xt7bg7373k1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373k1d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1999 text GLSO News, May 1999 1999 1999-05 2019 true xt7bg7373k1d section xt7bg7373k1d iv!
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Amazon Adventurers drinking a beer after a hike) in no way his male lover, Bob. 7 Whe’n‘t‘his play
infringes upon other people's good was originally produced Off—
The Amazon Adventures had a time. No one wants to be hauling Broadway in the early 80‘s, it starred
busy and enjoyable April with fifteen bodies out of the woods! if you are Siguorney Weaver and John Lithgow.
women hiking at Raven Run and a interested in joining or would like ACT—OUT, a committee of the
few of us enjoying a weekend at Big more information, please contact GLSO, is dedicated to bringing
South Fork. Wildflowers and spring Laurie at 299-3098 or ldavison@ Gay/Lesbian theatre to the Lexington
beauty were in abundant display. pop.uky.edu. area. Our mission is to present the-
The next planned trip is the atrical works which deal with gay and ‘
‘ weekend of May 15-16 at Mammoth Pride Month Preview lesbian issues in a supportive, affirm-
Cavel Laurie has secured a group We have a great month of activi- ing and creative manner. Profits from
camping area that holds 24 and we're ties planned for June. it may not be the productions support the Pride .
nearly at capacity now. We will be too late to add an event to the sched- Center. ACT - OUT is looking for vol- 1
day hiking around the National Forest ule, but you need to call Terry now. unteers to help with ushering, box
on Saturday, checking out a local folk Because several of the events are office, etc. For more information, or
soloist, Gina Rose, that evening, going to take place early in the to volunteer, contact Dave Morrison
hanging around the campfire and month, we are sharing information at (606) 879—9409 or email at terp-
socializing, then doing a cave walk about them with you now. Put them bear@aol.com. Come celebrate the
the next morning. it's not too late for on your calender. beginning of Pride month by attend-
others to get in on this trip, but at this ing this great play.
point you may need to make your ACC OUC ‘
own reservations. The next production from ACT- fatsztaimz'z of £55 (yaw
Other trips in the works include a OUT is Beyond Therapy, a comedy The sixth annual "Bluegrass .
leisurely canoe trip, another shot at written by Christopher Durang and Regional Entertainer of the Year
finding lndian Stairwell in Red River directed by Homer Tracy. it will be 1999" will be held on Sunday, June6
Gorge, whitewater canoeing or presented Thursday, Friday and in the Grand Ballroom of the
kayaking on the Elkhorn, and a fall Saturday nights, June 3, 4, and 5 at Pride Preview continued on page 8
trip of whitewater rafting. the Lexington Public Library at 8 PM. . ,
Between all the big stuff, the The library is located in downtown '_ .‘ , ‘ ,5 .. 7 '
“Amazons" are planning some lOcal Lexington on Main Street. Free park- '
day hikes. We are open to all women, ing can be found behind the Library in
gay, str8, or whatever. We are a very their parking structure. _ , _ V, _ ,.
casual and laid back crowd of folks. Beyond Therapy is a hilarious _ . . * gs, , _ ;
Children can be included on our less look at the pitfalls of dating and rela- ‘ ' ‘
strenuous hikes. Our one rule is no tionships as bisexual Bruce looks for ' , , .
substance abuse. This means that the "perfect partner" in an innocent I 7
your moderate use (for example Prudence, much to the disapproval of .

 _ HELP FOR mam-z Ce {hewgggfrags “are (335‘s
. . ner o ers a suppo me,
#651“ " RaPE U‘CT‘MS safe environment for survivors, their
W“ Visitors to male rest rooms at gay families and friends. BRCC serves
15:. 1 bars may notice bright pink bookmarks women as well as men, so if you or
g 6"“ in AVOL's condom dispensers. The someone you know has been raped,
1:55,: 5:. «J M bookmarks were created by the please contact the center. You can
“ Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center (BBCC) reach the 24—hour crisis line at (606)
1 to educate gay men about male rape 253-2511 or (800) SSS-HOPE. in addi-
and the services BRCC provides for tion to the crisis line, BRCC provides
male rape victims. crisis intervention counseling, support
"There is an entire population of for partners and friends, long—term
The GLSO News survivors that are not receiving ser— psychotherapy, medical accompani-
Vol.l4 Issue 5 vices," said Jennifer Hancock, MSW ment and legal advocacy.
Published Monthly by and BRCC Crisis Counselor and
Educator. "We want men to know that GLSO Board Elections
. the Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center is In June five positions on the
The Lexington Gay committed to providing a safe place GLSO Board will be open and an elec-
Lesbian Service 33;? they can receive the help they tion will be held. Everyone runs'for a
- - rape Mam
Organizatzon most people believe. Current statistics bgrs are running for another term: ‘
321 Second 57- estimate that one in seven men are Peter Taylor Kelly O'Ferrell and Terry
. survivors of sexual abus: or assault. Mullins. ’ ‘
Recent studies su est t at a men . . . .
Editors: may be merge ., mislead he": 42m:
Mary Crone than heterosexual men. Since most meetings once a month, currently on
Peter Taylor 'apes are perpetrated by ”'63 Wh" the second Monday. As a GLSO Board
Davina Warner know their victims, gay men frequently Member you are asked to attend meet-
face threats of rape from their partners in g regularly and to serve in an admin-
Layout Editor: or dates. gazivci'mfis agaiianst gay istrative position and/or on one of the
C arli men _ ay a. 0 0Y9 ape ecause committees. Committees include:
I] e Perkins rape is 3 Violent crime of power and Pride Center, Membership, GLSO
control. heterosexual men may use News, Social, Act Out, Pride Month,
GLSO Annual Dues tape as a way to act out their anger or Pink Pages, and the Speakers
and Newsletter; $15 hatred toward gay men. Bureau. Committee membership is
Dues and Newsletter for Despite the estimated prevalence open to non board members also.
0°“ka* 320 Of male rape, very few are reported. Our meetings are always open
Men may be reluctant to report a rape and we encourage members of the
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are because they fear "9 one .will believe community to attend. Meetings are
those of the authors and don’t necessarily them. For 9‘,” men, m particular, there between one and two hours and we
represent those of the GLSO Board. are the additional fears of outing them- have a good time together. There is a
Submissions are welcome and become the selves or facing homophobia from lot of opportunity to pursue areas 0f
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves hospitals and law enforcement agen— interest to you. if you want to run or
the right to edit submissions and advertise- Cles. Some gay men may even fail to need more information give Terry a
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- identify an incident as rape or sexual call at (H) 255-5469 or during the day
missions or advertisements. assault by dismissing it as an unpleas— at Movable Feast 252-2867. ‘
ant sexual experience. '
GLSO PAGE 2 ——___..__—_..._______

 EQWM; ”‘44 57,“ it??? 4‘ ft {39‘
44/445744v‘54i4444fi44’i 4“”“4
artists scheduled to appear include Each chorus will sing a set and will The annual Volunteer Awards
Daisey Deadpetals, the reigning participate in combined numbers. Banquet will be on Sunday, JUne 27
"National Entertainer of the Year", This is the first time all three Ky. cho- at Ed and Fred‘s Desert Moon. The
Tiffany Storm, the reigning ruses, all members of GALA, have price has been lowered to $20 to
"Bluegrass EOY", the former Miss sung together. Tickets for the make this event accessible to a
Continental and National EOY, Lexington concert are available from greater number of people.
Monica Munro. Your hostesses for Singletary Center Ticket office or One way we will cut costs is to
the evening will be the talented from any chorus member stop purchasing tr0phies for the
Mahogany and Ginger Grant. rou s to resent to their Volunteer
Contestant's vying for this year '5 pfide pk“ if the) Year? We are now asking that
title will be judged on presentation, The Pride Picnic, usually our each group that presents an award,
talent, creative evening wear and on- best attended event, is Sunday, June chose and purchase an award that
stage questions. They will be com- 13 at VWndy Knoll Farm, noon to 4 seems appropriate to them. This
peting for the largest prize package (rain or shine). If you can donate a way there will be a variety of awards
ever offered by "Bluegrass EOY" raffle item or would like to set up as a ranging from gift certificates to tiaras.
totaling over $800 in cash and gifts. vendor, please call Kelly at 277- Our community is imaginative and at
.The intriguing combination of contes- 6168. We will also need volunteers times even OUTlandish so we
tants from all over the region and the on that day so if you can give us believe this will add some spice to
bevy of professional talent slated to some of your time, give Kelly 3 call. the dinner. We will be contacting
appear promises to make this one of This a great way to get to know peo- groups to see if you are planning to
the most entertaining evenings of pie while having a great time, attend and to give an award this year.
impersonation this season! I:‘.' ‘»:»:;J:‘:-- -' : = 4. GLSO will still be taking nomina-
Advanced thKEtS may be DUT- tnstbad¥firti§gEZ§ffs:very tions for and presenting the Wasson
chased by calling Donnie Royse, months" réttiiiér‘"emits?he»,that: Award and for the outstanding com-
Bluegrass EOY owner and promoter thesafemmdetsiisr wattle-stifling. munity volunteer and the Rainbow
at (605) 321-2053 or by contacting k tender f ‘ ‘ Community Sen/ice Awards. Please
Maya Monroe at (606) 233-04262 " t.flmflfl Gufca i'v' ~ 3: .. f.‘ i use the flyer to send US your nomina-
. . . FirstfiuiirfayeASerrt Cate atRegma s . . . .
C'Ub. Any thketS left WI" be avallable SGCGRGTUESIMY P'FLAGTao 4_ . thHS. And whi|e you re at It, renew or
at the d00l- Doors open at 8:00pm. SuoadFrrdayuCCMovtemght begin a subscription. We very much
To obtain applications tor the contest ForMCCinfocallTomaSZZG-GWS 4 are in need of more subscribers wrth— .
or for further information, call either ' ' ' '* . 4 - '4 ' in Lexington.
Mr. Royse or Ms. Monroe. panic Reading . 4
Information can also be accessed on Local writers are invited to read Interweave
the web at www.evproductions.com. their work at the Third Annual lnterweave is planning a potluck
Working Class Kitchen Pride lunch outside at the UU Church after
SflNé’] on? Reading. Thls event WI“ be he'd at 8 the service at about 1215 on May
The Lexington Men’s Chorus pm at Joseph Beth Cafe on Sunday, 16. We are planning a series of -
has invited Voices of Kentuckiana June 20th (note change of date). videos for pride month so join us and
and SisterSound to join them for the Admission is $36-$10, sliding scale, express you preferences for movies
Pride Concert, Sing Out! The com- which includes desert and coffee. and documentaries to show in June.
bined choruses will perform June 5, Call Kelly at 277-6168 if you are June 5 will be Pride Sunday at
at the Clifton Center in Louisville and interested in reading or for details. Church.
news continued on page 4

 Mr. Kentucky Leather “"19 '"Ch Ma'es- . {Initial-Form
Woofer Ainsworth of Newport. Kentucky Leather Productions 33:3; iifiquiai-rjr 35.12;“.
KY was chosen as Mr. Kentucky Wi” 3'50 be producing Kentucky Mr. Wamkmm
Leather 99 on April 4. The new Mr. Drummer and Dr ummerboy 99] June V'A'I 110,0“nilesilf
Kentucky Leather is a member of the 5-6, 1999 at SCORE in Lomswlle. , j , . ¢
Tri-State wolf pack of Cincinnati and For contestant or other information dflmmdmfimfl,
will represent Kentucky in the on this event contact: Kentucky WfltSMH :sa‘venigéetoi
International Mr. Leather contest to Leather Productions at (606) 253' : PrideCenter r,
be held in Chicago, IL over Memorial 0185 or email Stanley9@gte.net. g , , ’1 ,2- ‘ _
Day Weekend. . Terry255-5439 I.
The selection of Woofer F alrness , truth openly.” Katherine Goodman,
Ainsworth before an enthusiastic The Henderson fairness co—chair of the campaign, said
crowd of leathermen and their friends Campaign has announced ftsP'ans "Fairness is the right thing to do and
was the culmination of a weekend of ‘9 pursue an 0““"3006 “mm" the we know that there are many fair-
Leather Pride. Al Spencer 0* C'ty 0‘ Henderson, Kentucky that minded people in Henderson who
Lexington was named First Runner- would make it Illegal to discriminate will support us."
Up and another Lexingtonian, Paul in employment, housrng, and public The ordinance would allow
Johnson was Second Runner-Up. accommodations based or? sexual those who experience discrimination
Larry Stanley W35 master 0* cere- orientation and gender identity. based on sexual orientation or gen-
monies. _ The campaign '8 working to der identity to use the same legal
Special recognition was 9W6" t0 build grass roots support and public channels currently made available
the three leather ClUbS in Kentucky: momentum for the proposed ordi- for other existing classifications,
the Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S, the nance m Henderson, a my 0f 27‘000 such as race, national origin, religion,
Louisville Nightwings, and the in northwestern Kentucky. and disability,
Lexington Lyons, as well as Ken "Henderson has an organized, .
Cook, Bluegrass Mr. Drummer; visible, and progressive justice com— Congradulations and thanks
Maverick, Mr. Ohio Valley Leather muni‘y committed *0 fairness!" said to SisterSovmb for the
99; and Randy Paylor, Mr. Kentucky the Rev. J. Bennett Guess, co-chair wonderful spring concerts
Leather 98. Entertainment was pro- 0f the Henderson Fairness in April. We particularly
vided by DJ‘S Billy and Tony; Campaign. "We know that the best appreciated the opportu-
Cammie Dietrich; Ginger Grant; and wayto create Change is“) Speakthe nity to hear Margie Adam.
1 - s'r333 the church of your you th . not answer
year needsasa fflaSQmIlg-adult? ~ , ' ~ . . * * ,

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in association with
National Entertainer of the Year
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day ’zaézz WajLO/za
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NATIONAL 13.0. Y. ‘98
BLUEGRASS 13.0. Y. ‘98
Radisson Plaza Hotel 369 W Vine St.
Lexington, KY.
For information on tickets or a - lications lease call 606 321-2053
OR check our web we“
Advance Tickets on Sale 5/ 1/99
GLSO Page 5

9:00 am Frontrunners
~ (Arboretum)
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
a}, , y
m- ___'________________._‘___ ~____________~____u __‘_~‘__________~__ _______‘________ _ ' ' ~ . '
10:45 am UU Church 7:00pm Pride Month 7:30 pm Fairness 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00pm Men’s 7:00 pm LMCC Movie 9:00 am Frontrunners
1 1 :30 am LMCC meeting (Pride Center) Lexington (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal Night (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 pm Moonshine Bears
6:00 pm SisterSound (Crossings) e S a u r a n
7:30 pm Court Cafe (at .
Regina-S) 5 5 7 S. leestone
————~.~————— ———————-«——-— ——-_—~~-—-~~— ~—~—.———-w —~——~m_— —— Lex1n o
9 1O 11 12 13 14 15 gt n’ Ky.
10:45 am UU Church 7:00pm GLSO Board 6:00 pm li'rontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s ' 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners 2 5 3-00 1 4
11:30 am LMCC Meeting (Pride Center) (Woodland Park» Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm SisterSound 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
rehearsal 8:00 pm Guy/Lesbian AA Ad 1 l f o
, .. S
KEEP “m : eaturing the famous
Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
M__._ _____.___._ ___.2_____:3_2.: _ -m M servin blueberr
1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 O 21 22 b k h g y
10:45 am UU Church 8:00pm AA Step Study __ ‘_____ 6:00pm Frontrunners 7:00pm Men's 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners uc W eat pancakes,
1 1:30 am LMCC GLSO NEWS DEADLINE. (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) -
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride SUBMIT ADDITIONS 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm Gay/LesbianAA eggs benedlCt arnOld,
Center) AND/OR CORRECTIONS 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA '
6:00 pm SisterSound FOR NEXT CALENDAR. SpanlSh OI’l’lClCttCS
rehearsal CALL MARY 266-5904 ‘
3 12:15 Interweave OR E-MAIL gourmet desserts,
. Potluck gnawcmrsfiimel-wfl and much more i
. 23/30 24/31 25 26 2? ‘7“ 7‘ 28 29 '
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm l’rontrunners 7:00 pm Men‘s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9300 am Frontrunners
113308111 LMCC (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) All Of our breads and
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘
rehearsal 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA desserts are baked dally
in our kitchen
Free Evening Parking

 . whiskey, and a few other things that tight-knit places, people like to talk.
0" ck 9‘ Hop will keep a cupboard full and the bills They tell all kinds or stories.
Bynemne E Jones paid. Nine months later they had a For instance, the locals say it’s A
Have you ever been to Cricket child. Don‘t ask me how, I'm just part of the 'touch’ that caused those
HOD? For those that don‘t know, telling it to you like Great-aunt Lena two surreal women to give their girls Me
Cricket Hop is a small community told it to me. She said THEY had a them odd names. Why else would a at
about 20 miles west on KY50-1. its child. l‘m not going to talk up under parent give a girl a plural color, Pinks, S at
about halfway between Here and anybody‘s skirt, because i wasn't for a name? Nobody‘s figured out ac<
There. Fifty residents, mostly women, there. what the other name means. What for
call it home. Don't look for it on a Anyway, they named that child exactly is a Sugar Loaf? arri
map because it's not considered an Jesus Johnson Jones. Everybody If you have never set eyes on '
33tU3lt0Wh- lt‘sjusta nice hidey—hole. just called him ‘6’ for short. He does- these women, you would think the 33'
On the weekends the population n't come around much since he grad- names, the people, and the commu- Pe
increases by 50% 0t more. Some uated from Bridgewater University. nity were imaginary. But it all exists, w a
' say it’s the Old ‘P’ Bar that draws the He said it was hard for him to live in just ask somebody. Or better still, SC,
crowd. The ‘P’ stands for Pinks, she these parts. come go with us to Cricket Hop this not
owns the bar. That’s the truth. Folks still talk weekend, we'll visit the Old ‘P’. You
Others say that it‘s Sugar Loaf about the day the concerned Christians can see for yourself and form your an:
who draws the weekend women. decided to tell ‘G's parents about own opinion. j
Sugar Loaf is Pinks” cousin, She is their blasphemous ways - how dare en
also the entertainment coordinator at them name a child Jesus! The group LETTER TO KET :Jhn,
the Old 'P'- And entertaining she i5, had intended to march right down A short selection from a letter to KEI’. inc;
a mesmerizing spirit With long, SlOW Brocatelle Lane and set those two Join me in writing them. Mary Crone Fa
lissome movements, and spry, Sprin- women straight. But most of them In the wake of the Littleton Da
kling words that are sweets for the just turned tail and ran when the min— tragedy, Americans are discussing thr
tympanic cavity. Nobody delivers ister came flying back out the screen the possible precursors and solutions
the heart Of a song like SUQET Loaf. door. Wouldn't have made a differ- to school violence. We all need to
And nobody gets Sugar Loaf‘s ence who it was, wasn’t room in that think and learn about the biases and ,
heart. Both she and Pinks have a house for a know-it—all trying to harassment that are a part of the
reputation for sending heartbroken changeathing that was already done. lives of our school age children.
women out the door. Rumor has it When the preacher was getting Most importantly, we all need to learn
that they can‘t help it. they are up off the ground trying to right him— about educational methods that are ,
‘touched‘. self, seems like he said some cant effective in decreasing harassment.
l heard the story from my Great- about the women‘s generations It's Elementary explores what is
aunt Lena, she said it all started With never being able to hem their love in being done within a few classrooms
the grandmother back in 1935. Cricket Hop. I’m sure it went some- to decrease prejudice and harass—
Nobody knows where the woman thing like that, Great-Aunt Lena merit directed at young people per—
came from, she lUSt Showed Up in always started to doze on this part of ceived to be gay or lesbian. ‘
Cricket HOD one day With tWO little the story. Homophobic harassment is a big t~
girls. Mrs. Marygeorgyana Johnson Anyway, Pinks’ and Sugar Loaf’s problem in itself but this video has (
t00k one l00k at her and decided that momas had to leave the entire state wider implications for educators and ‘
love had finally arrived. She left her to find husbands. They both came parents interested in decreasing all
husband, her house and everything back when one husband disap— forms of harassment. lt demon- l
in it. peared into thin air, and the other one strates that it is possible to discuss ]
Mrs. Johnson and that Qrand- upped and died. it took the commu- and educate children of various ages
mother Spent about three years get- nity a while to realize that the women about prejudice and harassment.
ting acquainted, and building their weren‘t being chased by the law for This video needs to be shown now.
own house. and selling a little murder. You know how it can be in
GLSO Page 8

 "We Are Family" era - the close harmonies of the Dawn Coon, LMC‘s interim director
A Tr end S Carpenters and Elton John; the disco had been hired as permanent music
e'n "“8 access beat of Donna Summer, ABBA and director of the chorus. The chorus is
When the members of Lexington Village People; and the TV theme pleased with the direction Dawn has
Men's Chorus finally took the stage songs we all know by heart. taken LMC and thanks her for the joy
at the Opera House at 8:15 on it was clear to both the audience she has helped us find in singing.
Saturday April 10th (A late start to and chorus members that this was a The night capped nine years of
accommodate the people clamoring special night in the nine season his- rehearsals, retreats, sectionals, com-
for last minute tickets.) they had tory of LMC. Featured on the front mittee and board meetings and. then
arrived. They arrived in polyester page of the Herald-Leader's extra rehearsals for choreography;
pants and platform shoes, arrived as "Weekender“ section, fifteen mem- nine years of Holiday and Pride con-
John Travolta look-alikes, Village bers of the Chorus posed in their certs; and nine years of struggling to
People clones and Bee Gee 19705 finery with disco ball in hand. define and achieve the sometimes
wannabes, arrived with bell bottoms, The publicity had the box office delicate balance of their music and
scarves, afros, 'staches, and last but phones ringing non-stop and lead to their mission - musical excellence in
not least, as Jan Brady. LMC performing for an unusually performance, fellowship opportuni-
The Chorus was ready to sing diverse crowd of more than 800, their ties for members, pride and unity
and dance but more than anything to largest and most enthusiastic ever. within the gay and lesbian communi-
entertain. And entertain they did. An The audience could not get enough ty and presenting a positive image of
unusually diverse crowd of more of the nostalgia of the 703 - clapping the gay and lesbian community to the
than 800 could not get enough of the to the final title number "We Are general public. And always,to enter-
nostalgia of the 1970.5. The “We Are Family," and singing along with ges- tain!
Family" concert as arranged by tures to the "YMCA" encore. An audience member was heard
David Maddux, was a spirited trip Not to be lost in the music was to say afterward - "A 10-year
through the pop music styles of the the wonderful announcement that overnight success.“ That says it all.
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 GLSO News 13 proud to present
our sponsors for 1999
Sills Inn, Bed and Breakfast Guest House.........................,.....(606) 873-4478
Voted “Best in the Bluegrass”...................,......................(800) 526—9801
Mr Goodcents Subs and Pastas..........................................................253-1552
1050 S. Broadway @ The Marketplace
Metropolitan Community Church......................................................271—1407
387 Waller Ave., Sunday Worship 11:30 AM
A Church for all God’s People
Diverse music for all women
Windy Knoll Farm299-7410
Riding lessons, dressage and jumping, trail riding, boarding .
Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of Kentucky...................................294-0901
The Bar Complex255-1551
224 E. Main
Beverly K. Turner LCSW, Counselor/Therapist...............................269-6497
Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist.....................................,.....277-3119
ScottAckerman, Paul Semonin Realty...............................................269—7331
Call me with your real estate needs......................(voice mail) 294-2055 ,
Lexington Men’s Chorus266—9175
Pegasus Trave1253—1644 ‘
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO ,
Out and Proud Members of the LBGT Community
To Put {information [into Newsletter“,
if you have an article, advertisement, announcement, or are requesting a
directory change for the newsletter, please e-mail it to Peter@QX.NET or
Marycrone@aol.com or snail mail it to Mary Crone (1630 Ashwood Rd. 40502) by the
18th oi June. it you want to be listed on the Pride Schedule, call Terry now at 255-
5469. Because of Pride Month, it is important to send articles in as early as possi-
ble. it is often possible to get things into the newsletter after the deadline but articles
received first will be given priority.
cLso Page to '

 Windy Knoll
F a r m
0 Indoor Arena Lessons in
‘ Cross Country Dressage
’ Stadium Jumping &
0 Outdoor Sand Dressage Arena Jumping A'
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3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen
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_ —‘—_-—__—_———__W

 ' A @330 (Dizectozq
GLSO Board (ferry)..........................................255-5469 Alcoholics Anonymous..................._..................276—2917
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff)....................296—417O Ask US, lnc255-2374
GLSO: News Calendar (Peter)........................273-9649 Bluegrass Belles (Marjorie).............................278—2608
Advertisements (Terry)............‘..........255—5469 (Dawn)..dwrlsoo@ukcc.uky.edu._.. ._(Ann)(502)672-8673
Community News (Mary).....4...............266—5904 Bluegrass COLTS (Moms)........,.....,.........V.....225-9169
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Mary)........,...............266—5904 Council-for Peace and Justice (Richard)...,......277—6101
GLSO Pink Pages (John)......._.....a...............v...269-6989 DOJ F’l’lde(R0bln).i........t.................‘.................231-8526
E-MALE (Bill).........................‘.............l.........i..255—5469
Fairness of Lexington HOTLlNE...............A.......275-7812
STUDENT GROUPS Fairness of Louisville”.....A.....t............t..(502) 893—0788
ACE Leaguei BelealNelSOll)--~--~~---~~---~-~(505)985'9341 Front Runners (Keith) 2546850
AGLF; NKU (Pal) -------~--------572-5604 GIL Defense Fund,.._.......‘.....r...i............H(502) 589-2896
B—GLAD: Centre College (Mykou...-.-------4~~-----238-5332 lGBO (Steve)..,...........ta...r......t..........................276~3058
Pride Alliance EKU (Josh).......................(606)622—5297 Ky Leather Productions (Larry)..t.......................253—0185
(Jesslcl'li--------------»-4----(606)622—532l Ky, Legislator Message Line..............,....(800) 3727181
Lex. Youth Supporl Group (Kenneth).-~.---~-----222-l919 Klsmlt3355477
Morehead Slale_UnIV_er5lty (Angela)-»-~--l-~---»-~783-2950 Lake Cumberland Gay Alliance(Roger).. (606) 561—9898
Transylvania University (JESSICELHUW.,....,.i....255-2122 ............,.......H......_...‘..A.....t....roger@hyperactlon.net
(Blemw----.-~~---a---.------u----~-233-8586 Lexington Men’s Chorus (Blll)......a.......A............266-9175
UK Lambda (JameSl~---~------------~--------~------------254-6021 Louisville Youth Group......t..r.......m........‘(502) 894-9787
(Nat).....................,....H.................323-4571 Moonshine Bears of Ky (James).u.t..w............. 254—9567
(Jlm) 299-2047
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING Names Project, Lex. (Katie)..u...4......a...............‘272-2588
Jessamine County.......1__...,_.._...__.._....w,_,_,_._‘”385-4149 Pride Center (voice mall)......V......,.....................255—4016
Lexington—Fayette County..................................288—2437 P—FLAG (Perry)........A..,.......................t....(502) 226-5478
Madison County.....................,.............,_....._.,...723-7312 Pegasus Travel.........................................l........253-1644
Woodrord County...................................,........t..873-4541 Rainbow Bowling League (Shawn).w......-..~..v.255-7379
RSIC of KY. (John)...............‘....._.............V........294-0901
AIDS HOTLlNE........................................(800) 840-2865
AIDS Volunteers ln02787494
AVOL Legal Advocacy Programw..,................278-7494 A _ RELIGIOUS GROUPS
Health Dept. HIV Support (Patty)...............,......288-2377 Dignity [CatholllJKDOfll....‘.I...t..........i...t......t.....299-4458
(Amanda)..,.........‘...288-2374 Interweave [Unitarian](Davma)....................,.H..271-6174
HlV/AIDS Legal Project..t........................(502) 584-1254 MCC‘E“Z?beW0Wl! (ReV- _CathY)----~-~-~-~-(800)484'8498
HlV Education YOUTH GROUP.,....................278-7494 MCC'LeXlngton (“3‘09 mal')'----~~~----~;~--~------~2.55‘40‘5
HlV Support (Somerset).............679-7578 or 678-5814 (59“ Hex) 'mCCbrV@lU“0-00m
Kentucky AIDS HOTL|NE.....................(800) 840-2865 MCC'LOU'SV'"9 (Rev- Dee)~----~--~~-~----------(502)775‘6536
HlV+ /AlDS Support Group (Hospice)...tt.........276-5344 MCC'Paducah (RSV Dollnalm-z-~~~~~~~~<502l441'2307
Movable Feast..............._........................,._........252-2867 Path 0‘ the Person?“ DlV'“e(Ch”S)----~---------~----258'1640
, . , Pagan Forum (Rev. Pat) 268—1640
Peter“ "t >®%§SOIO&{UNE ' P n r h ...r........t............252-7673
_ rl’e gTeny' gitemglggogeefw-mm . we LESBIGAY voum HOTLINE ,
~ ‘ ‘ . .1 : I ~ _, ' - a i “800-3474TEEN 7pm-12pm Thurs.& Fri.