more of grandaddy’s hambur-

People from as far away as
New Jersey stopped by last week
to eat one more hamburger or
bowl of chili, Taylor said.

They came to honor the dead
and say goodbye to the place
they enjoyed so much while in
college, on their lunch hours or
just while visiting Lexington, she

“There won’t ever be another
place like this. If there's no
Brooking’s, there's no chili, they
say. The older Mr. B. said
cookin' chili is what kept him
alive — he lived to be 93. I hope
I live to be 93.”

Taylor said she is going to rest
for a while but isn’t sure what
she'll do after that. “It’s sad. It’s
like leaving a part of your life
here,” she said. “I could have fun
while I worked, and you never
knew who was going to walk in
the door. 22 Top was here once
and Eddie Sutton was always
here. We had the swim team in
here for many years. There was
never a dull moment”



Continued from page 1


Wethington said so few blacks
pursue Ph.D.s or teaching posi-
tions partly because financial aid
is limited. He also said jobs out-
side of academia are “sometimes
more lucrative.”

Lauretta Byars. vice clmncellor
for minority affairs, said a lack
of black role models also discou-
rages blacks from becoming

“They don’t see teaching as


being for them because the role
models are just not there," Byars

“You take UK: A black student
could go through the University
and not see very many role mod—
els, either in faculty or Adminis-
tration. You have to be able to
say. ‘I can be a University facul-
ty,’ and believe it.

“But (blacks) don't get tint
kind of positive aff'mnatkm.”

Byars said the proposal to
boost the number of black faculty
is step in the right direction be-
cause it would help identify and
nurture Kentucky undergraduates
who might become future profes-


Live in concert




The “World Famous"
Two Keys Tavern

sors in the state. Graduates of the
proposed program. however,
would not be bound by contract
to teach or stay within a certain

“I think institutions are going
to have to start nurturing their
own,” Byars said. “Because there
are so few minorities out there in
the track for faculty, competition
is so stiff ,that one way to interest
them is to already have them in
the environment and get them
so familiar with this campus that
they wouldn't consider going any
place else.







New UK cancer facilit


Editor in Chief

An addition to the Markey
Cancer Center promises to put
UK on the cutting edge of medi—
cal research and provide a phe-
nomenal advance in health care
for central Kentuckians.

The M. Margrite Davis and
Ralph E. Mills Magnetic Reso.
nance Imaging and Spectroscopy
Facility, dedicated Friday, will
help doctors save lives by detect-
ing cancerous growths sooner
than was previously possible.


Peter Bosomwonh, chancellor
of the Albert E. Chandler Medi-
cal Center, described the $12.5
million facility as “the finest
magnetic resonance imaging fa-
cility in the world."

Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) produces pictures of inter-
nal tissues and organs by bounc-
ing radio waves off patients sit-
ting in a powerful magnetic field.

Computers then assemble a
three-dimensional image of the
patient’s tissue by analyzing re-
turning radio waves, said Dr. Val
Runge, director of MRI Imaging
and Spectroscopy.

The ability to take pictures in
three dimensions and then manip
ulate those images on a computer
screen is one of the best features
of MRI.

“If you're trying to depict a le—
sion for a neurosergeon who's




Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 6, 1991 ~ 5


y is state of the


-._. ..fiu—





John E. Kirsch, director of research for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Spectroscopy. stands in front oi an MRI scanner. The
Markey Cancer Center will have three such scanners by mid-July.

trying to resect it. that type of
ability is just invaluable," Runge

MRI has other advantages over
older tecnology, like CAT scan-
ners. because it is especially good
at showing soft tissue. By using
MR1. doctors can detect tumors
long before they would have been
visible with CAT scanners, which
use X-rays and are best at show-
ing bone.


fihkuvh‘m» 4 ‘1'"? i
stones 4 w as w m a-


The potentIaI of MRI technology is just beginning to be unIocked.
says Dr. Val Runge. director oi the center's MRI program.

“CAT scanning revolutionized
medicine when it was introduced,
and MR has nearly wiped out
CAT scanning,” Runge said. “It's
just a major leap in diagnosis.
The ability to see the brain, the
spine, the joints. the liver, the
heart ~ if you had showed peo-
ple these pictures 10 years ago.
they wouldn't have believed

But while these diagnostic uses
for MRI have already been
found. researchers are just begin-
ning to unlock the potentials of
this relatively new technology.

MR has only been in clinical
use since about 1978. Rungc said.

The Markey Cancer Center
will have three MR units operat-
ing by mid-July, with one dedi-
cated for research.

One area MRI may be used
more frequently in the future is

Research is taking place now
on such uses as heating areas of
the heart where blood flow is too
low to ensure good health.

And MR could also be used to
examine the blood flow in the
brain and locate strokes. Runge
said tint tissue surrounding
stroke sites can often be healthy

again if it can be located and

“It's important to identify this
tissue —— tissue that, if it was ap-
propriately treated, could go back
to normal." Runge said. “’lhe pa-
tient can then recover some func-

“It could mean that (a stroke
victim) can move their left leg a
little bit now, but if it wasn‘t
treated they might loose total
movement of their left leg. lf it
was treated appropriately, they
might gain back some move-

While MR1 technology has yet
to be fully explored. its benefits
to Central Kentuckians are real,
Rungc said.

"This facility wrll mean im-
proved access to high quality di-
agnosis." he said.

The new MRI facrlity was the
last of the three buildings for the
Markey Cancer Center. All three
buildings were constructed with
money raised by the McDowell
Cancer Foundation and given to

Fund-raising efforts for the cen-
ter began in 1978. The Roach
Cancer Care Facility opened in
1985, and the Combs research
building opened in I987.

The foundation spent $39 mil-
lion on construction of the three

Now that the construction
phase is over. the foundation will
focus on building endowments.
said Dr. Ben F. Roach, chaimian
of the group.


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 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 6, 1991

Former'4'4H'C1u‘b Agent sues UK

Associated Press


A former extension agent is
suing UK contending that the
University broke a settlement
agreement not to penalize him for
advocating a separation of church
and state.

Through the statewide Cooper-
ative Extension Service. UK op-
erates the 4-H Club, which has
220,000 members in Kentucky.
Robert McDowell, then a 4-H
Club agent, objected to the Uni-
versity about the overtly Chris-
tian religious instructions direct-
ed to 4-H Club agents.

In the handbook prepared for
4-H Club agents. UK advised
them to lead worship services
through vespers for 4-Hers at
summer camps. including relig-
ious songs, prayers and Psalms,
although the University did cau-
tion against mentioning the
Christian tenets of Jesus’ resur-
rection or virgin birth because
campers might belong to “other
religious sects.”

McDowell also argued that
prayers “in Jesus’ name,” bene-
dictions, invocations and Christ-
mas songs at other 4-H events vi-
olated the US. Constitution’s

First Amendment ban on govem-
ment-sponsored religion.

Subsequently, McDowell said,
superiors and co-workers became
hostile to him. McDowell says he
has heard that some extension
agents think he was fired for chal-
lenging prayer.

“The reality of it is they’ve
made my life tough,” he said.

Oran Little, dean of UK’s Col-
lege of Agriculture, agreed to
drop the section on vespers from
the handbook in 1989, McDow-
ell’s fifth year as an agent in
Louisville. But Little refused to
stop the Christmas songs, invoca-
tions or benedictions.

McDowell, 40, was placed on
probation for allegedly poor job
performance, but he filed several
complaints, contending he was
the victim of religious discrimina-
tion. UK agreed in a settlement to
pay McDowell $20,000 —— about
his annual salary — in return for
McDowell’s resignation at the
end of 1989 and his not suing the

UK also promised to provide
references for McDowell that
solely said that he had voluntarily
resigned to retum to school.

In a lawsuit filed last week in

Franklin Circuit Court, McDow-
ell said UK broke that pledge.

Following his departure from
the extension service, McDowell
and his wife moved from Jeffer—
son County, obtained a zoning
variance, a license to operate a
day-care center and invested
$1,000 in order to open a center
at Northern Heights Christian
Church in Lexington.

McDowell alleges that the
church canceled the agreement
after the minister called UK for a
reference and was told by Ray
Rama of the College of Agricul-
ture’s personnel office that
McDowell was a troublemaker
and. had been forced to resign for
poor job performance. Ranta has
since retired.

McDowell is seeking compen-
satory damages, an injunction re-
straining UK from funher damag-
ing him and a jury trial. He also
contends that UK's alleged ac-
tions entitle him to recover the
compensation he might have re-
ceived had he pursued the origi-
nal religious-discrimination

UK officials declined to corn-
ment on the lawsuit, which they
said they had not yet received.

Student health plan in question

Start reports


The state Attorney General's
office will not issue an opinion
on the constitutionality of a law
requiring Kentucky college stu-
dents to carry health insurance
even though student groups have
said the law is unconstitutional.

Phil Miller, communications
director for the Attorney Gener-
al‘s office. said opinions are not

438 S. Ashland Ave.
Chevy Chase


released on issues that are in liti-

The Kentucky Board of Stu-
dent Body Presidents plans to
file suit to block implementation
of the law, said UK Student GOV-
emment Association President
Scott Crosbie.

Crosbie said that the board
may receive a temporary injunc-
tion halting the implementation
of the law within a few days.
"According to (our lawyer), we

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stand a pretty good chance of this
happening." Crosbie said.

The board sent letters to Lex-
ington Community College stu-
dents asking those affected by the
law to be plaintiffs in the lawsuit

Meanwhile, State Rep. Ernesto
Scorsone (D-Lexington) plans to
present a “bill to take out the re-
quirement that students have to
have insurance coverage" at the
1992 General Assembly, he said.

The Administration

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Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
Design Editor
Sports Editor

Arts Editor

Photo Editor

Advertising Director
Production Manager
Newsroom Phone

scription rates are $40 per year.

Midland. Lexington, KY.

KY 40506—0042.
Phone (606) 257-2871.



The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the aca-
demic year and weekly during the eight-week summer session.

Third-class postage paid at Lexington, KY 40511. Mailed sub-

The Kernel is printed at the Lexington Herald-Leader, Main &

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel.
Room 035 Journalism Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington,



Dale Greer

Mary Madden
Tyrone Johnston
Bobby Klng

Kyle Foster
Greg Eans

Mike Agln

Jeff Kuerzl
Robin Jones


New parking plan
guarantees permits



Senior Staff Writer

UK students who had commut-
er or residential parking permits
last year will be able to preregis-
ter for new permits beginning
July 1, according to Don Thom-
ton, director of parking and trans-
ponation services.

The new system will assure
permits for students who had
them last year, Thornton said.
Previously, permits were sold on
a first-come. first-served basis,
resulting in long lines for stu-

“We wanted to give students a
chance to preregister so they
wouldn't have to worry about los-
ing their permits," Thornton said.
“This keeps students from
having to stand in line in August.

“And we're doing something
for ourselves because it helps free
us up at our busiest time of year,




the first few weeks of the school

Students who did not have res-
idential or commuter parking
tags last year will not be eligible
to preregister for new permits
and will have to apply in August.

Parking lots for commuter stu-
dents are located behind Memo-
rial Coliseum, on Virginia Ave-
nue and near the 15.8. Good
Barn. Both the residential and
commuter permits cost $35 for
the school year.

While the residential and com-
muter lots are not patrolled over
the summer, Thornton said the
“A" and “B" lots, which are re-
served for faculty and staff, are
still patrolled from 5 am. to 4:30
pm. on weekdays.

Drivers who park their cars in
“A" or “B” lots without a park-
ing pass can receive a citation or
have their cars impounded. al-
though cars are rarely towed for
a first offense. Thornton said.


 Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 6, 1991 - 7


University’s recycling bin effort gets trashed



Senior Staff Writer

While the public‘s awareness
of recycling and their willingness
to do so has skyrocketed in the
last few years. effons at UK are
being drastically cut back.

A variety of problems caused
UK to remove the recycling col-
lection bins that were located
across campus last semester, and
the school is now going to an of-
fice-by-office approach, accord-
ing to Tom Gregory of the office

of Equipment Inventory.

“We were losing money big
time,” said Gregory, who has
worked extensively with UK re-
cycling programs. “It was not at
all profitable. In the newspaper
bin people were putting in slicks
(newspaper inserts) as well as
plastic and glass.

"The problem was that it was
completely unsupervised and we
couldn't control what people
were putting into the bins,” Greg~
cry said. “We were trying to help
people at UK recycle as well as
people in the community. New

lSkepticism’ necessary
to examine EPA study

Staff reports


A report from the US. Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency and
other federal agencies claiming
that secondhand cigarette smoke
kills 53,000 non-smokers a year
may just be blowing smoke.

The new study should be
viewed “with reasonable skepti-
cism," said John Diana, director
of UK’s Tobacco and Health Re-
search Institute.

“There’s an awful lot of scien-
tific controversy related to the
health risks associated with envi-
ronmental tobacco smoke, and
there are many other factors,
which need to be taken into ac-

Diana said although the insti—
tute is not conducting any studies
of that kind right now, he hopes
to obtain funding this year for
two research projects that will
examine the effects of second-
hand smoke on non-smokers.

The EPA. however, empha-
sized that the estimates did not
represent official EPA determi-
nations. Rather, the estimates are
the views of scientific authorities
commissioned by the agencies to
write the report, according to the

A final draft of the report was
completed in April, according to
letters the EPA sent recently.

Public release of the document
has been delayed indefinitely.



good health.



Blood Pressure

Earn $$$

We need volunteers for a blood pressure
screening at the Student Center. Earn $3 in about
30 minutes and become eligible for additional re-
search studies that pay up to $100.

This screening is supported by the National
Institute of Health and the UK College of Medi-
cine. Volunteers must be 18-35 and in general

Come to the Student Center TODAY & TO-
MORROW from 9:30 - 1:30 pm. or call 257-5254
for more information. Screening will also be con-
ducted from June 10 - 14 from 9:30 - 2 pm. daily.

we're going to try and take care
of the problem at the University

Another problem, Gregory
said, is that markets for recycled
products are currently glutted.

“It’s like everyone talks about
buying recycled products, but we
wait for the other guy to do it
first,” Gregory said.

Gordon said that one unexpect-
ed cause for the glut in recycled

materials was the Persian Gulf
War. He said that recycled mate-
rials often were sent overseas. but
the bins that normally carried the
material were used instead to
transport military equipment.


















There is a new state law (KRS 304.18 - 115) passed in the last
general session of the legislature. Beginning with the Fall semes-
ter, all students at Kentucky institutions of higher education who
carry 75% or more of a full time class load must have health insu-
rance which provides specific minimum benefits.

- 14 days in-hospital care

° 50% of physician charges while hospitalized
0 Emergency care when the visit results in hospitalization

in order to comply with this new state reqUirement, UK students

will have to document on a waiver card, which must be returned to
the Registrar's Office, that they already have comparable personal
or family insurance and provide the policy numbers; gr, they must

purchase a policy.

Students who do not have insurance may enroll in one of the two
plans that are administered by UK‘s Student Health Service. Bro-
chures and enrollment forms for the two plans are enclosed.
When a student purchases either of these plans, the Health Ser-
vice will notify the University that the statutory requirement has

been met.

' MinimumjfinfifiLElan - This plan meets but does not exceed the

mandated benefits of the statute. The plan prowdes limited cover-

age for hospitalization only.

' Who - This is a traditional insurance plan With a
deductible and co-payment (the plan pays 80% -
20% up to a specified limit; then the plan pays 100% to the policy
maximum). The plan covers inpatient and outpatient services.

Undergraduate: Must be registered for 6 credit hours.
Graduate. Must be registered for 3 credit hours.

NOTE: Certain 0 credit hour graduate students may qualify.
Check with the Insurance Office at Student Health Service.

The first 14 days of Fall and Spring semesters are designated as
open enrollment periods. The first 10 days of summer sessions
are designated as open enrollment periods.

Students wishing to continue enrollment Will also have 14 days
from the day school starts in the Fall. (deadline: September 9) and
14 days from the end of the 6 month period ending February 26,

(deadline March 13).

The effective date of your insurance wull be the date the Company
or designated Student Health Service representative receives your
payment. For coverage to begin on the first day of class, payment
must be received by the Company or the Student Health Service
Insurance Office on or