xt7bk35mcw89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35mcw89/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1980 1980 1980-02-14 2020 true xt7bk35mcw89 section xt7bk35mcw89 |
5‘7 ”t, "/t,‘ 0/ e 7"!) ( o7 , _
0 0 ‘ h 9 W36 yo: ayefquose ‘ 09:03:09 2:8, 7;? “:31,” Sid/”6:; '"a/h‘ 900'” el °ZZ°HZD°r p
KFNTUCKY “Hill 9% 9,9 9 40"?» ma”oe:5’°»,°”sns 3,999,. We ( Rig/0’7 07 09,” 4,99%? 900 r 9f,“ 07%”:
0 0 0 ‘ lOVE _ . . . l 408401;:‘1/z £0” $090,977, V050 ”'0, qu‘QD‘ e’hys H’s/e a7 so “ti/9m,” bleomitir
an er 2 ig‘ i 2 Wine. r.
u u ‘3' g \ , y
‘- safi THES X: [ ~ t a trifg’afeosl’w/I‘, " olg'<7 * ‘ M” mm...“ 99 " ":9 and /eta laii \lphit. plUs a sisth not tire in Southgate. K} in \las ls)” , t
. .. ,. ’ ' 7...- - " N m V -§' ,, c ,, , - l~’i‘l9‘°llml ”WW “Phil \l ”Ell“ “each said. hosseu-i. that “the tint—
v . 99 .. _ 99M 9 99 9994,”,49949W971797a 99 7.: ,. ' ' . ' -- mew-«d .7 V r . ,.,,,.,,Wm “ ha\e decided to band together to cor“ \t-rsits has alssass tried to put empha—
. .. 999 a , 994W” 9 9., 9 . icct the problems sis on the protection. l think lle\erl9\ ' 9
, . 9,» H - \oroi‘ities Delta Delta Delta. Kappa HIII‘ brought mt- saiet} to the “HQ”.
it"? Delta. and (‘lii()mega \tet’e also ioiind iron oi the general public
its Rl\lll \\\ lliittls kt'tllt‘l \lafl ”9 ”plum,“ tut at. riot -'o"kitlg “Iht;sororitiesii.i\eal\\a9\scooper»
Fender bender ioiritlt \sith the other sororities to cor: ated vsith u, (at the ‘chl‘ “Hicct \Cl',‘ ,
r‘ect the \iolatrons \sell "
l I '\C‘5l‘“l”l3 l“ the ”him“ l“ lltt’ (ir'eensaid se\etal persons hail been
Margie Lenord(right)walkstothe front other earto inspect thedamage after studentatllenri ( la) Highhtliooland suistiriiitigtol Kforiiealeuluselass. ltt‘ttlscx the iriaioi shortcomings are, expressed mmcm about [m- (“we
' colliding with a car driven by “illiamTurnerieentertyesterday. [renord isa Assisting is l K Police Officer Barr) (-illmt- / llie lack oi a central smoke “rustic-d conditions oi [llsh stuck
‘ detector alarrti s_\stetn; \shen all sororits member's stat at their _
‘ , / Inadequate sitter) lighting. ‘l‘lt‘l'ltl houses
' . a / llllr‘ll‘l‘k‘l dW‘W l'rateriiities, according to sororit)
/ kltk‘ltCtl llAl/Hl‘lN adsisers at the ltle‘stllt} night meeting.
Libra t0 Ste u securl 0n bOOkS / »\nd lht‘ ”Ml ll” ll” ttl'll'mittts‘ are largel) unaware ot the sororities‘
til} k'll‘s‘mlt‘dl *l‘lt‘m problems. and iii man} cases could be
' ‘ l JClt “l tltt‘ \1\ WWW“ “Ullltl in \iolation themsehes ltso iraterni-
'9 B‘ “”9 “ARD to implement “mm checkout proce~ it the mdgmm i919“- \l stern a“; it: x \ :al lit" 1” " l. the l is ( L‘tllcl' hit‘k' t0 \Petid H.100 tor a ceriltall/L‘d ties. Delta (hiaitti lair Kappa l psilon
' Rgpmm dures and tighter seeiiriti, installed iii King l rbi‘ars. the book tilt lls"\a‘lttPrtieittal ( hange initiated a alarm and MM} lltllltlntluls‘s‘t‘ltlltltlt0 on \lasisell Street hate .tlre;td9\ been ,
(ireenssood and Director oi | ibrar- loss rate \iotild drop about tsso pm. stud\ oi book lossestorthelibritr't and H l‘ltl "t's‘t‘tth ”Um hatter'l} l9lCCltls‘lll eiaeuated b_\ the l ni\ersit_\
About H.500 books. or 2.9 Percent Ies Paul Willis said losses could be cut eentt (ireenisood said. hriiiging lltc' took a sample oi the books esistingon conrtinetion “ltll (Ctltt‘dl bt‘ltttls'lxl llossexer. Beach said that esaciia»
., ‘ oi the Ml King l ibrars's total. are eten lurther than the 399 percent h) rate to bi-loss one percent the slieises to determine ho“ mans SCCl‘lllt9sl‘lVlll‘» ‘ 9 9 iron \tasn t necessaril} iorpurposesoi 9
9 missing and librarV officials are mak- installing anelectronic securit) system In a Dec 20 rtterrioiandiirti, tiiel ni- “s'tt' mmmt’ at an_\ “M “m“ l h 5“" "9‘ mam 9M9 n9m9‘ “ll"l'ml‘ doors: ‘lll'ilN lllllli’llts'll “”lillllln‘ tll‘l "\l‘l
ing Plans to reduce the number lost similiar tothe Medical('enterlibrary's WWI) Senate l ihl-H‘) (litttltttittet‘ ll‘l's‘ l‘ll‘lt‘W‘L ”l ”it‘ll“ “Chm” “huh A“. hm.” .hari hum“ doot:tol He ““d the tuo how“ \tere designed
each sear, $6.000 magnetic tar‘e ststem. l’ur~ urged Vice President ioi \cadeniic tlk“|t~‘ltt'tlIll““llllr‘lltlis'tttctliudstortlie s‘tmtaining tires. Villl be needet. in tor itinilli‘ltl‘“ ”‘ldclll‘L5 and Vim-W“
’laetics include stepping Up security chased b_\ the Medical Center. the “i“ x‘sitairs Dr. I eitis (‘ochraii to install in llhltl't ‘t-lll “ll“ Pt‘l'll‘llllt‘d lllt‘tlk‘tlltll “’nkdllglll‘” 91‘9“.“ 31199;): [l9l'f9d‘l‘lr“ Ll ”Cl” l.‘ “ “l“ U ”‘ll'l‘l h [’3 ll”
measures and sending lettersto iaeulrs tem vsas installed in Jul} l975. \1 l,Klillld\‘stt'lltslttillltilltttl1:'\ic.l “‘th “WI £ ”910“?“ i ‘,7( p“ MN_ ”“mmm‘
membersand students askingthatthci Med (‘enter librar} technician Peter ('enter‘s llie statt made “eetsll s'ltt‘s‘ltt 0' it \l’m” “Wk“ 59-: “NM l“ lllt‘ “WWW“ “1‘“ “PW“C‘l '“lt‘l‘
return long merdue or misplaced (‘ostich said the books h'd\L' strips (ireenisood said he thinks that ldlltll‘lllll‘~ll-’l“'l Vlmltlt' 0' l-llllll needed l‘” ‘lll‘ll'll’m‘ll'bdrl “hcm'b‘ll N ”t 1* burglar ”lull" \l‘tt‘m “"th
t books. which generate a magnetic held; a \sithin s|\ months it could Pill tor ”ct-H books. taken in groiipsoi It‘nttltlrilig a ‘t‘tk’m lt‘t lht‘ ””th MW and 1111““ summer months. 9._ ,
The national aterage tor missing machine at the cheek-out area setsoli in book sanngs Flue-ck period irorn .laniiars to ttlitllt tlft‘ stlt‘t‘” ”1 tltt‘ btlsht'li‘lgt‘d “I think \se ought to intestigate a
books in colletlc libraries is about 5 to an alarm tithe books ha\e not beeti lhe libr'ar} has conducted too said Mil-“N 1" 5 Hit hooks \sere ln\L:9nl.t» bums httusts would also nut9 to billtlli” itltttlllt “"1 ‘itltl (”WW espe-
6 percent. according to lit”) (ireen~ checked out Although the center has ples in the past three teatstocoiint the Hal and triatketl “on or "not on the e\tend the hood on thcit tl9up9litt9 t): eiallt “ttlt tht‘ 'llk‘rt‘ll‘t‘ 1” crime tittllltl
\sood. head oi King l ibrary's eireula- not taken a book insentors to deter- number oi missing booksatid a man» ”10‘“ ll tltC,‘ “'3‘“ ”i“ L‘th-‘l‘s‘tl “Ht ”‘9' (”‘l h‘” ”“l h“” PWLW‘ l‘" 0”- 9" PlCl'nl'9llill} C‘tlmillt‘ l“ (“1'
9 9 tion department. Although [K3 mine the system‘s eilectiseness. (-0» ual checkout s_\stem “9“ ”chd or on the \llt‘l\L‘\ that were presumed such hoods 9 9 9 9 tral Kentueks Securit) Systems placed
a\eragc loss rate is 10“” than the itch said he thinks the s_\stcm vsorks Since W7". the loss rate has ttiripput lost 9 9 9 Afl't‘ttlllttl l“ l‘lt‘iltll. stl’lls’sl‘ittl‘ 09“ the cost ol burglar alarms at 3-100 pet
national aierage. there are proposals "pretty well." irom 25,000 m l~1500 pm W9” (otiittiut-d on page 3 the stolatioris \\lll probah i. ll e pldtc house 7
m " 0d
In ates wy cond “Ions ay sortie est-itrptions v ssen siiitcred the attack at his Malibu home.
“ l llk tlieors is that a tit deietrneiitsand L‘\Cmplltttls ti actor \tiiai’t Whitman. a longtime iriend
I I I State should be granted on the meritsol theindiiidiialcase. lhe death came as a shock to lrrends and co|~
\llLl'i as hardship or conscientious ohiectot. llarrrs aes .latissetts agent and manager oi fl \cars,
for prlwn VIOlence eXISt \l-\l.l~,\"l'lr\i_‘s l)t\\ 99'9”]“(9‘ 9919999 9999 999 said '9 lheie \\lll benostiidentdeternierits. noocctipa» -\bncr99(rtesh|er. said ,lanssen had “no histort phat» ,
99' classilied ad\ertiseinents. singing telegrams. 999 the llttlldr deterrnents. and rto automatic deierments ior sot-\er oi heart problems and that his doctor is in
9 more ”99999999999997” “9999‘ candsfarid ”99“va “I” he iarnils statiis, such as hating children llte onls ai9i9io- trrst as much oi a state oi shock as “e are
By SARAH l NDERWOOD be released in July. “l ha\e spent hall wm m Kcmuchdm m ”M.” mm mm“ “991;” ”W“ L"Cllll‘lll‘l‘ “1“ Mil" mtm‘lt‘t “' “'10-'10“ Id
Reporter my life in prisons." he said. MMhN hdgplpcflulmwnv991999 9999 \9999 (99 ”mm local diatt hoards mil make the decisions about war -
Maplesspent n'nclcal‘al l‘ddhillt‘ someone vsiil let loose a plinth oi heiiiiiti—lilled balr e\ettiptions artd deletments. ”mm “Id Tl”. SOVIET l'\|(),\ has adsised lsC,‘ Math.
The same conditions lot \iolcnce on tth SCPHWW (K‘Cflhlttm ”C C00» loons oser sour head \1a\be \1iss l’igg\ still plant a | iiropean. and r\irican tountties in recentdrnsthat it
cxrst in Eddyt'illc State Penitentiar} trasted conditions there utth those at iiiics kiss on your cheek this titoining l-Bl r\(.i’\1.\airtred ssitli screerts and accompait~ “I“ begin \sithdrauing troops irom x‘sighanistan
that CXiStcd at the New Mexico Prison l.a(irange Rclormtttor). la(irangc. e\ll these odd greetings are on todas s \ alentiiie'. ted b\ a backhoe conducted a 3200.000 treasure hunt when tliatcountrs‘s border \sith Pakistan is stabili/ed.
before its flop according to Ben K)v99 where he “35 incarcerated three (ltll\ list at lhe l missars. Kas l)a\is' l oiiissille nlt's alongthe( olumbia Rner \esterdas lhe\ uete lotik~ diplomats irt l ondon reported sestetdas
Mapl65.aninmateat Fayette(‘ounts"s different times. sage senice trig lot more oi a mysterious hiiaeker's loii' titd. ltut Sosret l'oreign \ltnister \ndrei ‘\ (irornsko
Blackburn Correctional Complex. ' Both institutions are (Hercrtmdetl “IIeople are .ll9V\.t\\ thinking oi something diiiei tila_\l‘tc the remains oi the hiiacker. I) H (llti! er in New Delhi tor talks on the ’kighnn situation. gate
Maples and another Blackburn Eddyvrlle Warden Deues Stmders ent. |);i\is s.tid99‘ lhex want something rtiorespt'ttat 9l he agents tore upthe sand\ beach “here .ttlt“‘9\Ci|l Indian leaders little or no hope iot an earls pullout,
inmate. Ray RISZS. discussed what said in a l‘ch, 7 Ict‘tngttm llt’m/t/arti— “1‘" CW“ it?" silt: bos tound seseral thousand dollars in crtrrtiblirtg lndirin oliicials indicated
, _ , the l missim “ill deli\er almost an\ kritd oi grectrng 33" hills durlng 'he \seeketid lhk‘ H‘ll ltlt‘ntltICtl ths‘ lndian. l'rench. \lgetian and other itiiormants in
9 theybeliered robe the causes (ii that _Cl6 tilt:lt l.a(rrangc '5 currently operat- at ptlccs troni $20 to $10 cash through serial numbers l .sndnn and istghwman has made an (“crlurt‘ to
not in an interview yesterday. ing at l65 per cent abou- capaL‘it) . ('«wrtet tuidckcd a \orthwst ’tirlines ’1‘ It'lllt‘t‘r t’akiaan proposing talks to resol\e their diiletences
Both men are part of Blackburn's HOWCWT. according to Maples. Ct'l' nat'on oii the din beiore lhitnksgising in l97l He A spokesman tor the Pakistani gmernment said it
Study-release program. In which tflln periodic disturbances rcliesesomc demanded and receited a 8200.000 ransom “hiltil’tt‘ would welcome such talks but onls alter a complete
screened prisoners who are scheduled pressure at l.a(irange His new about AMER" "‘3 “H \(' “TN ‘ND “0‘”\ Ietliner vsas ilsing oser sotithvsest Washington state. flower \sithhdraual lrom ikighanistan
. to be released in the near future may conditions at EddVHllC is that thes are hmkmfllm"\un‘VHl‘”1”t‘lhk‘lttgiltaltt‘thullltatt‘ti‘ ("oner molt the "WM“ imtl Ptttttt‘hl‘lt‘tl ”0m lhl‘
attend classes at l'K. I Parallel to those in the New Meitico :::;9:9‘;99T|18“‘n‘ ”ml” P'C"‘l‘ll”('"lml‘ "‘¥"l"”“‘” ietlmer h weather
. 9 9 . . t -‘| 't t‘ l“ t"tion
lehJ;;)r;f:l:r-F:gg;;(:ll: 3:589: 998(5):"; $3333.!at)“;hhfc‘licl‘lse'crdc‘igsl:|:gwphri{l:urm Braston Harris. spokesman iii: the \elcttiic \9t‘t» Ihk t N " lh‘ ‘ ”h “n“ Nd h “dung m t na “ARMER TliMPl-LRle'Rlih M919}: RT'IITI‘RN-
.' 9 ‘ ‘ ' \ice System. said that unlike ptesioris tllrilis ssrieii l\(.. Partls sunny and near normal season tcmperas
senior majoring in socral ssork. After Maples disagreed With Stmder‘s there were mans esentpiionsand deierments, the Mn \( TOR l)-\\ll)J/\NSSI~IN DIET) OF i\ HEART titres todas With the high in the loss tomiddils Mostly
having been in and out of various Pri- comment that riddhille is not oser- automatic cscniption ll a dtait occurs tltttlt‘l ( .iitcr‘s \TTH'K scstcrdas lanssen. who led detectiscs on a cloud) “Will“ “'th 1‘ “ll-1mm“ '3'" “”h ”l“ 1““ '”
sons for nine years. he will be releawd crowded. According to Sossders. (‘ell- proposal would be “minister oi tt'llgifltt " letist‘ chase lttrserirsastheialscli accused murderer in the mid .ttis Rain more ilitcl\ tomorrov. vuth the high
In June, Maples. 3|, is a sophomore house Five is being renowned and its llovseier. that doesn't mean that there sson't he lt‘lc‘t‘tt'tfi "th l‘ugitise" “l“ 4! l" lht‘ m'd "ll‘
majoring in communications. and Will ('ontinued on page 3 “‘,___*__—__———————___—_

KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
hlI/m it, (hie! Muk emu Kiln Aubrey moms ('Iark John (by Guy widen '
le I'M lob ('oehnne hurriemmenl hit/or S‘pom Editor Dirrt'lm o/ Pho/ogmpht
(ary “illit ‘1\\Hlllllt' ’t/Ilt‘“ Paul Mum
ifunavmv fill/or (indy McGee Slit Tartan Brian Richest! ‘ David Maynard
JR“ Rudd 4\\l\lll"/ Antwan! Spam Edilm Photo MUMR‘"
Steve Massey Lisa Dousard (opt fill/on Interim/mum! it/iior
. . ( umpui h/imr hit/mm) Intuit! —
editorials 8: comments
m' mb'lmk k'f f' dd t '
A erican auto 0 l e a ers are as ing or un air Ira e a van ages
I me that ‘\lllt‘TlL‘tfll car industry Yeah, bo_\ lheir requests came before lTAW President Dou- The answer should be. and most probably will be. Automobile Dealers Association points out. US.
instead of facing the fact that l S cars use too glas Fraser‘s arrival in Japan Monday to talk with no. auto makers areincreasingcapitalinvestmentabroad.
' much gas. are \llithhli‘t made and often have built-in auto industry heads there about reducing foreign ear Free trade has and currently does exist in our auto instead of whining. industry heads should get
obsolescence the t iiiied Milo workers‘ president exports. industry. To institute government importquotas now. together and take on the challenge ofbuilding better, i
.h well .l\ the [‘Zt’sltic‘lll ot l-ord \1otor('o are calling 11 “mm ”M. mmd old American compcmnc spirit. simply because of the recent slump in the auto indus- more fuel efficient. longer lasting cars before technol-
tot .i N percent Llll lll toreign car imports m M.” 11‘ 1mm} how. hu.‘ dwindled 11“,” m a 1mm, try. would bea blowto one ofthe basic underpinnings ogy and motivation becomes totally outdated. Hope-
. ' \nd. .idtliiig lll\llll io iiiiuiy. they are askinngsan ‘1 , 1 . . 1' _ 1 of our already trodden upon idea of capitalism fully. the US. cars scheduled to hit the market in
' 1 1 want t o .tllti |o\iita \lotoi' to Japan‘s largest mm dull” [millimgh‘n '11” [90 1.10113 haienfo-de‘il competition. seven months will serve as a start to this “new look“
.1 .t.tto nut“. “that “Punt-d almost Ziiputt'nI oi the ”WNW "I” ( "I U“ i "I n “‘65 i c “r5 “‘1 Forget the auto industry officials‘ patriotic cries auto industry.
I I \ market iii I.iiii:.it-. to begin production in the dangerof being knocked fromthe crib.iheauto indus- about buying American to save America. .As Robert lfnot.then auto workers mightas wellstart packing *~
~ ' l niied \liilt's trjt is crying to “Mama Sam“ for help. M. McElwaine. president ofthe American Imported their bags.
. W
ill H 1 \ “V I
~ l' - fit Letters to the Editor -
' I l
. ' i t \\ , ll» m
. ' it , , ~_ Mr. Griffin If you are not willing to the use ofsuch phrases as “seems tobe
1. . \ ‘ t 1'" ' “ ‘ a ((1 . Get the he" out fight forthe privileges offreedom you the most plausible explanation" and
_ 1 1 h- Iiizo' ‘ . v.11 enjoy as an American Citizen, which “thought to be derived from
‘ . , .. .t1 11'1”” ‘ 4 1 t,“ . '.- This is in response to the "(‘ries of our forefathers fought and died for. l hybridization,“ saying that the use of
‘l 1911.09 5 ' ’x . ‘11“ 1 doves and hawks" tn the pet). ll. suggest you get the hellout of the US. such phrases indicates uncertainty of
.1 11%| wt; 1 . K k: ‘ ' 9' h \\' Kernel. I feel several statements made because we don‘t need yourtype here. the facts. Quite true, taken in context.
.. O ‘ ‘J. t V ‘2’ ‘\ ,v . .. . by Mr. (iriffin need to be clarified and Yes. 1 guess you can call me a hawk One ofthegreatadvantages ofmodern _
- i“! '1 .1; “Fl“ 'i“ ,is 3 ‘3 / . 7 \ ‘ d reexamined. with my wings spread and ready to science is our ability to admit
1- ‘ i . :1 ‘g, 9.5‘\\ First of all Mr. Griffin your fight for my countryifthe need arises. fallability. Theory may fit allobserved
' j ‘ ‘ 1 ~§ , j i h 131% 1 ?}\;1, .‘z perception of a handgun needs to be facts, but new fECtS may require new
. . . 1 1 _' 1‘ $93 5 r t .1 l 92,215“ W revised. You state that handguns “do Jeff Ratliff theories. Religion. on the other hand. '
‘ 1" 1 I. t i if"; ‘4 fly» 1 .11 t/, N it nothing but kill our countrymen.“ A Forestry freshman , admits no fallability. Galileo was
. -\ ‘ { -‘- ' ' , 31 J'- run isa recision iece of machinery roof of that. That the instructor
- ' "I ’1 M {ii \$""1 é ' . 11/ T g.— ‘1 m ivithout i: mind or: will of its own. Thanks Mom ftatesequivocalityisastatementofhis
, 1 . —\ i z “1.. , 1/; 1 l 1 ,; 1:“ ' T‘1 111' - 1 1 Excuse me it I use an old saying. but We would like to take this time to desire that the student think for
g ' , 1 ’1 t ~11 1“" i J 1‘ . 1 ‘l (1 1‘ (1 guns don‘tkill people.PEOPl.E Kll,l, commend someone who means very himself ~— a practice that many
. 4 \ _ . 1 1’ I . 1v" . 1 k? - 1 11.1 J, PEOPLFL' much toallofus.She isoftenseenand students apparently find distasteful.
. ,1 . \_ t, 't 1, 1 1 1 . 1 1‘ ti 1 1a“ The nextthingltakeexcepiiontois very well loved.but unfonunately,she Second. Mr. Arnold quotes the
. ' - . t .i' b i _, ,1 ‘ - / :4 ' _/'.g ' r ‘ the statement “Killing for sport isn‘t has been taken for granted. and Second Law of Thermodynamics as
. . \ 1 f1 Vt @i'y/l \ ‘9} xi 1 ME.“ 1 much different from killing for 011," because of this. we‘re afraid we're “proof“(a contradiction ofhis earlier
. , . b 11 I c %‘1\\t) 1/), {i ”flit! . , ‘3‘ 0&8 t lhis t, undoubtedly the most asinine going to lose her. It has been a long criticism) that “Simple systems never
. I i ,.. 11111.1 . L’A'L‘Q‘vfjo 1;— ;(j _ . 1.371-512} analogy l have read yet this year in the time since this campus has seen anyone evolve naturally into complex systems
. .1 s- 1 1 i .51 ‘7 ‘1‘? * L -‘ a" 3.4%., ‘ Kernel. I would also like to thank you who cares so much aboutthe students. ,.."Unfortunately. Mr. Arnold knows
, ._ tf-‘t, VIE . . 1 . for playing (iod in telling myself and and it will probably never find nothing about thermodynamics. The
, . _ —\ ‘ 1 it ' '1? V t 1 ~ I. all the other hunters in this state that someone like her again. 1 . Second Law applies only to Ciosed
_ . 4 ;‘ t ‘ M 61" ' ‘ we are wrong in participating in 3 Her posmon as receptionist at the systems. With no external. input.
1 , . ‘ ,' '1 r :__.. ,.__ . ;\7 J! :r g sport that you obviously know little or information desk in the Student Biological systems are the epitomeof
, ,' l k l l 't h ” ”‘13‘ ‘1‘” t'@ w:- f’o‘aa-lr- - nothing about, Center could have been as blase and open systems. Human beings require
, " ' " ' Lastly. l MW a suggestion for you mundane as the nexttob on campus. from one to two million calories of
» . ._ > but this lady has the energy. wit and available energy per day as food; this
_, "._ charm to make any task appear easy. external support ofcomplexity allows
' ' . . Her warmth and understanding ofthe the production of more complexity.
. 1 ' ', m B b/ t t / / th t G d was first fact that students are people too, and The point is that living systems are
- - ' e I e S a 88 very c ear y a 0 are not just Social Security numbers. supported at the expense of their
, > ' - tuition fees and meal cards. goes far surroundings.
. ‘ beyond that ofany normalperson. But Finally. Mr. Arnold states “Maybe
' -———-———‘ , , ‘ j . 1 . 1 . this lady is not one of the many in ancestors were nota sbut were
1' .1 1 , B.‘ R“ H \R” R‘ “l l ' 13111:)12‘11131‘11fizr2231;1:118:12)Ticrcfimniiulhdift‘f everyday. robot-like employees who huyman beings.“ l belies: that the
1- ()1 \Mun 1 >11 1 I" WW “mm. mm ' ' and created. In addition viiiuthcaiiri-ltriigcbreliellethai inhabit the officesand buildingsofthis actualltheor‘y is that these represent , ‘
- , ' . , , , , , . Opinion , . - _ campus. She is a loving and caring diverging lines from a common
1 .nluttttttt: tut 79 .t .i il1V._\tlIl tfliL lll\lil another being different from the cosmos (usually . .1. -
_ . , 1 1 _ . 1 1. . ._ .. . . - individual who understandsthe plight ancestor.
. . 'L'}litltii‘ie' '. .; . is ;«:~!L~~w' A” “d m called (rod)isinfinite.non~contingent.preexisteiit. 0f the student' lonely awa from The basic uestion is still 0 n to
- . 'I "“‘-”'“’v» ‘ NW "WI-1' "WW“ “‘3'”“‘»““" ‘———'————— zmd everlasting. and that this other being brought home ”1 need (11a mead y ar ument bu‘i it should be ar :Cmcm
_ , tttt. tot” ,. 3., - tti t \»t71'-Iil‘lllttll.tli\ legal oldest Ll'L‘dllttll story known to man outside the the physical uniWFNC into being 01” 0f nothing The fact that asa rofessional she bagged on observable re catahtge facts
.v . \ou i w that the siiitace this \ciiptuie ln tlitsaccountall things began with.not (Hebrews |l33l4 lfyou hatethephysicaluniverseas is beyond com‘arisofi as well a; the not asinine su érsgtution and
' stliillti\ -. tgii it .:i~t ;.' .i;.ii::~i :ciithiiigcieu (rod but water In this actount man is created old as God then you don't havcagenuinetheoryof fact that she is su 61, efficient and distortion of fact p
1 g‘ . will lift? .zllri m'dii‘ triiiixsis .t .‘oses its puritli lt incidentally. whereas the Biblical account has(iod creation. In such a case (iod couldn‘t possibly com etent at her 'on should add to '
' - . ,. one will with newton the tutti iilhllctt].lL'UtllnlsOi making man as thecrown ol Hts entire creation. to createthe universe; He could only reshape it. Crea~ hp th d tr ctjf 0 h aluet Gre Patterson
. ' ' 1 3 cit-.ttioii in, wt ‘7 't! at ..;.i:1. .ill il :lieiiiaiestiik be.” His image and cotiirol the creation ((ienesis tion implies the total production of being. 1:: 511112211? gut "ram :rrsihatweo Biol: radunte student
' .. 1 - tiigfy tiillt‘lx'lil 3:; "it mount it (it‘llt'\l\. LNPL" | lit-ll) Since. then. there are only two genuine theories the students :retheonlppocnes whocaii I! g
_ -. 1 ti.illt on int. tiripoizaii: oligsllitll who tame ilhl, If one will take the trouble to compare the two of origins. these are thetwothatoughtto beinvesti- a reciate 11131 Therefzre this is our An outrage
. ._‘ ‘ (toil t‘l nature creation .iccounis. Bibliealand Babylonian. he will gated in the public schools. If origins is an open pp - 1 V 1 W 1 ', “M Th N L f . .
- lhe liihi’e \i't‘tlli‘» \il\\. "lit the beginning. see how pointless isthe obteetion to teaching crea- question. then it Would be bad science and bad :pezia .. a mum do lyou rsd. 1. 1. a.“ lettcrtl) anérganiiatlzon
, * tioif treat-sit the i _'t:~'t'l'i‘- .tllti :ht- L‘.lllll When I l I tion that we would lime to teach a multitude of pedagogy to teach only one theory. .at a? because we 0 ove you an o ff: 2581?": geopein entuc y as
. ' ' (tfilltleclt'Jll‘t lififi.“\(l‘lti ‘th i:.' 'li.llt‘i‘lillv|f‘it‘lll theories In response to Prof. Davis” other comments. I car1eha :utuysu. u PUAKCHIIS;O;I%WI&§~NFRONTA
’ THC ‘HMU‘? Hi "‘ W'- i= 'ht‘w tum! lucwn- llieie are really only two theories. either eternal canonlysadlysaythathe reveals hisignorancecon- an S om. TlON in the early 19705 there was
-, 1-. . . thing but il my: (ml or eternal nature lo the question. “Why not cerning the teachings of Jesus Christ in a most ro- . . - .
1 ' \\ but do the mitt-It but: itt-iiziits sat ' \earf‘ teach the Buddhist theory of creation‘.’"the answer found way when one considers his positiorri) in 1‘1"?" ‘22:?“ g'm11‘ngd' Kims13:st, :11an“ arti'ioniglt‘lleniLuientaatg:
:1 t .ill of then. ti.i._ -.till: mitt int. t'lt‘lllt iii usually is simple lhere is no Buddhist theory of creation? relation to young minds. i would encourage him to boy I k hm; d '13:); 5:21? niverSI y: ' 193.1 (:1 th
. l 4 - “All“ U‘ll‘nlls "N “1‘1 “M‘- L‘mi “I lht‘ sods. lhe Buddhists don‘t believein creation; they assert examine the scientific merits ofcreation as well as amron, u y ."' y. rt 0 ‘ occasion I ey con r ne . e
'2' '- .' «W‘mt’ it”?! ~15 .i: “My? that the universe is eternal. lust like the Hindus.the to examine the life of Jesus Christ. Richard Clark, Midi.“ Greathouse, Presidetfit and ftltiierzgministm-
.. a: . ~ \ two 1. . ~: . .. -. ttmttumun ”C1 “1111111111111,“ 1111 \ilkmg“ and 11m mgdcm 8mm“ and CowankMggaret “gllsLToni 11:: igunrgnnt 05:"; “31:11:22;
1 1. ~-. . llt‘l‘. \ItIl‘t it. i. l ..t l s’l lust about the tiarx humanist Richard Russell is 8 I979 graduate of l'K. (1:)?5fln. I eryn re erg. ‘ l 3.. p 1
. ., ., .' . i t ristinne Tripp. Dave Fugue, and uncomplimentary epithets
' ‘ . Valerie Hicks, Mark Lakes, Marcia were uttered by the students‘
‘ .‘7 . ' Bickett, Gay Lacy. Linda Johnson, leaders, whereupon the
- 7 contaCt YOUl' iengiatOTS Bob Watts, Hugh Hagen. Phillip President stepped forward and
V' I‘ . Harris. James Smith and William asked, “Who called the Dean a
> I" Parents teachers taxpayers take notice
‘ ', ' student asked in turn in a loud
:' 3 - I I selence tells you voice, “Who called thatS.O.B.a
' I ‘ » l was alternately amused and dean?“
i . '1 -1. l ‘1 . r
‘i i. '1‘} ' -' 11"""l"“|“l'-1- l \iilktlittls oi t .ttette ( ounty. an hL‘ilL‘\t_‘\ in closed or agency “Wit ””9“ch bargaining. A' notimeisthe education 0f (I)?!rfiedabydfinéhtiogeiiizti‘ihg fiat: Seac:llatriiyisciiictitiiecrlifati‘iictiricfiiibis: fife!
i. iii-""h- H: \‘i' “H‘” \Wimm‘m ”t Prmcwon‘“ “WWW" ‘ndu‘lrlill ““11““ch bargaining children a consideration " Ron Booth chief ‘ y‘ m e " f b 9ilf '
. , « f ltti no. .ta. .. mutt.“ 1,1111,1111,“101111.111“ \ \l’l ne otiator for. the lllin 1 g hool ~Boa d Arnolds lack of knowledge of his accuracyo thea overcport. true.it
. 1 . 11“,, 1,11,“. 1,”. 1111.1“ 1mm“ ”1 W“ “hm” mm“ that each educator must be free to Asiociation 0'- - C r subject matter. and the outrage from is probably the greatest outrage smce
,1 . .~ _ 1 PlHit‘wlttlmllsn‘t‘dmttnp truth.“ made which Ol’ganllatlon m mm m ‘uppon 'Teachers ~10" can make immediate contact with the thought that his statements might the defenestration of Prague.
- . I 1 > “m "“"H" in“ h‘ [hm ("Wm/"1W“ if" .itid no one should be forced to mm or your legislatorts) to let your osition be known be taken serio sly Allow m: ‘0
' 1' '1 . ,1‘ . t'iltit i' i‘li .ii flit ( tuititiiitiwcallli of kcnliit‘ky' ls 11111111111116111111“ organi/ation. 'Youcancontacf Professional Faucaiors of Fayette comment 0n_a‘f_ew ofhis has" En“ Put“
: ' m" ‘l“"‘“““ “"‘W'm‘ h‘ “"‘nll there “r" ”1”" teachers.administrators.and boardmembers county goa mcctin H be i d . 1‘ First, he criticncs hismstructors for “u"y’ "med
~' . ‘ lilfcieiit kinds of teatli -is’ Mam t'achcrs do an . , . . , , , ‘ 1 gm" arrange to ("gamma
' 1‘ 1,11,”! 1 ‘b 11 ‘ , i , 111‘ 1 “m ““l t‘d‘U‘dTICV lhey «”9 COHCHEUCS “ho State Assoc1ation for Professmnal Educators.
. , 1.1% 1th ,ti In it eitl1\\l1t)(i;1il‘tii;t‘l it not qlitslion need 1“ (it'wltip a professional relationship. Tcat'heri (10110"? a t'hnlt't’. l
1 I. It tT}..df‘.l/.tlli\ll I” “ Hi I I k) t (mg \ll’lkCS fiI’L‘ harmful to students. dCSITUCilVC of Parents and taxpayers support the teachers m euers 0 [C
' ' ' I, ”WC (mmm‘m m ph'lwmm “cm“ m be “Wm i” Name“. Md a preludetoviolence your district who want to exercise their freedom to
' H I and ”Mail‘m In lhe “+100le decide which professional organiIation to support. . , . ,
. ' ~ orilani/ctl because the\ belicic thewcllaicof “Chm” ”WWW” W‘m‘mc‘ mm. ('Omacl your legislator“) to let your position he Lettersiommom '"d.c°'3mcmm” mus‘bflypedand‘r‘pkfl'm’
- “Km.“ 11 11W.“ bountl 10 11W Wmmmn negotiations. malry among groups of known on this important issue. and must includethewnterss1gmture.addresssndphonenumbe'r.UK
1 .1 . 1 (”w “mum”! “when. and mm negommm‘ mam Do you. machm. wishihe legislature msuppon students'should includetheiryear and mayorand Umvemtyempmyees
r , 4 bt-lieye lhiil all teat lit-rs \iltllliti be rt‘quilt‘ti to among groups ”I teachers. and fipCClal a mandamd meet and confer professional Shim!“ “KS: the!" pOSitlondInd department. 1) - d f t
. toin or pat the .ittioiint ,tt ttitct 11, the Pm'lt‘lfl“ it” ”it ls‘ildt‘r‘ 0' lht‘ Omani/8‘10" negotiation collective bargaining bill'.’ . e eme may'con mac or reject contri “"0"“ an requcn
111111111111“ WW" 1 11111 I“ 11” w “HUM that ran exclude ctcrmnc ct“. tmm Do you. parents and taxpayers. support writers may be limited. Editors name the right to edit for correct
11mm W-Ii “mm“ W humming 11w rommtmtwtmg legislation ”m wuld mandate collective spelling. grammar and clarity. and may delete libelous statements.
1 . (“mm ““111 "Burgmmng M, pm” relationship. made up”, hargaining'.’ 'Contributions should be delivered to Room in Janka.
‘ ’ \1 1‘ Ki 1‘ concessions and compromises in the balance of “mm! “chky' ”thaw" KL“.
. power lherc is no such thingasa meet and confer Ruth G