xt7bcc0ttg83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ttg83/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1985 1985 1985-04-23 2020 true xt7bcc0ttg83 section xt7bcc0ttg83 m...—

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-- ”*- . %#E#;.‘f§§,mme2 - 22 '. 2.2 Mflw.uxm,mw Walnut”! 1%,, April”. 1935

”“9”" lcaraguan to present 2
e 2m ' ‘ : ' ,22*'.. fl ,
VIEWS 0]] ‘1 ha - 2 f... . 3‘2 ‘ 2
N - r .. *2 -« an 11118 a BIS BC I e " 22
lca gua .2 I if, ....._. I i mum HGHTE .-
. .1. - l ,- i . [(Sl“ U . _ .
By TIMJOHNSON I " 4 . 3' .I' ll. (192,,“ lioi'yflfjl-t (, By STEPHANIE WALLNER America. The discussion will be Greene said Cardenal "is com- . . ‘ -'.
SeniorStaff Writer b i‘ ‘ . , i- .,,,l,,ym.l.nu, JII$+ue ManamEdflDl‘ moderated by Billie DeWalt, act- mitted to some form of change 2 , ' - 2 , ' 2
2 e iii-1 ’ 7‘ "i A" ind sovrroizr-t} on m . . . ing director of the Latin American that can occur through the exist- . V g ' .
No groups exchanged heated m 22* 27¢", ‘ wry thu‘, .,i .i Priest, poet and Sandmista rer- Studies Program. ing government of Nicaragua .. . I. -I . .
wordsfor mlymmyester- I 22 . °'“"°“”.y Ema”. WW] “"11 “This (visit) has been in the “it ‘ould be h l ‘ - - 2 ’ 2'
tie on the issue of US. involve 7 ‘ F . be mkms a series of appear- - .. . ‘7 a” ‘0 ‘magme , 2 2 .
, mightinNicar-a . Ir. , iI ances with campus groups in a works for about five months. mm being a member of a repres- . . ,
' I Members ofguh‘iaranatha Chris- - . ' / ‘ . My Vis" to UK as part of a Shim sald' He alioéfid-Car‘le' SiVe government“ which Greene 2 . -2 ' 2
I . l‘ . _ F '/ 2 ~4:-..~-.- three-weekU.S.tour. . 5 appearance I3 IS COlh- said would be the case were the . .' ‘ _- 2
tian Fell p. Socmlly Con H“ 2 MN" Cardenal Nicara ’s minister eldental to mlheht Reagan S rebels in Nicaragua to overthrow - - 2 . ,
-_ cerned Students, College Republi- v92 ”'7‘“. 4,. of culture ,will opegnmhis lectures current push for aid to the “con— the Sandinistas. _ . j 2
*2 calms 9mm . it: ‘3; Antenca >3 ' 3 ”do,“ I [y with a panel discussion at 8 pm tras.” rebel forces who oppose Ni- . - . -
bpztechlphich m heldl ‘ the1 de- ' ‘9' "ll"? - 2 r ‘ tomorrow in the Student Center caragua’s Sandinista government; Cardenal 315° Wi“ be speaking '
i was a Free f ,:;:.; 22 '2». .‘ , Ball in. Reagan is calling for $14 million to members of the Spanish and .2’
'1‘he UK debate rillleled « 2' ' . “Heis going to be speaking on in non-military aid for contra Italian Department during ['K‘s _- 2. .2 . ,

mum“ debatep; the ma ALANLISSIG/KcmclSuff the state of U.S./Nicaraguan rela- forces. Congress 15 scheduled ‘0 foreign language conference this - 2 I

issue President Reagan map": Students demonstrate in support of aid for the Nicaraguan “con- tiom," said panelist Kathleen voteonthemeasure today. weffk CardenalI Will address the 2 2 ‘- - .

M a 3“ million non-military tras” yesterday in the free speech area. like, assistant professor of socio Cardenal'sI second speaking en- Smgfixfsd Pfgréfygvegmgay af' ' .- ‘ ‘

aid package for the Nicaraguan sending us. aid to the “centres” which states. ‘Since 1979. 60,000 °§¥mfim will ‘ncl d Bett ’ “gememw‘” bean We" dial°gue .. 2 ‘ 7 ’ 2

“contras.” The centres are rebel “for pretty obvious" reasons, said refugees have entered Amen“ Bla ton t'redl P: eh t . 3' Wlth mutated students from 9:30 . One Of the reasons for his cum ' . 2

forces who oppose Nicaragua's Glenn Terndrup, a 1984 education from Nicaragua.’ 2» . {I '. a re 1 as y erian ‘0 10145 P-m- Thursday in 206 Stu- "18 here 15 “0‘ only as a very ”“2 .2 ' 2 2 ' .

Sandinista government. graduate. About six people most of them muuster, Kevm Greene. a m9m2 dent Center. portant political figure." said . 2 .

About 16 people, mostly Repub— “There are so many factors, but representing Socially Concerned ber 0‘ SOCIBUY ConcellledI Stu- “I believe he will be discussing Margaret Jones. chairwoman of . .

licans, holding signs such as “Who just look at the simple facts," he Studenm opposed the aid ppm dents, BleIe, representing the the eXPlOitatiODS Of Central Amer- the SPahiSh and Italian depart- . 2

Will Help Them If We Don't" and said. “Every fact we have came 58; saying the muted SW5 128““ Amman Stud!” Program: ica,“ Greene said. “His life ment. 2 -‘ . -

“Freedom Fighters — Fighting to from the Department of Defense. stahds aloneinthematter. 32.3w Bellah, a member or the speaks IfOrI the overthrow of au- . . 2

Build a Democracy.“ advocated For example, look at the sign SeeMCARAGUAIpagw "‘8‘” Task Force 0" 13“" thontarlamsm." Sec SANDINISIA.page6 ' _

. ' I
Report says merger _ . Marine group . _
l . " “ ° 5 9 '
hurts dental school ' 2 ms ”3““ “ '-
. . , .
2 2 ln Frankfort _ - 2
By PARRELL CLEM Areas of concern, if left unad- -/ , . .
Semor 5‘3“ Writer dressed, could lead to “the erosion 152;: 511,2:A BELL . .
of the quality of our academic pro- , 2
. A report from the College of Den- grams," the report says. And while
tlstry says a merger of the state‘s faculty commitment remains strong, ‘ \ 22 The Marines won a deciSlve battle
two dental SChOOlS Nd 9M9 303‘ it continues, the leadership of chair- ‘ over the weekend. but it wasn‘t any- . "
demic quality at UK and We men who must travel between the thing like lwo Jima -
the level of health care in Kentucky. two m1; has been diluted. "we. 2 ~

The report, drawn up by the cot- The academic council questions ’ Ilnstead. the battle took place in Ia 2
lege‘s B—member academic councd whether accreditation standards can ii: I ‘ ”I .. ’ wooded area in Frankfort. and it .I .
after four montls of study, states he met under the merger. because 5 ‘ .2 .. 3%“ z : .1 r was only form"; . .
that problems inherent in the merg- the American Dental Association 5 ' 22?“: f , "u '- 3 92"” The Semper hdel‘s some” a Ma- . .
er “will be magnified" unless plats guidelines state that dental schools f“ jg: ' l , .~ . i9 22 n2 - rlne officer organization. won out -
to me addjtjoml dental PM“ Md “retain departmental chair- .2I'; I221, l 2. 2 2 -2 I over teams from HagglnI Hall men 5
atUKare carefully scrutinized. men on .fulLtime basis." 1 3% -. 1/ 2 reSldence hall and Phi Sigma Kappa .

A plan to develop a cooperative ef- Under the cooperative agreement, , ~ I§_ , I - fraternity in a stipvival game. a .
fort at the two dental schools, pro shared chairmen are unable to de- , _ ” (“fl-i- ‘ 22‘ InOCk 'waIr game in which carbon . -
posed by UK President Otis A. Sin- vote adequate time to either imtitu- 3 2' i . 2 ledee pistols and paint pellets
gletaryandUof LPreeident Donald “om Drummond said. “mtis not l were used to Simulate a battle
C. Swain and approved by the Coun- possible with a chairman who is I - IWhen splattered With paint, a player
cil 0" Higher Education, has led ‘0 here part time and in milsville part 1 - ‘5 “dead . .
problems . with shared time. When a Chan-man is gone, they ' I A suerval game is a lot like cow~ , I
chalrmamhlps, pastdocta'al pro can't attend to the day-to-day opera- I gays anIIcIiI lltlgdlanb for adults. tsalt: . _ _
grants, continuing education and a tiom." '2 I ary . on Iomery. presl en 0 .
common core curriculum, according The academic council is con- 2 . . . {2’ I I; IISIiIeIImIper Fidelis Somety 2It s a lot of . 2 ‘.
tothereport- cerned that, as the number of m 2 - 2‘ 2 ' ‘

“Everything is a fnlstration fac— shared chairmen increases accredi~ €11 _ . f! '. The Iteams fought the one-hour _ .
tor." said Dr- James Drummond. tationstandards couldbelowered. .. - begs: 12,3 margedg’eg ”.93 in 3‘9 2 - 2

' of d ' coun i1. .. ' - w . ayers lp coms o e- . - .
chairman theaca emlc c SceMERGER, ”“6 . - f g; termine who would attack or defend ' _
° . 0 . - 2; ’ - ~ ’ . a flag in a fixed position. Each team 2' ,
oca englneenng flrm ‘ 2 ~2.- 2 - I had nine to 10 players The game . ' . '
.. _ I i was sponsored by the Marine officer 2 2‘ ' I
. i, 1 organization. 2 ' . f 1 ,
to fund UK fellowshl 2 228222222222222222522 2 -
p ‘ _ ~ bly one of the most unique organiza- 2 .'
' ' tions on campus." said Montgom- - ' .
By MELISSA BELL rious locatiom at UK. including the , ery. “We're going to try to keep our ' 2- . . ‘
StaffWriter College of IEngineenng, the student ‘2 projects a little unusual. like the 2 .2 ..
AI 1 . f looking financial aid office and the devel- , l sulI-VivIalI game. IWe don‘t want to 2 .
0‘33 engineering inn is ' opmentoffice. 2 , hod t same od raffles." The or- . '
‘08“? $2.500 ‘08 studentengineer.I Candidates will be judged primari- 2 5 ganization is planning to hold a sur- , I

“321?ng IR. Bell IConsuflItintg ly on gradttti:e and workwdexp:nence b2; . . :Ilyal ga:ne exery year to get marine . I 2 -
Ens! . - Is awarding a In - a commi a 'n Donal .. . . . icers oge er. .
time fellowship of $2,500 to a grad- Leigh. aseociatepsgn it til); College . .. 2 .3 And as Montgomery explains,“we . - .' -
natiggcngiiimfistutdoentafi. t of mm. LfiIighIIs‘aid the com- ' " ' . - 22.6"“. did iIt to get fipgnitionhznd méike . I ‘

ere su men mi ' proba y ve someone - f peope aware we‘re re an to 2 -
someone who is looking into going in from civil engineering, but that it s3? make money for mess night." Play- ‘
the private consulting field when will depend on where the applica- ' «rt ers paid a $5 entry fee which con- 2
they get out of school," said David tiomcomefrom. _ Q“ tributed to the costs 01' mess night. . 7
Whitehorse, president of the cor- The committee will give its rec- . an elaborate dinner with a lot of tra- . ,
poration. ommendations to the engineering . dition for Marines and their guests,

To qualify, fellowship candidates firm and the winner will be notified -- -- , -' held in Louisville. 2
must be accepted by the graduate inJune. -2 ‘i‘ ,I, 3? Mess night. also called guess night -
program at UK'S College Of Engi- “It benefits the profession to give . 222* .1 .2 in some places. is held on every Ma- . ~
neering, hold a bachelor‘s degree in someone a fellowship to allow them .~ - _ o" :2 *2 . rine base, Montgomery said. The '
engineering from UK, and be inter- to continue their education especial- fi; sh?” , “ l meal costs $25 per person plus hotel
ested in a career as a cornulting en- ly those who are in the field that “ ’ ' I accommodations. The survival . '
gineer. Candidates must also be we’re ln,"saidWhitehaise. Jump Shots TIMSHAIP hernelmaff game was held to defray costs which ,
Kentucky residents. The award will be made on an an- “area lot fora college student."

Fellowship applications may be nual basis by the corporation in . The l-monthold UK chapter is
picked up at the Bell cmtim d. homr of its founder, Howard K. Students play basketball yesterday in front of Blazer Hall enjoying the warmth of the 80-degrec sun part of a national organization “ ,
fice at 345 Waller Ave. and at va- Bell.whostartedthefirm in 1914, on the court. The warm weather should continue today with a 50 percent chance of rain. which began at Chapel Hill. NC. in

m I‘ I] W ° 0 ’ t d |
‘ _, , 0 ga donor eek has clear message. D n e ay
:2 l . _‘ I - '

”mu“ ByFRANS‘I'EWART “It‘s oneweek that has been set lngabeepersoshecouldcomeand the ofte ‘ ' ‘

“g..‘el~“ . _ y n neglect to fill out then be made, but she said people are
emsumfl SemerStaffWriter aside both locally and nationally 3 go as she pleaaIed. “glen me be as donorcard. often hesitant about signing a donor

' , "I“ donor am M" W I! can .” ‘1'here’s a big difference between card. “I think it‘s more reluctance

'~W'-~~L’sffl “"‘IJI mmm'mm mote-public MW“ mmdthemmberdpatients thepeoplewhowanttohelpandthe andakindofignoranceonthepub-

2 2 - -2 2‘ .2 2- I 2_22 cue she h” ‘0 It! ‘0 the “Phil the need for tissue and organs for requiring tramplante. 'l‘hrelkeld number who have actually put their lic‘spart.“
H .2 , . «fice; torenmt ope-16m- ButIChfleI non-plant, said Tom Threlkeld. said a large pool of doom is nec- wisheainwriting,"heaaid.
hemp " - ‘2 “““xwm‘”; “'"9‘2 Matthew-2600mm mute-deointelymeettheneed Accordingto‘mrelkeld.manypeo- Charlessaid peopleoften haveun-
~ - 1...: J 237* “mudwmmw- W aid eve bank and kid form-names. ple fail to an out donor oiina be- rounded fears about donating or-
2‘“ a... mJlemdabwt-WF- mmflmurdyhe-vflymde “The letter the pool, the more cameitiaeimllartomakingouta gans.Shesaid some think that doc.
?" ‘ 22 ,‘2 «2, Mt- !" the with! h“ in the UK nation- mnde at the time of death. quickly manner“! heaven-Ne." will. But this neglect putl the bin- tors will not try as hard to save
~ . *. W W' “"1 Wt Ntbooemnwmphnt- mel- heuld. “andflnmmlikelyitwm denddecillulonmnrlving family their lives if they have signed a
' ‘ Mm- ‘l‘he Medial 0mm he: lydonotmeoadaverdolm. bepropa-bimtebetl." Mm, Mam,
WW illumination—tin Heuldthepatimterameinagee wmmmm- Funllymunbu‘“hvetocauid—
W! mill. m U00 mummm,mdone tytoovereomelethemblic‘elackof enhavetomeeetimatewhatheor Doctoraare‘cornmittedtopre-
Eye Bart-UK M I bone marrow patient In: been avatar. a trans- amen-Manama. pile would have wanted done" he m m life and they." m
I e. - - mm. plant-incelm. "ltfitthebth-ttflnweface paid. goingtotakeanorgen just became
.22“ - ' ”at: MW 2, 1b salute the public about the (hi-Ia, who he been a: the list is jut flank. and ethic-tilt the If Kentuckiam would just take the you 8w you don“- card '2 ahe
léiou . “fit-‘Au-A‘VMS" 2e- ~ 3.8 and for «In owl-flan. W lorobouttwoinoiitln.islnneeilot public not to putpone their decl- timetonllouttlieaonoroordonuie aid. 'M'nmt‘autoh'kem
War? We - “5““? M M. Gov. Martha Layne her eeeud kidney oer-plant. Al~ do." he aaid. “It's tut a matter hack of their (river’s licence. “tint lifetoeaveanother
item's-tr: .tg-m-uw- e» mfi‘i‘ “I! IN “I!" m Beater Wane receivedhcflnt trem- of m the name out to the would be one action the family ' '
gwa.ifi@qu.weihfifi 32255 h” "M m“ “a N.“ M 1? ya" m, h m If. k W: “mu-y." llllh’t m cm '“h'n m um“ ”I m n I
Ifi . 5 21-; 32W 1w= 131%“ is} .l m lfl M m Am thmm. mania hm H m I m . d
x i‘ 2. _ .. 5‘ . . M . g M. m ya]
Manila... .2; . . I" M d "I tad-I'll. nt- e-d no thy auri- wilt on the m real tht mt people aorta ope-a that people m livu on." mne- eald. “It's jut
WW- a’nlbteheeaideheetartedcerry- mhhvordhelplmmm mahudeobtonbefaenemethto glthgmeheatoum-ow."
.' I ‘ .

 Lawnmower. MAP,” 1‘
Arts Editor
. .
Beautiful ‘ Rashom on ’ an llIlOl'thOdOX SllCCBSS
“Made in Japan" has taken on an _———_——'——_—_
artistic flairintheGuignol Theater. .
. Tonight, “Rashomon.” UK‘s third Jones’ character 15 “trash, ” and she doesn ’t try ,
£31“; :3: 33m; mgm‘t’ef‘: to disguise the fact that, among other things,
$er rgely — mt all — seen by she steals hair from the dead. Jones adds a bit
it“ class? style of Japanese the of simple comlirehefln zoztrast Z) the h
ater. Kabuki stretches every aspect r te searc or trut t at an er ines t e
of the character to limits far beyond desPe a f
, ‘ what is common in Western theater: play. f 7,. .3. 5.3
5 the voice takes on musical patterrs; _ ‘ ~ fig,” .6... ,1 'f. ' .
cl??? fifiiflmimfig miter played by Patty Jones. al Onnasata. a woman's role that is ’ it 3 «if ‘3’" I ‘ . - *
a l yhighlighted b red black or Jones' character is “dash," and she still played by men in Japan. Onnn- ‘ , _ ’ " ' s . A? , ~
. 2:? d . y ha ‘ w , nd doesn't try to disgulse' ‘ the fact that, gata’s charecter is the “essence of a e : . 1’? «ts?- . . ..
. “e. ugpetlhmfes?" C "acmhhglds among other things, she steals hair woman,“ explained Ney. because it e ~, - g;
”inclines lgh move e from the dead. Jones adds a bit of reveals gentleness and delicate .. ‘ , 4 5&2? N: é; 5,; 5:6,,
Sigh“ e’ ta k f , of simple comic relief in contrast to beauty. Camenlsch' does the re .. zit-”Jag ~- 5 _ My ,
- . ° 3’.‘ easy 5 °' 8 .m“ the desperate search for truth that quired fimueelsht motions as well ‘ \x . ‘
Kentuckians who were raised on und li the la as Ne 's example beforehand _ an. a)
‘ ' , Neil Simon and Eugene O'Neill. er nes p y. T y J M d Cynthia \ .. . - f gas:
Fortunately, director Rick Ney — The Kabuki t le - used hen ex- amara . cConnell an. _ w - .. ' v) 1
who has studied the art for several amining the cigfllcfing accvhunls of RObIChBIIX also play the Wife in dif- .4» - . 5 5. ' 5 ”7
years — has taught his actors well. the rape and death. First we see the ferent scenes. As women portraying “ , .1, 5
The result is an evening that not bandits who“ of the tragedy, to]. {nen portraying women, they rely a _ ' , ‘
, only entertaim the audience but ex- lowed by the wife’s; after intermis~ little too heavrly on the fact that 2. v ., M ”I, . .
. poses them to a completely different sion. the husband (with a medium’s they are women to disclose their . ‘
culture. help) tells his tale, and then (511' femininity, but both performance > //
. ' ' _ _ rise') the woodcutter was in the are emotional and well-rendered. , » /
While American theater uses pro— p ' that . t d his ion . . . 5; he )1
. grams and music — called “tran- “lows“! mgh an vets ROhIChfillX also gives ah intense ' W3“ ' 5
‘ sitions" — to set the mood of a play. 3 5° ers. performance as the medium who , , ’ * , ' ’ a: ‘
. “Rashomon” requires more. A list The time and effort the actors brings back Takehlro. Kenny Sand- / ,5,
of terms and a definition of the style have put into their characters is evi— ers gives a touclung portrayal of the ..
that has been used in Japan for dent, Unlike otlmr ux plays this husband's death. full of Japanese 5,. , ;

. three centuries is included with the year. white paint hides their famil- pnde and disth- ‘ _ , .(Q
program. In addition, Ney gives an iar features, forcing them to rely en- The tors ork ‘th the he] of ‘ ’
example of the exaggerated Kabuki tirely on body movement, voice. or five ngen —wpmuwr;lably invis‘ible mums/Know

‘ ' 3 Style plus. a bnef Emmy 99““ :he Pm'm ““3322? fiphasmedbt: hooded stage workers dressed in “Rashomon” examines the nature of truth through several differing accounts of a murder. The play,
. play heglns. A 3““ decrsron. or a level 0" wmc y "3 never black — and four narrators whose which will be performed tonight. Thursday and Saturday in the Guignol Theater, is done in a traditional
thflrfwmg t3? inglerlchglgnlhlgtlhg fore performed. falsetto voices echo across stage as Japanese Kabuki style rarely seen in this area.
_ c ure w1 ou lrs . ti themus'c.
style would have been disastrous. Mark‘s. Thomas “58 h918ht and _3 haun nglyas l n
,, . . . . 'Wd V0199 to his advantage as he ‘5 The scenery and costumes are not or “bad. COSWS are changed 3“, Japanese arts and theater ex- merit enjoyed by the folks who do
“Rashomon Isnt done entirely In murdered first in the bandit's story only beautiful but play an important often throughout the play with the hlblt set in the room text to the the sign Toyotas; it is an ideal chance
- Kabuki; It Opens 1“ the traditional and then in his wife‘s vetston, and role in “Rashomorfl as they create helpoftheKokers. ater and performances by Fred for residents of the Bluegrass to
style wyth a meet and a woodcutter later when returning as a ghost in the beauty of the Japanese culture. _ Holllnseworth are added attractiom have a sweet taste of the orient and
(1150155,th a recent rape and death. the third. He playsthe husband well The costumes —— the majority of Deemed by Russell JOM. the during IntermisleIl- ofwhat others consider beauty.
The V1018!“ aCt thQIVIhS a Wlfe» in the first two stories next to the which are originals ownedbytheac- sets are like Japanese artwork in The hard work put into “Rasho—
husband andia bandit lS unsolved energetic Henry Kevin Haggard, the tors and Ney __ are used to dress that their simplicity is delicately mon" is evident in the fine perfor- "R “homer... is layln at 8 m
due toconfllctlng reports. raging bafldit, before returning in the characters as well as reveal beautiful. The addition of lighting mammdunfiasisondelafl, The tonight Thursday pend Sgaturdaz- ill
The two men are joined by one of thelasttodle. . their nature. Depending on whether designer 3111 Felty’s hues 0‘ blue introduction of Japanese theater to the Gut-'gm; Theater.
the most human — and believable — In perimps the Wt P0193 _M1- the bow is tied vertically or horizon- and rose add a 50“ touch 0|” dark Lexington is not just an Opportunity
characters in ”Rashomon:" a wig- chael Camemsch plays the h‘athtwh' tally, the character is either “good” shadowsasneeded. to learn more about the entertain- LYN CARLISLE
Noon Recltal today ummmarmus-svmuv
_ Staff reports -. ., . . UNTED! e
. Mo... 1.9..fitthltlhmlh 75.3”" at“ LIBRERY -
Among today‘s performances: Saxophonist Mike Leet WKmW
, will perform “Tableaux Aquitaim," by Jean-Marie Lon- ~ 0 UK Telephone Dlrocrory 0 Voter Registration
deix, accompanied by Ann Carter on piano. Guitarist r‘ e smk." Bum” 0 3|” 0'".
3.9”” Hammer w‘“ Play Alexandre Tamman's “cava' 0 Logo! Advice Service 0 Fall Fosflvol Present
Soprano Valerie Cowart Stricklin, accompanied by . ‘=" 3"““1‘5'” : 0 pr”, “gr...”
‘ Kim England on piano. will sing “Such As I Can." a . ll,
song cycle by Dona Gilliam. migfixlsittIE-mM-uen-mi . AdVI'h‘g COMOI'OI'IC.
uses-Aft“ urutuosuuu _ . Etc.
.n :
The concert is free and open to the public, and will be —;
held in the Recital Hall of the Center for the Arts. And mquHNOHOWBM .. v.
if you think the Daylight Savings Time switch over is me “95"”’ "h“
confusing, try figuring out why the Tuesday Noon Reci- "mm wow“, (nu, .
tal begins at12230pim. —_; The Student Government Association performs The Comedy Tm O'lrlon s Void-x
, d z n - - from the Comedy More In LA.
0 e s of programs and provudes many servrces (A... "M" “M "u... only
5_ ' for the students at U.K. bllnd stand-up comlcl
‘ I an Jone from thoagmody Cos“. pom"
~ You ve got our number WM-
‘ . » You can be counted! ! Apply at the SGA office CW" ‘2 M?" 59060"? ID-
' - 'lburFutureIstIeno’oneI— (120 Student Center) or call 257-3191 for more in- ' 1 - Ml‘h"°h "~25
WeltnowtttatasaCPACJndloateTmttm SMMMWM a“, .
‘ newsworthiness ' f°"“°"°”'
. nl’hnggsmmgesh a... a... Wat-l ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE
“re st in Int one or all four test sec- . . 5 ,
‘ ' gs'mfig'mm'mwufim FM H No Experience Necessary!
: ' ended I . n a mum .
phomwlaxgym 50' 's o e CPA m Saturday. May 4. 1985
JIWHIfl-I-M' m "NEW Lexington COMIIIIICY College
-~uu-otrutcnu 9:00 am. - 5:00 p.m.
' 5 . .m-mum m.”m“'”u
. » , '“Wh'm”* ziuntcholcumueaa
. 1 3mm Lexington. noniudry 40m
- . ' .mmwnmm (606)270-5119 OVERVIEW:
». . .Mwuumw This workshop is designed to provide a
. -. ATTENTION ACCOUNTING 5"“0'5 better understanding of Alzheimer's disease
‘ Begin your studies for November rhls summer. Coll NOW I and m. r.‘ulfin9 behavioral changes will be
. . ' fl" lnformotlon “5°“ °”' 7'“ "“1"." discussed. Needs of the patient and family,
. . ‘ ' . . . 9 th 'th ' t ' , ' -
', ' Come to our place _or call for quality toppings like pure 3:”: w' COP.“ s "new” w.” In ad
., ‘ One testwhere only ”rite-view ram” been“ "i“ '
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 —____________________________________——“————,——————————— W mm W
Andy MM
Sports Editor
' -. a . . _, .. assasasoassw‘hiosrss .
O O '
Tenms team holds off Mlss '1 c' ' m d
. - 9 W1 dcats take on 1nc1nna 1 o ay
Staff "Wu Wlll take on the University d win [he SCCOM place smt in [m
ooks toward ostseason a A ......... .......... . i.
'me UK baseball team, which well. Both games will be at Shl- that goes with the second place
knocked off Vanderbilt twice this vely field. finish
3 mls’mpHEn RUSSELL were down . - . Cl . past weekend to move into a sec- UK coach Keith Madison, how if the Bulldogs manage to win .
stiff wfim second set gumhwc‘mwmmfi 3%;331; g: 3mg: 0nd place tie with Georgia in the ever, will be looking forward one game this weekend. UK will . ' .
lot it we walld have lat the UK’s otherwin came at the No 1 Southeastern Conference‘s East- more to this weekend‘s three have to wait until the following ~ g

The UK women's tennis team match." doubles spot as Takagl and McGuire ern Divison, return to action game series with Georgia than Cl‘ weekend when Georgia hosts
completed the mt .qu] sea- Reed W as the hero 1! Sat— defeated Smith and Jackie Ruppert today against Cincinnati in a 3 ther today or tomorrow's con- Vanderbilt in a three-game se— _ ..
son in its history with a thrilling may; match by clinching the 5.7 g3 g4. ' p.m.game. tests. If the Wildcats sweep ries. The Bulldogs would then ' ‘. '.
cmme 5.4 victory over match W the doubles play But The’win over Mississippi coupled The Wildcats, now 22-20 on the Georgia this Saturday and Sun- have to sweep Vandy to knock . ’
Nth-ranked MlssisslppiSaturday. mm d m W w." her with a victory over WM State year and 10-11 in the conference, day, they would automatically UK out of the SEC playoffs. ' : ~
The match, which tort place in +6, 7-6, 7-5 win over Lynn Hennes- earlier in the week, gives the UK . , . .

Oxford, Miss, was UK'I 25th road seyattheNo.ssiligles spot. squad a final Southeastern Confer- .: g . '
match of the year. The Wildcats Reed said it was her biggest win ence record of 7-2 and a tie for sec- A 14 DAY CULTURAL CRUISE . z -- . ~ .
have only been at home for six of the year, particularly became it ondplace. 1° . , . ,
matches,yettheteamclosedoutits helpedtheteamsomuch.“1twas Theteamwillgoontheroadthis f- 'v ',
seasonwithazs-ooverallrecord. importantbecausewehadtowinthe week, traveling to Auburn for the - .fl ’ . , ‘
UK coach Mike Patrick said his match to have any chance to se- SEC tournament which gets under ALASKA . 1 _ -.
team really fought hard to win the lectedtotheNCAA’s." way on Thursday. Patrick said it's , ‘ . ’ ‘ 4‘
Mississippi match. “We were down Kentucky seniorlee McGuire con- possible UK will have four singles Experience - '_ .' . .
theentirematchuntilthefinalsetof tinuedhersterlingplaywithaHJ‘r playersseededinthetop four and ' ,1 .
the No. 2 doubles match," he said. i win over Barb Smith at the No. 2 twodoublesteams. ' The Folklore of Alaska , ‘ . -. -
“The girls really played like they singles position. Patrick said Mc- Takagi will beseededat No. lsin- a The Native A” ' - . 1 . .
wantedtowin." Guire is very close to earning a glas, because of her 7-2 record in » i ' _ ,.

in the final match, Kentucky's berth in the NCAA singles regular season play. McGuire, who ° The Cultural Past I, _, 0 _ ~ .
Missy Reed and Beckwith Archer championships in May. “Over the went 7-1 in the SEC, will also be a ' (£6.25? _. fix . .
lost the first set and were trailing 4- last month. she hasn’t done anything seeded at the No. 2 singles position. W123}. fifdog'm Presence is. fit/.- 0 2 .. -l m . . ~ ‘ ~
1 in thesecond set before rallying to to hurt her chances," Patrick said. Seeded at the No. 3 singles spot will . e Y°” ° "‘°'e ””5: "we 5W9 ‘ as“ ‘ g t, . . . : . ~. .
win.as,7s,e3. “She's in a group with about 12 be Archer, who finished the year "W's'm‘ °"d 9"C°_Ve' "we 0‘ ALASKA (y- ‘ 2C” 3‘ . . ,

“We were out of it," Reed said of otherplayers,soitwillbeclose. witha7-2conferencerecord. than my °'h°' “‘“se ""9 b Tacos l 'v" ‘
the match. “But we just kept fight- “The win (over Smith) will be a Patrick said Reed could be seeded () D ' : ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ _ j’ ' l , 1'.
ing." bighelp." at the No. 6 singles spot, because of W RL EXPLORLR (’Rl lbl‘b 'I[‘4\ ;a£9¢ . ‘ . . i

The No. 2 doubles match had not Freshman Tamaka Takagi, who her 7-2 record. Takagi and McGuire THE 5-S- UNIVERSE ‘5‘ "5'3"""'Z‘.'° ‘ . ' _'
onlytheadded attractionofbelng has alreadyearneda spot in the willbeseededattheNo.1doubles Ourcruiseship “fl ,, ‘ ’ ,' ,‘g
the final match of the contest, but NCAA’s, had a rare loss Saturday. spolwitha o2 record in SEC action. Presents: c} ' ‘ . -, 2. -. '
Patrick said since the team score losing to a tough Jane Young, e1, 7- and Archer and Reed who went 84) 0 Comfortable Accomadations _ ' ' r
was tied at four, the pressure on the 5. Archer contlnued to play her best In doubles action in the conference. . A - d Ch' - l3 . , — - , . , . . . ‘ , ' ‘
two girls was magnified. ”They tennisof them, Patrick said. as will be seeded at the No. 2 doubles mericon an. inese Cusine M n llli'stlrl). you ll find ‘ , . ._'
really hung “”1811," he said rmy Sm won her seventh “latch in a m 5““ . AnthropologlsfI Oceanographers i“! ll” ll(lr(l Shf‘ll ’lllflls ()ll Silll'. . .

. and other PhD's on board as ‘~ ‘ 'l‘hzit (t‘l’lilllllV ought 10 make _ '
Golfers wm Kentucky Tournament; ‘3'?" J 3,, h , h ' “monolo-mrwu . -
cos une t-Juy14t . .»
Excortedb Tra lPr f . IR r n w ' ‘ ‘ H
CO ch t m - 1‘ h'n k ....z....::...:.°.::,.:"::..f:.;7:.'°' e T930 JOHNS» .. . .
a says ea ls eac l g pea Other Summer departures available Haurs . . _ ‘*
606-231-0707 Corner Euclid 8. Rose 'l'l-IAM "In“. .
By JOHlS JURY honors, his second runner-up finish on the second day, good for a tie for 000-432-9286 Phone: 23""9. 11-12AM Sun..‘l’hur. ' "
Staff Writer in two weeks, UK had led the six ninth place. 333 Vine St./Vine Center » ’
. teamfield by ltafterthefilstday. Hamilton closed out his college » V I

1105* for great things from the five of the six Wildcats who com- golf career with a tenth place finish ONLY TRAVEI, come watd‘ ‘
men 5 golf team at the Southeastern peted in the tournament placed in with rounds of 78,75 and 73. Because $1695 PROFESSIONAIS O - .

Conference Champlomhlps In two the top 10 overall. Lundeen’s 3-over he finished sixth on the UK team for 1'17.“ INTERNA or Wide Screen T.V.l .
weeks. par 219 total fell one stroke back of the spring season, Hamilton will not “at..." Wm

After UK W0" the Kentucky inter- overall winner John Pierce of WKU. make the trip to Florence, Ala. for 3 . ,
collegiate Tournament . over the Third place went to another UK golf- the SEC Championships.
weekend at Glenwood Hill Country er, J.R. Congdon. whose 222 total Simpson plam to take freshman '

Club Ill Perry Park, Ky 's_ coach T9!“ was highlighted by a second round 2- Jon Ruberstein to the SEC ,
SIMPSON Sdld the squad l5 beslnmns underpar, 70. Champiomhip along with Congdon, m has. ,2 x - ‘
- to peak allustthenshtnme. " . Three seniors — Mike Hardy. Rob Lundeen. Hardy and Hornshied. N EVER KN EW . v 1‘ . .
‘Thcy really played woll._ Slmo Hornshied and Vince Hamilton — Simpson sai