xt7bg7373m59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373m59/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1990 Vol.61 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 1990 Vol.61 No.3 1990 1990 2019 true xt7bg7373m59 section xt7bg7373m59 l
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. _____________________________________._______———_———-— ,
' - I» Official Publication of The Kentucky Press Serv1ce — Vol. 61, No. 3 - March, 1 990 s
h“ ifl:,,'rI‘IIvII‘IIl —_————————-————————'——-—'—'—____——-—_—_———
. t 15.1.11: I I I I
w, I overn or keeps prom Ise, proposes ad, serVI ce tax
Oh Monday, December 4, Kentucky creative work; out—of—state provider for the purpose of soliciting 5‘
Governor Wallace Wilkinson announced his * media buying and media consulting ____________________ I
ithtehtiOhSttO Fiepfecfh :ldvcedfhsmegniiractlizhgf: semces’t gilgparation of advertising material for Testimony given by KPA executive director l I .
axas aro 181.1 ere m . , I,
the 199% General Asseignbly. billboards,signs,posters,panels,bulletins,hand- D amd T’ Thompson on the Governor s pro- 1 l
Two months later, that promise became bills, and other items; posal appears 0" Page 8 0f thts tssue I!
a reality when Rep. Joe Clarke filed House Bill 03) placement of advertising services. ———-—————I——————‘I— I
543 on behalf of the governor. The bill,delayed in "Placement 0t advertising services" means the customers for a spec1f1c vendor or vendors 0' ;
filing while experts looked over the specific lan- sale 0f advertising services for the delivery or cated 1“ thisIstate; . . I . , ‘
guage, seeks to raise nearly $200 million over the dissemination of information directly to the public . (c) miscellaneous advertlsmg services 1h-
next two years. by newspaper, radio, television, or other media. cludmg; hilt not llmlted t0, the followmg.
Although the governor said he wanted to For the purposes of "placement of advertising I sound trucks; . .
' steer clear of the problems faced two years ago in services," out-of—state purchasers are deemed to II bus and tax1cab advertising; .
Florida when that state had a six-month experi- receive all or part of the economic benefit in this I dIStthuItIOh 0f advertising materials;
ence with an advertising and service tax, na- state when the advertisement is purchased from skywrltmg and other aerial advertlsmg: 5 I
‘ tional experts believe the Kentucky package re- a provider in this state for delivery or dissemina- and, II . . . . 2 g '
. A » r r: ' 4 .. m . Florida how- tion to the , public either in this state or both dISplay of advertismg on billboards, ,
“w” ever, did attempt to tax any and all aHVertlsmg within and MWthiisstate. "Placement of ad: signs, poster‘s, panels, bulletins, handbills and ‘ .
while House Bill 543 creates exemptions for most vertising services" is subject to the taxes im- other items. 3
areas of "national advertising." posed by this chapter: Two days prior to the legislation being
The legislation, introduced with just 35 * if the delivery or dissemination of the introduced, Revenue Department officials helda ‘.
days left before the end of the 1990 General advertising originates in this state, or; press conference to familiarize reporters with the f .
Assembly, faces an uphill battle. The feeling in *if such advertising is purchased from an legislation and how it would be administered.
Frankfort, in anticipating the ad and service tax '
. legislation, was that it could die a quick death. . . . . . I
However, the A ro riations and Revenue $
Committees for berg a}: Senate and House will Hensley fined 10,300 for faISIfyI ng Circulation flgu res
be holding hearings on the legislation. Earlier, Former Leslie County publisher Paul Additionally, Hensley filed a Statement
many legislators were giving the ad and service Hensley received a $10,300 fine and suspended 0t Ownership for the Hazard Times in 1985 and .
tax a "very slim" chance of making it through the sentence for his conviction of falsifying circula- 1986 With claims 0t Patd Circulations et 8000 to ‘
committeeprocess.Since thelegislationwas filed, tion figures on a US. postal statement. 9000. Records showed only 2500 cop1es 0f the
however, few public comments have been heard Hensley was convicted in December on Times were printed each week. ;
on whether the tax proposal stands any chance of six counts of mail fraud and falsifying govern- The indictment followed a lengthy inves- E
' succeeding. ment documents followingan indictment handed tigation by Postal Service inspectors who com- . 5
In all, House Bill 543 is a 55-page docu- down in 1988. The indictment said Hensley pared actual numbers 0t papers printed thh the
ment, detailing the entire tax package proposed supplied false circulation figures in an effort to circulation claimed on government forms. .
by the governor. Broken down, the advertising get the legal advertising notices from local gov- Hensley told Siler he was "sorry for the , ‘
tax idea takes up about three of the 55 pages. ernment agencies in Perry and Leslie County. incident," that he wanted to remain a Journalist :
The proposal includes a sales tax on legal US. DistrictJudge Eugene Siler said Hen- and that "this Witt certainly hOt happen again."
services; engineering, architectural and survey- sley had a clean criminal record and had numer- I 3
ingservices;accounting,auditing andbookkeep— ous letters from associates testifying to his good Hensley and his wife, L015, are also It" :
ing; management and consulting; computer serv- character. Siler gave Hensley a suspended three— volved in a separate lawsuit concerning the Haz-
ices; detective and security services; janitorial year sentence and probation. He was fined $3200, ard Times. . . ",
services; advertising; passenger transportation; including court costs and ordered to pay the Faye and David Vaughn filed the laWSUIt 1
security and commodity brokers; temporary help Hazard Herald—Voice $7100 in revenue the Perry in mid-January, alleging that the Hensleys used
towel and linen services; bill collection; and cable County weekly lost for legal ads published by the newspaper for personal gain. Perry Chetht .
television. Hensley's Hazard Times. Judge Calvin Manis issued a temporary restram— -
The "advertising" section includes: Hensley, who has since sold the Thousnd- thg order, giving the Vaughns COHtTOI 0f the . ,
(a) all advertising agency services under sticks News to the rival Leslie County News, Times and bIOthhg the HehSIeYS from any aC'
the common meaning of that term including, but reported a weekly circulation of 10,000 to 21,000 cess to the paper's assets or opej feh- 1
not limited to, the following: between 1983 and 1985 while records indicated The Vaughns purchased 90 percent 0t ; '
* preparation of copy, artwork and other a circulation of about 3000 to 4000. the Times from the Hensleys in November, 1988- , - I

 Page 2 E
KPA NNA 'd t d'
r PreSI 9” 7 '93 a ’ . - P ,;
sis: sf ? a I 255 E
George Joplin III, former publisher of the rangers: / a 93% ”gt ‘ N E
Somerset Commonwealth Journal and McCre— V \V .y , _, M, peg: 1990 Officers ' E
ary County Record in Whitley City, died Febm- m . .
. . . reg 2?" ,,. . _. _ % A, Presrdent - E
ary 13 from comphcations of an abdommalaneu- :3” pd, at”, David HaWpe, Louisville Conn-eploumal . E
u u - 0 r if \‘V’ . p ‘ ‘ ’ ' President-Elect ’ l
. IOPV: as he was affecuonat? 1y known to , g " ' , J§3?§“J;‘; ;” I Celia McDonald, LaRue County Herald News 5;
his many fnends 1n the newspaper industry, was f g ' _ , nay , t
president of the Kentucky Press Association in ’ ' y : ;~ g? ' Vice President M ‘w- i
. 931". ’ ’1 ' fir} €35 'ffi‘v/ ’ c, '
1964, and in 1976 became the only Kentucky 3; - , , - , 3;” Mary SchmzrDanvflle Advocate essenger cl
newspaper representative elected to the presi— ”is Treasurer .. E
dency of the National Newspaper Association. 'W' 1“” 1415' Bent” Tribune cmme‘ E
. Joplin, 61, was active in civic work in Pu- V - _ e ‘ Past President . :. §
laski County and received numerous awards for ' fl, V V . Larry Craig, Green River Republican ; ;
his community and professional work. ‘ ~ ' Board of Dimms .. E
. He took over the administration of the V xf—w Dismal E
newspaper company after his father died in 1957. , y . Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune Courier . ;
Under his leadership, the Commonwealth and District 2 .
the Somerset Journal merged into the daily sultants for a short period after Park took over Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress ' E
Commonwealth-Journal in 1966. control of the newspapers. D. m ‘3 v
0 15 C
, 30th the Commonwealth-I ournal and the He was one of the founding members of Tmsa Revleu, McLean County News V ~
. weekly McCreary County Record received the Somerset Downtown Development Corp. . .
numerous KPA and NNA awards for 1ts edito- and had served as president of the Pulaski County ESESI‘EWMM Franklin Favorite e
A rial excellence. Industrial Foundation. He also had been a direc- I 7 E
. Joplin becameill in January, 1988, shortly tor of the Somerset-Pulaski County Chamber of District 5 _ En . ’ i '
after that year's KPA Winter Convention. He. Commerce, and was a member of the Centre colema“ L°Ve' Ehzabethmw“ News terms" ,I E
sold the Commonwealth-Journal, McCreary College board of trustees and a director of its District6 «' E
County Record, two controlled distribution alumni association. . Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era ‘ " E
weekh’es and the family's commercial printing Survivors include his wife Alice, sons District, . ‘ . " a?“ i .
‘ . Operation to ParkCommunicationsinMayr 1988-, . ,Geor.e IV and John, and glantitejggentniygr ..,;,_I<..eu.e lwnmkelcnlnnn N 'ci
- .. {fiver-ire; Ioplmrdh «. 2 ,f -' e ’ -"-n 73535.11 ' 'f;'-s "o ‘ 57" W‘ 'r' rv ‘-r1.n ' Distfigtg ' ' ' " a..." ”F
Jane Joplin Evans, all of whom worked for the Church in Somerset or Centre College in Dan- Gary Quinn, Maysville Ledger Independent 1.; .
company at the time it was sold, remained con— ville. District 9 V 'le -
Ken Metz, Bath County News Outlook . V
I I I . .-, . -
McBride, Lowery receive awards at convention enema-n . «
John Del Santo, Ashland Daily Independent I
' Dave McBride, editor of the Ohio County provided toysl candy, fruits, food, SOCkS and Bremen
Times—News, and Steve Lowery, publisher / caps for more than 200 youngsters who other— Louise Hatmaker, Jackson Times
general manager of the Kentucky Standard in Wise might not have known the my and fun of District 13 ,.
Bardstown, were honored during the 1990 KPA Christmas. The followmg year he expanded the Richard Anderkin, Mt. Vernon Signal .Vj
Winter Convention for their contributions to their charity to tWO parties " one for each end 0f the District 14 '
community and to the Kentucky Press Associa- county - and served more than 400 youngsters. 5mm Simpm Pulaski week s" i
‘ - tion. In the past two years, his charity has prov1ded E .
‘ ' - ' - rm 'n r at f rmore than 700 oun — District 15A , H -
McBride, a 30 year veteran in the nest new,wa W1 te C0 5 0 Y g Jim Green, Lexington Heraldieader . _, VI
paperbusmess,receivedtheEdwardsM.Temphn sters. V E1
Award from the Lexington Herald-Leader. The Lowery I who served as an appomted Dim“ {53 _ _ _ , _ E
. award is given annually to the newspaperperson member of the KPA Board in 1989 and has been Guy'Hame‘dI Clue“ V°1°e 3““ Times! “me ’i E
performing outstanding community service re—appointed to that position in 1990, has over— 5me “urge EE
j McBride,a resident owaensboro, started seen KPA‘s efforts to rewrite the state's Open Steve Lowery, Kentucky Standard. Bardstown :
the annual Ohio County Octoberfest, an event Meetings/ Open Records law. V Associates Chairman ‘ _ E
designed to raise money forneedy children. He Lowery headed a committee 0f 22 news- Ralph Derickson, University of Kentucky ,« l
spends countless hours preparing for the festival paper editors from across the state to examme . . . . . . > , ‘
‘ ' ‘ ' b1 in communities and weaknesses in the Advem‘mg D‘V‘sw“ Charm“ ' a
and on the actual day can be found working over pro ems . . Larry Stewart, Louisville Courier—Journal 3
a hot barbecue pit preparing chicken for hun- law. His efforts resulted in House 31115 360 and .V
.. 1 . KPA/KPS central Office Staff .
dreds Of people' 361' now before the General, Assemb y . David T. Thompson, Executive Director 3
-‘ In just three years, the festival has grown - 7 KPA 5 proposed rev1srons were written Bonnie Howard, Business Manager .. ;

V to'be OhiQCounty's most popular annual event, by attorney Ion Fleischaker, 0f Wyatt, Tarrant Gloria Davis, Advertising Director . «V V ,
Other than the barbecue, the festival features a mid COIan, Louisville, and bOth bills were intro- Egalifisrdéebfrifi? same ”rector .~ ’ ;
parade, arts and:crafts,a variety of foods, and an dUCEd in the House by House Ma1or1ty Whip, ' r « -'
antique car show. _ , Kenny Rapier" Th; Kentugliy Press (ISSN—Otlfi-flgzeizflisf pttlbll(ishVed Viponthly ' / V

- - an secon ass tage Pain a la or ,_ en uc y,

' " Wlth the ProceEdS from the OCtOberfeSt Testimony was SCheduled for February ~ 406012, and'atadgitsional mailing offices. Subscription price ; E
and from newspaper solicitations under the 20 before the House State Government Commit- is $4 per year. Postmaster-2’ Send change of address to the V- ;
heading. "The Times NEWS Children's Fund," tee. V , _ £33311m§$ 332 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, Ky., 40601,
Dave oversees two giant-Christmas parties for . : . . .1939.KPA president Larry CraLngre; _~ affidamubmon «WVchkprtess‘SeMceV ,_ VV, , ;

V needy children. The first Party, three years ago, sented the awardto Lowery. _-.:.V‘ Ijfi . , :,-.3 , , ‘- , it}, . .' ' . r‘Vi-t'sr . ‘.‘. . -. --.'. . 7, v. ,2 Vi E
l E
. . is
V . ’ . , ' , at ’ L

 1 if
1 1::
.1 Page 3 1i;
1 CROSS C 0111111011 W68
l 1
“:1 1
, , .
. 1 George Gabehart, general manager and year term. - 1
.1 1 editor of the Springfield Sun, since August, 1987, Gene Marvin, former managing editor Countialriifigls 151:1:39131’1; :tafrfacfffite 113(2)::222 1 1
1 1 has been named to the same position with the of the Big Sandy News in Louisville, has been Times as controller. 1
, 1 Spencer County Journal-Democrat, in Rockport, named public relations director for Boyd County Joy Tillers on, former classified obituary 1 1
1 Ind. The announcement was made by Larry Cof- schools. Marvin will receive his master's degree clerk for the Lexington H eral d-L ea d er has been 1 ‘
«a. 1 fey, president of Landmark Community News- from Morehead State University this summer. named community news editor of the H en d er-
“r '1 papers, parent company of both publications. Pam Shingler, former assistant editor of son Gleaner. Gleaner editor Ron Jenkins also an—
1 1 Gabehart previously was news editor of the the Floyd County Times, has been named edi- nounced that Cathy Clarke, formerly with the 1
Mount Washington Star and Shepherdsville torof the twice weekly newspapers, according to Glasgow Daily Times and a member 0 f th eb oar d 1
;_ 1 Pioneer-News. Ninie Glasscock, assistant editor publisher Marty Backus. Shingler replaces Anne of directors of the Kentucky Newspaper Photog- 1
t of the Lebanon Enterprise, has been named Chaney, who became publisher and editor of the raphers Association, has joined the staff as pho- .1 f
,1 1 general manager of the Springfield Sun, replac- Sabine County Reporter and Rambler in Hem- tographer. 1 1
1 mg Gabehart. Glasscock jomed the Enterpnse as phill, Texas. 1 1 Anne Wooten Green, Sunday editor of
> 1 a reporter m 1979 and named assrstant editor in MichaelCuher,whowascnculationsales the Owensboro Messenger Inquirer, has been 11»
_ 1987. manager for the Corbin Times Tribune in 1986- named sports editor of the M-1, becoming the 1 9e,
. 1 David Greer, former editor of the Ken— 87, has returned to the same position after serv- first female sports editor of the Owensboro daily. ' ,3
1 1 tucky Standard and most recently editor and ing as circulation sales manager of the Florence Green previously worked as a sportswriter for ,
1. general manager of the Spencer County Iournal- (S.C.) Morning News. Cutrer replaces Clark the Paducah Sun and was sports copy editor and . f
1 Democrat in Rockport, lnd., has been named Smith who hasbeen named circulation manager news editor at the Elizabethtown News Enter- 1
e editor of the Elizabethtown News Enterprise, of the Sehna (Ala) Times-Journal. prise prior to joining the Messenger Inquirer. ,
, 1 replacing Paul Carty. Brent New, former advertising staff Messenger Inquirer publisher John Hag er also 1
, 1 . Dane Ward, associate editor of the Ken— member with the Shelbyville Sentinel News, has announced that Tommy Newton, former city .- 1 1
,1 1 ton County Recorder, has jomed the staff of the been named classrhed advertlsmg manager of editor of the Bowling Green Daily News prior to‘ 1
1. 1 Kenton County Public Library. Replacmg Ward the Richmond Register. New, who graduated joining the M-1 in 1987, has been appointed news . 1
‘ .— 1 with the Recorder is Ray Schaefer. from Eastern Kentucky University where he was editor. _ 5.1
.» 4%.; 1 Duanne Puckett, news editor of the ad director of the Eastern Progress, joined the . 1 g
$1 ' Shelbyville Sentinel News since 1982, has been Register staff in August as an advertising sales Ruth Ann Combs, 'co-editor of the Bour- .1
' *WWW 1 ,1», ; ,1 A. ,1 1bon Times hasteen named editor of the 1 1;
.1; 1 the duties from Jim Edelen, who remains as ' ~ . Terry May, fonfieri’v'ma‘riagingf‘editor'of ,Montgomery ‘Timefihwthe"‘central‘,Kehtueky W1”
' ;,_1 - general manager/ publisher. Edelen had served the Greenup News, has joined the Pikeville Times. She recently returned to the BourbOn ‘ ' V 31.13;,
' ’ as editor since 1975. Puckett joined the Shelby Appalachian News Express staff. May is a 1989 Times after a brief stay in the office of US , -
’ l - News in 1971, then was a staff writer for the honors graduate of Morehead State University. Congressman Carroll Hubbard, and priorto that . 1
‘ Sentinel News with the Shelby News and Senti- Mike Banks, a recent journalism gradu- was with the LOgan Leader/ News Democrat in ' 1
i nel merged in 1972. ate from Western Kentucky University, has been Russellville. é?
Roberta Chesser Young, who joined the named sports editoroftheMcLeanCountyNews. Mary Branham, former editor of the ,
Shelbyville Sentinel News as advertising assis- He replaces Mark Chandler who has returned to Georgetown News and Times and a reporter for 1'
,. tant in 1987, has been named a full-time sales his studies at Western. Banks previously was the Corbin Times Tribune prior to accepting a 1.1,?
f representative for the newspaper. sports reporter for the Sturgis News. position with the Bowling Green Daily News, , 1
_ Amy Taylor, who has worked for the Patricia Patton, who has worked for sev- has returned to the Times Tribune in a newly 1 '
‘ 1 Kentucky Standard in Bardstown since 1984, has eral Cincinnati—area newspapers, has joined the created position of news editor / staff writer. 1
,. 1 ‘ been named assistant editor of the tri-weekly, news staff of the Madisonville Messenger. Editor . Jeanie Johnson, a carrier for the 1
_ ., 1 according to editor Tim Ballard. Taylor joined Tom Clinton said Patton's emphasis will be in Evansville (Ind.) Courier, will be pulling double )7
11 the Standard's composition staff in 1984, and the areas of medicine and social services fea- duty in the newspaper business. Johnson re— 1
e 1 sw1tched1to the news staff in 1988' , . tures. _ _ cently joined the staff of the Providence Ioumal 1
1 Tim Cornett, editor of the Pmevrlle Sun, Carhsle Mercury pubhsher Hank Bond E . . . . . l:
11 1 nterpnse s advertlsmg department. She begins 1,
11 who has spent 12 years With the Bell County has announced several staff changes for the herworkda , . . .
t _ . . . . . . . yat3.30a.m.de11vermg theEvansvrlle .
1 weekly m two stints, has jomed the public rela- Mercury and Robertson Record. Marsha Livm- Courier then heads for Providence to sell a dver- 1;,
_ 1 tions staff of the Pineville Community Hospital. good returns to the Mercury from the London tisin 11’1 hers are time she al lls M Ka 114
,» 1 Donna Mays, a former teacher's aide and Sentinel Echo to work in sales, composition and g. , P ’ so se ary y - ff
j substitute with Lee County Schools, has joined circulation. Jeff Rogers, who has worked at cosmetics. 4 1
1 the Beattyville Enterprise staff. several Kentucky radio stations and newspa- , 101‘“ Thompson has been ”031°th to ‘t
3 Trisha Stevens, who formerly worked pers, most recently with the Bourbon Times, has director 0f data processmg for the Couner-Iour- . 1
g for the Southern Star in Dothan, Ala., and the joined the two newspapers as general manager nal. 1 1 1 _ . I
-- Courier-Press, has joined the Providence Journal and director of supplementary projects. Jeff Spra- 1 1““ Marehal, Vlce presrdent for advertis- _1 1 '
’1 1 Enterprise as a reporter. Stevens attended Mur- dling, former managing editor of the Mt. Sterling mg 0f the Conner-Journal, has been named d1' 7 1’, 7
1 ray State University. Advocate, has been named managing editor of rector-at-large 0f the International NEWSPaPP-r 1 _
Bill Abner, sports editor for the Manch- both publications. Pam Bowles, publisher of the Advertising and Marketing Executives organi- - 117
V / 1 ester Enterprise, has been named editor of the Robertson Record, has been named sales man- zation. INAME is a non-profit group of execu- '51
3 1 Clay County weekly. Abner is a 1985 graduate of ager of the Carlisle Mercury. tives from daily newspapers in the U.S., Canada ; t
j 1 the University of Kentucky. Teresa Scenters has joined the staff of the and several overseas countries. It represents I i
I 9 Ed Ashcraft, publisher of the Owenton Berea Citizen as advertising sales representative more than 90 percent of the daily newspaper cir- 1 if;
; . News Herald;.has been --appoin~ted.a~ trustee of and- Gwen Hensley has joined the staff as type- culation in North America. 1_ 1 1 1 I
1 1 iCampbellsville.College...He_will serve a. four— setter. '7 ‘ " ' 7“ “ ' '1‘ “' ' "9"? - I' "W 1 . 1r

 ” Page 4 t '
- ’ The Citizen-Times is o erated b Billie newest weekly newspapers, has announced an
, Reglster opens Berea bu_reau Pitchford Coots and Roberta ]_ gjtehfordlérand- increase in local subscription rates. The rate was 1
. ' The R1chmond Register has opened a daughter and granddaughter-in-law of the increased by $2.10 to $10.50 for a one-year sub- ‘-
bureau in Berea, in an effort to better serve Berea newspaper's founder, Roy Russell (R.R.) Pitch— scription. Newsstand prices were not increased. .
’ and southern Madison County, according to ford. Publisher Pam Bowles said the rate in-
' PUbfiShfliiFged Hill. .11. 1 d d crease is being made to offset operational costs
‘ . e erea ureau W1 Inc 11 eanews an ' ' involved in m ilin the news a er.
‘ advertising staff. Chris Tackett, who has covered Ada" Progress mStalls new press a g p p
' Berea for the Register for two years, Cookie Ely, - - . . . 7,
former advertising sales representative for the the A (1:: $$§i§sgrg§1r§ffigg§e€v 1:31:31: r2110; News Enterprise forms ed'tor'al board
‘ Berea C1tizen and Joyce Hannon, Wfll staff the theAdair—Russell—Casey Shopper,hasannounced New Elizabethtown News Enterprise
. office. ,, ‘ _ hi d h , expansion of its facilities with the purchase of an publisher Mike Anders has announced the for- ,
. the Re 1:: : figiebicgsiblee guest-Iiefidzrgnzfid offset web press. mation of an editorial board for the Hardin
g , ,, . Afive—unit News King presswas installed County daily.
‘ customers 1n the Berea area, said Hall. in late December. Anders said the board --consisting of five .
- _ , _ "It had been out goal since we started the members —— would meet weekly and would
" T'mes Tribune opens London Office company in March, 1987, to have a complete generate two editorials per week in the begin- ,
The Richmond Register isn't Kentucky's newspaper publishing facility," said president ning with a goal of having one in each issue by ' 7_\
.' only daily newspaper announcing a new office Donna Crowe. "And thanks to the continued year's end.
' . in another community. support of the community, that goal has been Joining Anders are the editorialboard are .,
The Corbin Times-Tribune opened an attained." Floe Bowles, publisher emeritus and past presi— ‘1
. . office in London on January 29. Publisher Wink Richard Bowling, who has been in the dent of the Kentucky Press Association; David ' ‘1‘
. ‘ ._ DeVane said the London office was Opened to Printing business for 17 years, thelesgfiye with Greer/editor: Ben 5.81.19“), flatten-s
W enhance thsnemgathsmgespersssnssttheeasfiroehhhm‘ofiwsom s
5 . Tri-County area's only daily newspaper.” monwealth Journal, has assumed the position of Anders acknowledged that the board is a » ., ‘ ‘ ,
“ . The Times Tribune London office will be production manager and head pressman. mixture of "locals" and "transplants." He noted ' g ; ~‘
2 I staffed by writer Susan Phelps and clerk/tele- Gleaner wins Centra| States competition that there are "no‘women, no minorities, no
' marketer Trudy McKnight. _ people from outside the News Enterprise and no -
5 ' The bureau is linked electronically to the The Henderson Gleaner received a first- parents of teenagers." But "in time, that can and
Corbin typesetting system. Stories and ads will place award for its "Wake Up to the Gleaner" should change. This is a good beginning." .L
f be sent directly into the system in Corbin. promotion campaign in the Central States Circu— . . . L .
. t _ _ _ lation Manager's Association contest. Messenger Inqu'rer wms Mayors award
' Favorite announces major expanSIon The campaign, .created by Kolwsear- The Owensboro Messenger Inquirer has '1
191.; The Franklin Favorite is undergoing a Woodruff, an Evansvflle-based advertising, received the Mayor’s Award for Excellence. from '
major expansion of its commercial printing divi- marketmg and PR firm, consrsted 0f newspaper Owensboro mayor David Adkisson. M-I pub- ‘ ‘
sion. , advertisements, 9Utd°9r board announcements, lisher John Ha ger said, "Excellence is not a place .
Henry Stone, general manager 0f the a new Jingle and interv1ews Mth area re51dents.. or destination. It's an attitude that we do our very
; Favorite said the newspaper and its sister affili- '_ _ best every day." Hager accepted the award on
; ate, WFKN radio, purchased an adjacent build- Robertson Record Increases prices behalf of the Messenger-Inquirer staff. .
ing and relocated its printing operation in the
\ Dear Publications; has srdered a new Mark 25 The Kentucky State Pottce Protesstonat
‘ Prest‘tfwmthe Web Press Corporation The Fran- CMIHGU ASSOCiafion is SGGkinQ Stringer writers and Pho-
‘ “mere-Sgt will have eightfinits and be capable of tographers for The Kentucky Trooper. a new Pub-
; panting 25,000 copies per heur- tcaton thatwtn be produced by the KSPPA.
; “515239 5?? “t?” firisstf "State °f the 3“; MytilKPAAvemsm Photos and stories will be about Ken-
an a su S an 1a 0 ecom an S rm - :::E;Eaisiei='5332325?2‘s$3332:zisgzieiaéeéiiiiis§£53332;532:3fie:253532:5iziéiei532isgriaisiaéeisizieizisE=5525:5534;isizgiieiziaiafsisiziiiiiitfgsgagisés;2§;§2§2;2§:;s§sfs§e33:13::gagggagsisizizisézis5:52;; - - -
; * stxuntts and could print 14,000 copies per hour. Inn man's” awe”°'ceme“ a a “S e” '
- Citizen-TimesceIebrati‘n 100 ears Interested writers and photographers
1. , Th . . . g g y . Junel4loKPA193ummer should send letters of interest or resumes to: Ed
' The Citizen-Times plans a year-tongcete— thbertsvme mad! Frank“, KY-t40601-0tcal'The Ken‘
< ; oration with photos and features from the past tuckv Troopetet1-800-526-8602- ‘

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. ‘ March 15, 1990 _ w

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LLASSES ownership. In order to be eligible, each newspa- Judging Will be on the factors 0f appearance and E

per must enter separately. A fee of $4 is to be paid content of the front page. Newsworthiness and E W
Weekly Division: Published One Day Per for each entry in each contest category. These good writing are of prime importance. Pictures 5
Week fees go toward payment for plaques and judging will be judged on quality and newsworthiness, E
Class 13 Certified circulation Of 3000 or less expenses. not on size alone. Factors to be considered in- '
Class 2: Certified circulation of 3001 to 4700 clude general appearance and reader appeal, in- E T
Class 3: Certified circulation of 4701 or more 10, All entries, except winning entries, will be cluding typography, pictures and other illustra— E , /

_ retained by the judges. Winning entries can be tions, headlines, use of white space, layout and E if"
Multi-Weekly Division viewed at the summer convention when cri- proofreading. The pages will be judged as a E 2
Published 2 or 3 times per week, regardless of tiques of winning entries and presentation of whole, all factors will be considered. E 7,
circulation amount awards will be made. ~ 1


~ Daily Division: Published Four Days Per 11. The judges will use the current KPA Year- Submit as your entry full—page tearsheets from E T;

, Week or More book to determine any points upon which infor- three separate issues. The editorial page will also 1
Class 1: Certified circulation of 10,000 or less mation is desired. be judged as a whole. Quality of writing and E E":-

' Class 2: Certified circulation of 10,001 to , importance of subjects locally will count. Local. ‘3 _;
25,000 12. Appropriate plaques and certificates will be ized editorials are most desired. Local work, E.
Class 3: Certified circulation Of 25,001 or more awarded to winners in each contest category, writing, columns,cartoons aremoredesired than i .

plaques going to the first place winner and cer- syndicated materials or other outside material. E . E

Contest Rules tificates to second, third and honorable mention. Layout and style of page is also a factor. Adver- E - ' E

7 . _ . Honorable mention is not necessarily awarded tising will not detract from the judging, provid- E . _-
E 1. All entries must be postmarked no later than in each category. ing it occupies more than one quarter of the page. E

”'7’ March 15, 1990. ' E . E

’- - 13. In the event only one entry is made in any CATEGORY SIX: NEWSPAPER PROMOTION E , l E

. '2. Contests are open only to paid-up members of contest category for a specific class, a certificate Submit a maximum of six individual tearsheets E F E.

f the Kentucky Press Association. To be eligible, of merit will be awarded in that category if the that may include only one promotional series E;- ' E

" individuals must have been full- or part-time judges determine it to be a quality entry. (such as First Amendment Contest, or National E ,
[employees of the newspaper submitting the entry Newspaper Week), if desired, which most effec- E E
at the time the material was published. Categories ' tively and originally promoted your newspaper E E

during the year. Tearsheets may consist of house K , E E
3. Anewspaper's entry must be accompanied by CATEGORY ONE: TYPOGRAPHY ads, related news stories, editorials, photographs, E = E .

payment for all entries in the contest. Please Submit as your entry two issues, plus one issue graphics or feature stories. The award will be E: 1’

compute carefully. There will be no refunds. published during the week of October 2. Entries given to the newspaper which, during the past“ ;E .9 i
- . - W. W..... Wswwwmwmilbesjuesneetnesseiaywyeawmestveffechvelrandoriginallyprdmotefisw”Water‘s-Ems!

‘4. Contest publication period for entries in the out and press work. the newspaper industry, its aims and objectives. i E E


i; , This category is defined as any effort of the Submit as your entry tearsheets of your page or 3,, . E

i 5