xt7bcc0ttg0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ttg0d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1979 1979 1979-03-13 2020 true xt7bcc0ttg0d section xt7bcc0ttg0d Vol. t.xxr. so. r24 Ker 2] University of Kentucky
Tuesday. Mm" I). ”7" an independent student newspaper Lexlngton. Kentucky
‘ "m ' T " o I
.. . Traffic problems discussed
\ Health fee referendum
' .w Will be on SG ballot >
i «m ' ' . ",5:-"=‘ _ I I
- , m . for upcoming electrons ~
. W .. ’:° _ By SUE TEETER resolution stating SG opposition to
, a Staff Writer conscription of students into the
g . ,_,;ivf"..': a armed forces and a bill supporting
. _ t 3 ‘. WM 7” W W . _‘ Hoping to obtain “maximum third-party evaluations of by-pass
. a” W ‘ ' v . i. y W ’ _‘ student input." Student Government exams in cases where a student feels
’ “w - W0» a " if“? ”"ff .. a ' ‘ ' " " approved a referendum for the 86 that credits or grades rewarded “does ,
. Q, . ,, ‘ W .. ~ . _ W election ballot April 4 and 5 on not reflect a fair and just evaluation of '
‘ , ,. .V . 4&3... ‘ whether the health fee should be the student‘s academic performance.“
W . i, '. ' . . mandatory or voluntary. To bypass a course. a student must
W . .. .. .. . “w Compiling student opinion petition for permission to test out. ask
. information to make recommenda- a'professor |tlo give the exam and then
., . , it?!” WflfW . tions to U K Presrdent Otis Srngletary b" tigenera y accepted that you abide
1, . WM , ._ .. . . . ~ .. . . m, _ W. . . are the Student Health Advisory y rs decrsron. Engineering Senator
' B, may“ “HAM/Km,“ 5.." Committee and an Ad Hoc 80 Sara Brumbaugh explained. The bill
swan—y River It‘s still too chilly in Kentucky for most people to take to right. The graceful birds will not be heading for Florida's committee. Co-chairman 0f .the SG bluegzittsevta'lfraiizgcm 5 right to seek '
the water for a dip, but some swans at a pond at warmer weather and better swimming conditions next committee Peggy OMera said those 80‘ bl 0d d: . beh' d
. Lexington‘s Headley-Whitney Museum on Old week. UK students. however, will be flocking to the committees “l” “0‘ make the final d {.5 (Atth’ n.“ :5 ml 222 '
Frankfort Pike found yesterday‘s sunny weather just. beaches in search of sun, surf and sand. decrsron ‘0 implement mandatory dona ions. istime é“ year. ‘ .
health fees. That decision rests with onatrons had been received but 5° far
. the UK administration. this drive has received only 846 '
‘ donations. Senator O‘Mera said. The
Undergrad council makeup changed . .. t.
pay :9”de (“WHO‘S 0f SIX from l0 am. to 4 pm. in the Student '
By DEBBIE MCDANIEI. one factrlty member. to be appointed while one metnber will also be elected Mn academic unit is a department committees $50 each tfthey completed Center Ballroom.
COP) Editor by other l'ndergraduate (‘ounciI from the combined colleges of »\I|red or college which confers a degree or reports _On what the” groups . . . . ,
members and approved by the Health. Nursing arid Pharmacy diploma.) accomplished and trouble they Earlrerrnthe mecttng.Trchcnor said
The University Senate approved l'niversity Senate. will be selected Ihc dean of undergraduate studies Io achieve continuity of the ”come”? during the term. so he had discussed Rose 5"“! plans
rule changes dealing with the from the combined areas of literature “I” appoint the remaining four staggered system. faculty of the President (rent: thhenor said IF WOUId Lexrngton Mayor-James Amato‘ who
composition of the senate‘s and philosophy in the College of .-\rts members with the advice and consent academic urirt m 4y. for any electron. provide a record 0f “0}" well dtrectors said thestreetmedranswould berarsed .
‘ Undergraduate Council and the & Sciences. the College of line kits of the l ndergradtrate (‘ouncil specify that a number of performed the” duties. and “mm to keep cars from drrvrng overthcmto ,
election of faculty senate members and the Honors Program. lhe chairman of the (icneral representatives will be elected for tvvo— corncrde Wllh SG‘S .‘itncreased pass stopped .buses'. Amato also said
_f‘ yesterday: After disposing of its light ()ne faculty member will also be Studies (‘ommrttec will serve as an cs year terms IIie proposal “I“ go into professionalism and profrcrcncy." he WI” consrder involving students -
agenda. senate members also selected from the combirted areas of officio member. effect this fall “The only way you‘re gorng [9 get wrth zoning and planning, thhenor
discussed possible simplification of biological and physical sciences in the lhe rules change dealing with the I after III the meeting. more than 20 people ‘0 type a 251338? report '5 ‘0 53le Other solutions. to problems
class withdrawal policy. (‘ollcge of Arts & Sciences. arid one elected faculty membership to the senators took the floor to suggest pay them. rrchenor said. artsrng' from conflicts between
i. -' Because of administative faculty member will be selected from senate was presented to remedy possible modifications of the class Some senators were opposed to P°d°5"“.‘“‘ and traffic they discussed ,
reorganization. the colleges of line the combined areas of the social problems cattsed when all senate withdrawal policy financial rewards for performing the area bridge 0"" Rose Street. “105mg
Arts. Communication and the Honors sciences in the colleges of Arts 8; members from an academic unit retire Both the Senate Rules (‘ommittee office they were elected to do. Fine Off Rose Street during school hours (9
‘. Program were not represented on the Sciences and Communications. at the same time. Ihey are replaced by and the l ndergraduate ( ouncil have Arts Senator Kathi Besing said there am. l°4 p.m.)..and.the Instalation 0f
undergraduate council according to According to the new rules. the an entirely new and inesperienced developed vvithdravval policies. lhe are other rewards. which include the additional caution lights. .
senate rules. , colleges of -\griculture. Education. group of representatives. Senate (‘ouncif voted to allow chanceto“getto meetthe right people, Pre—election forums for next year‘s
’_. Following the senate's approval aninecring and Business & According to the approved l'nivcrsity Senate debate of the two get their name in the paper." And 80 candidates will be held on March '
y yesterday. there will be three changes. Economics will have-one member each legislation. elected faculty members proposed policies before the corrncrl Senator-at-Large David Fields said 28 and 29in Student Center room2I4.
. effectivethis fall.inthecompositionof on the l'ndergraduate ('ouncil. ()ne serve a term of three years. and the approves a change. payment is “inappropriate“ because Senators will meet on the 28th and
.. the 14-member lindergraduate member will represent the combined terms “I“ be staggered so one-third of -\ccording to the Rules (‘ommittee “we are elected to serve UK students. presidential and vice-presidential
Council. colleges of Architecture. Social the academic unit‘s representativesare policy. students vvitlidravvirig during We aren‘t paid." candidates Will meet onthe 29th. 30th .
According to the rules change. only Professions and Home Economics. elected at each election. ('ontinued 0" page 3 Other actions included passing at events begin at 7:30.
Oda Cl h I b. I I ‘
31—— asses, ex l its, antique appraisal
ff d b 'd '
the prediction at a news briefing sponsored by the hind o ere y art center to area resl ents -
' Marketing Institute. a trade group which represents
state supermarkets and grocery stores across the nation. ‘ g . . ' y
-\n X" percent increase infood prrecswotrld beabotrt three By BRIDGET MCI‘ARI.ANI) ngmmh ‘0 lhe community. N0 plan0graphlc and StenCIl print. are . .
percentage points less than the |97t< boost. But not counting Staff w ritei longer affiliated with the league. it is part 0fth€ Ashland Oil Inc. permanent
’ JEFEERSOIS I('IR(‘l‘IT _Jl'l)(ll-1 MINIAEI, inn ycup n Wind be in; tin-pm climb onet- lint. now administered as a nonprofit collection. The show runs through _ .
' MCDONALD‘dh‘m'S-‘Cd a 3“ millltm lib,” Wily M0114") In 5pm- in n, she. the red brick corporation with an advisory board of March 24. Gallery hoursare9a.m.to4 '
: against the (ourrer-Journal and Ioutsvrlle limes (o._ Kinkead mansion which houses the civic and communitv leaders. pm. Monday through Saturday. -. ,
declaringthat an attorney s privacy had not been violated. - » . . l- . u s, _ - ., lhe (‘enter offeis art clasgeg to There is no admission fee
lhe suit was filed in August I976 by attorney Irm Mct'all world l‘m'lg All” and Science tentcr 1" T”) ‘ . ‘ . 1 " f ’ . ' ' '
after a Louisville Times news story raised questions about to ml” I treatedat.162WalnutSt..the ‘h'l‘lrW. and adults. graphic an Thls weekend the Center and the .
promisesthat McCall madeto a client duringaconvcrsation (‘enter l‘ WI hilCl‘ from the “”9“ b.‘ a CXhlhllmm‘ workshops In art Land and 'Nature Trust 9{ the ‘. ' i
in his office 1th Chm KW“. “a,“ had WM“ (HINESE ()FFK'IALS w EREQI'OTEI)yesterday iis circtrlardrivcway. lhere is nongn it education and a lecture series on art Bluegrass erl sponsor a Heirloom . ‘
taperecorded the conversation. - ‘1’}an ”“3” ””“P‘ “Wild “WUPF “’mt’ mmf‘r.‘ llk‘ld h.‘ the has been stolen 100 many times. But related topics. Discovery Day. Experts from Sotheby 3
McCallclaimed that limes reporters Richard Knint/and V'C‘m’mm MM" ('h'm‘.‘ ”““*“‘“ “‘ \I'Cmum' the (‘enter is worth searching for, (‘urrently the (‘enter‘s gallery has a Parke Bernet. the New York art -
Tom Van Howe had violated his privacy by arranging for “ml-"W" “”“l““ “““l‘ImCd ”u” ”‘9 (‘h'm‘c "““l‘ “r“ Since it was initiated m Whit bv the Contemporary Print Collection show, auction house. will give verbal I ‘ _ .
. Miss Fran-er to tape-record the consersatron and had pulling ”Illa”! \ietnam Bl” one h‘ghl.‘ placed “’“r” ““1 .lunior league of lexington: the The fifty prints. which represent appraisals 0“ items brought in by the
damaged hrs reputation with their cnstrrng story. (hrncse officials here told diplomats that their forces would (. ‘ . . _ .‘ _ . , . . _ . l-‘ f l' f . I. bit
. .. _.., ‘ .. ‘ . , , enter has offered variotis art “(de U 0 re I9 . Intag I0. PU 0- g
McDonald ruled. however. that Ihe limesdrd not invade “““Pl “"1“- bases from “hlsll Iht‘ \ K‘In‘ImC-‘t‘ allegedly ' These items may include paintings ‘
Mc(‘all"s privacy nor were the reporters reckless in “”1““ ““d‘ ”ll” ( hina. - f - I ~ ~ i ‘ ,-
publishing the slur) which the judge Wd was“substantiallv Meanwhile. Vietnam. after recalling sortie ltl.()(l() troops ~ prints, urnrture. PW“ am‘ ortenta ' ~
‘ true." ' from(‘ambodra and unrtsfroml aosand southern Vietnam. ' t “‘85 and antique Jewelry A Clear
appeared to be reaching the peak of its military build-up in photograph Will SUITICC for large items. '
the north. “This is an excellant opportunity for .
I In the multr-faceted Indochina conflict. there also were students and faculty tO learn the value ‘ '
natlon reports from Vietnam of (‘hincse troops massing on the of items picked up through travels.“ ~
. _ (‘lllnesu‘l aothia: dbordedr d (:ina hsgld tlbc‘ 1(iy1titiiin .ql .. a said Jim Seidelman. the Center‘s
government if eman C t C “II T'd\h'l 0 lnCSC " . r ' u . ' ‘
IEN'ERGE SECRETARY JAMES R. S(‘H|.I-;SIN(QER esperts and an end to (‘hrncse aid. s“ . Z] \ . " - 33:33“: :2;n:i:s:itr.lsgdt {i333
. ' sard yesterday that attempts to encourage voluntary energy ., «III . '1‘ ' ,‘ _ to k who have thin s they‘ve
conservation are proving unsuccessful and mandatory steps ‘ L‘ t P p- ~ 8‘ l " . I ' . '
' beginning with temperature controls on public buildings ABOI T l0.000 (‘IIANTING IRANIAN WOMEN. 1 ’0“ \J ‘ I ‘. ”menu" or found In lhe alllc- I gives _ ,
. may be invoked this summer guarded by armed Marxist People‘s I-cdaycen militiamen. 1‘1\\ -‘ ’ ' them a chance to determine what the . ‘
Schlesinger also told the Senate l nergy (‘ommittee there marched tn Iehran yesterday in the fourth day of protest . items are and If they have any value. 3 E
may beserrous shortages 0i heatrngoil.gasolrneand It‘t “my agarrist loss of freedoms under Iran‘s new Islamic rulers. | ' l \ . I l The event will be held Saturday. '»
' despite the resumption of oil exports from Iran Mi‘rClW‘ al‘“ “CW reported In Abadan. I“ Iran‘s southern l- t r fl ' March l7 at the Phelps-Stokes -
. Inventories of heating orI are below wherethcy should be “ll region. “"d I" ”W ”“rllNU‘Wm 9") ”I li'hlll- . ' \ a- ‘ Auditorium on the Transylvania VA , '
' for thistime of year. he said. spelling potential shortages for In an apparent effort lfldclU‘CIhf‘Prfllc‘I-d deputy W'mf‘ ,‘ ' . ‘ ‘ s‘ '3' .1 ‘ University campus from l0 1m to 4 '- ‘ " .
next winter and .tst shortages. m the coming “at“ ,y minister said women civil servants would not be required to ‘ n, «‘ \ M s pm. There isaSS charge perappraisal. . . . ,
. i there is another cold spell" wear traditional dress. and Dariush lorouhar. minister of I ‘ ‘ ‘2 The Centers wintgr an classes just ‘,‘
: Schlesinger told the committee. “the call for voluntary laboriind social welfare. said women factory workers wotild . . " s. ~ \ .L d d b t .n classes will start in ‘ ' _
. conservation is not working effectively." He said I' S. daily continue ‘0 ml“) WWI rrghtsand "10 be £1th '0 he s‘ls‘s‘ts‘d to ’ ‘ " .: “ U en e u. Sp“ -8 U L ~ ‘ - .'
3 oil consumption has reached 3| million barrels a dav an ””M‘ .. ‘ ‘l . it ~' 1. early April. Spring class 0fl°""8§ have .
{ all-time high. ' ‘ . , l): .‘ not been determined yet. but in the . . . y
‘ ' . ‘ IV past the Center has offered classes in . - - '
. i . I e ' a photography. sculpture and family '
HIGHER FARM PRI(‘ES. rsrrarros IN weather tree plannlnz- . ' ,
i ‘ GENERAL and the consumer‘s contrnurng demand for There are separate classes for . .~
’ convenience will boost famtlyfood bills by aim.” x percent MOSTLY Isl‘VNY TOD-u \ch a high In the mid to children. teens and adults. Classes are
. . this year. a governmgnt economist said yesterday ripper 50‘s Becoming tnostlv cloudy tonight with scattered once a week for a four or stx week . I
' ‘ William I. Boehm of the t‘COflOmlfi. Statistics and showers developing and possibly changingto snow l‘Iurries period, Tuition varies from SlSto $30 . ' . ' .
. . Cooperative Service of the Agriculture Department made ”me“ The woodcut. Freud. is part of the permanent collection of sfor morcinformationaboutthe spring 3 " -' ,‘
_ f - Ashland Oil. Inc. on display at the Living Arts and Sciences program. interested persons should - ‘ i . i
. . Center on Walnut Street. call the Center at 252-5222. -
i x
l 4
i“ W-WWIQ‘ ”“"" ., "“ *WWM-wwuw. H... «r . - - g ,. ~ w~~sasmWWMrv~~ .. w .. ~ .. - - .
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i: 1
:i 2'
2 I
a 3
Steve Ilallinger Lisa Domsavd Thalia» (’Iarli Walter Tunis Jamie Vaught Tom Moran 55
' ‘ Ir/ilor m ( luv] fill/Mull It/Ilur JI’ Foam“ 4t“. :‘ii/Ilur Sprint Kill/or I’lrt'tliir til Phiilugruphi if. ;
Debbie McDaniel 2 !
Steve Massey ,3 I
. Richard McDonald Gregg Fields "III'I Millingly (”Ivy Willis John (‘lay Linda Campbell & t
' liming/nu I'tllltll Jeanne Wellncs "i- J"!!! Tilt 'f\\l\lulll it“. lat/nor Iriln Rich"! I’hum Mummy, g i
i . . 4H1.” lult' /.tllllll\ (ii/ii lit/HUM .'f\\l\ldllf Spurn fit/Imn . ’5
‘l l
. editorials 8: comments ii
i g
m it
\ I t,’ ’ .0“ , \ . '7 A i i f
50 per cent revolution ‘9, c \a
,/ _‘ ‘s‘g - N \
r ’ \ “w I
n I i 1 .
J US 1706 d098,) t BXtEfld t0 WOMEN / Dom Bing \\ c - -
‘ ‘ ' "\ ‘a T \ \ T T (T ‘
.. II N9 IWTI-b i i‘\ \ \\\
The revolution in Iran has been 50 percent SII‘CCI ”W "9“ government hi” taken POWCR I m - x'NN 3 / .
. effective in liberating that country's Population ”Slim"? new laws on 50““ conduct have been It gTRNGHT -.. i _ .
from a tyrannical government. The 50 Percent that enforced. About 16 Persons have been executed for chE Bit I9 "\2\ - J,
._ ' seemsto have beenignored isthe female population. 50‘qu Cl""195~ and many more have been given i M . " 25 ' .e t \
Both the new. religion-based government and a exemplary punishment. SUCh as whipping. I‘" It TICI€T Like [317p ‘1 't'
popular spirit ofchauvinism have combined to form ””7195 I'kt‘ "desiring sexual relations. . t ALWAys hr n..- I i 3 .
. . ‘ , . . . . .. c ' . . ' . ‘ I ’
new barriers against Iranian women who seek equal IL ”CI“ hd‘NPP‘erd- though. I" ”I‘eIrddi'OMh'P . "' I" (2 PA I I . ‘
rights and equal treatment. of the new government with the religious leaders. iii a. I ,. $2.535th 4...; m. I . .
Avatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. who led the An indication of the Iranian government‘s success I ”A ' . .
revolution. has called on all women to cover will be how well it is able to grant civil rights to ‘I Mi q] r )1 Iitvuwa :7 ‘\ i" a», ., .‘I / J;.,.u / I 1/ t L
themselves in the traditional body-length black v'eil. women and other “I'glom and minority gr(I“I’P5~ AI " , 1 W “I 7. / , A" : //,//’// '
Laws that facilitate the wayawoman can challenge desire [0 return I" the peace and Slabliliy IOI ‘I Mfr!” t,” .w ' wi’ «14/ .
divorce and that establish co-education have been hundreds 0' years 380 doesnt have ‘0 reqUire I tt /// f .1“ 4r,
annulled similar setbacks in CiviIi/ation. 'h; t ,1 , .1, -.
2 . iv .
I i \I I I A“ k.
Jackson’s s eech ' uestions M.- “ - r
;' 3.
de t' ' h' her education - .
segra ion in i9 .t It
. ' , a,
The Rev. Jesse Jackson put the desegregation of enforce rigid numerical requirements. there‘s no r a}: _
.American higher education in a new light Sunday. question that valuable programs will be hurt. While ‘ ‘ ‘5 g. .. f i
. when he told an audience at Kentucky State America is on the path towards full integration. ””W*'~— iii
Lniversity that college integration is destroving the schools that are traditionallv black can give special at;
. . . ' . . . ' ——-*‘——————~—-——~——‘—’_‘_——————— ..t.
integrity of traditional black schools. training and confidence to black students. . if
.According to Jackson. government efforts at Part of Jackson‘s case is that the federal L etters t0 the Ed, tor .t‘
' both state and federal level are destroying the government is using a double standard in achieving :3
unity and special intent of black education. and integration making black colleges bearthe brunt '5
amount to agrossmisinterpretationofthe needsol of proving that they do not discriminate. While Racial overtones could have hgen mar the people are of presuming the guilt of arrestet. 1‘
the black community. rumors persist that schools like Kentucky State will .there to draw. which happens to persons. initiated last April 13. 2‘ .
The argument is reminiscent of PresidentJimmy eventually be closed down. he observes. no one lam writing this letter concerning inCludc looking at the model. The Wednesday‘s headline should have 5’: ‘
Carter's ill-fated “ethnic purity" speech. where he worries abouttraditionallywhite schoolslike Notre the alleged rape involving the eight students do not ”Ogle" or dr00i. read “Football Players Rape and 2
attempted to argucthatindividualsocialgroups had Dame and Harvard. black UK football players. I do not Granted. the class consists of about 90 Sodomi/e Young Woman." {r
. their own sense of identity and special “The same forces in charge ofscgregation are now Imend ‘0 “O“dcm“ CI‘IICFOI the Pattief PI? CngmaiCS~ bud ”if! '5 "0t IIIWCIIUSCI tit
characteristics that were worth saving. in charge of desegration." he concludes. with '"‘0|H.d' M) concern 15”“ pr‘JUd'ces t c epartmentI 9c” ”0‘ d on “‘5 Je‘," 00mm" ;
Carter's osition was dr 'n d t . . It f . . . f I I O . h . k I. h h" that this maylosteragainst UK sblack many females to striveto bearchitects. Lettington || defendant t
. . . . bp . II . .0“ e ou in a s orm o ominous in erences. ne mtg t ta c issue wit is student population. Will this incident Now look. there are only two sexes t
criticism. at to his political credit he was able to rhetoric. but Jackson is correct in his assessment be a further hindrance m the already to pick from and sothe model happens Lutz answers -'
survive the gaffe. Jackson. though. has hit the mark. that education may be suffering too much now from stammering progress being made by to be a female. So what? I suggest that _ . I'
In the face of HEW investigators who seek to efforts to improve it in the future. blacks at the university? Ms. Brewer and others who share her I have tCCOHS'dered SICVICFaI aSPCC" ;
It has been brought to myattention opinion grow up and open their Cy95~ 0“ my March I 09mm", (,Dea’ 't
D t ’ ' ' t that this is not the first occurrencetof To put this in prOper perspective. I ("30’1“ I: 2an I feel ”‘3? " 'F "‘3 .3
DC or s Vleprln this nature here at the university. must say that I am the model forthis responsibility I35 an inteIIigeni
. . Therefore I am led to believe that this drawing class and I would not be there '"d""d”‘§l ‘0 Claf'fl' and ”0'09" [0' E
embarrassing situation for UK and if I felt it were a degrading or sexist parts of” “WI d0 ”"5 ”I shut "f I;
an uana s u re 0r i
been avoided. Whether it could have there. — .~ 2 . "
been prevented or not. however. the Laurie Waite hm- the 3P°I°gtlI~ MIL Pair?” 5'“ : ‘
, . . . , . .. dama c has been done to the Architecture model I am ”my sorry t at 100 ll upon a:
By LO“ ELL S. HlSBAND approxrmate moderate. frequent was not heavy. Ihey occurred if IHC compiainant the accused the s .“ l‘t myself to term you a “fair weather
' I marijuana usage in humans (using was given intravenously and did not universitv and. to blacks. . t' s cones revolutionary." Such a designation is 5'
Dr. Robert Heath. the eminent serum IIHC levels) these electrical occur if the monkey “smoked" I hope that this incident will be People change‘in many directions. not only clearlyacheapshot. it iIsaIIso
rIiDeurosmentist antd t(theIiittman IolIthtt: ctIIIiangeIs became irreversible. That is. marijuana which did not contain analyzed objectively. so that there will At times. slipping backwards. as is the clearly untrue. If I had 80 days InIJatl :
\IePaTIimen‘I 0T I WC {flint dInI It?) vteIreIIstill present IeightImonthsI THC. Thus it would appearthatthese not be a rekindling of old prejudices: case with Stephen Stills. I went to hanging over my head i certainly 1. -
.euro ogy at uaIntI Iinl\t.fSIi_\. aIIter .d marijuana use was changes wereinduced by theTH(. and stereotypes about blacks. listen to his concert in Louisville. wouldn‘t apprectate some guy
. riportedtthtt: results olIhis study of the dishcpntinued. I I f These findings were statisticallv March] I. and left feeling empty. accusing me of lacking the courage of ‘ .
e ects o c ronic mari uana usa eon ctron mc .‘ :t ' . ‘ . , . ‘ , ‘ ‘ v‘ . , , - - ' '_
*— .l g e i roscopic s ud} o the highly significant despite the fact that Garry Spotts I seem to remember a man Wh.° my COInVICIIOHSI. Whilhe we clearly have . .
there were only one or two subjects in Journalism freshman IOVCd hliIthSIC and iOId :8 0f (IIIIS flihlfiiftiitrvevxfahtildc I Iferilbyep‘iieliiicllysi '- -
' each experimental group. dreams. ere were raspy e ges an a 0 . . . .
commen ta N“ . , I . , I Modal _r98p.onds stare that could killthe intolerable cry apologize for "-I . . ' ”z .
I I 0 formal behavioral observations This is in response to the opinion of “Boogie!“ I agree. It is tiresome to NOW- the clarification. lam not. “5 i
“J”. Imade 0f the Whig“ and the expressed by Celia Brewer who wrote play the same “Suite Judy Blue Eyes“ some ofIyou have inferred. clearly ’; .
' ' _ "— ' "'_.‘ " '—"‘ Significance Of these flndlngS IS n0! yet in response {0 [he article On [he again and againI We must a“ move onI anti-Iranian." ACluaIIy. I doubi .f Mr. 2. .
the brains 0f rhesus monkeys during a brains showed structural changes. certain. It might be recalled .however. “sexist“ architectural drawing class. ‘Unfortunately what Stills has done has Potratz and I could find very much to ‘ t
recent scientific conference in New which also did not reverse after an that there has continued ‘0 be Ms. Brewer should have checked her no character. no dream. Whatever it is disagree about concerningIthc recent ' .
Orleans. eight month abstinence. The space sc'em'fic debate as [9 whether regular sources more thoroughly. forit is clear now leaves only ringing ears. If he had problems faced by the Iranian P¢°PI¢- ‘ '
USINS depth electrode measurement between the neurons was widened and marijuana usage ”“1“?“ chronic. she did not know what she wastalking not played his banjo that one time I A“ I" all. although I am skeptical '
of electricalactivity in various parts of contained deposits of substances not What” irreverSibIe effects. Many about. For one thing. the drawing would even have doubted his abilityas about the newIKhomeini government. .'
the brain. Dr. Heath demonstrated present normally and some of the investigators andIIobservers have said classes in the architecture department a musician. certainly nothing COUId be worsIcthan' ” ‘
that one eff“! 0f marijuana intracellular organelles were altered. that chronic marijuana usage Ieads to have used male models beforeandthey the tyranny 0f the Shah‘s regime. I .
a IDIOXICBUOD on bOIh human and Some unusual deposits were also a general '9Wermg Of motivation and were also paid "only $4.50 an hour." Myles Evan Powers OHIY pray ”‘3‘ the Iranian people i 'l ‘
thCSUS brains was alterarion 0f found inside the nerve cells‘ nuclei. alertness “me many other authorities For another. there are four women Chemical Engineering graduate haven‘tiust replaced one despot “m" .
electrical activity in that part of the These structural changes occurred in have refuted that claim. instructors in the depaument and one student another. Unfortunatelythough.this is
brain which is concerned with the same areas of the brain in which even has tenure! I I I all too often the case in revolutions. .
CWOIIIOWIHW (various portions 0f the the abnormal electrical activity Lowell S. Husband. MD. is an Ms. Brewer‘s attitude throughout Headhne lust'ce and for some reason I doubt that the .
Limbic System or deep brain). After occurred. assistant professor of Clinical her article entirely twisted the idea of I , country WIII escapeIfurther bloodshed ,
three months of chronic usage of These changes occurred if the Psychiatry at the University Mental drawinga nude model. lfshe had ever On April I2. I978. l2Ipersons were before stability. in one form or ; -
marijuana in dosages WhtCh marijuana usage was regular even ifit Health Service. been in Mr. Roccanova‘s class she arrested at a speech given by CIA another. is finally achieved. . .
Director Stansfield Turner. They were BaSicaIIy the gripe I have With
charged with a misdemeanor called George is not with what he says. but
“disrupting meetings and proces- rather. how he says it. Personally. I
' W W “E sions“ The next day‘s Kerrie/headline. don‘t like his heavy-handed . _
n. I ALI-Kim‘s A I in large print. read “Arrests Made as evangelical style. It rcallyturns me off ,
. IS IHIS I“ ZAF‘S m G‘ I'M m JEKK Marchcrs Disrupt CIA Chief‘s to be preached at. even if I basically
I 3 : KER mm M”. h i Speech.“ agree with what the preacher is saying.
2 6" /////fl/ 4 RI WHAT-ARE 7! *) On Monday. March 5. I979. eight So. perhaps Mr. Potratz and Ian: not
i i ' // r ' // I football players were arrested and so far apart as it would atfirst appear.
gyy WWII “k“ ”(I Im-TO IX)“ charged with rape and sodomy. I. for one. would certainly like to .
a. / ' Wednesday‘s Kernel headline. in think so.
55' //¢" 1/ // I I K92} WK MY medium print. read “Football Players
.9 , /t , - n
s / “'IDWE N Plead Not Guilty To Rape. . Stephen A. Lutz
gt @7/ I - I‘ I x / L 2/ / To conform with the Kernel policy Political Science senior
. , .
r ,v'f‘ / . * fl/ ’ / ‘ ' '// .
* r x / n/ ‘ / / / /
- ’ V WW I ....— ’ ///////' // / ‘4 é .
,M . ll/ ' Letters policy .
_ . ' J; / I/// . , ,/ ‘ and Mar: UM my”:
' Iii ' /' A / /, / f l The Kentucky Kernel welcomes M M M W .1
III a I // / ///t. ‘I / and cncouragesIcontributionsI from pom .
. /,I / / / ' . the UK community for publication on no Kernel reserves the right to "
. . . _ ‘ /// y u , its editorial and opinion pages. condense or reject contribution. limit
' " . i i (I \ (z. t/ g / Letters. opinions and commentar- the number of submissions by
' $\’.-‘ . /,// Maintained-UM“ frequent writers. and to edit all ,_
*" l / x and min Include the wrller'r contributions for style. spelling. . j
. , T . f / ‘ financier-UM”. grammar. clarity and libelous I
t . . ‘ m f // I UK tantalum-Hm M y!- statements.
~‘. . . ' . 4/ '
fig. “a 11:24” ‘
“'rnaffit‘u - l, ' .‘\..“~." 'a" .. ".- “.'. 4 J. ‘ ',‘., 4.; ‘ : ‘ ' .' "-s't‘w f,¥"‘.;«".'.'u~.j.ar. .C ' t-ew .‘ t..t . v‘ r. . ' ' «—-~--~ .———-—~~—-—-—-————
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 I - s. 1 ' i
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l Ill}. KIN“ ( K\ KENNEL Tuesday. Marth U. "79-3
g I .-
U rvan war 8 nonirna IOI'IS SCI]
2 .. .
1 . The Committee on Sullivan Ms. Rosemary Pond. 539 Hornback, 20| Administration In. at 3.00 p m THE YOUNG AMER'CANS
‘; Awards invites nominations Patterson Office Tower; Mr. Bldg; orI)r.John'l.Smith.207 IAll nominations should be '
‘3} for candidates to receive the Jay Brumficld. King Alumni Administration Bldg. (Iitricted to Ms Saundra B SALUTE
i; Sullivan Medallions. The House; Mr. Terry Mobley, 204 The deadline lor receipt ol .y ins. (hairperson. 5|}
it ' ' " ‘ ' ' ‘ ' "- ,M'rch Paterson ()ll . l
1.: Medallions are presented to Administration Bldg. Dr. Ray nominations is Friday a rte ower. RICHARD RODGERS
one woman and one man of the . _ -
" ’ aduatin class. and to one .
.. UK professor decries area slums or
ii in making nominations, the LEXINUION. Ky. (Al’) lhey're made ol wood slririi areas until .i lew years WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14’ 8115 9."!
t': Committee calls to attention Some slum areas in this they‘re tin-traps," he said. ago I
4 the selection criterion as Bluegrass city are more dismal “ l here are a ba ridon ned (‘otiriciliiiaii .Ioe .laspei. who MEMORIAL COUSEUM
follows: “... nothing Shall be than the worst New York buildings in the middle ol a represents both illL'ils, said the Admission: FREE to all UK full-time students by ID and Activities Cards.
considered except the ghetto. according toIan urban block. there are no super. proposed cslcttsltln has All others by season membership card.
‘ possesston ofsuchcharacterist- historian 1“ the llmWNi) 0‘ markets nearby lhere are no contributed to their deterioia~ _
‘ ics of heart. mind and COHdUCl Kentucky. schools nearby. lhere's no tron He said Irislitown and 7
85 evinceaspirit OflOVC forand A copyrighted article in doctor or |uwycr m the plucc_ l)‘.t\ Hit)“ It should have 1979 LKD s h I h.
' helprIneSS to Other men and Monday‘s Lexington Hk‘l’illd Ihc polhnlcs arc “0th than I'L‘L'L'Hctl “llitl llllltls “Cit“ c o ars 'p
women." quoted Richard C, Wade. a l‘ilth Avenue. airiilable. eieii il the money
' Further information and visiting prolessorol history at "I ne\cr saw a police car was limited $250
L forms for nominating UK who was lormerly a there." he continued. “Ihere‘s “ l’i (lhit tilt the best I I
,’ statemcn‘s may be obtained member (ll th (‘thugu ()nI} (mt: churchI thl'C an: “(y |ll[1\[[‘u[|()n l\ illill ll] lll\lll0“l1 AppllcantS WIll be judged on the baSlS of their academic achievement.
from: DR BTOOI‘S J- Major, Housing (‘ommission and social organi/ations." in the shadow til the civic campus involvement, and career objectives.
Hopkinsville Community currently 3'50 teaches 1“ NC“ Some lexington-l-ayctte center there is a sewer
. ' College' Dr. Jess Gardner, l2l York‘s (‘itv University. (‘ountv officials agree [hit the running down the middle ol me \\\\\\|ll/// \\\\l‘lI