xt7bg7373r88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373r88/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1999 1999 1999-09-16 2020 true xt7bg7373r88 section xt7bg7373r88 . ,..

a? WWI: 51‘” m.

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L... .,.s.


jump. jump

Afraid of getting stuck in
an elevator? Here
are some ideas to
help pass the time:

Ask people on the
elevator if they've
seen the first part of
the movie Speed.

Push all the floor
buttons. At every
floor, get out, look
around, mutter.
“Looks OK so far,"
and get back in.

Put notices in the
elevators that read
"Last inspection:
Passed. Next
inspection due: Jan

Use physics to
determine how fast
the elevator will be
going if it free-falls
from the top floor.

“5...4...3...2...i" and
then suddenly duck.

Get on the elevator at
the top floor and ask,
"Going down?”

Keep muttering, ”I hope
it doesn't happen

Have a friend with you.
but act like he’s a
complete stranger.
After a while, turn to
him and say, "Wanna
trade?" Then
promptly trade

Replace the '3’ on the
third floor button
with the Greek letter

Grimace painfully while
smacking your
forehead and
muttering, "Shut up.
all of you just shut

Stand silent and
motionless in the
corner, facing the
wall, without getting

When arriving at your
floor, grunt and
strain to yank the
doors open, then act
embarrassed when
they open by

Greet everyone getting
on the elevator with
a warm handshake
and ask them to call
you Admiral.

Bet the other
passengers you can
fit a quarter in your

Wear "X-Ray Specs” and
leer suggestively at
other passengers.

Enter a medical building
with a friend. Get him
to ask you, "So what
did he say?” then
cough, and answer
”It's definitely


Compiled by Samantha
Essid/Ron Norton

t; ft? 2‘

7.1 5.1

Fully sunny
Kent itchy


VOL. 3105 ISSUE 3:17



News tips’

Call: 257-1915 or write:


THE 411



st 32 twig "






Above, a man and woman perform a nichibu


Left, women In klmonos each play a musical
instrument called a koto.



elements of Japanese culture. such as traditional danc—

ing. playing traditional instruments. and performing

Colorful kittionos. sparkling white gis (karate out-
fits). and performances by Japanese pop stars I’innae
Mika and Etsuko greeted those who attended the Festi
val of Japan Cultural Performance yesterday in the
Student Center Theater.

“I think it‘s important to be exposed to different
cultures." said Stephanie Heise. an education and the-
atre senior.

The performance was intended to increase visibili-
ty and publicity for the Japanese Studies Program at
UK. said Greg Waller. chair of l'K's English depart-
ment and master of ceremonies at the performance.

The performers came from Kyushu. one of Japan’s
southern islands. Through an agreement with the
Japanese Study Program. they come over every year
and perform. said Waller.

Various members of the group performed different

nlt'l ll(‘f‘.


mum I krmtsttrr

Above. Kata. a type of karate.
performed by students from
Kyushu Gankln High School In

Left, Nichlbu Donclng.

various karate exercises.

Clint Stone. a UK graduate student in fine arts who
spent seven years in Japan. was impressed with the
karate demonstrations that he saw.

“It was well orchestrated." Stone said. “You could
tell that they [the martial artists] had put a lot of time
into it. It was modestly done. They were focused; they
weren‘t showing off."

Waller said that none of the performances were
necessarily religious or even ritual. bttt celebratory of
Japanese cultural tradition.

(iraham Shelby. a graduate student iii Japanese
who teaches Japanese at Lexington‘s Henry (Ilay High
School. brought one of his classes to see the perf‘or

I think
tant to
be ex-
to dif-

- Stephanie Helss.
education and
theater senior


The sum“


”It seemed like a good opportunity for them to see
Japanese culture in person." he said.


. tssaatosiutp . ,2
Q t

Lfirfla..mmW-u% . in ~


the Japanese
Studies Program at UK
is a program of
student and faculty
collaborations and
study. It was developed
in response to the
economic and cultural
importance of the
Japanese presence in
Kentucky, and
the program offers
courses in Japanese
language. history, cul-
ture, geography and
A minor in Japanese
studies is available.



the past

brings the past to
life | 6


Exercising the
right to vote
can be easy

Students can make their voice heard by
signing up, tuning in and checking off

By Priya Scroggins


~. MM: is ltt'\\i‘l .\' r: ht: those at least eighteen year»
of c.» the pritnara-s . critic up lll November are the op
pot in. i\ to lilil'llt‘lpnli‘ ,r; Til" political process.

It l\ everyonc's c;\ a responsibility Young people
shodh: participate in it» .iolitical process and hate- .i
‘.t'lt e- on issues that wifw. ' 'ttwni." said l’enny Miller. (lll‘t't'
tot of lllllit‘l‘ill‘illllltili' slittier in the l'lx’ political scicnl ~~

toting poop!" jll‘t' I i true group of potential \'ttlt‘l‘>.
she l‘\pl.‘ilttcti "l'l‘liey i had a tremendous impact on the
15M; ('linton (lore campaign yyith .\I'I‘\' sponsoring ‘Rock
the \‘ote‘ to encourage young people to vote ”

llt-stillt- national polls that suggest young voters don't.
pull thi- lci'et. stillll' I'K students seem very adamant
about voting.

"Black people fought too lotig arid too hard for me not
to vote Thai is IIlt' least I tould do." said business sopho
lilttl’t' (Limille Murray

titht-rs share Murray ‘s sentiments

"i am registered and plan to Vote." said marketing
sttlilililllttl't' .lulicsc I)£l\'ls "It is very important for young
peoplt to vote as long as they hate an understanding of
what they‘re wtiiig lot "

Trying to figure- out whom to vote for and hoe. to go
about toting set-m to he the maior challcnses for students.

"I need to hear more about the candidate's pliitfotms.“
said hospital administration sophomore .tackiw Hailey

Millcr :tdytscs students llllt‘l‘e*.\l"t‘l in '.oting and :it
tempting to declare '1 part\ to look .it eiicli candidate's
platform closely. Stin iti tune Willi national nous. espe-
cizilly in the political arena and check out tlic rattdiilates'
:v-thsitt ~~ ti? i'.' t3,'l“lwi a N’t‘ tyhat they have to offer you

I’M" thew ittleiese ti in rwg'stcriitg to tote int. (‘tiium
i li‘l‘k‘s l llfit .2 tillers some .‘ll\‘!("‘ Retit'iyzii of ii tlritur's I;
reuse .ziitotiiutm'illy register-s you to \ott~ \ati tll‘x not rt
quirt-d to posses a driver's license to register at the clerk‘s
otlit e. but you must have :1 Milk! address. phone number
social security number and date of birth. When register
iti»_'. you must (it'l it re- ‘l party republican. democratic.
or lliilt‘lli‘lilli’lil

Students registered Ill a county other than Fayette
can call lllt'll' county's clerk and request an absentee bal

"be primary elections will take place on Noyctnbei 3.
but the ill-.idlinc to register is October 1.

As iiinioi‘ Maria Wort/lcr said. “Too niatiy peoph
complain thou: the lttillllt‘litli‘~. but don‘t take the llllillls
llVf" It) \tiif' H


Law school

Welcome prosecutors: UK gets a deal
out of hosting prosecutors' institute

By Kevin Thacker


Other than the kids on \l'l'\ 's “The Itcitl \\ot‘ltl.' lioi
nt.in\ students hate access to Il\i‘ \ ideo conferencing

.~\ next grant from Kentucky‘s .~\tlot‘llt‘t (ieiieral l’wn
t‘handlcr may change that for [K law students.

’I‘hrough a Siiiootto grant that (‘handlct l‘l‘l‘v'llll‘d to
I'lx' yesterday morning. I'K‘s l‘ollcgc- of l,;i\\ is ill be able to
equip its courtroom \ytth some of the most Lllrttttldit‘
equipment available. said Ralph lterickson of I'K Public

.\long unit the \ ideo conferencing system. the equip
nicnt includes yoict- activated studio and video systems
and a \isual conferencing sy stein. lierickson said The
conferencing sy stcm .‘llllt\\\ students to llllt'l'\lt‘\\ people
frotii different locations. arid receive live pictures and re
spouses. he added.

The systems came to campus with the neuly created
Kentucky Prosecutors Institute (‘orey Bellamy. a
spokesperson for the attorney general e\plains it as a five
day continuing education course for professional attor
ncys. This course “Ill teach trial skills focusing on Ken
tticky layy. case law. case rules. and criminal statutes. he

The course takes place iii the university courtrootti.
using the new equipment, The courtroom \vill reniain the
permanent home for the technology. making it available
for law students. Bellamy said.

A settlement of a state case involying asbestos re
moval funded the training and the equipment. Then. in the
form of a grant by Chandler. a [K alumnus. the university







 K: sefifi

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Tl tiiuasofinstiiéiiégtats.isés irtxgnwgitv «than.














/' courtroom. he said. . ,
ALLIHEMMLSJHAIHIS. LAW S 001, gammy said that the UK siege Draw wit
have primary access to the equipment. but dis- .
C t. df l trict attorneys and commonwealth attorneys -
e w- own on mac rom page across Kentucky Will also have a chance to use ;
the new systems. i
. . ,_ 3
received the equipment, Derickson said. Users of the UK equipment W111 soontbe able . e
. The training courses are free of charge to the to connect ‘Wgh §1mllarhY1_(t1190'00{1feren .. ~ 4 . , .~ . t t _ , , . . t . , , ., _ _ named a CPR-Hewlett College of Law. and has Commonwealth Stadi- -
whatI illtlhrlit‘lllillltm te it \ ision and It it phoni st H ltl. (.tncial in and internaflon . , t , ,
, struinent dominates the market for cable TV set-top boxes - one ally." a Hone Scholar tor DISPUK’ taught at Lb since the um or a temporary :;
started I ol‘ the kev ingredients tor delivering broadband services to con; K0“! Tourist Resolution. . mtld't19805- H15 duties Stand at Complex :;
told a ' The honor is Will include serving as Commons on South ,.
whole “m“ 15' Asstttwlatlon ld awarded to individuals director of the CPR Campus. ‘
a” ”'2'" so who have contributed Commission on the Fu- All student tickets
bunCh 0f , ednes ay. significantly to the res- ture of Arbitration and are $5 each and you
SChOOl SChOtt 5 Sale Of RCdS Appl'OVEd olution of conflicts and he will edit a book from must present your
kids I was have improved the the CPR on resolvmg valid UK ID to pur~ min R
. . . .. ., . . _ ' .. ‘ ~ flicts.He . ‘
i ’ . . ()\ .\. Ni Mar h {schott s controveisml (“13th or out tofcourt business con ' ~ . t . t
gotng t0 . ( (,X. I U“! ~‘ . ,r . . f‘t. t , . t. _. . . , conflict resolution. The received his law degree chase a “Cket‘ S u t
ieieii .is owiiei oi the( lil( iniiati Rt (is t iidtil _\( sit iday “ht ii _ _ . . dents can present a .
I‘OW baseball approved the So? million sale ol‘ the team. (‘arl Lind- a‘ward Its; git/)enblby the Iflrlom {“9 UniverSity 0f maximum of two IDs 2: . . l
across tjhe her. who owns the Great .-\nierican Insurance (90.. will take Center lor‘t‘tut 1? e; "1015' (one of which must be 3 1:5 51
Atlantic over as the controlling owner from Schott. who in her 13 years SOUFC“ ns 1 u e. 0W ' , ~. _ , their own) and receive - llant
. . ' ~ . , . . . . .» , - . . .7 . . i_ ed in New York City. Ticket distribution . . th
O heading the team iiitui Lili d hast hall “1th lllildillllldtol} statt . _ _ . , k t‘ F ll-t i
cean, . _ . . ._ . f h Fl d f b 1] two he es. u ime . -
, . . ~ . - . H . .. . . . The instltute. a nation or t e on a oot a . ot h
° ’ ments about minoiities .iiid \iomtn. lht deal. in whith .Slm . , .- , ‘tudent status 15 re-
and It 8 percent oi" the Reds shares would he sold. values the franchise 31 organization founded game 0“ Sept. 20 W1“ 5 . . ,1 . ‘ d t b onda
important '11 em a million by Fortune 000 compa- begin at 9 am. on Mon- QUIIU m 0? er 0 11y oritv
for me to 3 I - nies, researches and day. Sept. 20. Tickets student thketS (12 m Di?
seeks to improve the will be available to the credit hours fOF under» t to fu
make my Mimi “mun" quality of out-of-court students at one of three graduate. 9 hours for “'0 m’ l. want
WOI‘d m conflict resolution. locations: the front graduate students.) t g ‘ K
n M am , ;
gOOd' ‘ i. direc‘
-Tori Miss the blood drive this i. futur
m a not? PM In the t
36 tut.“ “I emu." ' BUSINE ' ' , , - > .
wear-old ”I ~ SSCAREER DAY 99 3RD FL(,)C)R, STUDENT CENTER 9/21/99 ..
L . ."e u M .' Ahcrcriwnhn: & Mich . Arnvlekt Inc I Alllech ! Amt-nus" l \[chs hnancial Aihison In: 0 Aincncan National Insurance ('nmmny ‘ Andersen ——
OUISVI m M u m Md gl/I‘nhll'lltgagn: It)?!“ Afikr‘eflgfi Uri", l IMP . 'Asna Isis-u: l'l’tiantirtittuncalts h Qvfinn l truss ‘1 Hand Kurt). and Dubai-I h Bank One. Kentucky ’ d
h o .0 \‘\l c I u. nun in an ress cr~ ' ‘ 'cnr 'cn ‘ ‘ c iv sl co’ an i u, ' r
mealt'l Who ”My “0“ Cont-r (liifititririmm :nfinl'fgfyflfi any: 2' e1 “I211: ;:':lrx\ral(‘h.|lktl\ &t( 122' .Y i H’ l%t,n\?l}":(:litl;l.h;€xl if)“; iEna'r'iE/cithi’ie"; l‘flxjrwl'l?‘ : ism”: -
faded 'n her m .t 330 'k ‘n' 23:1; §difi3d§gfl1.)]:itJNiilmtsf‘gjrlTemnws I‘m . l Malawi: cslnicnts xi“! id? l::::g;lk ‘0 Fir: I'zg‘eTILulg‘thp Iidfii'flsififiii .3;
first attempt F“ mm mm Rccovcncs Inc fi HR Alfili‘atcs 20!.“ch (‘iiqv‘i’v'r’i‘s‘lyxuuu‘imtl- tn'lgfllmxigutfltfiir: nlwmyfar‘sfgsidtll‘rfiwian: Pigtail? -
w.“ M 276.25“. ”P ‘ '(l&" ["6043 (“W " lr‘lflgfl‘" Herald! under 9 lL’Xh-Nc‘l‘ It lcxmart Internal-ma) inc h long John whens Restaurants Inc *- P
to row across MassMutual fi Maxmi (hum ‘ Manet. Inc O Mount Slime K (’n, l l P h Morgan Stank-v ”can Witter fi Nmnmal ("In ‘ Natural R‘esuumcs "
and l iixirimnicnlal Protecnou ('ahnci i Naval L arm-r Management Site O Nonhwcslcni Mutual I it}: . Norwes‘t hmncial. In t ()ID! Di. iunt .
th A” t. t'urponstion fl ()nsitc Companies Ii ()rthoMcNeil l’hannamuticid . Philip Moms [ISA h Pong: 5; Com [1]» a Preslinl 1, (Eu t
e an IC, |l(‘ t l‘nccwaiertxmsd'umcrs, l l l’ h Procter It; (iamhlc O Provident Hank fi Ramon Half/\mmntempspfwkl’s fi RylkT‘llllcmll 053:; '
and is now guztztxl‘ht‘tt)‘, ll Statinln titty-trait)" ‘1 wwtirwtllmu: O. hiatuhudtkcgzsicr t Inna-t ‘ T'l-ststcms fl ’lcnncxsec Den oi Audit I. Toyota
. l/\AllllilI|-\l::|h: l:IHIDJLK 'P‘sZHA Pr‘i‘igglnilr l‘K :‘Vlfldifflt'tir l Xl'l‘ftlkfl:l‘)':i‘l‘d‘ll';ll‘1:l 1 ‘l/fiiggn‘l‘ll‘ Fer‘lllfli‘iiste; l:;t'fxrl\4$rlci;c’:‘)IV0/\illlrplt volxrlifi;
trqu a sec- Amt-man ‘ Wfllm’x’m t. Walling Lahiwaxoncs a Wallau-s lkmkstores. Inc t Wallace Computer Mniues O WalLMan Shires, inc n Weslafl' a
on (1 time. Busrness Attire + Resumes http://gatton.gws.uky.edu/CareerDay/lndex.htm C



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UK seeks space and fundln


l'K presented the lll’si i\\'() \'t‘éii'.\ tit‘
its six-yetii' t‘tipitiil tiliiii tn the (‘ttpitttl
l’lzimiitiu Adt'isni‘t' Btuii'd Vesterdzit in
Frankfurt. Hill the heard. it suliet'tiiip
of Keiitueky's (‘uutit'il ill‘. l’ns‘tset'
riiidtit'y [‘Iduezitiuii. stiid l'K's t‘ii‘s‘t [)l'lr
m‘ity should he in its \\ litit is already
in [)lilt‘t‘. :iiid s;ud the stztte t';iii‘t :tll‘ni‘d
in fund all the iii‘trieets iiiii\ei‘sities
mutt funding t'ni~

Keii Walker. the t'tiuiit‘il‘s‘ deputy
(lll‘H'itlt‘. siiid \tliile there is (i need for
future l'l‘SUt’lI‘t‘ll Siltit‘t‘. the t‘t)tln(‘ll


onliiie production

We pay you to learn.



Stay sharp



http //www.kykernel.com


Read the paper,
don’t eat it








\wuld he l)t‘ii"l‘ Nil postponing the 1m»
it't‘Is iititil ltllt’l‘.

"lltised ill] (Illi' ill'tlli‘i‘llilllx iltt‘t‘t-
Will he ‘i ltit‘uei‘ iieed ltll‘ suite in 3003."
he sziitl

llut lid (‘tii'teix [K‘s \‘lt‘l‘ president
for planning; ziiitl budgeting. stiid tlizit
l'K t‘eultlii‘t (it'l‘tii‘d it! \\';iit :iiinthei' twti
tetit's :is the (‘lllli‘it'li \wultl like them

"l‘lie twp [ll‘llll‘liV M the next i\\‘t)
yetirs Mr ['K will he ti liltimt’tllt‘t‘tl sei
eiit'es t'esezti‘t'h building." t‘zti‘tei‘ stiid
sum :1 fitt‘lllil' is‘ t'l‘lilt‘Iil. he Silldl iii
l'li‘s «limits it) lH‘W'mt‘ 'l tut) 3H 11‘
st'Itt‘t‘li institution

“(me til the iiiissiii: piei'es is :idili
tiutziil i'esezii‘tli strive.” (‘zii'tei‘ \7llll
"\l'e simply ('[lll net .llltll'll to slim Hill‘
llltliilt‘tlillm iii vtll‘» ‘.\.l_\ ll'\\e'i'ej.1t;iii§;
m mut'e iiitu the nip 3t) l‘l‘s‘t’iil't‘ll iiisti
tittitiiis h)" Ellie. ”x'w tuiti‘t :il'l'tii‘d tti tutti
iiiiiithei‘ thi'ee tn ieiii tents in slill'l tn
})l't)\'ltlt' tn enter the silllt‘l' tletit‘it."

.lt'l'i‘V lituiiiitt» ll l'K‘s \'!t‘t‘ tii'esi»
deiit t‘tii‘ i‘esetii't l: and utvtdiidte stud
m“ s.’iitl swim. t’ sty‘tetiniis zilsti jtl‘i-
t'eiit the llill\“l'sli\ t'tem pim'iditi:
lll")lt‘\\lll\ thex lilt“' \\ith :itletiuiiit-
spzitw ill pei‘tni'iii i'eseiii‘t h and etliei‘

"We .‘ili‘e:itl\ httte ti sptit'e ill "Ht,"


lie szitd "\Vl'il'il‘\lll'_'i'1\hl‘.t‘tlll e.\ist
lllL’ tit‘tthleiii.”

:\(lillllllslll’tinl\ HEW) ‘t\:ill'lwtl
lll‘t'ttll\t' the l‘tillllt ti mid lli-‘I‘t' is illli
eiinuzzli ll‘illllt'\ in tutti? 'he ixi‘rriet'ts
tlitit the sttiie's lll‘ti‘.'-l'\llli-\ hzite suh
tiiitted lHI‘ :tppi‘m-il 'l‘he :thiests iii-
t‘lutle the putt iiiise tit 'l;;Ell|lll~‘lli tttid
ethei‘ iteiiis iii 'illililill'I it- :ie\\ titt'ilir

'l'he Segittii; t‘etitei tilllliiillll. tthit'h
is iii t'e'ilitt :i riistiiti lli'l‘. siiitletit i'eei‘e-
utter; t’t'lll"l. is \ei‘\ :Ililllll'lttlli in i‘K's

"'l‘lns is it Millet t ‘.\t‘ iti'e detititieli'
tetiiieitted lli tiush lei isiitir‘et'tl." sziitl

i Kliiliil Sim



Patterson Hall, an
example oi the
renovations on
campus. Other pro-
jects, such as the
research building
and Seeton Center
renovation, will
require space and
capital to become
a reality.

(“lizu'les 'l‘ \Vethitiuttm .li‘” L'K's pt‘es‘i

Weihiiiqtnti stud that l'K has ale
l'l‘t'til) llllll‘ttl the tiiiids‘ for the recre-
(iiltJll t'eittt-t‘ thrtiugh an increase in
student luiids However. to actually fi-
iillilt‘t' the lil‘tllé'l‘i. Wethitigteii said
illt'ii l'K ill need it) get the authtirity
it? sell huhds. and for that. ['K must
plate :t request with Kentucky's Gene
eml :‘ts‘setiihly

"Suppei‘t item the state thi‘tnugh
(the ("J‘tlllt‘lll is \ei‘y important."
lli‘umu’ell s;iid,






4 | THURSDAY. senatorial 1999 Lil _ WHERE






David Clem handed a stick of tobacco to Jason Alcorn, on the wagon. Robert Rumtord drove the tractor to the barn, near Minerva, Ky. Rumtord said
this August that the drought hurt the size of his crop. which he estimated would only weigh abouth three-fourths of what it should weigh. Federal relief
is designed to compensate for Rumlord and other farmers' drought-stricken, had crop years.

Kentucky farmers wait for
relief from massive losses

By Tom Callahan

{35:51AM am {noon

Kentucky farmers thii‘sting for relief
may be able to quench their thirst with
US, federal aid and farmer‘s insurance,

I'ntil that money comes through
though. farmers and related businesses
stand to lose nearly half a billion dollars.
according to calculations: made by ['K
agricultural economists Larry Jones and
Steve Vickner.

The gross estimate of $493 million in
losses stems from a twostep data analysis.
Jones said.

" ”he first step is to gather informa
tion from subject matter specialists using
the Kentucky Agricultural Statistics Ser»
vice.” Jones said. “The second step is to
look at indirect or induced losses: the rip
ple effect. to use layman's terms.”

Stilnect matter specialists conduct
surveys in the field. They deal w ith (‘lim'
modities such as tobacco. grains. frutts
and vegetables. Jones said.

fects down the road such as declines in
sales of farm equipment and supplies. he

Estimates are based on a computer
model of the state called Implan. which
takes gross input values such as income.
oil prices. and weather conditions and
provides gross output values for sales
reach employment. crop gains and losses.
Jones said.

While Jones and \‘ickner's numbers
seem bleak. .Jones admits that they are
gross figures. and do not account for any
federal aid,

"We are looking at current effects us
ing current information available." he

Manoj Shanker. a state official at the
Office of Financial Management and Eco.
noinic Analysis. said that with federal
help. Kentucky farmers should not feel the
effects of the drought that badly.

"The key is to look at the net num
bers. which are large. then the net support
(programs) income from the federal gov-
ernment and crop insurance and then you


Shanker said that after using that for
mula. Kentucky's farmers‘ losses drop to
about $88.1 million.

Farmers also should not have be hurt-
ing too badly because the majority of them
knew about the drought happening long
before it actually occurred. and were able
to plan for it. Shanker said.

“The drought was forewarned three
years ago by the National Oceanic and At-
mospheric Administration." Shanker
said. “This is a significant advantage com»
pared with other disasters like hurri
canes. earthquakes. and tornadoes."

Kentucky farmers will also be receiv-
ing additional aid from (‘ongress in the
form of a $7.4 billion farm relief bill.
Shanker said,

Kentucky shares about 7 percent of
the national crop loss and will be allotted
8.30 million from the bill. Shanker said.

This will bring the estimated loss of
$88.1 million down to the 338 million.

"For drought loss. the insurance coin-
pany is the federal government." Shanker




The ripple effect takes into account ef- subtract those two numbers." Shanker
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If nothin else UK Will Win because Hoosier fans “bowling this winter \Hll ht- tions. "' “' OPEN 7 DAYS A ER in a «i
9 i wasted away in .\liimini-i'i Don‘t belleVe Dusty"? ’l‘hen L h H H
i w taville. A win will slunlt'x the ask ’l‘im (‘oiich He threw tour WC ours Wfl__MQ
' dont know ho to how to rOCk the house lit!“ can do more than heat iintei‘ceptioiiis ll” lililst year’s ren MO"D.\\1 - Fribaw Suntan - Thursbaw
Dill]. (t‘XVUUS \\‘l l i it‘ ()(lslt‘l‘s. _ . ‘330 "1 to '0100 m
l By Adam Spur "That's a live-yard penalty. Things won't (‘lllill' t‘tl\\' ' L30 to t-Oot’m Fribl: 8 S t r:
t - Z Sm’gbmmok you took too much tithe." he though this Saturday in Bloom. 4 reasons the Cats will beat LU. ~ ‘1 A “ M1
. : ‘ said. matterof—t‘actly. . . ington. The Hoosiers return 17 .____,.__ 7A 9 7 7 W '096 WW‘W"! “00PM to ”309'"
? day illlllfiiiililiimm‘ l was yesterr . iLater in the session. Jilinu'W stzlll‘tt‘l's from (lilt‘ltlll lthat item Why my any WNW,“ 3,,
. $1 ‘ - wn e receiver Ear}; (WI-S 4-7 HS! .Vt‘ill'iin‘ W‘HI'N liHllll‘ll thean‘tsdailv Editor'spluskin Saturba , Sim!» amb Mamba Lunch with
l j ,. AS I stepped 0}” onto 1h" caught some of the coach‘s [K a loss in (‘ommonwealth predictions? }\t‘tei' all. Yours “ ~31”; ‘4} Mm“ 4‘ " p‘ ‘ ‘
l j “11‘1“" lll'ifl‘tlfl‘ tield. it 0(‘- heat. . Watch out. too. for det'en 'l‘rulv went 3.4 on mt. Kernels H ‘ ’H l
: . cunpd to me that I had lott my “Damn it. somebody get m sire tackle Adewale ()nuilnlexln Krvstal Ball two “.ka ”g” <
pen l” ”“7 ("“1 there for Davis!“ Mumme belt You won’t have to be able to .luS‘t listen to senior riinninu rd“ Out 9 “firms Av’dbble f" me" "“WM" 9""
. l‘illvkl'ly. ('(lt’ll'll xlllllllilt’ (Kl. "[ (‘an‘t have you lUill‘l‘lll [)l‘Ullllllllt‘t’ lllS llilllli’. YUlI‘ll lllfil l)£l('l\' [\nthnV \Nhitp-S {UH‘CHSL fi¢$ &Hb other functions.
,' dl‘l” t ”mm" around on me. You look liket notice him when his blue tool which has ahsolutelv nothin;v '\'~‘-‘"““" "We" “Cit-“WA"! 0"ch Nlivious “Stan-‘1 Siwci-flticsm
3 HP probably \\'l)llll(l hZH't‘ ll (‘t‘aig YL‘llSl out lht‘l‘t‘ 01] prints w}1fll(,l.0fl‘tlui {“th [U (in Will] X‘s (Hill ”-8". same hot ,xnb S"!(\1,. some inilb sub Delicious... some laccb \vith
l V thrown [hp [owe] ()fl lllS ghoul. me?" "Tl ‘ , } , , , Ill , kl i ii ll‘ ,. , . l . _’ , . curm‘ S.\\t(\'$. TAHDOrI chicken roaster: in the ClAH oven... exotic
- ' . .~ “5 1‘1“ l lli ( l l‘ ”1“” “ l“ lll‘lh‘ll’ll l" lubrui l‘i'c\\< W ‘ invit‘ m t\ 'n' ‘ this 'r‘xt \‘xri‘t
deiis and started cussin