xt7b8g8fjb36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fjb36/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-09-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 2001 2001 2001-09-12 2020 true xt7b8g8fjb36 section xt7b8g8fjb36  




September 12, 2001



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Terrorists strike at United States

A nation in shock: Terrorist attacks leave the Pentagon damaged
and the World Trade Center reduced to rubble; thousands killed


\t'ASllth 1T1 )N The Pen
tauon took a direct. devastating
hit trom an aircraft and the en—
during symbols of American
povver were evacuated Tuesday
as an apparent terrorist attack
spread fear and ehaos in the na-
tion's rapital.

President ltush ordered the
nation's military to “high-alert
status." and vowed to “hunt
down and punish those respon-
sible” for parallel attacks in
Washington and New York.
where the World Trade (‘enter
eollapsed into rulihle with a


heavy loss of life.

The president. in Florida at
the time of the attacks. was
flown at midday to the security
of Barksdale Air Force Base in
Louisiana. then later to the ['.5.
Strategic (‘ommand headquar-
ters in Nebraska. Aides said he
convened a National Security
(‘ouneil meeting by teleconfer
enee from there

The top leaders of (‘ongress
were led to the safety of an
undisclosed location. Guards
armed with automatic weapons
patrolled the White House
grounds and military aircraft

fl demand justice l5

«run-d the skies above the rap-
ital r‘ltv
Within hour» long lines of
lilood donors queued up outside
an area hospital And ('arrlinal
Theodore .'\lt‘(‘arrit‘k. the ritv's
t‘atholir' leader. said an unusu
all'v large number of worship-
pet's hetween 11.114111 and 1.11111)
giftendwfl Mass at the downtown
1athedt'al as the t'lttil‘lillt) of
the tl“"il"ll(‘iltin began to sink
The departments of .lus-
State. Treasurv and he-
and the (‘entral intelliv
Agency were evaenated


an estimated 21111111) at the
Pentagon alone,

The FAA ordered the entire
nationwide air traffir system
shut down for the first time in

The Pentagon. the nerte
renter of the nation s it‘iillliil“.
burst into flfllilt‘\ and .1 portion
ot one side of the huesided
structure collapsed when 1'1
plane struck in midmorningz
Seeondarv explosions were re»
ported and great lililUVk~ ot
smoke drifted skvward from the
huge building in 11\rhn;:ton. ‘171 .
toward the Potomac River and
Washington beyond.

"The fire was intense."
Rear Adm. Craig QUiglev the
Pentagon spokesman. told re

See ATTACK on 2


UK professors predict
changes in American

lifel 8


Experts look to the


Countdown to





issnru'ED MESS

Smoke billows from one at the towers of the World Trade Center and
flames and debris explode from the second tower, Tuesday. In one at the
most horritying attacks ever against the United States, terrorists crashed
two airliners into the World Trade Center in a deadly series ot blows that
brought down the twin no story towers.


World reacts with
shock at acts of
terrorism “L9?




3..-! WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER iz.’zooi | WEE“

Former UK student
survives explosion

Chaos: ‘Everyone was breathing through napkins and
their shirts,’ says daughter of ISC professor

By Ashley York

t'.‘ '.'R N Htl‘

\\'ben .lennit‘ei' liart's subway car
pulled into the station under the
World Trade center yesterday morn-
ing. she iieard a noise nothing
unusual in Manhattan

’ltut by tlte time i got up the
stairs. I saw people running and thick
smoke.” said liart,
it ttttta l'K graduate
“l i‘eali/ed things
were more serious "

'l'hat's when
she looked up

"i \.t\\' pieces of
glass. a woman‘s
shoe.” she said ius't
before she saw fill
eyplosion. heard a . .
loud boom and iust Hart
waited for debris to
start falling

She was standing a block and a
ball away froin the World Trade (‘en-
ter at tiie iiiy't-stitit'iit bank building
where she works She said she spent
.iboiit l!» minutes trying to find her co-
workers amid the smoke and thou‘
sands of people in the streets At lit
a in . the first building collapsed

llart remembers seeing people
walking away from the debris

l-Zyeryone was breathing through
napkins and their shirts." site said.
‘\\e were all trying to get away froin
‘hc smoke ”

Then the second building col-
lapsed. Hart said she and her co-woi‘k-

ersjust kept walking.

After walking for nearly two
miles. llart said they finally got away
from the smoke, There were none of
the everpresent taxicabs on the
streets only emergency vehicles
and buses.

Despite the crumbling buildings
and waves of people flooding the
streets of Manhattan. Hart said people
were not panicking.

“i saw people crying. and I kept
waiting for them to panic and start
running. but they never did,"

When llai‘t got to a less crowded
area she called her mother. .lane. who
had been waiting to make sure her
daughter was UK, .iane called Hart‘s
father. Rick Roth. aii lSt‘ associate
professor at UK. who was distractedly
teaching his 11 am. class. waiting to
hear from his daughter.

”i always turn my phone off biit i
kept it on . it rang during class."
Roth said.

After the phone call. Hart headed
to Greenwich Village where residents
were opening their doors to victims.
giving them water and allowing them
to use their restrooms and telephones.
She finally got a fairy boat home to
Hoboken. N..l.. which is directly
across the Hudson River from the
World Trade (‘enter

His daughter illustrated his point

“(in the way home. i saw where
those buildings are supposed to be
and . .there is no station." she said.
“The towers dominated our view and
now there's nothing there."

our View
and now

_ Jennifer Hart.
UK graduate who
was in the subway

below the World

Trade Center
during yesterday's
attack. Her father
is Rick Roth, an



Memorial postponed

The Cowood Ledford memorial service. scheduted for Thursday at
Rupp Arena. has been postponed because of Tuesday's
national crisis. it had not been rescheduied as of late yesterday.



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Continued from page t

“(lt'si \llti‘. a tragedy. a
general feeling of being scared.
liven though we aren't at risk
in this area. thcte is now a lack
of comfort on this campus. iii
the United States." said Ashley
Johnson. a chemistry graduate

For many students who
were only in middle school
during the Persian Gulf War.
an attack on \merican soil
seemed surreal

"lt's deyastatiiig. like a
new Pearl Harbor." said Alex
lteli. an undeclared sopho
more “It‘s totally blowing my

Retina tlott tsociai \yot'b
senior. was one of nearly .‘to
students ne il‘ tilt tcley ision in
the student «enter watching
the news She sat in silence lot‘
a while. watihinsz as a plane
crashed into the World Trade


Continued from page i

porters in a makeshift briefing
at a gasoline station across the
street At midday. local hospi
tals reported receiying to \‘ic
tiins of the attack. with seven
patients in critical condition
admitted to one facility for
treatment ofburns.

Law enforcement officials.
speaking on condition of
anonymity. said the plane that
struck the Pentagon was an
American Airlines ,it‘tllltt‘l‘ that
had taken off from lhilles inter
national Airport on a sclied
uled flight to lais ,\ngeles,

\‘ice l’i'esident lhck’ l‘h
enev was in \\'asliington. and
conferred with Bush by tele
phone from a secure part of the
White House. according to
presidential spokesman Ari
Fleischer lie added that first
lady liaura ltush and the presi-
dent's twin daughters also
were safe.

In a iiiidaftei'noon briefing.
ltush aide Karen Hughes
sought to assure the public that
despite the "despicable acts,"


"It's unreal. most (it‘illiltt'
ly unreal." she said.

(lore has family in both
New York (‘ity and Washing
ton. l).(‘.. and she has yet to
hear from any of them She is
worried. she said. because she
has no idea where the next tai
get could be

There were no threats to
the university. but UK admin
istrators issued a public state
ment through campus email

“The University of Keir
tuc‘ky is shocked. saddened and
concerned about the day's
events. We will continue to
carefully monitor the situar
ilttlt." l'K l’l‘i‘sltlt‘ltl Iii'i' 'I‘iitlil

Scott l’t‘illtt‘lttlt‘ki‘l’. a mat
keting and Spanish senioi.
stood silently in front of a '|‘\'
in the Student (‘euteiz bis lat e
cxpi‘essionless, as lit‘ watt lied
ncyt‘s coverage.

“l aiii so shocked. because
even though we are “ist one
university in the scheme of
things." he said. “this still

the government was function
tng smoothly She added that
while the New York stock es
changes did not open for tltc
day the financial system con
tinued to operate. including the
l’ederal Reserve ltoard.

Armed personnel secured
the runway at ltai‘kstlaie :\ll'
Force ltase when ltiisii‘s plane
touched down there [hiring
the day. aides said he spoke
with New York Mayor Rudolph
(liuliani and New York (any
(ieorgc l’ataki as well .is He
fense Secretary Donald ll

.'\lliltttl‘lilt‘_\' immediately
began deploying troops incliid
mg a regiment of light infantry.
iii response to an attack for
which they said there had been
no advance warning

(lfticials said two planes
had crashed into the World
Trade (‘enteiz and a third into
the l'eiitagon. A fourth plant-
craslied 80 miles southeast of
Pittsburgh. and one lawmaker.
Rep. James Moran. it \'.i . said
after a Marine (‘orps ltl'lt'iiiiL'.
that “it was apparently intend
ed to (‘auip David." the presi
dential retreat in the niotm
tams of Maryland.

The US. military denied

causes mas- panic with the
idea of iacial problems that
coiiid oct‘ut' once we find who
is responsible “

in the early afternoon.
many professors were sitting
in their (tilllt s in the Patterson
()ffice ’l'owei listening to the
iadio oi watching CNN in the
l‘dl‘h'itsli department. stall ulcnl
bei's talked about the tragedy.
and in the l‘l‘t‘ltt’li department.
four people sat silently in the
seminar room watching the
live picture from what used to
be World 'l‘i‘ade t‘etitei‘

Shannon Mort-head. a four
iizilisiii iuniot. discussed the
crisis oyei illltt'ii w itli her

"Hits to do s you eyaluate
\t'lll’ pi iot itics." site said.
“This moi ntng l was worried
about stuff like how to match
in\ slint wttlt wit it clst l was
weai intr. now that stiifl doesn't
eten manci

Kernel staff writers Tracy

Kershaw. Andrea Uhde, Sarah

Zopfi, Paul Halter, Antti Peltonen

contributed to this report.

sliootui t it down

ltusli and spoke
fret-h about teiiorisiu being
the c;lltstt_ and already there
was speculation about those i‘c

ttne l' S official. speaking
on condition of anonymity.
said there were unspecified in
dicatiotis that (tsama bin
Laden's orgaiii/‘ttion was re
siittlt‘stilit‘ lt'mally assessing re
sponsiltility ttt|;'ltl be iai'down
tlii road in the meantime.
”hit was no itteinpt to mini
int/c the impact

'llit lltlllltii\ was ordered
to "l'lti'tttit litt't‘i llellt’t.” the
hiazliest level. at least in the
\Vashtii :ton tut-tr said .\ti
i'oiie t'apt 'l‘atitiua Stead at
\lifll'i \\ . \u l‘oi‘t e Itase

"This is tiit st‘tontl l’cai‘l
Harbor I don't think that I
ii\‘tt]'~sl.iit' it' said Sen t‘iittck'
liti‘It'l. it 'st l'

’\ toi i‘ititt of people rushed
trom their tttilt‘t‘ buildings
tlti‘ttll‘llitilii the nation‘s capital.
target to leave a city under
siege The toll phone networks
were o\ei'|o.itlcd. clusters of
people striayi‘il oft titt‘ Sitit‘
walks and at least one s'iibur
bait school district announced
plans to close early

iiiiii‘t s




it .!t ' .hll

/\ii - til-I



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Campus reaction


Students. faculty and staff
watched TV all day for
updates on the worst
terrorist act ever committed
on American soil.

You never think
it’s going to
happen so close to

- Brooke Wesley.
special education seldor

Hopefully it will
bring (up the)
morale for the


- Ubby Green
lSC junior

I doubt it will
have any effect on

- David Peters
building consultant for UK

comm arms AT 9 m


W mm | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER l2, 2001i '3”

Lexington enacts emergency plan
to prepare for terrorist attacks

Lexington Mayor Pam Miller: ‘We are
prepared as best we possibly can'

By Lamln Swann

{trait sscuons [Win

Several local and campus of-
ficials say they are prepared for
any situation locally if terrorists
attack Lexington.

“We have a weapons of
mass destruction plan in place
with different agencies." Lexing-
ton Mayor Pam Miller said. “We
are prepared as best we possibly

Miller said the city did not
receive any threats Tuesday and
was in constant communication


with federal and state :iiithori

“()ui‘ police are in contact
with people in close contact
with the governor." she said

On campus. there were no
repoits of threats but llK olti
Cials said UK Police deployed
additional officers for patrol
Special attention is being giyeii
to campus housing where there
are large populations of stu

“They (UK officials) .iily'isi-il
the staff to be avyare of'aiiytliing
out of the ordinary. They have

on call counselors available to
residents." said Justin llleyins.
lllatiding 'l‘i‘iii‘iii"s assistant hall

lii l“t‘:lllkilil'i. security at the
l‘apitol was stepped up l'siially
yisitors and employees could
moye freely through the build

l’eople entering the build-
ing and its neighboring annex
had to pass through security
checkpoints tinder escort l‘l‘itra
Kentucky State Police officers
were dispatched to the l‘apitol

'l‘hough far from the appar
eiit terrorist targets in New
York and Washington. D l' . the
Kentucky capital clearly wis on

Blue Grass Airport closed

No longer friendly skies: Airline passengers
across the nation stranded until ban lifted


After several terrorist air
to surface attacks in the eastem
region of the lnited States with
large airliners. the Federal Avi.
ation Administration ceased
commercial air traffic nation-
wide Tuesday morning.

Scores of people trying to
board planes at Blue Grass Air.
port Tuesday morning were
scrambling for other trans-
portation. The FAA said the
ban would not be lifted until to-
day at noon. at the earliest.

With no travel allowed
now. airport security on the
ground is unknown

Airport spokesman Tom
Tyra, citing airport policy.
would not say whether security
had been increased there. But
he said nothing had happened
that passengers would notice.

(m an average day. Tyra
said, about 8,000 people pass
through the airport on 95






With commercial trayel
grounded, airlines are Working
at full strength to reschedule
flights today.

llK's Air Medical Seryice
helicopters haye been grounded
due to the closed air space The
exception is for disaster sitiia
tions. which require special
government permission

Nationally. all domestic
commercial flights other
than the four that were crashed
by terrorists had reached
their destinations liy early
Tuesday afternoon. according
to the FAA. Some airports were

Boston's Logan Airport.
the departure point for too of
the doomed planes. llllfif‘l‘Wt‘nl
a security sweep Los Angeies
and San Francisco lnternation
al Airports Were eyacuated ex'
cept for essential personnel At
Chicago's li‘llare Airport. pas

sengers were barred il’tilll t'lir
tering the gated areas. and po
lice patrolled with dogs

lienyer‘s airport wast losed
for Bi hours. the ioiicourses
yyeie eyacuated lltfi iniior
roads to the airport iiere

At many «’lll‘ptil‘ls. bur.
dreds of stranded Tl'l‘»i'l“l\
stood in long ill]l‘\_ \'.':llilliL’ to
call families and fi tends

Federal Jiutlioiities liix‘e
questioned airport airplane si-
f‘lil‘ll‘y iecently in the list, 2c ii‘

Rep (lohn .\lic:i. R iii.
chaitiiiaii of the l' .S
Representatiyes :iyiation sub
t‘oiiilnitteig saitl 'liiestl.i‘. tli it
before the August t ongressioii
:il recess. he had "llii‘fi for a
complete reyieui of lll'lttii'l o-

"Some of the titiiiiing and
actual deployment of equip
ment has been lat from adi-
quote." Mica said in an inter

The Associated Press contributed
to this report

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”We have no reason to be
“me there's any iiiiniiiieiit dan
ger here.” said (ioy l’aiil l‘at
ton's top aide. Secretary of ”Hi
(‘abinet (‘rit l,ualleii. iii an in

l7K Hospital Is also pre
pared to assist with the national
crisis. being alerted by the Na
tional Itisastei‘ Medical Sei'yii e
to receive caiisalities. if needed

The NHMS has called all
member hospitals. including l'l\'
Hospital. to check bed ayailabili
ty. which is a routine practice

lTK officials said the staff
has been alerted to prepare to
report or remain Til Work it

The Southern lioyernors'
Association meeting iii Lexing
ton was abruptly canceled and
\\ itli airports l loseil. goyernors
hit the highuays 'l‘roopers es-
l‘Ill'll“i them to the state line.
where they «oiild be further i‘e-

With the deyas'tation hap
peiiiiig hundreds of' miles away
from tho lllucgiass. Miller com
pared 'l'iiestli‘ly's l“.'t'lll.\ to ll ma
tot catastrophe more than W
\i‘.” s igti

"This is like what happen in
Pearl Harbor. but on our soil."
Miller said

The Associated Press contributed
to this report

until noon today



DVAVN CHAMBERS i peti'fi f3 '3

Lexington Police and airport security turned people around and didn't
allow anyone to enter the Blue Grass Airport Tuesday.


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etc. Limit your remarks to two pages.

Take your completed form and nomination letter to a department
chair or other faculty member who knows y0ur nominee, and ask
that person to write a letter of support for this advisor. Letters of
support are limited to four letters with at least one letter from a
student and one letter from a department chair/supervisor. A com-
mittee selected from faculty, staff and students will determine the


Submit your packet of nomination letters to:
Office of Undergraduate Studies
217 Funkhouser Building

CAMPUS 00510



Name of nominee:

Department and/or campus address:

Your name:

Local address/phone:





Counselors stand by

Lending an ear: Health experts
encouraging students to express
feelings about terrorist events

By Patrick Avery

MINI i“ tr‘tr‘

l'i\ is I.ll\lll,L' str~ps tn t‘l‘AIll'l‘ thv lilt‘llldl
Ilt‘.lllll l‘l \l‘rlilt'lll‘ rin inimiius is stahir- I)\ iirrn id
in; si‘r‘\ ii'ris t'rii‘ l'lx' stndviits. l:li‘llli\ .lllrl statl'at
lr‘t‘ the in win ri‘riiii‘ist liriiiilitiigs

l'hv l‘lt r'rinnsrvling t‘r'iitr'r in l‘lil/I'r‘ Hall
and thri l'lx' l~':innl\ (‘r-ntrir in llll‘ li‘tiiikhriusvt‘
tr~ talk .ilirriit llli‘ .itt.ir lx's. “llt‘llll‘l‘ lllt‘\ had a l‘r‘l
.‘lllU‘ rir it‘lr‘ilil .llll‘t‘it‘rl ”I no itist :iti\trius aliritit
iltr‘ llli‘lrli‘lll lll ur‘nriiril. said Mari ltiiltii ltmwr.
rlll‘i‘i‘litl' at l 'l\' i‘riiiiisr‘liiiu and 'l‘iistini: l‘rtiitr'i'

'l‘lii‘ l'lx' (‘riiinsrilniu l‘r'iitr‘i t‘.‘lllti‘lr‘tl miirit
iitus‘ .itid .‘lppllillllllt‘llis to IM‘ .l\’.lll.ll)li‘ tri .‘lllVrillr’
iihrr \\.'lllll‘ll tri tallt'. llll‘IlL'Il lr'u i‘.llllt‘ iii ’l‘iiusdai

"'l‘ipiralh l)t‘l)l)lt' l‘llllll‘ ni \I‘Vt‘l‘dl da\'s .il'trii‘
IIll‘ tiir‘iili‘iil." Rt‘t‘l‘l‘ said

Many puriplr‘ mat llr‘ r‘itlllllt‘llr‘il to talk lrl
\Illllr‘lliiilV Ilt‘l‘dllSl‘ ril' this lt‘aizr‘dt'. Rt‘r‘t‘t‘ said

”I'I‘iililr‘ .tl‘r‘ ualltniu .irriurid nunili.” \llr‘ s.llil
'.\li)\i lli‘illlli‘ \U‘l'r' llisl sllrii‘ki‘rl .iliil r'iitllltsr‘rl
\‘riu start to Illllk .ii'riitiid \riur \\rirld .iiirl illlt‘s
tiriii “Ill‘lllt‘l it is sale "

Rl‘t‘i‘l‘ has l‘t‘I‘I‘lVE‘II a litu‘ r'alls riur'stirininu
what llllmil‘llr‘ll .i t‘r‘u \\I)l‘illt‘i‘ll‘.,‘..' il‘tlir‘ illllll.li‘\
“Ill talw iii‘llitll

“Srimv [Il‘illlll' ,il‘i‘ \\'r)l‘l‘!t\rl .ll)l)‘ili pr‘rtlllr‘ at l'lx~
l)r‘lllL‘ s‘r‘nt .l\\.l\ ” sho‘ srrid '.\t’tr»r .rll. liglr‘lt iii llli‘
Iiiilt‘Wat‘. pririplr‘ ll‘r‘lti l'l\ \\r‘l’r‘ st‘l)i aunn "

It'I‘I‘t‘l' thinks this is lit)! a l'llt‘ da\ went and
thr- tor-Int); iii .‘ll‘i\lttll‘slli‘\s \\ ill lw \\lilr‘\'l)l‘r‘.‘l(l

"Sir main pimple ruin lrrt irilli'lli‘ll in this
riiriiit,” shr‘ said

\ lit: t'r‘llr‘r‘l’l] is Illi‘ iinssiliilttV that \mr‘rr
r‘.iil sillrlr‘llis‘ \iill iririlt lllll.l\lll'.‘ll)l\ ii)\\.‘ll‘tl iirin
,\ll)r‘)‘li‘.lll students. Rr‘i‘r‘r‘ said



For appointments at UK Counseling and Testing Cen-
ter, call 257-8701, or UK Family Center, 257-7755.

"it's A Milli r‘l‘li llr‘r‘.‘lli.st‘ lwuplr‘ llli'lkl‘ assuiiip
trims and I'rillli‘ tri r‘rinr‘lusirins.“ shri said “i liriiir'
lli) illli‘ ii'rll inakv \‘i'l'liill l't‘lllill‘lx‘\ It's iiiiprirlant
)lril tn iiir It on r‘:lr‘ll rillir't‘ ”

\‘lir~ siiuurists s'tudrints ii hi» li‘i‘l uiisal'ri shriuld
lr‘ll \llllll‘tlllti lllllllt‘lllilll‘lV

'l'lii‘ (‘riunsrvling I‘r‘ntrti stall itsir'hrrlriizist is
ilir‘r‘llilt; \\lil) i‘risidr‘iit .'Iil\'l\I‘l'\. ll t‘lllr‘l'ut‘llr‘lr‘s’
slinrild :ll‘lsr‘

'l‘hr- rilllV l‘l‘JIsrll) \lli‘ thinks a lllll s'r‘alu I‘llli‘l‘v
izvnm' niiuht :n l‘st' is ll the r‘rtllllll‘V wins tri war

The l‘l\' i’anttli r‘riiitwi~ iii .tlrl l‘dlllkllitllsr‘l‘ is
.ll‘sr) I‘\'l)t‘illll‘.f tr» talk tn studr'nts. said liritti'
tirriss. stall ll)l‘l'.‘ll)l‘~i

'\\'r~ min-rt rails tlii‘iiuuh illi‘ \ir‘r‘k," \lli‘ sziirl

l’rii‘ no“, l'l\' sillrlr'llls r'.’lli ruill thr‘ (‘iiuiisril
in: and l-‘ainili i‘I‘lllr‘l s t'rii‘ r'rtsts assistaiii'n

'\\‘i- .ll‘t‘ glad to talk in |)r*r)l)lr‘ il‘ thm~ kill‘W
\itillt‘itlli‘ illi‘l’I'. til it lIlr‘V .rrr‘ .in\irius ill' .‘il‘i‘airlf‘
"\lel lirr llI‘l'I‘ "

lir‘r‘r‘r‘ srllil

Finger-pointing may lead
to Arab discrimination

By Stacie Meihaus

Ixs \‘AN’ s. wr rhiniu
liirilxl at lllt‘ Ul'

By Cara Hood W,

Va“ My»; L;

. it i .
lingers .it'r‘ lNllillll‘iLI i‘\r‘lll 1“

\lVI‘l‘. at li‘l‘l‘ill‘hi gl‘r‘lilis from
il'ir‘ Middlw l‘Iast in light ril 'l‘nivs
da\ 's 'lll.ll‘l\\

Idltr‘ inrist l'lx' \ttidr‘iils
lni.iii Shalas‘h. .‘l llll‘ll‘lli‘\
sriphrinirii‘i‘. iias liiii'rit‘ii‘d hi
tltii r‘\t‘lli\

l “as sri upset. i muldii‘t
mun sl;l\ t‘rii' .ill rrl‘ m\ r‘las‘sris,"
\lll‘ said

l'nlikr‘ most l‘lx' students.
Shalash is ll‘rlm l).'tlt‘.\lllii‘. a
country in the Millillv llast
Entry day Shalash driiis llr‘l'
Muslim hiiah rhriaddrvszsi and
_llll):ll) ((ll't‘,\\l 8hr» said \llr‘ is
classified at lill‘ir‘s li\ llt‘l' l‘.lt‘t'
and lllt‘ r‘liithrt.s shr‘ “wars and ”mi
wonders it thorn \\'lll hr» a hark “m "
lash iit' disr‘i‘iinmatirin .iuainst
Middle llas’ti-i‘ii students mm

"'l‘lir‘ \\.'r\ ldrriss. pririiilr- .il lir‘l’srillllllk'
i‘vidi l\l‘.i|\\ \Klli' i am." Shalash i-xr-iits
said "1 dr‘l‘iiiiti‘li ll‘.l‘ll\ ‘hi'rw lir-

lxlllll ril‘thinus.


stand “hat

kill Ili‘let‘ "

glad 1 its!
lli‘ said


\\ ill lir- disr l‘lillli).llliil)
“I didn't l‘l‘.lll\ .‘si‘l‘
llllllli tintzrirs .ll
llt like Ili‘ltllll‘ \\r l‘r ..r.rl\
ill” it illi‘ iiirl lirilllllll” iiii Ll is
llii \ lilltllil nut in, lint
ill.il'\ Iii)“ I li‘t‘l lr‘\'lii‘r‘i lIl()\I)
aiirl l'in :riinu in
in tn ruiirirri it "
tintial \illlli‘lll lllllllsii'l
s'tudir‘d ls‘lrimtr- l‘r‘llL’lIll‘i
"x\llll‘l'li‘.‘llls i‘Jllt misutidr-r'
Muslims .ll't' .lll
xIl'I‘llV silll
that Muslims r)l1 campus rlri nrrt
\\.‘llii tr: lilriii up liuildinus rir

Mi-i‘rn said llt‘ thinks that
it a Muslim urriuii hr‘adwd il‘it'
it is a fringe group and
nut .ll .rll l‘il.'llll.\l‘i‘r‘.llil

it is lirrl right in rllsi‘l'lll‘il
Muslims Hi this

.‘lllr‘r'ir'rl in thr‘ dax"s


said thr ii- is a Qi‘llt‘l‘fll

rltsli‘tlst rill .\i‘:tliir‘ llr‘i)l)lt‘ lit llli‘
l'iiitrid Status that i‘aiis‘r‘s srimv
.\lllt‘l‘li‘.‘ill\ tri iintiirirliatrily (‘llll-
r'liidr~ .‘lll\' .‘lr‘i\ rit‘ lr‘l‘l‘ril‘lfsm
\ii‘lll ll'tllll Mlllrllt‘ liastrii‘ii trin-

“lt‘ Islaniir‘ li‘l‘l‘iil‘hl riruatii
/atirins Ill'r‘ rris‘prins‘ililri l‘rii‘ tlir'
.lll.li k \U‘ lli‘r‘rl tri r‘riiisirlrii‘ that
it is HillV a sttli ,ui'riiiii ril'a s‘iili
group that is ll)\i)l\'r‘(l in tlir~
i'adir‘al militant ar'tiiiiis." ll
Illir‘lil said

Adam Rl‘l‘il, .i liirilriuv
ll‘r‘sllilliill. said hr' \\:rs .si‘mpa
illi'llr‘ tri illi‘ .v\l'.’ll)l(‘ students at
l'l\~ \\l‘ri) might l‘r‘r‘l s‘inulr‘d nut
lir‘r‘allrsr‘ ril‘ lllt‘ll‘ hr‘ritagi‘.

lili lladdad is a sriiiirir ll'Ulll
.lrn‘daii Mo was nrit Sllm‘kl‘tl
that sum.» siii't nt‘attar‘k rm the
l'nitr-d Status rrr‘i‘urrr‘d iii light
nt its litill(‘\ i()\\.'il'll lllr‘ Mllltllr‘
liast, liut he "lli‘\'r‘l‘ llllillllllwl
.‘Ill\‘llllll” of this in. ignitudr‘ ”

\‘h. il ish said lll‘l llt‘l it. lf’l‘
drws nrit .llli‘rl lli‘l r'miitiriiis ll)
tiard thr- tragedy

“l the] exactly like I‘\i‘i‘\‘l)llt‘
i‘lsr‘ l'in human. ll)() Ijils‘t t‘r-ril
llki‘ l ri'nu.‘ ”


il‘ir' lllli‘lllJ
n rhi-
l'iiiriii. has

"I lir'llr‘Vr-


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All Sllllllllll

Week of September 70-16, 2007

l‘irv l .iriiirii'sl .ilririrlr’Ir l‘. ’rl’lrllH “II I)\/ tlit‘ (”fit ii ()I Stliilvril Ar tigitirxs

Hr Ill ll'll il sliirlr rit ()tits .lirirl IK limits lilll sillitiiit iiifrirrir. itrriri Illl
FREE ririi llll‘ llNl Wl l K l’HliW tii llll‘ MONDAY iiiliirriintiriri is ll) l[ [in n
it http: //www. uky. edu/Campus Calendar (all 257- 8867 fr r rwiir-
Ulll' r.II| Ylif .3532

Wed 1 2

‘What have we done for us lately? A Mtitivziltcitiéil'lr‘arlr-rsliri»
l‘irmwraririir l)V Striyi’ Hartline, 3 Lil) liiirii, Strident thllltll, Hrri )‘Im
‘Syd Mead, Visual Futurist. "The Lady in the Chartreuse
Dress", ‘i Winn ‘A'rii'diaiii llit‘rliiil

'Amnesty International Human Rights Film Series- The Killing
Fields rim (Ii sirrriiii Blill' 'lllltl l’iii lid

'Black Student Union Week, A Jiliirii, Martin liitlier King Jr
(iiitiir il l r iiirt

F'REE Crisis Counseling: UK Family (,irintnr, 757 7755

'SAB MOVIE, "Joy Ride", 9pm, Writs-ham Tliriatrir Passes avzirialiiv
in lirii 203 Stiirlririt (iriiitiir Iliriirl 7 Willi UKlDi

'UK Judo Club, ) 6