xt7bk35mcs1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35mcs1j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1999 text GLSO News, August 1999 1999 1999-08 2019 true xt7bk35mcs1j section xt7bk35mcs1j ti
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3 fee/1 A publication oi the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
by Jeff Jones the amendment. The HBO, established and organizations like the local Family
, in 1963 before the passage of federal Research Council spoke against the ‘
OnThursday,July8the lLeXlngton- civil rights laws, viewed this arnend- ordinance. Arguments ranged from ,
fayette Urban County Councn voted 12 ment as the bgical proactive extension fundamentalist Christian interpretatior‘s
, , ' Although the time period between
On JUN,” Mayor Pam Miller Signed introduction and passage of the HOW COUNC‘L VOTED
the orgnange "7‘0, lathhls amelnd— amendment was only 18 days (mm- S PP T D
at lola'riiiitigiagonziz: are i0 it years the W (we
, ’, , , ‘ Lowsvnle ordinance), interaction Scott Crosble (At Large)
“one ('nc't‘dm cred”) due“). ”€750“ between the gay community and the Dick DeCamp (3rd District)
actual or lmputed sexual onentatlon or HRC dates back to 1993- in 1993 the Bill Farmer, Jr. (5th District)
gender'denmy' , HRC began to informally document Willy Fogle (7th District)
. Aflheugh passed largely W." the antioay bias cases reported to it Linda Gonon (4th District)
erdmance was amended The pumary That same Year also saw the birth Robert Jefferson (2nd District)
Tssue, Of eebate Centered 9" gender otLexington Fairness,aloca| education Gloria Martin (12)); District)
. 'dent'ty Wheewas further defined m. i“? and advocacy organization focusing on Richard Moioney (11th District)
amended ”enema as app'ym ‘0 "“1" issues facing lesbians, gay men, biseX- Jennifer Mossotti (9th District)
Vlduals who had undergone a sex uals, and transgendered (LBGD indi— David Stevens (At Large)
change operation or. manltested their viduals. Aithough predating the forma— lsabel Yates (Vice Mayor)
transgendered Identity m a manner tion of the statewide Kentucky Fairness
Othertha” (“‘33- _ Alliance (KFA), Lexington Fairness is QJZEQSjD. _ _
The amendments also stipulated now the local chapter of KFA. Fred Brown (8th District)
that businesses could enforce employ- Faimecs spearheaded suppon for Al Mitchell (6th District) .
ee dress codes. and gender specrfic the HRC's ,ecommndafion and the Sandy Shafer (10th District) :
bathrooms for '"d'v'euae based on ordinance. Fairness was able to form «tenet
their biological sex. Religious organiza- an impressive coaiition of supportive neg:
“0"5 and the" educat'ona'lcmmab‘e religious, business, and civic leaders to v‘linlliqiwrjr‘iefen‘rifi
ventures are exempted except?” such speak in favor of the ordinance dunnga i , A 7 , ”we?
busmesses recelVlng e majority Of the” three hour public hearing on July 1. .' g L £3)
fundefrom ”we "mm Opponents from churches, both ~ 9:
The meter” vote followed the May within and from outside Fayette County, . , , r" .1“. zc
21st recommendation by the , g f, f ,’ _2
Human Rights Commission to ado” August 22 See page. 3 , e:

 ‘ VAWLOOSV’MAM stickers as you have!" And all the
I//"?’ by Laurie Davison Parrot-.Heads marched wearing rain
“figfifififfiefin . With the pending vote on the It was like this throughout the day
eggfifii’efigggg Fairness Ordinance, we prayed for a -- perceptably straight supporters
gflgglggge crowd at the Independence Day requested stickers and information.
“mgfigeeef: parade this year, and you peeple did and some even joined us in the
aweew NOT disappoint us! There were 187 match, I had expected more hecklers
/' fingtth marchers who signed up, but MANY than usual due to the Ordinance pub-
. Le eat more made up the contingent of sun- Iicity. What I saw instead was nothing
tat? port for Fairness, GLSO, the Imperial short of incredible.
' Court and Lexington Men's Chorus! Although many watchers were
Along the way we were joined by silent, man more cheered us loudly
The GLSO News many people. who donned rainbow as we marizhed by! They cheered
VOL“ Issue 8 stickers, grabbed balloons and signs, from the streets; they cheered from
Published Monthly by and joined in the chants: the four-story parking decks, and
What do we want? Fairness! some cheered from the judges booth
. When do we want it? Thursdayl In front of the courthouse. We
The Lexington Gay Fairness! No more, no less! received standing applause on sever-
- ~ I was honored to be one of the al occassions, thumbs up at us, and
Lesbian Service folks right up front with JeffJones and encouragement! 9
Organization Fe. Myers (Co-Chairs Ol Lexington And although the crowds in front
Fairness), Melanie Otis, Davma of the Bar and 141 are always
321 Second St. Warner, Jennifer Crossen, and Joan boistrous in their support, this year's
Callahan! We were carrying two cheering was even louder and more
, Fairness banners. To each side of us enthusiastic than ever (coming from
Editors : were women carrying full-sized flags: both sides or the street). I teared up
an M00 rainbow flag With a cross in when I heard the cheers from the Bar.
the corner and Old Glory. Thank you!
Mary Crone Behind us marched old-friends As for hecklers -— at one point a
Peter Taylor and new predominantly "family", bUt man began yelling the usual gutterage
also Straight supporters! A man from about sin and abomination. We were
Dam“ Warner my church whose best friend is gay doing our best to ignore him, when
said he wouldn't miss this for the several spectators surrounded him
GLSO Annual Dues world! As we passed State Rep. and cheered us. Later, another man
and Newsletter: 815 Kathy Stein, She joined US proudly Up harassed the woman carrying the I
Dues and Newsletter for front for the rest of the march. MCC flag She smiled and ignored l
Couples: $20 Everyone who was there was lncredi- him as a female spectator gave the t
ble! flag bearer a high-five and cheered l
, _ . Prior to the parade as we were all us. I
Opinions "pressed '" the GLSO News are lining up, I said hello to the Parrot- People, it was truly one of the-
those of the authors and dont necessarily Heads at the Jimmy Buffet float. I most incredible and empowering v
filliiiilonéhiiemlioiilnftfii‘éill “imminent” "rem 0" "‘8" gm exernremes or my me! Thank you I
property of the GLSO The staff reserves taste In mUSIC and asked if any of ALL for being there, for matching and I!
the right to edit submissions and advertise- them were supporters 0f the Fairness for screaming your lungs out for 5
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- Ordinance. One w?man said, "We Lexington Fairness. I am so proud Of I
missions oradvertlsements. ALL support you! Ill take as many our community! c

= mmumt'lNews
BIG, m, MMER The GLSO Discussion Group "
‘EI‘EBRATM 3A,"... meets in the Pride Center (Waller .
III Avenue) every Wednesday at 7:30
GREAT, SCREAMlN' GRAVY, August 22nd, 4:00 Pm until dark! PM. LBGT people share their con-
people!!! We did it! On July15th, We'“ have a" the 900“ Stu” cerns in a supportive and helpful .
Mayor Pam Miller signed the long- you}? expecttfrgmka kilrier btackyard environment. This is not therapy, but ‘
aw ited F i, r m n , n it coo ou : so nn 5, am urgers, . . .
is SniciallaVESSSrtShbnzsfifogaevd hOl dOQS. baked beans and even genutne support. For morelnforma-
citizens at last! some veggie burgers for the herbi- tlon, contact Jeremy at 269 6658' 3
Thl ' t j 1 rl vores amongst you! We'll set up the
victory Srmaeiifggjeiy: got 22:8 volleyball net and we'll have LlVE _ SISTEBSOUND ..
ual orientation AND we got trans- music! Heck, people‘ you EARNED SisterSound is a non-auditioned,
gender! We got employment, hous- it! (No alchohol, please). diverse community women's chorus.
ing, AND public accomodations! Windy Knoll Farm is the same SisterSound begins its fifth concert
And I can't be sure, but I think we place we've had the Pride Picnic the season this fall. Rehearsals begin
even had more ministers on our last three years, "'SiUSt 15 minutes Sunday, September 12 at 6PM at
side than the opposition (Holy OUtSlde 0' Lexmgmnl To get there- Park Methodist Church on the corner
Turnabouts, Batman!!!) :ake ‘1‘”"0hes’zefjfid (”550) an“ or High Street and Clay Avenue.
N h - t rom own. er you pass ew
commfimygfié ZfltttmeaLzfig‘gvo; Circle Fid, drive 5 miles and look for New membeis are wtelcpgietlti! 2:?
such strong support i can still hard- State Road 1973 (Cleveland Rd) on more In orma Ion, con 3° a l' -
jy believe it! in short, people -_ WE the left after the second blinking 0243 or paowens@ex0lte.com.
ROCK! If this occassion isn‘t light. There will beawhite grocery
deserving of a PARTY, | don't know to your right. The farm is a 1/2 mile MOONSHlNE BEAPS
what is! down Cleveland, on the left (just The Moonshine Bears wish to
Compliments of Lexington past Davis Forks Baptist Church). thank all of you who were at our Bear
Fairness, you are all invited to a We'll put up signs at the turns. Beach Party in July. We hadagreat
Celebration of the Fairness Victory Come celebrate "“5 incredible vic- time and a total of $142 was donated
at VWldy Knoll Farm on Sunday. “W ' 0" ”5”! See you a" there”! to the Lexington Fairness Alliance.
SOCIAL CONCEPTS Place; Cincinnati) by 1PM. Shared if you missed that event’ you
Social Concepts offers a sup- room accomodations are $36 each, have another oppurfunuly fat 0": 31w.
portive atmosphere for Lesbian and and lawn seating tickets at the con— Bar N'th- Come 10'” ”S or a er,
Bi women to socialize Recent activi- cert are $2850 I've never been to a fur and fun ‘as we present
ties included Shakespeare in the music festival, so l don't know what Moonshine Bears Leather 9293203
Park, a hot tub party, and a morning to expect. JOl“ me and we‘ll experi- Sat. Aug. 14 at CIOSSWS- 0 5
hike at Raven Run. ence it together! Raffle Will be offered With the pro-
On Wednesday, August 11 we We are also planning a Sunday ceeds being donated to the Fayette
will caravan to Lilith Fair. Plan to Brunch at Alfalfas on Aug 15 at 11 am CountyAlDS Program. f
leave the Georgetown Walmart park- and a pool party on August 21 at rtillark youchalergiarts npw oSroutr
ing lot at 11:30 AM. The concert 3pm at Shillitos Park. BYO picnic, 2$ Mr. entucky ear on es (:2 likep.
starts at 3PM at the Riverbend and any kids or friends you can fit in 11 at Crossmgs it you wou _' e a
Amphitheater, but we’ll need to your car. For more information about contestant application or _r|nore ””0:
check in at Garfield Suites (2 Garfield these or other activities, contact matlo'n, please e-mal “5 a
Ginger at gg40504@hotmail.com. Mnshlnebrs@aol.com.

 ....FAIRNE$S (continued trump-901) Sarah‘s letter could have tempted a
olhomosemalityasasinto complaints b H . :1?”ng G ON banished childhood sweetheart back
thattheordinamevotewasmvingtoo y 9”” e ' nes to this bazaar house. Concrete ani-
quCK'Y without sufficient WW3 oom- "Come on in, don‘t just stand mals keep watch with their red fin-
ment. 001W?" members. “WWW there. Jane Sarah will be down in a gernail polish eyes. Five-loot plastic
death threats from some individuals minute. You ain't still trying to mate deer don fresh coats of green house
Wing the ordinance. . . with girls, are you? Honey, that‘s so paint.

Lexmgton '5 the second my 'n nasty. I hope you doing whatever Quilt covered front porch gliders
Kentucky this year to pass SUC“ é? people like you do so you don’t get are bolted to the floor. More than
ordinance Becoming "19W "tunic" none at them potty diseases. Keep it 100 trees, bushes, and plants catch
pality 5” the state '9 do so, Loulswlle rinsed with vinegar water and l reck- the sun from the second story sky~
passed a similar ordlnance in January on you’ll be alright. light, Bird squawks and animal
that is limited *0 employment only. . You know she divorced Clell Jr. squeals erupt from hidden speakers.

Henderson, Kentucky? fits? '3 Been going to some she-quack Forever blinking Christmas lights are
expected ‘0 vote on a non-discrimina— shrink every since she came back over the chlttorobe that is laden with
tion ordinance in the tall. llenderson home. She won’t tell us what they colored water tilled liquor bottles.
has protected CW workers SW39 1996 talk about. You were the last person They call it a bar. Fifteen years, and
via a city'government personnel policy. we were expecting to get her to go nothing has changed.

A b'" PremedPY Representative out and have some fun. Been years Jane Sarah‘s ex-husband must
Kathy Steln(D-Le)angton)torthe2000 since we banned you from the have been a bad son of a biscuit
Kentucky Genet? ”5'59“” seeks to house. But that’s all over with, ain’t it eater to make a woman come back
ban discrlmlnatloh ‘” employment, Honey? Have a seat." to this place. Most people hit the gas
housing, and WW3 amommodatlons Nothing’s changed, the same when they round the corner and see
due to a person's sexual orientation. one-sided conversation. Only Jane CONT’NUED 0" NEXT PAGE

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GLSO Page 4

the large fluorescent orange and the floor. The quick motion causes a water refilling the tank. Time to wash
olive green country house. loud grating sound. the hands and leave the bathroom.
Jane Sarah always said the site “Honey, it's suppose to do that. The faucet knob turned with
was half the reason she could never You won‘t fall. Just scoot it back up." ease, but the water doesn’t shutoff.
get a date. Clell Jr. had to have been Both feet are firmly placed on A memory awakens. the water to the
a different breed. Only one other what appears to be nothingness. An toilet and the sink can be stopped ‘
suitor ever made it over the green opposing force is applied to the lower with the shut off valve under the sink.
threshold and past the stony crea- half of the body, which causes the it’s done. ‘
tures. And here she sits once again seat to realign over the bowl. One “Honey, use the pliers on that
watching the waterfall that sits smack hand grips the sink as an additional knob, the water is hard to cut off.
dab in the middle of the floor. The brace to keep the body and the seat Don't use the shut off, it ain't fixed
water Is for the animals, should they at bay. yet."
ever need a drink. A flick of the hand activates the with or without Jane Sarah, it is
The constant splashing works toilet paper roll. Continuous sheets time to leave this house for the last
the bladder of humans. There‘s no of paper jet-spin onto the floor. An time. Outside the bathroom the eyes
way to avoid having to use the water attempt to stop the motion causes readjust to the light. A smiling face
closet (bathroom). The accordion the roll, the peg, and a large spring to merges with the voice.
door leads to a sink and a toilet in a propel across the room. "Jane Sarah is out on the front
4' X 4’ stall. The ever present voice "Just leave it, we'll fix it back. porch laughing to herself, but she‘ll
outside the door provides lnstruc- More john wipe is behind the com- be ok once you two girls get started.
tions. mode. Don't use too much, it’ll clog l packed you some food for your
“The light switch is behind the up the flush.“ camping trip. Maybe you’ll find a
door. It's the third one, those other The needed sheets are mea- couple of nice boys. See you in a
two don’t go to nothing yet. What sured and ripped from a new roll. few days, Honey. Bye."
you think about that black light? lt’s Clothes are rearranged on the body. in the back of the pickup truck is
suppose to help you go better. i The toilet is flushed. The lazy a picnic basket and three suitcases.
hope you ain't straddling the seat like swirling water slowly creeps toward Jane Sarah is laughing and leaning
you used to do when you was a kid the brim. on the open passenger door. The
and thought you was a boy. Make “Sounds like you used too much day she ran from Clell Jr's house for
sure you dry the seat.” paper. Jiggle the handle. But don't the ride to the airport, there was a ,
To actually straddle the seat shake it too hard, we just fixed it. similar laugh. Not again, please.
would require the amputation of all Use the plunger if you have to. Be "Relax, I'm ok. Water is gushing
four limbs; the toilet is wedged in the sure to wash your hands." over the falls. The shut—off causes
corner between the wall and the nar- The handle is gently jiggled until the pressure to build until the water
row sink whinet. The black light and something inside the tank snaps and breaks free from every tap in the
black carpet create the effect of a the handle is left dangling at an odd house. Remember the last time you
bottomless pit with two fixtures sus- angle. The water continues to rise. were here and that happened?
pended against the wall. Just getting The plunger is snatched from under We can leave now." 3
to the seat is a psychedelic chal- the sink and placed in the bowl. The . ;
lenge. repeated hump~jab motion causes intercultural Lesbians! ,
It takes about five minutes to will the contents to slowly withdraw.
the feet to move, and peel pants and Peering into the topless tank,
drawers down around the ankles, there is a shinny colored ball connect
and position the butt under the toilet to a broken rod. The whole thing is
paper roll and down onto the seat. floating in the bottom of the tank.
As soon as flesh touches plastic, the The piece of handy work was proba-
loose~hinged seat glides off toward bly meant to controlled the stream of
GLSO Page 5 '

 Tm OTHEP WIZAPD 0F OZ musicians. Weparticularly need indi- Peace With Justice Week
vrduals to help us select appropriate The 8th Annual National
Lex. Metropolitan Community songs and write new lyrics We could Gathering of peace and Justice
Church (LMCC) is in the process Of also use help in picking topics and Activists will be held in Henderson,
forming a development grout) l0 PUt jokes about people and places within Kentucky on October 14,17. The
on a "Panto" or farcical comedy our community. 1999 theme is "Daring to Differ:
about Lexington and its diverse com- Once the script is completed Meaningful Work, Alternative
munitles. This event will be a fund there will be a general audition and Wisdom, Inclusive Love." Co-spon-
raiser for the LMCC and is planned dates will be set for rehearsals in sored by 20 national and regional
for December 1999' We need talent— November. This is a great opportu— human rights organizations, the
ed people who are interested to nity to jump 0" ship in the early event brings together hundreds of
attend an organizational meeting to stages and try your hand at new progressive activists from around the
help in the development 0* a script for aspects of contemporary theater. If nation.
a play entitled "It‘s an OZ Thing: The you are a member of an organization Last year, the gathering included
untold story". (The title may be or business that might be able to more than 300 registrants from 17
changed.) financially sponsor this event, please states. PW Jw includes powerful
in addition *0 script develop- contact Tomas at the number below keynote addresses, storytelling, con-
ment, we are looking for individuals For more information contact certs, exhibits, workshops, communi-
to help inanumber of capacities. We Anita Klimaxx or Tomas Wayne ty meals, worship, and more. The
need a director. a producer, stage Edison at 226-0978 or twedis1@popi Rev. Jimmy Creech) Raleigh, of
managers, prop 960918. actors, drag ukyedu. Let me know your area of North Carolina will be one of the
specialists. dancers, Singers, and interest and phone numbers. speakers this year.
‘ \ \ ‘ Annual Organizational Meeting
5‘ " Tuesday, August 17'", 7:30pm
4 , , ‘ Southland Lanes - 205 Southland Dr
Join the league for an informational meeting and FREE bowling. The
Rainbow League‘is an amateur league and individuals of all skill (or no
skill at all) are encouraged to bowl on this handicapped league. Even if
you donot want to commit to a full season, become a substitute or
rotating team member. The league is a great social alternative to the
bars and We have a great year planned for you! if you cannot attend the
meeting you are still welcomed to join the league; just contact Steve or
Shawn and let them know you plan to join the leagbe so that we can be
prepared for you. Hope to see or hear from you soonl!
Regular season play begins August 24‘“, 8:45pm
for more information: Steve R. 276-3058” iexrainbow.@aol.com '
V _ , Shawrr F. 255-7379 .igbosmf@earthlink.net

 Unitarian News divine feminine principal in increase its meetings from once a
I The Unitarian Univ ers ali st Christianity, and that in accordance month to every Sunday at 12:30 after
a Church of Lexington is proud to with the Grail Legend, its restoration the church service Everyone is wel-
, announce the arrival of our new min- will "heal the wastelands." Join come to attend these meetings
: ister the Reverend Cynthia Cain Worship Associates Vickie Hammel whether or not you are a member of
: Rev] Cain will begin her tenure at and Davina Warner on this heretical the church. The group is open to ,
l UUCL in mid-August and will be in quest for the Feminine Divine. people of all paths, and will have a I
. the pulpit for the last two sun days of Childcare is available, from non-hierarchical structure. 5
1 this month Rev Cain has a history 1 0:30 to 12:30, for infants and tod- Many pagans have concerns ‘
z of commitment to social justice and dlers in our Nursery. Older children about discrimination, persecution,
= many of us that met her during her are invited to attend "Summer Fun" in child custody issues, and so forth. As
. visit in June were impressed with her the downstairs RE space. coverage of pagan beliefs increases _
. The Unitarian Church has a in the media misinformation and dis-
knowled e of current lesbi a rans ' 1
l issues gPlease come to 33y); our number of groups and events that criminatlon is also likely to erupt.
' Sunday Services at 1045 3564 may be appealing to members of the Establishing ties to the larger pagan ,
Clays Mill Rd ’ ’ LBGT Community. Interweave will community and to mainstream orga-
Our first two sun day services in renew in sunday lunches in nizations such as the local Unitarian
August may also be of interest On September and is considering show— Church can be helpful in building a
August 1 join Worship Associates ing more gay themed movies this fall. personal support network as well as
Joan Kast and Vickie Hammel as (Davina 271-6174) The Women’s gaining support for the pagan move— .
they explore the concept of reincar- Spirituality Group made up of les- ment in general.
nation using The Little Soul and the bians and straight women will be Please consider attending one of
Sun A children‘s parable adapted starting again in Sept. also. (Mary our meetings to see for yourself if it
from Conversations with God by Crone 266-5904) would be a good place for you. This
.. fall we will be organizing a variety of
Neale Walsch. On Au ust 8, The . . .
Goddess in the Gospgls ,, In her 011383395 rituals and workshops led by particr-
books The Woman with the The Unitarian Universalist pants. Peggy and Bob are the con-
Alabaster Jar and The Goddess in Church provides a spiritual home for tact persons 887-2503 (a local call
the Gospels Margaret Starbir d pro- people of all beliefs, including many from Lex). or email Ruriksson@hot- ‘
poses that the Holy Grail is not a Pagans. The local chapter of the mai|.com. Phone is best as they can
. . Covenant of Unitarian Universalist only check email about once a week.
h srcal artifact but rather the l st
p y o Pagans (CUUPS) has decided to .
' We need. 10 new subscribers in the Lexington area to meet Bulk Mail requirements.
«caress . . ; ,. , _ ._.-. , :- , ; . :
CItyStzip 5 j \ ,_ _x ' > ... . = r,
$15membershipandnewsletter _ : _ “ ~ ~ : ' j i
p "$.20 maplemembership and newsletter ,_ ’7 “ _, ' _ 1.1-};
, 5' Imam : m: :_ . trauma, please: : maww.gif"imérélvto meant and W l T . ;
Wilmer-twee Member Mail is: WNWsWMW/I Lexfiy 40575
, GLSO Page 7

—_-_::::::_:::_.::.:_::.:_:_—_.:_::::*‘ ”—l
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
1 1 :30 am LMCC (Woodland Park) (Arboretum) .
6:00 pm Dignity 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA \ ' E " , ;_ ‘
Group (Pride Center) .4 ./ JM/I‘g‘, '
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA " l ‘a’, ‘1' .I
8 9 10 11 13 14
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board Mtg. 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
1 1:30 am LMCC (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) (Arboretum)
8:00 AA St St d 7:30 m GLSO Discussion 7:30pm Gay/LesbianAA
Pm 9P u y GroEp (Pride Center) 8:00 pm Moonshine Bears Res taur ant
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Crossings)
5 5 7 S. Limestone ‘
r 15 16 l 17 18 20 21 Lexmgton, Ky.
‘ 10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 1 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners 2 5 3—00 1 4
1 11:30am LMCC 1 (Woodland Park) ' (Arboretum)
* r 7:00 pm Fairness Steering 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
‘ i GLSO NEWS DEADLINE Committee (Pride Center) .
i SUBMIT ADDITIONS 7:30 pm (SLSOCDiscussion featurlng the famous
FOR NEXT CALENDAR 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Alfalfa WCCkend BIUHCh
273—9649 .
servrng blueberry
22 23 25 27 , 23 buckwheat pancakes,
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners .
11:30am LMCC (Woodland Park) (Arboretum) eggs benedlct arnold,
time TBA Fairness 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ,
Victory Bash (Windy Group (Pride Center) SpaHISh omelettes
Knoll Farm) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Ct desserts
gourm ,
and much more
29 30
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study
AUGUST 1 999 A“ °f°‘“ breads and '
desserts are baked daily
I Free Evenlng Parking
.___..:._..-___._:_::-.::_— __.___ ____

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'2 ' ’ ' » 1tles and Proclamations

 A JOURNAL OF SEXUAL That's one of the most non-genital, ous experiences. . fi
HEALING sexual experlences of my Me. I have My first step toward creating. a q
Pa“ 2 “mum“ therapy ends them every day - except lately, I’m new sexual experience ls to start Wlth a
by Kelly OlFeflefl notlcmg how often I mlss them. myself, inward. There are two areas T:
u , . It seems that after every meal, l I am focusmg on: first, exploring my r,
was riggafglagfgtgggdefaifstt $1? remember that l want to slow down own body and second, focusing on
and then another, putting her fork and taste my food. So, finally, after what I do enjoy doing, already, with “I
down between bites. I’d never seen wanting it and speaking about it, I Tam, instead of focusmg on what I tr
anything so elegant as Olivia eating. took my first bite and put my~fork don’t want to do but she likes and, It
As if she had all me time in the down. I want to know what some- therefore, beating myself up for not e
world." —-.Astrid in White Oleander by thing tastes like and if I even like the doing it. k
Janet Fitch way it feels in my mouth. The first part involves using 1‘
And then I noticed it again while Lesbian Sex to learn about my vagi- Ie
It was one 0t the most sexual, I was reading. I’d start skimming na. As a result, pictures have tt
passionate moments 0t my life. We pages when the book was really become a part of the process. Tarn u,
detoured t0 Seaside Beach, Ft- Oh good and leading up to a climax. and I had fun as she took pictures for zi
our way to the New Orleans Jazz And what do eating and reading me - for some reason I kept thinking
Fest because Of an article she‘d read last have to do with sexual healing? I had to smile! I tried a Polaroid s,
in a magazine. We were bOth loving They are one part of my increas- (because I was afraid to get 35mm a:
the b00k5 we’d brought 0" the trip. ing awareness of “Me, as a developed) but the pictures were h.
1'0 recently tOUhd an interest in sexual/passionate being, alone". blurry, so I useda 35mm (taken while 31
Southern women writers and travel- They are the realization that I rush the “Pulizter Prize Winning 01
"19 With my friend Sue. passion, skim over it. Sex with Tam Photograph" TV show was airing on {C
We ate an excellent meal and was different when we were dating - Discovery) and had the pictures
drank a bottle 0t Chilean wine as we we were still strangers. Now, we are developed. I decided it was just my
talked and read. God, we were in in a loving relationship and I’m skim- vagina, no different than my hand!
heaven, and we knew tt- At one mlng over this part of my life because Pictures of my vagina are now avail-
POihtl Sue held OUt her fork and said, I'm in too much of a hurry. I‘m afraid able - a veritible smorgesborg for me
“try this, you'll love It"- 30, t leaned to “feel the food" in my mouth; afraid to look at whenever I want to. lwant
across the candle lit table and look to notice what I like and don’t like to know my vagina like I know my
her fork "“0 my mouth, 0th to real- regardless of how Tarn feels.