xt7bk35m9g49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bk35m9g49/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-01-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1929 1929 1929-01-18 2012 true xt7bk35m9g49 section xt7bk35m9g49 Best Copy Available








The following 1b n complete schedule of examinations nr. announced
officially from the office of the registrar:
First Semester, 1028-2- 9
Friday (a. m.), Junuary 2i Chemist ly, 1st year Frnnch and Spanish.
Friday (p. m.), January 25 Hygiene and 1st year Oermnn.
Saturday, January 2(5 1st hour classes.
Monday, January 28 2nd hour classes.
Tue day, January 20 lid hour classes.
Wednesday, Junuary 20 4th hour classes.
Thursday, January 31 5th hour classes.
Friday, February 1 6th hour classes.
In case of conflict between chemistry and romance languages examinations, chemistry takes precedence.
In case of conflict between Hygiene and German, Hygiene takes
''time for examinations in seventh, eighth and ninth hour classes to
be arranged by tho instructors, with the approval of the heads of departments.
Report to t'.ie registrar's office the time fixed for the examinations.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes will be examined in the morn(Classes
ing. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday classes in the afternoon;
meeting four or more times a week will Lc ox.im1.ic J in tho morning).
Forenoon examinations will begin ut 8. Z'J. Artornco.i examinations, 2:00.
Friday, January 25, 8 a. m. ITegotiablo Instruments.
Saturday, January 2G, 8 a. m. Property III.
Saturday, January 2(1, 2 p. m. Contracts.
Monday, January 28, 0 a. m. Torts.
Monday, January 28, 8 o. m. Equity I.
Monday, January 28, 2 p. m. Corporations.
Tuesday, January 29, 8 a. m. Insurance.
Tuesday, January 29, 2 p. m. Wills.
Wednesday, January SO, 8 a. m. Taxation.
Wednesday, January 30, 2 p. m.- -- Civil Procedure.
Thursday, January 31, 8 a. m. Evidence'.
Friday, February 1, 8 a. m. Property I.
Friday, February 1, 2 p. m. Constitutional Law.
Saturday, February 2, 8 a. m. Crimes.
Saturday, February 2, 8 a. m. Trial Practice.
) This schedule was made at the request of the Law College, with
the understanding that where it conflicts with the regular schedule, the
Law College will take care of conflicts.
The semester grades should be filed with the registrar within 48
hours after the final examination with the exception of those held on
the last examination day, which shall be sent within 24 hours.
Instructors should report conflicts to the Registrar's
office at once and at the same time recommend a satisfactory date.
Changes for causes other than conflicts will not be considered unless
recommended by the dean.
NOTE All class work shall close after the last class Thursday
afternoon, January 24, 1929.




Dr. George McLaughlin Speaks
on "Scientific Principles
of Tanning"



Quotes Dr. Lewis In Praise of

University Chemistry


18, 1929

All students who were enrolled
In the University the first semester may register for the second semester on cither of the following
dates: Friday, January 25 or
Thursday, January 31. Such students who register later than January 31 will bo charged a late registration fee.
EZRA GILLIS, Registrar.




Freshmen Must Sell
At Net Games to Be
Eligible for SuKy





Many Visitors Expected When
Farm and Home Convention Meets
Special Lecture Program For
Women Arouses Much


According to nn announcement from tho registrar's office the
lowing rules will govern the examinations:



student who has been absent from more than

of the
total number of class exercises in any courses is barred from the final
examination In that course. (Students entering late are included).
The instructors are responsible for the enforcement of this rule.
No written examination shall continue longer than three hours. All
forenoon examinations shall close not later than 12 o'clock.
Results of work will be recorded in the registrar's office as follows:
A Exceptionally high quality, valued at 3 points per credit.
B Good, valued at 2 points per credit.
C Fair, valued at 1 point per credit.
D Unsatisfactory.
Indicates a deficiency and gives no points, but
gives credit for graduation If with such credit the student's
standing is 1 or more.
E Failure, value 0 points per credit.
I Incomplete
X Absent from examination.
A grade of E means that the work must be tnken over in class to
be credited.
A grade of I (incomplete) means that some relatively small part
of the term's work remains undone, because of sickness or other reason
satisfactory to the instructor. This work must be completed within one
month after the end of the semester if credit for tho course is to be
gained. The grade of I Is not to be given to the student whose work Is
A grade of X may be changed by special examination
within one month after the end of the semester, provided that the registrar and the head of the department concerned grant permission for
the examination.


State Collegiate Association
Will Hold Meeting Saturday

Military Trophies
at Armory

Y. M. C. A.

Groups Will Hear
President McVey and-Dr- .




House Has Highest
Enrollment While Phi Taus
Lead Fraternities


Bible discussion
groups will be held at the Lexington
Y. M. C. A. at 6:15 o'clock Tuesday
night. The two groups which have
had the highest percentage of attendance will be guests of honor at
the banquet. President Frank L. McVey and Prof. W. W. Jennings have
been asked to speak at the meeting.
The rooming house at 609 Maxwel-to- n
court had the largest attendance
of the boarding house groups.
winner in the fraternity group has
not been decided yet. These Bible discussion groups have been in progress
for the past eight weeks and 432 students have taken part in the meetings.
Virgil Couch, president of the Y. M.
C. A., will preside at the banquet.
Marion Ross is chairman of the banquet committee.
The ratings of the groups which
held eight meetings follow: Phi Kappa Tau, 92.3 per cent; Phi Delta The-t- a,
91.4; Alpha Gamma Epailon, 90;
Alpha Tau Omega, 84; Pi Kappa Alpha, 83.8; Delta Chi, no report;. Sigma
Chi, no report; Sigma Nu, no report.
Boarding house group: 609 Maxwelton
court, 100 er cent; 546 Harrison avenue, 97.5; 628 South Limestone, 95,
and Men's dormitory, 94.3.


4he Y.

M. C. A.

Phi Beta Kappa

Initiation Exercises
To Be Held Today

The eight students recently elected
into Phi Beta Kappa, scholarship fraternity for students in the College of
Arts anil Sciences, will be initiated at
3 p. m. today In the office of Dr.


L. McVey.

Students to be initiated are Miss
Doxie Dexter, Miss Leeomo Galliher,
Miss Anne McFarland, Miss Lydla F.
Roberts, Miss Margaret E. Gooch,
Miss Marjorie Klmbell, Miss Isabel
Craig, and Miss Mary L. Marvin. This
i the. first occasion in which women
have comprised the entire group of
Usually, the men have outnumbered the women two to one.
Officers of the local chapter are
Prof. W. S. Webb, president; Prof.
Madison Cawein, vice president; Dr.
W. R. Allen, secretary; Dr. Jesse E.
Adams, treasurer; Dr. G. K. Brady,
delegate, ami Dr. Glanville Terrell,

Ateneo Castellano
Will Meet Today

Terror Reigns as
Players Rehearse

'The Dagger'



To Be Given Tuesday Night



Grnduate students arc required to take examinations under tho
same rules as those governing the undergraduate students. ,

The Lexington section of tho AmerThe seventeenth annual Farm and
election of officers
The semi-annuican Chemical Society met in the for the SuKy circle was held at a Home convention will be held at the
Physics lecture room Tuesday nfter- - meeting Tuesday when the following University January
president, James Hes
noon, at which time Dr. George D. were reelected:
under the auspices of the College of
tor; vice president, Frank Davidson;
McLaughlin, director of tho research secretary, Martha Minihnn; treasurer, Agriculture.
laboratory of the Tanners' Council at Margaret Wilson; assistant secretary,
Some of the
of Cincinnati, delivered Mary Brown.
j the University
will be Dr. C. G. Williams, director of
an address on "The Scientific Princi
A special message to the freshmen the Ohio Experiment Station; Dr. H.
pies of Tanning," illustrating his lec requests that they remember to sell
R. Tolloy, of the United
Deture by colored microphotographs.
at basketball games if they wish to partment of Agriculture; States A.
Mr. N.
The research laboratory of the Tan be considered for membership in the
Olscn, chief of the Bureau of Agri
ners' Council was established in 1921 circle. Selling only at football games
to study fundamental problems of the will not entitle anyone to SuKy, but culture Economics, United States De
partment of Agriculture,
and Mr.
tanning industry.
Research is con- everyone must consistently sell durstantly under way in tho subjects of ing each athletic season in order to James E. Poole, Chicago Livestock
chemistry, bacteriology, and histology, bo eligible.
Other speakers will include Gov.
because, ns Dr. McLaughlin said, "A
Members of the circle who have
man can be ever so great a chemist, been inactive during the past semes- Flem D. Sampson, Mr. Newton D.
Bright, secretary of agriculture; Dr.
but if he does not have knowledge of ter arc urged to attend the meeting
bacteriology and histology he is han- to be held the first Tuesday of the Samuel Halley, Lexington; Mr. R. M.
Hagen, Owensboro; Mr. George Hurst,
dicapped in his own work."
next semester at which time they will
Mr. Alfred Eisen,
In his lecture, Dr. McLaughlin first be
Alexandria, and members of the fac
defined tanning "as a process of conulty of the Experiment Station and
verting raw animal skins into useful
the College of Agriculture.
He stated that tanning is
The lectures will cover many phases
nn immense and basic industry, and
of practical farming, farm managethat the worth of the resenrch workment, poultry raising, soil erosion,
ers cannot be overestimated.
stock feeding, tobacco growing, hog
Dr. McLaughlin expressed his pleasraising, cooperative marketing, the use
ure for the invitafion to speak at the
Girls Are Selected of limestone and purebred sires.
University, saying that a conversation Thirty-Nin- e
program for
for Honorary Colonel, Majors, A special four-da- y
he had some time ago with Dr. Lewis,
professor of chemical engineering at
and Captains of University women will be one of the features of
the convention. Among the speakers
the Massachusetts Institute of TechRegiment.
will be Dr. Ada Hart Arlitt, professor
nology, made him especially interested in this school. Dr. Lewis was asked
Nominations for sponsors of the of child care and training at the UniShown
of Cincinnati;
Mrs. Anna
if the many research workers in his University R. O. T. C. regiment were versity
department came from his own insti made public January 16, by a military Steece Richardson, of "The Woman's
tution to which he replied that there department memorandum signed by Home Companion," New York, and Cups to. Be Awarded by Local
Firms for Scholarship in
was no question but that most, and Major Basil Spalding. Those nomi- Miss Georgene Faulkner, "The Story
Lady," of Chicago.
Military Classes
clearly the best, came to him from the nated include:
Other women speakers during the
Regimental sponsor with the honof Kentucky; that the
be Mrs. Marie Finey, of the
graduates of this school were better orary rank of colonel: Betsy Waller week will
The military department ,of the
equipped in chemical knowledge than Bennett, freshman; Ruth Marie Bon-ni- Victor Talking Machine Company, who University has received four silver
,any who came to him from other
freshman; Evelyn Ford, sopho- will discuss music for the home and cups to be awarded to the cadet havschools.
more, Sara Elizabeth Reynolds, fresh- lead the singing; Miss See Rice, rep ing the highest standing in each of
resenting the Soft Wheat Millers' As- the four courses of the department.
Dr. F. E. Tuttle presided over the man.
Battalion sponsors with honorary sociation, who will discuss bread mak- These cups, donated by The Lexington
meeting and introduced the speaker of
Lou-Vs- q
ing; Miss Bess Rowe, of the "Farm- Leader, the Lexington Herald, the Lathe afternoon. A short business ses- rank of major: First Battalion
Minnie Gott, sophomore; Julia er's Wife," and Mrs. L. L. Wright, of fayette hotel, and the Phoenix hotel,
sion was heluY'at which time the minwill be awarded after the field day exutes of the previous meeting were Halley Marvin, sophomore; Eleanor Boaz, Ky.
A feature of the women's sessions ercises next spring.
read by Prof. R. N. Maxson, and ap- Davis Swearingen, sophomore; Kath-crin- e
Brand Hall, freshman; Rozanna will be the naming of five master
proved by the society.
The Lexington Leader trophy, pre
Ruttencutter, junior. Second battal- homemakers, who will be given medals sented to the student having the high
ion Mary Avery Hall, freshman; by the "Farmer's Wife."
The five est standing in the first year basic
Kathryn Louise McWilliams, junior. women are now being chosen fromj course,
has in former years, been won
Company sponsors with honorary among 77 candidates, representing all by H. R. Brown, W.
Leivenson, D. M.
Bark N. Peak, of the University Y. rank of captain: Company A Fran parts of the state. Each woman can James. W. S. Warnock. C. W. Wheel
Program Will Be Given oy M. C. A., announced yesterday that ces r. uasKett, junior; jean roaa didate was nominated by five neigh- er, and A. A.
Evelyn Ford, bors. Every Master Homemaker will
Members of University
Mr. Arthur Rugh, for over 20 years Coffman, freshman;
The Lexington
Martha Crouch Reed, receive a special gold pin, the insigmissionary to China, willl lecture on sophomore;
Spanish Club
nia of the Master Farm Homemaker, awarded to the student having the
the campus during the third week in sophomore.
Margaret Emerson Kentucky's first group was recog highest standing in the second year
Company B
Ateneo Castellano, University Span- March. His lectures will deal with
basic course, has been won by J. R.
"Missionary Movement in China." Cundiff, sophomore; Dorothy Jordan nized here last year.
ish club, will hold its regular meeting the
McClure, J. A. Dabney, J. S. Reed,
Monroe, junior; Mildred Austin PhilJ. C. Finley, and C. W. Wheeler.
in the recreation room of Patterson
lips, freshman; Sara Elizabeth ReyThe Lafayette hotel trophy, given
nolds, freshman;
hall at 3 o'clock this afternoon. After
to the student having the highest
the regular business meeting, which is
f.tanding in the first year advanced
Spears, sophomore; Anna Mae Sweeconducted in Spanish, the club will be
course, has been won by R. Cross, C.
ney, sophomore; Georgetta Owsley
JO. French, J. A. Dabney, and G. A.
entertained with a musical program
Walker, freshman.
1 Stone.
by Miss Margaret Gooch, who will
Company C Betty Van Buren
The Phoenix hotel trophy, awarded
GorCrawford, freshman; Mary Bird
sing "El Himno Nacional Mexicano,"
to the man who has the highest stand
junior; Rachel Hays McKinney,
accompanied by Miss Jane Gooch.
The plot thickens and terror reigns! don,
(By Jess M. Laughlin)
ing in the second year adanced
freshman; Georgetta Owsley Walker,
James Hester, president of the The Guignol gang is running wild and freshman.
Kentucky is going to have a maga course, has been won by J. E. Wilkins,
Men s btudent Council, who was re-- r everything is in a general uproar.
Company E Martha Adams, freshor not: Because Home R. Ross, J. "K. Roberts, J. A. Dabney,
cently in Juarez. Mexico, will enter- - F Daggers are seen or suspected of man; Hazel Virginia Baucom, sopho- zine, believe it were not constructed J. M. Rachal, and L. M. Caldwell.
and other worlds
tain members of the club and visitors lurking in deep shadows behind eveiy more; Elizabeth W. Michjer, fresh- in a dawn to dusk attempt, and, be
All these trophies are on display in
with a description of a bull fight tree on the campus.
man; Louise Minnie Gott, sophomore; cause for much the same discouraging Buell Armory. Other trophies on disIt is rumored that the whole cause Elizabeth Clifton Tinsley, junior.
which he saw while on his trip.
reasons, the "Kentucky Derby" has play are the Fifth Corps Area Senevents is the
Josephine Lapsley,
Miss Anna Mae Stamper is program of these mysterious
Company F
to appear as per schedule, the ior R. O. T. C. rifle match cup, to be
blood-thirst- y
crew at the Guignol, and junior; Wilma Frances Powell, soph- failed
chairman for today, and Miss Minerva
staff wish it to be known that "01' awarded the senior university group
from ull the secret doings at the omore; Louise Pratt Rogers, junior.
Lambert is in charge of the refreshMan Hard Luck" has put in his usual which wins the matches three times.
theater every night it certainly seems
Kentucky has won twice and Culver
Company G Julia Halley Marvin,
that such talk is well founded. Other sophomore; Mary Elizabeth Fisher, appearance.
Military Academy once.
All members and friends of the scandal even more appalling is whisThe results of these setbacks has
club are invited and urged to attend pered about, but modesty prevents ine junior; Dorothy Gray Gorham, fresh- tended to slow up the date of pub
Owsley Walker,
this meeting.
lication. Now, because of some legal
from passing it on.
ity that has developed with the school
they do
I will tell you though, that
officials and the Student Council, it
say that the girls in the cast of "The
should be sometime in the spring be
Dagger" carry revolvers with Miem to
fore this latest journalistic venture
every rehearsal to protect themselves
Beginning with next week's edition, becomes a
from tho murderer who lurks behind nil students must go to their mail
every door. And it is reported that
As a conservative estimate of when Tennessee Expected to Give Men
University postofficc for
in the
a certain young lauy taints every boxes copies of The Kernel. The pa- - the magazine should appear without
of Mauer Hard Game; Tech's
Largest Number of Students in night from sheer fright,
Tornado Conquers Blue and
w,u be placed in the boxe3 early further delay, we will say that "The
Kentucky Derby" will appear without
wouldn't vouch for the veracity of ' .
History of Local Players Are
White in Final Minutes.
morning- 1
fail March 1, 1929. To further subStriving for Roles in "Crook" that, so don't repeat it.
stantiate this report it was moved and
I do know It to be a fact, though,
After Tennessee's startling reversal
seconded that rain or shine, tight or
that Frank C. Fowler, admitted diDATES
sober, the organization of Sigma Del- at the hands of Kentucky during the
rector and starter of all these doings,
Try-out- s
Volunteers are
for roles in the Stroller! is facing a charge of petit larceny for
ta Chi and Theta Sigma Phi, would football season, thedetermined
expected to bring a
All Colleges Seniors and Junplay, "Square Crooks" by James P. the alleged disturbance of the peace
on this date produce a "witty rag" by
of basketeers to thrill the occupants
Judge, are being held nightly in Boyd in the neighborhood surrounding the iorsJanuary 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
the name of "The Kentucky Derby."
of Daddy Boles' new bleachers tomorJanSophomores and Freshmen
That it will be pleasing to the eye is row night when Tenessee plays the
and White halls, and there are a theater.
uary 28, 29, 30, 31, Feb. 1, 2.
a foregone concluson.
Such u state of affairs is indeed
greater number of students trying out
Wildcats in Kentucky's fourth conStudents will report to their reference game. As this season progthis year than ever bofore, numbering lamentable, but the only possible sospective colleges as follows:
lution seems to be to allow these maresses, Couch Mauer's teum is provCollege of Arts and Sciences
around 40. As many as 20 people are
niacs to continue their plottings and
ing more successful against
Dean's office, Room 107, Adminout, for some roles. The complete plannings until the evening of Febfoes, having defeated Miami
istration building. Hours 8:30 to
cast, composed of six boys and Ave ruary 11, when they advertise that
and Notre Dame, but lost to North
12:00 and 2:00 to 5:00.
girls, will be announced in next week's they will stago a play which will scare
Carolina and Georgia Tech.
College of Agriculture
The freshmen of Dicker Engineeryou out of your skin and keep you
The first half of the Tech game
Agricultural ing society will give their annual ball
awake for a week. Then they can bo
ended in a 10 to 10 deadlock, and then,
Tho plot has to do with Eddie Elliin Dicker hall Saturday, January 19, later in the last half, the result was
identified und taken into custody beAssistCollege of Engineering
son and 'Larry Scott, two reformed fore they do further harm. In case
from 8 until 12 o'clock. Bids have been still in question when the Wildcats
crooks who are trying to go Btruight. you cannot recognize them on the ant dean's office, Mechanical hall;
issued by the freshman engineers.
scratched at the Yellow Jackets from
12 and 1:30 to 5.
Eddie is married to Kay, and they live first night, however, tho play will run hours 8:30 to
The chaperones will include Dr. and behind for a 19 to 19 tie. Kentucky's
Dean's office, Mrs.
Collego of Law
in the boarding house of Mrs.
Frank L. McVey, Dean C. R. defense then weakened and the Tornaso if you surthroughout tho week,
Jane Brown, who is very vive one performance you cun go back Law building.
Mclcher, Dean Sarah Blanding, Dean do got away to a great lead, which
Collego of Education Dean's ofmuch in love with Larry Scott, lives and bo tortured all over again.
and Mrs. F. P. Anderson, Prof, and gives rise to tho conclusion that Kenfice, Education building.
with the Ellisons.
Mrs. W. E. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. tucky has a way of working off one
Collego of Commerce
A valuable string of pearls has been
J. B, Dicker, Prof, and Mrs. J. S. Hor- - bud game out of about every thr.'o.
office, White hall.
stolen from Mrs. Phillip Carston, a
ine, Prof, and Mrs. L. S. O'Bannon, If this suggestion works according to
Homo economics students should
society leader. Larry und Eddie aro
Prof, and Mrs. E. A. Bureau, Prof. form the 'Cats will be right tomorrow
Miss Hopkins at her office and
Tho Lambda Alpha chapter of Chi
accused of stealing these, und Harry
and Mrs. E. L. Nollau, Mr. and Mrs,
arrange classification and complete Gordon Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. night.
Welch, u
detective, is on tho Omega sorority of tho University hus
The Tenessee team has many familoffice of the
The mystery of tho stolen announced the awarding of a prize of their schedules in the
Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kettcn- Dean, Room 103, Agricultural acker, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arkle, Mr. iar names on its roster Hackman,
up until the final $25 to Miss Kady Elvove for her work
pearls is not cleared
McEver, Dodd and Hug, members of
curtain. Much of tho comedy is sup- in economics last year, given upon
and Mrs. W. II. Bread and Mr. and last season's great football team.
A lute classification fee will be
plied by Sorrel!, the colored maid.
M. Beckley.
the recommendation of Dcun Edward
Dodd is the only regular in the group.
charged nil students who do not Mrs. F.
society are A. S
Wicst. This is an annual award which arrange
All stage settings occur in the
The Wildcats just returned from a
their classification within Augustus, of tho
president; E. T. Moffett, southern trip this morning and Coa-- h
boarding house in New York the chapter makes to tho senior girl
the specified time.
with' the action taking place in the who haa the highest standing in
vice president and J. P. Crowe, sec Mauer is not expected to make any
Office of the Registrar.
spacVof one evening.
retary and treasurer.
changes in his regular line-u-

R. 0. T.


Kentucky Derby
First Issue Will
Appear March






Freshman Engineers
Annual Dance


Dr. C. J. Turck, Centre College
Head, Is President of





Professor Gillis and Dean Boyd
Will Represent University
of Kentucky
The annual meeting of the Association of Kentucky Colleges and Universities will be held Saturday morning
at the physics lecture room in the
physics building of the University beginning at 10 o'clock with the address
of Dr. C. J. Turck, president of Centre
College and of the association.
The program follows:
Morning Session 10 o'Clock
President's address, Dr. C. J. Turck,
Centre College.
"Point System," Dr. Charles A. Ma-neTransylvania College.
Discussion opened by Prof. T. E.
McMullen, Kentucky Wesleyan College.
Appointment of committees.
Recess for lunch.
At noon the University of Kentucky
will be host for a luncheon in the University cafeteria, and the guests will
be the delegates. About 50 delegates
are expected, representing 16 colleges
and universities throughout the state.
Afternoon Session 1 :30 o'Clock
"College Marking System," Prof. E.
L. Gillis, University of Kentucky.
"To What Extent Should College
Teachers Participate in Cummunity
Affairs?" Dr. J. W. Hatcher, Berea
Discussion opened by Prof. W. F.
Nofcier, Asbury College.
Report of committee on accredited
schools, Prof. Mark Goodman, state
department of educution.
Report from Southern Association,
Dean P. P. Boyd, University of Kentucky.

Contract Is Let for
Teachers Building
The general contract for the erection of a Teachors' Training building
on Scovell park was let to J. F.
Hardyman of Maysville., Ky., yesterday morning at a meeting of the
board of trustees held in President
Frank L. McVey's office. Mr. Hardy-man- 's
bid totaled $271,500.
A bid submitted by R. B. Hayes, of
Lexington, Ky., for the laying of linoleum floors in the new building for
$12,000 was accepted.
Work on the
construction of the building will begin
The general contractor
is the same firm which just completed
McVey hall.
It was announced at the meeting
that bids would bo accepted February
7 for the construction of a dairy build
ing on me experiment station farm.
The English club will hold its reg-ulmeeting Friday afternoon
White hull. There will bo two special
features on tho program, which are
expected to bo of importance to English students. Miss Leida Keyes will
give a review of Orlando while Miss,
Elizabeth Gay will give a talk on
"Teaching English in Japan." All students who are interested in English
are urged to be present.


Dean W. E. Freeman spoke at a
meeting of the Lexington
Club hold at noon yesterday in the
Phoenix hotel.
His speech included
a message from the club'a service



� Best Copy








dr. g. davis bucknek

sarah blanding, '23,
Raymond l. kirk, '24

Is Doing Arranged.







Mrs. E. T. Proctor. M6
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02

Wylnnd Rhodes,

Walter HlUonmcycr, '13

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04


W C. Wilson, '(M


week on this page there appeared the story of the death of
Reuben Thornton Taylor, a graduate of the University of
In some way the record of another Reuben Taylor was mistaken for
this alumnus, resulting in the confusing of the two meu.
There are on our records three graduates of the University with
the name Reuben Thornton Taylor. This by the way of explanation.
Reuben Thornton Taylor, B. M. E. 1015, M. S. M. E. 1923, formerly
of Lexington, died at his home in New York a few weeks ago as a
result of influenza. He was a mechanical engineer for the Charles
Hartman Company of Buffalo, a position which he had held, since his
graduation from the College of Engineering of the U.iivjraity. He is
Utter-bacsurvived by his wife who, before her inarrnge, was Miss Mary
and' three children. He was buried in the Frankfort cemetery in
Frankfort, Ky.
The above information is correct and should have appeared in The
Kernel. However, when we took the information card from our files,
by mistake the class card of Reuben Thornton Taylor, A. B. 1014, of
LaGrange, was taken. As a result the records of the two men were
mixed, resulting in confusion to the many alumni who knew one or
both of the men.
We regret that this mistake occurred and are taking this method
of correcting the erroneous impression that in all probability resulted.
Reuben T. Taylor, A. B. 1914, formerly Rhodes scholar, now living
in LaGrange, Ky., is not the Reuben T. Taylor who died.




Thirteen Classes Will Hold An
niversary Reunions During

The officers of the Alumni association nre making a special effort

this year to reorganize over Kentucky the Alumni clubs that at one
time or an other have been active. Already several of them have
begun to function again and we are slowly adding to this list of active clubs.
The number of Alumni clubs that can be formed in Kentucky is
limited only by the number of counties and towns in the state. Wherever there are a few graduates or former students of the University a
club can be formed.
The association is sending letters and in some instances one of the
officers to the different sections of the state to assist in the organza-tio- n
of Alumni clubs. While it is not possible to send a rtpresentative
to every county, we are trying to reach the different sections of the
state. A few counties and towns have not been selected and any group
wishing a visitor can have one by making bpplication to the Alumni
The Alumni association of the University needs a great statewide
organization and that is the aim of the officers of the association in
this present movement. A group of former Kentucky students is
needed in every county to carry the work of fthe University to the
people of the state. Get your former classmates together and organize. You can be of untold value to the University as well as a social
group making possible social activity.

Tho nlnns for the first lnreo reunion
of Alumni of the University of Ken-- ,
tucky hnvc nlmost been completed.
Tho reunion which will bo held during
Commencement week this spring will
be tho first one wherein tho ditioront
classes will hold anniversary reunions
along with the general homecoming
and reunion. A plnn has been inaugurated whereby classes will hold reintervals and the
unions in five-yeclasses returning each year will bo
five years apart.
The classes that will hold reunions
this vcar are as follows: 18C9, 1874,
1870, 1884, 1889, 1894, 1899, 1904,
1909, 1914, 1010, 1924 and 1927. Mem-

bers of theso classes who have been
active and interested in the Alumni
association and the University for a
number of years have been asked to
assist the officers in making these
class reunions n success. Within a
few days letters will be sent out to
ench member of theso classes explain
ing the plnns in detail and urging
thorn to cooncrate with their olncers.
William Benjamin Munson, of Den-isnTexas, tho onlv member of the
class of 18C9, which was the first
clnss to bo graduated from the University of Kentucky has been invited
to return ns their guest of honor nt
the reunion.
Tim officers of the Alumni asso
ciation are working on a program for
the actual reunions that win maKe
the whole meeting interesting and appealing to every one who returns.
Ample time has been given to the different classes for meetings of their
own. In addition to this general meetings an