xt7bcc0trq9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0trq9h/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1938 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIV, No. 2, Autumn 1938 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIV, No. 2, Autumn 1938 1938 1938 2014 true xt7bcc0trq9h section xt7bcc0trq9h The Quarterly Bulletin 0f
The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
i` VOL. XIV AUTUMN, 1938 NO. 2
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All Years Alike ill
All Quarters Equal A 1 l
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter    
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A YEAR-END DAY, December Y or 31, an extra Saturday, follows December 30th every year. I
LEAP-YEAR DAY, lune L cr 31, another extra Saturday, follows luna 30th in leap years. y
I 1
Sec page 5 ` 1
Publisliml 4.guurL1·r1y by [110 1·`r1»nli·~r Nursing.; Service, Leexington, Ky. i
SU13SLI1{1I"I`l(')N PRIUIQ $1.00 PER YEAR  
"Entervd as second class mutier Juno 30, 1926, :11; the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., i
undrr the .»\cL ni` March Z1, IS_T!1."
Copyright 151218 1·‘r¤in1iz;r Nursing Service, Inv.

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e 1
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l { I V
l I "'Why do you dress your hearth so fair,
I g With the red iiowers and the white ?"
g l This is the crown of all the year,
l I 'The blessed Christmas night.
{ l
i { "‘VVhy do you leave the door ajar
Q i When the night is wild with rain ?"
There was once a Traveller came from far
Q 1 `Who might return again.
T All the doors were shut in the town
When the Mother of God came by:
_ The King of Heaven to earth came down,
In manger bed to lie. _
 P- l Open the door and make good cheer
Witli the flowers and the firelight,
* So may a Traveller, passing near,
Enter and rest t0—night.
From: The Clisnllvrige, litrl.
I I.,¢m1lCa.lendar aims to do.
_ Q. How can we obtain a stable and balanced calendar?
l A. By apportioning the days in the months more equally,
I which will give us an evenly balanced yea1· with equal quarters.
Y Q. How can this be done in our 365-day year?
, A. Very simply. A 364-day year can be divided evenly
  into comparable weeks, months and seasons. Each quarter
W (equivalent to one season) will have rthree months or thirteen
' weeks or 91 days. These 91 days in each quarter will be ar-
, ranged with the iirst month of each quarter having 31 days and
  the second and third months 30 days each. ‘This system is re-
 l peated exactly for each of the other quarters.
! Q. Bat that still leaves one day over, d0esn’t it?
, A. Yes! That is The World Calendar’s well—known Year-
S End Day, which comes at the close of the year after the last
 l quarter is completed. It originated with a Catholic priest, Abbe
  Mastrotini, more than 100 years ago, in 1834.
  Q. Will this day have a iveekday and date? A
  A. Of course. It will always follow the last Saturday, De-
1 cember 30th, and be known as a second or extra Saturday; its
date will be December Y, the Y designating its significance, or .
 L December 31st.
  Q. Why will it not be counted in the last quarter?
{ A. Because this day is to be an international world-holiday
] where little business will be transacted. It is the day of passage,
. the connecting link to the new year to come.
  Q. I sn’t this second Satnrd-ay something very new and con-
- fnsin g ?
i A. Nort at all. Travelers crossing the International Date-
S Line from China to America have for years repeated a day in
_   their time-counting in order to adjust themselves to the time of
i the rest of the world. Similarly the Jews have from time im- _
Q memorial celebrated a d0uble—day Passover (forty-eight hours),
i l

- . li
8 THE oU,xR·1*x~;R1.Y izU1.L.E*1·l;< D p 7 M IN iq
so that all Jewry wheresoever in the world could celebrate this 1,
festival simultaneously. _ {
Q. With this new Year-.End Day,. erery year will begin on %!
Sunday, will it not? ‘ fi
A. Yes! What could be a more fitting day for the begin~ ;
ning of the year than a Sunday wihich is also the beginning of :
the week. Thus we achieve a perpetual calendar, the same year Q
after year. g
Q. Will this extra Sunday on December 31st be New Ycar’s  
Eve? _ ·
A. Actually New Year’s Eve will be December Y or Decem~ i
ber 31st, Year—End Day. But inasmuch as this is an interna- l
tional holiday just preceding Sunday, there may be a few people y
who may wish to celebrate the first Saturday evening, December ‘
30th, for their merriment. The following day, Year—End Day, T
would then be devoted for spiritual preparation and internation~ l
al cooperation leading up to the New Year.  
Q. But what about leap year? y
A. There is no longer any logical reason to add the extra J
Leap-Year Day to February in leap years. To maintain the bal~  
ance of the two halves of the year the new Leap-Year Day is ,i
added after the close of the sixth month, similar to Year-End. 4
Day that comes after the close of the twelfth month. This brings i
Leap-Year Day between June and July. .4
Q. Will it be June 31st or Y, like December 31st or Y,
placed on a second Saturday?
A. It will be an extra Saturday termed June L, (not Y),.
signifying the Leap-Year Day, or June 31st.
Q. Won’t this change the dates in a great part of the pres~
ent calendar and cause confusion?
A. No! The World Calendar alters the dates of but one
or two days between February 28th and September lst. Between l
September lst and the following February 28th this perpetual  
calendar will be exactly like the present one. {
Q. Will anniversary and holiday dates always, be cele~
brated on the same day of the week from year to year?
A. Yes; because this is   perpetual calendar. Christmas

 l ‘ ·
l .
il would always fall on Monday, December 25th; Lincoln’s Birth-
] day, February 12th on a Sunday, to be observed on Monday;
} Washington’s Birthday, February 22nd on Wednesday; Inde-
,4 pendence Day, July 4th on Wednesday; Labor Day, always on a
M Monday, will fall on September 4th; and Thanksgiving Day, al-
Q ways the last Thursday in November, will fall on November
. 30th. `
i Q. What about Election Day?
  A. The present clumsy phrase "the first Tuesday after the
I first Monday in November" (date unsettled), will give way to
J ' the clear and simple, "Tuesday, November 7th."
  Q. What about Easter?
“ A. As The World Calendar is a civil calendar, its advocates
l do not presume to dictate to religion about a church festival.
. However, a stabilized Easter has been advocated by numerous
I churchmen with the added suggestion on the part of many, that
Tl Sunday, April 8th, be considered as the definite date for a fixed
nl Easter.
Y Q. What are other advantages to this new World Calen-
_g dar? A
  A. There are many. Primarily, under the new World Cal-
jl endar, we shall enjoy a perfectly balanced year with equal halves
{ and quarters that can be accurately compared with any other
i half and quarter. The months will be more nearly equal with
i 26 weekdays plus Sundays and with dates established on set days
of the week. School vacations and similar periods will be regu-
lar from year to year. For the first time, the various time-units,
the day, week, month, quarter and half-year, are harmonized.
Of the new World Calendar it can truly be said that it will be
a federated system of time with each unit combining to make I
one harmonious, ordered and complete calendar.
Q. Would it create much confusion to change to the new
5 World Calendar?
{ A. No! There is nothing drastic about it. There is no
{ dropping of ten whole days as was done by Pope Gregory; no
I artificial new month to be added, or two months to be discarded,
as has been suggested from time to time. January 1, 1939, De-
cember 31, 1939, or December 31, 1944, are the suggested dates

for the new calendar to be adopted. The new calendar will  
Y either begin the year on the first suggested date, Sunday; or it .
will end the year on the other two suggested dates, on an extra S  
Saturday, Year-End Day, formerly Sunday. The New Year l
would begin the following day, Sunday by The World Calendar. j
Q. What has been done toward adopting the New World  
Calendar? Q
A. Fourteen nations have already agreed to adopt it; _t
twenty—four nations have calendar iconnnittees; and induential
organizations and groups the world over are studying and dis~ A
cussing The World Calendar favorably. i
Q. What can WE clo touiarcl cooperation? t
A. American action like all governmental policy takes its %
incentive from the opinions of the people. Study, discussion, l
spreading information and passing of favorable resolutions  
would indicate The World Calendar’s popular acceptance. There~ f
fore, you should inform our State Department in Washington A
that your organization favors and desi-res to see this reform put g
into effect. National action will obviously follow when concert— _
ed demand is made on the part of its many citizens. i
Q. But is this not a urorlcl movement?  
A. Yes! And the part the United States takes in it, either  
to call or to participate in an international conference on this  
matter, is essential to its success. 4
I believe that life is the expression of a will or law which
has a purpose in every one of its manifestations.
I believe that this world is only a shadow of the real world, l
and I think that by brooding on what is brightest and most  
generous in this world the beauty and the bounty and the maj- ,
esty of the real world. shine in upon the soul.  
=·r.l¤»lm NI:1,se{iel