xt7bcc0tr18w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0tr18w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) Kentucky State College 1904 yearbooks ukyrbk1904 English C. J. Krehbiel and Company, Cincinnati, Ohio Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection Echoes text Echoes 1904 1904 2012 true xt7bcc0tr18w section xt7bcc0tr18w i
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 unloading this volume on the unsuspecting public Hie Editors wish it to be distinctly understood that they will, in no way, be held responsible for what may be herein contained. Generally speaking, college annuals are not, specimens of standard writings. If this were the case it is probable that writers of such would turn their attention to other fields, less glorious perhaps, but certainly more remunerative. Neither are college annuals models of English  Grammar.     Usually they  contain  English  as  it  is   "spoke.''
If you should be interested in what we present we will be gratified; if angry, we will be amused. Gentle reader, have you ever impaled a. bug on a pin and watched it wiggle. It is a fund of amusement for allexcept the bug.
We have used a pen for the same purpose.
Perchance our witticisms may prove dull, our epics humorous or our jokes insipid. If you find such to be the case, we will be very, very, sorry for you.
li in perusing these pages, your lip should curl scornfully, close the volume until you are in a more forgiving frame of mind, for remember that ancient Sisyphus rolling his rock up a hill, had not a more unenviable experience than wethe Editors of the '"Echoes" for the year 1904.  
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KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE, or, more properly speaking, "'The University of Kentucky," owe- its existence today not only to the Land Grant Act of Congress in the year 1862, or to the sporadic generosity of the General Assembly in succeeding years, but to the untiring efforts and shrewdness of James K. Patterson. There are few men among College Presidents today who could have so ably performed such work as he has done since the birth of the institution, forty-four years ago.
There are College Presidents noted for their erudition, others valued for their business acumen, but few there are who possess both. Of these few, President Patterson is one of the most prominent, A man of deep learning, yet possessing a vast knowledge of current affairs; a man of letters, yet a master of commercial technique; he has steadily lifted the plane of college education in Kentuckv, until the university of which he is president stands far above other educational institutions in the state and among the foremost in the South.
 3  'jy^*w' ;^^r?
JAMES KENNEDY PATTERSOX, A. M., 1859, and Ph. D., 1875, at Hanover College, Indiana; F. R. II. S.. 1880, London, England; F. S. A., 1881, Edinburgh, Scotland; LL. D., 1895, Lafayette College, Pennsylvania; Member International Congress of Geographical Science, 1875.    B  n.
Principal Greenville Presbyterial Academy, 1856-59; Professor Greek and Latin, Stewart College, Clarksville, Tennessee, 1859-61; Principal Transylvania High School, Lexington, Kentucky, 1861-65: Professor History and Metaphysics, State College of Kentucky, 1866 ; President State College of Kentucky 1869.
JOHN HENRY NEVILLE, A. B., 1849, and A. M., 1852, at Bethany College, West Virginia; LL. D., 1899, Kentucky State College. One of the founders of Eureka College (Illinois), 1852; Professor of Greek, Latin, and Higher Mathematics at Eureka College, 1852-1857; Professor of Greek and Latin, Kentucky University, Llarrodsburg and Lexington, 1859-1880; Professor of Greek and Latin, Kentucky State College since 18 SO.
11 "
JAMES GAEEARD WHITE, M. A., Kentucky Slate College. Professor of Mathematics and   Astronomy at Kentucky State College since 1868.    Teacher in Bay ATie\v Summer School.
WALTER KENNEDY PATTERSON, A. M., Kentucky State College. Assistant in Transylvania Academy in 1863. Principal of Bethel Academy, Nicholasville, 1869-72; Principal of McAfee Institute, 1873-76. Tn Central Academy at Chileshurg, 1876-79; Principal of Academy  of Kentucky  State College,   1880.
JOSEPH HOEING KASTLE, B. S, 1884, and M. S., 1886, at Kentucky State College; Ph. I)., 1888, at Johns Hopkins University.    B  n.
Thirty-nine papers on original chemical subjects (published in the American Chemical Journal, The Journal of the American Chemical Society, Science and the Chemical News, London).
Eellow in Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, 1887-88; Professor of Chemistry, Kentucky State College,  1888.
EURIC  NEVEL ROARK,  A.   B.,   1881,   and  Ph.D.,   1896,   at National Normal University, Lebanon,  Ohio.   Sigma
National Society for the Scientific Study of Education.    Society of College Teachers of Education. Psychology in Education." "Method in Education," and   "Manual   of Pedagogy."
 JOSEPH WILLIAM PRYOR, M.  13., 1876, University of Mississippi.     State  Medical  Society.    Ex-President of Fayette- Medical Society.    Connected with Kentucky State  College  since  1882;   Professor  of Physiology and Anatomy since 1891.
FREDERICK PAUL ANDERSON, B. M. E., 1890, Purdue University. Sigma Chi. Tan Beta Pi. International Society for Testing of Materials. Society for Promotion of Engineering; Education. Mechanical Engineer, Purdue University, 1894; Professor of Mechanical .Engineering and Dean of School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kentucky State College.
CLARENOE WENTWORTB MATHEWS, B. S., 1891, Cornell. Sigma Chi.    American Pomological Society. Fellowship   in   Cornell,   1891.     Connected  with  Kentucky State  College since  1892.
ARTHUR McQUISTON MILLER, A. B., 1884, and A. M., 1887, at Princeton.    Studied at, Munich.   Follow of Geological Society of America.    Teacher at Wilson College, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Professor of Geology and Zoology, at Kentucky State College, since 1892.
PAUL WERXTCKE,  Graduate   of  Gymnasium   of Scliulpforta, Germany, 1885 ; University of Be"lin, 18S9 ; Ph. D., University of Goettingen, 1903.
American Mathematical Society. American Association for Advancement of Science. Modern Language Association of America. "Analysis Situs of Higher Dimensions." Professor of Modern Languages, Kentucky State College,  since 1894.
JOH55T PASCAL BROOKS,  B.   S.,  1885,  and M.  S.,  1891,  at Dartmouth College.    E 0 n.    T B II.
Engineer's Club of Cincinnati. American Society of Civil Engineers. "Handbook for Surveyors" (with Prof. Merriman). ''Handbook of Street Railway Location." 1886-88, on Railway Work in Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois; 1S88-90, with Superintendent of Streets, Boston, Massachusetts. 1S90-97, Instructor in Civil Engineering, Lehigh University; 1897--, Dean of School of Civil Engineering, Kentucky State  College.
14 CHARLES JOSEPH NORWOOD, Missouri University, Assistant Geologist on Missouri Survey; Assistant Geologist on Kentucky Survey, six years; Professor of Natural Science at Bethel College, Russellville, Kentucky, four years; Mining Engineer; State Inspector of Mines for Kentucky for thirteen years; Contributor to technical journals and the proceedings of various scientific societies; Dean of Mining Engineering Department in Kentucky State College; Chief Inspector of Mines, and Director of the State Geological   Survey.
JOHN THEODORE FAIG, B. M. E., 1894, and M. E. 1897, at Kentucky State College. T B n. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Society for Promotion of Engineering Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1896-08; Professor of Machine Design at   Kentucky   State   College.
JOHN  LEWIS  LOGAN,  A.  B.,   1871,  at Washington  and Lee University.     Tutor in  Latin last year.     Taught in Virginia,   Maryland   and   Kentucky.     In   Kentucky State College since 1886.
15 JOSEPH MORTON: DAVIS, A. 11. and 1'.. S., Hampden Sidney, Virginia, 1886. X I. Assistant at Pan tops Academy, Charlottesville, Virginia, three years; Principal of High School at South Boston, Virginia, two years; Second Assistant in the Academy of Kentucky State College, for thirteen years.
VICTOR EMAKTJEL MIIiSCY, B. S., 1891, at Kentucky State College.    Assistant in   Academy.
JAMES RICHARD .1011XSOX, B. M. E., 1803, Kentucky State College.    2 X, T B IT, Lamp and Cross Society.
Assistant in Mechanical Department, 1893-1900; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Kentucky State College,   1900.
JAMES EDWARD W1XSTOX, R. A., 1890, and M. A., 1898, at University of Virginia, 0. W. L. K A. Lamp and Cross. Member of Virginia Historical Society; Editor of College Topics; Assistant in English Literature, University of Virginia, 1899-1900; Instructor in Modern Languages, Fishburne Military School, 1899-1900; Assistant in Academy, Kentucky Slate College, 1900-08; Instructor in History and Modern Languages, Kentucky State College,  1902.
no MILEORD  WHITE,  B.  C.  E.,  1893,  and M.   S.,  at Kentucky
State College.    K  A.
LEON   KAIFMAX   FRANKEL,   B.  M.  E.,  1900, and M.  E., L902, Kentucky State College.    D K A, T B H, T X E. Lamp and Cross.    Assistant in Shopwork and  Drawing, Kentucky State College;  Instructor in  Michigan College of Klines, summer of 1903-04.
Eobeet Eufds Haecoukt Keese, "Bobby," Cynthiana,
Kentucky, 2 A E, Associate Editor, B. C. E. Thesis:    A Study of Oiled Koads.
"Beyond 'Love's Kingdom' let him stretch his  pen."
Lillian Austin, "Lil," Paris, Kentucky.  A. B. Latin. "All spread their charms, but charm not all alike."
Francis  Joseph  Montgomery,   "Winsome  Winnie." Lexington, Kentucky.    A.  B., English.
"Cares not for service, or but serves when press'd, Stays till we call, and then not often near."
Nancy Belle Buford,  "Napoleon Bonaparte,"  New
Castle, Kentucky, A. B. English. Thesis:   Influence of Bible on English. Literature.
" 'Tis hers to rectify, not overthrow."
Leandee   Elwood   Andrtjs,   "Leander,"   Farmington, Kentucky,   n   K   A.    Basket   Ball   Team,   '03; Manager Basket Ball Team, '04. "He fell in the stretch."
20 Kobert Clark Butxer, "Bob," Lexington, Kentucky.
B. M. E.
Thesis:    Design   of   an   Arc   Light   Blue   Printing Apparatus.
"Dawning grace is op'ning on my soul."
Martin Augustus Doyle, "Guinea-Pig," Paris, Kentucky, B. M. E.
Thesis: Design of a Power Plant, Lighting System and Electric Street Eailway for the city of Lexington, Kentucky.
"Fortune   is   ever   seen   accompanying   industry."
Eloise   Chesley   Hanks   McCaw,   "Preep,"   Fayette County.    Philosophian  Literary   Society,   Associate Editor; B. S., Physiology and Anatomy. Thesis:    Do Animal Extracts Split Potassium My-
ronate ?
"The object of her love is all mankind."
Cornelius Ware, Pulaski, Kentucky, B. Ped.
Thesis:    The  Analysis  of  Text-books  in  Grammar Schools in City Schools.
"A man of strange, sad solitude."
Waller   Pendleton   Eubank,   "Plunks,"    Glasgow,
Kentucky. K 2, B. C. E.
Thesis:   Construction of Line of Eailway Between Bumside and Somerset, Kentucky.
"Behold,   at  last!"
Frederick Lewis Schneitek, "Meyers," Hikes, Kentucky. B. C. E.
Thesis:    Distance  from   Court  House  to  Kentucky State College by Triangulation.
"Tho' wisdom oft has sought me, I scorned the love she brought me."
Walteb  Peaeson  Kelley,  "It," Hickory Flat, Kentucky. M. L. L. & C, Y. M. C. A.; Associate Editor, A'ice-President. Thesis:    Plastic Sulphur.
"What fools these mortals be!"
Mary    Josephine    Maguire,    "Xadine,"   Lexington,. Kentucky.    Philosophian  Literary  Society,  Associate Editor, Class Poet; B. S., Chemistry. Thesis:    The Action of  Cyanogen Iodide  on  Thio-
"With such a prize no mortal must be blest."
William Henry Wabder, "Skis," Glasgow, Kentucky,
2 X, B. C. E. Thesis :    Study of Oiled Eoads.
"Too sweet to last."
Robert B. Walsh, "Sissy," Lexington, Kentucky.   A. B., Latin.
"So proud, so grand, of that stupendous air."
9,9 George Hancock"   Wilson. "Chug," Lexington,   Kentucky, i  \. L. & C.: Business Manager "Echoes," P. S., Physiology and Anatomy. Thesis:    The Occurrence of   l'aze in the Vegetable
"Luxury  with sighs,  her slave resigns."
Samuel   Alfred   Denny,   "Samarskite   Andelusite," Madisonville,     Kentucky.     Patterson     Literary Society. V. M. ('. A.. B. S. Geology. Thesis:    Examination   and    Description   of    Barite Veins between the ('. S. and ('. X. 0. Railroad on the South.
"For pity melts the mind tr love."
Zku.a   Mae   Thubman,   Somerset,   Kentucky,     ('hiss
Prophet; B.  S., Botany. Thesis:    Hyacinth.
"The best gift of the gods is prudence; the next best, audacity."
Emebson Everett Ramey, Louisville, Kentucky. L. &
('.. B. M. E.
Thesis: A Series of Passenger Engine Road Tests on the ('. S. between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Somerset, Kentucky.
"With genuine sense and Roman strength of thought.'"
William   Boulden   Cbutchfield,   "Punch,"   Lex
ton, Kentucky. A. B. English. Thesis:   The Theory and History of Chivalry.
"The fool is happy that he knows no more."

 William David Gray, "The Duke," Louisville, Kentucky, K 2,  3ST E, L. & C; Editor-in-Chief, "Echoes," B. C. E. Thesis:    Railroad  Survey.
"At every word a reputation dies."
WiLLTAii   Edwaed Caky. "Iky,"  Pembroke, Kentucky,
i A , B. S., Physiology and Anatomy. Thesis:    Xitrification.
"Who wisdom woo'd, but woo'd in vain."
Mabgaeet Rebecca  1!ai,t. "Old Lady,"  Pisgah, Kentucky.    Chi Epsilon Chi, A. B., English; Secretary Senior Class. Thesis:    Slave in   Literature.
"Beaux banish beaux."
Caeeoll   Hanks  (irLLiox".  "Wheatcakes,"  Carrollton, Kentucky.    Patterson Literary Society, 2 X L. &  C; Associate  Editor;  Base  Ball  Team  '01. '02, '03, '04; Captain '02; Class Giftorian. Thesis:    Design of a Heating, Lighting and Power Plant  for  the  new   Office  Buildings   of   the   Security Trust and Safety Vault Co., Lexington, Ivy.
''Little less than angel, would lie more."
II. i;. Coleman, ".," Metolion, Kentucky, B. Ped. Thesis:   Study  in  Kindergarten Results.
"What wondrous thing it is!"
24 Clifton    Carr    Stackhouse,    "Count,"    Lexington,
Kentucky. B. M. E.                                                         /  ftf jt^
Thesis:    A   Comparison  of  the  Webster   and  Paul Systems of Steam Heating.
"Hope leads from goal to goal."
Elmer Wilkerson Schultz, "Kid," Lexington, Kentucky. A. B., English.
"Behold the child, by Nature's kindly law Pleased with a rattle and tickled with a straw."
Edna  Truetta   Cremin,   "Pretta,"   Louisville,   Kentucky.   Philosophian   Literary   Society,   A.   B. English. Thesis:    The American Indian in Literature.
"Sweetness void of pride."

Edwaed Thomas Dowling, "Hot  Springs," Lexington, Kentucky. B. M. E.
Thesis:   The Construction and Testing of a Eotary Gas Engine.
"Man, proud man, dressed in a little brief authority."
Eobert    Hargrove    Barclay,    "Sheep,"    Louisville. Kentucky.    * A , P.. Min. E.
"Who stands in his pride alone."
 Bi:\-.!amin   Robert   Hakt.  Doc."   Pisgah, Kentucky.
2 X. L. & ('.: B. S., Chemistry. Thesis:    The Oxidation of Formic Acid  by Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Catalysing Agents.
"His heating heart  is not at  vest."
James H i:\ky Gardner., "John Henry." Sonora, Kentucky.   M.   I.,  Class Orator;   Patterson  Literary Society, Y. M. C. A., B. S.j Geology. Thesis:    Examination    and    Description   of   Baritu Veins between the L. S. and C. S. E. R. on the South.
"JSTone but the brave deserve the fair."
Helen Glenn Madara, "My Dear," Lexington, Kentucky.    Philosophian    Literary    Society.    Class Historian, A. B., English. Thesis:    Origin of Child Games.
"Alas! a lass."
Patrick   Owen   Hunter,   "Pat,"   Glendeane,   Kentucky. B. M. E.
Thesis:    Duty Test of Lebanon Water Works Company Pumping Plant.
"Be good, let who will, he clever."
Homed Puckett, "Highpocket," Tonieville, Kentucky. B. C. E.
Thesis:    Railroad Survey.
"Lengthened sweetness long drawn out."
26 Heber Holbkook Bice, "Heber  Hober,"   Paintsville, Kentucky, 2 A E, L. & C.; Business Manager "Echoes,"   President   of   Senior   Class;   B.   S... Pliysics. Thesis:    Eadium and Radio Active Substances.
"A better shall we find."
William Edwin Freeman, "Ed.," Lexington, Kentucky, K. A., L. & C, Tau Beta Pi, Associate Editor, B. M. E.
Thesis: Design of a Heating, Lighting and Power Plant for the New Office Buildings of the Security Trust & Safety Vault Co., Lexington, Kentucky.
"Who sings him not, oh, may he sing no more'.'
Gertrude Eenz. Louisville, Kentucky. B. S., Physics.
 Eadiant Energy.
"Go measure earth, weigh air and state the tides."
William Merritt Shobe, "Farmer," Oakland. Kentucky. Ii A O, Agr. B.
Thesis:    Adaptation of Cyprian Honey Bee to Kentucky.
"Go, teach Eternal Wisdom how to rule Then drop into thyself and be a fool!"
Eichahd Hord Arxett, "Dick," Woodford Co., Patterson Literary Society, B. Fed. Thesis:    Study  of  the  Preadolescent   and   Postado-lescent of Students.
"Farewell!   a long farewell to all my greatness!"
 IIi:ni!Y   Skillman   Fry,  "Skillet," Lexington,  Kentucky, B. M. E.
Thesis:   The Design of an Experimental Laboratory for the State College of Kentucky.
"To be grave, exceeds all powers of face."
Thomas Marshall Smith, "Timothy Picklebritches," Cynthiana,   Kentucky.    Patterson   Literary   Society, B. S., Physiology and Anatomy. Thesis:    Comparative Anatomy  of  the Vermiform Appendix.
"Short, and but rare."
Xanxie   S.   Tucker,   "Tommie,"   Washington,   Kentucky.    Philosophian   Literary   Society,   Associate Editor, Class Treasurer, A. B., English. Thesis:    The    Scottish    Element    in    Lexington's
"Beauty is the David who slavs his tens of thousands."
William   Campbell   Payne,   Lexington,   Kentucky.
A. B., Geology.
Thesis:    Examination and Description of the Barite Veins between C. S. and C. X. 0. E. R. on jSTorth.
"Sweet is pleasure after Payne."
James Franklin Saxdefur, "Jack's Aide-de-Camp," Henderson,  Kentucky.    Patterson   Literary  Society, A. B., English. Thesis:    The Periodical of the Present.
"A being darkly wise and rudely great."
28 Beverly   Peyok   House,   "Be         Manchester    Kentucky.    Union Literary Society, A. B., Latin.
"A youth  to  fortune  and  to fame  unknown."
Marcus  A.  Dodson,  "Marcus  Aurelius,"   Monticello,
Kentucky. B. Ped. Thesis:   Study of Fatigue Age.
"Marcus, with blushes, owns he loves."
Sarah  Cleveland Smedley, "Sal,"  Fayette  County. Philosophian Literary  Society,  A.  B., Latin.
"Brevity is the soul of wit."
E. O. G. Kelley, "H. 0. G." Fulton, Kentucky.    Patterson Literary Society, M.  S., Physiology ami Anatomy. Thesis:    A   Study   of   the  Life-history   of  the  two
Grain   Weevils,   Colandra.-granaria   and   Colandra-ory-
Earl Cleveland Vaughn, "Judge," Smithville, Kentucky . A. B., Latin.
"There is more squeak than poetry in the soles of most verse-makers."
Claikb Porter St. John,  "Sainty,"  Brooklyn, ISTew York. Phi Psi, B. M. E.; Foot Ball Team, '03; Base Ball Team, '04; Basket Ball Team, '04. Thesis:    A  Study of the Development of  Electric
"Behold, sublime in its enormous bulk."
Fleming Dillakd Hedges, "Preacher," Walton, Kentucky.    Y. M. C. A., A. B., English. Thesis:    The Influence of Climate on Literature.
"Tims let me live, unseen, unknown."
Sue Dobyns McCann, "Sudie," Lexington, Kentucky.
B. S., Zoology. Thesis:    Key to the Birds of Payette County.
"A quiet heart, submissive, meek."
Charles   Aloysius   Matlack,   "Chick,"   Lexington,
Kentucky, B. M. E.
Thesis:    A Design of a Factory and Equipment for the Manufacture of a line of Drill Presses.
"Scarce ripen'd  into perfect man."
Alexander  Lewis  Jenkins,  "Door-knob,"  Fairfield,
Kentucky.    Y.  M.  C.  A., B. M.  E. Thesis:    A  Discussion   of  the   Appliances   used  in the Positive Transmission of Power.
"How oft wo see the greatest genius buried in obscurity."
30 Louis   Edward   Xollau,   "Butch,"    Louisville,    Kentucky. M. L, B. M. E.
Thesis:    The   Design   of   a   Heating   and   Lighting Plant for a Modern Steel Construction Building.
"Xo had man's happy."
Orville Kirk Dyer, "Willie," De Koven, Kentucky,
M. I., Y. M. C. A., Class Grumbler, B. M. I-:. Thesis:   A Study of Four  Cycle Gas Engine  Per-   I formance, with Special Eeference to Amount of Compression Before Ignition.
'And why this ardent longing for a maid?"
Helen Louise Jaeger, "Jig," Lexington, Kentucky.
Philosophian Literary Society, A. B. English. Thesis:   Literary Trio.
"She Wants a Heart."
Henry Joseph Wuetele, "Henry," Louisville, Kentucky, M. I., B. C. E. Thesis:    Discussion of Bridge.
"Each loves itself, but not itself alone."
Frank   Yarbrough   Joiixson,   "Boogie,"   Louisville,
Kentucky.    M.  I.. B. M. E.
Thesis: A Series of Passenger Engine Eoad Tests on the C. S. between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Somerset, .Kentucky.
"Love, soft intruder, enters here, But entering, learns to be sincere."
31 John Craig Shelby, "Cains Gracchus," Lexington, Kentucky, 1 A 0, L. & C.; Associate Editor, Class Representative, A. B., Latin.
"Condennm'cl in business or in arts to drudge."

Charles Oscah Peratt, "C. 0. P.," Hill Top,  Kentucky.    Union  Literary  Society,   Y.   AT.  C.  A.. B. Ped. Thesis:    Byronic Conception of Society.
"Gently to hear, kindly to judge."
Bessie Lee Monson. "Monson," Cynthiana, Kentucky,
B. Ped.
Thesis:    Points of  Contact between Education and Sociology.
" 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
Howard  Kerfoot  Bell, "Beezlebub,"  Midway, Kentucky. B. C. E.
Thesis:    Sewerage   System   for   Georgetown,    Kentucky.
"Perseverance is a Eoman virtue."
Charles   Eobeet   Gilmoke,   "Willie,"   Valley   Oak,
Kentucky.    Patterson  Literary  Society,  Y.  M.
('.   A.;   B.   S.,   Geology;   Manager   Base   Ball
Team, J03.
Thesis:    Examination   and    Description   of   Barite
Veins between L. S. and C. S. E. E. on the North.
"His nobility shines through." 32 Roy C. Hoagland, "Hat," New Castle, Kentucky. Patterson Literary Society, Y. M. C. A., B. S., Physics.
Thesis: Transformation of Ether Wares by Calor-escent, Fluorescent and Phosphorescent Substances.
"And who unmoved with laughter can behold?"
George Othniel Harding, "Jack the Ripper," Camp-
bellsville, Kentucky.    Tan Beta Pi, B. C. E. Thesis:    Sewerage   System   for  Georgetown,   Kentucky.
"Time shall make it grow, a work to wonder at."
Styles  Trenton  Howard,  Rockvale,  Kentucky.    B.
M. E.
Thesis: A Series of Passenger Engine Road Tests on the C. S. between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Somerset, Kentucky.
" 'Tis mind that makes the body rich."
Eugene   Gillilaxd,   "Banana,"   Chenault,   Kentucky.
B. M. E.
Thesis: Design of a Power Plant, Lighting System and Electric Street Railway for the City of Lexington, Kentucky.
" 'Tis late before the brave despair."
James   Simeon   McCauley,   "Chummy,"   Versailles,
Kentucky. B. M. E.
Thesis: An Investigation of the Development of the Shaft Governor for Steam Engines.
"Great standing miracle!"
 Joseph   Graham   Lewis,   "Jo,"   Oakland.   Kentucky.
Patterson Literary Society, M. I., B. C. E. Thesis:    Design for Water Supply for College Farm.
"He took unto himself a wife."
Madison B. Porch, "Mike,"  Somerset, Kentucky, n
K A., B. S., Chemistry.
Thesis:    Action  of   Chlorine,   Bromine  and   Iodine on Maleic and Pumaric Acids.
"The starving chemist  in  his golden  views supremely bless'd."
Amos  Ai.vin  (iounov "Pert," Owensboro," Kentucky. II K A.    Associate Editor; Manager Base Ball Team, "04: B. C. C. Thesis:   Construction of Coaling Station.
"Hushed at her voice, 'Pert' folly's self is still," 35  vL 5L 9\ .5 5 B
 HE Classical Department of the College has been under the direction of X Professor John H. Neville, the Nestor of the Faculty, ever since its establishment in 1880. This Department is, of all the Departments of the College, the most liberally provided for in the apportionment of the appropriations made by the General Assembly, despite the strenuous "kicks" of "Little Paul," who is always, seemingly, of the opinion that his own Department is sadly neglected in the distribution of the College monies. The equipment of this most generously supplied Classical Department consists of a large map of Europe, which adorns one of the walls of the room of the Professor of English, and glories in being the only possession of its owner.
The courses of study offered extend over the subjects of Greek, Latin, English, the Modern Languages, Mathematics, etc., and are two in number, the one with Greek and Latin and the other, with English as its major study, graduates in both receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
The Professor of Greek and Latin is Dean Neville, well known to all as "Old .Tack," who, seated on his throne of glory, surveys with eagle's glance the unknowing faces of his unsophisticated students and tries to inculcate in them a desire for a knowledge of the deeds of ancient heroes in those halcyon i lavs,
"When  yet  the  Muse  was  young, When Homer swept the lyre and Mars sung."
Professor Neville also teaches Senior History, and finds time to exalt the doings of the great world characters, between frequent ejaculations of "Gentlemen, T must have quiet."
But to pass on to the course in English. Here we find A. St. Clair Mackenzie, the magnanimous, the invincible, the unspeakable "Sandy," who holds at finger's tip a knowledge of the masterpieces of the Old Country,  and in- struets the guileless youth in the rudiments of the language of the olden times when his Saxon forefathers roamed the primeval forests of ancient Britain. So great is the sphere wherein with majestic tread he moves, that, not confining- himself to the more superficial task of the mere teaching of English, he delves into the mysteries of the most exacting philosophy, and digs therefrom the radiant gems of Logic, Metaphysics and Ethics, with which to bedeck the less brilliant genius of his students, who, unworthy followers that they are of the great "Collegio Philosoplms," are not so fortunately blessed with a longing for the divine pleasures of intellectual pursuits.
We shall now consider the Department of Modern Languages, o'er which prevails tlie all-pervading spirit of tlie indomitable" Dutchman," PaulWernicke. No devotee who has entered within the classic portals of this temple dedicated to the goddess, if such there be, of Modern Lore, and knelt before her sacred shrine, has ever retraced his steps without having become imbued with an all-conqnering passion for a knowledge of French and German. The only possible objection which one could find to the methods pursued in this Department is that its head is unnecessarily harsh on the "skippers." But then, "skipping" is a thing of such rare occurrence at State College that the penalties inflicted for it by Professor Wernicke must need be few, even if severe.
The course in Political Economy extends over a period of the vast duration of two months, and instruction in it is upon such a broad and extensive scale that anyone who pays the slightest attention to his work cannot but come from under the powerful influences that it exerts over him as the most practical of financiers. "Old Pat," the instructor in this most difficult and, as it is here taught, far-reaching science, is too well known to need introduction.
38 r I "\HE Dean of this Department, which is the oldest in the College, is Prof. _X_ James G. White, who occupies the chair of Mathematics and Astronomy. The Scientific Department comprises seven courses, viz.: Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology, Botany and Entomology, all of which lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science.
At the head of the course in Chemistry is Professor Joseph 11. Kastle, the inimitable "'Little Jo," to whom is assigned the task of instilling in the minds of Kentucky's youth a knowledge of the elements, and who, by his oft-repeated explanation of "Goodness, gracious, sakes alive!" and his time-honored comparison of the intellect of his students to that of a "wooden man," has roused the latent genius of many a shiftless cadet, and made a distinguished chemist of him who, but for his efforts, would have died unwept, unhonored and unsung.
In the basement of the Main Building is a retreat familiarly known to the students as 'Taker's Best." Here the imperturbable "Peter" Pence holds forth and endeavors to hammer into the brain of the weary student, from Freshman to Senior, the rudiments of Physics. "'Tis hither that the luckless youth, detected by a more wary instructor in the forbidden practice of "faking," comes to retrieve himself and win back the lost laurels by taking advantage of the excellent opportunities offered him for "doing" the professor.
He who would geologist or zoologist be should not fail to see Professor Arthur M. Miller, who, in an unspeakably fascinating manner, expounds to the charmed listener the theories of the origin of world and man. By a prosecution of the studies of Geology and Zoology we are led to throw aside our narrow views and to comprehensively grasp ideas truly scientific. By these all-attracting subjects are we reminded of the time when primitive bird, in Pterodactyl feathers clad, its joyous flight did wing unto celestial  sky,  ami  when
39 iii princely dignity, the fabled Zengiodon sat basking in the sunshine of a prehistoric climate, rending the gentle breezes with its vociferous yells, interrupting the quiet meditations of its unhappy neighbors, and destined to disturb thereafter the soothing slumbers and peaceful dreams of the unfortunate geological and zoological student of later days.
The lover of nature and of nature's flowers we would refer to Professor C. W. Matbews, who will lead him into botanical researches of unfathomable depth. It is a generally conceded fact that the course in Botany is the most difficult in the College, and that it requires more concentrated work to acquire proficiency in it than in any other. Consequently, we would advise none but those most studiously inclined to seek a diploma tlirough its channels.
But in speaking of difficult subjects we should not omit Entomology, the subject which Professor H. Garman, a naturalist of national reputation, elucidates. To him, enamored of the absorbing pursuit of chasing the flitting butterfly o'er field on summer's clay, we would by all means give the advice to become a votary of the exacting science of "Bugology."
The latest addition to the Scientific Department is the course in Anatomy and Physiology under the supervision of Dr. J. W. Pryor, surgeon of the battalion. Here the prospective medical student will find work that will be of incalculable benefit to him in after years, from the mounting of the skele-tons of departed steeds to an intricate study of "man's frail form."
In closing this brief synopsis of a most valuable Department, we should not fail to mention again Professor White, the insuperable "Jimmie," expounder of the principles of Mathematics and Astronomy, in whose line it is to perform all the achievements from "fizzing out" the incipient Frenchman in "trig" and "solid," to instructing the all-knowing Senior in the celestial science of star-gazing.
40  of C;
THE Department of Civil Engineering, of which Professor John P. Brooks is Dean, was established in 1887. The equipment of this Department is the most elaborate in the College, it being supplied with all the apparatus needed by an up-to-date School of Civil Engineering, not to mention the fact that it is allowed for quarters the abundant space of almost a whole five by ten room in Mechanical Hall,