xt7bcc0tsf81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0tsf81/data/mets.xml Louisiana Louisiana Historical Records Survey 1939 Other contributors include United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. v, 172 p. ; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number Y 3.W 89/2:42 L 93/3/36. books  English University, La. : Dept. of Archives, Louisiana State University This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Louisiana Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana. No. 36, Orleans Parish (New Orleans), Preliminary Inventory of Notarial Records in Orleans Parish, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration text Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana. No. 36, Orleans Parish (New Orleans), Preliminary Inventory of Notarial Records in Orleans Parish, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration 1939 1939 2015 true xt7bcc0tsf81 section xt7bcc0tsf81   F? ‘
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l Prepared by ·
The Historical Records Survey
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Works Progress Administration
Preliminary Inventory of Notarial Records in Grleans Parish
_U*HS`4ERSlW Ot %<.E?€E`?_iDi<.`z
r University, Louisiana
The Department of Archives
K Louisiana State University
V June 1939
_ I I I I

The Historicel Records Survey
Luther H. Evans, National Director
John C. L. Andreessen,
Regional Supervisor and State Director
V ‘ Vergil L. Bedsole, Supervisor
Division of Professional end Service Projects
Florence E, Kerr, Assistant Administrator
Mrsv Leo G, Spofford, Chief Regional Supervisor
Alma S, Hammond, State Director ‘
Col. F. C. Harrington, Administrator
George H, Field, Regional Director
Jemes H. Crutcher, State Administrator

 i Y?
r Q _ '
` » The Inventory of the Parish Archives of Louisiana is one of a num-
` g ber of bibliographies of historical materials prepared throughout the
'_ R United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of the Works
t Progress Administration. The publication herewith presented, a prelim-
inary inventory of a part of the archives of Orleans Parish, is number
36 of the Louisiana series.
The Historical Records Survey was undertaken in the winter of .
l935-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unem-
ployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile in-
ventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished govern- ’
ment documents and records which are basic in the administration of
local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of
political, economic, and social history. The archival guide herewith
presented is intended to meet the requirements of day-to—day adminis-
tration by the officials of the county (parish), and also the needs of _
lawyers, business men and other citizens who require facts from the pub-
lic records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so
designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in un-
printed sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for
f printed sources.
The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey attempt
‘ to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt further to
sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit of gov-
\ ernment, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and
E functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The
county (parish), town, and other local inventories for the entire country
will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as
well as a bibliography of local archives.
The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records
Survey, even in a single county, would not be possible without the sup-
port of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many
other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowl-
The Survey was organized and has been directed by Luther H. Evans,
and operates as a nation-wide project in the Division of Professional
and Service Projects, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Administra-
tor, is in charge.
Col. F. C. Harrington


V ,, #5
In Louisiana the Historical Records Survey began operation in Harch
l956, under the supervision of Lyle Saxon, State Director of the Writers'
Project, who acted as State Director of the Historical Records Survey.
In the first W. P. A. district of Louisiana, the Survey was operated
apart from the`Writers' Project from the beginning. In the third W} P. A.
district, the survey was under the direction of the district supervisor
of the Writers' Project until July 1956, when a separate supervisor was
appointed. In November l956, the Survey became an independent part of
Federal Project Ho. l, but its administration and operation in Louisiana
remained unchanged. On Harch l0, l957, John C. L. Andreassen became State
Director of the Historical Records Survey; Mr. Saxon continued as State
Director of the Writers' Project.
i The objective of the Survey in Louisiana has been the preparation
of complete inventories of the records of the State and of each parish, , `
municipality, and other local government units. Although a condensed
form of entry is used, information is given as to the limiting dates of
all extant records, the contents of the individual series, and the
location of the records in the new and old state capitols, parish court-
houses, or other depositories.
The Inventory of Parish Archives in Louisiana will, when completed,
consist dfY;Y§§EE%tE-number for each §E¥I§H“IH“EHe state. Each unit of
the series is numbered according to its respective position in the alpha-
betical list of parishes. The inventory here presented is an attempt to
list the notarial acts in the offices of the 620 notaries in Orleans
Parish. The value and importance of this finding list will be apparent
to all who have occasion to consult the acts not yet deposited in the
notarial archives in the Civil District Court Building on Royal Street.
This volume must be considered as a preliminary edition of one portion
of a comprehensive inventory of the local archival materials available
in Orleans. It is being published in an edition of l,000 copies in
order to give it the wide circulation which we believe a check list of
this nature deserves in the area served by the notaries of the parish.
The Historical Records Survey in Louisiana has already published
inventories describing the parish archives in St. Charles, Calcasieu,
Lafayette, Allen, Natchitoches, St. Bernard and Plaquemines Pvrishes.
The field work has been completed in about 70% of the remaining par-
ishes in the state. The inventory of state and municipal archives
and other local records will constitute separate publications.
The survey of notarial acts held by notaries whose commissions
are presently in force in Orleans Parish was begun on september 25,
and completed on November 50, l958.
From the beginning of the survey, the Historical Records Survey
workers have had the full and friendly cooperation of Joseph E. jonie,
of the Hotarial Archives, Civil District Court Building. His “Index"
listing netarial commissions in force in Orleans served as the basic
guide in the conduct of our field work.
The inventory was conducted under the immediate supervision of

~ alla.
J. E. Mc Carthy. Field workers serving under him were Walter J.
Aviragnet, Carl A, Becker, Eugene E. Mullet, George H. Sauten, Edward
C, Therict and Charles T, Parnell. All except the last named spent 200
or more man-hours on the task. The editorial work in preparing descrip-
t tive records entries, from forms made out by the field workers, has been
done by Samuel Hunt under the direction oi the Assistant State Super-
visor, v_ L, Bedsole, and the Parish Inventory Editor, George Sturgis.
The inventory has been arranged alphabetically by the surnames of
the notaries, No entries have been provided for the 35 notaries who had
not passed any notarial acts before hevsmber 30, lO3B, ner for the l7
notaries who could not be locat d. A definite attempt was made to de-
termine when and if a notary speciali;ed in a particular kind of act.
The descriptions attempt to indicate the degree of specialization.
A chronole;ical index arranged by years will be found beginning on
p. led. The numbers refer to the rntries. Underlinad numbers refer to
records begun in that year. Numbers not unferlinsd refer to records
· kept during the whole or a part of that year.
The following notaries have passed no acts in Orleans Parish. With
few exceptions the causes for this can be traced to the notary's close
, association with a commercial institytion, where the major part of the
business consists of executing affidavits; sevyral notaries have recent-
ly received their commissions.
l. Allen, K. A. 230l St, Charles Ave.
2. Blan het, Louis P. 600 Canal St.
3. Burke, Alvin J. 7l4 American Bank Bldgu
M, Culver, John U. l3ll Masonic Temple
B. D'Albora, Thomas E. Union Bldg.
U. Dart, Albert L. lB22 Canal Bank Bldg.
7, Bevis, John S. 700 Maison Blanche Bldg.
G. Dicth, Emile H. State Beard of Health,
427 Canal Bank Bldg.
0. Eddy, F. H, ld0 N. Rampart St.
l0. Eddy. Robert S.,Ell l%0 N. Rampart St.
ll, Ferry, Louis Joseph 5l2 American Bank Bldg.
ll. Ienriques, Chas. B. 742 Canal Bank Bldg.
lU, locke, Bernard I. 4l2 Maritime Bldg.
ld, Howard B. Douglas lddl Lessees St.
ln, Kaufman, Barry S. 3l4 Camp St.
lr. Kuhncr, Leinhard T. B14 American Bank Bldg.
l7. Loran, Irma Levy, Roosevelt Motel
lc, Xara iz, lsadore A. old Maritime Bldg,
19. Mayor, Marion l700 Hibernia Bldg,
T0, [ets, James A. l240 Bth St.
Sl. Yeyers, Bennett ll02 Maritime Bldp.
UC. Bouljn, Kohn C. 508 Pan-American Bldg.
Sd, iurrFy. iercniea l02d Canal Bank Bldg.
Se, r·L;¢s.;r1nj* Eld Decatur St.
. ;;. Flilibrrt. Clarissa Savory 42l Carondelet St,

 E? 5% V J
11- ’». F
go Preface
26. Rennyson, Ethel M. 347 Carondelet St.
27. Ruth, Irma 705 Maison Blanche Bldg.
Q 28. Tujague, Jerome L. 1000 Fulton St.
p- 29. West, Natalie M. State Board of Health
gn 30. Westfeldt, Geo. G., Jr. 528 Gravier St.
31. Whitlow, Margaret 1023 raison Blanche Bldg.
32. Williams, Milo B. 1202 Canal Bank Bldg.
33. Woodville, J. L. Warren 1023 Maison Blanche Bldg.
34. Wright, J. Skelly 327 Balter Bldg.
gd 35. Zimmer, Ferdinand E. 601 Carondelet Bldg.
Due to circumstances beyond our control we were unable to survey
the acts of the followin7 notaries public: _
l. Bougere, Walter C. 1301 Lowerline St. Gone to New York
,m 2. Boyle, Edward J. 521 Carondelet Bldg. Could not locate
JO 3. Buddendorff, Kenneth 1700 Canal St. " " "
4. Conklin, Charles J. 350 Perdido St. " " “
5. Conroy, Bernard J. 8130 Spruce St. " " "
6. Crockett, Arlice Roby 142 Delarondo St. " " " ° I
Lib 7. Dolan, Jack W. 1106 Hibernia Bldg. " " "
3 3. Generally, Edward A. Crim. Dist. Court Acts in Warehouse
3 9. Gosoll, Merle Francis Marine Bldg, Could not locate
qt- 10. Gonzales, Charles U. 1206 Canal St. 0ut of town
ll. Logan, Richard Bland Union Bldg. Could not locate
12. Norman, Frank S. 1605 Hibernia Bldg. Refused
13. Rose, Albert S. 1211 Carondelet Bldg. Out of town
14, Tote, Robert F. 211 Royal St. " " "
gn 15. Tobin, John Francis 730 Gravier St. Could not locate
M 16. Wagner, Emile A., Jr. 210 Balter Bldg. “ " "
17. Zollinqer, John J._ Jr. Whitney Bldg, " " "
dg_ Any reports concerninr the location of notarial acts of any of the
, 52 individuals mentioned above may be referred to the Historical Records
g_ Survey, 622 Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, for inclusion in the complete
inventory of the Orleans Parish Archives. Any addition to, or correction
of, the descriptions given in this inventory will be welcomed.
J Official List: Monie's "lndex" (oririnel) o20
Historical Records Survey List
yg_ Records reported on 12-13 HR Forms 598
Indexes reported 20
Other records reported 10
Notaries without acts 35
Notaries not surveyed -17
· Official List of Notaries Public 620

i §`
i  {
This unit of the Inventory pi Parish Archives is bein: issued in
mimeographed form by the Department of Archives, Louisiana State Univer-
sity, for free distribution to state and local public officials and li-
braries in Louisiana, and to approximately one hundred libraries and
governmental agencies outside the state. Requests for information con-
cerning particular units of the Inventory should be addressed to the
State Director, or to Dr. Edwin Adams Davis, Head of the Department of
Archives, Louisiana State University.
Although a relatively large edition of this preliminary inventory
has been published for distribution in Orleans Parish, the limited num-
ber of copies of the regular inventories has made essential a planned
distribution of the volumes. Each Clerk of Court and ex officio Record-
er has received a copy of the Saint Charles, Lafayette, Calcasieu,
, Natchitoches, Saint Bernard, and Plaquemines Parish volumes. It is
hoped that the state-wide series of 64 volumes will eventually find safe
deposit in these 64 widely distributed depositories.
General regulations and procedure applicable to all project units
· in the forty-eight states have been followed in Louisiana. The officials
of W, P. A. in Louisiana have always given the project cordial support
and assistance. Appreciation for the interest and co-operation of the
hundreds of Orleans Parish Notaries in our undertaking must be mentioned.
John C. L. Andreassen
A State Director and
Regional Supervisor
Historical Records Survey
622 Canal Bank Building
New Orleans, Louisiana
June l939

 a *  
- ]_ -
’reface (1-4)
Adams, Charles W.
sd in —_——— —__~_—_ —
U¤iV€T· 1. ACTS, 1931--. 2 vols., and 1 folder (dated).
rnd li- Original acts including sales of real and personal property, powers of
and attorney, conventional and chattel mortgages, releases, cancellations,
>H ¤¤¤· partnerships, charters, wills, and inventories, giving date of instru-
the ment, date of recording, and signatures of principals, witnesses and
ant of notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument. Indexed in vols. numer.
by act no., giving type of instrument. Typed and hdw., mainly on
( printed forms. Vols. aver. 100 pp. 14 x 9 x 1; folder 60 pp.
BHTOTY 14 x 9 x 1. Law office of Charles W. Adams, 705 Maison Blanche Build-
ed Hum- ing, 921 Canal St.
Record- égggi, Ligngl
L1) .
is 2. ACTS, Feb. 1925--. 6 vols. (dated), and 1 folder. (
i¤d $5fO Original acts including sales of real and personal property, exchanges,
ratifications, redemptions, procurations, revocations, conventional
mortgages, releases, subordinations, cancellations, wills, counter let-
units ters, and donations, giving date of instrument, date of recording, and
Officials signatures of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by date of _
UpPOYt instrument. Indexed in vols. alph. by first letter of surnames of '
of the principals, giving type and number of instrument. Typed and hdw-,
¤9¤t49nOd· mainly on printed forms. Vols. aver. 350 pp. 17 x 10 x 3}; folder 100
pp. 17 x 10 x 1. Lawyers Title and Insurance Corporation, 202 Baronne
Building, 305 Baronne St.
Adams, St. Clair, ir.
3. ACTS, 1928--. 1 vol. (dated), and 1 folder-
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, dations
en paiement, chattel mortgages, conventional mortgages, charters, can-
cellations, dissolutions, family meetings, inventories, amendments, and
renunciations, giving date of instrument, date of recording, and signa-
tures of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by date of in-
strument. Indexed in vol. alph. by first letter of surnames of prin-
cipals, giving type and number of instrument. Typed and hdw., main-
ly on printed forms. Vol. 83 pp. 14 x 9 x 3; folder 23 pp. 14 x 9 x 1.
Law office of St. Clair Admns & Son, 1219 American Bank Building, 200
Carondelet St.
Adolph, Walter
4. ACTS, Jan. 1922--. l vol. (dated), and 1 folder.
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, powers of
attorney, conventional and chattel mortgages, building contracts, char-
ters, releases, partnerships, wills, searches for wills, family meetings,
partitions, renunciations, inventories, and deliveries of legacies, giv-
ing date of instrument, date of recording, and signatures of principals,
witnesses and notaries. Arr. chron. by date of instrument. Indexed in.
vol. alph. by first letter cf surnames of principals, giving type and
number of instrument. Typed and hdw., mainly on printed forms. Vol.
300 pp. 16 x 10 x 3; folder 75 pp. 16 x 16 x 1. Law & Uctarial offices
of Edward Dinkelspeil A Halter E. Adolph, 1418 Carcndelet Building, ~

225 Carondelet St.
&gr¤gasri, H, l.
5, KUTQ, LOQQ-—, 22 vols. (dated), and 2 folders.
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, dations en
naiensnt, corrections, prctests, adoptions, redemptions, chattel mortgages,
releases, lions, cancellations, charters, amendments, and wills, giving
dats cf instrument, date of recording, and signatures of principals, wit-
nesses and notary, Arr, chron. by date of instrument, Indexed in vols,
alnh. by first letter of surnames of principals, giving typo and number
cf instrument. Typed and hdr. mainly on printed forms. Vols. aver.
TSW pj, li 1 9 x 4; folders aver, 4lO pp. ld x 9 x 2. Law offices of
l. E, Vszo, A, N, Harper, & H. J. Agregaard, 804 American Bank Building,
200 Carondelet Bt.
ninswortn, Bpbeit §._gr;
6, ACTS November 29, l933—-, l vol. (dated), and l folder.
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, affidavits,
procuraticns, corrections, chattel mortgages, incorporations, dissolu-
tions, releases, partnerships, emancipations, renunciations, and family
meetings, giving date of instrument, date of recording, and signatures of
principals, witnesses and notary. Arr, chron, by date of instrument.
Indexed in vol, alph, by first letter of surnames of principals, giving
type and number of investment, Typed and hdw. mainly on printed forms.
Vol. 2OQ pp. lo x lO Y 2; folder lOO pp. lé x lO x l, Law Cffico of
Robert A, Ainsworth, Jr., 70l Amcrican Bank Building, 200 Carondelet St.
”, (ACTS], October lo, l92B--, 3 metal file drawers, and l wooden
i cabinet.
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, declara-
tions, exchanges, dations en paiement, deposits, adoptions, conventional
and chattel mortgages, building contracts, amendments, incorporations,
¥ lissolutions, wills, inventories, partitions, family meetings, and re-
nuneiatians, giving date of instrument, date of recording, and signa-
tures cf principals, witnesses and notary. Arr, chron, by date of in-
strument, Us index. Typed and hdw, mainly on printed forms. File
g drawer: aver. 4,030 pp. ld X ld X ZS; cabinet 2,000 pp, 36 x 36 2 36,
Law *fficos of Alba and Alba, BCS Caronielet Building, 226 Carondelet St.
Allen, Baldwin
I 3. QUIARIAL ACTS, January l¥30--. 8 vols. (dated)
· original acts including solos of real and personal property, leases, do-
nstirns, exchanges, transfers, corrections, conventional and chattel
mcrtgegos, releases, building ccntracts, incorporations, amendments, and
bcnis, givin; date of instrument, date of recording, and signatures of
prin ;;a;s, ·.·.· itnesses and nwtary. Arr, chron, by {ate of instrument. ln-
le cd in vols, vlpn. by first letter of surnames of principals, giving
· typ: dnl number of instrurent. Typed and bds. mainly on printedvforms.
  ;a·.‘s;*, LO` pj. li ii F 3; lf: folder EU   ld ii *7 X   Law offices

 § ‘§
4. ,..1-   I
- 3 - f )
of John E. Jackson, D. J. Allen & Gus J. Ricau, 1442 Canal Bank Build-
ing, 2lO Baronne St.
gpdry, Allain C. J5.
-0HS En l .9. ACTS, July 5, 1933--. 6 vols. (dated), and l folder. ·
mOrtg&g@S) Original acts including sales of real and personal property, adoptions,
. . deposits, dations en paiment, quit claims, powers of attorney, cor-
.§ivl;§t_ rections, dedications, assumptions, conventional and chattel mortgages,
in &OlS' building contracts, incorporations, releases, partial releases, cancel-
numbgr lations, wills, fanily meetings, and inventories, giving date oz instru-
rgrl ment, date of recording, and signatures of principals, witnesses and f
is Of notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument._ Indexed in vols. alph. by
lilding first letter or surnames of principals, giving type and number of in- _
’ strument. Typed and hdw., mainly on printed forms. Vols. aver. oOO pp. p
lb x lO x 5; folder lOOO pp. lo x lO x lO. Law and Notarial office of
Allain C. Andry, Jr., 507 Maritime Building, 203 Carondelet St.
A Araguel, Rosalie
LdHVitS' lC. [ACTS], September l934--. l folder. ·
ssolu- ,_. . , _+ . _]_A. 7 1Sn f , _ , V h_l H pg i, W __ . '
family Original apos inc using sa cs o rea- ani pe-sona prop-r;y, poiers ox
lturgs Of attorney, transfers, corrections, chattel mortgages, charters, releases,
mgmt wills, inventories, and partitions, giving date of instrument, date of
_ f recording, and signatures of principals, uitnesses .·. and notary. Arr.
glvlng chron. by date of instrument. No index. Typed and hdw., mainly on
fG{mS‘ printed forms. 5C pp. l7 x ll x Q. Howard Annex Building, 535 St.
2l;; St cnaries st.
Ardill, William
ll. ACTS, 1885-l?“@, l€T7-l°@o, l“O9--. 93 vols. {dated),
l W°°d€“ and ii feiaeys.
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, powers of
l&T?' attorney, redemptions, ratifications, dations en paiment, donations,
€?tl°”“l corrections, adoptions, changes of domicile, special and chattel mort-
*lO“S· gages, partnerships, charters, mnendments, crop liens, building con-
ed TG` tracts, marriage contracts, emancipations, deliveries of legacies, and
lgn§' meetings of creditors, giving date of instrument, date of recording,
`?§Gln` and signatures of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by
;‘36 date ot instrument. indercd in vols. alph. cross by first lottgr of
léglgé St surnames of principals, giying type and number ctwinstrument. typed
· ‘ and haw., mainly on printed forms. vols. aver. Boo pp. l7 x lC x 4;
folders aver. 2O pp. lT K l2 2 l. Law office of R. H. Burton, 833
Conti St.
Arms, E7}. E.
tees, do- ··** — t
Lttel l2. ACTS, Hay l@32--. 7 vols., and l folder (iatedl.
3ntS’ ind Original acts including soles of real ani personal property, affidavits,
trgg CL__ leases, chattal mortiages, releases, incorporations, dissclutions, and
Jm?n?‘ tn” amendments, giving date of instrument, date of recording, and signatures
Elvlng of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument.
i forms. ~
n offices

 s E
‘ s...,L.»
` — G; —
Injcxcd in vols. alph. cross by first letter cf surnames of principals,
yiving type and number of instrument. Typed and hdw., msinly 0n printed
forms. Vols. aver. 1000 pp. 14 X 10 x G; folder BOO pp. 17 x ll X 5.
Hathsws-Tcl*r Furhiiuré C¤., GEC 7nrchn¤ ST. ·
Armstrong, Will E.
l5. ACTS, 1929--, (1;;{ xsi 2x;c fwd lZZl]. 2 vols. (J;*ai).
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, convantiomal
ani chuhtcl moriragss, releases, chsrtsrs, building contracts, cumc@ll&ti0ns,
pmwars 0F abtornsy, wills and tssiamcnts, inventories, subordinations, do-
naiions, redemptions, and dations cn paimsnt, giving date of instrument,
Hate OF rwcmrding, and signatures of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr.
chrnn. by date of instrumsni. Imd©x©d in vcls. &lph. by first letter of
s ’ surnums of Qurty of first pmrt, giving typo and number 0f instrument. Typed
uni hdw., mainly Om printed forms. Ave?. QSO pp. 15 X 8 x 2§. Dixie
Chnmical Company Inc.,224 Decatur St.
_ Arsnson, Harold J.
14. [ACTS L March 1957--. 1 folder.
Original acts including sales of r@&l and psrsonal property, chattsl mort-
gujcs, rcleqscs, partial releases, charters, transfers, assignments, dc-
` claraticms, sales Of interest in contracts, deposits, acknowledgments,
and invcmtoyics, giving dnbc of instrumcnt, &mt@ 0f recording, and sigma-
turcs of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by d&t© 0f in-
‘ strunent. N0 index. Typed and hdw., mainly on printed forms. 250 pps
l7 x lO x 2%. Drcyfous & Drsyfous Law Firm, l8lS Canal Bank Building,
210 Bxronmc St.
1\shm01·0, Emily.
I l5. ACTS, September ll, l9kQ—-. 5 vols. (Qd#e€i, and 1 {Older,
Original acts including sales of real And personal property, chattcl mort-
gugms, rolmuscs, partnerships, cancellations, substitutions, building con-
` tracts, ch&rt©rs, dations cn paimcmt, wills, deliveries Of legacies, do-
Z nations, r¤tr0c¤ssi0ms, rcuunciatioms, psrtitions, family meetings, in-
vinhsriws, declarations, procuraticns, deposits, ssrvitudcs, and expira-
tions, giving dats of instrument, dats of recording, and signatures 0f
nyincimnl, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by dats of instrument. In-
{ dow»d in vols. slph. by first latter Of surnames of principals, giving
bywn and number of instrumwnt. Tyw¤d and hdw., mainly On printed forms.
_ U¤{s. wvcr. 400 pp. 16 X lv X 4; folder 275 pp. I5 3 10 x 2. Law ifficcs
K ?f,f{ ?Uw&FdqrQ€??O%' h£?HuT E` LiO??ld¤ ?“@*H€ H- Y?l€t, JY•» JOS@Ph A-
. ;cx»,~e mul U. ;m?ls¤n qxlllzmsom, LuTC Canal Bank Building, Q10 Rarcnns Stn
` *:1}.*%;;, .`;}"tEUlI` F .
ln, LACTS], guns 195 -—. 1 foliar.
Original avis inclulimw clwttsl msrtgaqgs, releases, affidavits, &md imc0r—
¤\yqLi¤xs, yivim; Sain 0F insfruisni, `ris of r>e©r@in¤ and sicnatures of
.\ .?.\`§,\.~`.— —·-Z-¥—~~~.~~ U ."] ,-.`.L.,. _, · · , _ , rD’,_ _ '
` I 4 · rw   —     L     ix.   er;. ."_;m1‘ . izzgrczz. my sat-2 c1' lIlS`;CI`U;H€D+Q . SFO
   ·0,` €;..W \Tv,.s;.¤~ Lirzs. no pw. L7 x li 1 g. Law GIficsS Of Cas@y,
·i R ~ ¤ Sw;. sitirirfs W1 Ymf. $15 _;ritims Euilding, QGB Csroxdrlct Si.

 g gt .
· %; F .
- 5 -
Babinsky, Herman M.
ipala. 17. [Aces], was--. 1 raids?.
9Ti¤@€d Original acts including sales of real and personal property, convention-
K 5- al and chattel mortgages, building contracts, incorporations, releases,
and procurations, giving date of instrument, date of recording, and sig-
natures, of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by date of
instrument. Indexed in folder alph. by first letter of surnames of
principals, giving type and number of instrument. Typed and hdw4, main-
}. ly on printed forms. 167 acts, 16 X 10 x 5. Law offices of Cobb &
sntional Saunders, 902 Whitney Bank Building, 628 Gravier St.
ions, do- Babst, Lawrence F.
rumont, -
tary. Arr. 18. [ACTS], February 1956--. 1 folder. .
tter of Original acts including sales of real and personal property, conven-
ent. Typed tional and chattel mortgages, cancellations, renunciations, charters,
ixje affidavits, and inventories, giving date of instrument, date of record-
ing, and signatures of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron.
by date of instrument. Indexed in folder alph. by first letter of
surnames of principals, giving type and number of instrument. Typed _
and hdw., mainly on printed forms. 150 pp. 18 X 12 x l. Law office ’
of Charles F. Fletchinger, 1428 Canal Bank Building, 210 Baronne St.
tel mert-
ts, de- Babylon, Edwin E.
ents, _~————__ ___——-_
d signa- 19. [ACTS],January 9, 1951--. l vol. (dated), and l folder.
f in- Original acts including sales of real and personal property, chattel
50 pp. mortgages, leases, charters, agreements, affidavits, releases, cancel-
ding, lations, powers of attorney, partnerships, bonds, and adoptions, giving
date of instrument, date of recording, and signatures of principals,
witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument. Indexed in
vol. alph. by first letter of surname of party of the first part, giv-
ing type and number of instrument. Typed and hdw., mainly on printed
der. forms. Vol. 200 pp. 16 x 8 x 2; folder 25 pp. 16 x 5 x §» Edwin E.
tel mort- Babylon, Notary Public, 210 Seguin St.
ding con-
es, do- Bagert, Bernard Q.
s, in-
exnira- 20. [ACTS], 1958--. 1 folder.
les of Original acts including sales of real and personal property, convention-
ng_ IH- al and chattel mortgages, releases, and procuratiens, giving date of in-
;iving strument, date of recording, and signatures of principals, witnesses
_ pOrmS_ and notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument. No index. Typed on
r offices printed forms. 20 pp. 14 x 9 x é. Bernard J. Bagert, Hotary Public,
»seph A. 402 Maritime Building, 205 Carondelet St.
Barcnne St.
Baisfontaine, g. S.
21. [ACTS], 1929--. 5 folders.
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, ehattel
and incor— mortgages, and releases, giving date of instrument, date of reccrding,
iatures of and signatures of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by
ient. No date of instrument. No index. Typed on printed forms. ever. 25 pp. M
z of Casey,
;d¢let St.

E ”
. ‘   2*
  .l 5 - _
- nu
17 x ll x Q. Southern Pine nss’n., 601 Interstate Bank Building, 101 Camp av
Ct. HG
Baker, W. L. __ Ba
22. ACTS, 1956, 1930--. 1 vol. (dated), and 1 folder.
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, ohattel mort- Or
gagcs, titles, affidavits, and charters, giving date of instrument, date ga
of recording, and signatures of principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. FE
chron. by date of instrument. Indexed in vol. alph. by first letter of mg
surnamcsof principals, giving type and number of instrument. Typed and do
Ldmg, mainly on printed forms. Vol. 100 pp. 16 X 8 x és folder 25 pp. Si
lo x 6 x f. W) L. Baker, Notary Public, 819 Burgundy St. in:
      ‘ i pr:
25. ACTS, Iarch 19, 1915--. 22 vols. (dated), and l folder. Hi;
Original acts including sales of real and personal property, chattel mort-
~ caves, charters, building contracts, confessions of judgment, leases, Ba;
powers of attorney, deposits, compromises, adoptions, destinations and ""
intent of cargo, releases, cancellations, corrections, exchanges, assign-
ments, declarations, subordinations, redemptions, retrocessions, ded- opj
ications, rcvocations, resolutions, dations en paiement, wills, donations, gnf
receipts to tutors, inventories, partitions, emancipations, counter d&{
letters, family meetings, amendments, confirmations, and protests, giving tj;
date of instrument, date of recording, and signatures of principals, wit- wil
nesses and notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument. Indexed in vols. tig
` alph. by first letter of surnames of principals, giving type and number yo;
of instrument. Typed and hdwy, mainly on printed forms. Vols. aver. Ghy
500 pp. 16 x 10 x 5; folder 600 pp. 16 x l0 x 5. Law offices of Baldwin, guy
Haspel & Molony, 910 Union Building, 857 Gravier St. hdw
— 10
Bannon, Albert J. Ban
2d. [ACTSI, 1928--. 2 folders. Bay
Oriminal acts including sales of real and personal property, chattel _—`
mortgages, releases, powers of attorney, partnerships, adoptions, wills
and tcstaments, interdictions, renunciations, inventories, and parti- 0ri
tions, giving date of instrument, date of recording, and signatures of al,
principals, witnesses and notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument. lim
Io index. Typed and hdw., mainly on printed forms. Aver. 50 acts, wil
17 x ll x 2. Louisiana State Licenses Bureau, 532 Canal St. cep
Farnstt, Herman L. nes
——_% __—-A _ alp}
25. ACTS, January 1919--. 51 vols. (dated), and l folder. nwm
Orijinal acts inoludinj sales of real and p;rsonal property, convention- eva
al, chattol and collateral nortgagis, building contracts, bonds, pledges, Nota
r·l>wses, cancellations, anezdments, dissolutions, ratifications, powers
c` attorney, adoptions, wills, searches for wills, donations, family EEE}
¤ ·*ines, deposits, assumptions, inventories, and corrections, giving
‘ `. * of instrument, date of recording, and signatures of prinCl§&lS, A
t;ess~s and notary. Arr. chron. by date of instrument. Indexed in Ott?
vrls. aluh. by first letter of surnamas of principals, giving type and CI 2

 é` . . · .
2 .
e .
- 7 -
(2l_25) (25-29)
’ lOl Capw number of instrument. Typed and hdw., mainly on printed forms. Vols.
‘¤ aver. 450 pp. 16 x B x 5; folder 300 pp. ll X 6 x 2. Law office of
Herman L. Barnett, 1624 Canal Bank Building, 210 Baronnc St.
. Barnett, Walter Q.
ttgl mOTt_ i -26. ACTS, April 2, 1927--. 3 vols. (dated),