xt7b8g8fjb7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fjb7j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-07-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 21, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 21, 2005 2005 2005-07-21 2020 true xt7b8g8fjb7j section xt7b8g8fjb7j Thursday

July 21. 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree Subsequent issues 25 cents.



Celebrating 33 years of independence


No, Jessica Biel isn't in a remake
of Flight of the Navigator
Page 3


Radio Eye
given notice
to relocate

By Sara Hack


Central Kentucky's Radio Eye received a letter from
UK on July 13 giving them three months to vacate its
space in the King Library.

Radio Eye is the only radio reading service for the
blind in Central Kentucky. Volunteers for Radio Eye
read daily newspapers and magazines which might not
otherwise be available to the blind.

CKRE has been housed rent~free and utility-free for
the past 15 years on the third floor of the Ml King Li-
brary The broadcasts are run by 130 volunteers. 24
hours a day to about 1.500 (‘entral Kentucky residents
with disabilities.

In a p 'esr released. University interim Provost Scott
Smith said that the decision to move (IKRE to a more
suitable space is because of a growing space problem
with more academic units. However. no information
has been released about how the space will be used.

“I would rather like to know what the pressing need
is for this space." said Margaret Chase. Radio Eye‘s vol-
unteer executive director. “No one else seems to know."

Chase went on to say that one or two people have
contacted her with relocation suggestions but the real
issue is the cost. Chase said she is concerned that Ra-
dio Eye could not afford to pay utilities. even if they
were able to find rentfree premises. (TKRE also utilizes
the University’s free internet to broadcast online.

UK spokesman Jay Blanton said that UK is deter-
mined to work with CKRE even if it takes longer than
three months to find a suitable new space.

“We want to ensure our help to Radio Eye and fulfill
our commitment to them and the community." said

Chase said that she is very concerned and interest-
ed to find out about how UK plans to help. especially fi-
nancially. Chase said no one from the University has
contacted her since the initial notice to talk about the
future options. Blanton stated that UK has not yet come
up with an alternative space.

To contact CKRE or to

E—mail neu's’u kylrernelcom

volunteer. visit

Lextran introduces
‘Class Pass' as
‘60 Free' expires

By Bennie Mills


UK‘s tuition rates aren't the only thing increas-
ing this year as Lextran sees the end of its federal
funding this August.

In summer 2002. Congestion Mitigation Air Qual-
ity (CMAQ) allotted a three-year federal fund to en-
able Lextran to provide the University of Kentucky
students and staff with free transportation. It was
then that Lextran started the “Go Free" campaign.
which will end August 31.

To offset the cost to students as the restult of the
loss of the “Go Free" program. Lextran is offering a
new program called the “Class l’ass." where students
pay a semester or yearly fee for unlimited access to
the Lextran system.

The semester rate for Lextran‘s “(Tlass Pass" is
$50. which covers the months of Aug-Dec. or .lanx
May. The cost for the academic year is $75 and will be
good for only the Fall and Spring semesters. Stu-
dents attending summer school will be required to
pay $30 per month for their passes in June and July.

Senior Matt Wiseman said he was unwilling to
pay money to ride Lextran. “I wouldn‘t pay for it. not
with their undependable service." he said.

The new plan is offered to the whole student pop-
ulation. including those at Bluegrass Community
and Technical College and middle and high school
students in Lexington. However UK faculty and staff
will not be able to participate in the “Class Pass."

Dave Riggins. Director of Community affairs at
Lextran. said that it wouldn‘t be fair to allow the UK
faculty and staff to participate in the new program
because other local schools' faculty and staff aren‘t
allowed either. However. bus service will be available
for faculty and staff to pay a $30 monthly fee to ride.

Students who plan on riding Lextran this year
must present their proof of enrollment and money
to Lextran‘s Administrative Office or the Transit
Center. Students attending UK can bring their proof
of enrollment and money to either the Kelly Build-
ing or Parking Structure Five .

E-mail newSru kykernelrom


Lextran ‘Class Pass'

The 'Class Pass' is available for Aug-Dec. or from
-Jan.- May for $50. A pass for Aug-Dec. costs $75.
Passes will be on sale at the Transit Center on Vine
Street. the Lextran Administration Office at 109 W.
Loudon Ave. or on campus at the Kelly Building and

Parking Structure Five. Students should bring proof of
enrollment. =
For more info contact Dave Riggins at driggins®ler .
trancom or call (859)253-4636.







A bronze cast of Auguste Rodin's sculpture of Jules Bastien-Lepage, on display at the UK Art Museum in the Singletary Center. The sculpture is one
of 30 in a show highlighting the expressionist sculptor's work.

Rodin on the road

By Charlinda Turner Brashear


UK students now have the
chance to view works by rev-
olutionary sculptor Auguste
Rodin. The UK Art Museum
is hosting the exhibit “Rodin:
In His Own Words. Selections
from the lris and B. Gerald
Cantor Foundation." from
July 10 to Sept. 18. Along
with the approximately 30
works of art by Rodin are
quotes from the sculptor

“Students will find the
emotional quality of Rodin's
work most interesting. as
well as his revolutionary
modeling techniques." said
Danna Kay. the Associate Cu-
rator and Collections Manag~
er of the lris & B. Gerald
Cantor Foundation.

The Iris & B. Gerald Can-
tor Foundation owns 114
works either by or about
Rodin. The works were ac-
quired over a period of 50
years. during which Cantor
was an avid Rodin collector.

“The foundation chose
the UK Art Museum because
it had been 20 years since the
foundation sent a show to
Lexington. and the UK Art
Museum has a reputation for
doing quality exhibitions.“
Kay said.

Rodin was born in France
in 1840 and died in 1917.
Rodin struggled early in his
career. earning a living work-
ing for other artists. Later
during his lifetime. he was
viewed as one of the greatest
sculptors since Michelange-
lo. Today his work is still con-
sidered revolutionary and
moving. In Paris, the Musée
Rodin is an entire museum
devoted solely to Rodin‘s

The website for the lris &
B. Gerald Cantor Foundation


A portrait of artist Auguste Rodin, taken in 1880, hangs beside a cast of one of his sculptures entitled


says that Rodin‘s work is
the “critical link between
traditional and modern fig-
urative sculpture” and
many scholars agree.
Rodin is known for emo~
tional pieces of sculpture
that capture a subject‘s
sense of movement. One of
Rodin‘s most famous and
recognizable works is “The
Thinker." from his work
“The Gates of Hell." which
was inspired by Dante’s
“Divine Comedy" A small-
scale edition of “The
Thinker" is on display at
the UK Art Museum.

“Most of the pieces are
hollow." said UK Art Muse-
um curator Janie Welker.
“Otherwise the floor
wouldn‘t be able to support
the weight.“

See Rodin on page 2





m | sun

A cast of Rodin's “Spirit of War" sculpture, on display at the UK Art Muse

through August 18.


Parking lot on Limestone closing Friday


By Tiffany Stephens
in: tomorrow

This Friday 25-30 parking
spots. located in the gravel E-
lot at the corner of South
Limestone and Leader Av-
enue. will be closed due to the
renovation and expansion
project of UK's new hospital
patient care facility.

The renovated parking lot
is expected to re-open around
Sept. 1. The 30 new parking
spaces will be available to
medical center personnel
with reserved parking per-

mits only.

In the meantime. 26 new
spaces will be provided for
those who usually park at the
corner of South Limestone
and Leader Avenue. These al-
ternative parking spots will
be in the lower section of the
Virginia Avenue lot and the
Press Avenue lot (along the
driveway to BBSRB).

Don Thornton. director of
Parking and Transportation
Services. said the alternative
parking spaces are in “close
proximity" to its previous lo‘
cation on the corner of

Leader Avenue and South
Limestone. ’

Previously. the lot was
available to UK employees for
a fee of $24 a month. accord-
ing to Thornton. After the
renovation. the parking area
will only be available to med
ical center personnel with re—
served parking permits. with
a fee of $70 a month.

This is not the only reno-
vation that will take place
due to the hospital expansion
project. Along with the de-
velopment of a reserved
parking area for medical per-

sonnel. there will also be a
new parking structure built
for patients and visitors on
the area between South
Limestone. Transcript Av-
enue. and Conn Terrace.

Thornton said this area
will see plenty of reconstruc-

"In order to build the
parking structure. some
buildings [on South Lime-
stone] will need to be demol»
ished." Thornton said.

Also. another parking

See PARKING on page 2







m: z | Thursday, July 21. 2005



L g! Chartinde Turner Busheer


. For those that thirst for
knowledge. but find their
well of finance running dry.
The Friends Book Cellar. a
used bookstore run by the
Friends of the Lexington
Public Library. can be an

“Cheap books are al-
ways good." said Janet
Arnott. a UK political sci-
ence senior.

Many UK students feel
the same way. as evidenced
by the demand for used
textbooks every semester.
The Cellar provides books
for pleasure reading that
are often in great shape and
can be bought for bargain

Since the first books
Were sold at the Cellar in
1971. the Friends of the
Lexington Public Library
has been raising money for
underfunded programs.
Selling used books is a ma-
jor way the Friends raise
money. Patrons walk away
with the books they want.
and the library receives
funding for community
projects. Many businesses
and private individuals do-
nate to this cause.

“Everything we have is
donated." said Joe
Williams. President of the
Friends of the Lexington
Public Library.

All of the books. book
shelves and even the furni-
ture is donated. The
Fayette Cigar Store donated
the magazine racks. Bruce

Used books are useful

Knox. who used to own a
used book store called the
Book Nook. donated ap-
proximately 30.000 used
books to the Friends Book
Cellar. Campus businesses
also donate.

“We donate books to
them and to several other
agencies." said Carol Behr.
general manager of
Kennedy Bookstore.

Behr said students often
ask to donate books that
she cannot buy back. She
tries to facilitate that.

“We hate when we can‘t
recycle books." Behr said.

Williams said that the
Friends Book Cellar some-
times even sells current
edition textbooks, donated
by students. to Kennedy’s.

Williams worked in the
UK Department of Agricul-
tural Communications for
over 42 years. He retired in
April with the rank of As-
sistant Extension Professor.

“Essentially I taught
others how to teach and
communicate in an under-
standing and simple na-
ture." Williams said. He
said his role as president of
Friends of the Lexington
Public Library is very simi-
lar except does not get to
travel the entire state as in
earlier years.

“So far my life is been

very fulfilling in these
roles." Williams said.
Williams said the

Friends Book Cellar has
two large book sales a year.
During those sales 30.000-
40,000 books are sold.

The next sale begins on
Nov. 2 for members of the
Friends of the Lexington
Public Library (who get 10
percent off purchases). The
remaining four days of the
sale are for anyone.

The major draw for The
Friends Book Cellar's used
book sales is “Sunday Bag
Day." On this day every
thing a person can put in a
paper grocery bag, fur-
nished by the Friends of
the Lexington Public Li-
brary. costs $2.

“I managed to place 43
hardback and paperbacks
in one bag with a little plan-
ning," Williams said. Due
to other costs. the price
may have to be raised to $3
per bag this year. Williams
said that is still a bargain.
especially since there are
several shelves devoted
solely to books from 2004
and 2005.

newsta/kykernel. com



The Friends Book Cellar

Where: 140 E. Main Street, in the basement of the Lexington Public Library
Hours: Monday through Thursday l0 am. to 6 pm.
Friday and Saturday l0 am. to 4 pm.
Phone: (859) 231-5505
Upcoming Events: Semi-Annual book sale begins Nov. 2 and lasts through
the week.





Continued from page I


structure will be created for
faculty and staff of the med-
ical center at the corner of
Virginia and Press Avenues.

Thornton said the con-
struction of new parking fa-
cilities on campus is a re-
sponse to the parking prob-
lems the campus now faces.
According to Thornton. be
cause the campus is grow-
ing. parking opportunities
must grow with them.

"We‘ve got to expand our
[parking] facilities. especial»
ly in the area of healthcare."
Thornton said. “Every time
a building is being built on
campus. parking is affect-

He also said the UK Park~
ing and Transportation Ser<
vices is trying to “minimize
negative impacts" that may
come from detouring park-
ing spots. especially when
school begins.

"We are trying to be
proactive...we want to get
these things done before fall


Continued from page 1

The UK Art Museum also
provides a detailed explana-
tion of the casting process.
Casting is the process by
which an artist's original
clay sculpture is trans-
formed or “cast“ into bronze.
A series of models depicts
the process from start to fin-

Rodin‘s will left his entire
estate to the French govern-
ment. A government decree
officially established the
Musée Rodin. which was giv-
en the right to cast Rodin‘s
sculptures posthumously In
1956 French law limited pro-
duction to twelve casts of
each model.

Before casting laws were
established. Rodin himself
granted many foundries per
mission to cast as many
sculptures as the market de-
manded. According to the
Iris & B. Gerald Cantor
Foundation’s website. “from
around 1898 to 1918 the
Barbedienne foundry alone
produced 319 casts of anoth-
er sculpture from ‘The Gates
of Hell‘ titled ‘The Kiss."‘ In
fact. French law did not cope
well with the problems in-
:volved in posthumous repro-
duction until the mid 20th
century. For nearly half a
century there was ambiguity
as to the authenticity of
posthumous reproductions.
: In 1974. when Rodin schol-

,-ar Professor Albert E. Elsen.

semester." Thornton said.
pertaining to the renovation
of the parking lot on the cor-
ner of South Limestone and
Leader Avenue.

Although the South
Limestone/Leader Avenue
lot is set for completion
around Sept. 1. the parking
facility located on the cor-
ner of Virginia and Press
Avenues (known as Parking
Structure Six) isn‘t planned
for completion until next

Thornton said parking
on campus will most likely
be difficult until Parking
Structure Six is constructed
and ready for use. Parking
Structure Six will be avail-
able for a mixture of com-
muter students. employees.
and visitors.

Thornton said UK faces
many obstacles when it
comes to the construction of
parking facilities on cam-

“It is difficult for us to
have more parking struc-
tures on campus because
they are expensive to build."
he said.

The cost of construction
for Parking Structures Six
and Seven (located on Sports
Center Drive on the corner

from Stanford University.
was elected to the presidency
of the College Art Associa
tion. this problem saw some
resolution. Elsen. according
to the Cantor Foundation‘s
website. confronted the prob-
lem by bringing together art
experts. lawyers and others
to draft the “Statement on
the Standards for Sculptural
Reproduction and Preventa—
tive Measures to Combat Una
ethical Casting in Bronze."
This is the basis for many
authentications made today.

Since 1999. the “Rodin
Chaser." as Florida artist
and gallery owner Gary Ar—
seneau is called by many in
the art world. has followed
Rodin exhibitions across the
country. Arseneau is a vocal
critic of what he calls

“As an independent schol-
ar. I feel morally obligated
and compelled to expose
these contentious issues of
authenticity to the public.
With full and honest disclo-
sure. the public might be
able to give informed con-
sent whether they chose to
attend this exhibit. much
less pay the price of admis-
sion.” Arseneau said via e-

Arseneau said he be-
lieves most of the sculptures
in the Rodin show are fake
and considers himself on a
mission to expose art
“fraud." Arseneau‘s argu-
ment is that “dead men don‘t
sculpt.“ and that posthu-
mous reproductions are not
original Rodin works. In this
case. he believes Rodin‘s will
is not being properly fol-

of Complex Drive and slated
for completion in early 2006)
combined is $22 million.

Thornton said the funds
for the development of these
structures comes primarily
from permit fees collected
from students and employ-

Thornton also said prob»
lems in building the new
parking area on South Lime-
stone and Leader Avenue
can potentially arise from
poor weather. If bad weath-
er occurs. construction
could be postponed. causing
delays in parking renova-
tions and developtnent. he

“We are sort of depen—
dent on the weather.“ Thorn<
ton said.

Chris Heck. a UK resi-
dent M.D.. who parks in the
South Limestone/ Leader Av-
enue lot. said the renovation
is a step in the right direc-
tion for UK parking. espe-
cially since the lot is gravel
and has potholes.

“If they could turn it
into a nice lot. then it [the
renovation] would be worth
it." Heck said.

newsm kykernelcom

“He‘s [Arseneau] trying
to create a controversy
where there really isn‘t one.
not in anyone else's mind.“
said Welker.

Welker said Rodin ap-
proved in his will to have his
plasters cast by the French
government after his death.

“It was legally au-
thorized by Rodin." Welker

Welker said that Rodin
obviously had faith in the
French government and that
most scholars agree that the
work is of high quality and
represents Rodin‘s vision
and ability. In addition.
Welker said that Rodin him-
self never cast his own work.
but instead relied on the
foundries he trusted.

Kay said the Iris & B.
Gerald Cantor Foundation
does not respond to inquiries
Arseneau. but would freely

answer questions about
posthumous casting.
Email mustakykemelmm


‘Rodin: In His Own

M Ull Art Museum in the
Singletary Center
Mr Now though Sept. IE
”on hen: Tickets cost $8 for gen-
eral wblic, $5 for senior citizens.
and $6 for grows (by reservation).
Free for UK
no she: The Iris and 3. Gerald Can-
tor Foundation:
UK Art Museum
The ”use! Rodin











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.: :.=1





July 2|, 2005


WEXRAME I In theaters

The Island

Ewan McCregor and Scarlet Iohansson
star in this film about a futuristic utopia.
All inhabitants wish to be chosen to go to
"the island" which is the only uncontam-
inated spot left on Earth. Lincoln Six-
Echo (McGregor) finds out later that he is
a clone that was created to provide
"spare parts" for their original counter-
part that is living on "the island". He
then joins forces with Iordan Two-Delta
(Iohansson) to escape society and find
the people they were cloned from.
Michael Bay is directing, so expect lots of
really sappy love scenes and horrible di-
alogue, but with great special effects and

Bad News Bears

Considering the original from the
i97os was pretty much perfect in every
way, there really was no reason for this
movie to be made. But the producers
made a wise choice in casting Billy Bob
Thorton to replace the late Walter
Matthau, since anyone that has seen Bad
Santa knows he Is the only suitable re-
placement. Richard Linklater (Dazed and
Confused, The Schoo/ of Rock) directs, so
there is hope that it will be a quality film.

The Devil ’5 Rejects

This is a sequel to Rob Zombie's House of
iooo Corpses. The Texas State Police have
gone to war with the Firely family for
their murderous rampage that left over
iooo dead or missing people. 3 of the
family members escape and go on an-
other killing spree, with the police, the
FBI, and a variety of bounty hunters
chasing them behind. Expect this to be
incredibly gory.


A top-secret plane has been created
by the military. It has a new form of arti-
ficial intelligence that allows it to func-
tion on its own without a pilot. The plane
than develops a mind of its own and goes
on a rampage and attacking cities. The
government fears it will attack the wrong

and on shelves

Tiffany Stephens
Features Co-Editor

Phone: 257-l9l5
E-mail: features®kyliemelcom




Jamie Foxx, Jessica Biel and Josh Lucas were all convinced by their agents that doing Stealth was

a good idea.

eople and start World War 3. Apparent-
y the Al on board is incredible and the
plane can’t be shot down, and it has an
unlimited supply of gas, because that
never seems to be of concern to the pilots
trying to stop the plane.

The Aristocra ts

ioo comedians tellin the same joke
ioo times. The joke is ca led "The Aristo-
crats" and it's a joke that comedians have
been telling each other since the days of
Vaudeville, but have rarely shared it With
the audience. It is the most vulgar and
offensive joke that you'll ever hear, and
you'll get to hear it ioo times in the span
of 90 minutes. Bob Saget (of Full House
fame) gets his own io-minute version of
the joke, which producer Penn Iillette
claim is by far the most vulgar of the
bunch. Don't be surprised if this is the
funniest movie of the year.

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo

In this sequel, Deuce travels to Ams-
terdam to continue his man whore adven-
tures with TI (Eddie Griffin). There he dis~
covers a secret cabal of man whores and
he is very low in the ranking system. and
he discovers that the high ranking ones



VBy Anjali Athavaley

It started out as a hobby: Host your
own laidwback audio show out of the
basement. “Wayne's World“, style. then
make it available to Internet users for
listening on their digital media players.
All you needed was a cheap micro-
phone. something to say and time to

But last month. the grass roots
phenomenon known as “podcasting”
went mainstream. Apple Computer Inc.
made the talk or music shows, known
as “podcasts." easier to find and down-
load on its iTunes online music store.
The site went from zero podcast sub-
scriptions to more than a million in just
two days.

Corporate media moved quickly to
stake out podcasting as an avenue for
reaching new listeners. While early pod-
casters offered talk radiowstyle shows
with quirky titles such as "The Frat
Pack Tribute” and “The Rock and Roll
Geek Show.” big companies have el-
bowed in with condensed versions of
popular broadcasts. Now, it's “Queer
Eye Hip Tips" and “ABC News" that
dominate as the most popular podcasts
on iTunes. making the oneweperson.
in-ehouse shows harder to spot in a sea
of media logos.

The result demonstrates how a new
technology can remain part of an un-
derground culture only for so long be-
fore corporations adopt it. Indie pod-
casters say Apple‘s decision has
brought them new listeners. but they
complain that the iTunes Web site heav-
ily promotes big name podcasts while
leaving out their homegrown shows.

“We invented podcasting." said Todd
Cochrane. who hosts his own podcast
known as “Geek News Central" out of
his home in Honolulu. “The people who
are coming in now are jumping over the
fence and joining the party. It's funny
how Apple is so focused on the commer-
cial shows and how little they are em-


phasizing the grass roots side of purl»

Podcasting. coined by joining the
word “broadcasting" with the Apple
iPod digital music player. is generally
credited to former MTV video jockey
Adam Curry and software developer
Dave Winer. who created some of the
key software and popularized the idea
beginning last year. Subscriptions to
podcasts are free to listeners.

The concept works like this: Anyone
who wants to rant or discuss a topic can
record and post an audio file on the In-
ternet. Listeners can use software to
subscribe to the show. getting an auto-
matic update every time a new install-
ment is recorded. Then they carry the
show around on a portable music play-
er» an iPod or a similar device
and can listen to it while running. dri-
ving to work. etc.

Now, with Apple's newest software
release. those who download podcasts
from the iTunes Web site can more easi-
ly transfer the audio files directly to
their iPods.

The move widens the range of lis-
tening content available on the Web site
and allows Apple to further promote the
iPod as the king of digital media play-

More people are trying podcasts
even the indie ones. (Tochrane‘s technol-
ogy talk show drew 7.000 to 8.000 listene
ers per podcast before it became avail-
able on iTunes. Now, about 10.000 people
tune in to the show twice a week. he

But Cochrane said he thinks that
big name podcasts from (TNN and Walt
Disney Co. take away from the whole
reason people started doing it in the
first place: to talk comfortably and in-
formally to what is sometimes just a
handful of loyal fans.

Broadcasters see podcasting as a
way to reach new listeners. These days.
people want the freedom to listen to an-
dio files whenever they feel like it.
rather than on the strict schedule of a



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are being murdered. So Deuce must rent
out his mangina because that is where the
jokes lie. I'm not sure why he has to do it
or why the movie ends at the 73rd annual
Man Whore Awards. Lets just accept that
it does.

The 40-year-old Virgin

Steve Carrel (The Daily Show, Anchorman)
plays Andy Stitzer, a i.o-year old virgin
that works at an electronics store and has
a lovely collection of action figures. His
friends believe that the fact that he has
never had sex IS a bad thing and tease
him incessantly until he decides he needs
to do the deed. Andy finally meets Trish
(Catherine Keener) and starts his first re-
lationship; unfortunately for him she
wants a strict no-sex policy. Other stars
include Paul Rudd and Nancy Walls.

Iudd Apatow. who also produced and
wrote Anchorman, Freaks and Geeks. and
Undeclared, directs it. Expect this to be
hilarious. given that his other works were
also quite hilarious.


notalien reproduction

traditional radio station. said Phil Redo.
vice president of station operations and
strategy for New York public radio sta-
tion WNYC.

“We have got to be in those spaces or
we run the risk of becoming less rele-
vant to them." Redo said.

In January 2005. WNYC posted its
first podcast on its Web site and added
three more in March. Before they be-
came available through iTunes, the
shows generated about 86.000 down-
loads a week. Lately. that number has
exceeded 125.000.

“It catapults us into a mainstream
environment that we otherwise would—
n't get." Redo said.

"There will always be hits driving
the media. but the new thing that has
entered the culture is that the small
niche markets have found their own
place." Rainie said.

The addition of podcasts to the
mainstream iTunes Web site was the
equivalent of putting podcasting “on
steroids." introducing it to the masses
and enticing new listeners. he said. The
effect on podcasts, both corporate and
indie. was like “Ed Sullivan putting
your act on his show." Rainie said.

Besides. many podcasters do it just
for fun and don‘t seem to care if they
have a widespread audience. he said.

“They have things to say,“ Rainie
said. “If it turns out that their six
friends and their mother listen to them.
that's enough."

Indie podcasters themselves scoffed
at the idea of losing their loyal listen-
ers. asserting that any hardcore devo-
tees they have would not fall for the cor-
porate media podcasts that have taken
over the iTunes Web page.

“A single guy trying to do a show
like an ESPN show probably can‘t do it.
but he can do a part of it." said Scott
Fletcher. who hosts the "I’odCheck
Weekly Review." a podcast that draws
about 750 listeners. "And he can do that
one part better than ESPN.”

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