xt7bk35m9h61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35m9h61/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1957 yearbooks ukyrbk1957 English , Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The 1957 Kentuckian text The 1957 Kentuckian 1957 1957 2012 true xt7bk35m9h61 section xt7bk35m9h61   University Archives Margaret I. King Library - North University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 4O506
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To illustrate University activities we have used the Adena people, an Indian civilization which inhabited this area over 2,500 years ago. Like us, they played and worked, and yes, partied too. The sketches of their activities in this introduction are authentic; in the rest of the book we have taken some liberties with them, but we don't think they would mind. For information on the Adena people we are indebted to Dr. Douglas W. Schwartz, Curator of the Anthropological Museum.  Editor ........................ Joyce Adams
Associate Editor Sam McCandless Managing Editor . Gurney Norman
Greek Editor................Mary Kenny
Sports Editor .................. Jim Bland  ..v    -y" 7
It is probable that among the Adenaas in many primitive culturesmost learning took place informally: at the mother's knee, or following the father in the hunt. Some undoubtedly was accomplished through story- and myth-telling around the campfire. Perhaps the grandfather or tribal elder would gather the younger members around him after supper to relate the wondrous deeds and Aesop's fables of that era, stories which (as those in our own culture) subtly reinforced and reflected the existing value system.
 No evidence of the forms of courtship and family organization among the Adena remains. But since this prehistoric society endured for over a millennium and a half we may say of the courtship which led to family life that it was effective and served its purpose.   Certain Adena individuals seem to have acquired special skills, probably after a considerable amount of training. Pictured here is a such trained person in the process of carving on a stone tablet a stylized version of a raptorial bird, which may have figured prominently in the burial customs of these people.
      Most primitive societies are composed of individuals who are much less dependent on others than is the case in urban life, for each man must be able to take care of most of his needs. However, there is the suggestion that among the Adena some informal organizations may have developed to produce specialized materials such as copper, woven goods, pipes or pottery.
  All societies must have some form of organization that will aid them in the adaptation of their way of life to new conditions, whether these be minor (as when an individual steps out of line) or major (as in raids on or by neighboring groups). Frequently the steps to be taken are decided by a council of older men conferring together to direct the society's choice.   Dr. Dickey speaking at the pep rally the night before the Georgia Tech football game.      On the morning of the first day that a freshman is a student at the University, he must find the banner of the college of his choice, sit with the group under that banner and wait for further instructions. Most of the people in that group he will never meet or care about knowing. Some of the others will be his closest associates as he tries to learn how to live and how to make a living.
If the freshman graduates, he will remember some of his classmates if he hears that a few of them have become rich and famous, and he will be proud to have known them when they were stumbling over the many stepping stones of the college experience. If he is successful himself, he will value his associations at UK more than ever, not only with classmates but with instructors and their messages.
In this review of 1956-57, the purpose of each college at UK is stated. The words of these statements are easy to forget, and are usually ignored when students read them. However, the words are here so that everyone may know that the people leading your education know what they are doing. They are giving you your best chance to get what you instinctively wantsuccess.
  Agriculture and Home Economics
Since near the beginning of this century, when the "Department of Domestic Economy" joined with the College of Agriculture in forming what has come to be the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at the University of Kentucky, this department, now under the direction of Dean Frank J. Welch and Associate Dean Levi J. Horlacher, has successfully endeavored to educate young men and women for careers as useful citizens and leaders in all phases of agriculture and home economics. The results of this endeavor are evident in many well-developed rural areas in Kentucky that directly benefited from the efforts of the Agriculture and Home Ec departments here at UK.
Frank G. Welch, Dean
  Arts and Sciences
With an emphasis on attaining an acquaintanceship with the main fields of intellectual and cultural interest, the College of Arts and Sciences, directed by Dean M. M. White, seeks to implant within the student as deep a knowledge as possible in a special field of his interest in the time alloted.
The College embraces twenty-nine departments and one school in this effort to train the individual student at UK as thoroughly as possible in four years in the directions of his interests and powers, in order that he may lead a happy and useful life and contribute his share of leadership in social, intellectual, economic, and political advancement.  Commerce
The aims of the College of Commerce, under the direction of Dean Cecil C. Carpenter, are twofold. In the first place, subjects offered in the field of Economics, together with other offerings in the field of Commerce or Business Administration, provide an understanding of that segment of human behavior which is concerned with securing a living. In the second place, the offerings in the two fields of Economics and Business Administration provide professional and vocational training for a great variety of positions in business and governmental bureaus.
Cecil C. Carpenter, Dean  1
One of the foremost problems in the United States today is the growing crisis in education due to the vast increase in schoolage population and the increasing demands on teachers at all levels. In many respects the fountainhead of American democracy is our educational system. The people who educate our leaders of the future must themselves be prepared and must themselves be capable of responsible leadership. The College of Education, under the guidance of Acting Dean Lyman V. Ginger, is preparing men and women to assume these positions of leadership.
The College of Engineering was organized at the University of Kentucky in 1918 and its present head is Dean Daniel Voiers Terrell. The purpose of the College is, first, to provide engineering education; second, to promote the development and utilization of the state's resources through organized research and through consultation with industry. Students receive training in the fundamental and applied sciences in preparation for careers in their chosen branches of engineering. They receive instruction intended to develop a strong professional consciousness and they are encouraged to broaden their education by including courses in the fields of the humanities and social sciences as a part of their elective work.
Daniel V. Terrell, Dean  Graduate School
Our Grad School, under the direction of Dean Herman E. Spivey, now ranks among the top dozen largest graduate schools in the South and Southwestin numbers of full-time graduate students enrolled and in numbers of graduate degrees awarded each year. In each of the forty subjects of advanced study a senior staff member with a major interest in graduate work and research has been designated as "Director of Graduate Study." All graduate students keep in frequent contact with their advisors so that improved programs can be developed to fit the background, the needs, and the desires of each student.
38  Law
The College of Law is housed in the Lafferty Hall, one of the newest law school buildings in the nation. The College was organized in 1908 and was the first law school in Kentucky to become fully accredited by all agencies which establish standards for law schools, including the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, the Association of American Law Schools, the American Bar Association, the Begents of the University of the State of New York, and the Courts and Bar Examiners of all forty-eight states. The college sponsors four Law Clubs, each named for Kentuckians who have been members of the supreme court, for the purpose of affording training and experience in competitive oral argument and brief-writing. The Kentucky Law Journal, one of the leading legal periodicals published by American law schools, is also published by this college. Dean Elvis J. Stahr climaxed nine progressive years as Dean of the College of Law with his resignation, which becomes effective in June, 1957.
Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., Dean  I Medicine
The University of Kentucky Medical Center, which is now in blueprint form, will become a reality in the Fall of 1959, according to schedule. Thirty-nine acres have been set aside on the Experiment Station farm, adjacent to the campus, as the site of this dream-come-true med center. At the request of Governor A. B. Chandler, the 1956 Kentucky General Assembly appropriated $5,000,000 for construction of the sciences building, which will be the first unit of the Center. Upon completion of this building, construction will begin on a teaching hospital and other needed facilities. The new Medical Center will eventually house a College of Dentistry and a School of Nursing. Dr. William B. Willard is Dean of the UK College of Medicine, which was formally established on June 1, 1954.
42 Howard L. Bost, Richard Wirrrup,
Medical and Hospital Economist Hospital Administrator
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Since 1947, the College of Pharmacy has been an integral division of the University of Kentucky, and will be even more so when the department leaves its present home in Louisville and moves into the modern building which is nearing completion here on campus. The college is accredited by the American Council on Pharmacy as a class A college, and is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Dean Earl P. Slone heads the college and its well-qualified staff of instructors. The work performed by each student in the laboratories and dispensing department is arranged to insure practical and scientific training for students in the field of Pharmacy.
Earl P. Sloan, Dean
44  Education And Extension
As a vital instrument in the University's program designed to improve Kentucky through education, the College of Adult and Extension Education makes available instructional and research facilities to people throughout the state via its home study courses and branch classes. Forums, clinics, short courses, publications, library services, and films and slides are made available to organizations, community groups and individuals. This college also maintains the UK Northern Center at Covington, and each year sponsors music, speech and drama festivals for Kentucky high schools. The college is under the direction of Dean Lyman V. Ginger and Associate Dean Louis Clifton.
Lyman V. Ginger, Acting Dean  This "bevy of beauties" vied for the title of Snow Queen at the annual Snowball held by the Center at Devou Park, site of a proposed campus. Left to right, first row, are Glenda Kordenbrock, Joann Campbell, Wanda Barnes, Dell Haskell, Joann Arnzen. Second row, Janet Smith, Virginia Brown, Patricia Winters, Betty Mays, Ruth Tiryung. Third row, Shirley Holloway, Martha Daly, Bobbie Joan Hay, Sandi Karrick, Kathleen Grau, Jessie Finnell, Joyce Ann Geyer.
The student council for the Center includes, left to right, seated, Rebecca Hesselman, Faye Stokely, Joann Arnzen; standing, Dr. Ross Webb, faculty advisor; Robert M. Vest, Larry West, Thomas Campbell, and Sidney Austin. Dr. Edna C. Miller, the other faculty adviser, was absent when the picture was made.
Dr. Frank G. Dickey and Thomas L. Hankins, Director of the Center, inspect the proposed site for a new building and campus for the Northern Kentucky branch of the University.
 Northern Center
Originally set up as an off-campus college for high school graduates, adults and veterans after World War II, the Northern Center has now grown to be a vital part of the university proper with more than 800 students and 40 faculty members.
Following the trend in other state universities, the center answers a need for higher education in a heavily populated section of the state where the main campus is not readily accessible. No other accredited or state college is available in this general area to Northern Kentuckians.
The center is also of immeasurable help to Northern Kentucky teachers who need additional work for a degree or who wish to brush up on teaching techniques at the graduate level.
Most of the students are married, nearly all work at fulltime jobs. Many adults enroll not only for college credits but also to further their skills to help obtain advancement in their positions in local business and industrial houses.
Joann Arnzen, Snow Queen, 1956
Members of the Northern Center faculty and staff include left to right, Miss Dell Haskell, Mrs. Sarah Black, Miss Barbara Corcoran, Miss Louise Shelton, Miss Betty Warnick, Miss Ruth Webb, Mrs. Carneal Edens, and Dr. Caroline Miller; second row, Bob Rankin, Dr. Louis Brown, Jackson Heimer, Thomas L. Hankins, the director, Charles Southerland, and Rickman Powers; third row, Dr. Roderick Senter, Merl Farmer, Dr. Charles Talbert, Dr. Ross Webb, David McMurtry, Thomas
Riley, Cecil Craig. Absent when the photograph was made were Dr. Ellen Loudensiager, Dr. Jack Gottschang, Dr. Robert Price, Walter M. Baulch, Miss Betty Jane Brooker, Vernon R. Bryant, Slade Carr, Charles Dunn, William J. Elliott, Perry Martin, Robert Knauf, Robert Shearer, Miss Janet Bryan, Paul Schott, Jean Martin, Evelyn Rankin, Glenn Wills, Edward Keim, Mrs. Milli Lawson. 'A
UK's organizations give the student a part in aiding the improvement of campus life, thereby arousing his own desire and ability to lead his community later on. They also draw students closer to people who want to further the same academic, professional, religious, or social interests they have.
aKSvJr .?rSp-^'W ^ritalM
  Alma Magna Mater sponsored again this year the presentation of an outstanding alumnus award, given last fall, followed in the spring with an award given to the outstanding senior of the year. The organization also worked with SUKY on pep rallies, greeting and seeing off visiting teams and participating as an active group in the cheering section of ball games.
The group is now working to bring a dance to the campus to honor the graduating seniors. This dance would resemble the Senior Prom once found at U. K. Another project is a Homecoming Dance for the students. This would be held the night after the Homecoming game and feature a name band.
Alma Magna Mater was organized in 1925. Mrs. Hampton C. Adams is faculty advisor. Richard Vimorrt is president. Other members are J. Robert Perkins, Anne Wilson Armstrong, Nancy Howard, Emily Crawford, Mary Ellen Barber, Jane Lee Hatchett, Pat Massie, Barbara Sharpe, Jeanne La Master, Carole King, Barbara Baugh, Marianne Vossmeyer, Jayne Wheeler, Judy Pennebaker, Bob Bates, Carlisle Chenault, Nancy Saufley, Carol Jean Stapleton, Blaine Neikirk, Ann Pennington, Mary Jo Berry, Susan Hardisty, Eleanor Fish, Mary Jo Morrow, Dotty Edwards, Carolyn Collier, Ann Vimont, Judy Meloan, Beba Lewis, Anne Helburn, Joyce Beals, Don Mills, Joel Watson, Skip Adams, John Tomson, Elliott Netherton.
52 Williams, Thornton, Lawson, Chandler
Riddle, Ogden, Horne, Walker, Thornbury, Lipsky, Combs Welch, Patton, Lively, Elswick, McClure, Lewis, Mayes Shirley, Patterson, Terry, Beals, House, Rhodemyer, Talley
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Lambda Delta honors freshman women who achieve a standing of 3.5 or better during the first semester of their freshman year. Each spring, awards are given to all senior women who have maintained their Alpha Lambda Delta standing throughout their college career. A special award is given to the senior woman with the highest over-all standing.
The purpose of Alpha Lambda Delta is to promote and encourage intelligent living, a high standard of learning, and superior scholastic attainment among the freshman women of this institution.
Activities this year included ushering at Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises, maintaining an information booth at the Arts and Sciences Exposition, Beligious Emphasis Week publicity, a "B-Standing" party, and joining with the other honoraries on campus in publishing a pamphlet to be sent to new women students before they arrive at the University.
The organization was founded in 1924 at
the University of Illinois; the Kentucky Chapter was installed on this campus in 1940.
Sue Chandler was president of the organization this year. She was assisted in handling administrative affairs by Jane Williams, vice-president; Marjorie Lawson, secretary; and Ruth Thornton, treasurer. Miss Judith Griffin and Miss Jeanette Reams are faculty advisors.
Members: Joyce Beals, Sue Chandler, Margaret Combs, Patricia Edwards, Jackie Elswick, Sarah House, Marjorie Lawson, Shirley-Lewis, Marilyn Lipsky, Jo Ann Lively, Marilyn Mayes, Mary McClure, Ann Murphy, Sandra Northcross, Helen Ogden, Marguerite Olofson, Betsy Patterson, Josephine Patton, Patricia Quick, Gregg Rhodemyre, Penny Bid-die, Barbara Rowlette, Carol Scott, Nancy Shreve, Ann Shirley, Sue Tackett, Carol Lee Talley, Betty Terry, Frances Thornbury, Buth Thornton, Marian Van Horne, Sara Walker, Jean Welch, Jane Williams, and Barbara Zeigler.
53 Alpha Phi Omega
The purpose of Alpha Phi Omega is to assemble college men in the fellowship of the Scout Oath and Law, to develop friendship and promote service to humanity.
Specifically, this organization is a service fraternity which makes up Christmas baskets for needy families, supplies the infirmary with radios, magazines and newspapers, conducts the campus United Service Drive and carries on many other worthwhile projects. This group, made up of "college level" Boy Scouts, sponsors the annual Ugly Man Contest and dance to secure funds with which to promote its many activities.
Alpha Phi Omega was founded at Lafayette College in 1925 and the local chapter, Alpha Zeta, was installed on campus in 1933. Mr.
Bart Peak, Mr. Howard Stephenson and Dr. Rhea Taylor are the faculty advisors. Scouting advisors are Mr. Alwyn A. Hughes and Mr. G. Walton Ferrell.
Officers for the 1956-1957 school year included Elliott Netherton, president; James Shifflett, secretary; Charles Pennington, treasurer; and Al Reisz, historian. Thomas Riggs and Ted Simmons shared the vice-presidential duties.
Actives: Max Harris, William Martin, Elliott Netherton, Charles Pennington, Aloysius Reisz, Herman Rieke, Thomas Riggs, James Shifflett, Ted Simmons, and Orville Threldeld.
Pledges: Carroll Annamond, Bob Baker, Bailey Davis, Paul Estes, George Cash, Murphy Green, Joel" Howard, Dave Patterson, Dave Thomas and Bruce Weber.
54 Evans, Trivette, Crutcher, Barnett, Spencer, Berry, Lowe, Rice Wilson, Evans, Young, Gosser, Maddux, Nickell, Malcomb Justis, Deaton, Cook, Wilson, Dunham, Murphy, Coats, Hart Martin, Baird, Luce, Wade, Johnson, Bradford, Bean Massey, Johnson, Bradford, Noe, Story
Alpha Zeta
Leading the Scovell chapter of Alpha Zeta this year toward the attainment of their purpose, "To foster high standards of scholarship, character and leadership among undergraduates and graduate students of Agriculture," was Kenneth Evans, chancellor, Bill Luce, censor, Garnett Bradford, scribe, Bay Johnson, treasurer, and Bobert Dunham, chronicler A Z officers for 1956-1957.
Alpha Zeta was founded at Ohio State in 1897 and the local chapter, Scovell, was in-
stalled at U.K. in 1912. Faculty advisors include Prof. L. A. Bradford, Dr. Frank Buck, and Dr. Herbert Massey. A number of Alpha Zeta's are professors in the U.K. College of Agriculture.
Actives: Marcus Barnett, Robert Bennett, Robert Berry, Garnett Bradford, Richard Crutcher, Maurice Cook, Robert Dunham, Oliver Deaton, Kenneth Evans, Ray Johnson, Bill Luce, John Murphy, Tommy Noe, Ernie Spencer, David Terry, and Albert Wilson.
 American Institute
of Electrical Engineers
The combined organizations of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers compose the Electrical Engineering Student Assembly. They meet jointly and cooperate in sponsoring speakers in the fields of engineering and industry for tneir weekly assemblies.
The purpose of AIEE is to bring about the advancement of the theory and practice of Electrical Engineering and the allied Arts and Sciences, and to maintain a high professional standing among its members. This organization was installed on this campus in 1910 and is directed by faculty advisor L. N. Back;
chairman Eddie Lassiter; vice chairman Bill Spradlin; and secretary Robert Pace.
The IRE endeavors to secure a dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all phases of Electrical Engineering and other allied fields, as well as the furtherance of the professional development of the student. Officers of this branch of the organization are James Stock, chairman; Hubert Huie, vice chairman; and Elvin Sutton, secretary. Dr. N. B. Allison was the faculty advisor during this eighth year since the organization was installed on campus.
 Members of the Freshmen class are: J. W. Adams, R. D. Adams, H. B. Allen, E. C. Alvey, J. K. Amster, M. Anderson, K. R. Andrews, G. R. Baker, B. A. Barber, M. D. Belew, R. N. Black, D. W. Blondell, W. T. Brantley, H. B. Butler, J. F. Caldwell, B. R. Callahan, J. W. Calvert, B. A. Campbell, H. L. Cannon, C. W. Carl, W. E. Carl, R. W. Carter, W. R. Chapman Jr., R. W. Cheap, J. L. Abbord, M. L. Chilton,
C. G. Chism, R. P. Clarke, C. C. Cook, J. W. Coon, D. D. Cornett, J. O. Cornett Jr., N. Y. Cravens, L. A. Crigler, B. L. Criswell, F. D. Curry, G. E. Davidson, L. H. Dawson III, K. W. Deal, E. L. DeCrosta, R. C. DeMarco, J. T. Dennis, N. Dominguez, S. C. Drake, F. P. Duncan, S. M. Ennis, H. T. Evans, H. W. Fannin Jr., T. L. Finney, R. E. Dykes, R. L. Fugate, V. V. Funderburk, J. P. Gaines, J. B. Garrett.
R. E. Gentry, H. G. Graves, T. D. Greer, S. Haiges, G. H. Handlon, W. M. Harney Jr., L. W. Harper, P. K. Harris,
B. T. Hackensmith, J. P. Hodge, H. G. Hoffman, D. E. Holland, W. R. Hooker, J. F. Huddle, A. T. Isaacs, W. B. Ison Jr., H. R. Jackson, B. L. Johnson, D. G. Johnson, J. M. Johnson, J. P. Jones, J. L. Kick, W. S. Lay, J. W. Layne III,
G. L. Lee Jr., C. R. Litton, B. J. Lutes, L. E. Martin, W. L. May, J. R. Mitchell, R. Montjoy III, M. T. Morgan, C. M. Mutters, W. R. McBrayer, C. H. McCracken, D. G. McMillen, W. R. Neikirk, G. P. Neill, D. C. Nethery, F. M. Ockerman,
H. B. Parrish, D. W. Pearson, H. H. Pence, D. R. Quisen-berry, J. R. Raybourne, R. L. Reecer, D. B. Rhodes, J. L. Rice, J. S. Richardson, G. E. Roberts, A. B. Sallee, C. E. Sayler, E. F. Sellier, R. E. Shubert, S. J. Simande, D. D. Simmons, E. C. Slattery, F. T. Sledd, C. M. Smith, G. H. Smith, L. Stepp, J. C. Stewart, H. G. Storm, R. E. Swanks,
D. L. Thomas, W. A. Thomas, D. W. Tilley, A. B. Truitt Jr.,
C. R. Tucker, D. E. Turner, R. L. Turner, F. W. Watkins, T. W. Webb, J. P. Wellner, J. B. Whitaker, P. R. Wiler,
D. O. Williams Jr., J. B. Winn Jr., L. Works Jr., H. C. Yang, G. A. Yates, R. B. Tewmey, J. L. Alford, C. F. Huffaker.
Members of the Sophomore class are: J. L. Alderson, J. B. Allen, H. F. Anderson, J. J. Avent III, B. H. Baddley, C. T. Baker, J. L. Boggers, J. L. Brackin, O. W. Bryant, R. D. Calvert, C. E. Canada, J. M. Cannon, H. L. Cantrell, H. C. Card Jr., F. F. Carden, C. L. Candill Jr., C. E. Clark, O. R. Clark, S. R. Clark, M. S. Cobb, W. K. Combs, B. S. Compton, T. B. Cook Jr., W. S. Cox, J. E. Crenshaw, R. A. Crisp, F. H. Criswell, R. E. Crocker, J. E. Cromer, C. M. Curtis, M. L. Dixon, R. O. Dorsey, R. P. Dunbar, J. E. Dutton, S. G. Edwards Jr., R. J. Elswick, O. P. Ely Jr., L. C. Frazier, W. B. Frye, R. N. Galloway, J. W. Gannon, J. A. Gex, J. B. Grant, W. E. Grubbs, L. S. Hall Jr., W. M. Hanley, O. M. Haugen Jr., F. A. Helvy, H. O. Hicks Jr., J. T. Hill, R. L. Hills, W. E. Hopkins, D. C. Hopper, A. C. Hudack, R. N. Hull, J. L. Hummeldorf, G. A. Isham, R. C. Isham.
G. K. Jansen, L. E. Jewell, W. E. Johnson, H. C. Keifer, J. W. Kendrick Jr., J. G. Kennedy, E. R. Kerr, L. T. King, W. R. Lightner, J. E. Losey, H. Loy Jr., A. A. Lupinetti Jr., J. C. McGary, R. M. Mabry, J. R. Maloy, M. I. Mashni, J. J. Meiman, R. L. Menefee, M. L. Miller jr., A. J. Mitchell,
C. E. Monroe, J. W. Moore, R. E. Moore, B. D. Mullins,
D. L. Myers, H. M. Myers, L. R. Newsom, D. L. Ockerman,
E. B. Perry, K. E. Pfaff, P. E. Phelps, J. A. Powell, D. D. Preston, H. R. Prewitt, R. C. Pruitt, J. E. Queen, E. D. Quirey, B. B. Reamy, J. C. Rice, P. M. Risk, J. R. Roper, D. D. Salter, G. B. Shelton, W. L. Simpson, W. H. Sims, R. B. Smith, D. M. Speight, R. D. Squires, C. C. Stephens, J. R. Stidham, L. A. Sternman, G. Supcoe, H. D. Thomas, W. M. Thompson, C. Vincent, W. S. Wagner, W. A. Wallace, C. E. Webb, J. R. Wheeler, J. E. Whitfield Jr., J. W. Whitrj. J. C. Wilds, J. M. Williams, J. C. Witson, L. R. Wood Jr., I. A. Wright, C. T. Wyrick, W. R. Yount.
57 3t j J I
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Members of the Junior and Senior classes are: R. H. Adams, J. H. Barnett, W. L. Beach, R. T. Buckholz, J. C. Butler, E. B. Campbell, R. L. Carney, G. O. Caudell, D. D. Cheng, J. E. Chilton, E. F. Clay, J. L. Cobb, R. C. Gonley, J. B. Coomes, J. J. Coonen, J. K. Cooper, R. A. Crisp, *R. D. Dasenbrook, G. A. Davidson, R. A. Dawson, J. C. Day, R. L. DeForest, B. F. Dennison, T. R. Elkin Jr., G. Ellis Jr., J. C. Ely, W. W. Fields, R. C. Fights, W. G. Fleming, W. D. Ford, D. Frank, G. L. Frye, D. E. Gaines, M. C. Gil-breath, W. H. Glass, P. L. Guthrie, E. E. Harber Jr., K. P. Harding, D. N. Harper, J. D. Harris, R. D. Harris, J. B. Hensley, R. L. Herrick, L. J. Home Jr., B. B. Hucaby, G. A. Isbell, F. F. Jarvis, B. A. Johnson, P. T. Jolly, R. Jones, A. L. Keith, J. P. Kelly, H. B. Kim, E. L. King, W. E. Lane, E. C. Lea II, J. L. Lehmann, P. P. Lin, S. G. Lenardos, D. T. Lockard, G. B. Looney, C. G. Lundy, N. B. Lundy, J. B. Lyons Jr., C. MacDonald, J. T. Maritin, W. I. Mason, J. L. Matthews, F. T. May, B. A. Maynard, D. H. Meador, T. S. Means Jr., L. D. Montgomery, D. S. McDaniel, M. B. McGregor, R. D. McMichael, L. J. Olowin, S. A. Omer, D. E. Osborne, C. W. Paynter, L. A. Perry, R. P. Petrey, F. J. Phillips, S. C. Powell, V. H. Powell.
W. Pridemore, T. D. Proctor, D. W. Record, B. E. Roper, W. A. Sayre, J. E. Scalf, P. L. Scalf, J. N. Schneider, W. A. Schneider, F. G. Scholl, R. J. Schworer, L. Scoufis, G. A. Smith, D. G. Snedaker, C. M. Spilman Jr., W. G. Spradlin,
J. A. Stegman, A. R. Stephens, D. R. Stephens, T. E. Stewart, W. B. Story, T. G. Stovall, D. L. Sumner, D. B. Suter, R. E. Tarter, P. G. Terhune, D. K. Vance, R. K. Walker, G. R. Wallace, J. R. Ward, J. R. Wheeler, E. E. Wiggin, E. B.. Williams, D. A. Young, E. D. Young, J. Zuverink Jr., J. R. Atherton, Q. S. Bastin, R. R. Bell, M. E. Berry, J. M. Bicknell, C. C. Bischof Jr., A. L. Bondurant, N. E. Brown, G. D. Calvert, W. D. Catlett, C. C. Chadwick, T. A. Childers, F. A. Coots, K. H. Darnell, D. R. Dingus, J. R. Dixon, W. D. Draffen, J. L. Dumbacher, H. E. Eagle, J. D. Ewen, N. J. Falley, D. M. Finney, G. E. Goff, D. W. Gordon, W. M. Grim, J. G. Hall, G. J. Hewitt, R. R. Holland, C. L. Hopkins, L. Hurst, J. D. Igleheart, C. Jackson Jr., H. T. Jaggers, H. Jent, B. E. Johnson, C. F. Johnson, R. K. Jones, W. G. Jones, R. Kidd, J. P. King, D. F. Kizzee, C. E. Lamb, M. D. Lay, H. C. Locklar Jr., D. L. Lust, V. L. Maners, E. D. Marshall, W. H. Mathis, E. C. Matthews, F. Miller, P. C. Miller, D. W. Moore, L. B. Morgan, J. C. Myrik, J. D. McClellan, T.. Mc. Neville, A. L. Osborne, W. R. Presser, J. E. Rhoades', R. H. Riggs, R. L. Rizenbergs, R. N. Roark, A. I. Rofe, D. C. Scott, H. D. Shearer, J. R. Shrader, J. W. Simon, R. E. Stallings, R. L. Stith, J. D. Stock, T. C. Thomas, O. G. Turner, W. H. Tyler, H. G. Vick, T. G. Waddle, D. E. Wells, M. T. Whalen, R. O. Wilford, W. T. Williams, M. W. Wright.
 The American Pharmaceutical Association was founded in Philadelphia in 1852. The University of Kentucky Student Branch was installed at the College of Pharmacy in Louisville in 1935.
The purpose of this organization is to bring the pertinent aspects of the profession of Pharmacy to the attention of the pharmacy student, and to encourage proper relations among the medical professions and the people at large as may promote the public welfare.
The faculty advisor is Dr. O. M. Littlejohn.
Charles Long was president of the association this year, with Boy English as vice-president, James Arnold, secretary-treasurer, and Edward Tanner, Sgt.-at-Arms.
59 The American Society of Civil Engineers was founded in New York City in 1852. The local chapter was installed on campus in 1921.
The purpose of the organization is to promote the maintenance of high professional standing among the members and the development of the individual student engineer through regular seminars and lectures.
Officers this year were Harold Hanson, president; Dick Howe, vice president; Ina Lee Mason, secretary, and Gerald Cyrus, assistant secretary. The faculty advisor is Professor Alvin L. Chambers.
The members of the Freshmen class are: Donald L. Adams, Chester A. Arthur, William E. Ashbrook, Ulys C. Ashby, Everett L. Ashurst, Barry W. Averill, Phillip K. Ayres, Franklin E. Baggett, Philip T. Bailey, James E. Baker, Kenneth Balke, Donald R. Bishop, George R. Boone, Gilbert B. Bottom, Robert E. Bowling, William L. Brawner, Robert L. Brown, Jake Brum-mett Jr., Peter S. Burke, Glynn F. Bushart, Joseph B. Caldwell, Bill D. Carder, Earl L. Clark, Margery A. Clark, Donald R. Cloyd, Larry J. Collins, Michael Conner, Paul Cook, Edward L. Cooke, Paul Wayne Cooper, Frank C. Corley, Paul K. Coulter, Earl L. Crawley, William R. Creager, Marion D. Creech, David W. Curneal, Richard G. Curtsinger, Valentin A. DeMarco, Hugh D. Dening, Tommy G. Deniston, William S.
Dennis, John C. Depp, Jack H. Devers, Harold T. Diamond, Donald M. Elliott, Johnny K. Elswick, Larry E. Epley, Raymond H. Erpenbeck, Arnold Estep, Larry P. Estes, William Albert Finch, John W. Fister Jr., Charles H. Flynn, Leonard Fletcher, James T. Fortenberry, Paul R. Francis, Jerry Garrard, Allen H. Garst, Robert G. Glass, Heber C. Godsey, Paul D. Gravely, William C. Gray, Thomas V. Green, Arnold L. Grider, Larry T. Griffin, Woodson B. Gudgell, Robert M. Gunter, Sammie D. Guy, David L. Hall, Mary Frances Hall, Bruce L. Hamon, Richard A. Hause, Thomas S. Haydon, Stewart B. Hedger, Donald G. Henderson, Ronald L. Henderson, Kenneth R. Hixson, Rondal G. Hogan, Paul W. Honeycutt, Lawrence C. Howard, Rodger N. Jackson, Fred Jarrell, Gene R. Jasper, Joe E. Jeffries, Larry A. Johnson.
Robert K. Johnson, Harry S. Jump, Carl M. Kaffin, Dale J. Kauzlick, John S. Kennoy Jr., George A. Kinser, Robert K. Lacey, Kenneth R. Lail, David H. Lasinski, Howard C. Law-son, Larry D. Luttrell, Donnie Ray Lynam, Jim C. Martin, James H. Martin, Kenneth R. Martion, W. Rush Mathews Jr., Darrell McBeath, Ronald W. McCabe, Joe Rives McClellan, Maxwell F. McDade, Wallace V. McDaniel, Benny McGehee, Robert T. Melton, Harold A. Michael, Thomas K. Miller, Don Mills, John R. Moore, William A. Mossbarger, Thomas D. Murphy," Curtis Ochs Jr., Carol Ann Pace, Frank G. Parker, Ramon B. Parrish, David D. Pattison, Gary Pennington, Lewis Perkins, Emmett Probus Jr., William G. Proffitt, William L. Quisenberry, Jon R. Rex, Earl J. Reynolds Jr., Thomas B. Riney, James A. Rusch, William J. Sammons, Tony W. Sat-terly, Carson Sawyer, Charles C. Schimpeler, Roger Schnitzler, Frederick Schuette, John W. Scott, Martin D. Scott, Leland S. Seaton Jr., Herschel S. Sedoris, Glenn E. Shaw, Philip D. Sims, Joe E. Smith, Tom H. Smith, William Paul Smith, Donald W. Southworth, Freddie L. Sowell,