xt7bk35m9g6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35m9g6g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1970-1971 The University of Kentucky catalogs contains bound volumes dating from 1865 through 2007. After 2007 course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 32 (1970-1971) text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 32 (1970-1971) 1970 1970-1971 2012 true xt7bk35m9g6g section xt7bk35m9g6g M   -._____
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QllC`l)C(llU(llll 81)** 199**** °°°° Includes adequate basic fumishings and utilities. Does Si
lwo—hcdroom apt. 110**** not include heard or telephone. Sr
Personal Expenses S
(Not payable to the University)
Books and Supplies. Range from S40 up, depending on laundry facilities for personal items are provided. Other S,
the student`s major tield of study and schedule of classes students must make their own arrangements. Local cost
for thc semester. for this service is comparable to that in any city.
l8f8IJI€ to tllilt ln BUY CitY.
Fullstune students will begivcn a student activity card Linen (ind ’]‘On~c] $Ori·iOO_ This Voluntary Sgrvicg is pm.
at time of fcc payment. Students should report lost or yidcd On ii Contractual basis fOr Occupants Of the msi.
WIICII l·l2· C*l“l$ 0* HIC Dwi _9f Studmtls OFECC- It dence halls. Information concerning bed linen and towel
may hc replaced. but a fcc of Sv.00 will be charged. scri-icc can bc Obtained from the University ¥IOuSing
Laundry. For students living in the residence halls, Oflice.

if _ November 2—Monday—Last day to pay graduation fee
g   FOUT-Wéék l1ll€1'.$‘€.$‘.$‘1()TL for December degree in Billings and Collections
V MAY 18*M9“dHY_R€S1$U'¤tl0U· November l0—Tuesday—Last day to withdraw from a
May l9—Tuesday—Classwork begins, class before finals.
A ]unc l2—Friday—End of four-week intersession. November 11-25—Wednesday through VVednesday—Ad-
vance registration for 1971 Spring Semester.
I November Z6, 27, Z8—Thursday, Friday, Saturday—
_ Thanksgiving holidays—academic holidays.
`   SUmm€7° S€SS"ZO7”l December 1l—Friday—Last day to submit all required
_ _ documents to Registrar’s Office for readmission or
func 15_M9“(l3Y*R€€'$tmuou· admission as a non-degree student to the 1971
]une 16—Tuesday—Classwork begins, Spring Semester.
]une 19—Friday—Last day to enter an organized class December l5—Tuesday—Classw0rk ends.
uu thc 1070 Sulumcr $955*99 December 17-23-——Thursday through \Vednesday—Final
]une 26—Friday—Last day to drop a course without a examinations.
gmdC· December 23--\Vednesdav—End of Fall Semester.
lime 2‘>—M<>¤d¤>’eL¤St day fer filing ¤,1>1>li¤¤ti<>¤f<>r ¤¤ December 2a—Me¤eiey—.·x11 grades due in Registrar’s
August degree in the College Dean s Office. OHECC bv 4:00 b_m_
]uly 4—Saturday—1ndependence Day Holiday—academ—
ic holiday.
]uly 1$——\Vednesday—Last day to pay graduation fees ,
for August degree in Billings and Collections Office.   Sp7“Z7'lg S€7TL€St€7'
]uly Z8—Tuesday—Last day to withdraw from a class _ _
bcfbm cud Of Summer Scssimh lanuary ltl, lZ—(l\/fonday   Tu I I Y ;`»Q>;·;~ I , C i kw , U V _ V,,,` I fliézé i
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 L; c C uicnd an I3
  The Acadcmic Pl`()gl'21lll G
_ 5*T  The Univcrsity 8
  Ficids of Study 154
  dVV_   Entering thc Univcrsity 18
iJ”"°° ` Living Acconnnudutiuns 28
  Studcnt Aiiruirs 34
ix; ivii U \V01·king T<>wen‘d zi l)cgrcc 44
v_V» ~ Liimirics 52
  Spcciai Assistuncc & Bcnciits 54
  Cultural ()Pl)()l`illlliti(‘S 56
  Aqricuitnirc IGO
  Home lUC()ll()lIllCS in
 U     Enginccring I85
  4 Education 2l-1
  5   Busincss & Ecunmnics 247
  Pl l11l`l n ucy 255
    Mcdicinc 267
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   A» , 2 Dcntisiry 290 `
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  _>=.;   Liin‘;u‘y Scicncc 5321
2 ,   Social i)l`()i`(‘SSil)llS 5327
  Uuivcrsity lCxtcnsiun 330
  C<>nnnunity (]<>H<·g<·s 338
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A university brings together students with greatly VI HISTORY €’
° varying geographic, economic, social, political and edu- \/ll SOCIAL SCIENCES
cational backgroundse Although anylentering class. is a VIH BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES
rather select group in intellectual ability and educational
achievement, there is still a considerable ra-nge of ability, Within eseh ef these zu-Cas, Several eptiehe] Scquenccs
3Chl€V€m€nIr and IHCGHIIVC among the mdmduals In are available, giving the student a wide variety of learn- Ss
thc Cl¤$$· _ _ ing opportunity in the basic disciplines.
A state university is characterized by a wide variety A
of course offerings and degree programs ranging from _
the most traditional of majors in the liberal arts to Thi`? C0UT$€$ In €3Ch awa M6?
professional and applied programs with rather speciiic
vocational goals. Area 1. MATHEMATICS-PHILOSOPHY
The combination of a heterogeneous student body Th 1 t d_ _ t _ th_ b t_
and the multiplicity of curricula requires that the C genera S u les rcqmmmen m . is area may 8 sa 1S`
. . . . lied by one of the following three options:
university furnish alternative paths of study, even for
the entering student, to provide the soundest education. A. MA 113 Calculus (4)
The inbsrams being developed are based, in part, on B. MA 122 Fimaamenui concepts of Maihemiiesi (2)
the assumptions that every graduate should have breadth MA 123 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics II (3)
of understanding achieved by study in the basic dis- (]_ Pl-ll 220 Elementary Logic (3) E
ciplincs and that he should have achieved depth by plus one of the following;
4 advanced study in a major department or professional PHI ZOO Introduction to Philosophy (3)
I ;u·€z]_     EtI]lCS  
( Students who satisfy the basic admission requirements `
may register in any undergraduate college at the Uni- Ama II PHYSICAL SCIENCES
versity, except as additional entrance requirements may
IIC Sli InlniCIl_ The general studies requirement may be satisfied by choos- li
I . .
To help the student acquire a breadth of under- mg One ef the f°HO“’m€ Seven sequences: Ai
standing, the University requires demonstrated com- A_ AST jg) Deserhmve Ashehemy (3)
petency in English Composition by completion of six AST 192 Descriptive Astronomy (3) {
hours of English Composition or the passing of English B_ CHE 102 Elem Ceh_ Chemistry (5)
IOS with a grade of B or better. Full-time students CHE 104 Elem. Gen. Chemistry (S) (
must enroll in English Composition each semester C_ CHE jh) Cem Coll. Chemistry] (3)
they are in attendance until this requirement is satis- CHE 111 Gen. Coll. Chemistry Labl (2)
)qCI]_ CIIE ll2 Cen. Coll. Chemistry II (3)
· In addition to the English requirement the Uni- CHE113GC"'COH‘Ch°‘msUyL3bH (2) I
versity also requires each student to complete a sequence D· GLY; 140 Gmcml P}}Y$i€§1l GCOIOEY (4)
of two courses in at least jive of the following areas of GLX 142 General Hlsfomal Geology (4)
general Siiidy; E. PHY ISI Introduction to Physics (3)
PHY 152 Introduction to Physics (3)
I l\’IA'l`IIEhIA'l`ICS-PHILOSOPHY       Gen. Elclnl Physics   (
ll Pnvsrcixr Scricucns PHY 213 Cen. Elem. Physics (5)
III BioLoc1c.~xL Scmncizs C. PHY 231 Cen. Univ. Physics. (3)
, _ _ PIIY 232 Cen. Univ. Physics (3)
._ W F°““““" L"N‘“"`°“ Pur 241 cen. Univ. Piiysies (Lab) (2)
V I‘lllhIANI’l`IESZ LI'l`ER:\'l`URE, 1‘\RT, AND Music PHY 242 Cen. Univ. Physics (Lab) (Z)
l 6

 Area III. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES A. ECO 260 Principles of Economics (3)
_ _ _ _ t _ ECO 261 Principles of Economics (3)
The general studies requirement in tlus area may be satis- B_ SOC 101 Introductory Sociology (3)
fied by choosing one of the following two sequences: plus one Of the following:
A_ BIQ loo Biology (3) SOC 152 Modern Social Problems (3)
Bl() l()l Biology (3) SOC 220 The Community (3)
B_ BlO goo goiioiol Biology l (3) C. ANT 120 Human Ancestry (3 )
BIO 20] Goiioiol Biology [ (Lab) (2) ANT 121 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
B10 202 Genera] BWIOEY H (3) D. Any two of the following:
B10 203 G¤¤¤r¤1 B¤<>1<>gy 11 (Lab) (2) Eco 260 Pririeipies of Economies (s)
GEO 152 Regional Geography of the \’Vorld (3)
Arco I\f' FOREIGN LANGUAGE PS 151 American Government (3)
A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in Amo \/lll_ BEHAVIQRAL SQIENCES
foreign language by passing the fourth semester course in one
loiigtmgo or by domottstmtittg oqtttyglont Conlpctcncc by A student may satisfy the general studies requirement in
examination the Behavioral Sciences by completing one of the following
Area V. HUA/IANITIES: LITERATURE, ART, A. PSY 104 Basic Psychologyl (3)
PSY 106 Basic Psychology ll (3)
B. PSY 210 General Psychology (3)
The general studies requirement in the humanities may be PS 201 Introduction to Political Behavior (3)
satisfied by choosing one of the following options:
A. ENG 261 Survey of Western \’Vorld Literature: A student who wishes to substitute an upper division
*0111 thc Gt¤¤11·g11 thc Rcumssancc (3) course in the same department for a course listed in
OR the General Studies Component program may do so
ENG 262 Suflcy ¤1“’¤S*¤¤1 Ivofld Litcmfum with the approval of the dean of the college in which
from 1660 to the Present (3) r rl ( t . _ r tr I . _ r tr I 4 t (
Plus (mc Or the rorrowiugc lie p ans o malor ant I ic tc iairman o ie c epar men
_ . _ . . ._ in wlnch the substitution is to be made.
A-ll 200 Art-History Survey: Primitive to . . . .
Mcdrcwrt Art ‘ (3) lsach entering student will be assigned a faculty
A-H 201 Art.}-listory Survey; Reimissonee to member as an adviser. The student's adviser will help
\IUS1\1l)oOd)erfi Arg to M (   him decide upon a program of study and will explore
1 .. ntro uc ion to usic .· · . ». _. . ‘ . - . H ‘ ·
MUS 201 Music in \VCS(Cm Civilization (3) with him an over all plan for his yy orlt at the Unix ersity,
_ the choice of a vocation, and graduation requirements.
B‘ OPC“BO;1y/G2;tildcnts who have Completed O1>¤¤¤S A Of The adviser will be able to provide the student with
PHI 200 hmodugtion (O Philosophy (3) ilC§lll';ltC information concerning the University.- After
PIYII 230 Ethics (3) iepmg thc student to decide his college work load.
he will approve the sche