xt7bcc0trz51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0trz51/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_156 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 156 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 156 1923 1923 2014 true xt7bcc0trz51 section xt7bcc0trz51 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
Extension Division
‘ THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
Team Demonstration Outlines V.
Junior Agricultural Clubs.
ini ` .   *4 . i`   » `if ill U I ‘
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Lexington, Kentucky
. June, 1923
T1; Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried
su  cooperation of thc Follor;0 of Agriculturo, I'niv0r:;11·tincnt of A:rict1Itt1i·t‘·, and distributed in
urtherunce uf the work provided for in the Act of Congress ot` May S, 1914_
. A I \ ' ` —

- S

Team Demonstration Outlines V.
Junior Agricultural Clubs.
By E. E. FISH .
'l`ht-st- ttutliuts h:1\·t- ltt·t-11 ]>I`t‘})&lI'<'(l :1s :i g11itlt~ i11 tlt·vt-lttitittg
tit-111tt11 fttr lll(‘ ust- ttf tht- tlt-111t1s. 'l`ht- t‘<>llll1i]ll'll itlt-:1s ttf
tltvlt-t1tlt~1s illltl t-hilt Ill(‘llll)l*l`S will SL‘l`\'t‘ _tt1 smttttth out tht- lllillll‘UllllSlll i11stt-:1tl ttf tt-lling it. llt-111tt11—
st1·:1ttt1·s will 1·t-:1lizt- tl1:1t t·tt111111tt11 l.iIl'lll it1‘:1t·ti< :1111tt11g· t·t-1‘t:1i11
stttwizilizittg f:11·11t<-rs 111:1)* ltt- il llt‘\\` illlll llIll‘l't‘$llllQ` \’t-11t111·t- i11
tttltt-1·lttt·:1litit-s. Mt-thtttls. (‘l[lll[\]ll(‘lll :111tl 111:1tt-1·i:1ls ill‘t‘ l‘1lSll_\'
1Ill]tl`O\’l*tl uttmt :111tl shttultl lt.- ]t:1sst-tl :1ltt11g· ttt tttht-rs.
Yl`ll(‘ git-11t-1*:1l instritt-1 ions l`tt1· tlt-vt-lttpiitg tlt-111tt11st1·:1titt11 tt-:1111s
  ¥`i\'¤‘11 ill l((‘l]lllt‘l{}' Exit-itsittit (`i1·t·1il:11‘ N11. llil. t-l1:1ptt-1· 5.
“-ll Hltltly lrt tht-so outliitt-S.

-1 Ifciiluvlry Circttlztr No. l.i(i
` 1. stttit-21* sttt·1.\1ttN <:t1.\t11—is
\\'ot1l twwiistittttvs a1h<111t 11111*-l`i1111·tl1 <»l` thv i111·¤»t11·· l`1·1»m ttl.,
2I\`L‘l'ilg1‘ t`z11·111 thwl; 1»l` Slll‘l‘l) iii l{(‘lllll4‘l(}'. This tlt'lltl` wtml. l)l`t‘l\ill'2ll|¤l'_\` t·» lIlEll`l(t‘lll|g‘,
l}1·jNt·1R.\I, $t't;<:t·Zs’t‘t<>\s
1. ]‘:t1lll[1lIlt‘IlI i11 lirsl-vlztss ··<¤11:11·_1’ t·» ;1\~11;·.
stivvoss iii thi> tlt·111e»11st1·;1ti1»11.
2. A sliocp for vlippitiu Sllltllltl liv <·l1¤1<1·11 with it x·i1·w iii
mzikiiig El spwtly tl1\t‘l'2lil(>ll.
  (`llill‘t< 111:1)* stiggmt llll‘lll>t‘l\'k*S tw th¤· t··z1111 mill  
l0;111st1·z1ti<>11 111¤»1·1~ 2llll'il<‘ll\'<‘.
4. '1`0z1111 111t·111hu1·s shntthl 11<1t l11·sit:1t1· tn \`t‘llllIl't‘ :111 ttlllllittll
as tn tho ,Q`l'2ltlU 0f wool sl1<11·11 own thw lll•‘lIll>•‘l'S <»l` tht- illltllt‘ll~‘1‘
may letter ([llC$li()1l tho jtttlgtiiciil.
5. 'l`0z1111111z1tt~s will (‘2lll 0z1t·l1 1>tl1··1· hy llll‘ll' tirst tiztmtw thir-
lllgf thc 11;1l I{z11‘v1·st··1· (`UIIIIHIXI}'. }l;11·v<·st1~1· lltiiltlitig. (‘l1i1·:1g1», Illinois.
}l.\'l'l·1RI.\l1S .1Ntt l·Z<;1‘t1·1t1·:x’1‘
O11t~ lh·xihh—-sl1z1l't l\\'U-lllilll >ll|‘(‘l> wlippitig 111;1··l1i111· with
vlnstf-li‘tti11g1‘ ]1l;ttt·s. litill nl` ]1;1.]11·1· l\\'lIl(* l.()l° ti1·it1g‘ ll1*t‘t‘¤‘#· ll*‘K
<·<1t1t21i11i11g wool S2l]ll])l<*S, l11;111<·1l in ('nttiity g\ul`lll l._v l;lll\'l‘l'>ll_\' of l{<‘lIll|l‘l{}`. ·l1111i<11· (`llll) l)1’])Ell'llllt‘lll, lmxtiig-

 71111111 I)('l}l071.%’f7`(lIl0N ()11tI111r1.s· V. 5
111% l)1·IM()NS'1`l(.\’1`I<)N ()l]'1`1.1N1£
1*11   ,. 1 1 . ,1 . .
mw 1»|·;1111A>111.\11>11 J 1I 1.11*11113 11I·1M11AS'1‘11.\'1`111:1:
f 7 1 1 _
51111111s 111 p1z11·1· :11111, 11111·111111<···:< 11111111111·1·» $1:11111:4 in 111:11+ :11111
111·1<111111‘11~111:1·s 1111~ 1111111- ` ol` 1111- 11:1111, 11-11s :11·k111111*11·11,1;¢—s 1111; 111.
11111-111111 I \\'11¢‘I'|' 111·· 11·:1r11 i> 11·1111u1·111111.
1111111 :11111 1111· p111·;111s1·
1 (I1. 111•· <1|·l1l1¤l1F[1`Zl11(•Il, |
,11111 111‘111:s s111·1~p 111 111:11- 1 $1:1l1·:< 1111- :<1:1111:< of Iir111,21< 111 1110 l11·xi111;·—
1111*111 :11111 1111111s 111 11l:11·1· 1111· 11·1»<11 i11·1us11‘y 111 s11:1f1 (‘11]>})1‘!'$, oils 111e
for fu1·111·1· •11‘Hl\¤ll?*ll`&l·, 1{¢‘1l1\1l‘1{)` 1Ky. 1%u11··· 11·1·1·11`1·FL·11I smn111(·s_
W we 11111111 n1·1·k 1111-1 1»1!11·1‘ 111 l>I`1('*‘ 1.11 ·111;11‘1•·1‘ :11111
‘ 111-:11 of :1111111:1l 111 1111111. A 1111*1-1 -1·1:11111 111111111 `
111!. , \\‘1»1>lS :1s :111111111 111* 1111;
; 111111`kvl 1'1·111»1‘l.
1   1 1
$\\‘1112S 11111111:1l 111111 <`;1l1s;111•·111i111111»1111· .\f1<·r F11(‘(·}1 is 11111111]
1111s11i1»11 for sl1··:11·111:. 11111112 1»1·11<·1·ss, :11s11 111 1»11si11<111 for s11e·z1r111u,
$1il1`1S c11111»111: 112*111U 1111·111·111 111 l111I11111: 1:1k¢·s p1·11111·1· ]’)()Si11()l]
iwgnll 1115-1111111*:1s 1111\'111‘;11<·11”111 S11··1·}1. 1`:11111·111:< :111111- \\`111·1 111:11;*111111;, so ns 1101
" }‘:XIl*11F1¢¤1l (`11`1'l11&l1` .2,11·111·1· :11111111 <`Jl1L'111I12 111 11111·1*!1·1·1,· 11*1111 11112
ivlln,. I*21E1’S 5 :11111 G. :11111 111·111i11: s111···11 11y@111·1v of 111•· :1111111 111*1*,
| 11111111 1‘(‘<‘Z\1l$l‘ 111 11l_'11l`}` 11:11111s l‘11]>]1(*1'F 111 1·11111-
, 111 :111111111l. 1·Zx1»111111s 1111111·111 :11111 :<1:11`1s 1o
1111· 1·1»>11i1·11 111 11111111:1l 1»1·u1·a111· 111e m:11·11111c.
_ 111-111: 111·l·1 111* \'<>1l1·
dm' 112111111ll 111111 1111· 1·:1S1·
` 11‘i111 111111111 s111·1I» 1l1il}` '
1 111· p1:11·1··1 111 111:11 1»11>1·
\111111 :11111 1~1»111·1<1111·111ly
11211111l111. 1`:111s 11111-11-
{111111 11» 1l11· 1·111»1>111:
V 111·111·1-ss, 1—x11l:1111s 111
11111:111 1111—111111l 111~111:
KP of 1 11s1·11 111 1‘11111;1:11111111.
‘ x 11<·\11·\\‘s 1111·1111111s 1>1`
I 1·111111i11: $111111; s111:11‘s,
_ I 11 :1 1111 1·1111111·1·s 111111
1 b111· 1 11111111* 1l1(1t`1111I1'. 1}111·s
Ip1‘1*1`1·1`1·111'1S 111 1*1·l`l:l111
1 11]11·1‘:111>1·s, 111111* 1'•;-
._ 1 1
’1*· I Rolicvos companion!
·No. 11 :11 the m:11:111111·
1:11111 1·o111111110s op1>r111— `
__ _ 1 ing. {
. 1  `——
. ._“ 11111 *`1iI1P11l: 1:< 1111— I l{1·1·c11·1·s 01111110rs] 1i<·1s 11:111 of p:111e1·
111111 1ih°‘1·,h*'“*1’ <']iI*1*1·1`$ 111 1 1`1·1»111 1·11111p:111111»11, dis- (\\`1l10 :11111 ex1111>11s to
l,]__     IiL’l1lO\`(iS | 1~111::1g1s 1111—111 f1·1»m 11111111·11c1·._ explains 11s
. >1-\ it`; I *11*1110 111 >1-1·111· 1 111:11·111111~, 1·I11:111s :11111 1‘11111111»s1111111, use :11111
1wum ·‘ | 1111lf 11111111 :111*:15] 111-- j11c§11‘:111l11 1`11:11111`cg_ (111lS
1 I\1l|\0h 1l1<‘ 111:11·111111· to ; s11111111l1~ ]1~11;1l1 oi 1111110
Xxmm 1 1`11l‘ 1`1‘i\1` o1` 1111) 111111-{ (S 111 10 ft.) f01"1i&111g’
— ¤ I 1111*111 ‘ 111-1111 111111 111ys 11s1111· the
E 1 [ 1·1·111;1i11111—1·,
. _ 4 \ * ' —

6 Il¢·nft1¢·ky (In·¢·uI¢1r .\o. loo
1¥l·]MUNS'l`l{.\'1`llll L! I CAl"1‘AlN l>l·Z)ll¤NS'|‘l:_\'rt»I;,;
____ V I I
Rcttxrlis to thv ll•.·ut·v, I ll•·l·•·it‘t·s lwino l`ron1 , llumls lh•· <·t1t I ».`.
luys it out, liesh sidvi vontpztnion, folds in ot` twin`- to ·.i;iw;
" down, rotnoves lvmlly , thu t·t·nt•·r uml luys il I lixpluins tho I»i··.I~." -
soiled tuus. folds uml , down on tln· plutfornn luylnu out un·l ri.] 
rolls It\;cKllx·t' :u‘t‘t\l`tllll§ I ll0:tl‘ \\'lT» rv tollipzlllioll livin: ¢lt’lll1>ll>ll;li*·i
to direction in lixt. , is rollin; lim-t·t· uml in uonipunion, l·Z\tl.»_·`
t,‘ii·. No. T2, puge T. ` pluin viow ot` thi- umlt. tin- pr·¤<·t·ss ol- tz-i:_;_
\\'ll€*ll cotnpunion gots I ¢·m·t-. l’Im·t~s tln· two im·lmlin: sm·lt pong .
the twine in place, lifts I strumls purallel uml uuuinu thtl l--nxt ·
· the bundle of ll¤·t·t·u uml ulvout viuht inchvs ` twim· ut·t·ordim;   · ·
lays it ztuross tht- two upurt. Assists t·ont— sizo of 1l»—t·t··- to l·.~  
Strztttds. in the niiddlv. { punion in 1ll'l'i\ll;1lIl§ luyinu out th·· l\\.lL·· ».
The two strands will I thu wrup uml tio as i`or·· pluvin: t!o· :i·»·
then liv uhout ono·third thu nnthod is lwln; uml th»· ni•·th·»Il of  
the distance frotn the \'X])i1\ill(‘lil>)'(ilL'tl[i\L'I` in:.
nnds of the httndlu. Tho I tn¢·ntlu·r of thi- t•·uni,
two emls are ivrouuhl
tozcther on thv top of
the lnundle, the- loosv '
ends passed thru tho .
closed end uml passed I
oppositely around thi- I
bundle ut right unglcs
to the oriuinal strand. ' I
The lwumlle is then in- , I
vertex] and tied. I
“'h·i·Il Filllllllv <·;1se> is` (lots [ho wool sample-] Mo\··s iI1·· l*i`**i·*".~
opened, examines wool I casa uml plutws it in tied ll¢·t»·-·» lo ..n»·  
samples to see that ull position to iw plainly uml tukos out :1 s..::x-
.. ure in proper pluce and se-vn hy the- uudi•·m·l·. o l` wool 1` rom t 4
then takes up discussion I tnpens und ut·ruti:•·s slioultlt·i· st-·~tt·»n z _
of wool uratlvs. lix- vase- in u st·t·ni·e posi» \'4llllIl(ll`i$_` \['_»·` _
ztttcoiwliiiu to quulity ui I dttrmniininu the- ¤In:tl» I" ‘IT`I"ImIII`·   I  
lil? nlilfkct. lleutls [ho ily uml L;ru¤li~ ol` ll•·t~t·•- I’I°S.SIIIIi` .`_II{II_ 
cttrrent inarket prions ` 1`ut·<·l1lI}' <‘}il·l¤¢·¤I. ` “III`.h II   IIN `,,\I  
on such grades as uw I“II°II I`I'I"'I II N
Sll0\\'ll ill lll•· Sillllpiv IUHHIIHIL
case. (Market rvport as `
pnhlishcd in vurious -
Points out the vari-I I
0us samples of wool in I I
the vase, vxplaininiz tho I
per<·e»ntu;:<— of Kon- I I
{ucl-ty wools selling I
llllli+·l' s·u<·h urutlo ut I
some- I:ti·;t· wool buying I
murkvt. Shows how ' I
l»i·eetling‘ will 1‘uise· tht- I
duality or ll•·4·t·t·_ Also I
[hiv itnpoi·tun<·•· o1` <·nrt·` I
in hundlin1:‘ so as loI I
lnrevent i·eli<·<·L tle¢·<·<·s.I I
tSe¢e l'•JI`E‘l'€ll('4·S.l I I
Asks ts o ni p u n i o n s I I
thnir opinion us to! I
;:i‘:t . .. . .. .. .. , 7
III-j)IIIXs’1`1{.\'1`'|1£.\'1 I A
;I;.;.; MMU., ,-,.;,,1)- III :111- S1111111.:111;1··s 1*,.- .11-111— .\l1>\‘»'11`¥ s11I·.. *1'I*\·
I‘·>~ ‘ >“-,.|· I|11··s1I1I11~ 1‘II:11II1: III1~1I;11IIII1 :1*- ]1I‘•·~I·I1'r III·I1~ :I~ 1•·I:1Z»· III ;·:1;I~-"
1·I.i`;t.~ III \\I·I1] ;1·;IIl s, 1|.¢# I·1I. I·I11;·I.:I—I;i > I·;1I»· 1\\ I I1I·, 1:.4- g·1’·I]I· 1‘
IIII . },,.`Sj1.]I- ;1;1·II· ·I1` [III- .|I1·I I·II·I-IIIII4 III ··1·I·.· 111I1I1II·I ¤11` IIIIIIXLL 1·I-
xII1_:;·: H‘,_,|._, ,,.,.,111)- >1]1»I·1I_ III IIIIIIIIIII- :·I:I.I·> III 1:··1I.·1 :1 Z!··II··· :111II I ·;
III1Z.l. .111-I I..I· i111I.1I»x··1111111 III x—.I1IIl, ;1~II- 1`·»1 III;. . ;.1III1>— ·I1 III-121:,
~I11— ~ “....I ;;I;1·I··>= II) 1111- Ii··11s 1111·I ;111>·.·.·1s
III ` I.I.I·.»·I I·11··I1I1;; 1111·I 1I.·I>·· 1·;;;11·I1II; I .·
Y1*`· 1;_In·Il111;, 11:11··IIi11: :111-I >E.I:11·i11;*
·I# IZ·-, III, :1 S1II···I·.
;I;..   \\',11·1;I(·1··~Ii·II1~ ~·#··111
· lI··· ·I III !1;IxI· II ·11 :111 :111~
III   >\\I·11· .11 1:.·I ·i1.».· I·1’ :11·I
IiI·\\~ :I;·I ~1111I·> III I111·.1;1I;·_ 1xi»1I~> ·~ ;1·.v
1:1;i1 i1’1I ;111I1¤·I1I1I*IIs _     ·` ,   ,· ,  
I1.:1I II- ·I·-111·111~I::11‘·I11 Un" lh \\HI'{ m"`!" I"
IS I·I··>··1. IlI·\\> I·I
~ @1:1 s’1‘1I»Ns
"‘;'miZ`f I. \\11··1·I· 111:1_\‘ 1I:11II·1· ;111 II1I· III‘~1 1I;11'1 III III•‘ II·`1··I· 1‘IIIII*·I 1·I IIII· II111~IIII*.
HM,. _ Wi. I~ It jI1‘IIIII1II1II- III I11\I‘~I II1 :1 I·II1I1II11:‘ I11:1I·I1I111· \\'Il*“1`·_‘
  III"I"' III"‘ IIIIIN I\\`*‘11I_\` >I|I‘¤‘}I III 1I1I· IIII.·]{ _'
I`.\II* -`Z . . . . I . . ,
yI.I:`.1l   (;II1 4·]II~I·I‘ I·II1I]I1I12` III‘ IIII1II‘ \\`1III |'IIIIlI*`I'< II1;111 \\'II11
"H " I11l1lII ~III*;11·s .'
·‘- I>*I11¤‘III‘I‘I‘I'III\‘IIII‘II IIIIII III1II`I' IIliI1l 41111* g`1':1III*.I
II. IIIIII 11111I·l1 w·IIII IlI1I~~ 1I1I·;1I·I·1·:1gw~ I{I·11111··I<_v~I1I~I·1I~II··:I1‘.'
1. IIII\\` IIIl1I'II IIII IIII1‘s III\\`·*1‘ II1I‘ \’zlI11<‘ III. IIIII III"I‘I‘.’

S Ifczzlztrlry (lli}`(’l(/(ll` Nu. IJU
2. 1NSl·]ll'l`S ANI) t‘(_)N’l`ll.tlli )ll·]i\Sl`lll·ZS
The ohjeet. ol` this tleinonstrution is to 1»1·tt· ;t ttm-,· guy,.
erul knowlvllge ol` insects, their hziltits uml the nieznis t`·»r tl.··ix·
control. The teznn consists of Iwo nienilners, 'l`lu· eaiptztin ill,
cnsses the elaissitiezitioii of inserts uml the nutnrzil ineznis l`·»t· ··—· rz- _
. . . . . . _ ‘
trol. His teuiuuizite threets zitteututu to 2ll`llllt'lill uwzius ttl M,. ,
I trol, inehuliiig spray inziteriuls t<>g<·tln·r with uu-zms tm- ;tm.Y§. l
G1·1Nl·ZR.\li St‘uu1~;s*i·i·»xs
1. )Iznn1f;u·turers of iiiseetieitles are gltul to ··t»·»I»··t·ttt»· .t;ti
furnish empty eoiitaiiners for use in this lll‘lll<>llSll’illl<¤ll.
2. Irlilllll $p1`2l)YCl`S Zllltl Sl2llltlZll`|l llUXZl(‘S Hill}. l)t‘ lltl]`l`<>‘.‘t·E
iu the iieigliltorliootl or st·t·1i1·e·l thru the vnuuty uueut.
3. Churts for this tl<·1uoi1stt·z1ti¤»11 shoultl l»t· pt·t·p;11·t~·l ·-;u·»-
fully and nuule sullieiently large to he seen hy at lzn·e··— illl·ll·*ll ·-t.
4. Always aitltliwss teannnuite hy tirst n:nnt· tllll'lll§' ~.»·
_ Rcfcrutcrs:
Extension Circulur No. 118, l'nix‘ersity of l{<·ntucky, (`ollegu uf
Agriculture, Lexington, Kentucky.
Fz1rn1ers' Bulletin N0. 908, l'. S. 1)t‘llill`llll•‘lll of ;\§l`ll'lllllll'~*, \\'t»l1-
ington, D. C. »
Yearbook 1921, U. S. 1`)(’])[lI`llllt‘Ill of A;;ri<·ultur·~. \\’e¤sliiu;;ttm. lt. ti
GCI v t
B l< `l
-:4-:;;; » I
`A + t
E /* Vl €‘I'lI'lCl _1
8 I
H 1
The Mouth l'u1·t:< of it Su<·ll'21}'S,
1l1‘1’11· $111:111 1-:111 <11` 111:11·111111· 1111 1`111· l1S•‘ lll 1·:11·i11: for s11my11<1zzl<;<.
T g\ .
111-11-1-1 A? x// 1  
1.1. N 1 ` \
/ \—
11 <'211'·‘-
11;   $_ B
my   A VI lerm c1
'I`.1 X111111°1 1':11`1s 1·1` :1 <`l11-\\‘111: l11s··1·1
‘· \\·l*$h' 1)|·j)111XS'|'11 \'|`111X (11"1`1.1N1·]
> V 1
111,11,11. 1`_\1'1`.\IN 1l1·§N1··NS'1`1i.\'l`<,l1Z 2
11111·1111111·1·s 1·1111-11:111i1111 :111-1 $1-111 S::11111s 111 1·1;11·0 $11111 1111ws 111 1110
T1~11s \1·l1·1‘· 11.1- 11.1111 is 1`1‘11111 :11111 :1111111~111`1~ us 1·11111111111i¤111 111;11<1·s 1110
11101‘111'{111:<·· :11111 1-\11 111 111` 1111- 111-111. i1111‘1111111·1i·111,
1111s11‘11111111_ '
i$ 11».·1Y1YB1]111~.· :111 11¤11» 111 rs :11-·l ll¤*1l¥F 111* 1-l=11·<11··ls ¥1\`111Z
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111F11l!1l'L·S 1:1111111.11· 111 1111- :1111111 111·1- 111` >‘··11l‘ lll K<·l11111·1<)‘. Also ]1lilC{11`dS
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12 I1'1·11f11<·ky Cl)'(`l(I(I)' No. 156
‘ 3. Gl{l\DlNG ANI) l’1\t`l{lNt} l·](ltiS FUR Bl1\lll{l·]’l` ·
By I). (I. ({11111
The old belief that "An egg is a11 egg" must h1· ahan1l11111·11_
This is true in .l{t‘llllll‘l{)' and lllltllllv western states as well as in
eastern states. lJt‘t‘ElllNt‘ eggs are being t'2lI`\‘l`llll}' {Il'2ltl<‘tl 111111
_ packed i11 t`alit`ornia a11d shipt. to l‘t1lIl1N‘lt‘ Slll'l't‘\Sl·llll}` i11 11111
_ eastern markets, witl1 nearby eggs. The importation of l`r1111·11
eggs from China and other l.t11`l‘lg‘|l 1·o1111tri1·s is also a l.2lt‘ltl1‘ 111
. 0lll` egg niarket. today. This demonst ration should t1·a1·h th1· fart
that good quality and llllll.l11`lllll}' are llt‘l't‘~S2ll'}' to lll&1l`l{1‘t 1·gg<
or any 0tll9l` pro1lu1·ts Sll(‘l‘t‘SSfllll}'.
G1~:N1·;11.x1. Sl`(i(il{S'l`I(1NS
1. lvse eggs which vary i11 size. 1·1»lor, 1·leanlin1·ss and 1111111-
ity so that practically all grades into whi1·l1 eggs must 111- 1·lasl‘ <'iI·2lII<·l·JAit¤Ns'I‘l:ATul{ L:
“·(.(I 4Introdue<·s (`0ll`III(lIl·; Stands in plaee and` Stands in place and
ions and self. Tells} acknowledges the in- Iaeknowledges the intro.
iml_ where team is from and I trodttetion, _ tillvlltlll.
tie purpose of the den1— L
onstration. I I
  _ I 7 7 wm, W I V wh  
lilli- Explains that one off Gets and holds box, (After the audience
UIQ n`I.0St1mpot‘t:tl1t fac- I nest etllltztillillg; vlenll , has llzttl t¤I·I>¢>l‘\tlllli)' IU
WFS Ill Ill:lt‘kt·til1;; lilly I straw and eight or tt·ll see the ll·st.> 1·lt·lll¤l\’eS
img, l>1`0dl1ct 18 quality, I elean legs. so audi— ,   l'il]`\'1_Uil)` and
` Yklls “`}lY· Tells \\‘l1}’I ence van see the von- places them in basket
dirty eggs do not keepl strtt<·tion of the box or other suitable re-
tlfe or sell as well as clean _ and its contents, I eepaele for gathering
K · UTWS. Explains how I I  
Dmller care results inI I
to clean ems. | I
s "· . e  
. I
nent I§tates that a few eww i Displays s e v e r al I .~\l'l`Zlll{.f(’S materials for
ml! [I0 Solled and ex- I st;1i11t·tl   and re- I lletnonstrator 2 and
Ditllns \\'il}' lllt·)° siltltllti I Illtl\'0N Slzlills by up- 4 Clvulls ollv Ul` l\\`l‘llIll¤‘1li | .\l'l'ilIlL;¤'Sl`1lll¤li. · Ll:. l'·»l* ;;·l;;-V '
lulllllllll: is ;lll·l llS l·lll·- l`· l·llll· was lll l’··l·l- lll~ lll-lllllllsllnlllllll l~·  
pusy. t`;llls ;lll~llli·»ll lll l-.lllllll·l‘.l llllv, l‘;ll·ll.lI!l ;4jl
‘ \\‘l»l·k lll` l··lllll·;lllil»ll. ll'i\)'> llllll ;l.l»l»l1  
7 lll :l\l»i·l lll I:l\‘_
· lllllstltltus ll l· i l~ ll y
(\\'ilil t‘ll1lI'lS. il` l...s>l-
lllw wlzzll lll-l`ll·ls lll.I}`
bv lh-llrilli ill vgus l~)‘
('illlnilllll. 'l`l·Zl~ Elllll
{IL10 Cilll l·l· lwlllxllly lll- ‘
tl;l·lllilll·ll. lixlllllllls lllll l
1`l·l‘¤lll·e lll~l\\·ll·ll l`»l·llll·
zlllll iHl`tl'lli¤* l~::s ill
livopill:. 'l`l-lls lllly
lll·l»lllll·l·l‘ sll·»lllll l:lllllll·
  ` ·
Assists I¤··llll·llsll·;ll·»l* l>islllss»s lll:ll‘I\·ll lil·— <'··lll;lE·ll~ ;l.l.Ell,;  
Il, ill §l'1l¤ill\! ;lllll llls— lll:lll·ls, \`Ilill~* l·l` ulxlll- laws .lllll E.··ll·~ lE:~;Z
Illilyillf [l`1l}`S llf glglllpll ill: :lll·l lll·l·llll;ll‘ l’·-— llilxs.
t·;i§s_ I llllilwllll ills l·l` slllll··
lllzlllllls. l·1xl»l.lills illl·
`]>lll‘l:l1ll‘·· lll l··lllslllll~·l'
llI` £l`(lllill2 l-:;s silll·l»
lilly ;ll·l- slllll lly l;ll~
· L lll>Z~·ll. 'I`•·ll> sllltlliilllli
lll. lllzll‘ll`l·l·l \\‘2lil·]. l·l»lll
$(|iI`Jl2l‘i1Il$4·Il l;···Ll!
E lll;ll·liill'l— l:.l;Zlll, sll·ll— l·;ll·El ;l.ll·l silllili
l»I` l*:lsl·, [»];ll·lls l·;llls l·l· ]l.ll·ll··li 'lll’ >ilil·l1i‘Y—Y
{ llllll SUlI'[S lllllllu \\`llil ]lll ;l sl-ll.ll·.l:·~ l~.ls··
?.:l·:llll·ll l·;;:s. llilllllly l»··sl·l·illl·s lll;llllll:  
Illll·l‘s lll&l)' lll· llsl··l ill l;;s ill l-l·:lll·s, llF*‘ l·l`
ll*l·l1lcl‘ ll1' ('l`1ll•*S lll `l·yl·.-lsil»l· l·l· ll.llls. 1iiV
s:ll‘l· lillll· ill llllill;.~ l·l·s_ llivilllls. •·ll·. 'l`·lY`
I l’lzll·l·s l·::s l»l` llllll`l.l·lll lllllv l*:lsl· slllllllll lll· .
lsilv illlll l·lll¤¤l‘ ill l<·|l l·;ll·l~l`l1]iy llls)l·l‘l¤‘·l i"`
i ]1l)'<`I` élllll l·l»\l·l‘s \lllIl ]`lll·l· llsl~_ l·x|»I;lill> llllilj
l l·Xl*l·lsil·l‘ 3>;llls_ ill; lll` l-l»\‘l·1‘ illlll l1F¤‘ ·_‘l_
l wlllllll ll strips l»l· will- ll
i ]l·l»xl·l· is slllil l·l‘ l‘·l>"
_ __ V I lll-llls ll·illl`lll·l·ill:. _
l)]2lL'¥·!< <·ll\·· ll zlllll llzlils Assisls l`;ll»l:lill_ i Sl;lll·s lllall l`ll$'f
zll lllllll elllls, Sllllwsi l,ll,,l,l,l l,.· llylllll-l·ll‘ :lll·*
llllly \\’1I'¢5 lll· \l‘l»lllll·lll ; lllzlillly l:llll·l···| *‘ll i"'*i‘
::<, Illily llle liscll lll i vlllls l‘\>l` slli)•l1l•‘l1l.
Mills lll 3*l1'l·llLZ[llQ‘ll l'HS•·_ ` l
'1`:l¢·ks sllipllill: lll: , l
br·zll’in= :llllll·l·ss lm lllllll l
mls Ur me mm [ ~%—_·d—/I
· · ·   ‘

 Team I)z·.mons{ruHun (}llHl·}l/`S V. 15
. ,. . | . .
1 . C.\l'l.\lA I |¤l·.Al<¤A$'l`|£.\'l`4r1