xt7bg7373s9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373s9d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 2008 2008 2008-10-17 2020 true xt7bg7373s9d section xt7bg7373s9d III Inst-at. cei-

IIIIIr law In: l-usr mu
'm: Ian In: mmui

i. lam untan' : llflll!

Frame by Frame: Movie combines government
conspiracy, technology and robots

See page 6





to grand

BiJennifar Graham

The case of a UK student
charged with first-degree as-
sault will be brought before a
grand jury.

Kyle Andrew Almy. 24.
waived his preliminary hear—
ing Thursday in court to send
his case to the Fayette Coun—
ty Grand Jury. Almy was ar-
rested and pleaded not guilty
in connection to the Sept. 27
incident that left UK student
Blair Smith, 19. hospitalized
with head injuries.

Fayette County District
Judge Megan Thornton also
ordered that Almy have no
contact with Smith.

The prosecution has re~
viewed the case and made
recommendations. First As-
sistant Fayette County Attor—
ney Brian Mattone said.

"Our office has reviewed
the case. and we believe that
the element of a felony ofv
fense has been met." Mattone
said. “We recommended the
case be transferred to the
Commonwealth Attorney‘s

After the case is trans-
ferred to the Commonwealth
Attomey‘s office. a prosecu—
tor is assigned to'the case.
Then. he or she will prepare
the case to present to the
grand jury. generally within
45 days. Mattone said.

"The presentation of the
case is a secret proceeding
that isn‘t open to the public."
Mattone said. "The prosecu-

See Almy on page 8



328 Aylesford Place:
Police say Smith
was hit over the
head with a bottle at
around 2:48 am. on
Sept. 27.



500 block of Euclid
Ave: Police find
Smith critically
injured around
3:30 am. and he
was transported
to UK Hospital.





VP for Student Affairs resigns

By Jill Latter

One of UK‘s top administrators
has resigned. she announced Thurs—

Pat Terrell. the university‘s vice
president for student affairs. an~
nounced her resignation in an e—mail
to a Student Affairs listserv yesterday.
In her role. Terrell oversaw depart—
ments such as Dining Services. the
Counseling and Testing Center. Fra—
ternity and Sorority Affairs and Resi—
dence Life.

The resignation will be effective
immediately. said UK spokesman
Tom Harris. The reasons for Terrell‘s
resignation are confidential. as with
all employee records. Harris said.

Provost Kumble Subbaswamy is»
sued a press release announcing Vic—
tor Hazard. associate vice president
for Student Affairs will become the
interim vice president for Student

In a call to his home at X pm.
Thursday. Hazard said he had not yet
been contacted by Subbaswamy and

was not aware of his new position.

The reason Hazard hadn‘t been
contacted is because "this all hap-
pened pretty fast." Han‘is said.

Hazard will be out recovering
frorn surgery the next few weeks. he
said. However. Hazard said he will
remain in contact with his staff by
phone ande -mail.

Terrell will continue as a special
assistant to Subbaswamy through
June 200‘). What she will do in the
full—time position has not been de—



Returning player Audrey Forthofer, left, an accounting and finance sophomore, listens to president Megan Clauson talk to the
beginning drills on the last day of lacrosse tryouts

Lack of funds, no scholarships and no guarantee of a position, but they're still playing.
Read the full story on page 3

down 20

By Kelli Long

klong @kykernel. corn

The number of people who vot—
ed for Student (‘rovemment’s fresh-
man senators dropped 20 percent
front last year.

A total of 530 students. or 12
percent of the freshman class of
4.4tl4. voted in the election. That
number is down from the 67-1 voters
that came out last year.

The number of voters may have
dropped becatrsc election dates were
pushed back a week. said Katelyn
Wallace. SG‘s Election Board chair.

“I think the majority of the rea—
son is the way things fell and cir—
cumstances with the elections being
moved from the last week to this
week.“ she said. “The dining refer-
endum had to be added. and it
pushed the election back a whole


week. It \s as something that had to
happen. but caused a bit of conlu

Micah Ficlden. ('liase IIlt‘IlC'
man. (‘hris (ioodalc and Kyle Kirk
were chosen from the ‘2 candidates
on the ballot to serxe as I'CI‘IL‘K‘HIH'
fives of the freshman class in the S(i

Freshman senator's have the
same voting privileges as all other
elected senators. and will he
signed to committees and attend all
Senate meetings.

"They bring a lot of fresh ideas.
and bring a new perspccthc." said
30 President Tyler Montcll " I'hc).
are the frrttrrc leaders of Student
Government. All the freshman sciia~
tors from last year are either senator's
now or working on our staff."


See Elections on [)(itlf‘ 8


BerIley finley

51W LI ki it u

l‘iflant I .t\\ss1ll is slipping tip
on Saturday

Lawson. .1 member .\|pliti
Kappa -\lplia. \\ill lic r‘cprcscnting
her sorority at the National I’atrrllcl
lcnrc (kittiicil‘s .mrttml stcp shim

Inst _\c.ir‘ more than Witt people
attended the annual c\cnt It is
sponsored It} the National I’an IIcl-
lcntc Council. an oigani/ation for
all of the historically black tiatct‘iii-
tics and sororities on I‘K's Ctll‘ilj‘vlls

Smcn of tlic tlll‘c‘ oiganr/ations
that the council represents “in bat
tlc their “to to victor}. and thc
competition is still. said I .l\\\t\li. a
human nutrition |lllll0l

“I line the cotnpctrtron aspect
of the merit." shc \‘dlti.



of preparation into the show begin»

In her resignation e-mail. Terrell
encouraged her staff to support each
other. saying “we have a great team."

“The last six years have been
wonderful. and I cannot say how
much I have enjoyed working with
you." she said in the e—mail. “You
are great advocates for our students.
and I know that you will continue to
keep their interests at the forefront of
all that you do."

Terrell could not be reached for
comment at her home Thursday
night ‘

more By annusv Mcmrosrt t Sizer
new and returning players before

step tip g‘aiitc to
win competition Saturday

iimg practices .is earl) .ts \rigtrst.

"I look ii‘t\\.ll'ti to the shim
each year hccausc each organi/a
tron does something so different,
It‘s nc\er tlic same ycai to year and
students and alumni come back
c\ci'} ycar not kniming “but to cx~
pcct " lam son said

litclt iirgrriii/atrorts r‘cr'tor'nr
ancc \Hll ha\ c a theme ‘hc themes
arc always kept as a surprise and
not reunited until the day of the
\llttu Themes in recent \cars have
included “ The Pink Panther.”
Chicago. baseball. and the trim res,

Psychology senior (yttac
Carter is the step master for Alpha
Kappa "film. \t Inch means she
makes up the step routine and ap-
ptm cs all details such as costrrrncs.
(later said her fa\oritc part ot the
performance is seeing the themes

Each organization puts months '

See Step on page 8


By Rosalind Es: ssig
Ieaturefikykernel. com

La Boheme opens with the
scene of four roommates just trying
to get by. The scene is followed
closely by two people falling in
love and the story goes on.

The opera by Giacomo Puccini
is a story about relationships be
tween people that almost anyone
can connect with. said Amanda
Balltrip. a UK graduate student and
one of the performers singing the
part of Musetta.

“It‘s on a very real level with

very emotional. beautiful music."
Balltrip said.

La Boheme is the story of tWo
couples. which both have devastat—
ing problems. but overall there's a
lot of comedy and it's a lively
show. Balltrip said.

It is a shorter opera based on
the musical "RENT." said Teri Jo
Fuson. assistant stage manager and
UK alumni.

"This is not like your average
opera." Fuson said.

There are two casts made up of

UK graduate and undergraduate
students. They have been working


over the past few months to prepare
for these performances. said
Michael Ehrman. stage director for
La Boh‘cme. Cast members had to.
among other things. translate the
entire Italian text. Ehrman said.

In addition to preparing “llh
vocal coaches and learning the text
they've been working on the dra—
matic and visual aspects of the
show. Ehnnan said,

There is a need for two casts
that alternate perfonnances because
the physical demands of singing in

See La Boheme on page 8

in the UK Opera
performance of La
Boheme, Rodolfo.
played by UK
vocal musrc grad-
uate student
Jeremy Cady.
Sings With Mimi,
played by UK
alumnus Amelia

W “M

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Oh, the

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a momma"

By linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 10 is the easiest
day, 0 the most challenging.
Aries (March 21-April 19) —
Today is an 8 —— Plan your
route before you take off on
your next shopping trip. Don’t
Spend more on gas than you'll
Save by going to the sale.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
ffoday is a 6 ~— As you write up
your shopping list, don’t get too
putrageous. Better pay a couple
of bills before you visit the

Bemini (May 21 -June 21) —
Today is an 8 -— You're more
confident now, but you’re still
)facing opposition.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) ——
Today is a 5 — Go through your
closets now. You're quite likely

to find things that have gone
all the way around and come

back into style,

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) ——
Today is a 7 — Appearances
are important, but they aren't
everything. Your fans love you
because of your heart, not your
shiny outer shell.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today is an 8 _., The work you
do now Will attract the atten-
tion of very important people
This could lead to more authori-
ty for you, and maybe more

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today is a 7 e— lt's starting to
look like you can get what you
want, but there will be at least
one setback before that hap-

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ——
Today is an 8 — Be looking for
more ways to save, lt's the
same as money earned This
could involve recycling or sell-
ing something you already


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 ~— You have noth-
ing against criticism, although
you'd just as soon avoid it
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
—— Today is an 8 w The work
has stacked up. but that's OK
You're in the mood to do it now
You'll whittle down that pile in
no time at all, Don't spend the
check before it clears
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
—— Today is a 7 # You‘re lucky
and getting luckier. Your group
activities will start flowing
more effortlessly too, especial-
ly anything involving foreigners,
Start planning your next trip.
Pisces (Feb. 19°Mal'Ch 20)
—— Today is a 6 —« Household
chores are starting to grab at
your ankles as you walk by.
Pizza boxes and empty soda
cans may be encroaching on
your living space.

it.) 2008 Tribune Media Services


Today’ 5
Sponsored By:


estaurant and Liiun e

816 Euclid Ave.



The flowers. the food. the
dress! ()strosky gives Us the
details of her Wedding to
longtime love Stern.

The Glitterati are no
strangers to the legendary
Manhattan eatery Le Cirque.
And the star power was there
in full force the eiening of
October 3 — Barbara Walters
partying with potty»rnouthcd
Sarah Silverman! — for the
nuptials of shock jock
Howard Stern and Beth ()s-
trosky. "Beth and Howard
walked into a room full of
friends excited to celebrate
with them." Stern’s cohost
Robin Quivers tells Us. “And
they turned it into a clever.
creative. fun party."

Big Day

"He is my dream come
true." the model. 36. tells Us
of Stem, 54. “it‘s all in one 6—
f‘oot—S—itich. beautiful hunk of
love!" Sexy in Marchesa
("Absolute perfection." she
says of the silk stunner). ()s—
trosky. carrying purple calla
lilies. said “1 do” under a
canopy of~ white orchids,
Perched on a box to reach the
tall pair. lnternet—ordaiiied
(for 517.953) Mark ('onsuelos
officiated. Jimmy Krnimcl
read a poem and Dixie Chick
Natalie Marries sang a song
written for the occasion.
"They were laughing. they
were ~crying." says gttest
(and Us contributortlill Mar—
tin of the pair.

As Chevy Chase gave a
raunchy toast. the ltit) guests
(Stem‘s kids attended a —fam-
ily~only celebration in Au—
gust) noshed on asparagus
risotto and tuna tataki. Says

Howard and Beth get mar-
ried and are more than

we Dis" ready with the dirty details

Le (‘irquc‘s Elli Jafari: “It
wasn't your typical stuffy sit—
dowrr wedding. 11 was rock
'n‘ roll 7 high energy. high

SNL going primetime

l.r\e from New York. it's
Thursday night'.’ Saturday
Night Live is throwing out
the calendar and tackling
three Thursday specials stan-
iiig October 9 (NBC. 9:30
p.ni.). While Seth Meyers and
Amy Poehler‘s “Weekend
Update'~ Will be the locus.
“We never really know what
a show looks-like until it hapv
pens." Meyers tells Us.

Stamping stars With the
election being the topic of the
day. what politico tops Meyv
crs‘ wish list‘.’ “Nothing
would beat having Bill ('lirr-
ton stop by. the SNL head
writer tells Us, adding he‘d
also love to see Tina Fey and
vice presidential candidate
Sarah Palin face off in a ptu‘o~
dy ol. the switching—places
llick The Parent Trap.

()n call In the anything
can~happen world of live TV.
Meyers is even ready should
Pochler tdue in November)
give birth early. “l‘vc
watchcd Knocked Up a c‘t)tl~
ple of times. so we should be
line.” he tells Us. “Although
(exec producer) Lorne
(Michacls) has made it clear
that if she does go into labor
on air. ‘It better be funny.”

Tom and Katie: the ex

Tom Cruise and Katie
Holmes have a tan in Nicole
Kidrnan. in telling Elle maga»
uric about her "deep and

more profound love" wit'
hubby Keith Urban. sh
added that her ex “has th
same thing with Katie.
Cruise and Holnres. in NY
for her Broadway debut in
All My Sons, had a night out:i
at En Japanese Brasserie ()cJ
tuber 5. Also enjoying the bi
city: daughter Suri, 2. wh
_)Olll):tl sibs Isabella. IS. an
Connor. (.1. -Holmes, 29, h
parents and (‘ruise‘s mom a
Alice‘s Tea Cup earlier that!

Russell and Danielle al-
ready matchmakrng ‘

"It‘s the most fantasti
thing I‘ve ever experienced.
Body of Lies star Russe
Crowe tells is of raising son
Charles. 4. and Tennyson.
with his wife of live years.
Danielle Spencer. "It contin-
ues to get more fun and com
plex with every day." The -
actor. 44. and his wife, 38.
who met while doing the
movie The Crossng in 198‘)
and married in 2003. are also
good friends with fellow
Aussies Nicole Kidman and
Keith Urban. (‘rowe even
joked that when Kidman in—
troduced her S-niorith-old
daughter. Sunday. to his boys.
"Nicole had one look at my
younger son. Tennyson. and
looked up at me and said.
‘l'nr a great believer in
arranged nian‘iages.' I believe
she made the connection be—
tween Sunday arid Tennyson
now _. so 'l‘ennyson is al»
ready engaged."

11‘17088 Us Weekly


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student ID



1 Grasps
5 Stead
9 “Cuchi-cuchi"
14 Tribe related to
the Iowa and
15 Chirac's state
16 Sit in on. as a
17 Mightily fortified
20 ‘The NewsHour"
21 Exams tor srs.
22 Sault ~ Marie
23 Lofty nest
25 Controversial
online music
27 Returned term
assignments, say
30 Old flood
31 Kesey and
32 Romano cheese
33 Felix Unger’s pet
35 Norm: Abbr.
37 Beatniks?
41 Get everything

4 Get really

5 Double up on
(one's bet)

6 Simpson trial

7 Wears (away)

8 Dag

9 Puppet

10 Color subtlety

11 “_ Fideles“

12 “8 Simple Rules"
star John

13 Whom some
habitually blame

18 Jeter of the

19 Troop's camping

24 Many millennia

26 A writer may
work on it

27 Breakfast side

28 “We ,‘

29 See 57-Down

34 Big account

36 Check number

38 Easiest kind of

39 For each



49 "Let's go


40 Maple tree yield
42 lndonesian island

43 Lose ground.
45 Generous types

46 French heads
48 Strong beliefs

50 Chilean literature
Nobelist Pablo

51 Technique
building pieces

52 Hits hard

57 With 59- and 29-
Down. sefior‘s

59 See 57-Down

60 Nair rival

62 Dept. overseer

63 Tiny insect


right on 2
44 Toward dawn



47 Veggie in a pod
48 Picked a felon


from a lineup




53 Stuffed oneself

54 lndustn'alist

55 Lab. neighbor

56 Roderick R.










Paige's Cabinet



58 Sandwich order

1 61 Rejected
with “at"

64 Podge preceder








65 Arabian ruler
66 Spoil, with “on"


l67 Glitterati



68 lnebn'ates
69 Game with 32











' 1 Orr score














2 French verb
3 “Cast Away" star





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Corn Maize is 4 4 miles out on the left


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October 1 7,


Kenny Colston
Sports Editor
kcolston@kykernel .L om



By Cameron Ewen


The publieity is minimal. the
glory is personal and the hunger tor
a win is equal.

That I) pe of attitude is typieal
for many ol l7K‘s ehib sports
teams. where hundreds ol loriiier
high school athletes and tans ill a
sport try to keep their dream «it
playing their lttHil‘llt,‘ sport illl\L‘.

For man) ol' the athletes who
come to [K on scholarship. oi er
(will) in all. a roster position. mueh
less playing time is hardly a “or

r_\. (”lass is balanced between
training and other riiandated aetiv

* But for the \i'oiiieii‘s lacrosse
i‘lub team. none ol that is a laetor.
like in high school and many ot
lLTK's other club sports teams. learn
member‘s riiiist halaiiee
\xork and pla}.


w *mwmwzw.‘ ins- vm

Vanderbilt at Georgia
. Kansas at Oklahoma
7" Ohio State at
Michigan State

Pitt at Navy
Missouri at Texas
Virginia Tech at

' Boston College

”If” 4 4 - anw


in s

Watch video of
women's lacrosse tryouts.

Senior Megan ('latison. presiv
dent or the \toiiieii‘s lacrosse team.
has seen ll all Being a lirlll'lllficnl'
returning plaser. (‘laiison knows
the ins and outs ot‘ elub sports.
(‘laiisoii krioits there‘s one thing
that matters almost. ll not more.
than \xiiis moire}

“.\ lot oi tundraising is needed
to keep trs running. We get no help
l'roni the uniwrstty." (‘lairson said,
“Support trorii laiiiil} and trierids
helps a lot"

Moire} is not the only. obstaele
that laws t'hih teams ls’eer'uitnieiit
is another dimiitall l'rihke \arsit}


1 }

w, ‘



Alex Hale Bobby Reagan Alex Risen
: UK tan Asst s‘gsorts eaem Stat? were:
§ Record: 29-13 Record' 2745 Record: 2646
F Georgia ' Georgia Georgia

Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma

f Ohio State Ohio State Michigan State
f Pitt Pitt Pitt
’ Texas Missouri Texas
l Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Boston College

t Eric Lindsey
l Sports columnist

Brad Luttrell
Editor in chiet

Kenny Colston

Sports editor

: MI]: 28-“ Record: 26-16 Record: 24—18

T Georgia Georgia Georgia

! Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma

; Ohio State Ohio State Ohio State

; Pitt Pitt Navy

l Texas Missouri Missouri

l Boston College Virginia Tech Virginia Tech


Lacrosse balls whrzzed around the club sports field on Wednesday evening as new and returning players worked hard to ttrllt‘ a shot H" the

Tough season? Join the club?

sports. club teams are not able to
see what talent the} \\lll be dealing
\Hll] hetorehaiid. lliat‘s wh) tr)»
outs are the riiost important step lot
women's lilLl't\_\\Cr

Some elub sports hare ti'}outs.
like hoeke). lacrosse and baseball
while others take an "e\ei')oiie ean
phi)" approaeh. Bur lot [hose
sports who do hold tr_\oiits. no rose
lei' spot is sate.

Mair) returning pla_\ers said no
one gets an automatic pas» During
tryouts the girls get iiidged upon
their deteriiiiriatron. abilit). and et?
tort on the field. It the) eaii sllt‘.\‘s
all three ol these qualities. their
making the team should lollou

This holds trite tor returning
players as \xell. It‘s nothing person
al itist part oi the :dlltt,‘

“l:\er_\ )ear zit- h.t\ e had to

Set: Lacrosse :, :1. 4



We've really lost the essence ofwhat
real American football is about I think
it's probably all about money. They're
not really oonoemed about safety."

— ”“1um on NFLfinutorlm hits.



IIII --'



.. I
2222555., “Ila


.wtirrrerr s tat rass‘t: lt‘tlill


UK ready to double-date l-~l()gs

lt’s horneeoiiiiirg,

\ol ltir lht‘ loollmii
learn. but tor the \tlllt’}l\itll
lean: too literally

l':\r,' til the lttsl stir :‘ttlilt‘l
errt‘e eaiires haw been on the
road tot l K llie teartv retoirs
\lt'lllttlltll \‘-llll
rust one eonlerenee loss alter a
l‘ h defeat in the llllill set in
(iaitiesulle. l'la . last l rida}

lltil despite lllt‘ hiss l'l\
returns to its triend|_\ t'oiit'iiies
on the ‘xrtkentl ot their best


to (‘oliserrrii



Rumely setting





sldll lt‘ .1 st sir it. 1‘ lllll'llL'l llt. \li
tlk'e.l\lk‘\ lllk' (.i‘s " ‘ 3‘ i?‘

l l‘iL‘ l l\ krill l‘»t‘lt list}, \t l‘w‘fi i‘L'tli ”*3 M l
tillers 1hr he i it _ «1 is _
\‘»tlt awrr‘st z") l