xt7bg7371667 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bg7371667/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1992-07-oct20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1992-07-oct20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1992-07-oct20. 1992 1992-07-oct20. 2011 true xt7bg7371667 section xt7bg7371667 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, October 20, 1992.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, October 20, 1992 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to
order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mrs. Marian'Sims.

       B.    Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Governor Edward T. Breathitt (Chairperson), Mrs. Kay
Shropshire Bell, Professor Carolyn S. Bratt, Mr. Robert Clay, Mr. James
Hardymon, Mr. Henry Jackson, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Pete November,
Dr. Deborah Powell, Mr. James L. Rose, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian
Moore Sims, Professor John Sistarenik, Jr., Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr.
Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr., Mrs. Lois Weinberg, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson.
Absent from the meeting were Mr. Paul Chellgren, Mrs. Elissa Plattner,
and Mr. Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. The University administration was
represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Peter P.
Bosomworth, Ben W. Carr, Jr., and Robert E. Hemenway; Vice Presidents
Joseph E. Burch, Edward A. Carter, Donald B. Clapp, and Eugene R.
Williams; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs;
Mr. C. M. Newton, Director of Athletics, and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal

       Members of the general public and the news media were also in
attendance. A quorum being present, Governor Breathitt declared the
meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

       C.    Approval of Minutes

       Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the September 15, 1992
meeting of the Board of Trustees had been distributed and asked for
corrections or additions. Mr. Ulmer moved that the Minutes be approved
as distributed. His motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, passed.

       D.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Wethington called attention to the following items in
his report:

       1.    GTE has contributed $625,000 to the University's library
             fund-raising campaign.

       2.    Prestonsburg Community College has won a National
             Inter-association Medallion Award in recognition of its
             faculty-based orientation and advising program.


- 2 -

       3.    The University of Kentucky Graduate School had record
             enrollments during the 1991-92 academic year.

       4.    Legislation providing $4.185 million for the final phase of
             the Advanced Science and Technology Commercialization Center
             (ASTeCC) has been approved by Congress and signed by
             President George Bush. Federal funding for this project now
             totals $17.5 million.

       5.   A UK research team has received a five-year grant of
             approximately $4 million from the National Institute on
             Aging to study the role of calcium regulation in brain cells
             during aging and Alzheimer's disease.

       6.    The University of Kentucky was honored at the tenth annual
             Minority Enterprise Development Awards Ceremony in
             Louisville. UK received an award, sponsored by the
             Kentuckiana Minority Supplier Development Council, honoring
             organizations that have developed successful minority
             business development programs.

       7.   John van Nagell, professor of obstetrics and gynecology in
             the College of Medicine, has been named to a list of the
             best cancer specialists in the United States. The list was
             published in the October 1992 issue of "Good Housekeeping"

       8.   Alice Lloyd College has opened a $3 million facility on the
             University of Kentucky campus which provides free housing
             for up to 24 Alice Lloyd College students who want to
             continue their education at UK.

       9.   Dedication ceremonies were conducted recently for the
             University's new study-intensive residence program in Boyd

      10.    Jefferson Community College is celebrating its 25th
             anniversary this year.

       President Wethington noted that there were other significant items
in his report and asked the Trustees to review them at their leisure.

       E.    Update on Financial Picture of the Commonwealth

       President Wethington reported that the Commonwealth is currently
running a deficit estimated at approximately $58 million. Governor
Brereton Jones and his staff have announced that they will not make
further budget cuts of the Commonwealth at this time. He said that the
Governor plans to observe the budget situation for a month before making
any decisions about additional cuts.

       President Wethington reminded the Board that the university
presidents recently met with Governor Jones and expressed their concerns
about the serious results that would come to the colleges and
universities if further cuts were made. He said that the university


- 3 -

presidents asked Governor Jones to give his consideration to exempting
higher education if further cuts were necessary. He mentioned that the
students and Mr. November and his counterparts across the state had also
presented their case for higher education funding to Governor Jones
recently. They expressed their interests and concerns for higher
education funding and the dangers inherent in further budget cuts.

       He said that the administrators are moving on with the process for
handling the budget cuts. He asked the Board to join the efforts of the
administrators and students in helping to avoid further budget cuts in
higher education.

       F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       With President Wethington so recommending, Mr. Shoop made a motion
to approve the routine personnel actions in PR 2. His motion was
seconded by Dr. Meriwether and carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the

       G.    Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 3A)

       President Wethington recommended that the amendments to the
University of Kentucky Governing Regulations in PR 3A be accepted for
preliminary consideration and included on the agenda for action at the
next regular meeting of the Board. He noted that these amendments
consists of statutory and editorial changes. Mr. Hardymon moved
approval. The motion, seconded by Mrs. Bell, passed. (See PR 3A at the
end of the Minutes.)

       H.   Naming of University Building - Madisonville Community
College (PR 4A)

       At the request of President Wethington, Chancellor Ben Carr
commented on PR 4A. He recommended that the Board approve the name John
H. Gray Building for the recently renovated academic/administration
building at Madisonville Community College. He said that Mr. Gray, who
was deceased, was not only a friend to Madisonville Community College but
to all of the community colleges throughout the state. He reported that
Mr. Gray served on the Advisory Board and was chairperson of the Board
for approximately 20 years. During those 20 years, Mr. Gray was active
in every major activity in the Community College System movement,

       President Wethington reiterated that John Gray was a long-standing
friend of the University and the Community College System. He said that
he could not think of a more deserving recipient of the naming of this
University building than Mr. John H. Gray. He expressed pleasure in
recommending the approval of PR 4A. Mr. Sturgill moved approval. His
motion, seconded by Mrs. Weinberg, passed unanimously. (See PR 4A at the
end of the Minutes.)

       Governor Breathitt added that he knew John Gray well, and the
University administrators were wise in making this recommendation to the
Board. He noted that Mr. Gray was also an outstanding member of the coal


- 4 -

       I.   Approval of Agreement with Ephraim McDowell Cancer Research
Foundation (PR 6A)

       President Wethington asked Chancellor Bosomworth to comment on
PR 6A.

       Chancellor Bosomworth stated that the proposed agreement continues
the relationship between the two organizations and formalizes procedures
for University accountability for the expenditure of funds provided by
the Foundation. It also ensures that funding from the Foundation
addresses the priority needs of the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer
Center. He said that this relationship has proven to be a remarkable
success story. Since its inception, it has surpassed $35 million in
fund-raising efforts for the institution.

       President Wethington reported that the University was in the
process of recruiting a new Director of the Cancer Center. In his
opinion, it is fitting and important that the new Director understands
the relationship between the Foundation and the University. He said that
he had worked with Mr. Will Farish, who is presently the President of the
Foundation, on this agreement. He reiterated that this agreement
reflects the long-standing arrangement between the two organizations and
identifies the relationship for the future. Mrs. Sims moved approval.
Her motion was seconded by Mrs. Bell and carried. (See PR 6A at the end
of the Minutes.)

       J. Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Three Months Ended September 30. 1992 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, stated that
the Finance Committee met on the morning of October 20 and reviewed the
nine items to be presented for action. He reported that a quorum was
present and noted that a number of Board members, who are not on the
Finance Committee, were in attendance.

       He reviewed the Interim Financial Report for the three months
ending September 30, 1992. He said that the University had realized 29%
of its income projected in the budget, and that the expenditures are 27%
of the approved budget. He noted that these figures are very similar to
the pace of last year, and there is adequate capital to run the
University. He recommended and moved approval of the Report. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Shoop, and it passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the

       K.    Acceptance of the Financial Statements of the University of
Kentucky      ffiliated Corporations and Other Related Orgalnizations for
the Year nded June 30, 1992 (FCR 2)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Hardymon moved
that the Board accept the audited financial statements of the University
of Kentucky, including the Management Letter and a Report on Compliance
with House Bill 622, and separate financial statements for the Housing
and Dining System, the Tobacco and Health Research Institute, and the
University Hospital for the year ending June 30, 1992. He reported that
it was a clean audit, and the University has no material weaknesses. He


- 5 -

said that those items noted for improvement will be communicated to the
proper people at the University. Mr. Rose seconded the motion and it
carried. Mr. November asked that the Minutes show that he abstained from
the vote. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Disposal of Personal Property (FCR 3)

       On motion made by Mr. Hardymon, seconded by Mrs. Weinberg and
passed, approval was given for the disposal of surplus equipment as
recommended in FCR 3. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M.    Capital Construction Report (FOR 4)

       Mr. Hardymon reported that FCR 4 is the Capital Construction
Report for the three months ending September 30, 1992. He stated that
the Report involves architectural, engineering, and related consultant
contracts for the purpose of accomplishing capital construction at the
University. He said that the Finance Committee received the report and
reviewed the expenditures for the period ending September 30, 1992. He
moved approval of FCR 4. His motion, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson, passed.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N.    Approval of Lease (FCR 5)

       Mr. Hardymon stated the FCR 5 is the approval of a lease for a
program that started in 1981. It is a lease with the Hospital
Hospitality House of Lexington, Inc., whereby the University will lease
the property at 342 South Limestone to them for five years at $1.00 per
year. The use of the property will be to provide temporary
accommodations for family members of critically ill patients of
Lexington's hospitals. He reported that this organization has served
11,000 guests since its inception. He noted that the funds to operate
this facility are from donations. On motion made by Mr. Hardymon,
seconded by Dr. Meriwether and passed, approval was given to FCR 5. (See
FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    1992-93 Budget Revisions (FCR 6)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the budget revisions in FCR 6 be
authorized and approved. He said that the Finance Committee discussed
the generation of the funds and the expenditures, and the Committee
recommends approval. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it passed. (See
FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P.    Patent Assignment (FCR 7)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board authorize the President to
execute an assignment on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the
University of Kentucky Research Foundation of the following Letters of
Patent of the United States and the invention represented thereby:
Radovan (NMI) Kovacevic, Serial No. (to be assigned), filed (to be
filed). He explained that this invention is a high pressure water jet to
assist in the cooling and lubrication of machinery. His motion, seconded
by Professor Sistarenik, carried. (See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 6 -

       Q.   Patent Assignment (FOR 8)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board authorize the President to
execute an assignment on behalf of the Board to the University of
Kentucky Research Foundation of the following Letters of Patent of the
United States and -the invention represented thereby: Robert A. Lodder
and Lisa A. Cassis, Serial No. (to be assigned), filed (to be filed). He
explained that this patent is for certain improvements in apparatus and
method for analyzing tissue. Mr. Rose seconded his motion, and it
passed. (See FOR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R.    Establishment of Quasi-Endowment - Student Bar Association
Most Improved Scholar Award (FOR 9)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board approve the establishment of the
Student Bar Association Most Improved Scholar Award Quasi-Endowment. He
reported that the Student Bar Association recently completed a phonathon
and through alumni gifts has established the Student Bar Association Most
Improved Scholar Award Endowment.  Income from this endowment will be
used to provide scholarship assistance to a University law student who
meets the specified criteria. Gifts to date total $19,697 and the
College of Law wishes to establish a quasi-endowment in the amount of
$12,500. Mrs. Bell seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FOR 9 at
the end of the Minutes.)

       S.    ELinance Committee - Information Item

       Mr. Hardymon reported that the Finance Committee reviewed the data
processing disaster recovery plan for the University, and the Committee
was provided an extensive report on the plan. He thanked Vice President
Williams for his report to the Committee.

       T.    Comment about Annual Report

       Mrs. Sims commented about the beautiful Annual Report and the nice
presentation. President Wethington thanked her for noticing the Report
and expressed thanks to his staff for their fine work.

       U.    Comments on University's Initiative

       Governor Breathitt thanked President Wethington, the Athletics
Department, and the University administration for the recent initiative
in the area of racism and sexism. He said that the institution places
diversity at a very high point on its agenda, particularly the Athletics
Department in its dedication of funds from one of the ballgames to the
Urban League. He expressed his deep appreciation to President Wethington
and Mr. Newton for taking this initiative.



       V.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Lois Weinberg
                                       Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3A, 4A, and 6A; and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                October 20, 1992

                                                pg z

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: that approval be given to the attached appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted..

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring
Board approval.

Action taken: Approved

*(   . Disapproved          Other

Date: October 20. 199




                          CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



                 Employee Benefits

                 Conway, Pauline, Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits,
                     after 11.5 consecutive years of service, under
                     AR II-1.6-1 Section III.B, effective 11/30/92.


                 Parking and Transportation

                 Ellis, Glenn L., Parking Manager, after 25.5
                      consecutive years of service, under AR II-1.6-1
                      Section III.A.2, effective 9/30/92.

                 Police Department

                 Thomas, Jack B., Police Officer, after 27.5
                      consecutive years of service, under AR II-1.6-1
                      Section III.A.2, effective 9/30/92.



                 Office of the Vice President for Research
                   and Graduate Studies.

                 Watt, David S., Professor (with tenure), Chemistry, and
                     Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies,
                     appointed Director of the Advanced Science and
                     Technology Commercialization Center (ASTeCC),
                     effective 10/1/92.



                  Birchfield, James, Librarian I, Collection Development,
                      sabbatical leave with full salary, 7/1/93 through

                  Cox, Bonnie J., Librarian II, Collection Development,
                      sabbatical leave leave with full salary, 3/15/93
                      through 6/30/93.




                           COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



                  Paducah Community College

                  Fuller, Sara E., Librarian II in the Community College
                        System (with tenure), (under AR II-1.6-1 Section
                        III.A.2), following 22 consecutive years of service,
                        effective 9/30/92.

                  Southeast Community College

                  Patterson, Harold L., Associate Professor in the Community
                        College System (with tenure), (under AR II-1.6-1
                        Section III.A.2), following 25.5 consecutive years of
                        service, effective 9/30/92.



                  Ashland Community College

                  Norris, Kelly B., Instructor in the Community College
                        System, 8/1/92 through 5/31/93.
                  Schneider, Susan, Instructor in the Community College
                        System, 8/1/92 through 5/31/93.

                  Hazard Community College

                  Anderson, Pamela S., Instructor in the' Community College
                        System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Bailey, Vickie T., Instructor in the Community College
                        System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Banks, Jack D., Instructor in the Community College
                        System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Bartley, Clint, Instructor in the Community College
                        System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Benton, Steven, Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Campbell, Anita M., Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Cates, Shawn A., Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Cole, Regina, Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Cole, Russell M., Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
                  Collins, Melanie, Instructor in the Community College
                         System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.



Collins, Rachel, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Combs, Joe M., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Cook, William S., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Cox, Robert V., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Dietz, Margreta L., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Diolet, Raymond A., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Dixon, Melissa, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Fleming, Lyn, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Gayheart, Allen, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Gayheart, Bill, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Gayheart, Tammy, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Gee, Don, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Gibson, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Globig, Sabine, Instructor in the Community College
      System, 8/24/92 through 6/30/93.
Hall, Ralph D., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/93.
Harris, George D., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Hicks, Kenny, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Hughes, Shannon R., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Lawson, Rhonda, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Lucas, Alice D., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Lucas, Johnny, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Mullins, Terry, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Music, Rex R., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Osborne, Dreama F., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Pack, Sandra, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Ritchie, Reggie, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Short, Elmer G., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.



Smiley, Sheila, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Smith, Penny, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Strong, Bill, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Tester, Vickie L., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 911/92 through 5/31/95.
Turner, Melissa, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Ulrich, Mark W., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Webb, Gillie, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Whitaker, Angela M., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Whitaker, Bruce M., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
White, Glenna, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Williams, James, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Williams, Jon P., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Wilson, Rebecca J., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 9/1/92 through 5/31/95.

Henderson Community College

Burton, Sharon K., Instructor in the Community College
      System, 8/26/92 through 12/31/92.

Jefferson Community College

Hammond, Lisa, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 8/1/92 through 5/31/94.
Phelps, Harry, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 8/1/92 through 5/31/95.
Zehnder, Karen M., Instructor in the Community College
      System, 8/1/92 through 12/31/92.

Lexington Community College

Cross, W. S., Instructor in the Community College
       System (voluntary), 9/18/92 through 6/30/95.
Davis, Jackie, Instructor in the Community College
       System (voluntary), 9/2.8/92 through 6/30/95.
Duvall, Derek 0., Instructor in the Community College
       System (voluntary), 9/15/92 through 6/30/95.
Fox, Paula, Instructor in the Community College
       System (voluntary), 9/18/92 through 6/30/95.



            Owensboro Community College

            Lanham, Terri H., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 8/1/92 through 6/30/93.
            Whitaker, Deborah K., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 8/1/92 through 6/30/93.

            Paducah Community College

            Thomas, Connie, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 9/15/92 through 9/15/95.

            Somerset Community College

            Hamm, Margo M., Librarian IV in the Community College
                  System, 9/1/92 through 6/30/93.

            Southeast Community College

            Hellams, Pierce D., Librarian IV in the Community College
                  System, 8/24/92 through 6/30/93.
            Spoelman, Linda, Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 8/26/92 through 6/30/93.


            Ashland Community College

            McCullough, Willie C., Associate Professor in the Community
                  College System (with tenure), appointed Acting Dean of
                  Student Affairs, 10/1/92 through 6/30/93.


            Elizabethtown Community College

            Eicher-Sherrill, Katrina, Assistant Professor in the
                  Community College System, 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.

            Hazard Community College

            Brunty, Helen M., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/1/92 through 6/30/93.
            Crone, Patricia, Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/1/92 through 6/30/93.
            Hatch, Robert, Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/1/92 through 6/30/93.
            Reynolds, Scott, Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/1/92 through 6/30/93.

            Jefferson Community College

            Barry, Martha S., Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 8/1/92 through 5/31/94.



            Lexington Community College

            McClary, Michael J., Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 9/10/92 through 6/30/95.
            Roussos, Panagiotis A., Instructor in the Community College
                  System, 9/15/92 through 6/30/93.


            Elizabethtown Community College

            Chittenden, LeRoy, Instructor in the Community College
                  System, Terminal Reappointment 7/1/92 through 6/30/93.
                  (Change from Reappointment 7/1/92 through 6/30/93 as
                  reported in September 15, 1992 Board of Trustees



                            LFXINGTON CAMPUS



                 College of Agriculture

                 Aten, D. Lyle, Visiting Professor, Horticulture and
                     Landscape Architecture, 8/24/92 through 5/31/93.

                 College of Arts and Sciences

                 Connors, Michael P., Professor (without tenure),
                     Military Science, 8/1/92 through 7/31/96.


                 College of Agricultur

                 Frye, Wilbur W., Professor (with tenure), Agronomy,
                      appointed Director, Regulatory Services, effective

                  College of Arts and Sciences

                  Connors, Michael P., Professor (without tenure),
                     Military Science, appointed Chairman, Military
                     Science, 8/1/92 through 7/31/96.

                  College of-Engineering

                  Walker, John N., Professor (with tenure), Agricultural
                      Engineering and Acting Director, Center for
                      Robotics and Manufacturing Systems, appointed
                      Director, Center for Robotics and Manufacturing
                      Systems, effective 8/1/92.


                  College of Education

                  Shapiro, Robert, Associate Professor (with tenure),
                      Health, Physical Education and Recreation, joint
                      appointment as Associate Professor (without
                      tenure), Center for Biomedical Engineering,
                      Research and Graduate Studies, 7/1/92 through

