xt7bk35mb57m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35mb57m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-10-29 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 29, 1976, no. 152 text The Green Bean, October 29, 1976, no. 152 1976 1976-10-29 2014 true xt7bk35mb57m section xt7bk35mb57m }   (K   *._f  
10/ 29/ 76 N0. 152
3% October ~ "Husic in the Gallery" series. Faculty Chamber Music
Ensemble perforws music by Olivier Hessiaen. Hoon,
Gallery. Open to the public.
30 October ~ "Preschoolers, parents and books“ ~ workshop at UK
Student Union, 9—ll:3O AH.
5 November ~ Library Faculty meetino ~ 3r3O AM, Courtroom, College
of Law (note change of place).
I 10 November ~ Patterson Literary Society meetino ~ ll~llz5¤, Gallery,
open to the public.
12 November ~ "Husic in the Gallery" series. Arthur Graham (tenor)
and Clair Davies (guitar) perform Neapolitan sonqs. ’
Hoon, Gallery. Open to the public.
Contributors to this number: Cliff Black, Davie Farrell (Féitor),
John Gray, Karin Sanévik, Ann Short.

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In the Gallery: Some Blueqrass Pressesx
"fowe Bluegrass Presses l943el975“ is the title of the current
exhihit in the Gallery of Kino Library North. The exhibit is
a tribute to the smallepress industry that has flourishee in the
Rlueqrass since 1797 when John Bradforé, Kentucky°s first printer,
establishes his press at Lexinqton. More than 50 books an?
ephemeral pieces produces by private ané smallepress publishers
are on display. All are from the University of Kentucky Lie
braries“ collection and inclune pieces from the followinq presses:
Anvil, Bur, Buttonwood, Gnomon, Graveseno, Larkspur, Polyqlot,
Stamperia del Santuccio, Whipporwill, ane Wonderley.
The exhibit will run through November 75 and can be seen at the
followinq times? Non&ay¤Friday, 9~5p Saturcay 2¤l2.
Christmas crafts in the Art Library:
The annual Christwas crafts show is beinq planneé for November
ana December in the Art Library. Staff members are invited to
exhibit their haneicrafts for the holioay season, ané shoule
contact Karin Sanevik in the Art Library by l5 November.
Rekeyinq in MIK South:
Dekeyinc of Kino South is now complete. If staff members feel
they have a neei for a new key please make your request to Pat
Lloye in the Director"s Office. A
Erwin i S     €?.??.Yl€i?§,-,Q§fE2§..Q§Q>L?}§§’._@§§.i twice 3
Aiministrative Services now has a student typist ~ Jeanne Stevens,
a library science stucent who formerly workee for Instructional
Services. If your unit/Gepartment/branch is in neee of typinc
assistance please make your requests known to John Gray.
Nec Center telephones chancee
New telephone numbers for the Necical Center Library are as
fol lO\·7S 1;
Sara Leech, Associate Director ?33~5725
Janet Stith, Asst. Director for
Planninc ani Development 233~$727
Reference Department 233~6G65
Computer Generated Searches ?33~6569
T.H.I.S. Reference Service 7?3~€567
Kay Saillari, Kecia Librarian 233~5l2l
F%itor°s notee ·
Alice Morgan, King Library South, will he eeitinq the next Green
Bean. Itevs should be suhnittea to her by noon on Wecnesday,
3 November.

 -Z- V
BICYQI E SAF; Ei! §-ir)? AED
A recent memorandum from the Public Safety Division reminds faculty,
staff and students that bicycles are not permitted inside buildings
under any circumstances. The Police Department has been instructed
to remove any bicycles violating this directive.
SCIE?l!F,,(~ !€=.!FQR?‘€!1lI0?’ RETB1E\!{)! {QOURSE
Science Information Retrieval, a 3-credit course on computerized
bibliographic searching, will be offered by the Chemistry Department
of the University of Cincinnati in winter quarter, 1977. Two years
of library or science experience or study are required. The class
vnllveet on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Please call
Dorice Des Chene, Chemistry-Biology Library, U.C. for further infor-
mation (475-4524).
PF %?.SO?*E`.!§ I
Travellers: Travellers in October included Trudi Bellardo (NASA
RECON on—line system training session in washington, DC, and
American Society for Information Secience in San Francisco);
Karen Boucias (to the Learning Resource Center at Ohio State);
Paul Willis (to the ARL meeting in washington, DC); Brad Grissom
(ALA Institute on Processing and Automation at LC); and Judy
Sackett (Second Annual Library Microform Conference in Atlanta).
Scheduled for November travel: Toni Powell (Association of Land
Grant College Libraries at Fort Collins, CO); Paul Willis, Rhoda
Channing, Bill Marshall and David Farrell (Lilly Library, IU);
John Bryant (Southeastern Library Association meeting in Knoxvilld
Charles Atcher and Bill Cooper (Southern Historical Association
in Atlanta); Mollie Sandock (Chicago Graduate Library School
Conference on Extending Bibliographic Control); Jane White
(Conference on Critical Issues in Higher Education: Library &
Media at Evansville, IN); and Vivian Hall (11th Annual Geoscience
Information Society meeting at Denver).
. Job opening:
Media technician, Southeast Community College, Cumberland, KY.
For information, contact Boyd Plumley at 8-2633 or (606) 589-2145.
P!?’)FF§€Y!!T1,’\I FMP! R)/?¥F`¥§ ')P?"s'?T!’”¥IT{FQ
Acquisitions Librarian. Emory University; Atlanta, Georgia. Avail-
able Jan. l, 1977. Application deadline Dec. 1, 1976. Salary:
Minimum of $10,200.
Director of the Learning Resources Center. Indiana University East;
Richmond, Ind. Beginning date negotiable. Salary: $13,500-$16,000.
Director of Learning Resources. State University of New York,
Agricultural and Technical College; Cobleskill, New York.
Application deadline Jan. 15, 1977. Salary: $16,S87—$21,0G0.