xt7bk35mct61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35mct61/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Better Newspaper Contest, 2000 text Better Newspaper Contest, 2000 2000 2000 2019 true xt7bk35mct61 section xt7bk35mct61 $3, . ‘ > fl, .r j
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 JUL 2000
Page 2 - 2000 KPA Better Newspaper Contest
[WWWWWWWWWW WWI sharper and writing less cliche. NEL HERALD
Assmlate ’ Third Place - KENTUCKY KER- Colorful cover. but it’s a bit confus~ Good mix, good pix.
NEL ing. Second Place - KENTI'CKY KER-
Great layout and use of art, but why NEL
Newspapers so much nonrcampus news? Left rail Category 9 - LIFESTYLE Good photo of fencing competition.
is entertaining, but is there a point? PAGE/SECTION
Can you do it with locally generated First Place - KENTUCKY KERNEL Category 13 - BEST USE
, news'.’ I'd love to read some student Layout carries the day even if the OF GRAPHICS
Eategory 1 'WOF,WW features by you. selection of entries seems to lack First Place - KENTUCKY KERNEL
Elm Place -‘I\ENTI,(,K\ M’RNEI consistency. Good use of illustration for table of
"“"d.““‘ 0‘ “‘“f “f“? “‘"'S““‘ ‘“ Category5-EDITORIAL PAGE second Place - (.‘OLLEGF. contents.
iff‘fllln‘w‘fi YE“ “j“ “33'“, imfi dxf‘rik First Place — KENTUCKY KERNEL iiElCliTs HERALD
"glh‘Tllnsts Bl( )papltlr H ry ‘ndtli Strong opinion, good cartoons, this Although color is not used, the lay— Category 14 - BEST USE
“ . 9; w 1g _ m I)” .out Eds, w}: ) entry's Hollywood staff below the out, art and graphics offer the read- OF PHOTO ILLUSTRATIONS
;:::u1:(t(;;u::::;zt it appears t ( fold detracts from the pages. er a solid package. First Place - COLLEGE HEIGHTS
, ” ' , Second Place - COLLEGE HERALD
ITEICIITS 211$; D‘ ("OLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD Category lO-LOCAL NEWS Very strong illustration, shows
Fx‘cellent lavoutland nice use Of Good, solid pages. Cartoonist is an PICTURES some thought was put into the shot.
ITU’Idllnt‘ tvpe A very clean looking asset. First Place — COLLEGE HEIGHTS Second Place >- COLLEGE
““lvflfllx’r' . h L NFWSPAPER Emil”) l l E 1 if “rims SERALID bl k d h
. i i), s» ‘r r ‘ategory 6 - 4 xce ent p iotojourna ism. asi y ot er goo use 0' ac an w ite
:22]:sz 1““ i WILLIAMSON DAIL‘ PROMOTION the best in its division. Imagine photography.
ken]; to vary headline fonts First Place - KENTUCKY KERNEL what color could add! Third Place - KENTUCKY KERNEL
‘ ‘ ' Interesting historic content. Villains Second Place - WILLIAMSON
1' . i _ and heros, illecit comment. DAILY NEWS Category 15 - SPECIAL EDITION/
ggg‘gfggijz COMMUNITY Second Place - KENTUCKY KER- Interesting photos, reproduction SECTION
DAILY NEWS Consistent. Third Place - KENTUCKY KER— Good history timeline. Visuals are
NEL dominant with enough copy to be
Category 3 _ FREEDOM Category 7 - SPORTS PAGE/ Good photographic efforts. interesting. Great cover.
Certificate of Merit _ COLLEGE First Place - KENTUCKY'KERNEL Category 11 - LOCAL FEATURE NEL . .
HEIGHTS HERALD Innovative and very creative. I real- PICTURES Great layout, offset printing beauti-
ly liked “Hoops '99". Excellent. First Place — COLLEGE HEIGHTS ful.
Category 4 _ FRONT PAGE Second Place - COLLEGE HERALD. . Third Place - WILLIAMSON DAILY
First p13“. _ COLLEGE HEIGHTS HEIGHTS HERALD Outstanding. Better feature art in NEWS _
HERALD Very good use of photos, typography one edition of this newspaper than Seems to reflect the community.
Far and away the best. 1 want to well thoughtout. Imagine what color in a week's worth of many others.
return to J-school at WKU_ Great would add to fine result. Second Place - KENTON COMMU- Category 16-ORIGINALADIDEA
art. tight layout, excellent writing. I NITY RECORDER First Place - COLLEGE HEIGHTS '
want to keep reading about Evening Category 8 - BUSINESS/ Nice contrast of expression on "I HERALD
of Dance, Banshee and Corey Nett, AGRIBUSINESS PAGE/SECTION Don't Like This Ride." Great idea! Good use of art, clean,
but I only have the front pages. How First Place - KENTUCKY KERNEL Third Place - KENTUCKY KER— excellent adaptablilty of idea to
can I subscribe? Well organized and executed "Life NEL advertise.
Second Place - COMMUNITY at UK in the Year 2000." You can almost feel the pain in the Second Place - KENTUCKY KER—
RECORDER Second Place - KENTUCKY KER— art from "Under the Gun." NEL
I really like the "Around Town" rail, NEL Very attention compelling, neat.
good info for readers. Good local Well put together, Logo looks pre— Category 12 - LOCAL SPORTS
content. always this much locally college. PICTURES Category 17 - DISPLAY
written on P-l'.’ Photos could be Third Place — KENTUCKY KER- First Place - COLLEGE HEIGHTS ADVERTISING
""‘_'"“_~‘_‘ Category 6 - NEWSPAPER live stories. Photos would be big Category 14 - BEST USE
W k1 , First Place - SPENCER MAGNET Certificate of Merit — SPENCER
. 68 y l ”Centennial" story is good without Category 9 - LIFESTYLE MAGNET
l ’ g i being puffy. Halloween event PAGE/SECTION
l C1 _ 1 .l serves community and paper. No Entries Category 15 - SPECIAL
. i _ ass _ . Good! EDITION/SECTION
% '_ "_ 43'}; Category 10 - LOCAL NEWS First Place - HICKMAN COURIER
i ;. 1 . ‘ -.:j Q Category 7 - SPORTS PAGE/ PICTURES Outstanding Millennium edition for
‘ " “ ’ ” ” ’ "' “ ‘ SECTION First Place - SPENCER MAGNET a small paper! Collecting local
Category I ' TYPOGRAPHY First Place - FULTON LEADER Obviously you carry the camera in essays was inspired idea.
Certificate Of Merit ' SPENCER Good coverage, stats, game photos. the car and closely monitor the Congratulations!
MAGNET These are unusual at your size. My scanner. Good on—the-spot cover- Second Place - FULTON LEADER
- compliments. age. Graduation edition is great public
Category 2 ' COMMUNITY Second Place - BEATTYVILLE service and interesting too! It will
SERVICE ENTERPRISE Category 11 - LOCAL be long remembered when front
N0 Entries You obviously do a lot with a little. FEATURE PICTURES page is just history.
Your coverage is notably compre- First Place - SPENCER MAGNET Third Place - HICKMAN COURIER
Category 3 - FREEDOM hensive for your size. A descent shooter does more than Good local coverage of a non-local
OF INFORMATION he had to, to get a bit more from issue.
Certificate of Merit - SPENCER Category 8 - BUSINESS each event. .
First Place - FULTON LEADER Category 12 - LOCAL IDEA (
Category 4 - FRONT PAGE Varied, comprehensive local sto- SPORTS PICTURES Certificate of Merit - FULTON
First Place - SPENCER MAGNET ries. Maybe border photos with 1 Certificate of Merit ~ FULTON LEADER I
Solid, clear, modern layout. Color a point rule. Beware overuse of lineup LEADER 1
huge plus. pix. Category 17 - DISPLAY -
Second Place - SPENCER MAG- Category 13 - BEST USE ADVERTISING 1
Category 5 - EDITORIAL PAGE NET OF GRAPHICS Certificate of Merit - FULTON J
No Entries Columns are good but. need more NO Entries LEADER

 2000 KPA Better Newspaper Contest - Page 3
M” m... ' " /
w for ~+ - w -
, 7,, , Assocmte News a ers, the .
Student - ‘ . A'l‘VIII‘ILH~ :‘Ihttk
llt|l\ HL‘K IV I‘
. College Heights Herald, . ‘4 : WWW
dies of - . ~ ~ ‘ “
. cancer left, was the first place ‘ \ «-..—.—
N o . " flwvmt run»! w
a ’ “ V winner in the Front Page 6 ' j 3;; gri-lyyj
5 ‘ q:v ' . - ' unit! huluvnnr
, ‘ . " “ ' ‘ category. Right: The ’2’ . 2:931:33
. - ._ n . - l ._' - _._._ __-_...—-
J _ . Kentucky Kernel won top mm.
" ' ' 'd t
L 0‘ V honors in the General 0“] prey en ' new money
0...,” ..-. v ‘ Exc e 1 lg n ce C 0 mp e t l tl 0 n Board of Trustees stealth on Important matters alienates entire campus
v “" , .’ - ' ‘1';.T‘_‘”‘"““'“ ‘2.""'."Z,‘1.“‘.'2."."';'.': Z"...Z.."" 'M" .".‘.'" ~ :LZLI’.S-': S:
.x u » i S ‘ with the help 0f first place «3:: ..r :; :Iréi-Eli'fi ..afsaf-z-Fz'i-ti-e =27::t:;:"::.:
. f d r: * a wa rds like this one for ...__~~ ._ ~‘“ 5-: ““‘
Evening 0 an“ Best Editorial Page. -- ~ “-
f‘ ’ .:, 7 fl ”4...; ‘ " Kareem 21;" «i- «~Z.__:“: "$533753 ”3““:
...»...5 ;,,. _ ' ' ' a ‘ . . -.~. ":1: r:.::::..‘, r.-.“ Wu ::11rr.:;:~:;:- “'th
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.M 12.2,, .. .. ., for talents _e Lowdown "“"'"'""'":.“"‘" r
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L79 Srgcerlragnet was located on Bloomfield Rag. nealthe San I ' " ‘rf ‘ j! ' , A '1 t“; f: \ \
var rt go. or several years. | ' f I’ ‘ ' , , r i. 1
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-“'?$’ {v- ‘ [NHL‘I nu .I'i-‘ilttitl‘ni t. Vttt‘fil‘lll u. ‘u I m i 3 giant bottle YA? <35? ’/ (I 7-17}; iii"; "l i
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, , , i \U'I‘I‘V‘W «CH .t~ [km .‘W 'wmu wt t N “‘ t :l 1,“, 7:,"Mu 1 ' l-. f ' 3 "‘ V S #339“ )M '
Mam ompioyu E010! McCarty “at: two" on a «ti-u-Inwvu-m Ammo mt mm it. u. i \ s'u ‘ ‘21:; 7‘3““ , « _. *3 ~ g. r '3 ‘ ii \ .
Maclmm computer In! nook. In tho Mame“: whim Im [I ~ A. «mm» a t 4th M ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘- " i . 7‘ g It; ’ \/‘\ A _ \ v ‘
urtlor days. stories won set on a "001pr tmtwm it w ”Hm-nu mm mm” 1 i M \' ‘ ‘ ‘ , 1 LL: ""';">‘;wj‘ ( ' \«4 g 1 ‘_ 3.! ',
MEN“. clx ”M lunmum thtmt it t . W MAGNET -‘. i fh-‘vl' ~ ~ - -- "A . .4, 31W . x . ‘
" ..:'..;;..::,;.:‘.2 , 1% I w ' i \
In the Weekly 1 division, The Spencer Magnet 2:53,;1~E€§:~v-“.:§~“ 4- ”4' '1 W i .
. :31: iii: 1; ’ .. . . ,4 n ,’ ‘. '~
(above) won first place in the General Excellence :5 N .y -» :9 ‘31 y “322/35
competition with entries like this top finisher in f1“ 3.? " ' i - ,, --' ‘ - ‘ f c.
' ' ""51 i , _ .-r ’~ a g/'
the Newspaper Promotion category. Right: The C — 4 i ‘ a: 7
' ' ' ‘ ' '::"i::..1"‘t::.:,, / "' " 7;” J ’ V’ 36
Hickman Courier won first place in the SpeCial -.,:;.;:-:.-~,;:::. , ' _ «, -- W , 2e ’
' ' '“.‘.".:.“.";‘.:‘ I -.'- / » 7 ., ‘ «'
Edition category. my; A /, p. v Q, if: ;
an” «in. ________________.;————-——J

 Page 4 - 2000 KPA Better Newspaper Contest JUL 2000
l i I Clean layout and nice local Good variety of pix, and well used Would like to see your paper's
I columns, but where are your edito- on pages. masthead change to solid black.
weekly ; rials? I can tell from the writing Third Place - LAUREL NEWS The red color screams out and over-
, ability on this page that the Local is JOURNAL powers all other color on the page.
Class 2 i quite capable of producing good, Well-cropped pix. This page has red and blue, olive
L hard-hitting local CdltOi‘ialSl and light green, dark green and
_ 7w ... >___““_~J C NFWSPAPER g?é¥;8%1ql - LOCAL FEATURE tan, that's a lot. But anyway. nice
‘ ate or 6- 4 3» rra hics.
9.8mm"? 1 “TYPOGWHY, , PROiionrION rim Place » MCLEAN COI'NTY L p
I" ”St 1.31““ ' CITIZEN ‘ (”Ch 8‘ First Place — SPRINGFIELD SUN NEWS Category 14 - BEST USE
leMEb . . , Interesting background headline Good use of feature photos. It's nice OF PHOTO ILLUSTRATIONS
Cenerally good ChQ‘CCS for ITIEIJOI‘ and themes to see some wild art in your paper. First Place - LAUREL NEWS
typggEapEf' 95990:”); the (503:5 Second Place - HENRY COUNTY Something other than event cover- JOURNAL
use or emaln ea san e ,, . .
body text. With more consistency CgtfdAliiyout. $36.02]? 51):)ch _ SPRINGFIELD I‘m”) ”2,2151%? am“: all thrgugfiotth):
and less "variety of fonts inside the Third Place _ HENRY COUNTY SUN gagc (x), d ”Pp‘t 3‘20”“ £11 ht
paper, the total product can become LOCAL Lots of nice festival feature photos. “.138“: httitwiatih 1310:: 52:; ‘wogdg
it“ strong as 1‘5 front page. Good banner headline. Good cropping and use of photos. han 'n , out in . ace at ri Iit of to‘
Second Place - OWENTON NEWS Third Place - CARROLLTON . hi1 1% ‘t {hp Oth g. 3
EERfiLtD h . t1 Category7-SPORTS PAGE/ NEWS DEMOCRAT fv‘firk ‘ ”S "a ‘0” "we goo
. mar ype C olces, smar y pre- , Nice event covera e. Good feature V i .
sented. If type is to be screened in :fig’tngllzce _ LAUREL NEWS photos. g jgioélgffilace - LAUREL NEWS
color, consider extending the color JOURNAL ‘1' 'lb ‘
”3f Picadbbeygndfihe “3320“ _altl About the best weekly sports ever Category 12 - LOCAL SPORTS ‘ ”“0 '
5‘ es, an or er m say, pom ' seen. Color hel s. Best of all, writ- PICTURES
Readability of cutlines is reduced ers understand) "weeklv" concept, First Place - CITIZEN VOICE & ggtg%?6le5'SPECIAL EDITION/
because they're italics“ but writing could bev polished. TINIES F' , Pl OW’ENTON NEWVS
Third Place ' LAUREL NEWS Please don't back into the stories The ”Freshman Fireballer" did it ”St ace - ‘
JOURNAL with leads. for me. In spite of the poor print HERALD
YOUI‘ fonts for standard headlines Second Place - CITIZEN VOICE & job, I could see the grgat photo try. ElftOd local emphas1s, excellent lay-
and for body text, are strong. Byline in to uni out. Good 'obll '
design is distinctive without being 713315;“? Hopes" turns community 5&0an piace - LALJIREL NEWS Second Place ' LAUREL NEWS .
obtrusive. Consider reducing the need into solid story, please reduce JOURNAL JOURNAL '
number of fonts and styles used for width of type. Photos are excellent! Lots of emotion in these photos! Great COVE?- GOOd portable format.
headlines, the paper lacks a unified Third Place _ SPRINGFIELD SUN Even if you had no idea of what was Third Place ' GRANT COUNTY
look, and it deserves one to equal Layout was solid. Leads need to be happening at these events, you get NEWS
the quality ofits content. more solid, understand limited staff a very real sense 0f how the partici- GOOd theme.
hurts. pants were feeling.
Category 2 ' COMMUNITY Honorable Mention - HENRY Category 16 ' ORIGINALAD
Cate 0 s - BUSINE / First Place — SPRINGFIELD SUN Nice organizatlon and layout-
Category 3 - FREEDOM AGRIgBIrJySINESS pAGISg/SSECTION Strong visuals make this page an Second Place- OWENTON NEWS
OF INFORMATION First Place _ SPRINGFIELD SUN attention—getter. Hats off to the HERALD. ' _
Certificate of Merit - CITIZEN Good local coverage coupled with page designer. Eye-catchlng! Nice headline.
VOICE s; TIMES good design. ’ Second Place — CITIZEN VOICE & ThIrd Place - CLAY CITY TIMES
Second Place — GRANT COUNTY TIMES , Fnendly-
Category 4 - FRONT PAGE NEWS Creative Idea. Would have liked to
Fir“ Place ‘ OWENTON NEWS Attractive design. good reproduc- 50" 3 grand £0131 0f how much hel- Category 17 ' DISPLAY
HERALD tion. mets and uniforms will cost, so it ADVERTISING
(imltl layout but beware mortises Third Place _ MCLEAN (‘OI'NTY could be known at a glance. First Place - HENRY COUNTY
and color behind type. Otherwise NEWS Third Place - LAUREL NEWS LOCAL
good stuff‘. Good content. JOURNAL Second Place — LARUE COUNTY
Second Place - (‘ARROLLTON (iraphics are clear and easy to read. HERALD NEWS
\ ”VS NEW “‘RA'!‘ Category 9 - LIFES’I‘YLE PAGE/
iu‘tlt‘rallv good Beware too many SECTION — _.____.--______.._.--________
photos \ylthollt one dominant. First I’liit‘t‘ . LAI'RICI. NEWS, WW . :3 .5; il
l. ~~l }’:at~« - FLEMINGSBITRG .J()l'RN.F\Z. l3 . '5 '5 f5 .7 if ., 3 .3555 ll Start
" VET" «5 Excellent photos The Rolling on ' . ,_ I , ,"" .‘l
I w. ”I I)“, DC“ ”'9 COlOI‘ iN‘lillNl LVIN'. Rth‘I‘ lS SOHO L“ 1 ill: lli l)ill'Ill.'tll.II ‘ :pygzs’4$ez,(.“,‘ xf‘Ae i l . I
i" ' manic ”WWW“ ' “PLEAN .‘lliiifllltflr (lolllllllm‘ 'ii‘loto  ‘ I litolwlls two out of three Strong headlines and strong local ; i “’“ "“T‘E 19 .
‘sm‘n‘ submi'ted. Excellent reader copy, ' : ~ ‘ I -. H
n-swonsw via letters. Patti Clark Third Place , VARIUMI l=l.\' :‘ : .. ._ '.__._-,_, 5' -
.wots Io trin. and cut length of NEWS DEMOCRAT I M l l l ‘ VVI’lte’
"HTHHII loses The reader. I disagree Nice features but not much content. 5::+——: .____7: .13.; .,_7 :_ ...; 1.: l ’w ,
\«ltll giving t.le collgressv‘ m lat “""_“ m"“'"“’“ ...__._ "" .
.c illsiczll‘ly a .ree edltoria. page :id. L ategory 10 - LOCAL NEWS C ()Il ve [1’10”
\wwnd l’lac: - GRANT ('UI'NTY PICTURES
* I" .s I'lrst l’lflu' -(‘ARh’t)1.lfl‘t).\'NEWS ° ‘ ' . °
lool \.ll'iet_\ If local columns and DEMOCRAT WIll be Ileld [’1 I‘Ulll‘svllle at the
letters. Local editorials are. part of Mini layouts allow use of lots of
your commuI-ity obligation. you're local ix. and they're Tood )ix which
the conscience ofGrant. County. intercit the reader g I Galt Hall’se EaSt Jan. 18-19
Third Place - HENRY COUNTY Second Place - CITIZEN VOICE &

 2000 KPA Better Newspaper Contest - Page 5
Into“ rum: ,1- D‘“) 1 . 1 ‘ x ‘
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Arson suspected in local fire 'j‘fi: ' ., " ~4_ "
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Top left: The Citizen Voice &
“.jg‘i_fi*—"““ --— . . .,_,'.,’:Q ”3.. Times beat out the competi-
w, 3‘ to . a 5‘ { ,vf #- ' tion in the Typography cate-
1_ 35’ \ _. j ‘ 5 ! - gory for Weekly 2 papers.
g g. _ . - ' _ -- . _ _ ‘1 Above: The Laurel News-
tg '5 ”.7 " . _. _. - ‘Efirjg‘ Journal’s entry in the
w j“ v : :3. ' {WW éw‘g , Lifestyles Page category was
. ‘J """ « C. ,, -‘ {lg—cf rt *- . r- . .
,1'." W . "_ -., I. r" ”5533 new: - ' the first place winner. The
, arww , 3455‘3if‘53;-*°1T;;'“V' 5\ ; - 3 . . newspaper finished second in
”“95“ , ‘ L“ , . ‘(;r.¢u:4qsmpf the General Excellence com-
ngfifiwfi' - 1%., ;;-§ifw§-Zg‘._j*§sgw petition. Left: This photo
,,. {Vt , .3. ' r. n. . ‘ ‘f '. in ‘~'.'"“‘ “1.)“; '4’“ ’ -"';“,ffi
”L" '- ,. is: ., 1.73" 5.1.3? ‘ W- ;~.i,..g}f.$‘; fro m the McLean County
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,Wifigfi . 3f; - gfitfiggm ews was a winner in c
fizg‘wsms . , '- ‘2‘ ‘ V #1:; Local Feature Pictures cate—
> - *‘ ',’\ 1,136,331,; 3"“, . _~ % “‘ ‘ t , ‘f'zi'ifi .3
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J U L 2000
Page 6 - 2000 KPA Better Newspaper Contest
. .. ‘ Wl phy carries the day for this paper. PRISE Honorable Mention — TIE - CASEY
‘N 766m l Your headline families look very Tobacco section was good. Good use COUNTY NEWS
y professional. All of your page one of photos, nice layout and design. Good graphic.
l leads draw the reader into the sto- 'II‘IIIIEKRIdSPlace - CASEY COUNTY Honorable Mention _ TIE _
I ries. L Y
01358 3 ' Third Place - PULASKI NEWS "Year in the Life" was a good fea- LEBANON ENTETIPRISE
J JOURNAL ture, informative and interesting Informative graphic.
“""W W ‘W ”WW’WW‘W‘ Colorful page quickly grabs the variety of coverage, both farm and
Category I ' TYPOGRAPHY eye. Good writing, good leads. business. Category 14 ‘ BEST USE
F‘rSt Place ' JESSAMINE JOUR’ Photos aren't quite as sharp as OF PHOTO ILLUSTRATIONS
NAL those in your sister paper (Corbin). Category 9 — LIFESTYLE PAGE/ First Place - CORBIN NEWS
The longer I looked, the more I Honorable Mention - UNION SECTION JOURNAL
liked. Excellent product COUNTY ADVOCATE First Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- G ' t‘ h. . E , H,- ,
Wonderfully presented-I found Tone down the front page a little. NAL real grap ICU ‘ yQ-‘Ca L I‘m"
myself reading. and reading...and Know when to say when! Big differ- Good design, clean layouts. Good Definitely know its baseball sea—
isn't that the pomt? ence between quiet elegance and use Ofillustrations. son.
Second Place - CORBIN NEWS the big splash. Second Place _ ANDERSON NEWS Second Place — WAYNE COUNTY
JOURNAL . _ _ Good use of photos. Nice layout. OUTLOOK
Usually. I find the} much Venety In Category 5 - EDITORIAL PAGE Attention grabbing! Good illustration of the story.
typeface distracting, but In your First Place — OLDHAM ERA Third Place - CORBIN NEWS Third place - JESSAMINE mug-
newspaper It really seems to work. Local editorials each week. JOURNAL NAL
IrrilsiirtileglngS—%;§Elt‘gfit\l§: DEMO— lEditorials ar: welléwrittep, with good modular deSIgn. Good fea- Nice layout and photos.
CRAT Cohglca pomls an conc uSIon. ures. Honorable Mention - TIE - CYN-
- _ arles Pearls column Is the very
PUPChY headline type that PFO' definition of"local and community." Category 10 - LOCAL NEWS THIANA DEMOCRAT _
clalms NEWS! Good JOb on mSIde Plenty of topical letters, but may I PICTURES Good use of photo illustrations.
pages. suggest that you seek out some First Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- Honorable Mention - TIE -ANDER-
good local guest columnists. NAL SON NEWS
Category 2 ' COMMUNITY Overall, nice page. Really good cropping and composi- Good illustration of point.
$131013 ANDERSON NEWS Second Place — PULASKI NEWS tion.
"'5 ace ' JOURNAL Second Place - LEBANON ENTER-
NOt always easy (01' a small town Locally written columns are excel- PRISE (82;???)3135 - SPECIAL EDITION]
newspaper to PUbllSh mug ShOtS 0f lent. Good variety of non-fire/wreck pix, .
DUI offenders- Anderson News Third Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- and well used. Flrst Place ' JESSAMINE JOUR'
. _ stuck to its guns, assisted local NAL Third Place - CORBIN NEWS NAL
DUI problem. Nice layout and good local materi— JOURNAL Impressive effort! Consistency of
Second Place ' LEBANON ENTER' al. A fine editorial page. Very close Good variety, good use of size. graphics works well.
PRISE to being second place. Your clean Honorable Mention - ANDERSON Second Place - UNION COUNTY
Classic case Of newspaper watching layout is very pleasing to the eye. NEWS ADVOCATE
out for its community. Informative C ’t h l b tl k t 'tl
series followed by logical and con- Category 6 - NEWSPAPER Category 11- LOCAL FEATURE a’.‘ e p ‘1 0° 3 1 '
vincing editorial. Community PROMOTION PICTURES Th‘rd Place ' CORBIN NEWS
appears to be on the way to follow- First Place - ANDERSON NEWS First Place — JESSAMINE JOUR- JOURNAL
ing newspaper's advice. Bold idea. NAL Great cover. Strong graphics and
Second Place - ANDERSON NEWS Good photos, good reproduction excellent layout. Inside t00 gray.
Category 3 ' FREEDOM Clean design. and variety. Honorable Mention - CADIZ
First Place - CORBIN NEWS NEWS JOURNAL Good local interest.
:OURNAIE d 1 f ff Showed a lot of effort, nice use of Lots of photos, good reproduction.
Series 0 e itoria s to in orm o 1- color. Third Place - LEBANON ENTER-
cials and the public that the public PRISE Category 16 ' ORIGINAL AD
access laws are a good idea. Category 7 - SPORTS PAGE/ Nice work. Good photos. IDEA
Small newspapers. forcing the issue COURIER PICTURES Eye catching ad. Gets attention as
on open meetings is refreshing. Great color, maybe overdone a bit. First Place - JESSAMINE JOUR— well as getting the point across.
Thll'd Place - UNION COUNTY Writmg more solid than others. NAL . . ‘ Second Place _ ANDERSON NEWS
ADVOCATE Second Place - LEBANON ENTER- Eyeccatchmg. Good des1gn and use Good combination of advert’ -
The writer obviously went to a lot PRISE of graphical elements. (I . . . 13mg
of trouble, but With one issue 0f Proof that glitzy color doesn't have Second Place - CORBIN NEWS an . community Interest.
this magnitude the column could to carry a sports recreation section. JOURNAL Thlrd Place ’ CORBIN NEWS
have been meatier and less chatty. Content carried this section. Good use of color. Nice use of JOURNAL
Honorable Mention - CYNTHIANA Third Place — ANDERSON NEWS action. Original. Use of notebook to illus-
DEMOCRAT Writing was above most others, but Third Place - OLDHAM ERA trate back to school loan nice idea.
Praising. someone else for defend- layout made stories difficult to fol- Good use of action photos. Honorable Mention _ CORBIN
mg FOI Isn't the same as defendmg low. Content solid. Honorable Mention - LEBANON NEWS JOURNAL
it yourself. Honorable Mention - TIE - JES— ENTERPRISE - , ~ -
SAMINE JOURNAL Enjoyed seeing recreational sports O‘DVIOUS. that the adV ertlser 1s prac-
Category 4 . FRONT PAGE Had best single edition, but other featured. “ca“y “mg money away‘
First Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- sections didn't match it or come
NAL close. Category 13 - BEST USE Category 17 - DISPLAY
Much more quiet and subdued than Honorable Mention - TIE - OF GRAPHICS ADVERTISING
some of the entries in this category. CORBIN NEWS JOURNAL First Place - CYNTHIANA DEMO- First Place - CORBIN NEWS
The Journal is neat, clean and pro— Why all the red? Good stories, good CRAT JOURNAL
fessionally written. Excellent pho— photos, but needs polish. Maps make story more understand- A lot of clean looking ads among all
tography. Keep your qtilet airs and able. Very effective graphic. the regular stuff '
don't submit to the pressures of Category 8 - BUSINESS/ Second Place - ANDERSON NEWS S ) d (Pl ' CYNTHIANA
bolder. more sensational front AGRIBUSINESS PAGE/SECTION Good integration of photos and “0“ ace '
pages? First Place - ANDERSON NEWS graphics. DEMOCRAT
second Place - CORBIN NEWS Good use of graphics and color. Third Place - CASEY COUNTY Third Place-ANDERSON NEWS
JOURNAL Interesting articles. NEWS Honorable Mention - BENTON
Trent Knuckles’ excellent photogra- Second Place - LEBANON ENTER- Creative. TRIBUNE COURIER

 . 2000 KPA Better Newspaper Contest - Page 7
V o e 0 IO“
Paper eams nahonal recogmtlon =---"“"
f b ° 1 ' .Sccfion I
' m WV )4 1m
or pu [15 1mg DUI photographs —————————————~———————
. I

Antromnk dnvmgorganwat» m """‘ €10; :. 1 4th DISMCt 10 lame I .
presents The Andeson filer m f 1 a, ‘K‘ ‘ ”r, n
With MedmAvynnm. 5;. new ' ', :{z‘td‘lulfnux .. § {We . '
11.11 1. 1w 1 ‘1' ......- ' F‘ mmwdaim é" i K ‘
x- . 4 1 . .. , .' \‘lrl'hnwi'kp ‘1
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Eiffel“! 7:41] ’ it :1 ‘1: Loire}? ‘1. iii: \t .n “zuhululnn. IH .crn-nmn) ‘Iundan. Rnhrll ‘lvnlprl. rhmrmzm of (hr 2:12.321 t .‘ "‘~ \
"1”“ If" Paw-H'- 1‘1!“ 11"“161' '1' ‘ \Miunul {ulnnnsnun Agzulut Ilrunk ”Hung ‘II fl; and John “unlnh-n, '2...l..i,...' . \m'rm'u. R l \' -‘
"“”""“‘ A I?" ‘1" "K “W ’3 1‘ 'MW' prl-xulrnl nf \( .\l)|) ’l‘lflhl‘. prru‘nl ”11‘ mm “min. \u:|l'c'vn~~~- \uanl to .f.‘ '1.“ . 1' 1”,“, ‘15“; / ' ' ~ I -
”“1 I!“ “"-“"<““"-" ‘ “ 411‘1113 -‘ "1' ' Hun “'hlll'. [Illh|l\h('l' uf [hr :\I\lh'l‘\1lll \1*u\ “H‘I, ‘. 'f .. .>«...:...v ( '

tz~ 1713‘1'.13\v u-prhu't .t‘r. m 1.1- .....f L . . 3;:551'.’ ' ‘

W?”x.Il..§f£7£kii’"'.‘f.31} ’13. Local officers honored at govemor‘s ceremony 51.x , 514.2,. f; e. ‘ _ ~ 1, d
t"”‘“"‘" ‘4 1"" WW \ r... .4 .. .- .1 \.., 1 H 11,1. _ 1:27.33 J;:':T..:7:.'":i.:::.':r~:::.'..*::"..‘::'~W"""WN'M'W"WW-“W"'""
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