xt7bg7373p60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373p60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-06-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 28, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 28, 1979 1979 1979-06-28 2020 true xt7bg7373p60 section xt7bg7373p60 I
. Vol. LXXI. No. 159 Ker 21 University of Kentucky
Thursday. June 28. I979 .n Independent student newspaper “unit“. Raul“,
’ @-
g _ :{V- isfiwsvgie . .
PPD and UK alice ‘5" “ ""5 *1 Blueg rass area ets
p W WWW 9
hit hardest b crisis Ml carpooling progra
By TERESA YOUNG George Pe ndergrass_ AShIand By CLAIRE ALAGIA Urban County Government
sian writer director of the motor pool. ss. 5‘4“ Wm“ sc nt com ute r s urbe .
said. “So far we have had .. emw i applicatioiis to 50 oyf
gasoline for operation, but we \W lf topping off your gas tank Lexington‘s largest companies.
The indirect cffcctsofthegas plan on changing our every day gets you down. two said Sowell. who is also an
crisis are surfacing at UK and allocation plan starting in ‘ . groups in Fayette County say administrative assistant for
driving administrators to July." He said he could not ”:3 ngauggsss . Ihcyhavethe answcrtocndthe Amato.
consider solutions to the gas disclose how the plan would m“ gas “"3 blues sharearide ‘0 He said riders Will be
shortage‘s chain of problems. work. I. N am ’ ”:1 work and save fuel. "13“:th by their applications.
which operate on the cause- The cars in the restrictive - x N. t Initiated "1 April by Mayor WhtCh willcontaininformation
. effect theory. motor pool are used by “W .2 Jim Amato and launched by about a person‘s work
The chain begins with the personnel from different " 52;; the Lexington Urban County schedule. where the person
. lack of gas causing transpora- departments on campus. When '- V a F: >6 . Government and Bluegrass works and whether a person
tion problems for UK someone from a department 1 . ‘. Area Development District prefers to drive. ride or share
. employees. both in getting to uses a car. their department is . sf i Inc. the Ridesharing Program driving. HC 8dd€d that the -
«' work and around campus charged for the gas obtained s - \ . Wl” encompass Fayette and '6 actual ridesharing Will begin ..
during work. This in turn from the motor pool. 9.3 " 3 3 other counties l“ the Bluegrass late in July. after the :
causes a loss in manhours and These cars are assigned A area. and is aimed at reducing t'ili’l’llCMlOTtS are matched. ‘
' leads toinefficiencyand wasted either on a strict mileage basis the number 0f cars on the Similiar programs have ,5
money. or on a monthly mileage basis. highway and individual started 0ff SlOWl)‘. said SOWC”. '7'
_ T he chain of problems goes . _ . . g .. . ' commuting COStS. but the resent as shorta e 3:
on and on. Cdmltui PQTICC use tars from The only problem anticipat- could helgthe proigect get offfo :1
Althou h UK ta lar the restrictive motor pool. The ed bv the ro ram is .. e l d V.
g Is no ge , ' . . ‘ , p g p 0p e a goo start. .
user of gasoline. gas is essential mileage charges are used to who are not willing to give up He said to spread the word {3
to maintainingthecampus. ltis replace vehiclesfland repair driving their car to ride with about the project. billboards [
used by the campus police and them. Pendergrass said. B CM“ lAN‘DERs/h‘e cl m " someone else.“ said Ron will be placed throughout the I?
the Physical Plant Division. The motor pool obtains its " ' ' i H m A . SOWCH' chairman 0f the area and local radio and it:
while the campus police cars gas through the state's This“out ofgas"sign. found ll program. television stations “’l“ have 3;
belong to the University motor Department of Transporta- the Ashland stltion on the T0 5‘3" the program ”“3 Continued 0“ P." 4 .3
pool and get gas there. he said. tion. while PPD obtains its gas corner of South Limestong ‘;
The University operates two through contracts. Street and 6.1"“ Avenue. is L T d ' ;
sections in the motor pool. One The PPD allocates it gas not . new scene to Lexington ex ran re aces sewlce i
section contains College of among its departments. PPD motorists. In past weeks. the - ;
Agriculture vehicles and the Director .lim Wessels said. 8350“”: shortage "MC" h" "'9 JONATHAN HALL side, LexTran ridership is up '
- other. the restrictive motor PPD uses about 30.000 Bluegrass g". |¢ft many “a” Wm" b - ~ ‘
.- . . . . . . « su stantially and Cipolla
pool. contains state-owned gallons of gasa year. servrce station owners with estimated that 2000 more . .
vehicles. Continued on page 4 long lines or no gas. people are riding ‘buses now .
_ LexTran. Lexington‘s public than at the same time last year. . .
U K buys electrlc car for resea rCh transit authority. is cutting He said the primary reason for
back its bus service on the ridership increase was the
DON BRAliN ‘ . Sundays. holidays and night high costs of driving a car. .
“a” “mu recently by the UK ( ollege of search for fuel alternatives. the runs. according , to General He said passenger revenue -
* Engineering? College of Engineering has Manager Peter Cipolla. was 22 percent higher last
' A small electric car that purchased the electric vehicle The plan. announced last month than in May. I978. .

. . What's bright green. goes 40 holds two passengers. for experimentation purposes. week. Will 80 into effect in Average weekday receipts '35‘ ‘
5' mph and was purchased Joining in the nation—wide said Dr. Syed Nasar. an August. month totalled $2,572 with '
_‘ . ' , ‘ electrical engineering profess- Cipolla also said there isalso Saturday income running i. .

.553: éli "“‘trh ' z (I or. a chance'that some LexTran Sl.537 and Sunday 563. .5;
5 ., 1‘ g ”a, - , The vehicle uses six normal drivers WIll be laid off due to Nevertheless. that income ”g .
9‘ ,5 g; ‘1‘.” ,,~ car batteries that will run for the rising cost of diesel fuel. hasn't kept up with the f‘» ~
.3? '1,” ' ‘ *- .. . "'_ fifty miles. between 35 and 40 C i polla said the cutbacks are expenses _. which include fuel _ '
‘ ' - 12;”: ’4 -;~v-f;j_ m.p,h.. before needing to be being made to make Lex Tran costs, scheduled salary ‘
‘ Md ' 5 *5 a, recharged. the model that the “a more efficient operation.“ increases amounting to $4.200 j
5’ 31 1 2 . 6‘ sw' X . ” college owns costs $4.000. and that rismg fuel costs werea a month and 20 to 40 percent
' f ; ”imw‘ .' 13.: . One of the main reasons major Influence on the decision jumps in th costs of antifreeze
”git . _ _ a... . g Qt behind the college‘s purchase. to reduce service. and parts.
, ,- m .- , "“W' """"‘ Nasar said. was the amount of He said that since December C ipolla said to make up for
t ,3; " ' money available to research I978, the price ofdieselfuel has the expenses. Lextran will t,_ .‘
, 1 , . f programs concerning alterna- risen to 68 cents a gallon. discontinue Sunday and night ; .
g . g “ live foe] sources. He said he resulting in expenditures of services; night service was from
. m , V = , v ._v . , also thinks more students will $7000 more per month. 7 p.m. to 5 am. . . ‘
~ By lurk PARKER/Kernel sun Continued on page l2 However. on the Positive Continued on pole ‘ ,
_..»...—.» .. .. .. ,. . ‘i‘fi' - -. . . - ..‘. quw‘.‘ wmuWNoWfl“hM~MflWw~ww-mu-~ - -- .. ,. . . . - ‘
. . Q - .
y . ‘ ..‘ . . ~ H " - ,I - , _ _

 i 1
KENmY Jay Fosserl Sail Tar/ran Sgolifs [2:31; 3%. ‘ ;
Editor Entertainment Editor % ' 1‘
Teresa Young 7; . I
Debbie McDaniel Gau- Landers f, j,
. Managing Editor Photo Editor Jay Hamburg g f
editorialsat comments s...“ w...“ t , i
Ridesharing program v ;
' UK h Id d e a ooling '
. With the price ofgasoline edging closer and closer to more gasoline to go around. As a result. the long lines about a person‘s work schedule. where the person L
the SI mark. the UK staffand faculty should welcome at service stations will shorten, as they temporarily works and whether a person prefers to drive. ride or u
the Ridesharing Program — co-sponsored by the have in this area already. share driving.
Fayette County Urban County Government and the However. the majority of service stations will not The ridesharing program should begin in July. 1 '
Bluegrass Area Development District. Inc. as recieve their next supply of gasoline until July 2; this according to its chairman. Ron Sowell. after the 50
another way to cut costs . may mean another round of topping off and flaring companies he has contacted tell him if they will .v
- . , . tem ers. partICIpate. .j 1
Although carpooling was not Widely accepted by. the Ur; already has a carpool program in the UK should endorse this program and encourage its : ,
public in the past. the high price of drivmg combined . . _ . . . ..
. . . . _ _ . Agriculture College. which has anywhere between 80 employees to partic1pate. As one of the major
With the problems Lexmgton reSidents face searching ‘ . . _ ‘ . - .- . , 'f‘
for open gas stations may change driving habits. to IOOV‘cars that are used by speCIalists. faculty and employersin Lexington. UK. should setan example for .-;
staff. (ieorge Pendergrass. director of the motor pool other companies. By working together. we can help ,
The media continues to report storiesaboutthe lack program. said the cars are used by UK tobacco eliminate wasteful consumption of gasoline. j
of gasoline. but the majority of cars around campus specialists. horticulture and home extension agents Sharing rides will also be beneficial in that
contain drivers and no riders; doubling up may mean who travel around the state to work with programs employees will form friendships they might never have f
re—arranging schedules and giving up the luxury 0f associated with the College of Agriculture. formed when they share rides twice a day. ,
being behind the wheel ofyour own vehicle. but it is a ln addition to the various carpools. the Ridesharing We say. give it the old college try. UK employees
painless way of fighting back against the present crisis. Program will offer another alternative to Lexington and faculty members. Carpooling may be one answer
If enough people carpool to work. the parking residents. Under the plan. riders and drivers would be to the high cost of driving. but someone must set an .
problem in Lexington will also ease and there Will be matched by applications. which contain information example before others will follow.
Letters ;
four hours of study for the fall ‘
_ , Mess up semester. l've pre-registered for 4
Congratulations. University six hours. A call to the '
i of Kentucky. you‘ve screwed Registrar‘s office tells me thatl
.— ~ ,_._—____._._ up again! must go through drop-add ‘ ,
/"\ ‘m Impossible as it may seem. again. which means that I must ‘ .
K'- ‘ l i-— - 5' ’ each of my six semesters as a stand in line again! _ . g a
} H 1' .i - part-time graduate student lt‘s ironic. My areas of _- l
' ‘ \ i l have been plagued with interest are business and .
‘ ~ ‘ . . incorrect billings. dropped communications.lsuspectthat ' .
. \ '. f classes. computer errors. etc. nowhere in the world is there a '4. ‘ '
' / \ it: , Each foul-up requires going more bungling. inefficient 1. . .
' I » , {-3 -»\. through drop-add. juggling bureaucracy. And an organized ‘
,,._u.T—.— . m - / . .L schedules. standing in line to communications system simply i
f" " \ ...—.1; \ — pay fee adjustments. . .and the does not exist. 5 , . ,
‘ , l) ,, < list goes on . . . and on. IT‘S DISGUSTING! ‘ ‘
\ é‘ ( » ? [gr - And not once has either E ‘ _ ‘
l ’1 ... ~\ 2. / ‘ is" [L a; , bookstore had even one of the Russ Lay ‘3' . ‘
b :2 . ‘5 . b // ‘ r we required texts. Human Communications ' ’ 5
\ is; ‘ ‘ ‘°".~ I” "*7 x % ’ I‘m looking at an invoice for uaduate student t '- . .‘
. ‘ b i \ I ~ 9 ’ ' i _' ‘. . h >
,_ ‘ 1.. .4 \ ‘ == , - — Letters policy
.‘ w l“ h \ d? \ _ g .'.'..g’ The Kentucky Kernel reject contributions. and , ,‘
i \ <3 , . . \ , ’ 1! t welcomes all contributions frequent writers may be
””7 . Walk! /' - 5.“. “ J \ / , from the UK community for limited. Editors reserve the ' ' ‘..
I . I / Asiéf-Z (g - .r‘ f ' publication ontheeditorial and right toedit forcorrect spelling. . .
’«Jl._\ I 1 £37?" ”“51ka . A; x 573 ‘klé‘; opinion pages. grammar and clarity. and may , f .
é .\ ‘_ ’L:fi:§3¢t. T " 5.”; Rs“, h}. ”I f, ‘ Letters. opinions and delete libelous statements. ‘~
. ‘ '~"‘>3 ‘ ‘ ’ =- "3 \ '-. “aw“ commentaries must be typed C ‘b . h ld b fl ._
m' "d ‘fiplc’sPaad' and "‘“s' deligz‘rleldmicons 32:: ll: 1'
a. include the writer‘s si nature. ' V ,
_ "some; NcM AND Bowen W MIND‘S MADE up... I‘M GONNA om m ...d phone 5m... Juu-u-"u-u» “yummy .- .
: AT We as sTATioN AND Go 1) MEDICAL 9cm... ., UK uueuuu should include 3512“" L"""°"‘ " - '
their year and major and ' . .
University employees should For legal reasons. contribu- ' ‘
list their position and tors must present a UK ID . -
. epartment. before the Kernel will be able to V ‘
. The Kernel may condense or accept the material. . '

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. June 1‘. 1979—3
C l m 'st ites ’non column’
. I
. i By SAIT TARHAN Buckley and Paul Harvey but i think it must he the
. ' what I got was Barney Google, weather. 1 usually don‘t have
. ‘ g . Dagwood Bumstead and Ethel this much trouble writing. But .
3 l haw Sat behind lhls Ugi)’ Mertl. I might as well have after three cups of black coffee 30‘
5 typewriter Mid started U115 saved the effort. All I could and a roll of Tums, l have (6‘6" “(9‘ $00
‘ column tne times Each time hear was some strange \oice produced acolumn here about «‘6‘ 00‘ (5008 l
; l‘ve tried a ditlerent angle. a saying, "A concerted effort as insightful as an “Archie's QO‘ “(V6
5 fresh Approach. and five times doesn‘t always guarantee a Pals and Gals." I think I'll put OVA?) 3&6)
. ' I'W “Ppl-‘d the paper trom this quality product." Yup. I had the cover on my typewriter for ‘ ‘0‘»
machine in dlsguslt I'Vs' produced a literary Edsel. a few days and go molt.
screamed at l"‘- gnummmummuiIimuuInunuumuumumIIumuuIImiiIumummmuumun-uulnu: ‘
First. I started a long treatise S 5 29-0047 @1mam “m _ M
4 on “'I he [\ents of the Summer 5 g 2043 om,“ ctrote " 13-3,."- Tuem. Wed. o M. uni-'7”...
" of '79“until i realized that l was g L 0 CA L IN TOWN g Cordlnd vuloy Woe cm out. um - awn. _ ,
summarizing something we‘re g REPAIR SERVICE g '
- only half way through. It was 5 . g
V . . V ., V . V g Yours For The Asking g
3 itpgwwltsrdy anyway So I threw E Another Extra AT NO .g. _
'7 Then I tried a “cute“ 5 Extra Charge g . k... A
approach. writing a la Erma E @ g ; Kf\l1\‘K\ ‘
33333.33 LA FOTO-CENTER 333 - m Kernel .333:
f. about how the world was E . _ 4 S t S \— —__
, ._ . . . 5 not wiucuzsm ROAD 9 a - 5 » -: 3 - , :3 jam;
'V m '“redtmg me. Bl" the dry “ ” fillmnmmmmmmummumunmlitummiIiuimlIIInuumIIIIIII-unnummulmunull-E \ .‘ 9 - ’ ‘ 2‘ mug‘bfi tag
> just wasn‘tcomingthrough and r a "0;, I m ‘
.: all I had was two pages of 3‘ ”’4‘“: -. W W."
«3 boring complaints l‘rom ' 3")"; '.‘_‘:‘1‘ W '/
f: someone who tust sounded Tr ID 9‘ N S 'l 'l ID i {Tit‘fikbt 3‘? @ m '
' '. "bitchy." No good Sait. start i\ i \‘ ‘ f .. W a: 2 firm“...
" (HCF. ‘.'%\\'r!" ‘ ._. ‘~\——-- -3,;—‘-’&:
:31 Next I tried jotting down ‘ v;£§:v" “it: :‘e;
. , "lokes. poems and slums" like 5 A !\
_ J “ loward More Picturesque . V , ,
Speech" in Rem/er} Digest. Lexvngton s.f'r5t T'Sh'n and
-. l'his sounded prett) t'air. l re- Jean ShOp wnh student prices. V e r
' read it a iew hours later and it Jean. $535 to $10.95 Registertor KISS Concert Ticketsto .
. sounded like it belonged on the Odd Shlrte 31,95 be Given Away Weekly '
. "fun Page" in High/ism” Denim Jackets $5.95
‘ magazine. A noogie to myself
and back to the drawing board. Regleter tor WKoo-. Klee Your Lemon Goodbye ' l rs a y
.. I took an aspirin. sat down __ _ _
1 again and decided to write i. -- -- Summer SPOC'I' —------
- about "H0“ Difficult “ '5 For : Bring this coupon to the Transfer Station. 445 S.
59"“ Writers ‘0 Write.“This ‘5 Ashland in Chevy Chase (Look for the H 8. R Block ' m m
. eventually what I did. But for I sign) and purchase any UK T-shirt for 32.95. t h l S S U 9 r
the first three re—writes it failed I otter good thru Sept. 30. 1979
i: miserably. I had penned such
marvelously moronic lines as. - . . '
' ‘ “I‘m up against a literary brick '
‘ wall.“ and “The ghost of every 7
v past columnist looms over me.“ lo
‘ Toss your cookies, huh? Ir .
3, I got very depressed. I a
wanted to be a combination \ - . _
James Kilpatrick. William RE m . 3, .
3 WEDYv :
‘ B@@K
. The Kentucky Kernel, 2 l0 W© RE .
. Journalism Building. .
V University of Kentucky. g
‘ Lexington, Ky. 40506. is - ‘ .
; published each class day fl 1 k 1
1 during the spring and fall 3 ; E 1W4)". F-OR Mo 5 $5
I semesters and weeklyduring \\ \\ R U ‘ 0 BOOKS/ '-
i the summer session. \ \. .. ‘.. ll
Third class postage paid /\-\a:_‘r ‘1‘.»
I at Lexington. Kentucky, 3 5
. 3 405”. Subscription rates ‘ i . i , i . . u .’ . . , ,. .‘ ' »
are mailed $5 peryearorone In. ‘ g ‘ - " .. . ' ,' . 5 i ‘ . f‘ K .‘ i '1‘
‘ . 3 cent per year non-mailed. i ’v , ' V . i‘ ' 3 ’ Tl '_V
- . -- . __ 7-; -— 3- ma
. - Jim Cleveland ‘ ,1 iii ‘1. ,., I \Ai 3
Production Mgr. 5’ I ..o.. M. _,-. ~ ‘ WW: , __._._:é-—:T —--»-
3 Anthony Gray '
Advertising Director for a" your
""’°" Am" Kennedy BOOK Store... COI'OQO needs,
’ Adverlising Rep. ' .
. ( .
l . ,. . . _ _ ,.....___.,,,.,.,_w_.~,, ..33..3...3-...3-3. 3.... . . . -
. . ' . > ‘. _ ‘ .i i: . .

 4—THI: KENTUCKY KERNEL Thursday. June 28. 1979 r“““““““““““‘
as 0" SIS a 90 S campu u . ,
I 5 WELCOME All. U.K. :

Continued from page 1 some problems because PPD “II IhOIPC‘ ”“3 . igliitsuhitlilfifallifl ‘ STUDENTS AND FACULTY ‘ l

“The present gasoline operates on a leCd budget. lIlIe (afinefsiitidoftfeléause it would 5 fl

. ' ‘ " ld b ' Cl; * ' ‘aid the budget will have to e 53 5 »' ~ _- . . - . - .
2:3”‘3; ”pat;c 76 ycentsurpi‘r: juggled to cover the increased really 510W “5 down In “King ”P ‘ 8:00 a.m. 10.00 p.m. 5

gallon." he said. “This is a 23 cost of gasoline. the campus. ‘ 7 days per week ‘ I

cent increase on the gallon over II h t. is 5 g

the past year." . 131

However. he added that R'des ar'ng program 5 Clean, modem equnpment 5 II;
PPD is “not suffering any w ' {11;
problems getting gas,“ Offered to companles g courteous Attendants ‘ L?

,. , ‘ . "i Q; . at".
IIIIIIItItiIIIuIII’IIIZIovItItItIsIIIIIIIIzI\:lI‘I'I‘IE: Continued from page i committee. which will consist ‘Chevy Chase Com Laundry312 S.AshlandAv‘e£ :3
station wagons. vans and “Spots" explaining the Project. 0f representatives from the m““““““““““‘ :3
various other gas-powered He added that a similiar localgovernment.pressaIndthe It
equipment. he said. program in Louisville. 50 companies ”‘3qu“! m the c. a. .'

Wessels has a gas plan based operating since l974. has been C0mPIUl€IlII SlIJIFVCK/I W1“ 5:0" t)?
on the amount of gas PPD very successful. The Louisville appomte I)’ ayor ma 0 - :”
receives. lf obtaining gas program is sponsored by the and his staff. . . JIM BARRETT . . .
becomes difficult. essential Chamber of Commerce and PICOIPIC whohare Interested In a h g

h' l ' ‘ h ' ' snow has over l5.0()0 participants app ylng t0 l 6 program may «3 , .

:m'gg, equ.;;:n._"’m(,we,s 30““ said ,ha, tosupem“ call (606) 233I-POOL (7665) to The Man t at ’, I \II
and ash hauling trucks the program. a steering Obtain more '"forma‘w" cuts hai r” ., ’ “$in '
would receive the amount Of . t‘ .iii“:~si~-\t 31‘ . .
gas they need. he explained. servlces . 3a "‘3 stir“
The remaining amount of LGXTran CUts ”For Your Han.” I
gasoline would then be divided Continued from page I {'t bI I h III
' h h PPD _ unpro I a e rou es. suc as e
SEpaflaniZ-riifs. t fhismplezin goes Aside from a spatial July 4 Monticello line. are being C8 rden Plaza Salon . I
-~ . . . ) . - . I. shuttle service (fares 50 cents) discontinued. while others will ' . . I
35'" 5:13:32: ",5; 'ff'fi‘f: between do“ tttown and hm reduced tctttcc, 1811 Alexandrla Drive I j
- " 'iu.‘ ibl‘ .Ch))i‘_ . '
”9:53;; g0 [Sit-1...}. (Limit; mites?“ tt;.a.d_tt.;tttuttt;t;.tm - 277-75 91 or 278—7711 -
. cmuch as it has "gWessels also be discontinued. campus WI” not be affected by W 3
:laiiddsadding that this presents (‘ipolla also said that me new plan. k g
. . _ 1 ~.— NM
A ' ItaII
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Fifi-“9‘s ' ’7 I H U RS DA Y if
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t a 5
.‘ I II
T‘mr’RE I .~
G t ~ EACH !
u curlers” , PLAIN .
mini-[E DORM . . 1 PC DRESSES - .
[N t 3 .
I 5 $1 .5 9 ~ .
0' O Fl:fi%mfg?'g: g%f:?0?§n:fig$bllsf:\ef J . I I I .
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°' ° i?’3?§3§$é«<3:o%?§n'3% I S H IRTS t
gt: a . » ; LAUNDERED TO I .
' m t m a. mtnoua- no. 5’ ® PERFECTION, FOLDED ; . ,
,, “ 5‘- 7 1 Block Bohlnd Darryl'a .. l .
.3..‘ ts. . Loxlngton. Ky. -- — ---, ~ .— ., ~ ~ -, 0R ON HANGERS . .
A L A ”‘3 i ii 273-1111 1 HOUR CLEANERS , ~
. . nuanAND MALL - NORTHLAND ' '
c I . , 1:227,- wazzzzssrs" 44¢ EACH ‘
' pualood'n D 8“ :C'Ii'bgggosaodls‘gowmo CENTER ’
.uNsooqu snowman CENTER ;
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 ‘ i
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. June 28. I979—S .
Al' 'fn' ht fil ' I' '
3 ten tops 9 m Ist
a By SAIT TARHAN becomes a strategy to capture nauseous. Viewers are ‘led
Arts and Entertainment Editor the “thing" and ‘0 “35‘0”? through a male Where “things 7 '
normalcy aboard ship. pop out at you"and when they
1 Number two on this Exceptional technicaleffects d0. Viewers _Often cover their
reviewer‘s “s, of “horror make the movie such an eye‘s. Watching Alien is like .
' movie“ reviews is Alien, intenselyfrightningexperience. being led through an WEDNESDAY ,
perhaps [he best of [he current Ethereal lighting, eerie amusement Park 'funhouse “NAME THAT TUNE CONTEST
, rash of summer “fright flicks.“ background noises and a few magnified to nightmare Happy Hour All Night
‘j Combining the "intergalactic scenes 0f blOOdY violence on proportions through Cinematic 803 S. Broadway 233-9178
ii grandeur“ of Star Wan (and ‘hc human b0d)' can make one imagery. .- __
‘ heating it in believability). the ."““ "'” " “ .
'3; nail-biting suspense of Jaws
% and the Hitchcock technique of IT PA YS To i
’t sudden surprise. Alien lea\es l ‘
3 “"‘p‘ - DONATE PLASMA '
At first the plot is none too . . 1
clear. but it quickly narrowsto Cosh Poul $10“ Per Donation ;
- about an hour and a hall of . . -
‘ man \s. monster. A space team "GI P yourse” fmoncmlly WhllP ‘
aboard a gigantic spaceship ‘ . - t
(special effect full-length shots helping Others medically.
of it made the audience "ooh . f h I d 1.
and ahh“> .3 m an unspecified ”We“ P‘"d °' “c P “m" °"° '°"' FREE STAGE PERFORMER
time in the future and heading
for some unspecified destina Comeby or C0" 18' DrINk Ana, work 0’ SChOOII
‘ u Cuilcd “l he Frontier." Happy Hour Prlce
Alonsthcwu» Ihcshlpsmm PLASMA DERIVATIVES,‘ INC. Regular Happy Hour Dally
to explore at Planet “1::er one 313 E Short 5‘! Randomly Called
oi tic crew mem ers is . .
attacked by a small “alien Also 00,0, T.V., Bronx DO”,
creature." which attaches itscli 252-5586 and Lotsa Games
‘ ughts gum; and is hrt’iught btlizk cimon Over and Relax]
a can t e spaces tip e
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o—THL' Kl-INTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursdny. June 28. I979 advertisemen. a, ?
Entertainment and recreation in Lexmgton, the Bluegrass and nearby places
'22 3 . , ., N ' h 0 I H l. 'm ° d'
-3 :9 t w angouts r rte , .-
' ' ' ' ‘ “t ”3"” G e tlf Y L'ke D h t
E ‘ E::::s>:s%5“..-‘3,/ “ g 3‘;
'3 ‘ By BARBARA HICKEY Kitchens at 527 Southland Dr. and 409 3‘, ' .
‘3 ~27 r v"! ’ '2‘ 3 University Information Services Waller Ave. Three Jerry‘s restaurants-at ‘3:
' " 1’ ‘ . 1949 Nieholasville Rd, 1308 llarrodsburg 3f:
~ Lexrngton slows way down between 33 3:3!
‘: 3 . . 3: 1 3 3 , 3 3 . 3 3 Rd. and 176 New (ircle Rd. N.W.7serve “3-;
> .3. .2}? ant. and - am. and tor those students ,
' -~ " *3" i . . 3 . 3. food all night. «35
4 . ' 3 who cant sleep at night or are Just plain 3 3 3 f:'
. ' . ' . . . l‘or waketul students who may wtsh to ‘3
.3. ' - night owls there really isnt much to do _ 3 3
3 ... - .. __ 33” 333 333 exec 33 eat 3.333333 cook up their own lresh batch ofgoodies. 3'3:
_ _- _ “$333.3 3333:3333“ 3333' ' 3333333 333333 3333333 the PDQ Market No. l at 460 New (‘ircle 3 >
. . . 3‘ g. . Ra, N.l{.. and PDQ Market No. 4 at 030
- .. shops. nine restaurants and a handful of 3 .
.3 ~'3 3 . . W. High St.. are open around the clock.
'- . , '-._ 3 groceries are open throughout the night. 3 . 3
' 3:1 3i . All srx ol the kroger Stores are open all
3 3-3 .. Around the UK campus. the Tolly-llo 3 33-
' "" 5'. 33:2 . ' -- R 3 3 3 3. 3. 3 .3 3 night except on Saturday and Sunday 2',
,5 .-- -- - estaurant at 108 luchd Ave.W. is open 3 3 3
_ -- .- I 3“ .33 3 33 3. J l 3 10 333 h mghts. Kroger Stores are located at 451
Among recent night owls at the Tolly Ho Restaurant on Euclid Ave. were Lexingtunians ‘1 n15“ exeepl or u y ‘ w 3‘" ‘3 e Southland [)333 99 Eastland Shopping ,
Connie Carter and Randy Sager. restaurant Will be completely closed tor 3 3 3 3
. . . . (enter. 709 lzuchd Ave.. mrdensrde
vacation. Tas~T-O Donuts at 835 lzuchd , 3 3
. . . . Plaza. 769 New Circle Rd. NM. and in .
O 0 Ave. IS open and so is 0mm (“ream th S th 1" 33 Sh 3 (33 33
WI? afur fly Fl ms Donuts,396 Woodland Ave. e 3““ 3“" 0“me ‘" ”' 3
In other areas of Lexington. Dixie H W“ "‘3‘" ”WI guys ““1 3315 ‘99] W“
O I O 0 Cream Donuts of Lexington. lnc.. 237 "0 1”"311‘” have the hungrys. just wait
C'fy s a Clnema Para Ise New (‘ircle Rd. NE. and Donut Days. until l~riday and Saturday nights when
185 Southland Dr.. are open. the Southland Bowling Lanes at 205 ,
Some days. right here in lexington. The Student Center plays its (‘ampus The coffee shop 3‘ the Hospitality lnn. Southland Dr. '5 open all night. 3
you have 35 movies to choose from. and Movie series on Monday and Thursday 2‘43 N- Broadway, the Blue brass Res- Now, the best comes last. For those
with a bit of planning you’ll rarely have nights. beginning June 18 with “Blazing taurant at 1025 New (ircle Road. N.L.. summer-time students who think that 3
to pay $3.50 30 get m3 Saddles“ at 7 P-m- (also earlier at 3 pm). the Derby Waffle at 265 New Circle Road they might sleep better outside, the Ken- 1 ‘
What you do 353 Wu {:0 to the com- Admission with UK ID is 333 There are NW. and the Omelet Shoppe. at 1943 tucky Horse Park on the Iron Works Pike 3.3.3
mercial tlicks at the "early bird matinee“ showings other days and times. too. Stanton Way, across from the Hilton lnn, receives campers all night on a first come. :33
_ usually before 2:30 pm. any day You’ll need a schedule from the Student serve food all night. 3 firm served basrs. at $6 per person per '2’:
when the usual $3.50 ticket is $1.50 or Center office. Also open are the Steak and ng night. 3333
81.75. L.“
T ‘ ‘ ' i “t
Then. at night. you see the Student he Kentucky Theater Will give you r32”. .
_ . free a big day-to-day printed schedule of 713*}?
(‘enter Cinema tor a buck. or you walk its 33 3033.33 films 03 m .33 033 when F D ' F O I J I 23%;
downtown to the wonderful Kentucky pc I l g ‘ a y one fee own OW" eSf'va U y 4 33:5; ,
. . you leave your name and address. (‘on- .. :
Theater where the price 15 always $1.49. 3 . d . h h 3. 3 . d 3 3.3%:
3 aine wrt eac _ 1‘ e315 year an ‘30”er lexington‘s Fourth ofluly celebration last brilliant rocket fades in the night sky 0!, -
What The Kentucky Theater gives you of release, playing time. (118 minutes) . . . nets
. 3 3 3 turns downtown Vine Street into a com- over Commonwealth Stadium. at .
bless its gilded. donned. carpeted. ord- rating (Pb. G. R and sometimes X) and a - . Ia
. . . . 3 3 munity festival next Wednesday, and 3 .3 ,
fashioned 19305 heart - Is ehorce. paragraph description. . Between the (W0 BVEHIS are danctng. .3
gives UK summer students a bonanza of music an old fashioned communit a 34:;
Take Saturday. June 30 for example. There are perhaps 30 commercial film free. colorful activity to fill a day without ' . y p .35
,3 . , . . rade. art and craft displays, food served at '5:
At -.30 pm. and again at 5 pm. there 3 houses here, most of the multi-crnema school. booths 333033 Vine Street drama 1) chil 3:
“The Wir." At 7:30 the classic “Rebec- type. and if you add the Student Center It all begins at 9 am. with the Blue- 3133333 and 33335335 ’ y i’
ca.“ At 9:30 the one that the Academy movie and the three to five daily offerings grass 10.000. a footrace that‘s enrolled ‘ 3"?
liked, “Coming Home." And at midnight at the Kentucky. you get 35 movies to more than 2.500. Walk downtown to Vine Street in the f
there‘s “Young Frankenstein." choose from on a given rainy day. It ends some 14 hours later when the morning; you‘ll spend the day there. ‘-
. - " - ;; l i * . . a? : - 1 . . . ~~»-- "’ - . ~
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3 . 3 fi 3 3., 3 3 M 3 ’33 :33 33 :33
433333333 352;». 4 43; I I ; ‘ iv :2. ‘V «t: f .. L' ' ' -.-: .:, 2‘" r, .-.’ s
A . ' : 3'; {fiat "' ‘“ "a‘g‘ ._ t
' 4/ t: » M was: * s, -.:'-- ? -
”3: __3 3 3 3 333,3 3 33 33 .3 333... 3 3 3333.33.33...,3._-_.3 . 333333 33 333 3. “3333 3,3 3
3 3 3 33 4: 3 fi 5 33 253 3.: 33 \ ass: ‘3‘ 313. »- 3 3.33.3 _ 33333993333333 3; 3 l
f E ‘4" 17:“ ’ 3 § § ' .2: TN {ea \ ' - %%‘/w 9 l V
.3 r 43%. '/.33 - . 2. t2, 3 2; _. -- -- .- 3 W53. , .333 M. 3 at; 3 _

_ 3. _-,,-. 34 3. _ 3 3 .; nit-av, 33:.- 3 33__.3333333.33..3..33.3_3..3.3.3_33333333 33,- 3 3 3
.333 3 Weeks of rehearsals and other hard work on long summer afternoons pay off tonight for the on the set; at center Kevin Anderson as the evil Harry Roat lr. menaces blind heroine Susie a,
3‘33 . cast of "Wait Until Dark,” when the UK Summer Theatre Festival begins with the 8 pm. cur- Hendrix played by Tommi Cheuvront, and in the drama shop, right, Steve Cole and Janie _ 3

' 1335‘; rain in Guignol. At left drama graduate students Pat Sineath and Debbie Gay finish a doorway Muddiman go over plans for sets in the next play of the UK series. ‘ -
. If, _ 3 .
$533.“!?‘a",£a;‘y'g‘¥‘..'iy.wafiv‘f-tnlx'r. xemnu-w -~- ..~I‘..Il: or - v. -- - 3- . - . --. . . - . . 33 3 - 3

 3 advertisement rm: xmrucxy xznnu, Thursday. June 2:. "79—7 ’
I V _.M
.5 - Thursday, June 7-3 Pavillion, l‘iKU campus in Rich— Sunday, July 1 From 3 - 7 p.m., under the Vine
' ,3 . . .. mond. Free, . . . . " '
, Wait Until Dark opens the UK Delightful McLain Family Band :Ldvfgxzhhffil gglenrfxtoxg
, Summer Theatre Festival tonight. at In Louisville at the Iroquois Am- from Berea in two free “blanket Top 40- At Mill and Vine Sts. .
' 8 pm. In (:urgnol Theatre, UK Fine phitheatre the Super Sixties singing concerts today: 2 ‘ 3:30 pm m th ‘re‘ll b- s uar tan "
Arts Bldg. Tickets 33 forstudents, group 8 pm Free (‘heapside park and 7 _ 8.30 pm. in t W ~