xt7bg7373m4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373m4q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1988 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1988 Vol.56 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 1988 Vol.56 No.1 1988 1988 2019 true xt7bg7373m4q section xt7bg7373m4q .. a ‘
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‘ 1 Lil. ‘ KY PREgSOESG
‘ . Misti”: _ ASSOCIATION '
i W » * Volume 56,l FRANKFORT KY 40501 Januaryi1988 .
w ' ' d ° F b 1 '
Black leavmg H-L; Owens succee 5 starting e .
, - ' - . «W* . ~ “We have a terrific onera-
Reprinte‘d from theHeraid-Leader ' and 31 Other dit"lY ”ewsPaPerS- s?‘ W - ~ ~ . .. .
- ~ H ' ‘ f se‘tvw‘“\se ~»te§’$9,t=x,g “on here, Owens 53'0 WE
099“ C- New" W'" leave‘h's Lex'"gt°" '5 one 0 our ‘tsee as h t th t, b t .
' d bl' h most im ortant news a ers" teesx ‘ ' ave a 95"" . a 5 Ge” 0
pOSt'aS Cha'rman an [M IS er P - P P ’ \\‘*\*§§ 9“” V -- " We h l
' '7 . d d “C d h k {mnbs .‘ C‘“~:‘ =‘=~=:-'..“x“‘~“'f“'@: \‘Ts" -=- $.33“? “'*"‘ ~ :2: it" get er a 0n8 “met and we do
0f the Lex'ngton Herald'Leade' R'd er 53' ~ 'ee 35 ta 9” Net W2 41-“? - «:2 a - ,
. _, - . h @1333 a§1$§§m§t§t§t> ‘ . , ‘5‘; ‘i’gj‘swzs’n ' a lot of things Well. It 5 a matter
Co. on Feb- 1 to become ”“5 newspaper * aking W" s ;. e ”t8 f r ' h t h
‘ f h K ‘ h F - Lewis Owens and John Carroll W “M A O CO” '"u'ng W a we 3V9
preSIdent o t e nig t .oun d b _| ' _ t fth 11“ a; t :2§;1;,., ‘ <33»: .. e started”
‘ ' '- —— an Ult It In 0 one 0 9 “* ‘Ye’ p s” 3" '3 - ' . .
datlon' or-‘e 0f the lag?“ pr} b ' h we"& {as ,g . , Owens said it was ”very
vate charitable foundations In 95‘ '“t e comm" t kites e a»: 215 ram in ~ to be named ub-
the United States. ”He has been an outstand- * .2: at” a ' \ wt 8 V g P
' - ' ‘ — ll f “ t‘s ”fit «‘t” . 1 we“ ‘ lisher of the Herald-Leader anc
Black Will be succeeded by ing publisher . rea y one o 3% & g‘éggt: i :3 _ . .
Lewis Owens, who is now vice the best publishers we have. Reg: §®M§wée§§ . e: to remain in Lexmgton. .
of the Herald-Leader Co. and Black, 62, a Kentucky native $1633“ .; ‘s%w§ ‘%“‘W§§§%§§ 3‘ man of the Greater Lexmgtpr
former president of the Ken- .who was named publisher of. “‘fi's " ' . “we Chamber of Commerce, cam-
tucky Press Association. Ow- ' the Herald-Leader in 1977, will ”i“ ‘53: ' s . ,_ paign chairman of the Unitec
enswill be promoted to presié succeed C.C. Gibson,; who IS}, t “if . g Way of the Bluegrass, .chair-
i '"‘raise':releases:Latesideeteeiethe’:we _ .e $3; . 4;. mantoffihe Greater texmgtor
" - " . ' 5" ~. “'27 i,- ,e ~ ”1i 52w", ‘f"’" T““""‘““’f”’"; 4:2,: ~ “1 533 ~ ; if; ' «31% vfirggnggggotgmagdrglgggiliu
Black assumes his duties with . . . " ‘ -‘ ' ':- ;. 2"” I lead ah‘ p éSi en 0 V“ I.
the foundation in Akron, Ohio. Black sad. that h'5 work, W'th 'l/Qv . "I A graduate of Camesvrlle
- . the foundation would be stim- . b
At the same time, 10h" 5‘ ulatin and excitin ” and that " - College In Texas, Owens 98a?
Carroll vice president and edi- g ,, g ,, LEWIS OWENS Creed C Black his career in 1956 as a retai
’ . he was very pleased to have , . - d .. l . F r1
tor 0f the Herald-Leader, w'“ been selected for the osition . a vertismg sa esman m 0
.. be promoted to'executive vice- ft an extensivelseargh b a wing of my career. I’ve been circulation; profitablility and Worth, Texas. He was name:
president and editor. Carroll ' :ofnrmittee headed b AlvahyH . here almost 11 years — longer productivity that have made it advertising director of the
will continue to oversee news . Y . ' than I’ve been in any other a leader among Knight-Ridder GainesVille Daily 'Register ir
. . Chapman, chairman and chief . ,, . d h ld . 'l . . ‘
.operations and Will report to executive officer of Kni ht- place. . . newspapers. 1959 an e Slmlal’ posrtion-
Owens, the newspaper’s chief 'R‘ dd r ' 3 During his tenure as publish— "i can leave with a sense of at Knight-Ridder newspapers ir
executive. - ' e ' ‘ er, the Herald-Leader building accomplishment and pride," he North Carolina and Florida be-
~ The announcement 'was But Black also expressed re- _ was built, the Lexington Herald said. fore coming to Lexington ir
made in Lexington by P. An- grets about leaving Lexington and The Lexington Leader were Owens, 53, a native of Ten- . 1975. g
thony Ridder, president of the and the Herald-Leader.» merged, and the Herald-Leader nessee who came to the Her- Owens was promoted tc
- Newspaper Division of Knight- “It‘s like leaving home,” he won a Pulitzer Prize for investi- ald-Leader as advertising direc- vice president-sales and mar-
Ridder Inc., the Miami-based said. ”My experiences here gative reporting. tor in 1975, said his first goal as keting for the Herald—Leader ir
.communications company have been the most profes- In addition, Black said, the publisher would be to continue m—
that owns the Herald—Leader sionally satisfying and reward- companyhas achieved gains in the work started by Black. P g
‘ . S ' .- . . , .
v ———————, . .- ' , upremerruling ——————————-. ; .. . _ ~
' i . . o ' o o I h. h h I " f
z Court. deCIdes prinCIpa 5, may censor lg SC 00 papers V
WASHINGTON .— The Su- """‘““."‘"""'* student news a er containin -arose in 1983 Awhen Robert , ' ' V '
., .. . PP ..8 .. . .,
'f preme Court, Splitting 5-3 on s _ * ~ '_ articles he‘ f0und objection- Eugene Reynolds, the prinCIpal ' . '
: Jan. 13, gave broad powers to ~‘ ‘ . ' ’ ' able. It is likely to produce of Hazelwood East High School - » '
V' PUbliC SChObl officials t0 censor . dismissals of other suits alleg- in St. Louis County. Mo., ob- . '
student newspapers, plays andw I, .. ing unconstitutional high jected to two articles sched: _ ’
:3 other“ SChOOl-sponsored In a blistering rebuttal, 81- school censorship. uled to appear in Spectrum, ' ' -
actiwties. _ . ' year-old Justice William I. Bren- The decision reflected a re- the school-financed . 1
i The only restriction imposed “ nan Jr. argued that the decision cent high court trend of limit- newspaper. ' A "
. on school authorities by the had sanctioned “brutal censor— ing the constitutional rights of Reynolds said one of the i g '
g. f" hlgh FOUtt .was that the" cen- ship” and threatened a class- students in public high schools articles, which described the ,
'sorship actions must be "rea- room orthodoxy that could and strengthening the hands of experiences of three Hazel-
‘. sonably related" to some legitl- convert public schools into school officials. wood East students with preg- ’
mate educational objective. ”enclaves of totalitarianism For the third time in four nancy, did not sufficiently W~«*
i Courts may intervene to [’70— that strangle the free mind at years, the court made it clear shield the identity of the'preg- “~wu;
‘f tect ““49an "Shts only when its source." that students are not entitled nant students and was not is' ‘:
CEQSOTShIP has '20 valid edu- The ruling supported a St. to the same constitutional appropriate reading material “wet“
cational PU'P059, the Justices Louis high school principal’s rights that adults enjoy. W a” 71:2: rem .,
I? dedared‘ ~ ~de'efiol‘» Pf two- pages_ of a, _ ,f The case decided. Jan. 13 _.£3£._'__P.L— figs"
In“: j tiriC’Cl
...::;:.=;?x?‘ri at W

 ”Page 2 ‘ .
Students d ' 'st lk b court rulin
, a mini rators ta a out g
By Robert Kaiser Karen Potter, newspaper ad- ”and we weren’t allowed to said he. thought the stories never censored an article.
Reprinted from the Lexington Herald- viser at Middlesboro High print this and this and this. dealt With aPPFOPrIate tOP'CS Some PFIhCIPalSI SUCh i
_ Leader _ School, said she expected no ”This country’s supposed to _ for teenagers: . Henry Clay’s Hurt and Bryt
. On ~ Jan. ’ 14, changes because of the ruling. be free. .This is not freedom But he said that a high Station’s Jon Akers, said th.
_ ,- the day after the Supreme Neither did Roxanne Foose, anymore.” school newspaper must be saw only stories that advrse
. Court gave broader powers of newspaper adviser at Lexing- Lafayette Principal Thomas more careful about what it feared might be controversial
censorship to high school prin- ton’s Lafayette High School. Reynolds said he saw nothing prints than a city newspaper. ”I’m a First Amendment pe'
CiPalS, members 0f Lexington’s ”but I can see where it might wrong with the kinds of Stories “With a school paper, peo- son,” 'Akers said. ”i believe in i
Henry Clay High School neWS- - be abused in other school Syg- that led to the Supreme Court pie see it as an extension of the and although the Supre
. paper staff turned in their arti: _ tems," she said. * s ‘. - " 'case. . . . ‘ school,” he said. " ' Court ruled as they did, l’
. "vscles for the January-isSue. 4i Potter’i'saidth'e ruling repre-' ' The ruling supported a St.’ And the' principal,= right‘or 'going to continue to allow 0
._' Down a hallway and up a ‘ sented a constitutional double ‘ Louis high school principal’s wrong, is held accountable, he, publication to publish whatt
~. ' flight of stairs; Principal Bill Hurt standard for children and deletion in 1983 of two pages said. . co-editors and the spons
‘ . ' sat behind his desk and waited -. adults. :. - . , ‘of a studentnewspaper con- Still, Lambert said he had wish to print.”
‘ to read the stories. ' ‘ ”If they turn their backs on taining articles he found objec- , , ,
., . After they are published. our right to write about a tionable. The articles dealt with ~ , , . .
. ‘Like many other high school controversial 'issue, they’ve ' teen-age pregnancy and _. ,
' principals in Kentucky, HUi’t turned their backs on us,” said divorce. ' —T"E-——-—."
-- said the high .COUFt'S ruling ‘_ 17-year-old Christine Frost, a . Robert Reynolds, principal at i, -
WOUld hOt change hOW he HenryClay senior and editor of Hazelwood East High School in ' KENTuCK PR ‘ '
treated the student newspaper. the paper, The Devils St. Louis, said the pregnancy ! Ess

”i think the decision was ”Advocate. ‘ ' story did not shield the identi- _'———_ ,
correct,” Hurt said, ”bUt i don’t ‘ ' Christine called the ruling ties of students Who were preg- .
plan to preview the paper EV' .unfair. But Monty Joshi, 16, a ’ nant and was not appropriate The KentUCkY. Press ('55N'00230324) ls pUbllShEd momle. and

fiery month.” ‘ junior, said it was in keeping reading matter for the school’s 569‘de lefs p°5tabge Fahd at Flanlff-‘m' KY" 40601, and at add't'or‘al

_ Reaction to "the ruling made with many. other laws of the younger students. . "gal ing oficgsd. Su scrithripn'price isk$stFper year. POSTMASTER: Send
Jan. 13,‘which split the justices "land. , , The story about divorce fezggp {so a“ i dasridtgvene entuc y ress, c/o Lexnngton Herald-

, , . . _ ' , j , I , ue, Lexrngton, Ky., 40507.

g .513, was mixed. High school . ”In this country, if »you’re ‘ which contained critical re- , . » _

. prInCIpalsand newspaper; ad- A. under , 18, you're .not given " marks from a Student about Official Publication of Kentucky Press Association, Inc.
,VIsers said they expected It to _ many rightS,”.Joshi said. ”You her father, did not give the .
have little effect on them, bUt can’t vote, you can’t drink, you father an opportunity to re-
S‘Uden‘ editors' reporters aT‘d . . can't Smoke .50.! ,yiidfietiihdr 39nd..Reyaoldasaidwteee-.rot: .“i‘t.’ ” W“*""“‘”

ephotosrapbers,reattédefiimi’fietthaweaemmors»can‘tprint’fiérinomas’rkeynoidsrprincipal '
' fijstrongly.“ “‘ "“""'"' . ' '“what we want to. Supposedly, 'at Lafayette, said he thought _ ff .

. The only restriction imposed . we’re irresponsible kids." ' the topics dealt with in the 1957M°fmmms 1E M‘WSd‘m
on .school authorities by the But, Joshi said, student jour- stories were appropriate for a “we Fm“ i giggllestr
ruling was that any cehSO’rShip ,, nalists are supervised by an_ high school newspaper ”if melam“ - a
must be» ”reasonably related” adult and should therefore be they're handled properly.” _ fifm‘mfim
to some legitimate educational afforded more freedom as a The St. Louis paper was {53m SmeAtum .
ObJECt'Ve; Staff. ”tacky" for failing to conceal Districtz - ImelopunEvm

The ”1'th does not apply to Veronica Lootens, co-editor the identies of the pregnant , RobSchorman Commonwealth—Journal

college newspapers. of the student newspaper at students, Christine said, Messenger-Inquirer State Nurse
’ "l have really mixed emO“ Bryan Station High School in ”We have taste,” said Beth ~Wd3 MichaelPatton
. tions,” said Edie Maddox, Hen- Lexington, said, ”The Constitu- .. Sullivan, 17, a' junior on Henry Lm'yCratg Allen County News
ry Clay’s newspaper adviser. ”l ' tion should include teen-agers "Clay's newspaper staff. ' mmflhfll’l‘m 5“” “I‘m
' do understand that ultimately ‘and high school papers as long Carl Patton, principal at Lau- , c” . jlm Allen ,
the school administration is the as we write responsibly." rel County High School, said he ' SkiahgoDonalg ‘ graagsxrtimews-Gmfle
publisher 0f the paper, and in Henry Clay’s CYTUS Sadri, 17, had mixed feelings about the ’ pest-25m” “News '
that sense, the ruling is really an exchange student from Cer- articles in question. , D masmvmagsmauk jrman
. . ,, , . avidHa '
, not anything new. . many, said he worked on a But he said, ”I guess any- courier-1m
' Lexington’s Tates Creek High high school newspaper in his thing that pertains to teen- Dish'lcté 19870fficers
School's 'newspaper adviser, native country where ”we lagers, there’s probably no rea- David Schansberg ' _ ' M“ Hea'l‘ '
-- Martha Keen, said the _. ruling . printed everything we wanted son it can’t go in the paper.” ‘ Boone CountyReconder ‘ , , 3.155%. Commw
. hadt tlakenadvisersfoff the hot : to pant. h ' h d” Duane Lambert, principal at 'Md" ‘ . " Newspapers
sea. . " " ”T en I came ere,” e sai , n i h School, BobHendfidGon .
, But she scaiid She did not ’ Maso County Hg ' mindset-Meme“: ‘ ' gaegyPt'g-gelllfn
‘ think the‘ ecision' would ‘ ,' , WinchesterSun
change anythng at the school .UK receives newspaper grant M... a . , . , Wm, ,_
_. ‘ Maddox said ‘the”'ruling ‘ .. ' - , ' - - ' 33113:“!qu ' ‘ Treasurer
, might hinder the educational The University of Kentucky ties WhiCh firSt began with a I . h“ I. ' - ' mmmwnm
5 process because part of learn- Libraries was recently awarded grant in 1984- gmybfidfmm ‘ i ‘ - Steve Austin
ing about neWspape'rs is learn- a $273,920 grant from the Na- ”T he main difference be- District 10 . - Kfidfiggmfl
ingl’responsible journalism. tional Endowment for the Hu— ‘ tween the 1984 and 1937 swap”, .

”If they are‘ advocating cen- ' manities to fund the Kentucky grants is the microfilming 35‘ Paintsvflle Herald . €323.23???“
sorship,they’retakinga’waythat Newspaper Project. _ peCt," said Jeanne Trimble, as— W“ 11 RecorderNewspapers
responsibility and not allowing The project, which is part of srstant project director. . Louise Hatmaker ‘
journalism to happen,” she the‘UnitedJSates Newspaper Under the fifSt grant, the i we???” - , ‘
said. ' ‘ Program, is responsible for lo- project cataloged more than " - Davrd.T. Thompson ,

Nevertheless, Maddox said cating, inventorying, cataloging 2,200 newspaper titles and en- , mjfimg‘ofie‘gm N Executive DIFBCIOT
she did not think the ruling and preserving U.S. newspa— tered more than 4,600 local Districetslam y W Th K t k P
would affect the paper at' Hen- pers held on a permanent basis holding records onto a national Da .dD n e en uc Y ress

. ry Clay or any other Lexington in Kentucky. computer database. Currently, rinflgjom?kmn 332 Capitol Avenue
high school, The money will pay for mi- _the project staff is cataloging CountyNews ' frankion, KY. 40601

”We have a very good work- crofilming and allow staff to and inventorying the informa- Md 1‘ 502/213-8821
ing relationship here,” she said. continue bibliographic activi- tion.

I — — ‘ ._‘

 ' Page 3

. x _ .

UK Journalism ' ' - ' CW” 8"“

‘ l ' rinci als
iMMgtiigaeeei p p
eeeee.ea. authority
eeee '

* ' wee ”Meet e some

‘ eth‘i‘tes’efiee —.————

*.- ‘?\\e§\§§\t\33\“\‘\\\§‘\\3§§\“3§e‘ mi“ \xxw‘ Continued "0'“ page 1

V‘\\\§‘.°g\\\§:<§\§e§tw§e§t§fewest“ —————_——_

eeeateieeee ‘ The other story dealt Wllh
»- gigegg?xefiffwtel‘eemweie‘aefé’fig?@‘*5‘3§§“eflewiigawi the effect of divorce on stu—

' egg l‘:>"’zefimifif§?§§%f 'd h d'd . Y.

"§§V§m $.54»? father ,an. °PP°””“'tY ‘0 le'

~ Bree “twee He ordered the elimination

. .. ti 7 ' MM Pregnancy and divorce storiesl
eeeeaei‘w . . - PlUS four Other amc'esr were to
‘ we ewe)? appea-

« .t t” A i aee‘m quest for e hlgh level of conse-
m“ it??? Q“ “" ‘eme opinion asserted that reason-
M ‘ ' ‘ ' able censorship of school-
_ ’ sponsored activities was per-
‘ missible. Reynolds' actions were

> held to be reasonable.
i . ”A school must be able to
i . ‘ set high standards for the stu—
j ‘ i ’ ,. dent speech that is disseminat-

_ . _. - l . , ,"-_“._ed under its auspices — stan—

yt . . . . ,_ , . _, . ., . 'E‘ . . ,_ .. ,. .. .7 _ . . ., . ': '*?.~i1*1‘daldS-thatlrlay be higher than

' ' " Q. . , ' “lecfihg E’tdemanded,byz-g;:._,50me_

David Dick, at home on his iarm in Bourbon County; may be the next UK Schbo 6 éu'rfia isin I. ' ' ' ‘ i " "I , fimgfiéffiifiiheat- ‘
. . rical producers in the ’real’

Board of Trustees to deCIde if the next School of 3”“ - A" ma, “”5” ‘0

.. - . g g g . . isseminate student speech

;. '. .' l“:;,.‘;;! . .. , . . ,- I . . , . . . . ghagdsels ”tot TnBGEt thgsiAs/Ifit?-

- - ar 5, us ice ron . I e

.. Journalism . director» is Dick, the only applicant. W... .h. Mammy,

‘ . . " * l ’ ' " g _ . . . ' . ‘ ’fln addition,'a school must
Editor’s Note: The UK Board of correspondent ‘came to the ' ~DlC_l< '5 “very, -very well— Roy Moore, a member of be able to take into account
Trustees Meeting results were University July 1, 1985, as a qualified," Baker said. ”His re- the search committee, said the emotiOnal maturity of the
not available by press time. , - tenure track associate profes- sume '5 JUSt incredible.” that he realizes it may appear ‘ intended audience in deter- "

. r iv his tenure . that th ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘
BY Thomas J- Sullivan Shrals'sebciaa: :rdofessor in Jul; The-search, Wh'Ch was only but sayes ffwgs‘rlit’ttée was fixed, Eurdggttrpitgfh tgndgts):ehltri:ltl:
Reprinted from the Kentucky Kernel f 1987 and was a ointed . advemSEd Wlth'rl the COllege ul 'can assure -t . . . h. h . h
- The search committee as- 0 . . Pp of Communications, resulted youi Was not senSItive topics, W .'C mig t
signed to recommend a di- acting director of the school. in Dick being the only appli- :4 kangargo lilfconjwmfltee, rSange Cfgrlom the eXIlstence of
rector for the University of He has also been inducted cant. Baker said that wasn’t a pore sali . . t ere were aptal .aus in an 'elementary
Kentucky School of Journal- . into the Kentucky Journalism problem. pt er app ications they would SC 00 setting to t e particu-
ism found that David Dick Hall of Fame, located in- the “My feeling was that we _ ave been seriously lars of teen-age sexE’a' actiVIty
was the only man for the job UK Journalism building. could have had as many ap- consudered. '" a'highschool SEtt'Tjg- d b
— he was the only applicant Dick, 57, said that his origi— plicants as there were facul- . This situation didn’t bother ”'5 opinion “v.35. en orse y
for the position. - ' ' nal intention was not to apply ty,” Baker said. ,Boyd either. Chlef Justice Wllllam H. Rehn-
The search committee, for the position, but to do all The internal search was ,, . qU'St' John Baul Stevens, San-
Which was commissioned by he could for the school in an chosen instead of an external It W'gh‘h have bothered dra. Day .0 Conner and . An-
Douglas Boyd, dean of the ”acting” capacity. But he says search for two main reasons, me or 't "lug .t have bothered tonin .Scalia, as well as national
College of Communications, he change d his mind, after' : Boyd said. . anypne ese if the only one .' organizations of school boards
‘unanini'otisly recommended observing the situation. 3 ' By hiring an existing faculty app 'Ca'.“ wasn t smtabie, ‘ and h'gh SFhF’Ol prunopals'
Dick for the position. ‘ ' "I wanted to be absolutely Vmember to the position of Boyd said; 3'“ JUSt'Ce Brennan, lomed
Boyd said he has passed sure that the journalism_ j director, the school would Moore said that Dick is by Thurgood Marshall and Har-
that recommendation‘on to school really wanted me, that not have to generate a new very qualified for the position. ry A' Blackmun, said Reynolds
Chancellor for the Lexington the faculty really wanted me salary, Boyd said. ”Budgetary Maria Braden, a professor ShOUId have made editing
Campus Art Gallahger. Gale and that the new dean would considerations are always a in the School of Journalism, Chtnges instead 0f eXCIsmg 5“
laher, inturn, will‘ report the support me," Dick said. consideration,” he said. agreed saying ”that David is enffre articles. .WTOte Brennan:
propasal to the Board of ., ”I decided that this is Boyd also said that by hir- well able to represent our Such .unthinking contempt
Trustees at their next meet- ‘ something that I Wanted,” he ing an existing faculty mem- interests to the school.” for indiwdual rights '5. intoler-
ing, Jan. 19. said. ber, such as Dick, the depart- And Dick says that those able from “FY state Off'c'al‘ It '5
The BOT will vote on the The search committee de- ment knew what they were interests are important to particularly inSIdious from one
proposal. cided that he shOuld have it. getting. 7 him. ' 0f whom th‘? PUbl'C_ entrusts
”T his is a recommendation Jeff Baker, chairman of the ”T here seemed to be a ‘ ’"l he students always come the task 0f Inculcating '“ 't5
l enthusiastically support,” search committee, said he is feeling that David would be first,” he said. "’But it is ex- yputhhan appreCIation for the
Boyd said. ‘ pleased With the committee’s an excellent ‘ leader,” Boyd tremely important to be sup- cheris ed democratic ."be'F'eS
Dick, a former CBS News recommendation. said. portive of the faculty." tguzt to”; Constitution
. ~ ran ees.

 . Page4
u-‘ia‘fi’s‘l i N we .=Vii-31‘s?"siifilij'Yi-J tigers-strain L. ierrnrr“,iirlet‘til-l
* . . stilliygiteiiaiiiiesr Creed Black
- ‘iiilii‘llllinltwillt‘ ”in ‘n litre»lliiililiisriil‘iinilit'i 'i‘...liiiii=illiiigliifs f SNP A
‘ . lilinlillil“ rilijlli ”iiirliillli orms
Ron Anderson g'VeS rt lire , committee
reimll ll‘rlil‘it‘ih‘el -'eiii!.i-”‘ii'..‘.. - ' lid." itif - i ,‘htf'..‘.rlnl.l‘=ii=1iW
suggestions 0" 0W » l iii. .- iii 0" Illlteracy
° I V ”this“ tailittltl .I'I wittifeltigt At least one person from
to. Increase readers is every state in the southern
- ~ see as .. .. . iris Newspapers Publishers Associ-
' ' _ . l *‘irtesetffi new” 1 fii‘tnte‘ir ation region has been named
' Ronald C. Anderson, presi- this is not ”looking for trouble," I PM». . , . iii. . . elite“; to a special committee formed
‘dent of RC Anderson Asso- this is smart management.’ i . l-liililth . “I . iEL‘i‘iil‘ilii by President Creed C, Black to
ciates, spoke to KPA members Seek out problems and correct ‘ i i. . l im‘elir‘ Wimpy . study ways SNPA can help to
V at the summer convention on those you uncover before they i 'titttml tigl,“ie‘irj: fight the growing problem of
'how to improve circulation. require a phone call, letter, or iigtl‘iiist” iris ”Willi Illiirifiitttr illiteracy. .
' Anderson will also be speaking worse frOm subscriber. YOUr i‘“ l‘ ' ‘lllitl _, ' _
fat the winter convention, Jan. customers will love it, too! . g} ‘ ’ 3'. Mary Schurz, presidlent dand
{21-23. His~~ resentation will be . .. . . a . " . .‘.;. ublisher of the Danvile A vo-
sibnian.:22,tl;3o-4:3o. T'f '. 'Make'suie Y°“ the“??? , . 1 - gate-MeSSenger, is one of 19
" Here are Some of his ”basic Viceas partof yourtelephoneee i 2 stilt their persons who Were named to
. ethought‘s for maximizing 105' _ sales-operation.'This '5 engreat . _. .fll , t litter serve with Committee Chair-
"tomer service” in circulation way ‘9 make “ends a" eat". ' man Robert ls HivelY, Preside“t
.. 0 Make sure customers can 0 Make it easy for people to l‘ e Sentinel.
always reach your 'newspaper call or write you. Consider an 4T .. The committee appoint—
by phone. BUSY Signals turn 800 number for people to use 1.. all ments were made by Black,
people Off' $0 do phones that instead 0t making a toll call. “1 i who is also chairman and Pub—
ring and ring and no one ' i it e lisher of the Lexington Herald—
answers. ' Publicize your phone num— r Leader until Feb. 1, following
' Stress courtesy in a" W her and address in the paper. l " . Hively’s recommendation.
ployees who handle com- Also publicize a method to use l 1:“ k' h' » d
plaints. Sometimes its hard, es- in solving a service problem.‘ j e ' 11;»... . . In H:- ieg isrecoenmlen a}
pecially when the customer is Some newspapers do a very . - . . be h . . tions, hivey revrlewe a at o
irate. Remember that being a good job of this in their rate Ron Anderson, Circulation rnenagement consultant, WI" att e moret an 60 v0 untceers. iv:-
' good listener allows the irate box." ' . 1988 Kentucky Press Assocration Winter Convention. ly “expressed gratitu e or t e
- customer to cool down. 1 ' support and concern of so
‘ Also, you never win an argu- oMake. sure your District comp|ainl and you’ve |05t . OGive your carriers good many people.
ment with a customer. You Managers check every com- them. service. How you deliver to Hively sought to_jnclude on
always lose, even if you 'are plaint every clay, to make sure . '. Thain carriers. properly. 1 your carriers has both a dlteCtV’thewcommittee” at least one
. teehnlcally .cerreCt- r tthngga’e now; OK-e’Thts'ls'Pefééififishowltsthe‘r’ri""how ito ' deliver, " ‘and an indirect bearing on how person from every state in the
is yfiimm'sehthehwswthe’ "a“j‘hapss‘bne Of the most has". don’t just tell them. Teach they serve your customers. If region and to have a blend of
'Vlit'tljeeltlc' action that W'”! be parts et a DSM'S 10b! - _ them the right way to fold or you deliver late to them, or in publishers editors and other
- taken to solve the problem, I learned it when I was first rubber band a paper to avoid an unprotected spot and the individuals knowledgeable in
the” insure that 't '5 taken made a DSM over 30 years damage. Teach them to place papers get wet, or if they are the area of literacy.
.prOmptly, and finally, get back 380- Yet Of the DSMIS l en- the paper behind the custOm- thrown from a truck and dam- .
to the customer to see if it counter in my travels, more do er’s screen door. aged, they in turn cannot de-
worked OUt t0 the” I hOt check complaints than dO- oAdd a tip feature to your liver on time or give their CText systems
satisfaction. PIA bills, so your carriers will customers a clean, dry paper. CText announced installa-
Never, ever, assume that a 0 Make sure YOU verify every make the same effort to serve 0 Be flexible and customer tion of publishing systems at 16
problem. is SOIVedi hSUhng that start or restart promptly to PIA customers as they do those oriented in your collection sys- newspapers during the third
"they W'" call back it they. are assure it has started OK- This is they have to face at the door Lem, too. M05t businesses offer quarter of 1987, including 21
Still having trouble." another very basic Circulation when collecting. alternate ways to pay. So editorial and classified advertis-
- ‘ . Play offense! Call Chsmm’ practice, bUt ' find that many 0 Recognize carriers who should we. Customers should ing workstations at the Carter—
ers,- eSpeClally those ln ,the newspapers do not do it. it you give good service. Make sure be allowed to chose whether et County (NC) News-Times.
country who may feel they are have SOld a new subscription your carriers get the idea that they pay their carrier, pay Thirteen of the PC-based
. too far away'to call you, and and it fails to start, the sub- giving good service and caring months in advance, or pay the systems function with Apple
.ask how their serwce is. No, scriber might not call you to about customers is ”cool.” paper directly. LaserWriter Plus typesetters. "
.: ' o 0
.Walter - Cronkite . answers questions from UK students
B Thomas] Sullivan ' Cronkite, 61, answered President Ronald Reagan are world as a j0urnalist, Cronkite M mCibhklt?"é"a’l‘6"'tfie*mnericansi
TRZprinted fr'om the Kentucky questions ranging from his ex-‘ among Prominent persons said his mostimportant story public also doesn’t realize the
_ Kemer . perience to his opinions to his Cronkite has interVIewed and ”in terms of history” was man serious ethical u e stions that
. Viewers turned the tables on predictions' of nationaI ' and * shared candid moments with. landing on the moon. , 'ournalists face eel/e da
.- former CBS news anchor Wal- world events. Of all thses presidents, Cron- . . l . ry Y-
ter Cronkite Jan. 13 in a tele- Just as Will Rogers once said, kite said Carter was the most "lt trancended anything ”The general public out
-— conference. Instead of asking “I never met a man I didn’t intellectually stimulating. that’s ever happened before, there doesn’t think too much
= the qtiestions, he was answer- like,” Cronkite said that in his "The best brain for my mind .he Sa'd; Compared to that, about the ethics of journalists,”
--ing them. . - years as a journalist, “I never was Jimmy Carter," he said. ”It f‘everything else is an asterisk he said.
The telecOnference, which met anyone I didn’t like—at seemed as if he was reading in hlStetY-H “I can’t think of a day
"was sponsored by The Musetf'm least for a while, anyway." . from a TelePrompTer (when But Cronkite said that the that an ethical question wasn’t
0t Broadcasting 'h cooperation There Were 50 many of Carter was answering ques- present condition of the space raised. That is the reason I
With Merrill Lynch was “tie" them down through the years, tions) .‘ ' ' it s'a real talent Of an program worries him. think journalism is a profession
”An Evening With . Walter he said. The ”many" people organized mind. ' and not a trade _ because we
Cronkite." Cronkite has met have ranged . “We’re falling daily behind have an ethic "
-' A couple of University of from the suddenly famous to _At“the age 0t 12: CFOhk'te the Soviets satellites are '
Kentucky students submitted the leaders of the world. ‘ said, Iwented t0 bea newspa-. deteriorating (in space) I As far as journalism in the
_. questions for the conference, Former presidents John F. per man, and that goal never think we’re in bad shape, and 805, Cronkite said he is ”much
» which was held at the WKYT Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Cer- changed. the American public doesn’t happierwith what we’re seeing
television studios in. Lexington. ald Ford, Jimmy Carter and In hl5 years Of covering the . realize that.” today.” .
I _ , _

 r ‘ , Page 5
Three LCNI men promoted Open meetings 'Iaw
' I d b ‘
Three executives of Land- nance and chief financial offi- and plans by Dill Diederich, VIO ate y WCF .
:nark iorlrgmulil’iity Newspapers, cer on Jan. 1. chairman of LCNI and LCAP, to .
nc., S e yvi e, wil receive ‘ ste down on March1 . I) II
promotions for 1988, according fBritt Reid, who is president Biederich, who héswggen In secret a 0t ..
to Larry R. Coffey, resident. o Landmark Classified Adver- chairman of LCNI for 10 rs, ' . ~
Larry Paden waspnamed vice tising Publications, Inc., is now has decided to devote ynegre .FRANEFORT (AP). _— The stand unless Challenged m i
president and general manager responsible for all of the com— _ time ot his personal affairs. Workers Compensation Fund- Gout". he sald’ . i
Of LCNI on Jan. 1. He will be pany's classified _ advertising Diederich will continue to be ing Commi55ion V'O't‘md the Gulls M". be paid $57500 l
' responsible for all of the news- publications. an executive vice president Kentucky Open Meetings Law annually. Hls salary as same 1
paper and plant operations. , and a director of Landmark when it selected former Reve— tary of; the‘ Revenue Cabinet |
Nogman H-ofci; man (was These changes are a result of Communications, Inc., Norfolk, Sggcagsgetsaézrggg (tlfllzuagshlt: mis