xt7bcc0ttf8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ttf8j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1977 1977 1977-02-11 2020 true xt7bcc0ttf8j section xt7bcc0ttf8j Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

Gardens invade student ghetto

Kernel Staff erer

Ah, the charging face of American
suburban life—a little white house
on a bus route, a picket fence, 2.6
kids and now, a garden.

Whether it has three tomato plants
tr takes up an acre and a half, the
art of growing vegetables has
skyrocketed into big business in 48
per cent of all American homes.

Each year more and more people
dig up a little bit of their backyards,
throw in some sheep shit and a
couple d seeds and spend the rest of
the summer tending their “crops."

inflated food prices is one cause of
the increasing number of suburban
“Old MacDonalds,” but Americans
also seem to feel the need to “get
back to the soil" and sink their teeth
into some of God’s good earth.

However, if like most college
students, you live in the student
ghettos rather than in an ideal
surburban setting, take heart. You,
too, can grow healthy, happy
tomatoes and green beans with a
little imagination and a window with
southern exposure. “Jack in the
Beanstalk” should be so lucky.

Since planting time is near, the
main thing to remember about
apartment gardening is that the
plants HAVE to have at least five
hours of sunlighta day. If you have a
porch or a patio, you’ll have better

Cocktail tomatoes are easily
adapted to indoor growth and they
makecute, little tomatoes that come
in handy when the munchies strike
late at night. You can also grow
cucumbers and carrots, not only for
the vegetables, but also for the
pretty house plants they make.

Growing herbs is probably your
best bet if you can’t move outside.
Parsley, sage. rosemary and thyme
are pretty hearty, little buggers and
make weird looking plants hanging
in the window—sort of ethereal and
airy. Sage resembles the Queen
Anne’s Lace weed and is about as
hard to kill.

True, chives are not the best-
looking plant in the world, resem-
bling crab grass at best, but if you’re
into gourmet cooking it can be fun to
go to the window and harvest dinner.

It you are lucky enough to have an
understa nding landlord who lets you.
use the porch attached to your
apartment at no extra cost, there
are a lot of original things you can do
with vegetables.

An old whiskey barrel filled with
dirt makes agreat planter. But to be
cleve‘ about the whole thing, bore
holes in the side of the barrel and
plant bib-lettuce and cucumbers in

Then the cucumber vines grow out
and about the barrel (very artsy-
fartsy), the lettuce looks yummy
and, with a dash of geranium seeds
on top, you have quite a con-

—51ewarf Bowman

Steppin’ out

Samuel Robinson. 80. of 545 Elm Tree l.n.. takes a good, long look
before crossing Fourth Street at Broadway yesterday afternoon.
Robinson was returning home. after shopping downtown.



Harold N. Kirkpatrick. commissioner of the
state Mines and Minerals, said yesterday workmen
could be ready within about 8 days to begin figuring
out what triggered two explosions that killed 26 men
in a Letcher County coal mine last March.
Kirkpatrick said recent frigid weather and snow
had slowed down work crews in their preparations
of the section of Scotia Coal Co’s No. 1 mine where
the methane gas explosions occurred.

versatim piece. Note: don’t use
panda, they’re defhtately OUT this

Plant cucumbers on the sumy side
of a tree and train the plant up the
fruit. It’ll get carried away and
soon teeny-weeny pickles will be
dangling from its branches. Now
when your guests get hungry they
can go clear the dogwood of
cucumbers. A dollop of cream
cheese and you’ve got home-grown

‘ hors d’oeuvres. isn’t gardening fun?

> Another tricky way to fool with
Mother Nature is to border your
patio with strawberry plants. The
plans are green and look quite
dadiing when the fruit begins to

Yum, yum, they smell good too,
although strawberries have a ten-
dency to get out of hand. Unat-
tended, they’ll take over your
badryard, work their way through
your windows and strangle you in
your sleep. Watch ’em.

Of course, its not really feasible to
grow a crop of corn by a window, but
stranger things have been done...as
a joke, you understand.

One insane gardener was spotted
preening a solitary cotton plant,
plunked in a clay pot in her
backyard. Cotton is not a very lush

Actually, it looks more like a dead
twig someone taped drug store
cotton balls on. Every evening
around dinner time, the psuedo-

Vol. vam, Number 106
Friday, February ll, 1977

plantation owner was heard cussing
the boil weevils and singing Dixie at
the top of her lungs. Cotton and
gardeners make strange bedfellows.
For those lucky enough to have a
REAL garden spot, now is the time
to begin planning, said Roger Moll,
Fayette County extension agent.
Don‘t plant too much or you’ll

, (qlll'llllm 'W‘S’m‘l'll' {I

firm {will

waste it, a no-no, and plant what you
really want to eat.

Because of the crumby weather,
Kentucky ground is frozen about 20
inches down, so wait for the Big
Thaw. Planting of all “normal”
garden vegetables usually begins
around March 1. And although
there’s nqtelling what the skys will

an independent student n

Kerr) el

do now, Moll recommends sticking
with the normal planting schedule.

Have ymr soil tested and follow
all fertilizer and bug poison
directions CAREFULLY, Moll said.

lndou' and patio gardeners should
be sure to water their plants often
and be sure there’s a hole in the
bottom of each pot.

University ofKentuclzy
Lexington, Kentucky

'Cooperative principle’ successful,

but NCAA supervision continues

This is the last article in a four-part
series examining the one-year
period that the University was
subjected to an NCAA investigation.
This article by Editorial Editor
Walter llixson is based on in-
terviews with NCAA and University

Bob Lawson couldn't eat much.
And sleep came only fitfully in the
last few days before he and several
other UK officials left to meet with
the NCAA in Kansas City.

After officially responding to
NCAA allegations of UK athletic

program misconduct. the next step
was to prepare a defense.

Between the beginning of October,
1976 and the Nov. 1 meeting with the
NCAA, Lawson and UK investigator
T. Lynn Williamson began arguing
UK‘s case - going over allegations
one by one.

lluring the final 12 days before the
meeting. Williamson could be found
at Lawson's house every morning at
8 ram. He would play devil's ad-
vocate on each violation with
Lawson tak ing the University's side.
The two worked each day until 1 am,
breaking only for meals.

In the few days prior to the
meeting. Lawson found it in-
creasingly difficult even to eat. The
one-year investigation, that
sometimes intensified to louhour
weeks, was taking its toll. He lost 20

The NCAA. meanwhile, having
received its report from agent Jim
Delaney in the spring of 1976, sent
UK an official inquiry and then
waited for the University‘s

Between Oct. 1 and Nov. 1, the
NCAA reviewed its evidence and re-

investigated. preparing its case.

Lawson and Williamson, having
mema'ized every allegation, were
ready for the last step. President
Singletary, ever-secretive since the
probe began a year earlier,
arranged to lease a state-owned
plane, and be, his investigators and
athletic department officials left
from l‘r‘arirfort on Halloween.

The UK contingent spent the night
in Kansas City‘s Crown Center
Hotel. Lawson and UK Legal
Counsel John Darsie shared a room.
but they didn‘t get much sleep.

Continued on back page

Amato seeks mayoral seat, again

Kernel Reporter

The following is the third in a four.
part series examhlng Lexington
mayoral canididates.

in the 1903 mayoral race present
Mayor H. Foster Pettit defeated
James Amato by 54 votes—Amato
was actually declared the mayor for
a day, before the voting in one
precinct was recounted.

“That experience taught me the
value of a vote,“ he said.

And in this, his second run for
mayor, Amato said he will be
“running scared the whole time."

The 43-yearold Amato announced
his candidacy in mid-January, after
resigning his post as Alcoholic
Beverages Control (ABC) Board
commissioner in order to run.

His announced opponents are Joe
Graves, state senator, Scotty
Baesler. vice mayor. and Nick
Martin, former coordinator of the
fall McCarthy campaign.

“Lexingttm needs a mayor with

demmstrated leadership,” Amato
said. “Joe Graves was a city
councilman and didn‘t show it and I
haven‘t seen it in his three years in
the senate.

“Scotty has been in office three
years, and he hasn’t shown it. i
believe my leadership has been
demonstrated in my eight years in
public office."

Since his 1964 graduation from UK
Law School, Amato has served as
city prosecutor and Municipal Court

judge, in addition to ABC com-

“Durirg that time," he said, “I
really lea med about the human side
of this city. Most people just have no

“idea what's going on in Lexington.”

Amato said his eight years of
administrative work in Lexington
qualify him to be mayor became he
feels the post is purely ado

in a recent interview, Amato said

the major campaign issues haven‘t
Cmtitued on page 4


Sen. Walter D. Huddleston asked President

Carter yesterday to act immediately on Gov. Julian
Carroll’s request that the state be declared a

disaster area. “The economic loss and hardship
resulting from the severe winter has been
devastating and merits your urgent action,"
Huddleston told Carter in a telegram.

Gov. Julian Carroll left today for a 10-day
California trip during which he will open a west
coast office of the state Department of Commerce.


Anthony G. “Tony" Kirltsis. suspicious of an
offer of immunity, waited yesterday for his
attorney to confirm he would be a free man if he
released Richard 0. Hall, an lndianapolis mort-
gage loan executive he has held hostage for three
days in an apartment booby-trapped with dy-

Mildly sunny

Mostly sunny and mild today with increasing
cloudiness tonight with a chance of rain and
continuing tomorrow. The high today will be in the
mid to upper 50‘s. The low tonight will be in the mid
to upper 30’s. Tomorrow the temperature may

reach 00.

namite. The two paragraph document promised

Kirits‘rs, 44, that he would not be prosecuted for any

crimes if he released Hall.


Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau reports






Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

th Mum

editorials 8: comments 4311?;



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UK deserves quality

student publication

If you’re not always pleased with the Kernel,
that‘s too bad because there are no longer any
other student publications.

The Kentuckian Magazine has folded, failing
to make it through even a two-year trial period.
Its three chief editors, unable to mold a viable
staff a‘ sell advertising space, resigned and the
supervising Board of Student Publications of-
ficially ended the magazine.

There’s never a shortage of people blaming
one another when a project with great potential
becomes a flop. This holds true as those involved
argue about how the magazine overshot its first-
year budget by thousands of dollars, yet didn’t
manage to produce the scheduled five issues.

The shoddy business practices of the 1015-76
Kentuckian largely resulted from internal
squabbles—most notably between Student
Publications Adviser Nancy Green and first
year Editor Greg Hofelich. And the Board of
Student Publications, which rarely achieved a
quorum that year, did nothing to ensure sound
management of the magazine.

But whatever the cause, the magazine’s
failure in the first year doomed its chances for
success this year.

The new staff found itself in debt and un-
derstaffed. It had a relatively small circulation
and was unable to sell advertising, partially
because it inherited a bad reputation among
advertisers. The editors took a progressive step
by hiring a part-time business manager, but the
magazine was too far gone.

The University‘s financial ogres are also
responsible for the magazine‘s decline. The
Kentuckian received a miserly $11,000 each
year, about a fifth of what Western Kentucky’s
award-winning yearbook receives and com-
paratively less than most state publications.

UK is the largest state institution and although
administrators would argue that UK as a whole
is in serious need of more money, other state
schools are able to support quality student
publications with small total budgets.

In fact, the University’s stinginess is in line
with what seems to be a general policy of under-
iunding communications-related departments.
(‘ommunications facilities don’t include needed
modern equipment and the Journalism School
wasn‘t adequately funded until it lost ac-

Now that the magazine has folded, University
officials may be tempted to jerk even the $11,000
from student publications, as board member
Robert Orndorff fears. Unfortunately, the

demise of the Kentuckian has opened the door
for a shallow excuse for removing the funds.

It would indeed be regrettable if the University
chose to not fund any student publications. (The
Kernel is financially independent). A community
of more than 30,000 people deserves at least one
well-funded publication.

That leaves the question of what kind of
publication should be instituted. The board

reportedly favors establishing a Rolling Stone- ' i

type magazine format for next year. We don’t
think that’s a good idea.

Rather, the board should take a long look at the .

Hun ers

feasibility of reestablishing a yearbook.

The annual books thrived at UK prior to the

“Black Book” which was printed in 1970. That
annual devoted a great deal of space to the anti-
war movement and other causes which had
divided the campus that year. The University
subsequently dropped a required senior fee
which guaranteed some 2,000 annual sub—

Kentuckian subscriptions progressively
declined to a point where it became
economically disastrous to print a quality, color
publication for less than 1,000 readers.

The Board of Student Publications is con-
ducting a survey to see if there is a preference
for a yearbook or a magazine format. The
board‘s survey, however, could be suspect
because many students can‘t be reached in off-
campus housing.

If the board’s survey is representative of the
campus mood, then it should be considered when
the board and, ultimately, Vice President for
Student Affairs Robert Zumwinkle or President
Otis Singletary decide what will replace the
magazine as a student publication.

It's unfortunate that the board didn’t see fit to
measure campus opinions before the magazine
was cmceived. They may have discovered
immediately that it wasn‘t a good idea and the
present painful situation could have been

The arena of student publications needs a re-
evaluation from University officials. In seeking
to rectify its failures, the University should
recognize that any operation is only as suc-
cessful as its resources allow.

University officials can’t expect to snap their
fingers and produce a quality magazine, year-
book or any other kind of publication. It takes
money— more than $11,000—and sound




Simplistic garbage distorts truth


Responding to a commentary on
hu nting printed two weeks ago in the
Kernel. I would like to shed some
light on this emotional piece of
garbage written by Marie Brophy, a
third-year law student.

Brophy’s words were written in
the classic anti-hunting form. She
presents no evidence or statistics




and expresses only personal feelings
shaped by abstract notions and
slogans (blood-lust, bully coward
sadist, ecological havoc, private
butcher shops).

In reality. her article is not based
on any facts whatsoever. It appears
that she functions in an emotional
domain and therefore focuses on
characterizing and valuing hunting
nly in negative ways.

She mentions the $250 million
hunters annually give to support
wildlife, stating that “Most of the
$250 million goes into this planned
ecological havoc which transforms
public lands into private butcher
shops." The truth is that hunters do
give over $250 million annually to
wildlife as opposed to less than $4

million given by all “Humane

In fact, one of these organizations
(the Animal Protection Institute)
has contributed no money at all for
wildlife (while the Fund for Animals
gave $3,000 of a $400,000 budget last
year) and is cu n~ently being sued by
the state of California for fraud.

The “planned ecological havoc”
she speaks of is actually habitat
acquisition and rehabilitation that
provides safe and unmolested
breeding grounds for the main-
tenance or expansion of the wildlife
population. Such programs have
been so successful that there are
more wild geese and white-tailed
deer today than ever before!

Many more species have made
spectacular comebacks from near-
extinetion to stable populations
(Desert Bighorn sheep, Pronghorn
Antelope, Alligator to name only a
few). I must add that none of these
species were placed in a threatened
posture because of over-hunting, but
rather from the encroachment of
civilization on their natural habitat.

One species. the Desert Bighorn
Sheep, has once again been directly
threatened by enacted legislation
proposed by these self-proclaimed
preservationists. The Wild Horse
and Burro Protection Act threatens

to destroy this majestic animal
which is native to North America.

These animals eat the same foods
as Bighom, butthree times as much.
The erucifying factor, however, is
the competition for water. Living in
the desert en vironment mears using
widely shared water holes. Burros
congregate around these pools and
chase off all other wildlife—denying
them the life~sustaining water.

One portion of Brophy‘s article is
representative of her whole essay.
Concerning the hunter as an
ecologist she writes, “They (the
biostitutes) specifically create,
through non-commercial
manipulation of the land and
forests~and by captive breeding—
“gamc animals" such as deer, elk,
pheasant. quail.

And. in so doing, they make the
land inhospitable to many ‘non-
game' animals and birds." What
this non-statement means is
anyone‘s guess, as she offers the
reader no examples or explanation.

If she objects to the captive
breeding of game animals for
restocking purposes. I offer that
over 90 per cent of such raised
animals are relased in areas in
which the habitat has been
revitalized and can now support

(‘ontinued on next page

consumer focus . u . Buying insurance can be tricky business

“May I speak to Mr. Singleton,


“Bruce. how are you? This is TR.
Grumpy. your representative for
l’odunck Life and (‘asualty (‘om-




s 2,; bruce w.



/ singleton


pany, and I‘d like to talk to you for a
minute or two about the most im-
portant decision you‘ll make for the
rest of your life.“

ME: “Uh. Idon‘t think I need any
insurance right now. I. uh, won big
at the track last week.“

T.R.:"The track? Bruce. you‘re

making insurance sound like a
gamble. And it‘s not. Do you realize
that you could go just like that any
time. If you were to die today, what
kind of security would you leave
your family? Don‘t you know your
life is the most important thing you
own‘.’ "

ME: “Well, gee whiz. I never
thought about it that way. I‘m im-
portant, you say?"

T.R.: “You sure are, my boy. You
sure are. Hey, why don't I come by
and show you this policy that
guarantees pmtection whether you
die from elephant stampedes,
peregrine falcon attacks. and falling

One of the first things I learned
when I graduated from college was
that there are people out there
waiting for you.

You have the military, the credit
card people, the book clubs. the

maga n'nes. and literally hundreds of
other groups who make their money
by mass mailings.

Among the most tenacious of these
people, however, are the insurance
sellers. In this context, I‘m
primarily talking about life in-
surance salespeople, because other
forms of insurance (auto, health,
and the like) aren't normally sold
through the direct solicitation

I leave had insurance agents call
me at 6:30am. trying to tell me how
I‘d be turning down the most
valuable opportunity of my life if I
didn‘t buy their policv.

Others have come into my house
and refused to leave before I told
them why I didn't want insurance.
Still others have tried to make me
feel guilty because of all the work
they‘d done preparing my personal
coverage plan.



I would like to extend my deep
personal gratitude for your support-
ive articles concerning the proposed
curriculum changes at Transylvania

Your article and editorial in the
Feb. 7 Kernel were well defined, and
did more justice than a similar

article found in Saturday's Courier-

Susan Jones should be commend-
ed for her efforts to justify students’
unrest at your neighboring institu-

I suppose students still understand
each other best . . . .

SGA President
Transylvania University


I can say I had the the privilege.
fortunately or unfortunately, of
meeting Nicolas Martin last year
before he was a mayoral candidate.
If I was a Lexingtonian, I would
surely vote against Martin, knowing
he would be the worst thing for this


Now, I don’t intend to imply that
all life insurance agentsare like the
ones I’ve dealt with; most of them,
I‘m sure, are good, responsible
people. But in any field, you‘ll find
the bad guys. .

So it‘s best to make a few decisions
before your next encounter with an
insurance agent.

The first thing you should decide
ahead of time is whether you need
insurance ata ll. Insurance, after all,
is for the protection of the living
beneficiaries should their bread-
winner die. So, if you aren‘t winning
bread for anybody. perhaps this fact
should go into your analysis.

If you decide, however, thatyou do
need insurance, a few more things
should be added to your list of

In The (‘onsumer‘s Guide to In-
surance Buying, Vladimir P.
(hernik suggests a number of

considerations on life and other
insurance coverage. Chernik points
out thatyou should buy only as much
insurance as you need, and in so
doing, get as much insurance for
your money as you can.

To do this, he suggests buying only
term insurance. “Term insurance"
is coverage purchased for a period
of years. This is different from
“whole life“ or “straight life" in-
surance, which will extend
throughout the lifetime of the in-
sured as long as premiums are paid.

One advantage of a whole-life-type
policy is its investment value. A
small portion of each premium will
go into a fund which grows over the
years and is available to borrow
money against.

Term imurance, on the other
hand, will not accumulate any value
over the years. The entire premium
dollar (less. of course. ad-

ministrative expenses, com-
missions, etc.) goes into insurance.

But because no part of the
premium goes into an investment
fund, the term policy is generally

Before making a decision, it is
best to think it out, do some
research, and decide what you‘ll
want. Thereare a number of books
on the market designed to help the
insurance consumer.

If you‘re about to graduate. the
insurance agents are about to
declare open season on you. And, if
you know a little bit about your own
needs, you‘ll be way ahead.


Bruce W. Singleton, a second-year
law student, has a working
background in consumer affairs. His
column, (‘onsumer Focus, appears
every Friday.


Martin, in his letter. criticizes the
press. Everyone knows the news
media is not perfect. Young Nicolas
should realize the media is doing the
best ,‘pb it can in describing his
qualifications for Mayor.

However, the press is not the issue
in this campaign as Martin claims it
is. His tone infers that since certain
mistake have been made about

him. the press now owes him

Nicolas Martin‘s letter is
revolting. His arrogance aid self-
righteousness shines through the
same as Eugene McCarthy‘s did.

Martin‘s style. the same as
Eugene Mct‘arthy‘s, seems to insist
that he isthe only ”true“ candidate,

and all the other candidates
shouldn‘t even be running.

It is my sincere conviction that
Nicolas Martin will go the same way
as his mentor Eugene McCarthy—a
political loser with only grudges to

lkiugles Hoffman
Political Science freshman




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'rtir: KENTUCKY KENNEL. Friday. February n. I977—Il




Hunters help protect

ecological balance...

Continued from page 2

such a transplant. A great percentage of
this restocking is in areas (closed to
hunting) which once had a native popula-

Contrary to what Ms. Brophy wants us to
believe, these expensive animals are not
released one day and hunted the next. Her
statement that this process makes the land
inhospitable to “non-game” animals and
birds is again without support, and shows
her ignorance of wildlife management.

Any woodland. marsh, or forested area
capable of supporting deer. elk. pheasant
or quail would certainly be “just right” for
songbirds. woodchucks, muskrat, mink.
etc. In fact, it is the money generated from
the sale of hunting licenses and sporting
goods that presently is being used to pay for
the Bald Eagle, Whooping Crane and
('alifomia Condor recovery projects!

So it Ms. Brophy or anyone else wishes to
help wildlife. I would suggest they pur-
chase a hunting license.

The paragraph titled “The Hunting
Ethic" shows us just how much un-
derstanding Ms. Brophy has “The outdoor
writers are concerned about the ‘slob’
hunter. But how can you draft ethics for
rottenness for murder? You might as well
write up a code of ethics for rape."

Notice again her emotionalism and

personal value judgments. Hunters. like
every other group in our society, have bad
as weilas good members in much the same
way as there are good drivers and bad
drivers, good lawyers and bad shyster

Our wild animals— like domestic ones—
propagate and overpopulate if the herd size
is not controlled. 0ver~population means
reducing the carrying capacity of the land
until it is not capable of supporting much
wildlife. Starvation occurs and the
weakened survivors are much more
susceptible to disease.

It is ironic. but the only cases of severe
overpopulation and starvation have oc-
cured in areas where hunting is prohibited.
The best example tof dozens) was in
Yellowstone National Park where. during
one winter in the early 19605 over 5,000
starving elk were killed by park officials
and left to not.

So Ms. Brophy. if you will kindly leave
the profession of wildlife management to
the experts and try not to expose your
ignorance by writing an article on a subject
you know absolutely nothing about. then l
shall refrain from submitting a manuscript
on (‘riminal Law.


'lbis eotmnent was submitted by Capt.
Lynn Levengood. a graduate student in the
Patterson School of Diplomacy.

...not by sadistic killing


I would like to respond to Marie Brophy's
commentary concerning hunters and their

My qualifica tions for this comment are a
bit more extensive than hers. For the past
six years I have worked as a guide for a big
game outfitter in the Rocky Mountains of
Montana. The animals I have hunted in-
clude everything from Elk to the grizzly



Hunting is a sport enjoyed by people with
characterisitcs unknown to many. Hunters
are not sadistic killers! I have guided more
than 200 hunters in my work. Most of them
enjoy the sport just as people enjoy other
sports. It is relaxation and peace of mind.
and a chance to enjoy nature at its finest.

The whole issue in hunting today is
conservation. There is only so much food in
our forests and mountains for the animals
to eat. Hundreds of thousands of deer are
killed on our nations hi—ways every year.
The people involved in these accidents are
sometimes seriously injured or killed.

A happy medium should be reached
between the animals and hunters. Take
away the hunters and what do you do with
the increasing herds of wild animals? Let
them starve? I have seen hundreds of deer
and elk literally wiped out by a harsh

winter from the lack of food.
Many of the hunters I have guided are

trophy hunters. They only shoot animals
with record qualifications. The animals are


not defenseless. they have all the instincts
nature has provided.

Stalking big game is not easy. They
always have the upper hand. since you are
always in their home. They can fool even
the most experienced hunter in an instant.

Most hunters that are lucky enough to
shoot a record animal never hunt again.
The impact on their lives of the whole or«
deal is that great.

iiunting seasons in most states are
designed to cull the male species to keep
herds under control. ()nly under special
circumstances are the females allowed to
be culled. The young males of most species
do all the breeding. so nothing is lost.

This conservation practice is essential in
our time. since civilization has moved the
animal herds to the unpopuiated areas.
\iithout this careful management. chaos
would soon develop between man and

Yes hunting is a part of every man and
woman. ltut only a few can fully realize
whatit means to compete with nature in all
her wonderous beauty.

I‘m tired of listening to ignorant people
commenting on hunting and the con-
servation of wild animals. You can‘t
possibly understand the problems game
overpopulation cause.

No thanks law student. spend your time
on more important issues like murder in
our citits if you want to make laws. Leave
hunting and its virtues to the people who
can at least understand what takes place!

This comment was submitted by Brad
McDonough. an accounting junior.

...but by conservation

Dy Ml'l‘t‘ll Kllfl‘llNER

Pox on you Marie Brophy! Your com-
mentary. “Hunters lack the vituus they
claim to possess." published in the Jan. 28
Kernel was libelous. In the first place. I
have never heard anyone call himself
virtuous because he hunts.


Secondly. you called me ta hunter) a fool.
a bully. a coward. and a sadist. Yet you
offer absolutely no facts to back up your
accusations! You said i was not a nature
lover yet I enjoy camping. backpacking.
canoeing. and photographing nature.

You said I claim righteouness because
some of my money is spent on wildlife. I do
not cl aim righteousness. but hunters do pay
forcomervation with self-imposed taxes on
runs. amm