xt7bg7373k0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7373k0t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1986 text GLSO News, August 1986 1986 1986-08 2019 true xt7bg7373k0t section xt7bg7373k0t N Ews ' -
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If you would like to advertise in the GLSO Newsletter, ;
please send your camera—ready copy to: G150, P.O. Box
11471, Lexington, KY 40575. The deadline for all - , , - -
submissions is the 15th of each month for publication the — Igleaseuput meéus or; ti: mtakillmg hSt'llzilUdlng a .
following month. Anything received after the deadline rees scrip 10“,, 0 e ”(in y G150 News e er I
will not be guaranteed to be ublished in the next issue. (delivered m an unmarked envelope). '1
Ads may be sent Camera-reagy or rough. Rough copies __ Enclosed'lsl$10.00 (or $5.00 for students) for each ’ ‘1
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section below. GIS) will not be responsible for — Please let "*3/95 how I/we can be more ”wowed 1n GLS) or
typesetting errors in the ad after printing; advertisers othergay/lesbian organizations by calling h 5,
are responsible for proofing the ads they submit for —— or writing to‘ (phone) .' -
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The Editor and the G180 Board of Directors reserve the '-
right to censor advertisements and other submissions which ——__—__.__ j
are deemed in poor taste and to edit due to space NAMES)
restrictions and/or grammatical errors. Erotica, fantasy,
sexually-explicit materials, or material deemed in ____.______—_ __
conflict with the purpose or policies of the Lexington Address Apt' # '
Gay/Lesbian Services Organization will not be accepted for ,—————————-————-—
publication. City 1:}
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Eighth Page $ 8.00 Quarter Page $15.00 Mail to: GISO, P.O. Box 11471, Lex., KY 40575
(2:: 3.5“) (2 1/8” x 7" or 4 1/4" x 3 1/2") _'
Ha Page $25.00 Full Pa e $40.00 ‘
(4 1/4" x 7" or (8 1/2"gx 7") DISCOUNTS
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8 1/2 X 3 1/2 ) 1/4 off for 6 issues '
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ClaSSlflEd 3 L00 (ggchoagditigialswgid) 1/2 Off for non—profit organizations _‘
2:522:3ng $388 Discounted ad space will be contracted for specified
. terms. Artwork may be changed at the advertiser's expense .-
Dmmlony and subject to the above deadline. Half of the cost of ,_
the discounted ad shall be due prior to publication and
srsoGayLine.............................23l—0335 half Shall be 9'19 upon completion. 0f the term 0f the
GISO Billboard...........................293—6734 discount. Fallure (to COhPlY With the hems Of the
G150 Newsletter, General.................259—3292 contraCt ”BY “5"” 1“ fhture denial 0f commem-
Advertising. ' I ' ' ' . . ' - . ' .278 0048 Placement of an ad in the (3180 Newsletter DOES NOI‘
Dignity/Lexington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266—3759 denote a person's sexual orientation or a business's
Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire...266—0882 CUStOh'er preference.
Gay & Lesbian A/A........................266—8887
Gay & lesbian Democrats of Kentucky.. ....266—3934 The GISO Newsletter is published monthly by the
Community Health Trust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268—2329 Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. (d.bflL
Interweave/MUD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448 Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization), p,o, Box 7'
Lesbian Substance Abuse Support Group....252—5487 11471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575_ The G150 is a
Lexington—Fayette (:0th Health registered non—profit organization the purpose of which is
Dept. AIDS Information (EXt- 245) ------252“2371 to provide educational, recreational, social, and referral "
Louisville Crisis Hotline.......... (502) 637-4342 services directly involving or relating to gay/lesbian -_
mensboro Gay Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . (502) 685—5246 people.
Cincinnati Gay Switchboard......... (513) 221—7800 Views or opinions expressed in the articles, stories, j
National Gay Task Force criSiS Line letters, or advertisements are those of the authors and do
and AIDS CIiSiS Line............. (800) 221—7044 not necessarily represent those of the GISO Board of
Directors nor the Newsletter staff. Publication of the .
name or photograph of any person, organization, or other
entity in articles or advertising in the Newsletter is in
no way indicative of the sexual orientation of such ,
person, organization, or entity. '
Submissions for the Newsletter are welcome. All .
submissions become the property of the the Lexington Gay '
Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian
Services Organization). All submissions must indicate the .
full name and address of the author, although no by-line
will be published without the express, written permission
of the author. Non—original material must indicate that -
the original author has given permission for use of the ‘
material. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted. The
editorial staff reserves the right to alter submissions ’
(including advertisements) to meet publishing
requirements. ‘ :

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 The IDUBIE CUEL‘I‘ illegal in his state, a father who exposed his child to
(from LIFE) homosexuality would be analogous to a bank robber who
“’* exposed his child to his "unacceptable line of endeavor."
(part three of three) He therefore forbade the father ever to "be in the
Though children may seem alien to most gay men, and presence of his lover" when the Child was there. In
would fit poorly into their life—style, there is a small, Gottlieb V- Gottlieb, a recent New York case, the judge
but significant minority who wish they could have them. also made the father promise he would never introduce his
The gay life gives these nun everything they want except daughter, age four, to any Of his gay friends or take he
the possibility of fatherhood. Substitutes can be found, anywhere where known homosexuals are present." Another
of course. Gay men have traditionally been drawn to the cornnon stipulation is that a father attempt to "cure" his
'care—taking' professions —— teaching, medicine, nursing, homosexuality. (Modes Of treatment range from
and counseling. Says Daniel Rosenblatt, a New York conventional psychotherapy to "aversion'therapy," ih.which
psychotherapist who is himself gay, “Why do you think I electric shocks are administered or vomiting is chemically
have four cats, two dogs, three well—loved nieces and a induced whenever the patient is shown the image of a nude
nephew, hundreds of ex—students and over 50 patients?" male. Though. _SUCh therapy sometimes does dimiNiSh
For 50",: men, vicarious nurturing is just not enough. homosexual actiVity, gay actiVists claim that it works, no
One result of their increasingly public perspective is the by altering the person's basic sexual bent, but by
recent push for liberalized adoption laws. In 1979, deepening'his self—hatred 50 drastically that his true
Reverend John Kuiper, a gay minister in Catskill, New identity is repressed.) Those few fathers who are granted
York, legally adopted a teenage boy. His son is custody or generous visitation rights are generally
heterosexual -- an advantage as far as Kuiper is "dlSCfeet" (in other words, the more C105Et9d, the
concerned, since he would like to have grandchildren. And better); they are "balanced in their sexual attitudes“
last year, a California marketing specialist named David (which means they want their children to be straight even
Frater, who had long been a surrogate big brother to though they're gay); and they do not "flaunt their
children in his neighborhood, adopted a 17—year—old son, sexuality" (they do not belong to any gay organizations) .
also heterosexual. Kevin, he said, fills "a major . Since the criteria in all custody cases are "the best
emptiness in my life." interests of the child," it is interesting to compare the
In New York, New Jersey, Washington, Pennsylvania, and prevailing judicial viewpoint With the SOCiOJU‘JiGil one.
Delaware, some social service agencies have recognized the The most extensive studies to date were done in 1978 and
logic of placing homosexual teenagers with homosexual 1979: in the U-5- and Canada, by Brian Miller at the
foster parents. Many of these young people have been University of Alberta. He found that virtually without
shunted from home to home for years, criticized so often exception, the "discreet" gay fathers Who liVed closeted
for their sexual deviance that their self—esteem has all llVES were poor parents, and the pUbliC gays, who WOUld be
but disappeared. The courts, however, are not always accused bY “‘OSt judges 0f "flaunting their sexuality,"
sympathetic to the idea. In a 1975 Washington case, In re
Davis, the judge refused to place a homosexual 16-year—old
boy with a gay couple despite the recommendations of two
social workers, two juvenile parole officers, a UPTOWN RECORDS
ps chiatrist, a s chologist, and a sociologist. Such a
plgcement, wrotg ythe judge, "offends the traditional 210 EAST MAIN (NEXT TO THE KY THEATRE)
concept of what a family is." LEXINGTON, KY. 40507 10-10 DAILY
These solutions dohnot offer .th: ct—hhanceP tcl) pass on (606) 252-4828 10-MIDNICHT FRI—SAT
one s own enes. Mic ae Dorman s ro er au , wio is
also gay, gas ingeniously satisfied this urge by selling NEW ' USED . IMPORTS ' CD5
his sperm to an Ontario sperm bank. Although he does not VIDEO RENTAL SALES
consider himself ready for full—time fatherhood, he likes ., .
to think that there are children in the world who owe IMPORT 12 WE BUY USED ALBUMS
their existence to him. "People say that, because gays
don't reproduce, they recruit," says Paul. “That, of _
course, is bullshit. I would never recruit but, by being were extremely good ones. The closeted fathers were far
a sperm donor, I've probably fathered more children than more likely to lead promiscuous sex lives. They kept
nost straights." (Editor's note: This article was their worlds separate by such exhausting oxpodicnts as
written before the full ramifications of the AIDS epidemic secret post office boxes, hidden magazines and address
were understood. It is no longer reconmended that gay men socks, and fake identities. To assuage weir guilty
donate blood, sperm, or organs.). :onsciences, they often showered their families with
Radical alternatives also exist for gays who wish to expensive gifts instead of attention —— what Miller calls
have, and keep, their own children. For several years, the Santa Claus syndrome. Their extreme cognitive
gay women have conceived through artificial insemination, dissonance left them anxious and ashamed, and as a reSUIt,
sometimes collaborating with male friends from the gay their relations with their children were distant and
comnunity. Last year, for example, an artificially strained.
inseminated son was born in northern California to a By contrast, the publicly gay father, who did not feel
lesbian named JoAnn Gardner—foulan and a gay man named that their homosexuality lessened their value as either
Paul willson. Both of them had always wanted a child and, people or parents, tended to lead stable, domestic lives,
when they met each other, they decided to join forces. often with a single, permanent lover, that permitted them
Gardner, now 14 months 01d, SPeHdS part Of his week With to devote a great deal of time to their children. They
eaCh parent. were far less likely to use corporal punishment. Miller
For men who already have children through conventional found that the sooner they were open about their
marriage, the problem is keeping them after the divorce. homosexuality, the better. Children who were kept in the
If a custody battle is waged in court and the mother is dark were likely to blame themselves for their parents“
alive, the father's chances of obtaining full custody are "EH-‘31 problems, and later felt hurt because their
practically nil. In some cases, he is denied all fathers had not trusted them‘ enough to tell them the
ViSitation. Such terms as "insufficient moral character," truth.
even references to Sodom and Gomorrah, regularly turn up Right down the line, Miller's findings disagree with
in the texts of decisions. In one New Jersey case, In re the criteria by which most courts have decided custody
I...S. 6. C., the judge responded that, since sodonly is cases. Michael and Robert find this a sobering thought.
77 , 7, 7 , ,, amt, ,

 They would, without exception, pass every one of the l U’ '0 ._ b
sociological tests for responsible gay parenthood and (“9/ 66 /
flunk every one of the judicial ones. If their wives had - n Pb
fought them in court, it is quite likely that, unless they @r‘ Adz ma ," 5*
had given each other up, they would never have seen their aw or 3;
children again. hop y, .
Tolstoy was wrong. Happy families are not all alike. mL‘ 4: S . 1% .
Were it not for the conspicuous absence of women — when was 0-“ :‘£§ .‘
Lynn comes to visit, Brittan can't take her eyes off the 1 9/ l V §
novelty of eye makeup and long fingernails — the 3 5 0% y / \
Knight—Dorman household would seem like any modern family ho - J \
successfully reconstructed after divorce and remarriage. A] C’ no --—.
There are the usual step—sibling quarrels, quick to erupt a!" at
but quick to resolve. The occasional moment of real 0/ '
unhappiness seems to have less to do with homosexuality a; %
than with divorce. "I want to live in one apartment, not C 09
two," Eryn once told Lynn. "I want one toybox." Last 0
year he asked his father, "Why don't you move back? Mama
doesn t have anyone to slee with at ni ht." Michael ‘ ~
replied, "Well, if I did,p then Robert gwouldn't have \\ S n“0UA‘+ IVE. E U (L, Griz-L9
anybody to sleep with." ¥f‘—" l/
Eryn and Jason do not talk about their unusual family d G .
at school. Says Jason, "When my friends are older, then I 0’“ Pea l “a e ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘
might try to explain it. I think they will like gay
people O.K. because they'll like my daddy." So far, most has two g's." "Some gays say they don’t rub people's
of the reflected discrimination has come from adults noses in it because what they do in bed is their own
rather than children. For the last two years, Rooert's business," he says. "but being gay is not just wnat you
children have missed an annual Christmas party —— a do in bed. It's being able to walk arTn—in-arl'n with your
long—standing ritual, complete with a communally—purchased lover, tell your co—workers what bar you go to, who you
Santa Claus suit — that the Knights had shared with four live with, what movie you saw last weekend, what books you
other families for five years. In 1981, one of the other read. If that's flaunting your sexuality, then I flaunt
fathers informed Robert that, if he and Michael arrived it -— and so does every straight in the world."
with their families, several of his old friends would Robert and Michael have stopped counting the times they
leave. "We didn't go," says Robert. "There was no way I have been asked, by people looking pointedly at the
was going to let my kids see that." They went to a gay children they evidently conceived without mechanical
Christmas party instead. difficulty, if they are "really" gay. "They think maybe i
"later on," says Michael, "when other kids are making "MSt be bisexual, or '"that I. used to" be straight and
derogatory remarks about homosexuality, will Eryn speak up SOMO‘” turned gay, says Michael. In fact, nothing
or will he be silent? Knowing his father is gay, that has‘changed except my ablhty to see who I really am.
will be a hard decision. I wouldn't blame him if he were Havmg heterosexual experiences doesn't make you straight
silent." He and Robert have already decided that they any more than having homosexual experiences makes you gay:
will go together to their children's graduations but not 190k at all the Situations "h?“ straight men have sex
to school dances. In the meantime, firmly believing in With each other _ armies, prisons, and so on _ because
the fully—integrated life, they take the children along to they don t have access to mnj As soon as they get OUt'
gay father's group meetings, gay rallies, gay bookstores, U191? so—called homosexuality disappears. I feel Wh?“ I
even —— before the cruising hour —— to Dude's, their married Lynn, 1 was 1“ a kind Of PSYCh°¥091C51 prison.
favorite gay bar, for hot chocolate and pinball. They Society told me that the only sex ayallable was the
consider this a mind-broadening experience for other gays OPPOSlte one, so I made do With that until I was let ‘3‘“:
as well as for their children. Says Robert, "straights Of my C1059t-"
don't understand that we might want to go to a gay bar for Michael often muses on the likelihood that gay fathers,
something other than sex. We simply feel at home there. like him and Robert, will become a vanishing breed. As
It's like that cartoon in Christopher Street magazine homosexuality becomes more socially acceptable, fewer
about a bar full of frogs. The frog bartender is saying, young gays will be pushed into heterosexual molds, and
'After a hard day at the office, it's nice to be with your fewer will marry. "Of course, I wish I'd known what I
own kind. "' the children have met their father's complete know now when I was sixteen," says Michael. "Then I
circle of friends, which includes teachers, nurses, wouldn't have missed my entire youth through loneliness.
engineers, a plastic surgeon, a real estate salesman and a 0n the other hand, I would never have had Eryn. I don't
fundamentalist minister who has never had sex with a man, think I would have felt fulfilled without a child — even
but is certain that he is gay nonetheless. my mother thinks so. I'm glad it turned out as it did,
Michael and Robert are both fully out of the closet at except that my wife, who was completely innocent, ended up
work. At the Worker's Compensation Board, Robert being sacrificed."
patiently answers questions like "Do you dress up in Lynn Dwyer, 36, who has resumed her maiden name, is now
drag?" and "Which one of you is the wife?" (Neither: a counter agent at a car rental company. Rose Knight,
Their sexual relationship has no "male" or "female“ roles; also 36, is a teacher of severely retarded and disabled
all housekeeping chores are shared; each father is children. Neither has remarried. Robert still worries
responsible for his own children.) When asked if he and about whether Rose will get home safely in a snowstorm.
Michael are "practicing homosexuals," a term he finds Michael cannot bear to listen to songs that remind him of
distasteful, Robert replies, "We don't need to practice. Lynn. When they saw Making love — a movie most found so
We're already good at it." bland that, as Biggie cemented, "it's as if Ozzie told
In his mail room carrel, where other employees have Harriet he was gay" — both cried. "You know when you
pictures of their wives and children, Michael has pictures blink real fast to try to get the moisture back inside?"
of his child and his lover. He likes to whistle "I'm Just says Robert. "When the lights came on, I was blinking
Wild About Harry" as he sorts mail. Once someone left a like crazy, because when the gay man came back to say
note on his desk that said "FAGOI‘." Michael calmly pinned good—bye to his wife, I kept seeing Rose."
it up on a public bulletin board with a comment, "Faggot Lynn says there have been times when she wished she

 were gay, too. "I've gotten rather disillusioned with
straight men," she says, "and I've met so many lovely,
intelligent women. Sometimes I've thought, wouldn't it be mxmslm GAY SERVICES OmANIZA'I‘ICN
lovely if the sexual aspect were there? But it just isn't (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization) ,
in me." She and Michael see each other about twice a Operating Receipts and Expenditures 1
month. "If I'm feeling a little bit down," she says, July 1,1985 to June 30, 1986 ,
"I'll say to him when he's leaving, 'Well, I could use a ‘
hug.‘ And its funny, it feels different from anyone else (
hugging me, even now. I do still love Michael. But he's ‘
an awfully hard person to buy a birthday card for. 'For Receipts: j
My Husband' certainly isn't it, but 'For My Friend' just Advertising $1,474.87 1
isn't enough. I guess Hallmark Cards hasn't yet created a Aerobics 610.00
category for people like us. This is not a family like AIDS Alert 10-00
other families. The fathers are well aware that they are Billboard 485.00 1
a statistical rarity, a minority within a minority. The Brezings Benefit 304.00 3
children know from their friendsI families and the Donations 2,144.00 (
families they watch every night on television that theirs Easter Bonnet Benefit 1,668.23 1
is different. Still, all families, however uncon— Pride Week 13.00 r
ventional, have some things in conmon, and at eight every Imperial Court Benefit 676.45
evening, the Knight—Dormans play out the same bedtime Memberships 400.00 E
rituals that are taking place simultaneously in hundreds Normal Heart Benefit 896.61 ‘_
of other households in their suburban neighborhood. Show Auction Benefit 632.50 ‘
Brittan lies in her frilly, pink room, freshly bathed Valentine Dance Benefit 180.00 ‘
and shampooed, with her stuffed rabbit on one side and her Volleyball 130-00 ‘
father on the other. "Benny the Bulldozer rattled and Total Receipts 9,625.16 ?
bumped," reads Robert. "Nice Benny," says Brittan. Next ‘
door, in Eryn's masculine stronghold, Michael reads, E>