xt7bcc0ttb54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ttb54/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1982-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, December 1982 text GSO Newsletter, December 1982 1982 1982-12 2019 true xt7bcc0ttb54 section xt7bcc0ttb54 ,' .a—;“”

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Well folks-this is my last official duty in this organization. As of December, due to
my busy life, I will no longer be President.

j I want to thank everyone for all of their support during my term as President. I have

f truly enjoyed being so involved and for the opportunity to hold this office in an or-

f ganization that I believe in and onethat I know there is a need for in this community.

, Good news is abundant this month! We now have office space! We are upstairs above the
St. Stevens Church on American Avenue. Our rent is real cheap (FREE) but we still have
to maintain the utilities and we still need donations to maintain the NEWSLETTER.

Many thanks to Jim M. for allowing us to use the space for the office.
Our business meetings are still held the first Monday of each month at the office at
8:00 p.m. The GAYLINE operates Thursday and Friday from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
OUR NEW NUMBER IS: 231-0335.
Once again, thanks to everyone for all of their support over the past 17 months.
% W
Belinda Tarpley, President
Gay Services Organization

It CAN be great! We need YOU to make it great.
How? Donate your time, your skills, your experience--and of course. money. All are
essential to promoting a strong, productive gay community.
GET INVOLVED!Join one of the many organizations in the Lexington area, participate in
fundraising activities, volunteer for the GAYLINE.


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MAILING LIST UPDATE -- GSO is trying DESPERATEY to update the NMLE‘I'TER mailing
,list. This means we need you!
It is sad and expensive to print and mail newsletters that end up in the dead letter
office. The post office does not return undeliverable mail to GSO due to our non~
profit mailing status. Therefore, we have no check on our mailing list unless YOU
let us know.
Please note the address label for your NEMSLETTER. If the name has an * beside it
then PLEASE do the following:
1. Fill out the form below to confirm your present mailing address.
2. Mail the completed form to: GSO, P.0. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40511.
If your name does not have an * beside it, then please pass this form on to someone
who would like to be placed on the mailing list.
Another REALLY EASY way to stay on or be added to the mailing list is to call Tim
Banks at 223-4598. Keep trying and THANKS!!!
Mailing List Update December 1982
NAME (or initials): —
For those whose skills lie in the cards, GSO bridge is offered every first and third
Friday of the month.
The group plays at various homes during the month. It is open to all interested
_ parties and this includes those who would like to learn the game.
Please call Darrell for information and times at 273-4218.
The GSO GAYLINE operates on Thursdays and Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Call 23| -0535.


Santa Claus came a month early to GSO this year! Santa--with the help of a dozen plus
hard working elfwomen and elfmen-put together our Second Annual Benefit Cocktail Supper
November 21. GSO received over 3800 in much needed cash. Furthermore. if all those
who accepted, but were unable to attend at the last minute. still send in their pledged
contributions, GSO could easily take in more than $1000.
This years Benefit Cocktail Supper was billed a "Cornucopia by Candlelight" and that's
just what it was! There were acres of gourmet food. superbly prepared and presented
along with very generous drinks. All was served in an ambience of glowing candles,
fresh cut flowers. and classical music. .
Many thanks from GSO to Santa and his elves! Especially those two elves who donated
the use of their beautiful home on Hampton Court. and those several elfwomen and elf-
men who prepared and donated the delicious food. Thanks Gang!
And many, many thanks also to all those-from all over Central Kentucky-who attended,
and all those who pledged a contribution even though they were unable to attend.
Your 830 contributions will guarantee that many services GSO provides Lexington's
gay community will continue uninterrupted. Your generosity is greatly appreciated
by all of us. Thanks!

The position of Kentucky correspondent for the national gay radio program, INTERGAY,
has been created this month. INTERGAY is a syndicated gay radio news program heard
on various radio stations across the country.
The volunteer position is open for a gay person who has experience in radio, or has
ambition and desire to learn radio broadcasting. "We are looking for someone who can
report the news from Kentucky." said David Wynyard. producer of INTERGAY.
"We are more interested in dedication than experience,“ added Wynyard. "We are quite
willing to train people in radio production. In fact, we have already trained most of
our current reporters and they have improved to a very professional level. And volun-

' teerism in gay radio offers an excellent opportunity to learn the basics of behind-
' the-scenes radio in general."

Anyone interested in becoming INTERGAY Kentucky correspondent, write or call:
David Wynyard, INTERGAY, GPO Box 3387, Brooklyn, NY 11202; (212) 624-5014.

Parents and Friends of Gays is still in operation. We are a support group whose
primary concern is to promote understanding and a positive image of gay people.
If you have any friends or parents who would be interested in this group. call
231-0335 on Thursdays or Fridays between 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. This organization
is sponsored by parents of a gay male in consultation with professional counsellors
and social workers.


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3 Paul Brett Johnson celebrated the CE? g:;;§jpzapafig.i;:p.g1'“ ftg‘”' ti
, grand opening of Brett Johnson 3.3;”%§3,2_5fi’ . JII . a: “:"_.--1
1 Gallery on October 24 along with I ga e ry — -
a huge turnout for the affair. 1* f ,.t ? 3:e_ d;;_”5' shéi' ' 'm RTE: .‘
While he is most recognized for his ' ' I ' t V '
Appalachian genre paintings and coal themes; landscape, creek and woodland subjects
are equally favored.
THE GALLERY was conceived-primarily as a showcase for the work of owner/artist Brett
Johnson. However, periodic guest-artist exhibits will be mounted in an effort to con-
tribute to the available gallery space for regional artists.
Brett Johnson is recognized throughout the Southeast. He is represented by more than
forty galleries and his works hang in numerous private and corporate collections.
Additionally, THE GALLERY offers creative framing and consultation by Interior
Designer Cheryl Johnson. It is located at 144 Harrison Avenue and operates Tuesdays
thru Fridays from 11:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. or by appointment.
The food, the fun--THE BROWNIES--oh what a great time! Tony H. and Paul J. were the
gracious hosts for last months potluck on November 7. The monthly activity for GSO
was well attended and highly sucessful. Thanks!
This months potluck will be VERY special. Those who plan to attend should do the
following: Bring some food and a small wrapped gift. The gag gifts should be obtained
from your attic, or if you can't find something you would like to get rid of, then
the cost of the gift should not exceed $2.00.
Gifts given in the past include items such as fishing lures for the more "butch" in
the crowd and a dishcloth with an electric cord attached-~in other words, an "electric
dishwasher." It promises to be an extremely interesting way to usher in the season.
, Please call Bruce at 252-4563 for directions and other information. Food will be
served at 1:50 p.m. on Sunday, December 5. Don't miss it!!!
A local chapter of Dignity is forming in the Lexington area.
This is an international organization for gay and lesbian Catholics. The purpose
of Dignity is to promote among gays and lesbians, the feeling of "belonging” to
the Church without fear of alienation based on sexual preference. The organization
has several goals, the primary one of which is to improve the sexual theology of the
For more detailed information about the organization, please contact:
Mark Merimee, P.O. Box 211, Lexington, KY 40584.
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Ray Allen was crowned Emperor I of the Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire on
November 21 at the Circus Disco. He will reign with Empress I, Julie vaughn until
April 1983, when they will step down. ‘
Along with dancing and plenty to drink, the Imperial Court Attendants were introduced
as were the Privy Council. Each member of the court performed for the large crowd.
The next scheduled activity for the Court will be a benefit for GALUS, the new UK
gay student organization.
Also, Greg Butler, reported that the Mr. Gay Kentucky Pageant will be held at Trixies
Hide & Seek in Louisville on January 21 & 22, 1985. More on the Pageant & benefit later.
' 'Gay rights advocates at the University of Kentucky now have an official voice.
UK registered the Gay and Lesbian Union of Students recently. GALUS has stated it
would advocate gay and lesbian rights. It is open to ALL UK students.
As required, GALUS has an adviser and has limited its membership to UK faculty, staff,
and students. Because it met those criteria, it was allowed to register.
As a registered organization, GALUS can ask the UK Student Government Association for
funds for special projects, hold its meetings in UK buildings, set up a literature
table on campus and display literature in a Student Center showcase. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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Montie and a dedicated group of cooks have baked their fingers off for 080. His
kitchen has produced a number of pumpkin pies for sale at $3.00 each to benefit GSO.
To date, the pie sales have netted $51.00. "The only problem," said Montie, "is thatpayb
will pay for the pies and then won't take them!" Oh well, it's the thought that counts!
Thanks to everyone for the time and effort put into this project.
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Occasionally a genuine musical surprise hits town-~and Rhiannon is hitting our town
on Sunday, December 12.
You'll remember Rhiannon from the Memorial Hall concert with Alive! and Terry Garthwaite.
She is a fun, warm and down-to-earth woman who makes you feel glad you're there with her.
So, come join Rhiannon & Co. on Sunday, December 12 at 5 p.m. at the Kitchen Planning
Center, 101 w. Loudon Avenue. Self-selecting ticket prices will be $5, $4, and $5 at
the door.
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A monthly publication dealing with matters of interest to the Gay Community of
Lexington and Fayette County, Kentucky, the USO JEVSLHPTER is distributed free
of charge. To be placed on the mailing list, send your name or initials and
address (which will be Kept confidential) to $80 at P.O. on 11471, Lexington,
Kentucky 40511.
Entire contents copyrighted <0) December 1982 by USO. All rights reserved.
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