xt7bcc0trz76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0trz76/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_514 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 514 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 514   2014 true xt7bcc0trz76 section xt7bcc0trz76 I
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_—;;§=.. _ By Florence lmlay
é _ and Pearl J. l·laal<
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< Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture ond Home Economics A
_l1ow<·\i·i College of Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Kentucky
wth  c. diced cooked chicken 2 c. milk
llc. cooked peas 4 T. butter
m )1.Oml l {/2 c. diced celery 4 T. Hour .
1 . ._  V l T. pimiento Thi t. salt
ml frail: 1 T. green pepper
Xlake a white sauce of milk. butter, flour. and suet; add other

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i i 6 Kentucky Extension Crrcular No. 014
1 ingredients. Pour into a baking dish. Place baking dish in a pan of She
water and bake in a moderate oven (350 to 375 degrees F.) 30
) minutes. `
l Rice Creole, Pineapple and Carrot Salad, Whole—wheat Bread-
2 large onions 2 c. cooked rice ~
2 arge green peppers ... c. tomatoes
1 c. chopped ham % t. salt bei
l 3 T. butter bal
Cut the onion and green pepper in small pieces. Mix with ham OW
, and saute in butter. Add seasoning, rice and tomatoes and bake for _
l 30 minutes in moderate oven (350-375 degrees F.). ‘
l~ Bee
l Beef Pot Roast with Vegetables, Cornbread, Peaches and Cake- A
l 3% lbs. chuck 6 medium potatoes I
6 medium carrots 3 t. salt (
6 small onions Flour for dredging ·
3 c. boiling water Fat for browning meat
\Vipe the meat, dredge with Hour, sprinkle with salt and pepper. in
and brown, adding drippings it necessary. Cook at a low temperature be:
two and one-half hours. Add carrots, onions and potatoes to pot rozrsl an.
1 and cook one hour together. Cook meat longer if it is not tender. _
Meat Loaf, Baked Potatoes, Slow, Rolls, Baked Apple, Cookies- Bull
1 lb. ground beef 1% t. salt
% lb. ground pork or veal Dash of pepper
2 T. chopped onion 2 eggs  ·
1 diced carrot 1 c. bread crumbs
1 c. chopped celery 2% c. milk [
% t. mustard
Soak crumbs in milk. Mix the ground beef and pork OY “’·‘l Ehl
thoroughly, add vegetables and seasonings. Mix well. add beaten Fw Jl
and crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) for 1 hour`. ll

 One-Dish Meals 7 I
pan ol Shepherd's Pie, Beet Salad, Whalewheat Muffins, Fruit Gelatin-
F`.) 30 -
4 c. cold mashed potatoes M c. diced carrot (cooked) l
3 c. ground meat M; c. green beans
% c. bread crumbs 1 egg
% c. milk or beef stock 1 t. salt
% c. chopped onion
Line bakin dish with Jotatoes. Mix meat, onion, carrot, green .
beans, bread crumbs, milk and beaten egg together and pour into the ,
baking dish. Cover with the remainder of potatoes. Bake in moderate
th ham L oven (350-375 degrees   until brown and thoroughly heated through.
»ake for _
A Beef Stew, Lettuce Salad, Prunes, Wholewheat Bread-
2 1 lb. beef 2 c. diced carrots
3 T. drippings Flour for dredging
. 3 c. hot water 2 t. salt
’  _ 2% c. potatoes cut in large pieces 2 T. chopped onion
i¤€¤* V Wipe beef, cut in about 2-inch cubes, dredge with flour and brown
pepper, in the drippings. Add water to the meat and simmer 45 minutes
Pemture . l>el0re adding vegetables, longer if meat is tough. Add vegetables
pot roast and continue to cook until they are tender, about 30 minutes.
ider.  `
V Baked Liver with Vegetables, Lettuce, Cornsticks, Rice, Apple Sauce Pudding- V
. 1% lbs. of liver 3 slices bacon
, 6 small potatoes 1 small can mushrooms
? small onions 2 c. tomatoes
t. sa t
Put liver into a baking dish, arrange potatoes and onions around
I m. will  \ tht? llver, add the salt, cover with chopped mushrooms, baooil RHC1 I
dm, wu. · t0m¤f0€s. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 1 hour. Serve on a platter with
mma  i lll? 0Hi0ns and potatoes placed around the mound of liver. V

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2 T. butter M; t. salt
2 T. Hour 1 T. horseradish
1 c. meat stock
Melt the butter, add the Hour and stir until well blended. Remove E
from the stove and add the meat stock slowly to keep the sauce from ,
F t t _ lnmping. Replace over the Hame and bring to boiling point, stirring
il 0‘S . . . .
Hal; l constantly. Continue cooking until the starch IS cooked and the sauce
_ has a smooth, creamy consistency. Add seasoning and horseradish.
gs cut lll
ith but- ,
.bro\v11. ·_ 
· Cheese Balls, Tomato Salad, Muffins and Jam-
{h0|€whe¤r l CHEESE BALLS
4 c. mashed potatoes 2 eggs
M c. grated cheese M t. salt _
A Blix potatoes, cheese, well-beaten eggs and seasoning. Make into
”“‘“l” bulls and brown in moderate oven (375 degrees F  or fry in deep fat.
e, 1119.011- ,
d bread  `
· bT0"`“l EQQS A la King on Toast, Raw Spinach Salad, Baked Apples Stuffed with Raisins—
· V  V 6 hard-cooked eggs 1 c. peas
It Mulllml ‘ 2 c. milk 1 c. carrots
1 c. vegetable liquid % c. celery
4 T. butter 1 thick slice onio11
_ . 4 T. flour 2% t. salt
. Cook vegetables in boiling salted water until tender and drain.
er i Make a white sauce of butter, Hour, milk and vegetable liquid. Add
quartered, hard cooked eggs and vegetables to sauce and serve 011
ets about p toast.

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l 12 Keniurrky Extension Circular No. 514
Dried Bean Dishes S0!
l` Bak'ed Beans, Cranberry Relish, Rye Bread, Fruit Cup- Duc
l 2 c. navy beans 1 t. mustard
M2 t. soda, if water is hard 1 T. molasses
V 1A—%_» lb. salt pork 1 T. sugar
1 t. salt
I Pick over and wash beans. Soak over night. Drain, cover with
1 cold water, bring to boiling point; add soda, if used, and boill y Sal
minute. Drain, rinse, cover with fresh water. Cook slowly until K fm
i skins will wrinkle when struck by a draft of air. Drain; {ill beanpol . 15]
l half—full, lay in pork, the rind of which has been scalded and scored.
l_ Put remaining beans into pot; pour over them mustard, salt, and ‘ B p
molasses dissolved in hot water. Add enough more hot water to ’ Er
1 cover beans. Put lid on bean pot, bake 8 or more hours in a slow
l oven (200-250 degrees   Replace water as needed. Draw pork
l to surface during last hour of baking. Remove cover to brown beans ·_
S and pork. 6 servings, 2./Q; cup each.
Lima Bean Casserole, Cornmea|—Wh0|ewheat Muffins, and Fruit Juice- ,
2 c. dry lima beans 2 c. sliced carrots
5 c. boiling water 1% pound sausage ·
2 t. salt M; c. chopped onion
Soak lima beans in water 2 hours. Add salt, boil gently for 30
minutes. Add carrots the last 5 minutes. Mix onion with sausage A
shape into small patties, and brown in frying pan. Pour beans into .
casserole, place sausage on top and bake in a moderate oven (300 A
degrees F.) until beans are tender, about 1 hour, If necessary, ¤