xt7bcc0tr02t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bcc0tr02t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1909-01-feb20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1909-01-feb20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1909-01-feb20. 1909 1909-01-feb20. 2011 true xt7bcc0tr02t section xt7bcc0tr02t 



MINUTE-S OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.8,190 Page 28(cont'd)

is that he may still continue to honor the position of Presi-
dent of' this Board, to which he has brought dignity, business
capacity and an unswerving sense of duty.

     Thereupon, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the Board adjourned sine die.
                                     D. 0. Frazee

                                                         Page 29
     Meeting of Board of Trustees held in the Phoenix Hotel,
Saturday February 20th 1909 at 11 A. M.

     The object of meeting was to pass suitable resolutions of
the death of 'Mr. D. F. Frazee, which occurred on Thursday February
lath 1909.

     Upon motion of President Patterson seconded an carried
Mr. Clay W was elected Chairmran.

     Mr. Nicholas offered the following resolution:

     Resolved: That the Board of Trustees of the State Univer-
sity, desire b place on record their estimate of the character
of the late David Francis Frazee and the services rendered by
him during his long period of his connection with the State
University of Kentucky. We cordially unite with his numerous
friends in expressing our hearty recognition of his fine busi-
ness capacity, his just discrimination. his integrity, and
manliness and the uniform courtesy that characterized his
association with his fellow men. We recognize the publia
spirit and civic pride with which he watched the development
and growth of all the material and moral interests of the
commonwealth in education, in agriculture and in manufacturing

     But our need of Draise is especially Issue to him because
of his manifest and continued interest in the University, with


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec.9,1906 Page 29(cont'd)

whose government and control he was so long identified. It
has been allotted to a few of his predecessors on the
Board of Trustees to equal his term of service. A* Presi-
dentJ of its Board and Chairmian of its Executive Committee,
he was always ready to respond to the call of duty and was
ever ready to foster every legitimate ineans employed for its
extensions, its consolidation and its symmetrical growth.
Constant in his efforts, unremitting in zeal, exercising a P. 30
wise discrimination in its councils, presiding with praise-
worthy impartiality, he has left behind him an example to
imitate and to emulate.

     Within the sacred precincts of his family relations we
would not presume to intrude. We may, however, say in all
sincerity that in his domestic, his social and his civic
relations he stands forth as an exemplar of what a man ought
to be who desired himaself to lead a just, a manly and a noble
life and to commend these sterling qualities of citizenship
to his fellow men.

     To his bereaved wife and sorrowing relations we desire
to extend out heartfelt sympath and condolence. And be it

     Resolved: that this resolution be spread upon our min-
utes, a copy sent to his bereaved wife and a copy to each
of the local papers for publication.

     Said resolution was seconded by Judge Barker, and carried

     Judge Stout offered the following resolution:

     Resolved: That the Business Agent be authorized to order
a suitable floral design to sent in name of the Board. of
Trustees of State University..

Said resolution was duly seconded and carried unanimously.


MINMTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.Dec.9,1908 Page 30(cont'd)

    TIhereupon, upon motion duly made seconded and carried
the Board adjourned to attend the funeral services which
rere held at 3 P. ID..
                             D. Se. Frazee


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LS+~c'~ *h4av   1    Agricultural and . Mec'anical College of Kentucky

        Cb vtfta&..s  At a meeting on June 5th 1900 the Board of Trustees
ID a  l~on-    ) adopted the following:

                   i "lst  That of the $60000,00 or recently appropraited1

Page 1


"te Ueaura.l Assem.oly IOr -.ae LentLa.1j U. UU   V  -
not exceeding $30000.00 be ezpended in purchasing ground
and erecting and equipping thereon a dormitory for ladies.

Orvtp t h ss I 7?
  D  7of--177       2nd  That a sun not exceeding $30000.00 be expended in
                erecting and equipping a building for a gymnasium, drill
                hall, and Young Men's Christian Association Room."

     "That the Executive Committee be constituted the Build-
ing Comnittiee with tower to act in purchasing ground and in
erecting a ladies dormitory and a gymnasiuii."

     The following were elected as meminbers of the Executive
Cor.imittee: viz.

D. F.
J. B.
R. C.
E. S.
R. W.

Frazee, Chairman

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