xt7b8g8fjb6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fjb6z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-11-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 2004 2004 2004-11-15 2020 true xt7b8g8fjb6z section xt7b8g8fjb6z Monday

November 15. 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

first issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


Cats catch a break on Senior Day

by Jeff Patterson

iii: krmucxrkriiiii

Shane Boyd heaved up one last prayer.

The Hail Mary wobbled in the air forev-

UK junior receiver Glenn Holt and Van-
derbilt cornerback Dominique Morris wres-
tled in the back of the end zone. waiting for
the ball.

Watching from his backside. after Vandy
defensive end Lamar Divens rushed Boyd to
the ground, the UK senior quarterback saw
the celebration.

Somehow. Holt made the 25-yard, game-
winning catch with 1:39 left.

The catch led UK to a 14-13 win over Van-
derbilt Saturday on Senior Day in front of
55,278 fans in Commonwealth Stadium. The
win ended UK's seven-game losing streak.

The Cats (2-8, 1—6 Southeastern Confer-
ence) acted as if they had just won the con-
ference title. instead. they stayed out of its
cellar. putting Vanderbilt (2-8. 16 SEC) back
in it.

As the pass spun end over end toward
the end zone. many of the Cats winced on
the sideline.

“The ball was kind of a wounded duck,“
Holt said.

“If I had a shotgun l Would have shot it."
UK head coach Rich Brooks said of the ball.

0n the other sideline. Vanderbilt players
and coaching were thinking interception.

“I thought we were going to have a have
a chance to sack him and he just flung down
there toward the end zone." said Vanderbilt
head coach Bobby Johnson. “The last thing
I saw was Dominique jumping. That's all I

But Holt owed Boyd a big play. He
promised him one earlier in the game. and
Holt delivered by pulling in the ball and
keeping both feet in bounds.

“He told me he was going to make a play
before the end of the game." Boyd said. “I
saw everybody jumping up so I knew some-
thing good had happened."

Holt finished with nine catches for 87
yards and two touchdowns

Vanderbilt built a 70 lead in the first
half on a l-yard run by Jeff Jennings. But
each team mirrored the other.

Vandy quarterback Jay Cutler. who com-
pleted 16 of 32 passes. couldn't connect with
receivers. Boyd and redshirt freshman An-
dre Woodson also had trouble early

UK junior kicker Taylor Begley missed
two field goals. Then. V'andy's Patrick John-
son had one blocked by Lonnell [)ewalt. and
later he missed an extra point early in the
second half.

Trailing 13-0 early in the fourth quarter.
Holt’s first touchdown helped keep a dwin-
dling crowd in the game.

On the first play of the quarter. UK ju-
nior running back Arliss Beach ran 52 yards
on a fake reverse. Boyd threw a T-yard
touchdown strike to Holt in the left corner
of the end zone five plays later.







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ms l sriirr

UK junior wide receiver Glenn Holtuir'abs senior quarterback Shane Boyd's 25-yard toss with 1:39 left

in the fourth quarter to complete

Then. hobbled by numerous injuries. the
UK defense stepped up and stopped Vander-
bilt. Junior linebacker Dennis Johnson.
who has seldom played. stuffed Vandy run-
ning back Norval McKenzie on a crucial sec-
ond-down play. forcing a difficult third

(in the next defensive stand. Johnson
blocked a punt. which UK recovered at the
20-yard line.

“You are playing for pride." said UK de-
fensive coordinator Mike Archer.

But UK‘s offense couldn‘t capitalize.

Boyd‘s passes were batted away by the
secondary So on fourth down. Boyd fired a
pass into the end zone to Holt. but Vandy's
Bill Alford broke it up.

The way Brooks saw it. his team didn‘t
need to play it conservatively.

s fourth-quarter comeback against Vanderbilt on Saturday.

"I was going for the win. not two field
goals." Brooks said. “I didn‘t want to see an
overtime the way we were injured."

After the Cats' defense forced another
quick possession on Vandy‘s next drive.
Boyd flung up the 25-yard game-winner

“Maybe we were due a little good for-
tune." Brooks said.

Once he realized what had happened.
Boyd sprinted 30 yards to the end zone and
leaped on top of the pile.

He'd never felt what a comeback win
was like before.

“I was thanking the Lord that we experi-
enced what we finally experienced." Boyd
said. “Chips haven‘t always fallen our way."

E-mail jpatterson t1A‘ykerncl.com

Despite record, Win matters to Cats and fans

Steve Spurrier
will not notice
UK‘s l-HS win
over Vanderbilt

The national
highlight shows
will ignore the

No blue-chip
recruit will
change his mind
after seeing the
Cats' comeback.

Still. UK's sec-


SPORlS moon”

ond win of this season matters.

For the rest of the Southeast-
ern (‘onference this victory is
meaningless. (You almost won
der if the rest of the SEC looks
down at this game and says. “Ah.
aren’t they cute'.’")

This was. after all. a win over
Vanderbilt. a team that has not
had a winning record since 1982.

Still. this matters.

“WA didn‘t just lay down and
quit." said UK senior wide re-
ceiver Gerad Parker. "That's why
this is important.”



Nearly every (‘at


They should have quit. It
would have been easy. and no one
would have been surprised.

It was a cold Saturday in
many fans staying home to think
about the beginning of basketball

were the
ailment. not to mention the men-
tal stress of a seven-game losing

Seniors like defensive back

Earven Flowers and defensive
linemen \‘incent "Sweet Pea"
Burns and Ellery Moore probably
should not have played at all.

But they did. for each other.
for UK and the fans.

It matters.

For the 55,278 fans that came
to Commonwealth to sit in the
cold and cheer for the ('ats. it

Even for the truest of Big
Blue fans. these (‘ats have not

See Cats on page 3



had some





Patrick Cun-
ningham (left).
a 1993 UK Eng-



By Jackie Spinner
THE ”summon POST


[KS and

Development Center
a hidden gem
for small businesses

Page 5
Falcons deal Cool Cats
first home loss of season
Page 4

Two officers
hit, injured
before game

Car accident on Tates Creek
Road sends both to hospital

By Dariush Shafa
taE'kEN'iUCki kinda

A Lexington resident hit and injured
two Lexington police officers one seri-
ously in an accident just before the UK
football game Saturday.

Officers Thad Sullivan. 38. and John
Ball. 34. were riding their police motorcy-
cles toward ()ld Dobbin Road when a Volk-
swagen Jetta on that road turned onto
Tates Creek Road. in the path of the mo—

Sullivan and Ball were unable to avoid
a collision.

Both officers went
to the UK Trauma
Center for initial

Sullivan was listed

in serious condition It hurts US.
Saturday at the UK

Chandler Mam”! We CONSIder
Center. everYDOdy,

The hospital up-
graded his condition OUT coworkers,
to be our

to fair yesterday
Sullivan suffered
multiple fractures in brothers. we
take up for
them like fam-

one leg. a broken an-
kle and a possible bro-
ken rib. police said.

Ball was released
Saturday night. a n
medical center IIY
spokesperson said.

Lexington police
confirmed that Ball
suffered a minor in-
jury to his back.

Gloria Thomas. 39.
of Lexington. hit the
officers while driving
her Volkswagen Jetta.

Although she wasn't injured in the ac-
cident. Thomas was taken to [K (‘handler
Medical (‘enter as a precaution.

Thomas was wearing her seatbelt.

Lexington police have cited her for
failing to yield the right of way and also
for expired tags.

Attempts to locate a phone number for
Thomas were unsuccessful.

Scott Osborne. a communications shift
manager with Lexmgton police. said acci-
dents for officers on motorcycles are rare.

"I've not seen one of our motorcycles
involved in an accident since I‘ve been
here." Osborne said.

“That‘s been four years "

()sborne said the entire police force is
affected when an officer is injured in the
line of duty.

“It hurts its." ()sborne said

"We consider eyerybody. our cowork~
ers. to be our brothers We take up for
them like family."


communications shift manager
Lexmgton polite

E- mail
(lsliafa it A‘j‘li‘ernel.crmi

Officer Thad Sullivan, 38,
fractured his leg, broke his
ankle and possibly broke
his rib in the accident.

US. says Fallujah has been seized

of a Western woman yesterday in a
street as they searched for the remain-
ing lighters. the Associated Press re-
ported. The disemlmwelcd body. which

lish graduate.
returns to
campus to
with Stephen
Hayes. the
two are
members of
the Society of
For more
For more
that, so.
In! 5.



lraqi security forces scoured Fallujah
for remaining fighters and pounded
the southernmost neighborhoods of
the city with heavy artillery and
bombs late into last night. as military
commanders declared victory seven
days after launching the largest mili-
tary operation since the U.S.-|ed inva-
sion of Iraq last year

“The city has been seized." said Lt.
Gen, John F. Sattler. commander of the
Ist Marine Expeditionary Force. “We
have liberated the city of Fallujah."

The military said 38 US. troops had
been killed and 2’75 wounded since the
offensive operation began Nov 7.
Three of the fatalities resulted from
noncombat injuries. Six Iraqi soldiers
have been killed and more than 40
wounded. Military commanders esti-
mated that 1.000 to 1.200 insurgent have
been killed.

Marines found the mutilated body



could not be immediately identified.
was wrapped in a blood-soaked blan-
ket. the Marines said.

Two Western women abducted last.
month from Baghdad are known to be
missing. Margaret Hassan. 59. director
of (‘ARE international in lraq. and
Teresa Borcz Khalifa. 54. a Polish-born
longtime resident of lraq. were both
taken at gunpoint.

Marine units engaged fighters
throughout the day. poking at what Sat-
tler called "isolated pockets of enemy

“If they are trapped and isolated
and want to fight till the death. we'll
have no choice but to accommodate
them." he said.

With Iraqi soldiers following close
ly behind. the Marines went door-to
door yesterday. searching for fighters

See frag on page 3


 Pm 2| Monday. Nov. 15, 2004



This weekend. UK thanked more than 224
new donors who pledged at least $10,000 to
the university

The black tie event. held Friday at Rupp
Arena. marked another increase in the uni-
versity‘s endowment. The Fellows Program
began in 1966. and this year‘s donations
pushed the endowment's total past the $600
million mark.

Four donors either corporations or
people -~ gave at least $1 million. and another
four people donated a minimum of $500000.

The Dream. Challenge. Succeed program
7— which helps raise money for the endow-
ment ~ has a goal of reaching 81 billion by

Big Bile Crush blood drive begins today

The 17th annual Big Blue Crush blood dri-
ve starts today and runs through Friday

UK blood donors square off against
donors at the University of Tennessee to see
which school can donate more pints of blood.
The blood drive traditionally takes place be-
fore the two football teams play each other in
football. Last year. UT won the event. but UK
leads the overall series. 9-6-1. The goal this
year is 3.000 pints of blood.

Students. faculty. staff and Lexington res-
idents can give blood on campus at the follow
ing locations:

Today: WT. Young 1 ibiar_\ 15 to 10pm

Tomorrow: (‘omplex ( ommons it 1111 oom.
l to 9 pm.

Wednesday: Student (‘enter
10:30 am. to 4:30 pm.

Guignol Lobby in the Fine Arts Depart
ment. noon to 6 pm.

Thursday: UK Medical Center. 8 11.111. to
5:30 pm.

Friday: UK Medical (‘enter 11 am to .'1

room 21.”).

UK reaches out to Fayette County schools

The UK College of Hducanon 1s u'orkmg
to provide “learning enhancers" for students
in the Fayette (‘ounty Public Schools

Sunny high 63 low 39
Few Showers high 59 low 43
Partly Sunny high 57 low 39

UK administrators and Stu Silberman.
superintendent for the Fayette (‘ ounty Public
Schools sy stem. announced the partnership
lhuisdai at The Academy one of two Lex-
ington schools that will participate in the
program. Both sides hope to expand the ini-
tiative to reach out to other Fayette (‘ounty
schools in the long-term.

Through the College of Education. stu-
dents will be able to access music. foreign
language and health care services programs
to help boost student achievement. Silber»
man said.

UK celebrates International Education Week

lYK's Office of international Affairs has
organized a week's Worth of programs as a
part of international Education Week. which
is this week.

The first event is a presentation of UK's
foreign language and study abroad programs.
as well as an Asian music session.

Lexington Mayor Teresa lsaac will speak
at the function, which begins at 9 am. in the
Singletary (‘enter

Shuttle gets students
to UK basketball games

l'K students w ill have access to shuttles to
take them to Rupp Arena this winter. cour—
tesy of UK Parking and Transportation Ser-

The shuttle service cosponsored by UK
Athletics costs $2 for :1 round—trip ticket
and has several pickup locations. The service
will make several pickups at the intersection
of l'niversity and Huguelet drives. beginning
one hour before the basketball game starts.

llusses will also make one stop each at the
Student (‘enter and the Greg Page Grocery

The shuttle system will run for 10 home
games. beginning with Saturday's game
agamst (‘oppin State.

l‘K created the shuttle service before last
year‘s basketball season.



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