xt7bcc0ts56f_3 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ts56f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ts56f/data/2009ms132.0121.dao.xml Fite, Sue 0.35 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 2009ms132_0121 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Sue Fite correspondence Bisexuality -- United States World War, 1914-1918. Domestic Life -- United States -- 20th century Nurses Lesbians -- Correspondence Young women -- United States -- Correspondence -- 20th century Nurses -- Correspondence. FFF, Florence correspondence text FFF, Florence correspondence 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ts56f/data/2009ms132.0121/Box_200/Folder_3/33213.pdf 1918 February-1918 May 1918 1918 February-1918 May section  xt7bcc0ts56f_3 xt7bcc0ts56f 48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ts56f/data/2009ms132.0121/Box_200/Folder_3/33213.jpg 3364 2237 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ts56f/data/2009ms132.0121/Box_200/Folder_3/33213_tb.jpg https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0ts56f/data/2009ms132.0121/Box_200/Folder_3/33213_ftb.jpg [left side of page]
completely out. Oh do be careful
my own remember what you mean
to me. - if anything should happen
to the only B - in this world. There 
would remain nothing at all 
for me. 
Tomorrow A. M. we meet.Miss
Fuller  - and she is to assign
us our work for Feb. I tremble
whenever I think of going out
among entire strangers to work
a whole month. Will write you
again tomorrow night and tell
you where  I'll be - and B. - write
often! I shall be so lonely.
The last few days we have been
doing civilian Relief work
for the Red Cross and it 
has been lovely work. Wish
[right side of page]
Friday Eve. 9:00
My own Dearest B.-
We're even! Two nights
I didn't write and two days
I haven't heard from you -
I'll give you my reasons and
see if you have as good ones.
Wednesday Eve. I was sewing
madly - trying to fix over
an ill-fitting uniform. I 
had such a time [shorthand symbol for "with"] it
and sewed so hard - it 
was 10 - before I knew it-
and too late to write.  Since 
the days of "Student govt"
here there's no keeping 
the light on - a minute
after 10:30 or the House 
Committee will get you!
Last night we had a meeting

10 - AM
Miss Sue Gardner Fite.
509 Honors St.

 Thurs. A. M.
My Dearest B-
Am just writing
a note to tell you
not to worry. And 
will write a letter tonight
if I have to sit up all
nite to do it. This job
here is one big on 
and I've worked harder 
than I ever have. I 
But dear one- thru it 
all I have missed 
you and longed for
you and love you

 more that ever and I tho't that 
impossible. Do not worry
about anyone ever taking
your place. This traveling 
around only strengthens my
love for you. Everyone I 
meet sum very ordinary
compared to my own dear
Southern B.-
Miss Van [Kary?] is waiting
so I must leave you - go
and eat breakfast & then
inspect a new bunch 
of school kiddies
will sure write favorite my
We leave Sunday a. m.
for Portage Wis. -
Remember I love you
only. "and live more & 
more each day for our
happy future together
all my love and kisses
to you my own B& H-
your true W- 

F.F. F.

FEB 14
10 - AM
Miss Sue Gardner Fite
509 Honore St.

 [right side of page]
school children her B. N.
We did I whole school and 
half of another. Miss V. leaves 
for Juneau Monday and then
it will be up to me to finish
up in B. N.  There are 4 
grade schools - 2 parochial
and 2 Lutheran so you see
I'll have to go some. You 
should have seen the [since ?]
write up in the local paper
tonight - our names mentioned 
all - I believe you would have
been quite proud of poor
little me.
A [mark?] from tomorrow (Sat.)
[right hand side of the page]
Beaver Dam, Wis.,
Friday Eve.
Dearest of all-

Beaver Dam is 

alright - everyone has
been more than
friendly and cordial to
me - but I can't see
you any where - and 
I hate places where my
B- has never been.
Some how at nite- 
back there in the Home 
of M. C. H. - I could
snuggle up in my 
little bed - and imagine

you were there near

me- because you have.

 been there some time in the
past. It seems to make such 
a difference.
How are you tonite I wonder.
it has been years since I heard 
from you- but I am not
worrying because I am sure
it was because - you didn't
know where to address a 
letter. But dear- I wrote you
just as soon as I knew for 
sure where a letter would 
reach me.  And I am in 
hopes there will be a letter
for me [somehow?]. there
must or - that's all there
is about it - or I'm a thinking
I'll be hiking for [illegible]. 
We have rooms [illegilbe] a private
family now. and it is much 
better as the Hotel is not
very good. Last night Miss
[Stryk?] wen to Fox Lake to 
work until tomorrow P.M. and 
Mrs. [Junsen?] to Horicon.
Yesterday we all gave little 
health talks to the various
grades. in the schools and
[at ganizard Health Leagues.
Today Miss Van [Kody?] and I 
commenced the inspection of

 [right side of page]
To - Sue Fite
Feb 9, 1918
[left side of page]
We pul stakes and go
on to Columbia Co. - making
Portage our head quarters.
This work is sure in-
teresting and i love it.
but it's not he work
for me- unless you'll
come every where [shorthand symbol for with]
me. My dear- I am 
getting worried what
kind of work are we

going to do- so what

we can be together
all the time for-
together we must [illegible]!
What wouldn't I give 
to see you and have
a long talk [shorthand symbol for with] you

 Oh and I have the lovliest
comfiest bed here - ad we 
could snuggle up close -and 
listen to the wind outside.
It is real stormy again tonite
And then you could hold me
tight in your dear arms

and tell me all about our

Tennessee where we're going
to be so happy some day
and then when the sand man 
comes we'll go to Sleepy House
Oh My dear beautiful
Southern B- I love you
and want you so.
If you were only with me
I'd be so happy because 
I love this work- but 
I love you more than all
else and want you [most?].
Please write me often- I 
have missed your dear letters
so this week.
All my love and kisses
will always be yours - as 
they are now-
Your own true W
F. F. F.


 [left side of page]
on child welfare and of
course we had to go and
hear her, and she was
fine. Then the next nite
the H. S. teachers entertained
for us at cards. And that
meant another late hour.
Last night I was dead tired
when I came to my room,
undressed and lay down
on my bed to read the
newspaper intending when
to write you I was so dead 
tired I dropped the paper
[right side of page]
Thurs. Eve. 10:30
Dearest B-
I wrote you a note this 
A. M. -before breakfast as 
I knew you'd be worrying 
again. It is 10:30 and 
Miss Van Koay and I just 
came home. We were 
invited to a [juiveler's?] home
for supper and to spend 
the evening and really
I don't know when I've had
such a nice "homey"
time.  There is a father
and mother - a girl at
H. S. and a boy of 12 years.
and everyone of them is
just as dear and sweet 
as they can be.

 of the Student Body to elect a 
new Vice President to take the place
of the present one who takes my 
place during Feb. That
meeting was rather exciting and
lasted until nearly 10:30   We
had some rather heated arguments
too I can tell you
Now then dear. give me your 
reasons for neglected me.
My B- do you think there is any
possible chance of either of us.
kind of growing out of this
wonderful love we have for each
other? I try to feel sue that
all will be OK and I try so hard
not to doubt, but oh my 
dear - some days I am so 
blue and lonely and then that
same old haunting fear - 
says "How long can it last."
I am sick with lonesomeness
tonite dear- and I just want
you so badly. And I am 
worried because you are not 
well - I think it is dreadful
that you are kept on that
miserable ward so long - why
don't you report to [name] Wheeler
just how your feel about it and
how you're wearing yourself

 after supper we all stood
around the piano and sang
all the old sons - and I 
sure did thoroly [thoroughly?] enjoy it
Tomorrow we finish up the 
inspection and Saturday
we'll spend making a few 
home calls. Then Sunday
A. M. we move on to Portage
to work Columbia County.
We are going to change here
and one of the the 2 girls 
will stay right in Portage
as I have in Beaver Dam
while I will have to go from 
one small town to another
getting in to Portage only 
on Saturday to spend
Sunday. I'll be glad to get 
back home again so I can
get your letters regularly.
I sure have enjoyed this 
trip so far and Miss Van K [Van Koay]

is a wonder- but oh! it

has been hard hard work
Dr. Mendenhall of Madison
was here 2 nites [nights] and lectured.

 and fell asleep- and 
slept soundly until
I awoke [shorthand symbol for "with"] a start
at 1130. What wouldn't 
I have given then - to 
have had my B.- here
[shorthand symbol for "with"] me. to hold me in
his arms and croon
me to Sleepy House.
Please come tonite my
[own?]. it is stormy out-
and blowing a gate- just
the kind of a nite to 
snuggle up close and
be comfy- and be glad
to be inside instead 
of out in the storm.
Hasn't it been ages

 since we saw one another
and had a real good chat-
I can hardly wait until
we can get together again-
if only for a few hours.
Can it be soon My dear?
Oh my! but I am terid [tired] tonite [tonight].
I'm going to say nite - nite
and go to bed and dream
and dream of my beautiful 
Southern B.- and the 
happy days to come when
we'll be together- living
for each other alone- 
Oh B- won't it be glorious!!!
Come and hold me close
in your arms until the
Sand Man comes.  I love you
only dear- always remember
My kisses and love will
always be for you only- 
Your own tru W -

 DANIEL;      8 Chapter and 23 verse
And in the latter time
of their kingdom, when the trans
gressors are come to the fall, a king
of fierce countenance, and understan-
ding dark sentences, shall stand up.
And his power shall be mighty, 'but not
by his own power: and he shall destroy
wonderfully. and shall prosper, and prac-
tise. and shall destroy the mighty and 
the holy people 
And through his policy also he shall cause
craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall
magnify himself in his heart.     and by
peace shall destroy many:  he shall also
stand up against the prince of princes; but 
he shall be broken without hand.
Read 2nd Thes.. 2nd, Chap.

The Wisconsin Anti-Tuberculosis as-
sociation, previous to the annual
Christmas and New Years campaign
for the sale of the little one cent seals.
announced that to the three counties
within the state selling the most per 
capita seals last year, a visiting nurse
would be sent to those counties for 
one month without cost.
The three counties showing the 
largest per capita sale of seals were
Dodge county, Columbia county and
Oneida county.  Instead of sending 
one nurse to each of these counties
for one month the association is send-
ing four nurses to each county for a 
period of ten days, which more than
fulfills the promise.
Dodge county is being viewed by
the nurses this week. Misses Van Koay,
Herrick Stryk and Mrs. Jensen ar-
riving on Wednesday. The first two
nurses will spend their time within
this city while the other two will visit
neighboring localities. Miss Van Koay
was in this city two years ago doing
some demonstration work.
Within this city the nurses will
make an individual inspection of the
health of each school child, and will
visit the schools and give general
health talks.  Other meetings may be
arranged for the first of next week, 
which will bring together the parents
of the children for a lecture and ad-
vice along this line.
The services of a visiting nurse in
any community is an excellent precau-
tion against disease in its many forms,
and the teaching imparted furnish a 
source of information which will save
many lives as the years roll along, and 
have a tendency to stimulate better
living and health conditions within
any city, village or individual home.

FEB 15
7 - PM
Miss Sue Gardner Fite.
509 Honore St.

 [left side of page]
I feel as if Iwere [I were] in quite another
land. This must be an old
old town. The houses are all
ancient frame ones set away back
in large yards and the streets are
so deep in mud that automobiles
dare not try them. And Oh so
still and quiet - Icould [I could] not sleep
the first two nights -  the stillness
was soloud [so loud]. 
Tuesday was the most glorious
day - as warm as a May day and
I saw many robin's and heard 
meadow larks- Now don't you
wish you were an old maid trying
to weave and darn ins tead [instead] of a
[right side of page]
Dear Scarlet Fever:
Or is it measles
by this time? No doubt you
leave all the little "gurms" ["germs"?] trained
so that they do your bidding.
The top of the morning to you 
whatever you are doing!  Iwish [I wish]
you might come over here  and 
take your daily walk with me.
The woods are calling awfully loud
for us to come. I live near one end 
of this quaint old town and just
a little way off is the most  inviting
looking country. Love going ex-
ploring the first chance Ihave [I have]

 Miss Fite R. N.? ' 
You know there is an
old maid ere who owns the shop I work in
The building by the way  is about seventy-five
years old.  There  are twenty looms in the shop
and it is the most in teresting [interesting] place and oh
so sereene [serene] and peaceful  and guiet [quiet].  Ido [I do]
believe any one cold ask more of life  than to
let in such an atmosphere wed create and
make beautiful fabrics.  have almost given
up my farm idea.  Iknow [I know] you would like
it better than a sand hole.
I am very anxious toknow if [to know] you
have had to call for help from the 
big hospital in getting rid of some dull
evenings. Have you?
Tis time for me to go to work. Iwove [I wove]
a beautiful? table  runner the first day and
Oh the crookedness of it! Tis some work
of art. Now Iam doing on all over design
and it is great fun.
Imust [I must] away- Igo [I go] back to  the city
tomorrow night and well be at the
hospital Saturday morning so you
cannot lose me for even a week.
Your dotin' Hay seed
Thursday morning..

Mar 7
5 PM
Miss s.g. Fite
509 Honore St.

 [Upper left corner] "The Linen Room."-

                                  Thurs. A.M. 700

My Dearest B.-
Just "sneaked" in here to scribble a line - so it will go on this A.M.'s mail. It just seems as sho' I [underlined twice "cannot"] get time for writing [symbol for "and"] my eve-classes.
Your letters all week have been great - and it was certainly very kind of your two friends to write me when you were unable to. Please thank them for me - How is the finger, dear? Do hope it is much better, and causing you little pain by now. Now listen dear - I [underlined twice "had"]

 [Left half of page blank, handwriting on right half] I might continue with that during Feb. instead of going out in the state somewhere. It has been desperately cold that last 3 days sho' - and tonite my feet are puffed right up [symbol for "and"] chilblains - oh! they do hurt so. And I am tired and my head aches - and I want my B. -I want him to hold me close in his arms - and love and kiss me - and then take me [symbol for "and"] him to Sleepy House along's our friend the same Man.
Wish I had the price I'd call you up tonite - hearing

 to take my P.M. - on Tuesday as we have a new class (Phys. Culture) on Tues. P.M. 4-5. So Mrs. N. - called Miss R - and told her to give me my half day on Tuesday - so I can attend. Kind of small I call it - but must make the best of it. So you see it is out of she? - my going down there - so please come up - that's a dear! and besides - don't you want to arrange about your rooms?
Gee I must leave you or my head nurse will be on my trail.
Don't worry - I'm feeling O.K. again - Be careful and don't work too hard. My love + kisses to you my B. 

 [Upper right corner "Friday Eve."]
Dearest B. -
Must get a letter off to you for Sunday [underlined twice "sure"]. Your letters this week have all been so sweet and they have helped so much. Are you feeling better dear - and can you sleep days now. You must not worry or do anything that will keep you from getting your sleep. [Noe.?] duty at best is dread ful - but when one doesn't sleep good days it is almost unbearable. Do be good - and sleep - See? How is that poor finger - and dear - that old appendix frightens me - If you ever do have to go out to the table let me know [underlined twice "sure"] - and

 [Underlined "I'll be there"]. But here's hoping it will be unnecessary. I am feeling pretty good again but was in bed two days - [symbol for "and"] my throat - tonsillar abcess. Went down to the Co. and they (Dr. K. and Mrs. N.) made me go to bed in the nurse's sick room - [symbol for "and"] lot saline irrigation (throat) q.2.h. - Feel bum - but the irrigations did the work - and guess I'll have no more trouble [symbol for "and"] that old mail. I looked up Dr. Sherwood's address but have forgotten it - so if you'll excuse me a minute I'll go down stairs and look it up again.
Dr. M. W. Sherwood.
605 Jackson St. -
That's it!

 Listen dear - You know Roy Comp - the boy who draws - [underlined "loves"] to do heads - or faces - and I told him that I had a peach of a picture of you - I'd likes done. and he said "Bring it over." so - here's the ? - how soon am I to have it - [underlined "please"] hurry it up. I need it right on my dresses - to talk to - and say "nite my B." to - ets. will you hurry that photograph up a little - tell him to get [underlined "one"] ready quick. Will you?
This has been a real Spring Day - about the first one this year - and it seemed so good. Do hope it warms up a little now.
Yes dear - the stars and [winds?] have all been so good in coming and telling me of your messages -

 Surely it will not be long soon - before we can [underlined "tell"] each other these love shots and messages. Won't it be glorious - my B. - I am tired and sleepy - come, tuck me in and kiss me nite-nite like a dear - and let me go to our Sleepy House -
All my love as always -
Yours FFF

APR 18
5 - 30P
Miss Sue Gardner Fite
509 Honore St.

 [Upper right corner "Thurs. Eve -"]
Dearest Sue - Do you want me to call you that always? I inferred as much by the way you signed your name - Don't know what to say. in fact I can scarcely collect my thoughts - I have come to the conclusion that nothing will ever seem quite right again and I guess I may as well bow to the inevitable and take things as they come.
I can see by your letter and perhaps you are justified - that you think I should have told you about having gone out a few times. - I really - could see no good in telling [crossed out word]

 you of it as nothing. Will I ever come of it and I was not sure that it would not be hard to explain it to you - But as long as you got the information from Miss K. - I may as well finish it -
I met a young man - not so very long ago - whose wife has been dead a very short time - died of Tb. and left him almost heartbroken - He has been at Appleton and knows people I do - Besides - being a nurse - he felt that he could speak freely of his wife's illness and death - So he really seemed to enjoy being in my company - He was a [car?] - and

 I really have spent some rather enjoyable evenings riding and listening to the charms and accomplishments of "wifie". Have I done wrong? If so - I beg you forgiveness and if you wish shall not go out [unknown symbol] him again. But as for my sleeping on my hours - and - staying every nite - so that I couldn't write you - well if you choose to believe that I cannot help it - Perhaps too - you do not believe that until this week I have had class the 1st 4 days of the week - [unknown symbol] one hour only off duty. But whatever you believe or do not believe [underlined twice "please"] rest assured that your coming on Mon. instead

 of Sun. did not work in fere of any plans of mine - as I had none-
May I make one last appeal to you - for goodness sake (I know it would do no good to say for my sake) - don't do anything that you may regret later. Remember your dear [Noober?] - the one big thing I envy you - and don't forget [crossed out word] how she expects the best from you -
And my B. - remember if I haven't fallen too low in your esteem I want to remain as always
Yours -

 your dear voice would help so - but alas! my pocket book is [underlined "flat"] as usual. It will soon be your birthday B.- don't I wish I could be [symbol for "with"] you on that day - but a year from now - we'll celebrate it together - won't we? But then every day will be as good as a celebration then - won't it - my beautiful southern B.- 
I'm going to say Goodnite my B.- now - and go to sleep (if I can) and dream of our great big happy future.
Stripe just said to tell you she [underlined "likes"] you so well as ever. And dear - [underlined "I love"] you more if [underlined "anything"] than ever - altho that seems impossible. Nite-nite - all my love and kisses are for you - now and always -
Your own true 
[underlined "FFF".]

 [Dried flowers, loose]

Miss Sue Gardner Fite.
509 Honore, St.

 Tues. P.M.
My Dear B-
Your letter came last 
eve- but as I had a P.M.
and no one put [themselves?]
out enough to bring it 
over I didn't get it until 
this morning. My Dear
I am so worried about
you.  and I am anxiously
awaiting another letter-
and hoping and praying
that i will bring the
good news that an operation 
is un necessary. I know
that your kind friends
there will keep me [posted?]
as they did before. but I 
hope you will soon be up and yourself once
more.  You may depend 
on my writing our [mother?]
if it would help her or

 you any. - So she feeling 
better?  Please believe mother
dear- it makes no difference
how much we have argued
and quarreled lately.  You 
mean all the world to me
and I can't think what 
would happen if anything 
should happen to you - 
I was in bed all day Sat.
[illegible] an acute attack of 
indigestion - but am OK.
Must leave you now
B.- and go down to the 
M.C.H. to gym class-
Just this note to let you
know I love you - and 
will write a regular 
letter later. That's right!
don't think about anything
but the happy times we've
had together and those to come.
My b.- let me kiss you-
and tell you - how much
you mean to me-
Your FFF
Will be here
until next

tings Minn.
Box 678.

Miss Sue Gardner Fite
509 Honore St.

 [left side of page]
a nice chatty visit [shorthand symbol for "with"] you.
Not too long - or it would
tire you- but just for a
few minutes. Then we'd 
sit and dream - Can 
you still dream B.?
Yours - 
[right side of page]
On Duty- Wed- 
My Dear B.- 
Your two letters received this
morning and dear. I just 
feel so helpless to do or say
anything that might do you 
some good. The [???] friends 
of yours have all been to see 
you and do the little things
that one appreciates so - when
sick - even Miss Freeman's
letter reached you before mine
did. Altogether- I feel that
as a real helpful friend 
I am a dismal failure.
But B.- I do care and I 
am so worried about you

I don't know what to do-

I only do hope and pray
that things will clear up 
[shorthand symbol for "with"] out an [opr?].
This is May 1st and such a

 [header printed text]
Form No. 59
Muirdale Sanatorium
For the Treatment of Tuberculosis
Name _____   Case No. ____
[handwritten text]
beautiful day- wish we might take
a long walk together thru the woods.
But Someday surely we may be
able to do those things we want
to do. You still do want to do
some of them don't you dear?
Are you at the Home - or full
[on?] contagious?  Some how- I can't
realize That  you are really
so ill- Oh don't I wish I could
be there and by doing a few little 
things for you-show you what you do 
mean to me B- after all?
Today I feel as tho I am absolutely 
no use to anyone on this earth-
Please forgive all my shortcomings of
the past and remember I am [shorthand symbol for "with"] you
dear in spirit and am anxiously
hoping for your recover  - My B. -
I send you love and kisses - and wish
that I might hold you close and have

Miss Sue Gardner Fite
509 Honore St.

Miss Sue Gardner Fite.
509 Honore St.

 [left side of page]
It will be until March 1st. Then
we must come back to the dear
old M. C. H. and settle down for 
6 months more - Then   - - - oh my B!
[Stryk?] and I have this A. M. off
and we are busy trying to
I am feeling fine again so
don't worry, dear. But how are 
these dear nerves- please
don't let anything bother you-
and especially that miserable old
ward. I hate it - B - you must be
careful and don't get sick. while I'm 
away - I'd go frantic - away up North
so far from My B- when he 
sick. I'll be just awfully
lonely up there (wherever I go)
[right side of page]
Sunday A.M.
Dearest of all B._
I can't understand
why you got no letter
yesterday P. M. - I mailed 
one in the A.M. - and mailed 
it out here too - so you'd be 
sure to get it. The train
must have been late or 
something. and I am so 
sorry you got no Saturday
Do I care dear? - oh- My B.-
you know I do - and just
how much I long and wait
for the time when we can
be together for all time - 
I tell you - some days I feel 
desperate. and it seems as

 the time only drags along. Even
our year seems unkind to us - 
as it is making us wait
until nearly it's end - but B. - 
let's not tire of waiting - for
think what happiness  will be
ours when you know I love 
you only. and what never 
will I cease caring and wanting
you. Don't you? Please, please
never forget or doubt that.
Yes. We have promise one another
to be frank to each other if
we ever "change" - but until
then - We must know all will
be well. And surely a love 
as strong as ours cannot 
That by this time I'd be out
"somewhere in Wis" - but we
leave tomorrow. Stryk - a Mrs
Jensen [(Kensha)?] and myself
are being sent to do a month's
work in the 3 counties 
who sold the most Red Cross
Seals at Christmas [times?]. As  the
returns were not all in yesterday
we'll not know where we are
going until tomorrow when we
go in bag & baggages. Miss
Fuller spoke yesterday as tho'
[illegible] were good that I'd go
to Chippewa County - but
wherever I do - go- I'll drop you
a line as soon as I get there.

 anyway- because some
home - you seem so
near me here in our
little room as the
M. C. H. Home. But dear
write me - often - and so
will I.
Nearly time for duty
so will bid you good bye 
from our M. C. H. - and
will write you as soon
as I arrive at my 
In the mean time remember
you are the only one in 
the whole world - and I 
love you every minute of
the day and nite.
Some day. I shall try to 
prove  to you that my love

 is sincere and will not change.
Until then- try and believe me -
when I say it. Will you B.?
I send love to our  [washer?]. 
and all the rest is [yours?]
always as are all my 
Your own true W - 
You forgot to underline
the F. in your address-
on my last letter. Please
don't let that happen again!
You've probably heard this-
My Tuesdays are meat less
My Wednesdays are Wheat less 
I'm getting more eatless each day.
My room it is heat less,
My bed it is sheet less,
There are sending them all to the Y. M. C. A.
The bar rooms are treat less
My coffee is sweet less,
Each day I grow poorer & wiser,
My stocking are feet less,
My trousers are seat less,
By Gosh - but I do hate the Kaiser!