xt7b8g8fj57s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fj57s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1988 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1988 Vol.59 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1988 Vol.59 No.6 1988 1988 2019 true xt7b8g8fj57s section xt7b8g8fj57s 7n" . +
Volume 59, Numbers . ~ ‘ June, 1988 \w-ML.
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 Page 2
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; Second Place: Bath County News-Outlook
Weekly Class I Have a feeling readers turn to this page early-—lots of news and items--clean
' ' layout.
TYPOGRAliflY Third Place: Cumberland County News
F'rSt Place. bath County News-Outlook la . d rk Good photos, ad borders a little distracting-otherwise an easy-to-read page.
gmk'zwgliw'mg‘ “$1: oiganézed for reader. 600d yout an presswo ' Honorable Mention: Pineville Sun-Cumberland Courier
“0“ “9‘ WWW» Co tll 'th hl—t h,ressneedshl.
Good bold heads and well printed. ms e°°mm“""y mug y ”mm" y p e 9
Third Place: Cumberland County News ’ LOCAL NEWS PICTURES
Type size too big. Inside banners need pizazz. Printing of photos could be First Place: Cumberland County News
better. Front pages good and strong. Excellent action shots-good mix of photos, layout.
Second Place: Clay City Times
COMMUNITY SERVICE . Excellent reproduction! Real care shown in cropping and bordering.
First Place: Carhsle County Courler Third Place: Bath County Ne ws-Outl ook
Second Place: Edmonton Herald-News Nice mix of head shots, news and feature photos.
Honorable Mention: Trimble Banner-Democrat

- “'5‘ “3‘“ Ch" 9‘” Tim‘i‘ . . LOCAL FEATURE PICTURES

The only entry meeting the WW . . ‘ g ‘ y _ g . . First Place: Bath County News-Outlook

‘ ' i 3 i ‘ - i E i F ‘ . ‘ ' _ ‘- . _ Good tie-in of photos with stories-mice display of photos.

Flfioglrctcgay City Tam ' ‘ _ _ . _ ' Second Place: Clay City Times

ll'S : .
Strong, hard news. good use of photos, writing has punch. a light feature on Third Place. Cumberland County News
£mnt page might add beneficial v‘afiety. "'5" ' "“' "” "ff? ' ' , ; ‘_

Second Place: Bath County News-Outlook: Q i ' . First Place: Cumberland County News ' ‘ 1‘ ‘ '
“ms ”man” °k b‘" “m mm “ea-"m" we" des'gnid ”Fem “sue. Good use oi photos I like the big baseball pix Good idea on horses out of \
10/1/87 has too much photography nbovethe fold, good diversity of stones , gate on racing page Well above competition.
fifloghhfg gigafifgd County News ' . Second Place: Bath County News-Outlook
Good use of photos and well cropped, type too big and more horizontal layout :3: 21m igmixpgggfltrmngge: :efeds ‘Zm'k‘ Consrder usmg 0“” 0'
. helpful, story variety ok but need to punch up leads. ; ; g p 1 i - 31““ p pag '
Honorable Mention: Trimble Banneronemocrat : ‘ ' ‘ ; e , :
Variety of stories okbut need higher story count above told. punch up heads, r. , sgfiglfii‘cgnflgzzgfiEmoN
some paragraphs too long. ' 1 i . , ‘ ~ . I ‘ Good ad mix. clean first page layout, thoroughly covered contents.
' Second Place: Trimble Banner-Democrat
Egggggl. :figgonnw News Outlook ' A good-sized section, nice ad work, no shortage of historic material and

Lots of local editorial content--l like the sub-head boxes in the ads. ‘ flmgif;fl gage 3:323:11 a; mm Solos;L

_ . .9: legxngrjzayafigaufi“ " r3. ' ' ' L " , ‘ Work on cover is excellent—pleasing typography--bordered photos a plus.

' it Excellent-filled with local goodies. This newspaper staff clearly cares about Honorable Mentlon: Edmonton Herald-News . _ m,
its commmity--clean up layout and you have a winner! Good clean typography--good photo mlx--why every story beglns Wlth a .
Third Place: Beattyville Enterprise
Good strong (long) editorials-homey little comic strip--mix of type sizes and ofigfiatfg:?ggy Times
2°“ '5 “mu" “3 ”a“ f’ve’Im' a 5mg “I‘m” page‘ . ~ Excellent use of vertiml format--clear and easy to read. logical progression.

onorable Mention. Pmevrlle Sun-Cumberland Conner Second Place- Pineville Sun Cumberland Courier
A great, attention-getting idea. I
First Place: Bath County News-Outlook 32;: graigg Eggsnlgixgfilitgkadv _ r
Good attention getters. ' ' ’ . “use - ‘
Second Place: Cumberland County News Kggablcelrléntion. Edmonton Herald-News
Third Place: Carlisle County Courier on-g r.
sifgsltglsaffaglmberland County News ' 5:? Plahcle: 31th Cmtdeews-Ooflool; f _ _
Good photos. Solid local coverage but local columnist would be good. Secgflzgnzc? 35:35 la £012: a gourd: 0' “'9“ advertisers-
Keep working. » ' . .
Second Place: Clay City Times $153,; 3:203“ Eds “goughoutnno distracting border tapes!
Editorial copy good. Page a bit busy with small pix, stats, etc. Package better We" displayéd guy'gad'ms
and you're first place! ' , . ' _
Third Place: Edmonton Herald-News Honorable Mentlon. Cumberland County News
Crossword puzzle unique! More stories and better layout needed.
First Place: Benton Tribune-Courier _ MM“
Well-written feanrres, good big photos and someone knows something about - ~
photo layout theme. Certificate of flwartf
Second Place: Edmonton Herald-News _ New-twp" Comm
Good mix of ads and related copy-J wish our county agent was a prolife!
Third Place: Cumberland County News . Weekly 1 ,
Clean layout-~statf written copy would help. V
Honorable Mention: Cumberland County News FirSt Place: Bath County News-Outlook
Second Place - TIE: Clay Clty Tlmes
Lgrmf‘: :23: Tribune Courier Second Place - TIE: Cumberland County News
A style section unusual for papers‘of your size. good photo work and attention Third Place: Carllsle County Cour “3"
to layout. Congratulations! . ' - -

 . Pa
O ' ' l 31 ' ge 3
nglna A Idea - Weekly, Class 1 ~ Local Sports Plctures - Weekly, Class 1
Clay Clly tows: Mrs. Rose enjoys vlsllwllhlnmllynrl . .5 ... ill-5., 1..., ...; _ “‘E—x'——v ~--- ~-~ -
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Sports Page - Weekly, ass
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 . Page 5
Weekly Class II ‘ . First Place: Citizen Voice 8: Times
Consistently good photography. Your staff has the knack of finding the
TXPOGRAPHY . _ . right angle and shooting at the right moment. Good work! ,
Fl?“ Place: SpringfieldVSun _ _ . . . Second Place: Springfield Sun
The use of color makes this an outstanding Issue, color registration ls Good sense of timing and composition makes your work stand out.
good wnth clean. cnsp type and layout , j j . , ' . Third Place: Troublesome Creek Times -
Second Place: News-Democrat, Carrollton ' Lots of local photography. Good camera angles.
Good use of spot color, clean type and photo reproduction. Layout is -
effective and nmaclive- A LOCAL FEATURE PICTURES * ‘
Third Place: LaRue County Herald-News First Place: Citizen Voice & Times ‘ V
600d layout Wilh effective press “’0“? “mm reproduction '5 m and clear. ' Ambitious photo layout-photos a little dark. but a good idea. Layout is
' _ missing a better, dominant scene-setter. V
COMMUNITY SERVICE ‘ . Second Place: Expression on the child's face makes this shot. ;
First Place: LaRue County Herald-News - - Third Place: LaRue County Herald-News _ , ,
Aclassic servicetoyowcommunitytoailow the stude aVvoice for their A . , -' j '
"News" Excellent! _ A . A A ' . ' LOCAL SPORTS PICTURES V ‘ ' ' ‘ -
Second Place: Troublesome Creek Times . First Place: Troublesome Creek’l'imes - ' . .
A good effort '0 bring lectures ‘0 ““5 students. A“ WW ‘0 Mm‘ ““3 Excellent action and layout Photos of "Gingerbread Festival" show good
students with broad and interesting subjects. . _ , V amalgam coverage. " ’ 'V " " ' . _
‘ ‘ A , ‘ ‘ ' ‘ -' Second Place: Georgetown Graphic ... . V V . ._ V _V . . V
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION , . A ‘ ‘ A . . Good action shows camera at the ready for appealing attraction.
“'5‘ Place: LaRue County Herald-News ’ _ _ _ , NOTE: It was too bad that photo credits were not used for all entries.
Good job oflkeeping public informed on sludge sites. More hard-hitting : . . . . V .
. editorials would have been good- ' ' " ~ -;._:'":‘ A ' j A; ' - SPECIAL EDITION OR SECTION ' . ' - " ‘ ' 'i ' ' . .
Second Place: Troublesome Creek Times ' ‘ ’ First place: McLean County News _
Open meetings are ilnpeftenl and we've helped keep them open “Owever- Good historical issue. readers will keep it on the coffee table til a better one is
that tape at end of editorial should have been played up more. published. _
. - ' . ' . Second Place: Springfield Sun \
FRONT PAGE '- . ' ' Well-written articles on an important subject.
First Place: Georgetown Graphic V V . V
Good strong heads. Photos basically ok. Simple layout for reader. ORIGINAL AD IDEA A A
. Second Place: Springfieldjsjnn r; 1- a ._-».. , j A A, A _ . _. _ _. , A, . . V - “First Place: McLean County News . _ A . V
Mix of em types seed ": . ' ' _; .; 1;. 'A z - '- - g . AA , Superb, original-and certainly lasting~thoughtl ... ‘ -. , '
Third Place: News-Democrat, Carrollton ‘ ' " ' ‘ -~ » ' . .. ' ' - Second place: LaRue County Herald-News 1‘ " i. - “ g » »
Good story count on front page for reader. Stronger design and you would Good creative selling. , _ A _
have placed higher. . Third Place: Troublesome Creek Times -‘
. Honorable Mention: Cadiz Record Appealing layout and copy. Makes you want to be there.
First Place: Springfield Sun -: ' ' -_ ;, ._ . a =. e j «. First Place: Henry County Local
Your strong local content made You a Winner- ' ' ~ ‘ _ _ f' : " ~ Good use of space for large amount of items. Layout well balanced. good use
Second Place: Troublesome Creek Times ‘ - V A ' of white space to einphasizeitems. .. ..1 r: species-sf}: . ,j. .145. »
_ ' V Second Place: LaRue County HeraidNews 'v 41:75:“: ' . * .
NEWSPAPER PROMOTION j "Hawk Pride” shows good imaginative Way to unite town behind the high .
Honorable Mention: Troublesome Creek Times ' ‘ school athletes. . ,
v e. , , _ . Third Place: Citizen Voice & Times ‘ , ‘
SPORTS PAGE ' Excellent layout strikes reader to read or move to new location.
First Place: LaRue County Herald-News V ‘
Good variety, good feetme article for lead into section: V , .
Second Place: Crittenden Press -
Good writing on interesting subject—budget cuts—could (should) help , .
recreation program. _ ' .
First Place: Cadiz Record . V
A superior entry. Good information. local news, use of art! Other entries $3.0m... V
look to this newspaper for guidelines. ’ '
Second Place: LaRue County Herald-News . . . ,
Good local coverage, not much use of canned material. Certtficate Offlwqrd
Third Place: Springfield Sun . -
Good columns. but more local stories could be utilized other than 4-H, etc. - aQwspapzr Contest
BUSINESS PAGWSECTION _ ' - - V Weekly 11 - ‘
First Place? Springfield _Snn , . - A '
Consistency Wins! , ' - ' .
- Second Place: News-Democrat, Carrollton General Excellence _ V
. . .. .. _ . . - . ' V V First Place: LaRue County Herald-News
LIFESTYLE PAGE _ . V j . Second Place: Springfield Sun '
First P1809: MR“? 00“" He'a'd'm“ , , Third Place: Troublesome Creek Times
This has headline, layout and writing problems-but. Its the only one of
this lot to attempt more tlun weddings. births. etc. , I . K
V» V V_ VV . . j , ... , , ,_ . .-.

 8 - ' 2
. . 1 P W 1 Class 2 Agnculture Page - Weekly, Class
Edltona age eek y,
. . . ‘ _.. ..."...u. ...\......_..u agrlculture %
'7'! Hawk-h .51" . . m.-m‘—— W“ Q. "~—
_ _ .. ......H m. a“ _ , ,. _ "~-
. .... .. 4- WV" 9‘- '- , . ..1' .
“I x..- ...—..w v" ' I" ”...—...».thu .,- q, x t
men .- .r- . I. 1. a W . a . x m ex ense
.n—u..,.m—-n—v :)‘1 1 I, ‘ I _ ; -- : -. -_ 2.1,.” ,_,_ .I g. .7. _ .
‘ 1 .. w " -‘ _ ._ .’ .... .. ....» - . guan’ufl- :,‘-"",~*1~-.~r.»
m. ,_,-__ 'l ‘1 n .15.; ,.—4= _- - ‘ . . :3?“ 1;”, 2-3-2 M5953» Swme tested for drugs
. . . H g l 5' l v37 .4. ‘ ‘ 333?..a’, g]: ,.\‘ mama-7;: ...... ...—... ................ ...-cm... ......
Titankxgtl'mglwltdny . 1. «I ..4— --- “m W"- . pfimwfir ‘ 14.x» arm: “n... ...... .7: ...-"ram:
, . «In—“,4, ..-—.... ... .. [H new”, , ,w :_. ugh“... ..n....--».. ...a.......~...
get: lost In shuffle ,- .4. a» _ . 3-. may?” .; '2: --.—...... ...—.-.... ......M...
- ; I ‘ , -_-- 4... 5., .9423. “...—,2” . . ...—... ~_u.~...—.—...~._-.
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nan—..m— »v..1 ,-D- . .‘3. ‘3‘... .~-I » g . . _r_,xu>-.u‘g-‘4 ~ m».—n—.—..—..—_-.~n—~——..m
gran: "w W e - I_:'-.7.u?1:'~¥“ .. gW-xuw. ,;-IC 3 . . » 74-~...:._ - ...... ...“..-- .
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:77..“.."‘:..‘: 'J I ' A; affirm-,- ‘f’ _ .53: ;_—f e ‘ «a; L‘ -;_,..w:,.i.u . . .ie.I \..>.,¢ =Ez_--_: 3—“: 1-5:; L‘JL‘; _.:
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- -~T-‘~‘v-- - -»"'~.-—- ~ "~'“~ “ V -- » -- _ . . Farmers to vote May 10