xt7bcc0tr31w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0tr31w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1992 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 62, no. 4, 1992 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 62, no. 4, 1992 1992 1992 2012 true xt7bcc0tr31w section xt7bcc0tr31w     ·V:  VV; V V V   ·.V.   V
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V .VVVVVV ‘ V‘‘   ’» EDITOR From Textbooks to Re¤I·Life Medicine UK’s College of I6
T for its dues-paying L1z Howard `G8 M   . . 7 h   I d l I _ . I
T   members. Opinions C ICIIIC IS OYCF 3Ll Iflg [ TC HIC SC TOO CUI l"1Cll Z1 to g€[ SIU-
  expressed arc not nec- ASST. EDITOR CICITILS 311CI p2lU€ll[S [Og€[h€I` SOOIICF.
' essarily those of the Kayjohnson `86
University of Kentucky, .
E  [hc UK Ahmmi OUTREACH /CLUBS Everythlng To Know About Kentucky The Kentucky 20
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Communications. .
imstttutsten MEMBERSI-IIP/ about tho Commoowoomi
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T (606) 2F>3»?l2?>tl.

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m Ken Duerksen end Fumkneppme wes ‘ 3 supervision, recently re-opened an
1 Leon L¤ne, graduate the technique used COIHIIIOII, Not c0I'I"¢¢" T investigation Mll1Cl1 initiated during
i students in the by Kentucky’s 7 Ar A A A A the mid_198OS
De artment of Native Americans to . . . . . i ,
¤_ Ammzpeleeyl R_ meke 5,eue upped As the parent of a hyperactive child, The initial research — a ‘double-
Berle Clay from the tools. Other events maybe you think 1t’s a good idea to blind study” 111 which some hyperactive
· · 11 · 11 . A . . . ‘
°H"° °f S'°°° '"°|“d°d ° d'9 °* prevent your child lrom consuming children were given sugar and others
Archaeology at UK, Ashland, the Henry ’ , , ` A ~
I end Devid Meyuerd dey estmel ,,ed;_ the sugary loot traditionally found were given placebos — concluded that A
of Louisville, took tional pioneer cook- during holidays because 1t,S com- sugar does llO[ worsen the condition. ‘
P°"{" d°'"°""T°` '"9’*°"" °f ""° mon knowledge that candy intensi- “We never found any evidence
tions of Native Anthropology e A , . . . .
Ameueeu mmkuep_ Museum e,|_eHe,,y lies hyperactivity. that it made a difference in their
ping and the mak- Hall, an That knowledge may be common, l)€l]Z1VlOI“,” M1l1ch said, “so I said,
'"9 °f '°‘f|’ °"d A["h°'°°I°9_Y F"'? but it is not correct, according to a “That’s it. That’s the end of my inves- K
weapons during the Festival, and identi- V, A A A , _ U, 1
ermuel Archeeeleey fkeuen ef ermeds U lx psychology professor who has tigations in this area.
i Weekend at UK. for amateur collec- stuclietl sugar consttmptloll by hyper- And then l·l00Ver “came to me
i '°_':* l;Y °"‘::1°°:|°I£ active children. last year and asked why people insist y
A is s rom e , ‘ A A
{ g emmepelegy "\’ou may want to prevent your on saying that sugar has this effect l
i department. hyperactive child from consuming when the research shows otherwise,”
‘ sugar for other reasons, and we don’t Milich recalled.
  make an endorsement of sugar or "He set up another challenge study ·
l candy. hut sugar does not appear to in which all children got placebos, but  
A have an effect on behavior," says some of the mothers were told that T
i Richard Milich. their kids got sugar. These mothers J
Milich and Daniel Hoover, a doc- rated their kids as more hyperactive ,
I toral student working under his afteiwards and they acted accordingly. ,
A 2 lienturkx .\lnnniu~ \Vinter l992

l They treated them a little more criti- h New Air*|°w Me.“‘°d
  cally. although the child’s activity was   _. . . . .
  actually less ofa problem." Researchers in UK’s Departments of
The study makes two important Chemistry and Mining Engineering
conclusions, Milich said. are working on the development of a
First, parents should not withhold new technique for determining air-
candy “in lieu of more acceptable inter- flow in abandoned mines. The new
vention," Milich recommended. "Don’t technique is based on the use of a
throw out the proper treatments.” radioactive tracer, and could be useful
And second, some parents “will i in determining the best method for
believe something is true even   extinguishing fires in underground
when it isn’t there. They expect cer-   mines. There currently are 100 such ._ K
tain things to happen and look crit-   fires burning in mines in eveiy coal- \ L - :; ?Y:- ‘ g _ _
x ically for examples or manifesta- producing state, and the fires are diffi-   MK  ` _ • ._
tions of it." cult to extinguish because not all con- ?"  · • » *.
Hoover’s work on the project trol methods are effective.   3 • ;· ·.
helped him complete his doctoral work _ g'   _ · l c K Q3
at UK and won him a $500 cash award   VK Kr if r   wr ·r**r’ W*KrrmKr rcrrr KW  ii     f · ; it  ` · `
for outstanding research from the s¤"¢'I'y IIIFHCIHVES   I iii K z
i American PsychologicalAssociation. com rrrr roms *’·c W K K K K rrrrr V s rerrr no rrr K _M_   i ·
He now is working on post-doctor- UK will receive $4 million in grants l'  
al studies at the Menninger Clinic in over the next five years from the iq ' _
Topeka, Kan. U.S. Centers for Disease Control i `
"Parents may want to withhold and Prevention and the W.K. Kellog
sugar and candy from hyperactive Foundation to fund the new health
children for other reasons," Milich and safety initiatives for farmers in
said, “but sweet treats are probably the southeastern United States. The Ki"' w“"d A"d°"‘°"· "°“{"llYf"°{“ 'l‘°
* not going to intensify the condition. first part of the three-stage project :hl;;:;Tf;:;?:e;hhg’ :l°c:h;::::|:|:‘::
If they get wild after feasting on will attempt to reduce the risks asso- h¤s won the Nutionul ¤lIows hermconduct
candy, it’s most likely the excitement ciate cl with farming through l"’m"*° °* H°“"h" "°‘°°"l" l"“f ll‘°
. ,, . . _ _ . _ . Shunnon Awcrd, ways b¤cten¤ cells
of the holiday events in which candy ieseaich and ll1fOlIIlZlllOl1. Then, which Provides ¤dhereh,mem_
is a part of the celebration. Kentucky farm women will identify $100,000 ¤ver¤ bmnes. This project
K. the risks Or farming. rmiiy 3 com- ¤~¤·v·=¤rr··=*i¤·* M =¤··*·! *~=1···=*·}·*¤$***¤'
____, ___, __, _ __,__ ,,,_,_ _, ____     _____,_ ,,_, H V _ . . her rese¤rch on the upplncuhcnsnn w¤ste·
prehensive farm health survey will dehmhchch ¤dhE_ water heqhhehh
  $   be 2ld1T1i11i$t€1`€d sion und moirement
- - - - - - -   - of c¤ncer cells.
UK has been honored by the gxgwsgszzmqs
Kentuckiana Minority Supplier slIII$"'I'II'I'6 SGIISCIHOIIS
Development Council, a group of " ' ’ " ’
organizations that have developed suc- Can high-sensation activity sewe as a
cessful minority business development substitute for drug abuse?
programs. The award was given to UK That’s one of the questions UK
_. for exceeding $1 million in expendi— Psychology professor Michael Bardo
A tures with minority businesses. is attempting to answer in his drug
[ “At UK, we are fully committed to abuse research with laboratory rats.
l doing what we can to support eco- The research, funded with $5115,000
{ nomic development throughout from the National Institute on Drug
Kentucky,” said UK President Charles Abuse, is based on the hypothesis that
T. Wethington  “An important part chemicals released by the brain dur-
_ of this major effort is to generate ing thrill-seeking activities are the
§ increased support for minority busi- same as what the brain releases in the
nesses. Please be assured that at UK, taking of some drugs, such as
 ‘ we will continue to go that extra mile amphetamines, and that the chemi-
to boost minority enterprise, espe- cals concentrate in the same brain
cially in Kentucky.” region, producing similar effects.
\/\'ime;· lt)92 Kentucky Alumnus 3

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I C°°°l;IRl°k Pl*l';I° I WTTTY " because in this system that takes
t ¤ re · • A A A
I RIS"; "°I:;r¤I TIp0"' experience which takes time   We
I me Jeiierson ’  it ‘‘I' '   have until March t0 bu1ld this team.
I C°I;’“*Y ’;'"';‘;;§l;g I “We’ll be a good team in December,” ’ We may not have as many wins as last
¤ 0 H e - A A A A ,
I w;;dmI team He I says coach R1ck P1t1no, "but by March I year, but we could be a better team.’
I w¤; qrrompqnied we w1ll be a great team.” Now how I Wrrnh " r W  vvmrh r ’
• · I _ I O
J b;_*j·= ‘”':°/ I many times do you hear a coach be I SMASHIIIQ FOI‘\N¢II‘d
ounne. t no ¤ so A A
spclkle CI me   so unequivocal in a pre-season evalu- I W r     W rrer We
Gramer Ashland I ation? With the number one recruit-   During the first Blue-White team
UK Al“'“"'€'°b I ing class in the nation and the pre-   scrimmage, Jamal Mashburn scored
I and the Duvness I A I A h h A 42 A d k d 1 5
I coumyclug   mier p ayer in t e country, t ere points an too own
¤ Phew by aren’t many weaknesses to target for rebounds, but he did it so quietly this
I L" H°‘”°"d· improvement. But, says Pitino, “IfI I reporter had to count the stats twice
I had to name one (weakness), it   to believe it. Mashburn, selected by I
I would be experience. Last year`s   Sporls Illustrated as the pre-season pick
I strength -—— experience — is this for Player of the Year, is playing hard-
I year’s Achilles’ heel. This team has er and more aggressively this year,
I the 111OSt talent of any team I have according to his coach. “He can no A
I ever had on a collegiate level. It has longer have his way in practice” with
  epth, quickness; the work ethic is the likes ofjuniors Rodney Dent and
I there, and from top to bottom eveiy Gimel Martinez, and freshman jared
I young man has gotten better over the   Prickett to challenge him. Mashburn
I summer. We are not so interested in   himself admits to being much more
I November and December, but the ~ focused this year. “I picked up my
I months after that. This team will not ame in the tournament and I want
I g
I execute as well early in the season to play that wayA”
I -1 lieutnirkv .‘\lllIIll1llS Wilqtey 1992

S P 0 R T s
"'rrfw   e ‘' ‘ ’ "e”””" ""enrm this year, the Cuban Flash. Martinez is
I vE|'¢I‘GII$ coming off a good year in which he
"‘  ‘e"ere—rr*'mer" * e e e "rrrrme improved quite a bit, but is sitting out .
I junior Braddy, the walk-on who came y the first six weeks of this season with a  
to practice three years ago and I fractured foot. His return isanticipated.  
stayed, is being looked at to fill some   Andre Riddick’s improvement .
i of the leadership void left by the   during the off season has Pitino con-
0 departure ofjohn Pelphrey. Braddy,   sidering a red shirt for him. “If a ~
4 who was slowed by a broken nose last   player is not getting playing time 6
season, expects to improve on last 1 and has a chance to play in the NBA A
season’s numbers. or Europe,” says Pitino, "I would K, _` _ "
jeff Brassow’s knee makes a differ- consider redshirting him.” It is possi- _ `
ence. "Very few players come back ~ ble that Riddick will fit that profile as 7 /‘ i y
from that type of injury,” says Pitino. i the season unfolds. ' ’·
“He has to change his game, become 0 Aminu Timberlake has gotten I / A 6
more like john Pelphrey. He has to stronger over the summer and con- I
use his intelligence on the court to be tributes to the depth of the roster. _
at the right place at the right tirne.” Todd Svoboda is a transfer from ‘ _ I °  
It looks like Brassow is doing that. Northern Kentucky University. He _ n   _  
The hustle is there. He’s still slapping started three years at NKU where he _ _w__,,·    ‘ It I  sw I
i the ball away, going to the floor after is 10th on the all-time scoring list with . ~   ` 1*    
I a loose ball, cutting back door, being 1,114 points, third in rebounding y W » ,_  
vocal on the court and giving referees with 770 and fourth in field goal per- i      __.:._    
that special Brassow glare when the centage at 56.2 percent. NCAA rules  ‘ —.   '—`‘°   i _ S, ` _ 
whistle blows. allow him to walk-on and play imme- I       /
Dale Brown’s new haircut has diately because he is an academic '  i
come with a more assured court pres- transfer here to complete his degree Members ef *he_#T J¤¤’ed P¤’i¢ke*h ¤
ence. In the off-season he worked on in chemical engineering under a dual :°°"".""g °l°?s "` 6`9’ 210 P°°"d f°r`
_ _ _ merncu pI¤ymg w¤rd ¤nd `I992
his ballhandling skills and free throw degree program between UK and ,|,,, ,.6,,, 6,.6 (c|6,,k- wes, y,,g,,,;¤
shooting. Pitino expects a better   NKU. Pitino calls Svoboda a practice Wise fr¤m *¤P left) Pl¤Yef ef the Ye¤f
offensive performance from this   player who will see some playing time.   ::::_i:I°:';:§g;g°;d
senior who received the award for   we"' M ' ' e We i' " ' " 6,,6 M,_ B,,,,k,,,b6|| 6.6, 20°.P°und'
best defensive player last year. i TIIG NEWCOIHGIS fr¤m Br¤wnsvi||e, f¤rw¤rd ¤n¤l wnj
Travis Ford’s knee looks to truly be I "”’”’ " " ‘ ' "   ’ 1I;'::;°°¤RZ?`";y240_ gag? ;°:y2:° hlgh
100 percent this season. “He’s more Rodney Dent kept us waiting, but   ,,6,,,,,; ,,,,,,6,; ,,6,,, ,,,,,;6,,,,“y 5,.6,,,
fluent, not so herky-jerky, on the   now he’s here filling up the middle , EdiS¤¤, G¤·, BY Jef=eY CNY, NJ-
. floor,” Pitino points out in discussing   in a wonderful way, blocking shots,   GEIG: 2|dn°:;i_°
his starting point guard. Pitino says   dunking, rebounding and sticking I c6||,,g,.,;
Ford also brought with him a new   some of Mashburn`s shots back in his T
attitude. “He’s gone from Eddie i face. Pitino finds it hard to compare ,
Haskell (of the “Leave It to Beaver” 0 Dent to a known professional. “It’s  
TV show) to a Billy Donovan (Pitino’s 1 how hard he plays that makes him
, model player and now assistant different," says Pitino. Dent himself
coach). I got on Travis more than any I says, “I’m playing so hard and so ~
I other player over the last two years.” mean to get better. I hate losing.
Ford must have been listening. This I Every play I’m going hard like
season he is playing 15 pounds lighter   Charles Barkley." Dent, who’s been
and down to 7.5 percent body fat. 1 away from basketball because of a
Pitino calls his endurance “amazing”   detour through community college,
and his defense "tenacious." family deaths, his marriage and the
Chris Harrison, Pitino says, "could birth of a child, welcomes the return
be counted on" for some quality min- to competition. “When I got here, I
utes in the point guard position as was out—of-shape, overweight and
the year progresses. slow. Now Ijump higher, run faster
Gimel Martinez has a new nickname and feel better.”
Wilqtgl- 1992 Kentucky Alumnus 5

 I l
l t
I t
I .
I Tony Delk is going through the work at forward. Karri Koach sees her I
I biggest adjustment. He came to UK as a     I , playing time at the post where she is ‘
l shooter, but his ball handling skills call     ‘ .· Q  1-  i; . an exceptional shot blocker.
I for a new role in Pitino’s system. Delk,   g I _  The freshman class provides three
like Sean Woods before him, is learn-  , ll        talented guards: Becky McKinley from
I ing the psychology of the point guard, i·i- I      W     Mt. Washington, Ky., Christina Jansen
the guy who makes everybody else on      _..     , . _ from Shepherdsville, Ky., and Christina
I the team better. Pitino expects it will       `iii   i‘i·    Swarens from Ramsey, Ind. McKinley is ,
I take a year for a complete transition.    ‘—  / ,      _,,_      ._W , the first Miss Kentucky Basketball to
I Delk knows that people said Woods         sign under coach Fanning’s tenure.
I would never be a point guard, “but he f is _,   , ` W ,_,=  Jansen was named Kentucky’s Gatorade
turned out to be one of the best in the -»     Player of the Year and the state’s USA
country" acknowledges Delk. You can Q _I__ I V____   `  ,2) _,_ Today Player of the Year. All three were I
see he intends to do the same. _· vc   _ _ f -..`    f  EO 5 , all-state high school players. · .....
Jared Prickett grew one and a quar-   O     _,.,.§_   G • OO OO 0 ° o   e e
ter inches this summer, but that`s not $33 O OC3 !—   ri~li  J" O Qg  , III Relrosped ¤
the only surprise he brought with him. C OO O OOO O I;     /*0 O O OO CQ e ’ ’ e g
ln his first intra-squad scrimmage, going  K9 O O OO Q O y *  I! O O O OC) • This is a hard football season to sum- E.
np against Mashburn, he scored 10 ‘  OQOO OOO O I ' It  O O O OOO ,0 marize. Perhaps the agony and ecstasy C
points and pulled down I5 rebounds.   O OO  •I •,, OOO OOO O `_ of sport covers it. In two weeks time,
"He forgot to be intimi