xt7bg7373n6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373n6f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1971 1971 1971-04-15 2020 true xt7bg7373n6f section xt7bg7373n6f . I" .
l“ or ch iiigton and vicinity ' 1 i " . "
Sunny and pleasant today. lair . :
and cool tonight. Partly cloudy '1..-1i1.'11 -.
and warmer Friday. lligh today 5'- ‘
in the mid-60‘s. low tonight near t .
40'. high Friday near 70. 1; ,1‘ ;‘
Precipitation probabilities zero .,~ -"1 f
)ercent today. tom lit. and 1.}:

Thursday, April 15, 1971 University of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. LXll, No. [212 1Friday. 1 g '1, '1'1 11-31 ‘ ,

———_—_—_—_—_—__——____ 1‘ . 1, “-1.1: (tr

11.? 17 i: .

Began by dropping out

,3: :-’ _———————_—___ 1,1,1'I11~__-,

- uc wa ra 5 t1 t celet
‘ g , a ' By KATH] MILLIMET said. “My neighbor owns a gun. and he can‘t Buchwald also quipped. “As .i fauna-2r "1" 11
“1121331 1 Kernel Staff Writer CV0“ water his lawn Straight." columnist. i needed Johnson more irian lie ~.-1._1§=fi . ‘ '
,3. -. . “You’re wasting your time,” (going to BUChWfild cited other problems that “get needed me. Now lhave Nixiin and he index 1" .11: 1:
31' 1" ., College) Art Buchwald told students in the people uptight’ and his solution for them: it easier for me all the tune " 1: T1
y .R. t... .- " . Student Center Ballroom Wednesday night “Charter two 747 jets and load them with N x n h' tl _. W' I . H , H W . ,1 .~ _
°‘ an” in the Student Center. .German' and Japanese bankers and C01lu1iith1ist 8:]; ‘35:} ”fill: twig“?! Shh i
1-15. a -fi " _ If anyone should know, Buchwald should. ii}?h‘bt.rwlljtls' Ely them I“: ”111101 and 1131' (‘leinente and one foot in l\1;'\ Bl».ii‘ili'e' Ni, . 1“1:
‘1111 . g“ 1 B u c h w a l d , t h e f a m o u s t 1t1l1‘11ii111't1hd Sappcns “11:11 you 10111 1 111” wonder he feels a little strain around ,
111;, ..- A humorist-columnist, started his career by 0 11' “11 tates. . . . Mississipni." 1" «1‘

, . g . . . , . . . Students taking over administration ’ , , " - _'

" qu1ttmg high S‘thOl- H910m€d the Marines b - - . .t , , - ,, ,- , ,~ , Buchwald observed Izat Bill‘. (or .ii'" --"' ~ - 5 '

.. , .. . urldings. i say [“51de of kicking them ,, - .i .- .

‘1 :- 1 for four years, and decided he needed a out brick th‘ '. 4 , ‘ f ‘ . trusted Nix-tn ism-due.) --\.X..,. “a. g, .1 . _,_i,.‘ .3
- - . . . 3 . em in. and let them \iii\ ll: .5 ..

‘fi - college education. Without a high school while .. ' when he plaj. ed golt. t}. . " i ‘.
'k;~-: { *1. , diploma”. Buchwald registered 1‘15. a specral Computers. “it‘s impossible to get out oi “This sayx, vnore alum: lifij; (4.." :r- '. : ..

' student at the Untversrty of Southern } , B k tth' \l tl Cl L ll" 1' y M ,1 h 3 \ , .. it . . y “1‘ 1 .. :3

_ I. ., California. He quit after three years. tit. 00 o ‘ c . on 1 .U i. iiia .5 got so .. cm .i ou.|. l,\i , 23¢... -, ;

., mad I bent. folded and mutilated their IBM “lid! 1% Bill} (tritium Emu: . ;-.*.1.".L‘ ,. 11",\".1" .

1 .9 L3“ year USC named BUChWilld Alumnus card. They sent me a new card which said. Ni\‘ii‘i1\ f—“ih \U-‘I'r1‘11 I71 .1‘151 ' '.

\ F o 3 ofuthe Year. , . ‘The next time you do that, we‘re going to Buchwaid answered ‘22- '-\\Y;

.t‘, . .,. The name lorfithis country should be the send you an entire set of the l‘ncyclopcdm “Billy (irahain slob l\ mime with lie ‘3 ix ‘_., ., . ,

, ' _ Uptight Society, Buchwald declared. ”T he Britannica.‘ to go where the iVUSlll;'\\ls.11 e- . _,.‘ .-

" . _ii - white students want out, the black students Pornography. “I‘ve always wanted to write BUCimilhi J‘llilll'lt‘d il‘m‘ imi‘ PM“? ix‘Yifzi I '1. 1?
, want in, and the priests won’t talk to the a pornographic book, but I got so excited WW #1 ”d ¥ m... abortive attempt by pnsonersto
., ‘ 27 6‘0 746;“ origin as I qualification for renting ' _ escape custody which resulted in
. . EX‘“ E a “t l Just 7 Minutes sou”. rooms 01’ '0' employment WANTED — Micnoscnpn Rmisch _
. ‘ DgN Nicuous L' t and Lomb ”19.191 133-154 0? equiv- the death of a Superior Court
" '. f ' no“) on mm one SERVICES ' figinscsiciggi. Scléiibieohfgf :‘fif—Rlzrtiafned- judge in San Rafael. Scale is on
' . ‘ TONIGHT .___ FIRST AREA SHOW'NGV ““““““"""”“” 13A19 trail in New Haven, Conn., in
- PIANO TUNING —— R bl ' , —-————— -———————— . . .
, ' A” work gum“teegés°“;mfn§g‘°g§. sonIiEONE :0 petrftohrm or iodieim can- connection With the slaying of a
- - Steinway 8-: Sons in New York. Mr. “U a “3n 0 ta. oracic “C 5 on a . . ' , » x
. l . ( Davies. 252-1989. loM-Alfi regular part-time baSis. High pay. Bldd‘I P‘mth” membtr Wh0~
. . ‘ ‘ ' 233-5530- 13A19 according to testimony, was a
’ WW , _
‘ JOB OPPORTUNITIES WM police informer.
I ' ' MW
' PART-TIME work summer and ran. \'10‘ D‘ E‘R‘N‘ ‘IH'I II'WII ff‘ _ I Abernathy outlined other
I . . - , v; z . . I _ . . urms e e iCiency - - . , ’
y ...the story of her journey into perversion. X 32:3..32“ Sigisfihdgfigim2%?533; merits. Only 2 blocks from 11139522 demands, meludmg quality
I _ nights and weekend 266-8257. 15A21 Aylesford Place and 318 Transylvania education and a guaranteed
' - _._.._______ ——«——— Park. ImrifieIdiate occupancy, or sum- 1 . ’ f $6 500 f r l
* , -. . f 1’. t mer and a1 now bein reit d. C ll annua income 0 , O I
‘ ' HdELt;rXfivfiifgndwatgrknrwifglhdrseso. for Aylesford AptS..g254‘1‘t§49 for f I 7 ff
t For information call Dick Richards. Tt‘nneyanmzt Park. 25". 4545. 14A29 amt} O 0111‘.
~ '. ::.. 299-5633. 15A21 ~————-———~ . . e
. I , ._ $55,535. _ _ .. _.__.__ ONE BEDROOM and efficiencies, com- He 531d th‘ demandstquIld b
: . _ = OVERSEAS JOBS for students — gletelx dlIiirnishedII Sfu{nmer leases. underscored through militant.
I . . -. stul‘z. E . S . A i Af- ir con iioning. oo op swimming - - .
' w. .. ' I 2:1i_!:trl‘.iAllugttggessigns :ntirlégcupa- D001. Talking applications. Town & m a S 5 1 V t‘ , h 0 h V 1 0 l t n t
> > ' I . ” ' '2' no. 3700 to $3000 monthly. Ex— Country partments. 444 South Ash- , ~ n
- ...-’-"'" “ 3355;, pl‘liLl‘S paid; overtime; Sightseeing. land. 266-2310 or 266-7641. 8A22 demonstrations.
» M ' “ Fri-v information. VVriie TWA Re- ————-———-_—I___.__.
. . ‘ ti ‘5’” f“ a? search SerVice. Box 5591-A, SAazn Ap_AdRI;I‘I\éEl\iT—3W. 3rd. mid-Ntiay to
. ‘ ' » . "mfjt‘gigigié- D - . CA. 92105 15 1 mi - u us. rooms. pi-iva e en-
'-. “:2. '5 . "."f"3‘§?§55§:7' “go trance. garage. new kitchen. $100; STUDIO pLAYERS r
.tiz- .. ~. . WW furnished. Utilities paid. 254-3975. present
‘ *z- “Ewen-1 1532353 For; SALE 13A15
I EEEI; ' a WWW —-——— ..__.__— ll 1/
' ' :3:‘=1:"s..;-:~'.'..:Esi;é 1- ." ;::=::"-,=: $5351.; AVAILABLE June. July. August ._ ORPHEUS DE SCE N DI NG
,. -::~;:.:;:;::-“-' g -:-:-:;::-7'..;:- FOR SALE—FARFISA COMBO com- large furnished thre b d t ‘
‘ ' 1:5? ;:2£§5§ pact deluxe organ and Leslie pre $10,“ mree block: fiox’ongqfi’ars' by Tennessee Williams ‘-
‘ i , E’fif‘gliffiTED: “f"“fnond M3 organ- Modern kitchen. Rent $125 inogilh: Thu F - & 5 A -| ‘5 Z
I ‘ , . -$I . .1? ..;.:- .. a i 0018. KirWan IV. 2581-:33186. Telephone 254-3975. 13A19 i'S., fl. 0L, pr. I l
-- " ——-————————————— . ' "—_, l6 8. l7 and 22 2 24 f
. , . - TAPE DECK (Panasonic 8t; Bike <5 €3,023“Tgfigfshsg‘dmnfragfigi‘gg" 2' ' ’ 3’ 8' i
y % speedt, Electric Mimeograph ma— Chl‘VV Chase within ‘a'alk' d'm CARRIAGE HOUSE i
. 2 ’I . ,‘ chine, mimeo-scope, record player, tanee~ of campus. 269-2841 lnngAlii—i t
I I and thermo-fax copying machine. ' “~fi ' Bell Court and Sayre Avenue
- 5 ~:- . ,. f1” 259‘2104- __~ ”Ale APARTMENTS.Ihouses. rooms avail- C r 830 l
. g =4 . “ . . 1968 vw, 51300. Call 258—5271 for in- ,1;;Eij;;egf"l};‘;.:;i;c.ig"‘rf,‘;;“‘:.§‘,“dgu‘,‘.’,‘,£,‘:f; w am ' . p‘m‘ '_Adm $2 5
3 ‘g g H S20 up. Day: 278-6125 Nights. weekl Re‘e'vatw'“ 278'8382 ‘ ‘
‘ g a; Ie. NORCOI.DI desk-size refrigerator, (‘01- Mid" 266—852: ISAZII Thurs. only—Students Half Price!
' ‘ . ”.55 L:- 1 or brown, 1 year Old; 548 firm. Call APARTMENTS and rooms with pri-
I ' . Her boay 53’ I 238-83'3' , 13A19 \‘Jltv kitchen Oni' block from (‘nm- “— I
" . , ‘e 1453;? FOR SALE—Modern. Utilitatian desk. ,{3.‘;,1-,[.‘fgtfi‘gpg'nl‘fifi,‘g’ffgggnfgrfi‘lgsfiyi '
. _. is bru‘sed jg: ' foriiiii'n ilnlSh. a sacrifice at $35.00; ( ' ___l r‘_(___ ‘ t ' TH K
, 435; yellow upholstered chair, ('Xi‘l‘llt‘nt B \SFHFVT II“, In”. Q 't‘iil‘ f . E ENTUCKY KERNEL
‘ " and embraced ‘E: .-""';-:ii::" ('Qitdmun S4” 00. 362” H‘imphrcy Lam: itii‘i- $.1- ‘ttwo tstricltclv liriv'ljtlc‘ )e’t“ “ng Th“ I’C"‘"C"" Kernel U ‘ ~t
; .;:V in??? V' ”‘er Flam” Ants, 347 ‘I'nd. 348 i‘i‘iulllh iiitlliiliiig ‘iillllill'$.. ~li‘hc'mc Station 115;: :31, ' niverSi y t
. " beyond her 35.2.2! "”"r 5:3” ”"16 2m;.2592 nfti‘i' 5:30 pm. 15Al9 melon. Kontifi'kg')4f?§0gegtcucco§ifi Elsi;
. i :§E§?:£i33f5" 2‘ .-.,;?7 postage paid at LOXl t . K I
t. wildes‘ o? .257. , MiIiIile? five tlml‘Q “251(3)? dufflfgcmi
. ; i: I ’ .~: SP ()0 year (‘X(‘(‘[){ l] ld(~'> I . I ‘.
‘. dreams... t ”‘I't‘iééfiii. periods. and (map diltilng‘thgnfuriifigr
} , J a M SESSION “i“?l‘ h d b
453'. '3=E:f'.-k.g;;.;I.II ’ii) is c y the Board of Studen'
I. 4 .xgu'm... . . Publications. UK P091 0“, _ I B ‘93“;
, Iii-gun as tilt Cadet 11:1309: and
. .. Starring THE "INC-A" GIRL MARIE LILJEDAHL. JACK TAYLOR FIiIiIirliIImIlggI mmmunusly ax the Kernel
T MARIA ROHM Guest Starring CHRISTOPHER LEE-«mm... GENESIS and LUV MACHINE ,_Add\;rtmnn published harm is m-
piiin minim- -v u a. BRUN()N1(.()|AI- t'iodurad a. nun um VOWKRS - w mm muss Huncc ftllISi-corunqirclfitgdlw? IIrgadctr buy, Any
. i won) '(l NHHNA'rHNAi we Pniiiiiicimw COL ()R A [)ISllNCHON FllMS INC RELEASE Thursday April 15 1971 be reported (-0 Ti‘i‘et EgeIi‘ofsiIng should
I ' NO ON! UN“. II ADMITTED.IIXI/ Yearly, by ma“ _ ‘9‘!)
V“ 7-11 p.m. Per tony. from tiles -— 3,10
-- CO-HIT — (9:32) WW Mm ,
‘ ; Ring Editor 257-1755
u ,, ' ' - Editorial Page Ed'i ‘
E JIM BROWN, LEE VAN CLEEF __ EL CONDOR —(R) on the grass between Blanding H and Univemty Avenue A§ssritcintn Editor;.0;‘i‘pnrts. .. 25747“,
L». Bonus Show Fri.-Sar.—Raquel Weieh—"FLAREUP" 03315.“ 595795519.559735584646

 ; ____________________.__________ THE KEVTI'(iK\ KERNEI.. Thursday, April I5. 197I—Ti

BI 1'}: -
in: ‘ COLLEGE SHOP .‘ .2...
K b +
g DRESS SHIRTS-322$:Rzéf‘é:.§2#:rég. . . . . . .. 4.99 or 4/I7.9o ,
'3; DRESS SHlRTS-L°"§.§hiiv%us§$§'?sf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.99
r; KNITS- “2:33:22" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . only 2.00 ,
g; KNITS— " u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99 a 3.99
$52: ¥ " ’ - BAN LON KNITS— . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . 7.90 ’
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*5 BELL JEANS- BUTTON—GUNNERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2f”.00 If
Ir: SHIRTS- LONG SLEEVE—SPORT TYPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 Price 1
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IE SOCKS ................................ 88c or 6/5.00

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, ; Bottom 3.99 1'

i E BULKY SUMMER KNIT TOPS ...._.....__ . 4.90 *‘ ..

 D‘ t' ftde tsde d ' 'd°'t it t'
. A news story in today’s Kernel acutely illustrates the blatant deception information, it should be emphasized that the actual damage which might
of UK students which is promoted by some selfish faculty members. The be incurred by the students is slight. However, it is the deception itself
- incident serves to underline the danger of a system which feeds on the which warrants severe scrutiny. Ch?
deceived. mislead UK students. In the words of Howell Hopson, who uncovered the information, this is tak
The story involves the Speech 181’s 500 or so students Who were merely the type of deception we should expect when the faculty is qu.
‘ ' administered research questionnaires under the direction of Dr. John pressured to produce at any price and students’ welfare is subordinated to m;
, Baseheart. On each of two occasions Baseheart instructed the 181 faculty the guinea pig level. Hopson only made the information public after he ton
' ' ‘ (consisting primarily of graduate teaching assistants although other faculty had approached the academic ombudsman and had been denied tol-
' members were involved. including the department chairman) to inform satisfactory action on the problem. and
' _ the students that the ‘secret’ questionnaires would not be matched with There is ample blame to be distributed in this fiasco, but that offers :1;
' ' other questionnaires which contained their names. In the second case, little improvement in the situation. The department chairman who and
- Baseheart even formulated a lie for the instructors to present their approved the plan and administered it to his class must share sire
‘ ' students as to why they were asked to give their names on one responsibility with the teaching assistants who passively acquiesced to the hT
‘ . . . . . . . . t e
questionnaire and why the questionnaires were numbered. In both deliberate deception and perpetuated it on their students. Re
- _ ' instances the questionnaires were actually matched, according to the When an institution operates under priorities as perversed as those at thr
Kernel reporter. UK we should expect this type of action. Nevertheless, it’s a bitter pill to pe
' Although one of the questionnaires contained some personal swallow. 3‘33
' tea
, Peo
. ' ho
‘ tha
. . Ch
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" HE ENTUCKY ERNEL ”"f g... “ ' ‘9)
-\. .9- . ‘92; .t
‘ -. ”4? fl . 1-» ‘ ‘M‘flf/ ‘
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY {3 *’ ""tm’fl 1 ~:
. ESTABLISHED 1894 THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 1971 # .‘W’l & . ~*‘ ‘r', ..'
. . ' 7 Bditorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University. ,. g)? .1 '3" e03)?” WM shim, \
. __-..h,........__.--.1.______.~_,1______._1.01.1...1_.___11_,_.-1..-1.. i' "f"““"'”Tv *“MWTE ‘_T"“ A” 1% ”’4‘,- ‘ I:
‘ ‘ . . Frank S. Coots III, Editor-ln-Chief . gt»... ' , .i $ US
I ' Jerry LCWiS. Editorial Page Editor Jean Renaker, Managing Editor ’ . ./_-'fi , ,."é'/}-‘; for
‘ « - Mike, Tierney, Sports Editor Keno Rosa, Cartoonist “5/ % I; _,/% 43/fo Com
f ' David King, Business Manager ' /‘%\3;./ I? 4,, //.//;} 35::
_. Jane Brown, Ron Hawkins, Bradley Jeffries, John Gray, Mike \N'ines 4 fl, //é 2'3”, /’ ~G'1
' , Assistant Managing Editors :fféfi - a 2::- 1' :7: _fl stud
. _——————-——-——-———-——-————————_———..______ ._‘__ » ""- '1‘? T ._ 72:} acad
. “‘0‘” m“, — App
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" ' ' .» ' ‘ -‘?:I;'5*I‘; 7 332552;E£33?sEs?33355323333222:23:55225553323233553333322213525233335333???sE3333:5333523E3333=2323535323§¥§ . r
-1». 613116 .5 031) box Strike on A p ml 21
‘ ' ' Che
~ * unde
' By GATEWOOD GALBRAITH 1) Student Code: This, of course. effectively removes any and all rights that a Asst.
. Wednesday. April 21. has been set as the date for action by the students of this student, 35 an individual, might have. Like ‘1 guillotine it can be used by the Eh);
.‘ ' University. in the form of a general boycott of all classes. The Student Center Patio administration to remove a head from the campus for anything that he may have done T
' has been reserved. by those of us who wish to see a united effort on the part of the 01’ WlSh to (10- Lect
-" - .. -. . “)H" 'dF" Pl"'lbl', tl'th hldb lth vte'll ed 15‘
_ q students ricrc. tor [llc purpose or allowrng interested parties to express their Vlth on - ”mg dh ”mg 0 lty- 619“? M t CFC S ou e 0“ y ree 0 S d 0‘” Uns
‘ ‘ any grievance which they feel this monster of institutionalization is perpetuating. 0" tht‘ retention or dismissal or '4 faculty member. They ShOUId belong Oht‘ each to Chur
. -' . . . . .. 1' . " ei‘vm ,. -, 1'11h r s: .i, ' . Bef
‘ _ . ' Speakers. including Wendelsdori, Westerfield, James Williams, myself and others Ehemchagman/(‘itnthat duelshge‘”; thtt‘lth mehp’rstm flu" and 'EC wu'dend Aim/13:”) Cant.
‘ ' _ V. have agreed to speak on those subjects which have become near and dear to them. d?“ rm ceiki £0116 103‘“! g (i. d ‘ ‘epalrbmen’ 511.0?)2 Fiji“? 1 1L teh” YO
These issues include the Student Code, the hiring and firing policy. the Kernel “Ishn'md mg .y pot ”a orcc or [3980M ”8 an 15‘ “S on“ y as e 0 e and
. . - . . ~ . . - , , - , , dismissal of our finest and most relevant instructors. Thur
. conspiracy. the right of students to register to vote and permeating all of these, the , . . .
. ' . - . - -. . . . - , - - - , . - , ., . 3) Kernel controversy: A political move has taken place to hurry the demise ofthe UN
. ‘ political manipulation of this supposediy educational institution by King Louie, alias. K1 t ‘k K' I d xff ‘t' ‘1 t ' 1’ 't‘ . ‘ t d t bl' 't' A . Robe
' Nonunnsense and his comrade in arms. ABC bored, the now defunct chicken baron. m UL y .crne an t a 1V” y 5 range 1 5 V0?“ ‘15 a S u en