xt7bg7373m6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373m6w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1991 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1991 Vol.62 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 1991 Vol.62 No.9 1991 1991 2019 true xt7bg7373m6w section xt7bg7373m6w r i '
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' )fficial Publication of the Kentucky Press Service - Vol. 62, No. 9 - September 1991 ;
WSPaPe‘WEd‘ of KPA design sessions V 5
. '- ' i ; ., '~ ee needed -
,. .5; . '09? 5'51i2jt.4:23 i?’:..-:;=§i?'i392?:tii De . Sch.ck . d. B C 1. 5D 1d ‘
7-5 ’l’t V 1:53, nkln ,1 nnis ,1 ,executive irector Schick, APA head since 1979, y e la . C ona 3
.. ’ . uonyourthi , gcapslt’s oftheArkansasPressAssociation,will taught advertising and journalism for KPA Pres1dent r 1'
time t9;fihQW,)’-0\1P99mmum§fifil§t- , - . - - - . .s
5 how ValuableyOIH‘PaPeI‘isbyobw lead KPA 31991 CompOSition Serrunar 15 years and has served as a consult— Letters of application are now 5 ‘
servin Nti "nalNil' .1. Wk ’: and Workshop, set for Oct. 3—4 in ant to retailers, newspapers, ad agen— being accepted for the office of vice L
‘ ' g; 'a Q ewslpapver, ee Lexin t - d - - r th 0 resident r th K ntu k Pr
Oct. 6-12. . 5 5 g on. Ciesan assoc1ations or more an3 p . . 0 e e c y ess , ’
This might be a‘: good timet (.5 giselntied by the yezcilrs. His spflecialties include gayout Assoiiation fo$99ikpA
, highlight-the bitentenrfialgoffithe ‘ vertismg an eSign,s espromotionsan sales ny mem . ro can sug-
- ' ' _ " Steering Comrruttee, management. gest to the nominating comrmtteea
. Bill-Of-nghfsr:fQC-uslng:i2:9,nz:1he . . - - - '
. 3;; the programisaimed He holds a bachelor’s degree in member who meets the by-laws !
.5.newspapeflsroieinprotectingthese V . . . . . . . . . ,
freedoms .. :5: 0) at comp031tion,pro- English and journalism from Texas criteria. Eligible members who . 1‘
Limited materi ais'areeit pect e d ' duction and adver- Christian University, master’s in ad- would like to serve should make it
,n pm . ; v tismg staffs at mem- vertismg and marketing from the known they Wish to be conSidered.
a salable through KPA from - . . . . . . .
a” , ,, .. V . . . .' , V . . m ber papers. Sessrons UniverSity of IllinOis and PhD in mass KPA by~laws state: ‘The only i -
NewspaperAssociationManagers, - . . . . - - l
l 5 W111 take place at the commumcation and marketing from persons eligible for election to the
-:Wthh-SPOIISOISmeifimgéieflbsehw - - - . - . - - -
Vance ,. 55 Springs Inn, which SouthemIllinOisUniverSity.Hetaught office of Vice Presrdent are those ; J.
‘ . " ._ :l' . . _-?I 553355: .-5-; ' has set aside a block of rooms at spe- at TCU, SIU, University of Texas and whoarecurrentlyservingaselected {
" - " ‘ ' - " '- 'i cial discount for participants. See Deslgn Seminar, back page directors; those persons who have ' ‘f’
been elected directors; those who
From linogpe to computerE newspaper work has its own ills have been elem“ ‘0 serve on the ,
new board, provided they have .
o o o o o o . . i.
R t t t preViously served as either an :-
' D] epe l Ive m0 1011 In] urles move elected or appointed director; or .'
‘ :9 those persons who have served 4
' three consecutive years as an ap- 1"
from assembly line to newsroom pm... .i
. Names of those persons meet- .9.
A legend in newspaper lore has layout, neWSpaperpeople are begin- Safety and Health Administration. ing requirements to serve as vice f
the inventor of the linotype machine ning — literally — to feel the pinch of president must be sent, along with i
going insane. Presumably the com- the new technology. Computer usage QTD mptsims a letter of interest or reasons for i
plexity of the machine contributed to in virtually every industry, including You know some of the symptoms suggestion, to David T. Thompson, l '.
the mental condition —- or vice versa. newspapers, has spawned a new if you’re one of the hundreds of Ken— Kentucky Press Association, 332 1
Today, the hot lead—fed behemoth lexiconofhealthtermsand conditions. See CTD, back page Capitol Ave., Frankfort, KY 40601.
' that revolutionized the industry can Those who work with computers ., . No one will be nominated '-
beseenpolishedinmuseumsorrusting —' writers, editors, typesetters and Inside without being interviewed and 5'
in landfills. The rare paper that still layout personnel, in particular,—are consenting to nomination
relies on the linotype for composition increasingly susceptibletoCumulative All persons who meet the eligi-
is itselfa relic. TraumaDisorders(CTD),theumbrella m bflity requirements will be inter-
However, the present equipment term for a host of specific conditions u»... ‘5". viewed by the nominating comb 1
that makes shortand simple work of a attributed to repetitive motions. § tee. The recommendation of the
once complicated and tedious process CTD is no longer being written off {:9 committee will be submitted to the i
carries its own set of problems. (Some as a whiner’s malady: In 1989, CTD R k KP A board of directors and then to i
would count insanity among them.) injuries represented more than half of \ the KPA membership atthe business :'
With the universal conversion to all reported workplace injuries, ac- session on Saturday, Jan. 25, at the
computers for writing, editing and cording to the federal Occupational The Bard Of Both gets "‘9 royal winter convention. _ -'
23:21:38"? In Edltor & Publisher, The person elected vice presi— .
l l ' n u . d1 \ 7
OSHA: In 1989, CTD injuries represented more Naming Nomes,P0994 denF. ‘5 ‘“ 1““? t° succeed ‘° e
. . _ More convention and contest posmon of preSident-elect and then .5,
than holf of all reported workplace Injuries. photoslmughou, president, as by-laws require. 5v

 Page 2, The Kentucky Press, September 1991
_ ' . HOW one P ap er got out the vote '- BY T‘
. (Edit
TheKentuck 12: i Re I
e Vote. “mm... up by a per- werelabeledwithalogoand graphic, and a chart Showing the issues and y s p
. centage point last year in Sedgewick "Y our Vote Counts.” The paper also how each candidate stood. Tess 1t
County, Kansas, while the rest of the ranaSunday issues page for six weeks, What the paper did that readers '*i5232:2322?iii;iii3325:2222:2522%:2222322521iiiiiE523222313335:5iiiiiiii?i55iiiiiiiéié:5iE:E:3323%géiigéii‘éiii5232;232:325???“ 1 M .
state and the nation saw another with capsule summaries, importance did not like, the research showed, was . i et‘
downturn. And the Wichita Eagle oftheissuesandwhereeach candidate report on pOIIS, editorial endorse- 23991.:flifers Cmv
takes a chunk of credit for its aggres- stood. Research showed the page was ments, and campaign broadcast ads. 0:: ll/‘laanonald WOU
‘ sive voter campaign during a guber- the best read of all election content, Based. on a reader survey, the Harlan Daily Enterprise i men
, natorial race. ‘ _ , . and readers lauded it for its clarity. themes 0f dViC dUtY and a Chance to President-Elect ' "
GlennlvGugzohanhexecutive with . have a say were stressed in stories, Mary Schurz E d
Knight-Ridder, of which the Eagle isa . house ads, public service TV spots, Danville Advocate Messenger arr
part, explains the paper’ 3 strategy in a . . . patience and , most and other promotions. Voter registra— P351 President l h
recent edition of The Bulletin of of a“, persistence, wi|| tion was emphasized with reminders eaVidPHawge, The Courier-Journal ; Nil“
American Society of Newspaper Edi- - of deadlines in a flyer, an “eas -reader ice ”Si 9'“ _ _ j H
tors. Guzzo says thepaper's campaign 2:")? Unglelglbule TO 0 d tab,” an db r 0 a d c a st sp 0t 5 c o s p}; n so r e d Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune-Courier ; talk
”stressed issues-based coverage, pro- 9 ocrocy an by a local television station and pro— Bree???) th Oldh E i .
motion (mostly to encourage regis- Cl Stronger foundation for duced by Lexington-based Knight- aggdgt 9:23;; am ra : T
trafion and voting) and research to press freedom. Ridder Productions. The paper also District 1 i all Ct
determine whether any of this was ran stories on fights that American William Mitchell, Fulton Leader 1 i L
making a difference.” forefathers, blacks and women had to District 2 i Year“
First, says Guzzo, the Eagle iden- In-depth stories, running 30-40 wage to gain the right to vote. Jed Dillingham Thon
tified the issues, "With the help of inches deep, were played on each of Thethree-weekpromotion,Guzzo D?W3_°” Springs ng'ess - editor
readerswho knew whatwasimportant the key issues, with accompanying says, generated 1,979 requests for D's‘m’t 3 ‘ i i, about
to them” and based on other joumal- summaryboxes.Onthe Sundaybefore registration materials, compared with Teresa Revlett, McLean County News E
ists’ knowledge of what the new the election, the paper put out a 24- 1,243 requests over the previous nine ghsdilliztlgortmann Fra kl‘ ‘ Fav 't 1 workiz
governor would have to face. Editor page Voters Guide tab, which readers mOnths. "The promotion might have District 5 1 n m on e mus ti
Buzz Merritt then told the candidates ranked tops in helpfulness. The tab generated more: The election Coleman Love 9 E
that to get their names in the paper contained information on the candi- commission’s answering machine lit- Elizabethtown News Enterprise 130?”
they had to stick to the issues. dates, their stanceon theissues, voting erally burned out from overuse,” District 6 "’ ' 1 V
Stories on each of 10 key issues districts, how to use a voting booth, Guzzo writes. DOFOihY Abernathy, Oldham Era ' mm”
W ‘- At least three lessons arose from District 7 , . V . T‘
ANP A h. f ‘ . the Eagle's campaign, the company Isiegeyclt/Vggnck, Gallatin County News 3 work:
. C 1e Prate Sts Bell mllng execstiyzlsaaz; clarity clarity Ken Metz, Bath County News Outlook "M
W _ _ r r - - - District 10-11 3 Y
.. £22222 W... 22.22 22 2- M... meeeee eee eeeeee- lee
_ , , , _ , _ . . . , . mg whether aperson voted.” Guzzo Ashland Daily Independent . . .,.'1 met
__ .,; .. glonal Bell operating compames from ewtableanhcompehtiveconductof the ~ "adds that 1. I - - - , ‘ ., ' - , . .‘ .. » "
. . . . . . . ,, . . epetition was edually im— Dlstl'lct 12 -. 90C
entering electromc publishing until reglonal compames 1fCongress fails rtant ”T d - im‘t' °‘
"effective competition exists for local to act. p0 ' 0 e ucate, repeat the mes- Lou'se Hat-maker - - V
. n u . _ _ sage. How many of us would dare, as Jackson Times/BeattyVIlle Enterprise l T
telephone serv1ce, Cathleen Black, Average Citizenswfll beharmed the Ea 1e did to run the same a e- District 13 l ' e
president of the AmericanNewspaper in two ways,” she said. ”First, the re- lon fegature six Sunda sin r p r§ Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise i I founc
Publishers Association, told a House gional companies’ creation of local g2) ”Make it rsorZal n :INEW' District 14 i belov
. Judiciary subcommittee recently. exchangeinformationmonopolieswill' issue touches reg: rs’ 1-. as“ an Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week 9 the F“
The subcommittee, under Chair- deprive Americans of a diversity of more a e ivels, ey’re District 15A me
_ . pt to vote, he says. If we can - - m
man Jack Brooks (D-TX), held over- information sources. Second, tele- answer the ’so what?’ uestion in e _ J'l" green, Lexrngton Herald-Leader i ‘
. sight hearings on the 1982 antitrust phone consumers will have money ery sto from the I ,2 five of the District 1.53 . . . . ' i 9““
consent decree that broke up AT&;T taken out of their pockets to bankroll voter rZher than 51: cghcdidate w Guy Hatfield, Citizen Vorce & Times : ’It’s I
2 and created the seven RBOCs.On]uly these information monopolies.” have a werful wa to combat the :tate-ft-LargeK k S d to Sqt
25 US District Judge Harold Greene, Infact, handing such power to the ’wh bopth 7' - y - - e eve owery,l entuc y ltan ard : huntn
. _ . _ _ _ y er. attitude that IS shrmk— Jerry Lyles, Tribune-Courier l y h

who has administered the decree Slnce ROBCswouldbesumlar to the railroad ing voter turnout.” Jerlene Rose Clay City Times 3 on
its inception, reluctantly ruled thatthe monopolies the government handed 3) "This is going to take time.” Associates Division ; succe:
seven companies could provide m— over to the "robber barons" 1n the last Two decades of behavior on the art Gary Luhr, Kentucky RECC U
formation services from which they century, and would result in the same of the reader and the news a r Ean— Advertising DiViSiO" l the ke

had been barred by the decree. harm to consumers, she said. not be chan ed in a few MERE: ”But D°“9 Taylor, M" Sterling AdV°°ale strin

Black said that Greene ”felt com- ”The modern-day telephone based on sixgweeksinWichita therei News-Editorial Division 2 h d?

- . . . ,, s , ar i
pelled ‘0 11“ the information serv1ces company 'robber barons’ have the reason to believe that atience and R333 Powell ‘ O
restriction even though he found that same incentives as their 19th century most of all persistencep will he] us $322?- Dalill Independent 5 hoto
_5“Ch an action was “W in the PUth counterparts," she said, and ”if COh' contribute [to a stronger democEacy Jo-Ann fgergpresentatwe i Fhe w.
interest under the antitrustlaws.” The greSS does notact deClStVEIYI the re- and a stronger foundation for press Western Kentucky University : dynai
)udge indicated that he had no chorce, gional compames Will drive everyone freedom » 4‘ '
under directions from the federal ap- else's information content off their E KPA/KPS Central Office i mgr?
peals court, other than to reverse an electronic ‘railroads.”’ AHCWSPaPel'inKaingama:Newzealandr l Dav“. T‘ Th°mps°”' Executive Direct” 5 Erase?
earlier ruling he had made upholding Black said newspapers and other reportedly announces on its masthead: 30ml“; H°‘."a'd» Business Manager ' f a 1.
the ban on entry. information providers ask only that ”Opini‘ms “Pressed in this Perimfical Rflilaalgv:£gr¥1?riilssiig%vgfmrm ; rom.

Noting that the RBOCS have 100 competition be fair. are not necessarily condoned or even Buffy Johrisbn, Bookkeeping 22:31:“ j V‘

percent of the phone business in their ”To be forced to rely on one's understood by the edltoml Staff.” gue gimmekhsecretary :itteydt:
respective service areas, Black said com titor for deliv ofanelectronic am. "‘9 °" ews Bu'ea“ “"9“” 8‘ L
”while the regional companies retain prodpifct is to suffer :rgerious, perhaps Eggififilgdfigymyw sultan Editor, The KentUCky Press ‘ V flame
bottleneck control over local telephone fataldisadvantage,” she said. ”Itwould rammsoldsmwm The Kentucky Press (ISSN-0023-0324) is published 1' a)“
transmission, they mustbe precluded be like always playing baseball in the Wksmiih-Bwket finfigfiiwfifiggffiwmggfia‘d at F‘F‘T‘k‘ plctu:
from owning or controlling inrom... other guy. field, 0. saying that rmlewmwmwm Mmmiwszrs‘ : “P- 212
tion that flows over those lines.” Domino’s Pizzas could only be deliv- mmm“mwm ‘3“ senthange °f “ms ”The 1““ka he“! i hi

' She ' emphasized that not only ered by Pizza Hut.” 1¢MVI9thmm¢imliw7“m7 332 cap“ Amue’ Frankfm’ Kama” “601' 3 W2:

 , , W. ,~ _ , .. .. r .. - id.“ :3: f; z.‘ _,_ '~ a . , ~——~:.t " ’ ... . - ’ ’- . . In," . « a - - , ‘7 ; ‘~,A,"’.3'.*‘ ' ~"r‘ , .E . 1 » > . ,. > x ‘ '. 1'. (rs/'4: acmivgs 'si [.3-
. . _ 7:
September 1991, ThefKentn'cky Press, Page} ._ E
E By Tom Riordan ments of varying sizes and topics: — I?
E (Editor and Publisher, July 27, 1991. While flipping through the newspa- it
E Reprinted with permission) per the other day, my wife was attracted I 1,
E by a headline in the financial section. a o u n y s ‘ .-
E Mention the name of Russ She read it with mounting perplexity, . 1‘
E Metz to a weekly newspaper then turned to me and said/What I I I g:
E so lOumGIISiIC dean :
WOUId Probably hear com- ”Oh, all kinds ofthings,” I told her,
E ments like these: hoping that the phone would ring or an 3:
E ”That guy writes the earthquake would save me from trying 9 ets E & P C ove r0 9 e . E
E darnedest columns.” to explain it to her.. ”Commodity i’
l ”He’s a natural with a fluctuations, inflationary pressure, ‘ . ".
E Nik ,, - mtematzonal Imbalance, political Crusty newsman . . . strings together words that can ,
E BI", tenszons,f1rzanaal instability, I said m hardly WOI'T f0 see print.’ 9 .
; 01 Russ sure loves to one breath. -
E talk.” 'd Sfithmnjhe fig” andh S” R d h' If E ”In eve thin rt R E ‘E
E saz ,” , i on on’ ow, w ince uss ma e lmse ”an ry g,” repo s uss,
E 11 They would be accurate on don’t you sat/3:0?” y overnight, instant editor” in 1950, he ”all categories — editorials, front I
E a counts. . figures he has written about 2300 page, general excellence, ad ideas.” "
' E Last fall In one column, the 72' Many more fOH‘S than the News- columns. ”I don’t remember missing However, he neglects to mention I
E year-old RUSS tOId a tale about Outlook readers Of Bath County a week It’s like making IOVE. You that he is the only editor ever to win (5
E Thomas A. Edison, but thls country could be found chuckllng over .. don’t know how to quit. three straight NN A Better N ew s p a- '-
' , editor (Puld have been writ-mg Metz’s musings. They are subscrib- ”It takes about an hour to write per Contest column-writing laurels. El
about himself: ers of some 50 weeklies in Kentucky, a column _ if I’ve got an idea.
Edison’s wife: ”You’ve been Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennes- Sometimes it takes me a couple of i
E working so long‘without a rest. You see, Michigan and Missouri, and one days to get an idea. "I was Too busy getting on y
must goon vacation.” daily in Mississippi, which carry his ”My favorite column is the one I education to go to college." ’7
E €dison:”But where on earth would column. just wrote, because that means I Awards ale Russ believes E
130'? '. . RUSS backed into this SEIf' don’t have to write another one for a h ped ' 'th ff ts f' f
. V Wife: ”lust dec1de where you would syndication over the years. It started few d ay 5-,, :vden compar v: e or o a: 1 E
, rather be than anywhere else on earth.” when fellow editors at press meet- ‘ During the 31 years of Metz b liltzr, lgeptnnt an m person, to e p f
E , The next morning he was baCk at ings began asking if they could buy ownership, the News-Outlook has u Foar Megtclfflliklezie bl'ld e ' , 1'
work in hls laboratory. his column. Russ always agrees. raked in 413 awards in National over the Lickin River which g ,_ / ‘ ‘7
”I charge $1 a week, same as I - Newspaper Association, Kentucky brou ht much-heeded, access . ‘ {E
; "My favorite column is the one have for 25 years. I just mail them a Press and Kentucky Weekly Press betwgen Bath and Fleming counties. ”E
I just wrote, because that COpy of our paper-" , competitions. ' , . . And the Bath County Industrial - , i
L ' ~ -- means I dont have To wme ,. ' . Foundation’s drive to attract indus- ,
ho°n°lherqlef°i9f9w “Vs“ ~ -. _. -: . ., tryWimERuosaspresidentithe7 _. ,.
E . The crusty newsman can be . M . four operations. Between them, they “ _ f '
l ' found seven days a week at his ‘ . . 3% He brought 450 new jobs to the area. ‘ 1 ”If
E beloved 3,600-circulation paper in » E 3;“; E ' ”An editor should be involved :
E the northeastern Kentucky town of . 2:. . in community activities, yes, of . « ,
; Owingsville. ',. m , .E ~ course, but not politics or political l
l ”Sometimes on Sundays, it’ s E. E .. a ' endorsements. That’s a damn 98° '
. i only four hours,” Metz confesses. '*“ ' ’ ‘1 _ : ., trip. Besides, I wouldn’t get 10 votes 2
E ”It’s my work and my hobby. I used . " ‘ ' . . r for dogcatcher. That’s because we -. ' {E’
E to squirrel hunt, but I lost my a?» v . " xii???” print all the court news.” - :1"
E hunting bUddY- I love this business. _ ' , £§§¥flfej When you ask Russ if he at- _ .3)
V E You have to if you’re going to be » ‘ E" ' .. Egggmfi? tended journalism school, he cracks,
successful in it" est? "1 was too busy geronganeducaoon i
. . _ ‘ if" .1’s’~:’2 to go to college.” - . ‘ ' i"
'2 Usually he WI“ be bellied-“P *0 . - ,. -. V W“ t
E Or he is shooting a vanety of back to that old blacksmith -’
E . photos with his trusty Nikon. Along » . ._ i I . E41 shop!" Russ observes with 0 i:-
E the way, this bald, pipe-smoking . -' . ' ‘5" E: -' j growl. ;- . ' E}
E ingredients for a report on climbing . I - - . Then he recounts his past. » ’- g
,: gasoline prices in Bath County or .. . ~ a - At 14' hf, “‘12:?“ “fillet * i
‘ ' the missin minutes ‘ ‘ * ‘ , camera, an em mm. a 0 a ‘ . l
32:11:]: Eighth meeting.g V . . _ .1, " darkroom under the basement stairs V '.
3 When son Ken, now 32, gradu- e 3 . 2 ‘ ' V and a lifetime of fingers dipped into
5 ated from Morehead State Univer- E . developer and acid fix: f E
f sity With a journalism degree, Russ - "[3 While attending high SChOPL , .‘
i . named him editor, but the Old Man X . _ 4 Russ did a two-year stint as printer 8 . ,1,
; kept right on reporting, taking 5.3.3 ‘ ,, E . _ devrl at 1115 hometown Tell City . EE.
9‘: j pictures, pasting up pages, writing - r " , (1nd.) News. i
“8— up a storm, M In 1940, as World War II :
as- ; ' Russ loves to poke full: h -I love this business. , . lérewtcald, R25; tfenliste‘c‘lli‘n thtela‘ 1:0yal E. . 7 . . -€-
55’ l himself in his column, w ' eac - u - - - - ana 1an orce, en 2 rt
01, week includes three or 3"" sag _ You have to If you re 90an to be successful In It. 599 Mm, page 15 .

Page’4, The Kentucky Press, September 1991 . j
. ' (
Nmmnmes - l .
West Virginian LARRY MAR- Several staff changes have been LESLIE ANN HITE has joined Outstanding Volunteer of the Year > :1
TIN has been named publisher of announced by The Kentucky New Era the staff of The Kentucky Standard in Award, given by the Bullitt County l C(
The Paintsville Herald. The former in Hopkinsville. Former staff writer Bardstown as a graphic designer for YMCA. ‘ 1 cc
, publisher of Coal Valley News in DAVID JENNINGS has been the commercial printing department. DAVID HAWPE, editor of The l Oi
Madison, W.Va., replaces Anne promoted to copy editor, replacing She earned a certificate in commer— Courier-Journal, has been re-elected i 2‘
Cheney who resigned. The Madison CINDY WALTERS, who has joined cial art at Watterson College in to a three—year term on the Accredit— 5
paper, under Martin’s leadership, the staff of the Clarksville (Tenn) Louisville. ing Committee of the Accrediting i Vt
was named the state’s best weekly Leaf Chronicle. A 1981 graduate of Council on Education in Journalism i K
last year by the West Virginia Press Murray State University, Jennings 2: and Mass Communications. ' as
Association. will continue to serve as entertain- WntersatfourKPAnews— SIONA CARPENTER, a Lexing— ! P‘
GLEN PORTER, former adver- meni ediiOF- He has been With the Paperswerepresenied199l to" Herald‘Leade’ Staff memberr was al
tising director for a group of six paper for six years. Another six-year SchoolBellAwardsbytheKen- among 10 people who graduated in ci
weekly newspapers, is the new veteran, JENNIFER BROWN has mekyEdueamnesseelaflenfer My from fife ”whit? f‘” 10mm" -
advertising director at The switched from lifestyles editor to thelrreportmgandwntmgon 18in Education’s Editing PrOgrem for
Madisonville Messenger- Staff Wfiier- Brown's formerPOSt is edueaeoneltOP‘eSTheYare Mmomyloumalm “the “we"
The Courier-Journal’s PAT being filled by former assistant - JANETTBLYTHEof-The Slly 0f Arizona. Tc
MCDONOUGH is the winner of the lifestyles editor CATHY PaducahSunDEBRAANN A former Unive‘SitY 0f Ken' ' C“
1991 Clarion Award for Photogra- CAVANAH- Brown attended VANCEeii’lieKmtucki/Posim mel‘y meeSSO‘IDR' DWIGHT L Cl
phy: Series. Clarions are presented . AUStli’l Peay State University in Covmgton,EMILYMORSEof TEETER' was recently named .dean I i. .
_ by Women in Communications. Temesf’fe an? the University (if h ghesldvofieRAéfingeru} 3:33 Collesteyoffgommumeafmsat Bi
’ Kentuc . A ormer intern wit t e £5312: anvr .éE'Ia'fI. i . ., {15%; f ' *EEYLEDLEE; e mverSI o ennessee a } 2
. 7.7” GT” son County News-Gazette paper, Civanah has been a full-time TheTroubleSOmeCreekT1mesrn Knoxville. He was. on the faculty of ‘- i 31
In LaltChfleld has added FAYE . :E;.-;',-:;:;.;5;.-r-E:;.:.:.;:::::Us???“"‘:5:I:I:gs:I:i:I,55-1335;;;:.1;g:*=~g;..EE§,::I:A..:&I:;:‘;‘;,:-g::-:v:; h U . . fw. . 'MII' '; C
PET'I‘Y as a reporter. The University staff member smce 198915}? was Hmdman’l‘heawardswerean- t e mversrty o isconsm 1. 1 ’
of Louisville alumnus re laces named Outstandlng Senior m nounceddunngKEAssummer waukee at the time Of the appomt- ‘ '
13 Journalism at Murray, her alma leadersiupconferencemLoms— ment, had taught in Texas and Iowa . 1 M
DARRELL ISENBERG who re- Iifif"‘fi"If:iiifiii'fIfff???ifFf$51.1i132.3;:iiii;ii:i3£532?Q?32513;?5525535i252?if:22???iiiii§§§3§§§§§§§§§§§E§3§3§3§§§§325225 d ' t 'd t fth A ' - :
signed in June. mate“ . “e a.“ ‘5 pas pres?‘ a." ° e .Ss‘x‘a 2 m
CAROL S GRAHAM is a new Georgetown Graphic general tron for Education in Journalism and ' g T:
, , ° , manager JIM RECTOR has resrgned . Mass Commumcation. 3 T.
advertismg sales representative at to take a‘ b 'th th t t , H The Logan Leader and News- 3
.. . . . . ]O W] esaes uman _ ,
. The Citizen Vowe 8 Times in Irvme. Rights Commission. Democrat Russellv111e have added . r. i n'
' The Indiana native was most re- two staff members. KIM BORDERS, , , ‘
cently a sales representative for . a graduate of Austin Peay Univer- ,_ {” 4 l th
Edward Blank Associates in Texas. MIKE ANDERS, publisher 0f sity in Tennessee, is a new account if? %:r' i r :i . . ,
_ . , The N eras-Enterprise m . executive for the papers. Western .. U 2, .1. e .. i
. New to the advertismg depart- Elizabethtown, w111 lead a discus- Kentucky University graduate , g M3“ .. .. g _.
ment at The Journal Enterprise in sion on "C0“ cutting ideas" at the TRACY DICE is the new reporter/ ”it? ’ ”we, , ii V i ‘ file
Providence is SUSAN KAY HEAD. Workshop for Smaller NeWSPaPerS, photographer. She formerly Worked erg x g g .i pl
The Madison Community College Sept. 5'17 in Memphis, sponsored for WKU’s College Heights Herald a L s i . Ol
graduate replaces Jeanie Johnson by Southern Newspaper Publishers and the Lakewood (Colo.) Gazette. . X75 i
Who relocated to Tennessee. Association. TODD BLEVINS and MEL- ' ’ i ’ ,1 n
' ISSA HYDE have recently joined ' ‘ ; ’ D
. . the staff of The Harlan Daily Enter- 7%?“ ”he 3‘s , My?» _ ' ., a1
‘ . . . - prise. An Eastern Kentucky Univer- j ' . M 9 a1
«if assignment reporter. He has worked :ir i i —
a r e working in production, designng pi
~ ' . -' ii i . v has worked for Corbin! This Week hand“ °f “we?“ .d‘mng 1‘” S : a‘
‘ a??? , '. “ N ews—I oumal. “miner c°zvflfhflff g “12%;; “3' i 3 n‘
J: K: 5' I i cent y joine e s o e er- I .-
_ "’1 . , )‘ 1i The fiheggzmjigfighgtgirgpfi‘e at Independent in Maysville as spins ' 5v
. DAVE BERRY JOHN HAGER JURNEY. He holds a Bachelor of adltor'
V . - Fine Arts in photography from the 5‘
DAVE BERRY, former consultant and editor in Texas, took over as University of New Me)dco. Murray CISSifid g Pl
editor of The Messenger-Inquirer in Owensboro in August. He replaces TIM State University senior JENNIFER .e ‘3
I-IARMON, the former executive editor who is the new editor of The Times A. JENKINS served as general VETERAN JOURNALIST seeks i G
in Ilammond, Ind. Berry served eight years as Vice preSIdent/executlve assignment reporter/ intern at the relocation. Experienced as editor in g
’ editor for the Dallas/ Fort Worth Suburban Newspapers, a seven-member Elizabethtown paper this summer. news, sports, farm and feature. News 1
. group. The KansasState Umversrty alumnus also started a feature servrce for KATHY YOUNG has been and photo award winner. Enjoys desk bl
.7 Texas papers, worked for papers in Oklahoma and Kansas and wasacombat hired as a composition assistant at work. Trainedinlayout with extensive a
correspondent in the US Army during the Vietnam War. Publisher JDHN The Springfield Sun. She formerly experience. Activein civic area. Quality W
. HAGER, who prevrously carried the dual title of editor/publisher, said the worked for The Lebanon Enterprise. education. Continues education up- ; g1
‘ . move marks the firsttime since 1909 that the editor’s title has notbeencarried Managing editor THOMAS date. Active outdo orsman. Single. H
, by one of his family members. It was purchased that year by Hager’s BARR, The Pioneer News in Resume fumished upon request. 919/ . tt
. gamifather. , Shepherdsville, is the recipient of an 291.3(n4. E St

 ‘ ii, , .
, i September 1991, The Kentucky Press, Page 5
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i .. WKPA meet 39‘: ° ° 3
] i InMemrlam Th . M arcum 's m the news -- again ,
i _ . . . . .. e fall meeting of the Western .
Ron Ierrell Kentucky Press Associationiis Sept. For those who try to keep up Typically, Marcum’s thesis '
» i Ron Ierr ell, who spoke on news 19-20 at Dwensboro s Executive Inn. with former renegade publisher chronicles his experience with libel .-.
, i coverage of AIDS at KP A's winter Presrdent BObbie FOUSt, editor 0f Homer Marcum, there’s news from law. Its title is ”Winning My Way 2’
‘ i convention, died Aug. 10in Paducah the Herald-Ledger “1 Eddyvrlle, an- the University of Tennessee. Broke: A weekly newspaper
_ of conditions related to AIDS. He was nounces a program to 5““ i115? about Marcum, who saw the Martin publisher’s scrap with the local po- .
' 26. eyeryone, including a hOSPltahty 535‘ Countian in Inez through seven un- litical machine." This summer, he 1
t— E He reportedly had worked in ad- 510“ 3f 5 pm. on T‘hursday: ‘ _ successful libel suits in the 19805, is taughta class in mass media writing.
i vertising sales for papers in Western aniayls activmes begin at 9-30 one of the subjects of a news release According to writer Gonzalez, 3.
i ! Kentucky and, most recently, served am. With a program on office com- from UT’s School of Ioumalism. Marcumisa proponentof the gradu-
- -E as executive director of Kentuckiana mumcations, presented by _B°b The article, written by Rosita ate school. ”I think it’ s to anybody’ s
r- i People With AIDS Coalition. He was McGaughey, Murray State Univer— Gonzalez, spotlights four seasoned benefit in this business to go back to r“.
s also president of the National Asso- S‘tY Journalism department head: newspapermen who are now work- school, to geta different perspective
i ciation of People with AIDS. A political forum. featm'mg ing on graduate degrees in joumal- on what you do. The industry Q
‘ Democratic and. Republican candi- ism at the Knoxville campus. changes overnight,” Marcum said. i
)r Ioe M. Trimble dates for state offices follows at 10:3,0' Marcum is featured with Jim ”Youseetrendsattheuniversity
Co-owner and publisher of The 5H ll“ :1 noonfluiicheon,lelltiomv$y Btlill Thornton, former publisher of pa- thatyou don’toftenseewhen you’re '
Tompkinsville News, Joe M. Trimble, T 0 an er doC ognsville S kya ' pers in Flomaton and Brewton,Ala.; bailing water from your own little .
, i died Aug. 1 at Bowling Green Medical ar rant an hom 5 If“ speaM on Jerry Peterson, a former writer and boat,” he added. ”Here, you can see .
5 Center from cancer. He was 50. revxsions toRt e Safe 5 Open 99” editor of papers in several states; and where the industry’s headed.” I
' With his wife editor Blanche mgsigpen “or S “is" . Larry Smith, a Publisher from ” v- . i
i . . r e afternoon Will include a LaFollette Tenn. All are 40+_ .. M" ~ y.
't i Bushong Tumble, he had owned the workshop on layout and design led I I 1 kn hi f ' ' 3. ,. 5 i
d a printing business, under , A La d' - fM S, t n a stye own to _5 ormer ' 1- . , ,
“ 3:15:21: Monroe County Press since by Dr. um. 11 ml 0 - urray ta e. KPA colleagues, Marcum ‘5 quoted , ' . i
1977 . , Thebusmess meeting w111 follow. as saying: ”There were two typical 1,:5 g 5.. .. . i
I-Ie was former president of t