xt7bk35mb602 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35mb602/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1984-11-02 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 2, 1984, no. 442 text The Green Bean, November 2, 1984, no. 442 1984 1984-11-02 2014 true xt7bk35mb602 section xt7bk35mb602 I I ’ "~¤R7 ZL
I   11-2-8M No.¤il2
Nov. 2, 9, and 16 Gallery Series
Nov. 2 Library Faculty Meeting, 8:30 am
Kentucky Chapter of SLA Meeting
Nov. 6 Fire Alarm System Check ·
Halfway Point of Autumn
Nov. 11-17 American Education Week
Nov. 12-18 National Children's Book Week
Nov. 15 LSO Credit Union Talk
Nov. 16 National Library Button Day
Nov. 28 Book Loss and Electronic Monitoring ~
for the Library Staff
Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday,.November 16, 198U
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, November 12, 198U _ A
A Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,
» Rob Aken (Editor)

LS/2000 Demonstration Terminals »
Four LS/2000 demonstration terminals are now available in the
Cataloging Department (3rd Floor, King N.), Staff are invited to
use these terminals for hands-on practice. Call Tari Keller
(7-8392) to reserve a terminal.
LSO to Sponsor Credit Union Talk
The LSO Staff Development Committee will sponsor a program on the
Credit Union, November l5, 9:30-10:30 am, in the King North r
u Gallery. Tamra Calton will give a talk, answer questions, and
E offer brochures explaining the Credit Union's various services.
§ Staff Development Program _
g Larry Greenwood — back from a successful presentation to the KLA
i - will present his study on "Book Loss and Electronic Monitoring
§ for the Library Staff" on Wednesday, November 28. The program
Q will be held in the Gallery from 9:30 am - ll:30 am. Mark your
j calendars now for this interesting Staff Development Program.
j (Paula Pope) _
Q New ACTS Executive Committee V
é Sharon Clark (CSR) — Chair
i · Kristy Robinson (Online Cat.)
E Sonja Riggen (Cat.)
§ Ron Weber (Acq.)
( Ann Long (Circ.)
i Fire Alarm System Check
‘ 3 The King fire alarm system will be checked between 7:35 and 8:00
. am on Tuesday, November 6. It is not necessary to leave the
buildings at that time.
The Gallery Series
The following programs will be presented at noon in the King
‘ North Gallery.
{ Friday, November 9 "Oboe Music of England"
Performed by School of Music
faculty member Bruce Morrison,
oboe; and Barbara Morrison, piano.

i 2
§ Friday, November l6 "Charles T. Griffes, l88U-1920:
g Music for Piano and Music for
Q Voice"
E Performed by School of Music
§ faculty members Patricia Mont-
} gomery, piano; and Phyllis
I »» Jenness, voice.
  I UK Library Receives State Grant
I The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives has awarded
King Library a $30,000 grant to fund 60% of the cost of
converting a portion of King's catalog to computer readable form.
Such conversions are an important part of the Department's
network development activity, a program promoting statewide
interlibrary lending. The program's goal is to provide all
Kentuckians quick, economical access to books and periodicals _
held by any participating library in the state.
The award to the University of Kentucky and similar grants to
Eastern Kentucky University and the University of Louisville were
decided upon by a panel of five librarians from Kentucky,
Indiana, and Ohio. Decisions were based solely on the merits of
proposals submitted by these and other competing institutions.
In making the award, Mr. Nelson stated that such grants will be
made once each year while the program continues and as long as
' funds are available.
Fellowships to Newberry Library
The University of Kentucky has become a member of Chicago's
Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies,. a consortium
also associated with The Folger Institute of Renaissance and
Eighteenth—Century Studies.
As a result, the Center will reserve up to $2,000 in fellowship
money for UK faculty, graduate students, or library staff who
wish to travel to the Newberry Library to pursue research in the I
Renaissance and/or Eighteenth Century. The Newberry is one of I
the great research libraries in America, and has extensive A
holdings in a number of fields. The research can be conducted
during the school year or during the summer. ‘
The Center also will conduct a number of seminars in l93M·85 for
which `UK people will be eligible. The fellowship money can be
used to support attendance at these seminars or it may be used
for any research project at the Newberry. Some upcoming seminars
will be:

1. "Renaissance Rhetoric in Theory and Practice"
Instructor: Samuel Jaffe, Department of Germanic
Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago
Winter 1985: January 7 — March 23
Wednesdays, 1:00 - M:OO pm.
2. "Cervantes and the Development of the Novel"
Instructor: Ruth El Saffar, Department of English
University of Illinois at Chicago
October 2 - December ll
3. "The Cartography of the Renaissance: Changing
Perceptions of Space in Early Modern Europe"
Instructor: David Buisseret, Director, Hermon
Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartogra-
phy, the Newberry Library
Spring, 1985: April 3 - May 22
Wednesday, 1:00 - H:00 pm
A Newberry Consortium Committee has been appointed at UK to
review research proposals from faculty and graduate students.
Proposals will be accepted any time between now and April lst.
If your are interested in applying, please submit a proposal -
(a) describes your research _
(b) indicates your funding needs
(c) indicates why the Newberry Library is
essential for your project °
(d) includes a curriculum vita. _
Send the proposal to:
Robert Hemenway, Chair
Newberry Library Committee
English Department
University of Kentucky. (Robert Hemenway)
Continuing Education at Pratt
Certificate of Professional Development in Library and
Information Studies Seminars are being offered in November at the
Pratt Graduate School of Library and Information Science and
School of Continuing Education in New York.
November 8-9 A Practical Introduction to
; Microcomputers
l November 15-16 Training Individuals to Use

Z ‘ November 29-30 Writing Procurement Documents
?‘ for Library Automation
Each seminar costs $150.00
Phone registration: (2l2)685-375M
Mail registration: Karen Adler Miletsky, School of
Continuing Education, Pratt Insti-
tute, l60 Lexington Ave., New York,
NY 10016.
See Rob Aken for details.
Katz, Bill, ed. Library Lit. lA~The Best of 1983. Metuchen:
Scarecrow, 198H. (020.5/L6l6l6/no.lH/1983)
Selected Contents: Electronics, the Cost Disease, and the
Operation of Libraries (Baumol and
Blackman); Theory vs. Practice in
Library Management (De Gennaro); The
Erosion of Library Education (Eshelman);
National Library and_ Information
Planning (Line); Library Technology:
the Black Box Syndrome (Stevens);
Computer Searching: a Primer for the
Uninformed Scholar (Stoan); The
Neurochemical Bases of Library Use...or,
Why We Love Harlequin (Benson and
0'Conner); Too Many Books? Publishers
, Problems and Collection Building
(Eaglen); The Elusive List Price and the
FPT Factor (Epstein); Not Yet
Guttenberg! (Jussim); Sublimity vs.
Circulation: for a Critical Method of
_ Poetry Selection (Miller); The Nonesuch
Press (Montagu); A Portrait of Working
Women in Federal Government Periodicals
(Morehead); Bibliographic Control of
Library and Information Science
Literature (Marco); Information
f Technology and the Myth of Abundance
I (Smith); The Community of the Book
(Vaughan) Access and Dissemination
Issues Concerning Federal Government
Information (Levin); A Backward and
Forward Look at the New York Times

Information Bank--A Tale of Ironies
Compounded...and an Anaylsis of the Mead
° Deal (Pemberton); The Rise and Pause of
the U.S. Freedom of Information Act I
" Lee, Sul H., ed. Library Fund Raising: Vital Margin for Excel- A
lence. Ann Arbor: Pierian, l98U. (Z/683/.L620/IQBE) A
Contents: Excellence in the Eighties: the Fund-raising (
Experience at Iowa State University (Kuhn); Gifts,
Grants, and Grantors: Garnering the Library's
V Share (Abernathy); The Truth About Trusts: One
Library's Experience (Woodrum); Integrating Fund-
` raising into the Administration of University
- Libraries: Goals, Plans, Strategies (Downes);
‘ Fund Raising for Libraries (Milano). ,
Middleton, Bernard C. The Restoration of Leather Bindings, rev.
ed. Chicago: ALA, l98H. (Z/27l/.M53/IQBH)
Post, William E. and Peter G. Watson, eds. Online Catalog-the A
Inside Story: a Planning and Implementation Guide. n.p.: ~
Ryan Research Int., l9g§T (Z/699/.05HO/1933) n
Contents: The Integrated System (Post & Watson);
Organizational Issues (Ryan); Building the File ,
(Post & Millican); Authority Control (Millican);
, Non-shelflist Collections (Millican & Watson);
Special Formats: Serials (Sullivan); Special
Formats: Nonprint (Hardy); Reference Service
(Watson & Armour); Instruction and Public
Relations (Power & Ariaratnam); Collection
Development (Power); The Extended Library
(Cookingham); Terminals (Post); Overall System
Configuration (Post); Catalog Evaluation (Ryan).
ALA Directory Has New Automation Data
The library automation explosion is being charted fer the first
time with the publication on August 3l of the 37th edition of Egg
American Library Directory [Ready Ref,/Z/73l/.A53]. It cnntains
the record of greatly expanded automation in American and
Canadian libraries, with data and vendor names fur hardware ind
software; lists of functions automated, catalog type; ani
information on the use of online reference systems. Included are
installations in public, research, academic, and special
libraries. (Library Journal (Oct. 15, l98H), p.l88l)

5 .
(For more information, see the Director's Office.)
Marine Studies Librarian, University of Delaware. Salary: not
specified. Deadline: November 30.
Coordinator of Copy Cataloging, University of Delaware. Salary:
not specified. Deadline: December 10.
Humanities Bibliographer and Reference Librarian, Purdue
University. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: January l5. _
_ _ New Mexico 8
Reference Librarian, University of New Mexico. Salary: $19,000-
$21,000. Deadline: December 10.
Pennsylvania V
Head Librarian, Allentown Campus, Pennsylvania State University.
Salary: $18,500 minimum. Deadline: November 15.
Reference Librarian, Behrend College, Pennsylvania State
University. Salary: $16,800 minimum. Deadline: January 3l.
Head, Processing Control Department. (Acquisitions/Serials),
Virginia Commonwealth University. Salary: $2U,000 minimum.
Deadline: November 30.
Business Librarian, Washington University. Salary: not
specified. Deadline: December l.
Library Technician IV, grade 6, Medical Center Library.
(If interested, contact Lynn Barnett 3~59U9.)