xt7b8g8fjc6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fjc6h/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1986-11 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter,October 1986, volume 9 number 8 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter,October 1986, volume 9 number 8 1986 1986-11 2020 true xt7b8g8fjc6h section xt7b8g8fjc6h  

CK 2133”




Vol. IX

Local Groups Participate
in Appeal for Soviet Jews

On Tuesday, December 9, at 8 p.m. at
Temple Adath Israel, several area Jewish
women’s groups will sponsor ”Women’s Plea
for Soviet Jewry”, an evening of lecture
and discussion on the topic of community
advocacy for the rights of Soviet Jews.
This program is part of a targeted nation-
al appeal.

Convened nationally by Hadassah,
”Women’s Plea” consists of a week of
Soviet Jewry activities taking place in
communities across the country. All
members of the Central Kentucky community
are invited to attend, Jews and non-Jews,
men and women.

Rabbi Jonathan Stein, Senior Rabbi of
the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, will
present a speech and slide show on the
current plight of Soviet Jews. Rabbi
Stein has recently returned from a trip to
the Soviet Union and is anxious to share
with American Jews his firsthand views of
the hardships faced by Soviet Jews.

Active in religious and non-religious
social causes, Stein made a favorable
impression on the ”Women’s Plea” organiz—
ers when he came to Lexington to officiate
at Rabbi Adland’s installation ceremony.

This will be the fourth year that the
Central Kentucky community has participat-
ed in an effort for Soviet Jews. Rabbi
Stein’s recent mission to the Soviet Union
will help bring us up to date on the
status and conditions of Soviet Jewry.




The Steering Committee for this event
consists of Chair Judy Saxe (Hadassah),
Susan Cantor (Hadassah), Gail Cohen (CKJF
CRC Oppressed Jewry sub-committee), Sue
Ezrine (Ohavay Zion Sisterhood), Bobbi
Fried (Temple Adath Israel Sisterhood),
Linda Ravvin (CKJF Administrator), and
Simone Salomon (CKJF—UJA Women’s Divi-

Following Rabbi Stein’s presentation,
the committee will outline practical and
effective ways for the citizens of Central
Kentucky to expand their advocacy of
rights for Soviet Jews.



...Dur message to the Soviets is
simple," stated Secretary of State George
P. Shultz in a speech to ~00 Jewish
leaders prior to the Raxkgaaik summit,
”Token gestures or shor -t Lowering cf
barriers will not ii . what the
American people want to genuine
and lasting improvement situation
of Soviet Jews as broader




W omen’s Plea ........ continued

commitment on the part of Soviet authori—
ties to allow their citizens to exercise
basic human rights, including freedom of
movement. This goal cannot be detached
from any of the others in the agenda
including bilateral issues and arms
control We need to let them (the USSR)
see that the continuation of this behavior
means that they pay a price. They pay a
heavy price Ne will always keep after
this issue and will have it right up as a
top priority in our discussions.“

Although ore—summit preparation by U.S.
officials indicated a strong emphasis on
human rights, and more specifically Soviet
Jewry, no concrete progress in this area
was made with the Soviets in negotiations.

However, the presence of a delegation
from the National Conference on Soviet
Jewry and the presence of Soviet emigres
pleading for the rights of family members
brought the Soviet Jewry issue to the
forefront, superceded only by arms con—
trol. This Jewish delegation, at the
behest of U.S. administration officials,
brought to Iceland a two foot high cata-
logue containing substantial background
information on each of 11,000 refuseniks.

In addition, the delegation was permit-
ted to hold a Soviet Jewry press confer—
ence; held in the official summit press
center, it was well attended and did make
an international impact.


The following profiles are from materi—
als distributed by national Jewish organ-
izations. We ask that you take the time
to write to these refuseniks or their
families to uplift their spirits and
assure them that they are in our thoughts.


Anatoly Goldberg is a 48 year old
refusenik in Leningrad. Educated as a
mathematician and physiCist, he used to
work as a high level computer scientist.
After he applied for a visa in 1979, he

was demoted to the lowest level.
Likewise, his wife, Alla, a trained
librarian, was dismissed from her

Their first refusal was based on the
grounds of "secrecy”. Later it was

changed to ”not suitable for family


reunification”. Because of the many years
of waiting and suffering financial hard-
ship, friends have requested visitors and
letters from the west to raise the fami-
ly’s spirits.
The Goldbergs speak fluent English and

have a 17 year old son, Boris.
Address: Anatoly Goldberg

Sofijskaya 48/1/37

Leningrad 196836



Alexei Magarik was born in 1958 into a
very educated family -— mathematicians who
worked for the prestigious Academy of
Sciences. For many years, he studied the
cello and earned a living as a musician.
In 1977, he started studying Hebrew, and

in 1979, became a Hebrew teacher. Im—
mensely talented, he is an artist, poet,
singer and song composer. His wife,

Natalia, is also a Hebrew teacher as well
as physicist.
The couple has been trying to emigrate
since 1983. In March 1986 Alexei became
another victim of Soviet repression and
anti—Semitism. He was arrested on the
trumped-up charge of drug possession.
Despite widespread protest in the West, on
June 9, 1986, Alexei was given the maximum
sentence of three years in labor camp.
Address: Alexei Magarik
Rusakovskay 87/88
Moscow 107113

Father and Sister in Israel:

Vladimir and Chana Magarik

Rehov Ben Eliezer 68/47

Silo, Jerusalem

Letter Writing Tips

* Steady correspondence to one family or
Prisoner of Conscience is preferable.

* Keep writing even if you don’t receive
a response. It is possible that they are
getting your letter even if you are not
getting theirs.

* Write about your family, profession,
hobbies, school, etc. Send greetings for
Jewish holidays and send a picture of your

* Do not write on organizational letter-

* Do not discuss political topics or name
any Jewish organization.

continued ...................... on page 3




. 3

C ounoil of

J ewish

F ederations

The Council of Jewish Federations
adopted the following three resolutions at

its national board meeting in New York in

Converts in Israel

In recent months, the Israeli Ministry
of the Interior has indicated that it
intends to stamp the word ”convert" on the
identity papers of Israelis who became
Jewish by conversion. This procedure
would fly in the face of Jewish tradition
which urges us not to remind the convert
of his former status. It could be inter—
preted as suggesting that there are
classes of Jews or that we are something
other than one people. This abhorrent
practice must not be adopted.

Tourism in Israel

We call on Federations and all organ-
izations in the North American Jewish
community; we call on individual Jews
throughout North America -— now more than
ever to plan visits to Israel. A massive
increase in tourism can be one of the
signs of North American Jewry’s continued
solidarity with Israel. Such an increase
can demonstrate that the enemies of Israel
will not dictate our behavior and it can
be a boon to Israel’s recovering economy.
The coming year marks the 20th anniversary
of the unification of Jerusalem; it is
also the centennial of the birth of David
Ben-Gurion. Therefore, ”this year in
Jerusalem“ should be a goal for all of us.

Terrorism and Tragedy

We share the grief and outrage of world
Jewry and civilized people everywhere at
the massacre in Istanbul where Jews had
gathered to spend their Sabbath in prayer.
Similarly, Americans and all good people
were shocked by the recent airline hijack~
ing in Karachi, the hostage taking and
murder of passengers. We offer our
condolences to the families of all the
deceased and to the Jewish community of
Turkey. These events underscore the
necessity for all those in the community
of nations to take whatever steps are
necessary to stamp out terrorism. So long
as terrorism continues anywhere no one is




G eneral
A ssembly

Nov. 12—16, 1985

"Klal Yisrael —- The Federation’s Role
in Building Community" is the theme of the_
upcoming CJF General Assembly in Chicago.

The General Assembly, the largest
annual gathering of North American Jewish
community leaders, will feature plenaries,
forums, and workshops on the theme and on
a wide range of topics of broad interest
and significance. Dignitaries addressing
major plenary sessions include George
Bush, Shimon Peres, and via satellite,
Natan Scharansky.

Special events include a Soviet Jewry
rally in Grant Park and a centennial
commemoration of the birth of David

CKJF President Gloria Katz, Campaign
Committee Chair Gail Cohen, and CKJF
Administrator Linda Ravvin will be attend-
ing the G.A. from our federation.

The CJF is the national association of
800 Jewish federations, the central
community organizations which serve nearly
800 localities, embracing a Jewish popula-
tion of more than 5.7 million in the U.S.
and Canada.

Your support of the CKJF—UJA campaign
assures our continued participation in
this national educational and advocacy

Women’s Plea ........ continued

* Do not write anything anti-Soviet.

* Do not use Jewish symbols.

* If possible, send all letters regis—
tered air mail with return receipt re—

* Avoid sending packages; taxes to the
family might be steep.



The News...
ls It Good For the Jews?

Co-chairmen of the CKJF Community
Relations Committee have announced that
their committee’s major fall project will
be a panel discussion and open forum on
media coverage of Jewish concerns: ”The
News: Is It Good for the Jews?”.

It will take place:

Sunday, November 16, at 8 p.m.
at Temple Adath Israel.

Nith co-chairs Marilyn Moosnick and
Charlotte Baer moderating, the panel
discussion will feature three representa-
tives from the media, Elinor Brecher, who
writes features and think pieces for the
Louisville Courier Journal Sunday Maga—
zine; David Green, city editor of the
Lexington Herald Leader; and Jerry Sander,
science and medicine reporter for NKYT-TV.

The panel discussion and open forum,
including questions and answers, will be
followed by a coffee and dessert recep-

This program is open to the public, and
made possible through CKJF by your support
of the annual fund raising campaign.


The award of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize
to author and human rights activist Elie
Wiesel was applauded last month by Jews
across the world.

”You are ceaselessly striking the bells
of collective memory, the pain of the
murdered Jews,” Shimon Peres said in a
telegram, "...by not forgetting our
people’s isolation in the darkness of the
Holocaust, you teach us untiringly a holy

Wiesel is best known for his books and
articles recounting the tragedies of the
Holocaust. His commitment to the remem—
brance of this evil chapter of world
history is shared with readers and his
quiet reflection induces the same. In
recent years, he has been a forceful
advocate for human rights, especially the
rights of Jews in the Soviet Union.


We’ll Help You
Clean Out Your Attic

This time we’re asking for a different
kind of donation....

In order to gather materials for our
Kentucky Humanities Council grant project
"The Jewish Experience in Kentucky", CKJF
researcher Bobbi Fried is anxiously
awaiting your response.

Bobbi would like to record your fami—
ly’s history in Central Kentucky. All
historical documents, pictures, civic
citations or awards, old newspaper arti-
cles, religious articles, heirloom cloth-
ing and immigration records are welcome.
(All materials will be returned to their

Oral histories are in great demand.

CKJF Community Relations Committee
co—chairs Marilyn Hoosnick and Charlotte
Baer wish to thank the extraordinary
response from Jack Miller whose clippings
and photos will make a good basis for our
grant research.

Join Jack ... clean out your attic
please help us make this a successful and
accurate picture of the Jewish experience
in Central Kentucky.

Contact Bobbi today at Eb9~1895.


The CKJF welcomes Nobel laureate Baruch
Blumberg to Lexington for his month—long
tenure on the Ashland Oil Visiting Profes-
sor Program. Under the auspices of this
program, Dr. Baruch will present seminars
for the faculty and student body of the
U.K. Medical Center. Several of his
lectures will be open to the general

He will also spend April, 1987, in

Noted for his extensive field work as
well as lab work, Blumberg currently is
the Associate Director for Clinical
Research at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in
Philadelphia. He was awarded the 1976
Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery
of the hepatitis B virus.











The Guardians of Zion Dinner, an annual
banquet honoring those whose CKJF-UJA
Campaign pledge is $1800 or more, will
take place on Sunday, December 14 at
Bugatti’s in Chevy Chase.

The dinner for donors and their spouses
will be followed by solicitation for the
1987 CKJF—UJA Campaign.

Guests will be treated to an interest-
ing and informative speech by Yaron
Svoray, a former member of Israel’s

Central Police Unit and a specialist on

i, .

Co-chairs Arlene and Harry Cohen and
their dinner committee have been busy
planning this major CKJF—UJA Campaign

event. If you are in this giving range,
look for your invitation in the mail.










* Pay your annual campaign gift
this year.
* Establish a philanthropic find

with CKJF.

Use it to recommend gifts
to CKJF, its agencies
and other charities.

Every gift this year to CKJF
allows you to save up to 58 cents

on every dollar donated.

For more iriorm ation
on these programs, contact:

CKIF Administrator Linda Rawin








7 _ 7
L .




The next meeting of the Central Ken-
tucky Jewish Federation Board of Directors
will be its

November 19, 1986

8:00 p.m.

To be held in the Regency Room of the
Ramada Imperial on Naller Avenue, the
meeting will be followed by a dessert
reception. All members of the CKJF are
encouraged to attend.

The meeting will feature a review of
1986’s accomplishments, a formal nomina—
tion of candidates for CKJF elections, and
a report on the General Assembly of the
Council of Jewish Federations.

Nominating Committee Chair Erle Levy
will present the slate of nominees for
five available seats on the CKJF board.
Nominees at the present time are Philip
Berger, Stephen Bobys, Janice Brock,
Evelyn D. Geller, and Cheri Rose.

Nominations from any federation member
will be accepted at the meeting provided
the nominee is eligible to serve and has
agreed to serve.

Any federation member is eligible to
serve providing there has been at least
one calendar year since they last served
two terms. A federation member is defined
as any person, 18 years or older, who
resides in Central Kentucky and has made a
pledge to the 1985 and/or 1986 annual
CKJF-UJA fund raising campaign or is a
spouse of a member. The nomination must be
submitted in writing and be seconded by
four other CKJF members.

Within two weeks of the meeting, a
ballot will be sent to all CKJF members.
To be counted, a ballot must be returned
within two weeks after it goes out.


The following resolution was made at
the Oct. 7 meeting of the Temple Adath
Israel board of trustees:

Moved by Alvin Goldman, seconded by
Jack Miller and approved unanimously, the
Temple Adath Israel board of trustees
resolves fio communicate through its


representative to CKJF our great concern
about the allocation of funds raised by
United Jewish Appeal in a manner that
recognizes only one of the several divi—
sions within Judaism and requests that the
CKJF call upon the UJA board to take all
steps necessary to establish a system of
equitable distribution of those funds
which serve religious purposes and insti-

The Temple board continues to support
UJA and related federated fundraising.

At the October board meeting of CKJF,
David Kaplan, Temple representative to
CKJF, made the following resolution:

Moved by David Kaplan, seconded by Bob

We call upon the United Jewish Appeal
governing board to establish equitable
distribution of funds in Israel to recog—
nize different divisions of Jewish reli-
gious organizations.

CKJF directors accepted, with one
abstention, the Temple resolution as
presented by Kaplan and has directed its
administrator to relay its support of the
Temple’s position to Martin Stein, Nation—
al Chairman of United Jewish Appeal,
Alexander Grass, Chairman of the Board of
United Jewish Appeal, and Stanley B.
Horowitz, President of United Jewish


“Coming home" to Israel, as the tourist
promotions say, implies not only a sense
of belonging to the land and the people,
but finding old friends and family as
well. This was particularly true for two
Lexingtonians who visited Israel in

Stan Isenstein bumped into his former
college roommate, and Jim Levenson discov—
ered that he’d been on the plane with four
Lexington young adults who were beginning
a year long work—study program.

The Lexington connection to Israel
developed a stronger family flavor this
past September with the birth of Stan and
Keitha Isenstein’s second Sabra grand—
child. Their daughter Devi and son*in—law

continued ................... on next page





v .

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Mark Kennedy are the proud parents of a
new son, Dotan, and of a precocious
bi-lingual three—year old daughter,

Devi and Mark are members of Kibbutz
Usha located in the Galilee near Haifa.
The kibbutz was established in 1939 by a
group of young Polish Jews who barely
escaped the invading Nazis. Devi and Mark
met at Usha six years ago and, with the
exception of an extended trip to visit
their families in the United States and
New Zealand, have settled in with Mark
working in the fields and Devi in the

Keitha lsenstein spent 10 days with her
children and grandchildren immediately
following Dotan’s birth. Stanley followed
two weeks later, bringing his 88 year old
mother with him to visit her newest great
grandchild. Summing up his impressions he
exclaimed, “Terrific - it was terrific!”

Jim and Ann Levenson were also in
Israel in September on a two week Hadassah
tour. While they didn’t see Keitha or
Stan, they recognized Jeff Hekstein as
they disembarked. Jeff, the son of David
and Merle Nekstein, along with Barbara
Baumann, daughter of Judy and Bob Baumann,
Jan Berger, son of Sandy and Phil Berger,
and Michele Mayer, daughter of Annette and
Ken Mayer, are all participating in the
1986-87 Young Judaea year course. Jeff,
Barbara, and Michele are currently living
and working on Kibbutz Ketura, while Jon’s
base is Kibbutz Gesher in the Jordan

Tammy Fitzpatrick, daughter of Ruth and
Joe Fitzpatrick, is also on a Young Judaea
year program but is beginning her year
with an academic program at the Hadassah
Youth Center in Jerusalem.

All the parents have received letters
and phone calls expressing much enthusiasm
and satisfaction.

The Levensons, meanwhile, spent two

packed weeks exploring Israel. Israeli
tour guides are known for their knowledge
of all aspects of Israel. Jim said their

guide could also qualify as a general! He
had their group up at an early hour each
day and kept them moving at a steady pace
throughout the country. Their anticipa—
tion was great, and their expectations
were amply fulfilled.

Earlier in the summer, Bobbi and Drew
Fried, together with their children Josh
and Emily, joined Shlomit and Moshe
Elitzur on a trip to celebrate son Dfer
Elitzur’s Bar Mitzvah.


The Frieds traveled throughout Israel
seeing it from the perspective of a couple
who had grown up with the history and
drama of the land and its people.

Steve Goldstein, on the staff of the
Radiology Department at U.K., spent a
month as a volunteer at the Department of
Radiology at the Hadassah Hospital at Ein
Karem. Steve had previously worked at
Hadassah and was delighted to renew
friendships made at that earlier time. He
is looking forward to a return visit here
in Lexington by his Israeli colleague, Dr.
Pini Levensort.

It’s exciting to note how many of
Lexington’s young adults take advantage of
opportunities to work and study in Israel.
Danny Shain, son of Bobbie and Lou Shain,
spent the entire summer in Israel working
at the Vulcani Institute in Rehovat.
Located near the famous Weizmann Insti-
tute, he was involved in a research
project studying zucchini disease under
the direction of Benny Rakah, an Israeli
friend who had previously spent time in
Lexington working in the Department of
Plant Pathology at U.K.

Danny’s sister Elisa, home for a summer
visit, recently returned to Jerusalem to
begin the third year of an independent
study program through Empire State Col—
lege, a branch of the State University of
New York. Elisa also studies at a Yeshiva
in Jerusalem and is working on a project
to bring theatre and traditional Judaism

The new CKJF bulletin editor, Elissa
Golin, participated in a B’nai B’rith
Hillel tour, combining a historic survey
of Jewish life in Israel with a general
tour of the country. Elissa was enthusi-
astic about the opportunities to explore
Israel on foot and to see Israeli life
first hand. A special highlight was erev
Shabbat in Jerusalem, when the group went
in teams of 3-4 each to visit hospital
patients and bring them flowers.

At her request she was able to visit
Bikur Cholim, an older hospital to which
her grandmother had contributed in years
past. Elissa was most touched by the
opportunity to visit with a South American
Yeshiva student who had no other family
available to help him make his Shabbat.

For further information about opportu-
nities to visit Israel, please contact
CKJF Administrator Linda Ravvin at


 CKJF Administrator Linda RaiNin
Reports on NJCRAC Orientation

For two days I had the privilege of
being one of 15 participants in an orien-
tation to the National Jewish Community
Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC) of
which our own Community Relations Commit-
tee is a member.

He had briefings from key people
working with each area of NJCRAC: Abe
Bayer, who accompanied Elie Wiesel to the

Soviet Union, spoke about Jews in
Dppressed Lands — Russia, Ethiopia, Syria,
Soviet countries, and Argentina; and,

Harvey Paretzky discussed Summit II and
the necessity of preparation continuing so
that a strong Jewish presence would be
immediately present, as it was in Iceland.

Diana Aviv works in the area of Domes—
tic Concerns such as immigration reform
and protection from discrimination for new
Americans and those eligible for amnesty.
Diane also covers Apartheid as a Domestic
Issue because it reflects NJCRAC’s concern
with black-Jewish relations.

Jerome Chanes works with Domestic
Concerns also. His areas are church and
state, interreligious relations,
anti-Semitism and civil liberties. This
is a particularly active area of concern
right now, as the political move toward
the right affects state-church and
church-school relations.

Kenneth Bandler addressed terrorism,
Lebanon and the peace process, including
Arab activity on college campuses.
Gershon Gon from the Israeli Consulate
talked about available media on Israel and
other means for promoting Israel.

Jerry Levinrad spoke about a new
leadership manual available next year.
The first day was ably summarized by Irwin
Schulman, Senior Community Consultant, and
Albert Chernin, Executive Vice Chairman.

All the above took place on Monday. On
Tuesday we visited different national
agencies for an insight into their opera—



At the National Conference on Soviet
Jewry, we were addressed by Jerry Goodman
on such topics as letter writing to
Refuseniks, twinning both individuals and
communities with those in the Soviet
Union, and adopting a prisoner of

conscience or refusenik. The current
figures used to indicate Jews in the
Soviet Union are: 11,000 Refuseniks,

370,000 Jews identified as wanting to
leave, and a total of 2.5 million Jews.

He then literally ran to the offices of
the Anti-Defamation League where, over
lunch, Marvin Rappaport and Tom Newman
discussed the ADL and their work with
legislation, interreligious relations,
campus affairs, and South Africa.

The American Jewish Committee prides
itself on being ”on the cutting edge of
issues” and researches what it believes
will be the next areas of concern to the
American Jewish community. It is a
”membership” agency now dealing with the
farm situation and anti-Semitism, and the
effect of the tax bill. It also publishes
the magazine "Commentary”.

Our last stop was the American Jewish
Congress where Assistant Director Evan
Bayer, along with her staff, discussed the
activities of AJC. There is an active
department concern with Arab issues and
the Arab boycott, and the AJC encourages
countries to establish free trade with

There are many social welfare programs
and tax issues that AJC monitors and
reports on, as well as a Black—Jewish
Information Center. In addition to these,
AJC has an International Affairs Depart—
ment with priorities of Israel and the
Middle East, and a Commission on Law and
Social Action for civil rights and dis-

The two days were absolutely packed
with information, exchange of ideas,
questions and responses, and suggestions.
I now feel that our communities’ contacts
with our national agencies are strength-
ened as a result of this orientation.



333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, Kentucky 4050A (606)852—7682

. Gloria T. Katz, President Elissa Golin, Editor
Linda Ravvin, M.L.S., Administrator Beth Altenkirch, Office Manager

Member of the Council of Jewish Federations







JQOmle mmmmm





Preschool Style


Sunday, Dec. 14
4 ~ 5:30 pm.
at the Temple

The party will take place in the Temple
Adath Israel auditorium for all children
ages two and a half through five. All
parents are welcome; parents of children
under three years old must accompany their

Each child is asked to bring a gift of
value no more than $3 with his name on it.

Pre—school holiday parties are spon—
sored by CKJF in cooperation with Dhavay
Zion Synagogue and Temple Adath Israel.

Pre-school holiday parties are another
of the ongoing projects made possible by
your support of the annual CKJF—UJA


Anyone knowing the location of any
members of DVFTY (Ohio Valley Federation
of Temple Youth) from 1973 - 1978 is asked
to send the member’s name (past and
present), year of graduation, and present
address to:

DVFTY Reunion

704 Kirkland Drive

Lexington, KY 40502
..... Thank you, The Reunion Committee -
Shirley Stern Bryan, Ricki Stein Harrison,
and Cathy Abraham.



Evelyn Krislov has been awarded the
YWCA’s Women of Achievement Award for her
work as initiator of Kentucky’s Women’s
Heritage Museum.

Susan Goldstein’s works in clay are
currently on exhibit in Louisville’s Water
Tower as part of the Art Association’s
Showcase ’86. An annual event, this
juried showing consists‘ of works by 18
selected regional artists and runs through
November 16.

Dr. Sue Hinard has been appointed to a
U.K. Medical Center Ad Hoc Committee to
study the use and sale of tobacco products
in the medical field. She has also been
appointed to the Kentucky Medical Associa—
tion Cancer Committee.

Gloria Katz recently won an Addy Award
from the Lexington Advertising Club for a
brochure her agency created for Dr.
Stephen Edelstein.


Our daughter, Jennifer Stacey,
will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah
on Saturday, November 29
at 10 a.m. at Temple Adath Israel.

He invite you to share in our joy
and worship with us.

Please join us for an Oneg Shabbat
following the service.

Hanna and Eugene Graff




Jewish Issues continues with "Women in
Judaism”, led by Charlotte Baer on Nov.
19; ”Communal Aspects of the Lebanese
Crises and Implications for the
Arab-Israeli Conflict”, led by Chung—in
Moon on Dec. 10; and "Comparisons between
Mosaic/Talmudic Law and American Law", led
by Joseph Miller, Alvin Goldman, Rabbi
Smith and Rabbi Adland on Dec. 17. Each
program begins at 7:30 p.m.

YOUNG COUPLES: Nov. 15 is theatre night
at the Bell Court Theatre - "A Talent For
Murder” beginning at 8 p.m.

Dec. 7 will be pizza and movie night
for the whole family from 5-8 p.m. There
will be a $5 charge per family for
non-Temple members.

Institute for Ethnic Studies and the
Anti—Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
present “Ethnic Images in the Comics”, an
exhibition in the museum of the Balch
Institute, 18 S. 7th St., Philadelphia;
now through December 20, Monday through
Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; free admis—

Chanukah Party — Dec. 27, B p.m. at the
home of Dawn Haber, 3917 Sundart Dr. Call

Dawn at 273-9838 to RSVP. Children
January Skiing — Call Mark Ingerman

(263-2536) for more information.

Singles Service at TAI — Fri., Feb. 6,
B p.m. To participate call Steve Bram at

Book Discussion Group — Call Andrea
Naisman (254—7806) for details.

MITZVAH CORPS: The next meeting of the
Mitzvah Corps will be Tues., Nov. 18 at
the Temple at 12 noon. You are invited to
brown bag it -~ coffee and tea will be

Rabbi Jonathan Adland is slated to
speak at this meeting, and his topic is
”After 5 Years, What?” If you have not
yet done so, this is a good opportunity to
meet and greet the Temple’s new rabbi.


Chapter of Hadassah’s celebration of the
75th Year Hadassah’s Diamond Jubilee will
be Saturday, Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. at the
Lexington Marriott Resort Griffin Gate.

Cash bar, hor d’oeuvres, and dancing to
the music of the Music Works. A $100
donation admits one couple and enters you
in a raffle for an exquisite diamond
necklace or $10,000 in cash, plus other
fabulous door prizes.

Tickets are available through any
Hadassah member or call Susan Mason at




The Sherman family Klezmer Group will
present a free noon—time concert on
Tuesday, November 18 at ArtsPlace, 161 N.
Mill Street. Bring your own lunch, and
enjoy an hour of Jewish music.

This local trio of Marianne, Harold and
Larry Sherman specilizes in Klezmer music,
including Bulgars, Chassidic Nigunim,
Freilachs, Hebrew melodies, Israeli pop
tunes and Yiddish lieder. They have
performed at Bar and Eat Mitzvoh celebra-
tions, community receptions, weddings and
other Jewish affairs in the Blue Grass

According to Larry Sherman, the direc—
tor, this is a premiere of Klezmer music
performed by local musicians for the
general public. Larry hails the revival
of Klezmer music in the U.S., noting the
popularity of Giora Feidman and combina-
tions like the Kapeleys, the Cleveland
Klezmorim, the Negina Orchestra and the
Boston Klezmer Conservatory Band.





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