xt7bg7373p12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373p12/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1975 1975 1975-02-21 2020 true xt7bg7373p12 section xt7bg7373p12 Senate supports KYSPIRG;
appoints new $6 directors

My Sl‘S.\\ .HtNliS
Kernel Staff H riter

The Student Senate, harely attaining a
quorum. lent Its support to establishment
of a student puhlie interest researeh
group and filled tvyo Student Government
«Stit direetorships at its meeting 'l‘hur
sday' night

The senate approved a resolution to
support the establishment of the l'K
hraneh of the Kentueky Student l’uhlie
Interest Research Group «KYSl’lRtt‘v. a
student funded and direeted


'I'III‘I SI‘I\ \'|'l-I
KYSl’lltti‘s‘ attempts to
providnig students the
donate $2 at regtstratton

\ l .51)
opportunity to

support ed
funds hy

"“e're gomg to get student
support on pettttons hefore going to the l K

\ytth the


Hoard of 'l‘i'ustees proposal ttt

Htl I \ \ I
.\n ll}


thruurv $31. on 1nd

inelude an option to donate $2 oit
registration eards." said ('arlton ('ut‘rens.
l'K's‘ l\\'Sl‘l|{(; president, We hope to
get a hudget of $2tto,ttoo eventually "

In other husmess. t'raig Meeker “as
appotnted St: direetor of politieal affairs
and ltehi Young was made director of
student {\leeker's position “as
formerly held hy John Sehaaf who
resumed in Hetoher Young is the tfurd
direetor of student sei'yiees St; has had
suiee last fall

SUI" “'05

\Ilil‘lhlilt S\||) he
heginntng to lohhy for the 1976 session of
the Kenttieky (teneral

"I “am to start \toi'king pai‘tieularly on
the law
day tat't'

vvas Interested In


tightening up landlord tenant
tundrng a t K
rape 'ayys anddontg more \\ttl‘l\ on student
\oting satd she

(enter. t‘ey tstttg

tonfidenhahty, satd

yyatttetl to \yot‘k on .t

tenatyt referral system a trayel



—ependent student ne \ts‘pupt’r

Kernel stat! photo by Ed Gerald

Thursday‘s warm rays brought Dr. (i. R.

Him man llall offiee to its
he gracefully thrims a frisbee to one of

Frisbee break

three students

gen-physics professor. out of his
hiileoiiy “here

u ailing helmy.

l)(‘i\‘\‘t‘('ll eolleges and [K

day'eare eo ops


“It; Sl~;\.\'l‘li \liStt donated $125 for
fundutg of the Free l'niversity eatalog. lt
repeated last semester‘s request that Free
I \york to selfsuffieient in its
approval of the eatalog funding

"It seems Free l' is alvyays falling into
the rut of relytng on St; for funding.” said
llottie t-jronomies Senator l’aiii Sievers

Steve \Mnkle, l"ree l' eoordinator,
assured the senators none of the money
donated to Free l' would he used to pay for
the l' t‘ee l sponsored gay
students held l"eh ft The senate approved
and then resemded rts approval of SC.


danee for

sponsorship of the danee last semester
\ddtttonal aetion meluded t‘ihltiig of a

eraduate affairs program designed to

appotnt .lll st; direetor of graduate affairs

't, he responsihle for all matters eon

\t‘t’t:tttg’ graduate students
on t rs't v

ellh” Kenftu t-t


if) 30!}

Director of student services

(It \lt'. \H‘IEKI'IR
Itirettoi of politieai affairs


Abortion decision brings

little change in Kentucky

I'.\ tott\ st tt \ \l
heinel \tatt \\iitei


\ \lassatttusi"~ tttllll
nutnrlaughtet ‘tt‘
tlt‘atlt Ida


"atltt't tfns
ttt'l\ftlt'tl ‘r lltt\llll thu't't til
axth tho


‘Ulillt’t trot.

fetus he Had tt‘.'..tll\

tauqtli-ttt; l-itYlt sides Itl 'ltt'

qaesttou said do let lsttiI; a ”will redraw

the tatnther ant tld'lllltli‘ heing pet

'iittttt'tl luit-ll‘ litt‘th'n't' t't‘.tt'ttott to

has heen ntore eauttous

the deelston
“l'l \\ ll.l. ll \\ I“ hardly any effeet on
hentuekyf' 'l'om
spokesman for the
League a

ahortiotts tn said
lteproduetn e
group supporting

l)r .laequeline \oonan. a memher of
lhght to late of f‘entral Kentueky. an
anti organi/atton. agrees
some“ hat mfh Stiekler‘s eonelusion

"I'm not sure the Boston ease yyill
ehange the law." Noonan said “It is
possible. however. that more people



t t-egar: to hrang sun atlauzs’ ‘lot'titt‘S

sntmlar sttuatrons
llll l\enneth(

l’tlt hn ‘.\as

l:oslit\ liot lttlt
eomit ted

when a tury

tft'tttletl Yfae tellts ttt‘ Has .‘1
person '.\ lllt a ttght to legal proteetion
legally terintnated the
the ahorfed fetus sttll
"respiratory aetiytty "





aeeepted manner.

proeeeded. to a
to deprtve the fetus
of ovygen \\ lule tt \\ as sttll In the yyomh
attorneys said the doetor
slaughter heeause the fetus was not a
and therefore no erime eould

eould not have man
have heen eommttted against tt

fidelin said he \vtll appeal the verdiet
'thave done nothing that was Illegal or
Immoral or had medieal praetiee." he
“Everything I did “as in ae
“ah the law and good
medieal praettee "

(‘ontiiiued on page Hi

eorda nee

Taylor requests rehearing
tor Woodland zone change

My I,\’\\I~Il”l'\l\'

Kernel Stall \\ l‘ilt'l‘
'l'he ouner of \aeant property at the
litielid \toodland
\\tll early

eorner of and

.\\ en ues request an
Change at a
t'omntission meeting

rehearing tor a xone
'lhree houses at too, ttl and ttlt
\\ oodlaiid ,-\\ eniie \\ ere eondemned and
ra/ed last heeemher Weldon Shouse.
the lttttttt r proptity owner and local
.ittorm y. said he alloyie d the houses to
deteriorate heeause he hoped to ohtaui
a lone ehange last June

1'“ \’l IU\I-I t It \\(;ti request was
demed as \iere t\\o others in the past
SIV years that have sought to ehange the
area from tuotamtly residential use
tltit to neighhorhood husmess tlttt
\ieredemt‘d \ Ioneehange to B1 would
the fast food

lteeause rt 1s unlikely that he ean
ohtain a zone ehange to ltt. hresent
property oyiner \\'tlliam 1‘ Taylor said
he yy ill request a ehange t o lowdensity
apartments t ltitt tfhe IS grated an early

.tlloyy eonstruetion of a

( oiitinued on page I;


 Linda Carries
Ron Mitchell
Nancy Daty

Dan Cvutcm-i

Editor at (Met

Manaqmq editor
Associate editor
Editorial page v-tntov

t. i (Mm t
Sports editor

Features editm

Photography editor

Ldtl y Mead

“ l‘, i, A

J an Mauoni

id buald


tdttOi-ats t-p'esenl the opinions. ot the slli‘Ol‘

Access to records gets too little response

The enactment ot the Buckley
Amendment last November. which
gave students the right to review their
institutional records. has not received
the response that many had feared
and some had hoped.

According to administrators. only a
handful of students have requested to
see records kept at the registrar‘s
office. even fewer have made inquir-

ies into records kept on volunteer
workers at the Office ot Experiential
Education. and only one person has
made use of the law to view records
held by the t‘ounseliiig and Testing

The lack of response to access of
student records is not merely cons
fined to this l'mversity‘. as similar

Parking lot access road
badly in need of repair

and out ot
l'niycrs'ity' parking lots is not always
easy' 'l‘hat task is made even more
ditticult when l'niversity police put a
chain across one entrance as is the
case with the ‘(" parking lot between
(‘olumbia and (‘litton Avenues

Finding oiie‘s way in

The l'niyersity' police parking diy'r
sion says the chain. which blocks
direct access to the parking lot from
(‘olumbia Avenue. is intended to keep
stickerless cars out of the lot The
rationale is that the attendant cannot
effectively watch both the (‘olumbia
and (‘litton entrances. so one of them
has to go. The chain is taken down at
3 pin

While the reasons behind blocking
that entrance may be sound. there are

Letters to the editor

several problems with this arrange-
ment There are now only two access
points to the parking lot troni (‘liftoii
Avenue and mini Pennsylvania .\ver
niie This would ordinarily be enough
w ere it not tor the miserable condition
ot the alley troni Pennsylvania .\ve
nue to the parking lot It has several
steep drops which are sure to scrape
any vehicle with less clearance than a
pickup truck and it is only wide
enough for one car at a time. This
leaves (‘litton Avenue as the only
viable entrance.

It is tine that the l'niversity' police
wish to protect the hit for those with
stickers. but a lot that size needs more
than one usable outlet Repairing the
Pennsylvania .\venue access route
would probably do the job

Columnist receives
first annual award

the Spit? H
.\.\ cl


langsdoi. t'ohnnii.
ot Feb 1;

'liotigh' l‘d


ilassniate l atioii’

i'tiltlllilllt‘t‘ though?

but I said

llltt\ltt‘ \Ii']

\o he likes

\tlll .‘vl‘lt‘

situations have been reported across
the nation.

There may be several reasons why
there has not been a great rush
toward the tile cabinets First of all.
many students may not be aware that
they now have the right to inspect and
review any and all "otticial records.
files and data directly related to” the

The terms “otticial records. tiles
and data” are detmed as including.
but not limited material
incorporated in each student‘s cunni
lative record tolder and intended tor
either internal or e\tcrnal use. identi
tying data. academic work coiiiplet


ed. level ot achievement.
data. standardized intel
ligence. aptitude and psychological

\('t ll‘t‘S tlll

tests. interest inventory results.
health data taiiiily background in
tormatioii. teacher or
nigs and
reports of serious or recurrent behay
ior patterns

.\ second reason why there has been

counselor rat

observations and veritied

little concern over records may be
because of a previous policy ot niost
l'niversity departments to open re
cords individual This
practice was carried out by the t ittice
tor Experiential lCdiication. accord
ing to Dr llobert Sedler. who heads
theottice llarriet
the (‘oiinsehng

to students

l'lose director ot

and 'l‘estiiig t‘eiiter

similarly noted that students have
been allowed access to their records
which are destroyed live years alter
the student leaves the l'niversity‘ .
tienerally . administrators are quite
assisting students
In most

cooperative in
w ishiiig to see their records
instances records can be seen on the
\vllllt‘ day . e\ en though the law allows
a it day waiting period tor the
l'niversity to reply

\lost students w ill tind that records
available to them are mundane and
the ellort


not necessarily worth

l'it‘t‘litl‘iltti'tttlalllilt\ and
secured under a pledge ot coiilitleii
tiality prioi 'o.l.iti 1 two may not be


l‘t‘\ lt",\t‘tl vi'. ‘llltlt'llls

liven 'leiigti students may not be

ciiiioiis cnoiiiit. 'o trek around cain
liiis lt‘\l‘t' 'lieti records tlie\ slitiltltl at
the opportunity

\lso 2' s 'iai' 'ii lllt'
"T‘l"i‘t'. ::;ii-‘ piov ide at: opportiin


leas' be aware of

kiio'v‘. lltiil

.ty toi the s'.idei;t 'o obtain a hearing
to challenge the t'ttlllt'ltl ot the record
on the gi‘oiiid that it is lltdt't‘lll‘tllth
otherwise in y iolatioii

rights ot

llllslt‘dtl‘tiLI or

ot tae prz'iacy or other

\tiideiits should take advantage of
the l'lttt‘kley


\llit't'i'llllt‘lll and take a
at the iiitoi ii..i":oi; the l tiivcrsity




has on record may

aiiv'linig too


ltiit‘v ‘-_.‘t" t.. Y! t'!" it le'J.


the torinahty ot writing on


state department letterhead and
come right to the point My newly
established island kingdom in the
middle ot l.ake t'iiinberland has
tittitili‘il ‘o give ll‘t‘t.i"\

viii; a
award toi your t'ttllllttll. specit
:cally the one eiatit'ed ‘ Ignoring
subtleties iii l’ioston Writing
this letter to the Kernel was my
little low budget way ot making
the tormal announcement

[don't want you or the public to
think this is a joke so I have
modeled all my island‘s policies.
awards etc.. after the l'nited
States'. to give them meaning
and class Each year. from now
on. we are going to award a
college Journalist. or columnist.
our “Most (‘onsunimate Bank
riipt Award.”

Just so you don't think that this
is a token award given on the
basis ot personality or the tact
that are from the
college. let me list the criteria by
which you were judged

“'0 \llllH‘

Social Your
column was completely devoid ot
innovative thought or (‘ttlllpeleiit
social analysis (lood work. l.iith

Style ('ute. liiither. ('ute \\e
liked the way you lapsed into
dialect to make a point "Boss
swell." latthei'. boss swell
(treat work here kid' \t
l’dl'l til


least I thought so


iron“. l‘ha' is true :siz' it. kid

ltiyt st iga'ik e i'eseat't'li

won it tor yoii. scoop lt

obvious totbeconiinitteethat you
t'l'./’.tl"i*'t ‘l:.i' Vttll
‘.\i‘ti‘ knocking work We
like to see This kital o! lialt baked


researched busing but not

i l

oais o: 'l‘." org


It makes giving the


award to one person so much

.-\s you can see this is not an
award toi inst anybody. We are
proud to make you tirst
recipient By the way. it is now in
the mail. as we do not have any
island tacilities. yet, to make a
big thing out ot this So, Luther.
visit us soon. you'll feel at home
here We have mile after mile of
dead end streets



Fight and flog

\s long as the l'niversity has
decided to spend $20 million or so
.won‘t you please throw

on new construction.
l-‘eb la
in a new swimming pool" it not
ior oiii greatly inipioved swim
Kernel. l"eb l‘.ti. tor

students. tacnlty


'~. ltiatt‘. and

" w bo daily tight and llttL‘. one

'iif to‘ .i plavt iii the pool

'J than ’3‘
Maintain "Aqua“ «


()tit' pool would be the pride of a
high lotto. but is
embarassingly inadequate for an
expanding university of 2201"")

school of

Patrick ('lass

John who?

Why should ask our
representatives to take a stand on


the lted ltiver gorge when they
represent a state which prides
itsell on its "let .loliti do it” at
many aspects ol l’ederal support

Kentucky is lacking in
because ot our inability to elect

strong leaders at levels ot
\ow ..e

iengresstnaii it out tilao

allowing a
tale the


initiative tor one ot oiii tatt-
problems 'l'hank tiotl toi Willis
(iradison and also the iest ot the
nation tor noticing our in
competence and trying to sol\e
our troubles tor iis .\tter all. it is
the lor Kentucky

isn‘t it"

easiest way
\licliael Warren
lillsiness A E‘.ttill0llllt'\


Rape center

'l'lie llape t iisis t t'l.lt'r
the aiispiies ot the
Woiiien's t'oiitei
in e\i.stcnce xlllt'e

tot the \lt'llltts or tape it’lli's iii,


lla~ llt't'll


’llll“ l'tlitli "t‘t‘tlt'tl l‘l‘ ltt

llit‘llllt'lt'sl ttm. {Hipnpunrwlt

it s volunteer

l' ylit lia' ‘t',* i.i ll“ 't'l

.i ..,‘



“lll.i‘ have been

noik hop» and writing a grant

.oi binding Hiir ettorts have

both Illlt't ted at developing the
tciitei so that ll may continue to

llltitllttli long alter its

have l'ttl‘it' It is now. at this time
that we are laced with a shortage
ot tti'llL\t'lt>l'\ .\nd as the end ot
the semester approaches. more
oi tilll volunteers will be leaving

w iiigently need your support'

it you are a woman in years of
:c' oi older and want to tlt‘
otnethiiig tlttt\ll'llt'll\t' to tight
lla' piobli-in ot i.ipe_ please call
'lit “1'

'ecd people who plan to be lit

llape t iisis t"enter also

l i \ iiiiton this ~iiiniiiei

\t'llttitects aie needed iii iiiaiiy


voiinseling. 'tiltlttlllltll\

‘lilt.illltl1 publicity and tundini‘.


t'illl .l.i.i i‘ i i.i

”llt kniastet



tommuuity l- iliicatioiit "I"



Opinions trom inside and outsnde the UanUfSt'y community

_‘.. .wm “noioc—nnuxni


The weight


Parents, industry, apathy drag us down

H} \I \l{l(i\ \\ “Ha
I» Illlttt\ note lhis comment is the second In a

two pail series on grades.

Industry throws a lot ot money into "institu
was or lilt‘ltt‘l learning In return. these
1stz‘utioiz- \upplv the next waye ot employees
.wlut .tlt’tl to si't'\t' industry lntlustry doesn't give
mom-x away because ll is needed tor educational
l‘illll"\l'\ Industry gi\es money toinstitutionson
a t.ititl.il it'lrlttt basis Industry gun-s money
w'tiei toi sin-(nu research and or tor tax
'ltiltlt'lltttl“ In return. industry gets research
i1t:tlt'_ ~~.‘i\t',\ on taxes. and gets tirst pick ot the
iwst graduates

Here lays a direct relationship between the
piesent giading system and nidustrv industry
iris one basic screening mechanism to tind
graduates with the best grades This mechanism
l\ so basic and lttlll‘Xlltlt‘ that industry

screams" when an applicant has mainly P‘s on
her or his transcript :\nd the “screams" of
industry \itii'ate inte administrators‘ souls and
play on their tear ot losing iiitltisti'y"s l'avors Ho
.idniniisti'ators are instructed to never make
industry "scream" or else This type of
instruction then becomes the loadstone around
students~ necks

'I‘tllf \\ lillhll'l‘ 0|" 'l‘lll-I loadstone is increased
by parents l'arents have been indoctriiiated to
believe that today 's grading system is a thing ot‘
reverence, Years ot use ot the present grading
system ltas made it a sacred cow a sacred cow
that is still detended by parents and educators at
l"l‘..\ meetings. legislatiye meetings. and in the
handling of money It is an idol that prohibits its
believers from bumamzmg the educational

Parents are not totally gtiilty ot stopping
retorins. but suffer from their earlier training by
their school systems and parents Parents have
been educated by their school systems to stay out
at education because only the experts know best,
Some parents claim “It it was good enough for
me. then it is good enough tor my children ’ " But
the student evaluation systetn of earlier years
and ot the present was not and is not good
enough The sacred cow is a false standard and
needs to be replaced

t’ntortnnatcly. parents have not been made
aware ot the depth ot the tailure ot the present
grading system Parents w ho have blinded by
school atfinintstrators w ho prefer cold cash to
possibly upsetting the cash givers They are
blinded by the \Hlé‘l‘tt‘dtl value system that
demands an absolute standard. even an illuSion~
ai‘y one. to iudge how ‘normal' their children
are They are blinded by their own resistance to
change. and worst of all. blinded by their apathy
tor the educational process. lVlOEU‘tWhtlt‘. while
parents continue to be blindly led by the sacred
cow _ the loadstone has increased in weight to the
point that students have gone under tor the
second time

“If: l\'('RH \Slfil) WEIGHT that finally
drowns students is provided by the students
themselves. apathy Students no longer care
about their rights because students have been
lulled into believing that they have not power to
change things for the better. They have been
ignored by administrators too busy to care about

Even the violence of the ~hos served only to
bring the students to the administrator‘s
attention for the few minutes it took to call {or
the National (tuard Students have acquired
their apathy by being constantly overlooked by
administrators in their search for the divine gift
of money Students apathy has reached the point
that students are drowning because of it. Where
are the bold thoughts of the '60s? Dead is the
torgotten past because students have stopped
caring For example. the present grading
system is an injustice forced on students by the
powerful others “here is the voice of protest‘.‘
With the other voices of protest. mute in the past.

it is tune that students again find their voices
and join together to protest against violations of
student rights It is time tor students to band
together to remodel the present grading system
so it ceases to haunt. bound and punish students
It is time tor students to throw off their apathy
atid fight again tor their rights


Marion Wade. a sophomore in \rts and
Sciencesi is chairman of the l'niversity Student
\dyison ('ommittee.


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 I—TIIE KEN'I‘l'(‘KY KI‘IRNI‘IL Friday. Ft‘bl‘uar} 2|. HITS ”e“,s briefs


Klansmen stage drive

" Has-nu“ m: guoT to attract membership
EUNITEDSTATES ‘Y \ I] . l.\KI-‘.\\ \Itfs, Flu t.\l" “lntv l'lllt(‘\l\l«lll\lllt'll mam”); tgill~

m _ peaked ll.ll.\ hm e lwvn Slll'})l'l>lll;; (llllt‘l'.\ m H‘.\l.tllt’.llll\ around this
«I "- W i I wntml Florida Imxn l)_\ Sillllllt‘l'llltl m tnr mttm- and 2.1!) \t‘\\lllll.\

\ ' \\'llll nnymv \\'ll\| LN lllIt‘l‘t‘Slt‘tl
It l.\ purl ltl Klan \‘.llll[).‘ll;_:il in .lllt'lll'll In lmnmnm- tln-
(HM'I‘ lt'dl‘t‘tl. swn-t ni'gdmmtmn “lint; h-i'rni'i/ml Itl«Il'I\\ .iml

"lt‘x kxmlnt .l pulilii'it) llllllL‘. lHl)!‘lll;1[l\ i'lnm't In lltt‘ in'wplu' llllll
T:\ ." .llll'dx? new memlwm ” \tl),\ Iil'.lll(l [H‘uizun .Iulli: l’.ml l'lltLLI‘l\. :1
"'“mfifi lull“- \\;ilv\ lmt'lw‘ \\ll(t 1.x president at the I‘lltllllld ltl.llll‘l‘ nt Illl'
‘ ‘ l'mtml Klaus HI \im-mu

l‘lHLU‘I'\ \llkl tliv group llt‘ hunk m l-'lni'1«l.i xx tlittvi‘i-nf ti'um Illv‘

PU BL'C WE LCOME Hlll K11 l\'lu\ Klan .iml tlmt ltllt‘ mt thv l‘lll'l“““‘ “1 m“ “““P‘HL‘” h l"
ALL WORK DONE BY ergm' Him-unn-ptmns

"'l'liv Kl.m l5 HUI :mti t'uthulu- " he will ll: ri-xpoim- In rim-slums

STUDENTS L “DER SUPERVISION "lt'.\ just a l‘rntvstlmt ni‘gniii/utmii .luxt lllu‘ l l-niillln't Jinn tlir

I7: E. HIGH ST. Knights (ll t‘nlumlmx. ti (”zitlinln' i'nllliln‘t tum the l lltlc‘tl Klgmx
252-2460 ”1' NIHI llli‘ Klan leh‘H's llml "Ill.“ l\.\ ll.t\l‘ lllt'lt plum :tl \m‘ti‘l)
.mt‘ '.\e' lune H11"- \\i‘ .ll'(‘ \';!E .iAMhY ait?r:’i:..:':'t.i;{¢~ lllltl
llllt'Qt‘J'lUll. lint up dim: ll.ll(' Illk‘ll: “w Itt‘ll(‘\t i'nlniml Itt'nplt'

lwlimg \xitlt their mm kind
Presidential aide says

ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT strip mine bill flawed

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Pick up registrationforms at the Kentucky Kernel, Sigma Chi Fraternity matrix z-z-mtut: m m”- tau-ll .; as I’m
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gunfirmlml ("nil iti'mlzlt ‘mr; lli~\q-\

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Acting governor says he won't
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mam periods, md twuce weekly during m- summer sossmn
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PUI)!I’,N*OI’)‘,‘II¥' Kornfl Press, lm tnlnhdiln 177‘ Begun as

l Ih(‘C(‘Id¢‘II'\ ISO-3 and .
l I | i I I i P G a I I u' I d s o I | l s l l Kmnrl \inr.“ .‘Jt‘, WJN'Wd(ontuumugly(15"., Kcmud‘Y

:(dvngvmr'iqlpublishod til-min u. intend-<1 tn IIIEI—II;:;§W
1v my a $6: or misleadi a - ' I
to tho- Hilton. m (NUTHHQ should be romt‘kd

r— ~~—~ »— v—i

t ' , - ' .7 w
23 9 We st ‘IIIBIH ) me ,0“,ka
(ucrms from (,ourthouse . Emmy Edl'mal «MO, 7571755

Managing editor. News desk 257 IN,
Mveitismq, Business CIFCUIaIlm 258 w
Spock, Arts 78' 1m! ’

’i'WO- .. . .









Colby says CIA kept
files on congressmen

It) .ll\| touts
\ssoeiated Press “Illl'l'

\\ \Sllthi'l'tH ('M llireetor
William P) (‘olhi said 'I‘Itursda}
the (‘etttt‘al Intelhgenee Agene}
onee kept tiles on tour eongress
tttett and did ttot den} that the
(lgeltt‘) has used sex traps to gain
ttttortttattoit trottt foreigners

’IIII t'olh} said these aitd other
the agent')
e\agget‘ated iii a
“plat-ed .-\tttertean

aetntttes Ii) have
been gt'eall}
\\;t_\ tltat ltas

ttttelltgettee lll danger "

"l \\tl\"l‘ attd
ttttelltgenee II N.
.tpptoprtattons subt‘otttttttttee tn
testtttton)’ on
.tllegut dontestte swing I)_\' the
t l\that lte prelerred to \HiIIIIUHI
Hillllltt'lll oit a published aeeount

S“ that sex
er got together."

t Ulla lietore an

meeting tit Ilottst'

his ttrst puhlte

tot .l lItl.\Q‘(I session an}

or se\ traps

(‘ohuttntst .laek .»\itders'oit has
tepnrteil that tlte llrug lintoree
': i‘ttl \dtttttttstrattott had tttattt
'atned apat‘ttttents that it .‘lIItHH‘ti
the t'l,\ to
tiltlaltt tttlortttatton lrottt Itil‘t'lL’tt

Use as se\_ latrs to


tlte (‘l.v\
lltlsl.lI\1'\ lll

(til IIY ltas

ll sentet’ed

se\ eral
before It

Ias eatltet' testttttott}

thisl‘tl ttzeettttL‘ tit Ilte
\pptopt't.‘tttons t'otttttttttee
He said the t"\

'elepltnite \\|t‘el.t'is

against 37
Iil't'.\t‘t'lt l‘tt'. .tttd lam.
fl as he told the N-ttate
'ee tlta' tlitll ttt TIte

:those phones \\I'lt‘ tapped \xere

;II‘HIIII‘ tllll


non t'l.\ etttplmes, ttot No as he
had satd earlier tltal tlte ageite)
had tottdueted tour
the l tttted States

‘;e\lllli‘(l tarlier

Iirealx' ttts ttt

ttot tltree as he

Asked it an} ol tlte congress
ttteit was aettve Ill tlte antttiar
l Iieltexe
a eouple ot' tltettt were ”

lttt)\'(‘ltl('ltl, ('olh_\' said. “

did go to meetings ahroad arid ttt
meetings tlte
menthers' names \HHlItI appear.”
he testilted But he said none ot
the eongresstttett \i'as e\er tntder
t‘l:\ surt'etllanee


reports of tltose

ptesented tlte House
sulieomttttttee “till a transcript
ol his statetttent to the Senate
eotttmtttee along “till a sheet ot

Without naming them. (‘olhy
aeettsed Iormer White House aide
t'harles t‘olson ot “laek ot et‘edt
attd .\'e\. York Times

St’}ltl(lllt‘ .\I llerslt ol

Illlli) "

RI‘IFI‘IRRINH speetl’teall} to a
eharge that the ('IA ktteti ttt
adxanee ahout the Watergate
lireakttt_ (‘olson tttade
during a
('olli) said

telet'tstott inter\ le\\.
"hts laek ot eredtlitltt}
should eause tlte eharge to tall ot
tts o\\n “eight "



eonlirttttng Hersh's ortr
that 2;! ('l.-\
aitttxtar dissident
tiles on

stor} agents



.lotnestte intelligent-e operation "
that tlte

\\£I\ it

('olli} also asserted

etttploie titttttg the desertptton tit

eould Hit‘lIIII) no
a stilisetittent Hersh stilt} quoting
a torttter t'l;\ agent as sattttg lte
attd other agents partietpated ttt
at tt‘etaps and lit eakttts tn the .\e\\
York area tn the late toms aitd
llthls "I that the
tourttaltst has been the \tettitt HI

earl} teat‘
\\ltat \H‘ ttt the ttttelltgettee trade

("all a talit‘teator.” t‘olli_\ as


AFL-CIO urges Congress

to reiect tax

\ll\\|| HICH'II .'\I’
dent Fords ta\ ltt‘tltiosals

tip to a tttassne restrueturtng ot
.ttost heaitl_\ on lo“

the nation‘s ta\ sistettt”
ttottld liear
attd ttttddle ttteottte people,
.\l"l. t‘lti satd ’l‘hursda)
'l‘he 1,13 million tttemher lahor
It'tli‘l‘ililtiti urged (‘ongress to
reieet the adtttinistratton's pro
gram It also repeated its eall tor
eaimprehensn'e ta\ retorm onee
the House and Senate eotttpleted
\tork on art etttergeney tax eut to
stimulate the t‘(‘()lttlllt)'

"l‘llli 'l‘.\X ttteasures proposed
It) the administration add up to a
restructuring ol’ the
ta\ \i'hteh tgr
ttores the [It'lltt'lplt' ot taxation
Iiased on ahtltty to pay." the
\li‘l, t‘ltl charged tn a statt tlH‘lII


natton’s system

lt‘ottt its e\eeutt\e eounetl.
mg here this \\(‘(‘I\'
"'l'ltrough .I

mdt\ tdttal tneottte ta\ reduettons.

eotnlitttatton ol

huge tnereases ttt eonsuttter paid
energy per
III.IIH'III eut in the (‘tit‘piir‘gtte tux

e\'('l.\‘(‘ taxes and a


adttttntstr.’ttton ts attetttpttttg to
shttt e\en tnore ol the nation's
tax httrdett onto tltose who ran

rate." the tttttoit ehiets saltl.'

heat It least."

'l‘he Al’l, ('ltl said prtee inere
ases resulting tt'om higher etter
g} taxes, sought by the adminis
tratton to eurli ItH‘I eonsuntptton.
would more than the
Slflhtlhon ta\ eut proposed I)_\


"UV li.\l,.\\(‘H.” the I'edera
ttott added. “this package ts a
lormttla tor more tltt(‘ltl[)l()}’ltl(‘tlt.
thended reeesston and prolong
ed inflation."

The House Ways attd Means
(‘ommtttee approved a $21 it Iiil
lion atttireeession tax hill \Ved
itesday “IIIIt‘ the Senate. desptte
a promised prestdettttal \eto.
voted to suspend tor slit da_\s'
Fords potter to ttterease lees on
tittported oil
tItls Week. .-\I'Vl.t‘ltl
l‘t‘estdettt tieorge .\leatt\ said a


3w hilliott ta\ eul “as needed to
tttrtt the t‘t‘itltliltt) around


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