xt7bk35m9h4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35m9h4v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2010 minutes  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2010-03-09 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2010-03-09 2010 2010 2012 true xt7bk35m9h4v section xt7bk35m9h4v Minutes of the Meeting ofthe Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
March 9, 2010.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, in the Board Room on the 18m Floor of Patterson Office Tower.
A. Meeting Opened
Ms. Mira Ball, chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and asked Ms. Pamela May,
secretary of the Board, to call the roll.
B. Roll Call
The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call ofthe roll: Mira Ball
(chair), Stephen Branscum, E. Britt Brockman, Penelope Brown, Jo Hem Curris, Carol Martin
"Bill” Gatton, Ann Haney, Pamela T. May, Billy Joe Miles, Sandy Bugie Patterson, Robynn
Pease, Erwin Roberts, Charles R. Sachatello, Frank Shoop, Ryan Smith, James W. Stuckert, and
Barbara Young. Absent from the meeting were Dennontti Dawson, Everett McCorvey, and
Emest Yanarella. Ms. May announced that a quorum was present.
The university administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr., Provost
Kumble Subbaswamy, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Frank Butler,
Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf; and General Counsel Barbara W.
The university faculty was represented by Chair of the University Senate Council David
Randall, and the university staff was represented by Chair of the Staff Senate Bryan Back.
Members ofthe various news media were also in attendance.
C. Consent Items
Ms. Ball called attention to the consent items which included the minutes, personnel
actions, and acceptance of a gift and pledge. Ms. Patterson moved approval ofthe consent items.
Mr. Stuckert seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See consent items listed
below at the end of the Minutes.)
Minutes — December 1, 2009
PR 2 Personnel Actions
FCR 1 Dr. Sibu P. and Mrs. Rebecca J. Saha Pledge
D. Recognition of Cheerleaders
Ms. Ball called upon Ms. Haney to read a citation in recognition ofthe cheerleaders, and
Ms. Haney read the following citation:

 . 2 .
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky hereby recognizes and honors the
University of Kentucky Wildcat Cheerleaders as the 2010 National Champion
Cheerleaders at the Universal Cheerleader’s Association’s National College Cheerleading
Championship for NCAA Division IA schools. Having won this prestigious title an
unprecedented eighteen times, the cheerleading squad has claimed three consecutive
national championships, including 14 out ofthe last 16 years and winning more than any
other Division IA school. Under the direction of head coach Jomo Thompson and
cheerleader advisor T. Lynn Williamson, the UK cheerleaders are recognized as some of
the finest, intelligent athletes in the University’s sports programs. They are model
students in the classroom, giving generously of their time to various charitable
organizations and serving as public ambassadors ofthe University of Kentucky and the
Commonwealth. They have brought recognition to the University of Kentucky
throughout the nation.
The members of the Board of Trustees are delighted in applauding the University of
Kentucky Wildcat Cheerleading squad for remarkable athletic accomplishments and
hereby express congratulations and gratitude to the Cheerleading Program for its
continued dedication and commitment to excellence on behalf ofthe University and the
Ms. Haney congratulated the cheerleaders, and they received a round of applause.
Ms. Curris asked to make a comment about a friend who was at a premier institution in
the ACC that visited her during the weekend and attended the basketball game. Her friend told
her that the UK cheerleaders are absolutely the best in the nation. The cheerleaders received
another round of applause.
E. President’s Report (PRI)
President Todd called attention to the following items in PR 1:
CAER Receives $11.8 Million Grant for R&D Efforts at National Battery Center
UK had a press conference with Govemor Steve Beshear and Secretary of Energy Leonard
Peters regarding the Center for Applied Energy Research receiving an $11.8 million grant
from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which is stimulus money and very
competitive. There were 169 proposals written for approximately $123 million in this
particular competition. UK received the fifth largest amount of money, tying with Purdue
Rodney Andrews and his team have done a phenomenal job. The grant will allow the
university to build a stand-alone energy building at the Spindletop Research site in
Lexington. The $3 million that the state was going to provide for retrofitting a fonner
Department of Energy office building will be redirected to this project for a total of $14.8

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The university had also reserved $1 million for renovation ofthe fonner Department of
Energy office building; therefore, another building will be built at the Spindletop Research
site strictly for energy research.
UK Distributes Royalties from Outrider’s Collaboration with 3M
UK chemistry professor John Anthony and Outrider CEO John Beran were asked to stand
and be recognized. Mr. Beran has licenses with global technology giant 3M and other
companies. Professor Anthony, considered a pioneer in plastic materials, also collaborates
with 3M and other companies. Mr. Beran and Professor Anthony have developed some
technology that has resulted in an arrangement with 3M. The university is receiving
$847,000 in royalties from a license agreement for compounds developed by Professor
Anthony. This is an example ofthe university creating businesses for the country out of
intellectual property at the university. Professor Anthony and Mr. Beran presented a check in
the amount of $847,000 to President Todd. Mr. Beran and Professor Anthony received a
round of applause.
UK Researcher Contributes to Developing a Q Quick Test to Assess Alzheimer’s Patients
A UK researcher has helped to develop a quick Alzheimer’s test to evaluate the treatment
response of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. It is a three-minute assessment for patients
with severe Alzheimer’s disease. The Sanders-Brown Center continues to be a national
leader in that arena.
President Todd remembered Dr. William Markesbury, who recently passed away, and talked
about his Memorial Service. He said that Dr. Markesbury was truly a gentleman. The
Memorial Service was more about the human being than the scientist that he was, but the
contributions and the position that he has allowed UK to have in Alzheimer’s research is
UK Companies Attract 52 Percent of $47.5 Million in Venture Funding
Entrepreneurial companies in the Lexington area attracted $47.5 million in venture funding
in 2009, including angel and venture capital investments. This is venture capital and federal
money from federal govemment grants, and it is private money from individuals. The $47.5
million was invested in 88 early stage companies, 39 of which have intellectual property
from UK. The UK affiliated companies received 52 percent ofthe venture funding. Since
UK started doing this in 2003, 800 jobs have been created in those 88 companies with the
average salary being $78,500.
Officials Supporters ‘Top-out’ Marksbuy Digital Village Building
UK officials and supporters celebrated the placing of the final steel I-beam in the structural
skeleton of the $18.6 million David Marksbury Building. This building will be built with
state match money from the "Bucks for Brains” program and with donations from James
Hardymon, Davis Marksbury and his wife Beverly, and Jim McDonald. UK can still make
progress even when there are tough times financially in the state.

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Six Are Named ‘Great Teachers’ by UK Alumni Association
Six UK professors have been recognized by the Alumni Association for their excellence in
the classroom and are the recipients ofthe 2010 Great Teacher Award. This is one of the
highest honors that teachers can receive because they have to be nominated by students.
Allylix Secures $6 Million in National Venture Funding
Allylix, which licensed its original technology from the UK College of Agriculture, has
raised $6 million. They have developed a lemon-lime flavoring. It is a unique company that
has been around for awhile. The company started with some UK researchers along with
some researchers in San Diego, Califomia. They have their product ready to go to market,
and they have raised another $6 million worth of venture funding to make sure they can make
DanceBlue Marks Fifth Year as Fundraising Event for Pediatric Cancer Patients
DanceBlue, a student-organized fundraising event that benefits pediatric oncology patients at
the Kentucky Children’s Hospital, celebrated a milestone last weekend. The event is student
driven, and this is the 5m year in a row the students have raised over $2 million total. They
made a new record of receiving $636,000 this year and broke last year’s record of
approximately $600,000. There is enough money coming in with the consistency that they
could budget some ofthe money to hire staff members to work with the families of the
children who have cancer. This event is a great happening.
Sustainable Manufacturing Institute Wins $1.5 Million Research Grant
UK’s sustainable manufacturing program has been awarded a three-year, $1.5 million grant
from the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop a common standard to
measure and evaluate the sustainability of manufacturing processes and products.
Three Faculty Are Named Fulbright Scholars Will Teach Overseas
Three UK faculty members have been named Fulbright Scholars for the 2009-2010 academic
year. The Fulbright Scholar Program is the flagship intemational exchange program of the
United States. It allows distinguished academics to spend extended periods of time studying
and teaching at foreign universities. This is a high honor for the faculty and the institution.
President Todd referred back to PR 2 and called attention to the retirement of Coach Rich
Brooks in the Athletics Department. He asked that the minutes reflect that this institution owes
Coach Brooks a great deal for what he has done for the institution, for the athletics program, for
the state of Kentucky, and for not only the victories that he has had and the bowl games that he
has attended but the quality and way in which he has done what he has done. Coach Brooks has
put UK in a new platform and thinking for the university as a whole. He was the one that asked
to have Joker Phillips named as the coach-in-waiting because he did not want there to be any lag
in UK’s recruiting. President Todd wished Coach Brooks the very best and said he hoped to see
more of him as UK continues its football experiences.

 . 5 .
F. University Research Professorships (PR 3)
President Todd asked the Board to approve the naming of Professors Kimberly Anderson,
Sumit Das, Pradyumna (Paul) Karan, S. Randal Voss, and Sidney Whiteheart as University
Research Professors for 2010-11. He said that the professors will be able to use the title of
research professor throughout their entire career, and it is a real testament to the quality of work
they do in their labs, offices, and classrooms. He noted that these professors are some ofthe
most esteemed faculty. He asked Vice President for Research James Tracy to introduce the
Dr. Tracy made the following introductions and presented each recipient with a plaque:
Kimberly Ward Anderson - Dr. Anderson has been a member of the UK faculty since
1993 in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering in the College of
Engineering. In 2002 she was named a Gill Eminent Professor of Chemical Engineering.
She was an early proponent of interdisciplinary research pursuing collaborations across
multiple colleges on the UK campus. She studies the interactions between cells and
proteins with synthetic interfaces to develop and characterize bioactive interfaces for
applications as sensors and as therapeutic and diagnostic tools. Professor Anderson will
spend the year investigating adhesion and defonnation properties of cancer cells in the
process of metastasis. Dr. Anderson received a round of applause.
Sumit Das - Dr. Das is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the
College of Arts and Sciences. He joined the faculty in 2002. He is an intemationally
recognized scholar in the branch of theoretical physics known as "string theory.” Dr. Das
will spend the year extending his research on the application of string theory to
cosmology with the goal of predicting the size and distribution of galaxies and the
number and size of black holes produced by the Big Bang. Dr. Das received a round of
Pradyumna (Paul) Karan — Dr. Karan has been a member ofthe UK faculty since 1964.
He is a professor and fonner chairman ofthe Department of Geography in the College of
Arts and Sciences. His research focuses on the analysis of sustainable development in
environmental management. Dr. Karan is a pre-eminent scholar of the Himalaya, the
world’s highest mountain range. He plans to continue to explore the interrelations
between humans, the communities that they inhabit, and the various regions ofthe
Himalaya and the impact on the physical enviromnent. He has been engaged in this work
for over 50 years. Dr. Karan received a round of applause.
Randal Voss - Dr. Voss joined the UK faculty in 2002 and in 2005 was promoted to
associate professor in the Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences. Dr.
Voss is a leading proponent of ambystomatid salamanders as a versatile and robust model
of vertebrate biology. One of the advantages ofthe salamanders is a limb can be cut off;
and it will regenerate. It has a great deal of medical importance. Dr. Voss is director of
the National Science Foundation-funded Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center, a biological

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resource that is unique in the world on the UK campus. This professorship will allow Dr.
Voss a break from his heavy teaching load so that he can devote the year to research. Dr.
Voss received a round of applause.
Dr. Sidney (Wally) Whiteheart - Dr. Whiteheart is in the Department of Molecular and
Cellular Biochemistry. He came to UK in 1994 and holds the rank of full professor.
Wally, as he is better known to most, studies how cells secrete materials. Specifically,
his research focuses on blood platelet function in "clotting” both in nonnal blood vessel
repair and in inappropriate clotting that leads to stroke and heart attack. Dr. Tracy added
his personal thanks to Dr. Whiteheart for the last two years for chairing the Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee. Dr. Whiteheart received a round of applause.
On motion made by Dr. Brockman and seconded by Ms. Haney, PR 3 was approved
without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)
G. Honorag Degree Recipients (PR 4)
President Todd recommended that the Board approve awarding the degree of Honorary
Doctor of Letters to Judith Clabes, the Honorary Doctor of Arts to Daniel Libeskind, and the
Honorary Doctor of Science to Robert Straus.
Judith Clabes graduated from UK in 1967 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and
Joumalism. She was editor ofthe Kentucky Post for many years and CEO of the Scripps
Howard Foundation. She helped create UK’s First Amendment Center. Ms. Clabes is
recommended for an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree.
Daniel Libeskind is one of the most prolific and accomplished architects practicing
today. He began his teaching career at UK as an assistant professor from 1973-75. In 2008, he
completed the Ascent building in Covington, Kentucky. In 2004, he was appointed the first
Cultural Ambassador for Architecture by the U.S. Department of State. He also won the master
plan competition for the area fonnerly occupied by the World Trade Center Towers in New York
City. He designed the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Imperial War Museum North in
Manchester, England. He is an honorary member ofthe Royal Academy of Arts in London,
England. Mr. Libeskind is recommended for an Honorary Doctor of Arts degree.
Dr. Robert Straus came to UK in 1956 as a member ofthe planning staff for the UK
Medical Center, which will celebrate its 50m anniversary this coming year. He served as the first
coordinator of academic affairs for the Medical Center and was chair of the Department of
Behavioral Science for 28 years. He was elected as a member of the Institute of Medicine at the
National Academy of Sciences for his groundbreaking studies of alcoholism. Dr. Straus is
recommended for an Honorary Doctor of Science degree.
On motion made by Mr. Branscum and seconded by Mr. Stuckert, PR 4 was approved
without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

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H. Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 5)
President Todd said that PR 5 is a recommendation that the report ofthe Secretary ofthe
Board on the results ofthe election authorized by the Alumni Association be received and put to
record, and that the Secretary be authorized to certify to Govemor Steve Beshear the names of
the three persons receiving the largest number of votes, from which list a successor to Ann
Haney will be appointed. The individuals are listed in the order in which they received votes,
and the top three are Teny Mobley, Marianne Smith Edge, and Franklin Farris. President Todd
noted that Ann Haney will be retiring as her tenn comes to an end June 30, 2010. Mr. Stuckert
moved approval of PR 5. Ms. Patterson seconded his motion, and it carried without dissent.
(See PR 5 at the end ofthe Minutes.)
I. Director Emeritus ofthe Kentucky Transportation Center Title Be Conferred
Upon Calvin G. Grayson (PR 6)
President Todd recommended that Calvin Grayson be named Director Emeritus ofthe
Kentucky Transportation Center in recognition of his service and dedication to the College of
Engineering at UK. Mr. Grayson came to UK in 1984 after he had been Secretary of
Transportation. He was the first professional engineer selected by a govemor to be Secretary of
Transportation and did a great job. He served as Director of the Kentucky Transportation Center
in the College of Engineering until 1997. The center has brought in untold amounts of money in
the area of research and transportation. One of his instrumental acts that gained the university a
national reputation was called the Advantage I-75 multi-state research program for Intelligent
Transportation Systems applications to commercial vehicle operations. Mr. Grayson was able to
get the funding for a project that eliminated big trucks from having to stop and be weighed. The
truck drivers can now drive by and get the trucks weighed without having to stop.
President Todd recommended that Calvin Grayson be named Director Emeritus ofthe
Kentucky Transportation Center. Ms. Curris moved approval. Dr. Sachatello seconded the
motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)
J. College of Design Report
President Todd said that it was a pleasure to introduce the Dean ofthe College of Design
Michael Speaks. Dean Speaks came to Kentucky from Califomia and has been at the university
for two years. He loves doing things from designing energy efficient manufactured housing to
redoing riverfronts along the Ohio River. He asked Dean Speaks to come forward and give his
Dean Speaks said that he wanted to show some things that the faculty and students are
doing in the College of Design. He began his presentation by talking about fly ash and the many
things that can be done with it. Through a series of photographs, he showed some design +
energy related projects that the college is doing around the state and talked about some ofthe
college’s design + energy initiatives.

 . g .
The College of Design has entered strategic partnerships with a number of energy
researchers, providers, and manufacturers, to launch "Design + Energy Initiatives.“ The focus is
on developing innovative, energy-related design solutions. Some featured projects are below:
Fly Ash Prototypes
The College of Design‘s Fabrication and Design Workshop has been working with the
University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) to create prototypes
that make use of fly ash. Fly ash is one ofthe residues generated in the combustion of coal
and is generally captured from the chimneys of coal-fired power plants.
Solar Decathlon
One of 20 finalists selected by the U.S. Department of Energy, the College of Design, in
collaboration with the College of Engineering and College of Agriculture at the University
of Kentucky, designed and built an energy-efficient, solar house, which was displayed in
Washington, D.C. in fall 2009. On October 16, 2009 the U.S. Department of Energy
announced the winners of the 2009 Department of Energy Solar Decathlon competition on
the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The University of Kentucky‘s SKY BLUE House
placed ninth in the competition. www.uky.edu/Design/Solar_Decathlon
Houseboat to Energy Efficient Residences (HBEER)
Partnering with the Center for Applied Energy Research at UK, and sponsored, in part, by
the Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation and the Kentucky Housing Corporation,
the College of Design has initiated a multi-year project to design and build energy efficient,
low-income residences. This fall, three architecture studios are developing design concepts
for three deliverables: l) a thousand square foot manufactured housing unit, 2) a
community/neighborhood design that will enable the units to take advantage of centralized
energy efficiencies as well as geothennal, and 3) factory design where the units can be
The River Cities Project: Henderson KY
The "River Cities Project" is an extension and expansion of "The Henderson Proj ect,"
which began in June 2007 when students from the University of Kentucky’s College of
Design and the Southem Califomia Institute of Architecture in Los Angeles traveled to
Henderson for a five-day design workshop. The "River Cities Project" began this year with
a one-year studio focused on Henderson. In fall, 2008 a graduate level studio developed
strategic design proposals for the city of Henderson. In spring, 20l0, the emphasis is on
the recently retired HMPLl Plant and the Henderson riverfront. The graduate studio is
now developing designs that will adaptively reuse the recently decommissioned HMPLl
plant situated between two existing parks on the scenic Ohio River in Henderson.

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Brown Fonnan Chair in Urban Design Spring 2009
In Spring 2009 the College of Design at the University of Kentucky conducted a year-long
research and design study ofthe Shippingport area in Louisville, KY. The Shippingport
area, located just west of downtown Louisville, has a significant waterfront and extensive
infrastructure and enormous potential for future development. Development has been
limited, however, because the entire area is cut off from the rest of the city by the freeway.
Students analyzed and made strategic design proposals for the Shippingport area intended
to stimulate economic development and bring much-needed jobs. Proposals included
developing a complex of business incubators and needed vocational schools, including a
culinary school with a restaurant, developing a centralized hospitality complex served by
light rail that would tie together the many entertainment "events" hosted by the city,
creating a network of pocket parks that connect to the existing Olmstead Park system, and
developing a new Green Ford Motor Company Campus where a new line of hybrid and
electric products would be designed, developed, and built. This past spring, students
developed these proposals into design proposals. A large model and video presentations of
the proposals were displayed at the 2lc Museum in Louisville from May 27 to June 6.
Dean Speaks talked about a symposium called politics at the Lexington Public Library. It
is a symposium looking at the relationship between design and public policy. It is called politics
because one ofthe speakers, who is the director of National Spatial Planning in the Netherlands,
wrote a book last year called Design c1ndP0litics.
Dean Speaks thanked President Todd and members of the Board for the opportunity to
speak at the meeting, and he received a round of applause.
President Todd expressed pleasure in having someone, who is not a Kentuckian, come into
the dean’s position and adopt projects which can utilize Kentucky’s assets. He thanked Dean
Speaks for his presentation.
K. Candidate for Degree - Bluegrass Community and Technical College (AACR l [
Ms. Brown, chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, reported that the committee met
that moming and had three action items as well as an informational update from Geraldine
Emachio, the associate dean for the College of Fine Arts. AACR l is a recommendation that the
president be authorized to confer upon the individual whose name appears on the list the degree
to which she is entitled. Since July l, 2004, there has been an agreement that Lexington
Community College students who were or are officially enrolled on or before September, 2004
in associate degree programs approved by the UK Board of Trustees and who complete the
associate degree program on or before August 31, 20l0 shall have their degrees conferred by the
UK Board of Trustees. On behalf ofthe Academic Affairs Committee, Ms. Brown moved
acceptance of AACR l. Mr. Shoop seconded her motion, and it passed without dissent. (See
AACR l at the end of the Minutes.)

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L. Change of Organizational Structure ofthe Alvin E. Evans Law Librag {AACR 2)
Ms. Brown said that AACR 2 recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the
transfer of administrative oversight for the Alvin E. Evans Law Library from UK Libraries to the
College of Law, effective July l, 2010.
In the past, the Alvin E. Evans Law Library has been administered as part ofthe UK
Libraries. Under this structure, the Dean of the College of Law, the Director of Law Library,
and the law faculty have been responsible for the detennination of basic law library policies
related to meeting the reference, instructional, research, and service needs of the College of Law
faculty, staff; and students.
Only six out of 200 United States law schools have an administrative structure for law
library operations similar to the UK’s current structure. This structure has raised concems for
UK’s American Bar Association (ABA) accreditation process in the past because ofthe ABA’s
requirement of autonomy.
This proposal has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the University
Senate. The provost ofthe university supports this recommendation. On behalf of the Academic
Affairs Committee, Ms. Brown moved approval of AACR 2. Ms. May seconded her motion, and
it carried without dissent. (See AACR 2 at the end ofthe Minutes.)
M. Proposed Revision to Administrative Regulation: Research Conflict of Interest
and Financial Disclosure Policy {AACR 3)
Ms. Brown said that AACR 3 recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the
attached revision of Administrative Regulation (AR) 7:2, Research Conflict of Interest and
Financial Disclosure Policy. The proposed revision consists of clarifying the definition of
"Significant Financial Interest” pursuant to a recommendation by the Association for the
Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP).
The university’s mission involves three primary functions: instruction, research, and
service. In compliance with state and Federal law, AR 7:2 sets forth policies, principles, and
procedures to ensure that the personal financial interests of university employees do not
compromise: a) the objectivity with which research is designed, conducted, and reported, b) the
welfare of research participants, or, c) the objectivity with which intellectual property is
The revision clarifies the definition of "Significant Financial Interest” according to the
standards ofthe Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
(AAHRPP). The AR is also renumbered according to the new University Administrative
Regulation numbering system. On behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee, Ms. Brown
moved approval of AACR 3. Ms. Young seconded her motion, and it carried without dissent.
(See AACR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

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Ms. Brown reported on the infonnation item presented to the committee. She said that
Dr. Geraldine Maschio from the College of Fine Arts spoke on arts and creativity in the new
general education curriculum. A course in the arts and creativity will be a requirement in the
new general education curriculum. Currently, six courses are being developed requiring creative
thinking, historical importance, and an experiential component. Students will need to make
something in music, art, theatre, or creative writing. The making art experience is designed to
encourage students to think differently about problem solving.
She also shared an update on a $200,000 grant that the College of Fine Arts has applied
for from the Association of Performing Arts Presenters funded by the Doris Duke Foundation.
The grant focuses on integrating performing arts on campus in transfonnative ways. UK is
currently in round two ofthe application process and will find out in August about the grant.
N. Audit Subcommittee Report
Mr. Branscum, chair of the Audit Subcommittee, reported that the committee met that
moming with several items of business. The committee first heard from Joseph Reed, UK’s
senior director of intemal audit. Mr. Reed summarized both the intemal audit and audit
subcommittee charters and highlighted the suggested amendments. The charters were last
updated five and six years ago respectively, and a draft ofthe suggested changes is planned for
review at the first meeting ofthe fiscal year 20l l.
The committee reviewed and approved an updated 2009-l0 work plan to reflect and
incorporate the actual work that is being perfonned. The work plan was adjusted for a more
comprehensive review and at management’s request. The adjusted work plan focuses on the
process consultation infonnation system security and comprehensive audit reviews. The
previous 2009-l0 work plan activities will be assessed and carried forward on the 20l0-ll work
plan. The committee had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the 20l0-ll work plan
The committee also heard from Mary McKinley, who represented the university’s
extemal auditors BKD. Ms. McKinley reviewed her finn’s preliminary audit plan for the year
ending June 30, 20l0. The committee had the opportunity to ask questions about the audit
engagement in areas of emphasis in this year’s audit.
The committee also revised the audit engagement letter for the services BKD will provide
for Coldstream Laboratories Inc. (CLI). The new engagement is for a compilation ofthe balance
sheet and related statements of operation, stakeholder’s equity, and cash flows for the year
ending December 3l, 2009. In addition, BKD will perfonn other agreed upon procedures to
review various account balances and transactions of the financial statement.
The next meeting of the Audit Subcommittee will be Tuesday, October l2. At that time,
the committee will receive the management’s presentation of the audited financial statements for
the year ended June 30, 20l0 and hear from the extemal auditors regarding the conduct ofthe

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O. Finance Committee Report
Mr. Branscum, chair ofthe Finance Committee, reported that the committee met that
moming with all members ofthe committee present as well as many Board members. He
thanked everyone for their commitment to the committee. He reported that there were eight
reports and action items. FCR 1 regarding a gift and pledge was on the consent agenda. The gift
and pledge totals $1 million of which $400,000 is eligible to be matched by the state through the
Endowment Match Program. On behalf ofthe university, he thanked Dr. and Mrs. Sibu Saha for
their generous support.
P. Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the Six
Months Ended December 31