xt7bcc0trt47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0trt47/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 2007-03 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Off the Shelf, March 2007 text Off the Shelf, March 2007 2007 2007-03 2014 true xt7bcc0trt47 section xt7bcc0trt47 A monthly look at life in the UK Libraries

March 2007

The Scrapbook as Historical Document
By Deirdre A. Scaggs

Creating scrapbooks is inherently connected to the physical manifestation of
memory. Scrapbooks are able to document the life of the creator, the society
in which they lived, and the culture of that time. They can contain nearly any
item you could imagine from labels, scraps, medals, photographs, clippings,
to personal writings. Yet, they are often overlooked in a historical framework. Despite the role they play in history, it must be acknowledged that
some may be less autobiographical than others, that they may offer just a
glimpse of history, and that they are created for a variety of reasons. Some
are created for personal reasons, some to document clubs or organizations,
and some may document a specific event. At times, the scrapbook can document a person’s ideals rather than their reality and they can be compiled by
another person entirely. As stated in The Scrapbook in American Life, “They
are eccentric and idiosyncratic, making them impossible to pick up and read Portrait of Susan Maras one would a published book.” (p.12) Historically, an unmounted photogaret Settle from the
graph was referred to as a scrap and so albums that contained these scraps
1922 Kentuckian.
eventually came to be known as scrapbooks. Keeping photograph albums
was extremely popular in Victorian times and the desire for families or individuals to document the key events of their lives grew. Scrapbooks can be examined to explore how
this phenomena has changed over time. Scrapbooking continues to be popular today as evidenced by
the growing number of stores dedicated to the art and craft of this hobby.
Scrapbooks contain papers, writings, photographs, artifacts, and ephemera. Each of these has its own
preservation requirements yet they are all together in one "document." Additionally, the adhesives and
fasteners present their own preservation challenges; the scrapbook itself may pose problems with its paper or binding. Each of the issues are complex and when combined further complicates the preservation
of scrapbooks. These challenges also make patron access difficult. The University Archives in Special
Collections and Digital Programs has many scrapbooks documenting clubs and individual student experiences. They are a rich resource in the documentation of our history as a University and also of student life and culture. The scrapbooks pose an array of challenges however.
One such collection is the Susan Margaret Settle scrapbooks. Susan Margaret Settle was born on August 7, 1900 in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. In 1918 she entered Hamilton College, a Junior College for
Young Women that was associated with Transylvania University and graduated in June 1920. She continued her education by entering the University of Kentucky that same year. In June of 1922, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and returned to Elizabethtown to begin a career at Elizabethtown
High School teaching the subjects of English and French.
The Susan Margaret Settle scrapbooks consist of two books. One, a personal scrapbook created by Settle in September 1918 at the beginning of her attendance at Hamilton College; continuing through 1922
when she graduated from the University of Kentucky. The second book is a pictorial yearbook; the
Hamilton College Book of Views, printed in 1921. The personal scrapbook opens with a statement by
Susan Margaret Settle, “It is to be the combination of a diary and memory book which I hope will bring
me many pleasant memories of good times in years to come.” The scrapbook contains items of her
daily social and academic life while attending Hamilton College and the University of Kentucky.


� Scrapbooks (Cont.)
There are many examples of Settle’s cultural interests: weddings, fashion shows,
various social functions, and dances on the campus, music and theater
productions, and war activity notices. As was customary for the era, there are
calling cards from fellow students, notes and letters from suitors, and dance
cards. A booklet entitled “Common Sense Pointers – Marriage for all Singles
and Married Folks”; includes tips on dating, selection of partner, and marriage.
The items relating to her academic life include Grade Slips, payment stubs for
tuition with room and board (in 1920 she paid $25 for her room in Patterson
Hall), and other items. It also includes a guidebook for female students entitled
Women’s Self Government Association of the University of Kentucky 1920
mission “to enact and enforce regulations to promote the welfare and further the
Ephemera from the Settle best living conditions of the women of University of Kentucky.”
A letter from her father demonstrates the current events of the period. Settle
must have thought this letter was indeed significant or that someone would one
day be looking through her memories since she inscribed on the envelope, “the only real letter received from
my father.” The subject matter of the letter was the teaching of Evolution in the Kentucky school systems,
dated January 25, 1922. Her father expressed that while he was happy that she was taking an interest in the
subject, “I want to say to you that evolution is a great study and it would be a calamity to have it discontinued
in the schools of Kentucky, but I do think that the legislature should withhold any public moneys from the
State University or any other institution asking for public
moneys until they are sure that the teachers who undertake to
interpret evolution do not make this an opportunity for a tirade
against the Bible and Christianity.” Settle’s scrapbook is
packed with ephemera, correspondence, and other materials; it
is an excellent documentation of her academic and social life.
Another scrapbook from the same time period is the Ida Kenney
Risque Harper scrapbook. Ida Kenney Risque Harper was a
student at the University of Kentucky from 1921-1925. She was
a member of the Lambda Alpha chapter of Chi Omega
Women’s Fraternity, the Strollers, the Rifle Club (1923), and
Su-Ky Circle. She graduated in 1925 with an A.B. degree
majoring in Arts/Education and went on to become a high school
teacher. She married Henry Alexander Harper on December 26,

Citation given to Ida Kenney Risque.

The Ida Kenney Risque Harper scrapbook includes items related to Harper’s student life at the University of
Kentucky during the years 1921-1925. There are dance invitations and dance cards, theatre programs,
correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Many of the items relate to Ida Kenney Risque
Harper’s involvement in the Lambda Alpha chapter of Chi Omega Women’s
Fraternity. From the scrapbook one can decipher clues about Ms. Risque. She
played Lady Paisley in “Lady Windermere’s Fan” and there are many ephemeral
items from the University of Kentucky strollers. Based on telegrams from Henry
Harper, she and her then future husband were college sweethearts.
There are several indications that Ida Kenney Risque broke some of the University’s
rules. Included within the scrapbook are many citations from the Woman’s Self
Government Association at UK. Risque was written up for dancing at the Chi
Omega House between 6:30 and 7:30 pm, for walking to and also from the library
with a man, and for going to the Greeks after a dance after 1 o’clock. The fact that
she kept these citations and glued them into her scrapbook seems to suggest that
they were in fact significant in her college experience. Where Margaret Settle had
the guidebook for female students entitled Women’s Self Government Association
Enchanted Cottage
of the University of Kentucky in her scrapbook - Risque did not. As a related aside,
(play) at the Romany
the library citation is signed by Margaret Settle. While there is little to no
Theater, Jim Cogar and
documentation of her academic life the scrapbook does provide a glimpse of Ida
Ida Kenney Risque circa
Kenney Risque’s social life as well as campus culture in the 1920s.


� Scrapbooks (cont.)
Last is the Virginia Clay McClure scrapbook. Virginia McClure graduated from the University of Kentucky with
an A.B. from the College of Arts and Sciences, 1912. She was vice-president of her senior undergraduate class, a
member of Y.W.C.A. and President from 1911-1912, a reporter for the Idea, editorial staff for the Kentuckian,
and a student assistant in German. McClure received her M.A. degree from UK in 1928, and later returned to UK
to earn her Ph. D., making her the first woman to earn a Ph.D. at UK in 1934. She was a teacher for over 25 years
at schools in Middlesboro, Paducah, Cynthiana, and Henry Clay high schools, and retired from teaching in 1959.
She died in 1980 at the age of 91.
The Virginia Clay McClure papers include a diary/scrapbook, a photograph album, and
other assorted photographs related to Virginia Clay McClure’s time as an undergraduate
at the University of Kentucky from 1910-1912. The scrapbook includes clippings, small
artifacts, programs and invitations, but the bulk of the material is McClure’s many
personal writings; it follows this experience from her junior through her senior year,
1910-1912. The loose scrapbook items were stuffed in the front of the album and were
removed to folders. The photograph album also seems to document this same relevant
time period and includes photographs of her classmates many of whom are identified and
also mentioned in her scrapbook. It also includes Arbor Day photographs and women
playing basketball among other casual snapshots. The loose photographs include pictures
of Virginia Clay McClure, classmates at the University of Kentucky, and class trips and
Portrait of Virginia events that Virginia attended.
McClure from the
1912 Kentuckian. McClure’s scrapbook is more diary than artifact. The book is full of her personal
thoughts and accounts of her college life; it follows this experience from her junior
through her senior year. She speaks of football games, going to picture shows, being lonely when her friends are
away, indulging in cream, having banana sandwiches, shopping with her friends, dreading her logic exams, and
feeling nostalgic prior to graduation. This excerpt from June 2, 1912 reads, “Sunday, and the Sunday of our
Baccalaureate sermon. We all look very dignified in our caps and gowns, with high collars and white gloves.
The boys begin to come in bunches and stand about the lawn in funny, embarrassed looking groups, waiting to go
to church. Nearly everybody comes around to our room, and everybody you see says, ‘how nice you look!’
While you stand there and feel like an idiot instead of a dignified A.B…. The sermon was splendid as I knew it
would be. Afterwards Addie and I walked slowly back to old Patt. Hall and every senior we see says ‘Were you
ever so hot?’ and we never were.”
McClure’s scrapbook, that she refers to as her “good time book” is excellent documentation of her social and
academic life, as well as the customs of the era. Amidst the writing she has attached correspondence, clippings,
and ephemera that serve to provide added context to her words. Some of these document an event, a song, or
even an artifact. Many of her thoughts and experiences seem relative to feelings that I had when I was in college
and while many of the social customs have changed this account is priceless in terms of the view that it gives the
reader into McClure’s life.
Scrapbooks pose many problems in an archival environment. They are often filled with a variety of papers,
photographs, or organic matter. Each one of these may be highly acidic, prone to fading, be attractive to pests, or
deterioration. The scrapbook could be held together with rusting pins, unstable glues, tape, and other fasteners.
The glue can become brittle over time, fasteners fall off, and then items become disassociated with their context.
Additionally, they may be so packed full of items some of which may be three-dimensional that their bindings are
bulging. Despite the preservation challenges and the possibility that their content may be questionable
scrapbooks can be vital to understanding portions of history. The examples above, I feel, show the benefits
outweigh the challenges and that allowing the public to become aware of the collections will help disseminate the
information that they hold. With the current popularity of scrapbooking I think archives and historical societies
will continue to see them as part of their collections and that by educating them now on the importance perhaps
scrapbookers can make more informative documents for future generations.

News To Use

Spot Bonus Award Winners

Peggy Philips recently received a Spot Bonus award for finding a method of
copying call numbers during the check-in process to a label template which then
prints from our printers. This process resulted in a faster turnaround time for serials
check-in. In addition to learning the responsibilities of her new position within the
Libraries, she was able to remove a major barrier to achieving the serials check-in
goal by creating a method to print accurate call number labels. Peggy went beyond
learning a new job to identifying a work process that could be improved. She
researched alternatives and then recommended an improved work flow. All of her
hard work is appreciated and we look forward to her next innovation.

� News To Use (continued)
Cheri Daniels was recently awarded a Spot Bonus. During the 2006 calendar year the
Interlibrary Loan Lending Unit, which Cheri currently manages, faced major problems
created by staff shortages. At the time, Cheri was not in the manager role; however,
she stepped up to the plate and kept the Lending Operation accessible to borrowing
libraries. Her cooperative attitude, organizational and management skills, and customer service outlook made the year a much better one than could have been expected.
Debbie Johnson recently received a Spot Bonus Award for requesting to handle the bindery shipments for
MSS materials. One of her new responsibilities this past year was to learn how to use ABLE and to prepare
bindery shipments for the serials in the Fine Arts Library. Shortly after learning the serials binding process,
she suggested that preparing bindery shipments for MSS materials be added as one of her responsibilities as
well. Debbie took on new tasks, made recommendations to improve work flows, and sought out training
opportunities. Her willingness to take on new responsibilities and challenges are greatly appreciated.
Betsy Hughes was recently awarded a Spot Bonus for her recent creativity in figuring
out a way to add the SFX button to Voyager/InfoKat records. In addition to learning
the responsibilities of her new position within the Libraries, she took an interest in trying to solve an outstanding SFX issue. Even though she had not been with the Libraries
for very long, she quickly grasped the significance of being able to selectively add this
information to Voyager/InfoKat records. Betsy’s inventiveness is greatly appreciated.
Congratulations on a job well done!

Historic Photos to go on Permanent Display in White Hall
The University Archive’s photographs are a rich visual record of the history of the University of Kentucky. The images depict students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and noteworthy visitors. Additionally, they document campus facilities, buildings, and views. Athletics
are emphasized, in addition to research, events, activities, organizations, students, recreation, and campus life in general.
These photographs are our visual link to the collective memory of the University. Making historic images
of campus life visible to students is a way to share UK’s rich history and help them connect with UK’s legacy. It also enriches the students’ campus experience and helps to increase the University’s physical and
intellectual presence.
With funding from the President’s office, the University Archives will select nine historic images depicting
student life for permanent display on the North wall (1st floor) of the White Hall Classroom Building. It is
our hope that this could be one of many future initiatives to create a richer campus environment utilizing
photographs from the University Archives. As we look to the future with the Top 20 Business Plan, we
hope that items of our heritage can be used to emphasize, enrich, and strengthen the connection between the
promise of our future and the greatness of our past. The photographs should be ready for display by summer.

Comings and Goings
Jesse Brasher started February 5, 2007 as a Library Technician in Interlibrary Loan, Access and
Delivery Division. Jesse will be working primarily with ILL lending. Please make him welcome.
Amy Watson, Library Technician Senior in the Circulation Department, Access & Delivery Division, has resigned her position. Her last day of work was February 28. Amy, whose assignment is
Evening Supervisor, joined the Circulation Department in July 2002. We thank her for her good
work and wish her the very best in her future endeavors.

� Spotlight Series
This Spotlight features Michele Lai-Fook who will retire after 20 years
of employment at the University of Kentucky.

Michele Lai-Fook – Computer Support, Library Information Technology
If you have ever used one of the libraries Lexmark printers,
scanned a document in Digital Programs, Inter Library Loan or
for an e-reserve, if you have ever conducted or attended training
in W. T. Young rooms 1-57 or 1-78, then, whether you know it or
not, you have been helped by Michele Lai-Fook. Michele has
been doing technical support for Information Technology as a
temporary worker for a very long time. Along with printers,
scanners, and the training rooms, Michele has been responsible
for maintaining staff laptops, the equipment in the Disabilities
Services room, and last year she got the new computer operated
microform readers in Young functioning—she investigated the
operations of this software to the point where the vendor was
calling her for advice on how to fix it.
Michele started working for the University of Kentucky in1987
when she started in the College of Architecture's computer lab,
running the computers and scanners while enriching the
educational experience of all the students and faculty who used
the facility. Since that time she has worked for the campus
computer labs, and then for the library Electronic Resources

Steve and Michele aboard their vessel
The Island Witch.

Michele grew up in the Bellevue area of Seattle, Washington where she dodged raindrops and attended
school, majoring in French and history. For a while Michele also spent time in Lausanne, Switzerland where
she attended school.
Michele is married to Stephen J. Lai-Fook, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Kentucky, Center for
Biomedical Engineering where for many years now he has been researcher in pulmonary mechanics and
biomechanics. Michele and Steve spent time in Rochester, Minnesota while Steve worked for the Mayo
Clinic, and then in San Francisco, where Michele earned a degree in computer science. They have two
wonderful children, Kristin and Thomas, and Kristin will soon make Michele a grandmother.
Congratulations, Michele!
Michele enjoys spending time gardening at her home and is known for tending to the most verdant, lush bed
of Pachysandra in all the Bluegrass. Along with gardening Michele and Steve are avid sailors, and for many
years now they have kept a sailboat, the Red Witch, on Cave Run Lake and spent many weekends there with
canvas full, tacking about the lake and practicing their nautical skills. With good reason too because they've
recently purchased a 38 foot marine vessel, The Island Witch, with a slip in Jacksonville, Florida. They plan
on spending much more time at sea not only sailing the coast, but the Caribbean—trips as far as Trinidad are
on the horizon and all ports-of-call between.
Michele is planning on retiring in April and no doubt she and Steve will have a bon voyage.
well with fair winds and following seas.


We wish them

� Tech Talk
By UK Libraries Web Administration
(AKA: Rob Aken, Brian Helm, Beth Kraemer, and Kelly Vickery)

As you all know, our redesigned UK Libraries website went live in December 2005. Many
of you are contributing content to the new site, using a content management system developed in–house. This month’s Tech Talk column will provide user tips and updates about
this content management system.
The primary goals of our 2005 website redesign were: Faster updating through distributed
content management, consistency of design and navigation, standards compliance and accessibility. Development of the content management system was intended to support all
these goals. The system allows those of us with content expertise to manage the representation of that content in the website, without having to be HTML experts. The web-based
management system allows content editing within a template system that provides consistent navigation and design elements. The editor within the system allows creation of valid
HTML code using a familiar Word-like editor utility. Valid code is important to assure that
pages function across browsers, to insure we comply with accessibility requirements, and to
generally make sure the site “works” for everyone.
Below are some important tips for website content managers. The Web Administration
group is always available for one-on-one or small group training. Contact webadmin@lsv.uky.edu to schedule training or anytime you need help or have questions. Contact
us also if you have suggestions for improvements in the site.
Content Manager Tip Sheet
1. Access the staff side of the website through the “Staff only” link, at the bottom of the
left nav on all pages in the site.
2. Contact webadmin@lsv.uky.edu for:

Training (refresher training is encouraged!)
New pages/new tabs (we create the “shell” and you fill it)
To delete pages
Help and questions – We are happy to fix things if you ask!


Recent improvements to the Content Management system:


Managers (CMs) can upload images
CMs can re-arrange tabs
CMs can create forms
Campus Library CMs can add non-Libraries links to their library left-nav.

4. A suggestion about using the built-in editor: If you are making small edits, work directly in the website editor. If you are making big edits, such as creating brand new page
content, work in Word (remember to use the “Paste from Word” button!!)
5. Explore the editor. Hover over the buttons to see what they do.
6. Check page validation. A link to the validator is always on the bottom of the left nav.
Validation errors can cause pages to fail in some browsers!
7. Always review your pages in the public side. Make sure your changes “took”, make
sure forms work, make sure links work, etc.

� Tech Talk (cont.)
8. Use dynamic links for links to information resources, e.g. {irtitle=123}. That way, you don’t have
to correct links to resources if the URLs change! The codes are available to copy/paste on the left nav
in the staff side. (Remember that dynamic links are also available to link to staff directory entries.)
9. Remember the online help and guidelines available in staff side left nav.
10. Set up a schedule to review your content regularly. Make sure your pages are current, relevant, useful, and clear. Update or delete old content!
11. Avoid duplication. Search to see if a similar page already exists, rather than creating a new one.
If you make major changes that may affect other content managers or users of the website, be sure to
communicate! Use the CM list (LIBWEBCONTENT@LSV.UKY.EDU) or all-lib, as appropriate.

UK Librarian Selected Leadership Fellow
In 2004, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) created a leadership program in
response to increasing demands for succession planning for research libraries—the RLLF
Program offers a new approach to preparing the next generation of library leaders. This
year the ARL has selected 23 individuals representing a broad array of backgrounds and experiences
from multiple ARL institutions to participate in the two-year program. The selected Fellows demonstrated that they possess the skills needed to succeed in leadership positions in large, complex institutions. Lisa Carter will represent the University of Kentucky Libraries in the 2007-2008 cohort.
In her application to the program, Carter described her interest in investigating how research libraries are exposing hidden collections to enrich the academic experience. She observed that “as teaching, research and life-long learning evolve, research libraries must capitalize on their unique collections and services to remain relevant, broaden their constituency and address increasingly niche interests.” Like other ARL institutions, UK Libraries have accumulated vast quantities of rare and
primary source materials in support of the scholarly community both on campus and beyond. Yet,
many of these collections remain inaccessible, unknown and unusable by the research community.
Further, new technologies open up greater possibilities for providing access to these resources. During her time as a RLLF fellow, Carter will explore how ARL libraries are meeting the challenges of
identifying, managing and providing access to unique and rare materials via the technologies and
changing ways in which researchers and students learn and teach.
Eeva Hoch to serve on Internationalization Task Force
Provost Subbaswamy has appointed an Internationalization Task Force to do a thorough
examination of the University’s international efforts including where we’ve been, where
we currently stand, and what we should do in the future. The Task Force will be chaired
by Beth Barnes, School of Journalism, and co-chaired by John Yopp. Eeva Hoch will represent the
UK Libraries on this Task Force.


� Just for Fun!

Did You Know…
The UK Student Activities Board (SAB) is a student organization in charge of bringing a wide variety of events
that entertain and educate the UK community? They coordinate events, festivals, and other initiatives to engage students, staff, and faculty. To see more about what events are
scheduled contact the SAB at 203 Student Center Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0030, phone: (859)257-8867, Fax:
(859)323-9820. Or you can go to .


� Newsletter Staff

What’s Coming Up?
March 2-3 McConnell Youth Literature Conference, Embassy Suites
Hotel, Lexington .

Editor: Jessica Hughes
257-0500 x 2159
Cindy Cline

March 6, 13, 20 UK Records Program Webinars on basic records operations including what to file, how to file it, and how to remove files no
longer needed for current business. Seminars will be 9:50 to 11:30 at the
W. T. Young Library Auditorium . The March 13th session will be located in the Hardymon Building (Rose and Maxwell Streets) conference room. Contact Nancy Demarcus at nancyd@uky.edu if you are able
to attend.
March 20 Tradition and Innovation: Meeting Challenges at the
Kyoto University Library, 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. at the W. T. Young Library
March 21 The Hub @ WT’s Tour, 2 p.m. in the basement of W. T.
Young Library.
March 30 Spring KLA GODORT Program and Meeting, 9:30 a.m. to
3:00 p.m at the William T. Young Library Gallery.

Laura Hall

257-0500 x 2119
Cheri Daniels

257-0500 x 2080
Dennis Davenport
Deirdre Scaggs
Donors: Deirdre Scaggs
Spotlight: Kelley Vickery
Tech Talk: Web Admin
Agriculture Information Center:
Dennis Davenport
Chemistry/Physics Library:
Cheri Daniels
Design Library: Cheri Daniels
Education Library: Laura Hall
Engineering Library:
Dennis Davenport
Equine Research Library:
Dennis Davenport
Fine Arts Library: Deirdre Scaggs
Geological Sciences and Map Library: Deirdre Scaggs
Health Information Library:
Cindy Cline
IDRC: Deirdre Scaggs
KY Transportation Center:
Dennis Davenport
Law Library: Cheri Daniels
Math Library: Dennis Davenport
Medical Center Library:
Cindy Cline
Medical Center AV Library
Cindy Cline
Special Collections & Digital Programs: Deirdre Scaggs
Young Library: Laura Hall
Web Site/ Graphics:
Dennis Davenport
Newsletter submissions are due by
the 15th of the month.

