xt7b8g8fj43w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fj43w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1993 text GLSO News, March 1993 1993 1993-03 2019 true xt7b8g8fj43w section xt7b8g8fj43w . : h i ; .. if: 1 ~13; ., .. ' :--. 5 i i: i: i W ..5$ I, . :-: U :i: ,1: .. :1: ~ 1.: .. ‘3 :1: .
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fl Pad/7m t/wr If tie [ex/2941f” ya? ”flea/x224 fame/aw aria/”241,727”
6621.35) gigsyggghagfougpme Kentucky Senators Failing
Our newest addition to our area’s lesBigay LBSBIGBY community
services is the Lexington Youth Group, a .
support organization for people under 21 . The “19‘?“ debate fover ”6,31de
that is ran by and for teens. This group of fine Clinton S (169310“ [.0. h t the ban on
young people needs help from the rest of us homosexuals m the WWW led to a Senate
in a number of ways. Here is their wish list: vote over a compromise that W111 allow for a
-a central meeting place that is free Six month period to conSIder the proposed
(currently the space at the UU Church costs change. The Feb. 4th vote ended Wlth a 62
$20) to 5d7Cga$ssageé1 fKephtucérK Sehnlatgé Wuelnlilsll
. or voe oreIWIeencs
and cox-IdeTIESSfSIS to help get the group started other Senator, Mitch McConnell (R) voted
—and most importantly please help against the bill. Senator Ford, who received
spread the word on the existence of this conSIderable SUPPOH locally from lesBigay
group via signs word of mouth PS A’s etc Democratic volunteers in his November re—
- ’ - ’ _’ ' election, responded in a recent letter to
For more information, call Ryan at 223 4147. Editor jeff Jones as follows: “In all honesty,
womynweave BUSY II) March I must tell you that I remain firm in my stance
, -, . against lifting the ban. However, I am Willing
gfflngngl 3176:1221th Sihgligfggéygrjfigtnpigfi to take (tjhle time tohthoroughly review the
bored? Well, you might consider joining the ISSUE aréOdisgiréatgrts $1803? g: Srienlgtyégvgy mail
as? amass:saaasafaaas 35 ,hhigi Whhhihh hi
see the play “Sisters." On Saturday, March 20, 5 O- 7 ‘
the merry band will convene at Natasha’s
Cafe on Southland for dinner at 6pm to be Have you been discriminated against
followed by a night of videos, popcorn and -
further activity planning at a local home. The m tfhe Commonwealtn at Kentucky
first Saturday of April (April 3) finds the or your sexua onemaflon'
Womynweavers out to enjoy the spring with THEN REPORT IT!
a hike and picnic near Frankfort. The group
will assemble at 11am. For more information, 231.0335 '
call Suzanne at 299-2188. WOTHYHWGHW‘ - *
invites you to acid your own unique “thread” sts‘scr‘mmami‘m
to our growing community tapestry. . SNIPWedThurFrmficwn

 621$, gjcgo W; ”41.3 GLSO News Welcomes New Ad Manager
" . ' You may find that this issue is crammed with new
PUthhed Monti?) by the. advertisers and actually sets a remilrd for thedmpst
axlngto 1’ [an 3 in advertisements. We can blame t ese won er ul
1’ n gag/ g zw additions on Ron Sarver, GLSO News” new Advertising
Oganlzaflon Manager. In response to our desperate cries for help
P O Box 11471 Lexington KY 40575 in the Feb. issue, Ron has stepped forward to take over
i ' 1;: dit . ’ this aspect of serving our community. If you wish to
ors: , . take out an ad, please call him at the number listed in
R” Jones and KHSUU Smith the GLSO News Directory. We thankfully welcome
GLSO Annual Dues - $10.00 Ron on board!
Dues for Couples — $15.00
Newsletter Only — $5.00 Remember to Attend
33:31? mflyimjfiffif 5,1,12,13,53,: The free program, For Our Lives, For Our Children’s
of Directors-Summons «In "‘_‘1°°"°‘ m sum-um- beca- u... Lives: Women Talk About AIDS, will be presented at
:33”; qfigxmflfigfi‘fixfimfihfiffi'jfix 7pm on March 4 at the Lexington Pu lic Library
a, mi mum WaitsA‘Lgon ._. the right to Meet Theater and on March 5 at noon at UK’s Martin Luther
S: 3:37;“.23711; msffi: ”1:130 Xfmfii King Cultural Center. Dazon Dixon of Atlanta and
, _\ “mm “Mme /, ~ Jeannie Pejko of Chicago are the dynamic speakers.
. :\\‘. its ’6}?- 51/: . Don’t miss this important and timely discussion of
\ ‘- ‘ ' " " AIDS and its effects on women (especially womegi of
, , , color.) For more information, call Kate Black at (306)
OfflClal MOW Anthem IS OUT! 257—8634.
“Together, Proud and Strong” is the official anthem for
the 1993 March on Washington. This joint effort of 62
lesBigay singers including Holly Near, Ron Romanovsky .
and Paul Phillips, and others can be purchased for $5 GLSO MemberShlp
per cassette and $2 shipping ($1 for each additional
item) from Shock T Music, PO Box 54, Perkasie, PA and
18944. Just to give you an idea of the music, this song
is similar in sound to the We Are the World genre of ' '
music. The chorus goes: “Together, proud and strong GLSO NEWS SUb scrlptlon
we stand- Hearts united across the land. We are. Gay, - - -
Bi and Lesbian, And we won’t go away, back off rates WI“ Increase In
pretend. We are marching for our lives you see, April!
‘Cause no one’s free until everyone is. No one’s free , ,
until everyone is.” This inexpensive tape will AVOld the 1ncrease by
. 1 ‘ . .
undoubted y become a collectors item St a rt 1 11 g or renew 1 ng your
Sexual orientation The TOPlC in membership/subscription
Prestonsbure NOW
A forum on Multiculturalism and Diversity will be '
presented at Prestonsburg Community College’s Pike The new rates will be;
Auditorium on March 8 from 12:40pm—lz40pm. This . .
forum will focus on the handicapped, the “gender- MemberShlp' $15 Slngle
capped” and on sexual orientation. The GISO Speakers ' $20 C011 16
Bureau has been approached to attend as s eakers. p
53% more information, contact Terry Hays at (§)6) 874— GLSO News Subscription—$10

 ' The Culture Connection even encouraged to get off and
explore these areas in your mind's

r by Barryjames domain. After our "cruise", we’ll
t take a journey in time to societies
1 Editor’s Note: Barry James, an of long ago: ancient Greece, Rcme,
i Anthropology student at UK, is one of and Japan. We will explore female
I our new featured columnists. This new and male homosexuality, unique
) series, The Culture Connection, forms of lesbianism, transvestism,
1 examlrfis. the many different and Often mass orgies, sexual marathons and
3 surpr1s1ng waly-stthat other cultures any other interesting gender-

:éfgtijfghlfiasl. y Aighropsgflfgy Sf: bending twists on how people live

especially well suited to this and love. , ,

research. If this subject interests Finally, we W111 discover how
. you, you might well consider a new religion and our own society affects
E course in Anthropology at EKU offered the ways in WhiCh our lifestyle iS
, by Dr. Rex McDonald in which 1/3 of the perceived and treated. So, girls
r course will address cross-cultural and boys, with all this traveling
l aspects of homosexuality. GLSO News ahead of us, I suggest you cuddle
F welCOIneS Barry to our-growing list Of up With. the one yo-u love, or tlrle one
f wonderful feature writers. -JJ you just met, or in joyous solitude
) _ _ and get some rest. For in another

_Imag1n_e being a young boy month, we are off and out into the

grow1ng up in a soc1ety where you world!

are forced to perform fellatio on

older boys! Horrible, isn’t it?

Let’s stretch our belief system WI”

further and envision a place where

women can take on the economic role

of men, marry a woman (legally) and APRII' 25’ 1993

be regarded as an equal among men. _______

Utopic, you say? In fact, it is m /

just an airline ticket away, or m

paragraphs away if you prefer to L7

save your money and fantasize. J. / vi

We are going to embark on a ”.fii‘tg‘

mystical journey: me being Capt. 3 E

Stubbing and you being Gopher, @

Julie, Isaac, and Doc on a "Love 2

Boat” of sorts into the esoteric g

realms of culture and sexuality. I,’ g

Our port of calls will include such

exotic places as New Guinea, India, '

Oman, Tahiti, Samoa and North 9

America (on the return trip.) You DON T MISS

won't, however, be restricted to mom.

the boat: you will be allowed and o
i women - 3 HISTORY MONTH GLSO NEWS/MARCH 1993 - 3

: uton furniture is changing and we bring you
the latest in handcrafted, hardwood frames,
beds, tables and chairs. Designer pillows,
lamps, silk plants, even framed art!
Theperfect look for your apartment's
decor and your lifestyle!
' Discover the endless choices today!
Sat-Mon 10—6
Sun 12—6

 the Kids’ sketch show has been picked up by
Q‘\S"OPHER R081”, , CBS, Where it runs every Friday at 12:30 am.
Oh HOMO 6‘ The Kids’ play all male and female characters
in their sketches which look like what Saturday
Night live would be if their censors took an
extended vacation. Thompson is an in—yer—
_I face fag, and often portrays gay characters.
"""""""""""""'° One memorable sketch had him playing a
Just because the month was short doesn’t queeny barfly who coaches a lesbian softball
mean the ultra celebrity diva is short on dish. team called Sappho’s Sluggers, He is a
Sashay Shante! The music industry is scream!
in a tizzy over statuesque drag queen RuPaul, Talk about putting your money where
whose debut single “Supermodel (You’d your mouth is! Elton John donated the
Better Work)” is strutting up the Billboard $250,000 performance fee for a gig at a party
charts With 21 bullet. He SiZZleCl at the Annex thrown by media conglomerate King World
in Louisville last month, and in case anyone Syndicate to AIDS charities. This is in addition
is wondering, he wears a size 14 in women’s to donating the proceeds to all of his American
heels, he still has his “business” (you figure singles to the same charities. With all that
it out), he’s as bald as an onion under that cash, you’d think that he could get a hair
platinum wig, and his philosophy Of life is weave that looks better than roadkill.
“You’re born naked and the rest is drag.” 80
Pat Robertson is a drag queen? Clutch the It’s official, Madonna’s Body of
pearls! Incidentally, tWO months ago in this Evidence is a flop, but it’s really not her fault!
very column 1 PICdiCtEd this meteoric rise t0 I swear! Willem Defoe and Anne Archer are
stardom before MTV was even playing him. both about as lifeless as William Shatner's
It must be difficult for Rolling Stone tO read toupee’ and I’ve heard a better storyline on
me and want me and know they can’t have Bert Convey’s Super Password. This movie
me. had oodles of potential, but as usual,
Lesbian Alert! The new JOCli€ FOSth Madonna’s talent (it’s true!) was squandered
movie, Sommersby, is a four-hankie romance by a second—rate director. I’m so disappointed!
sure to warm even the coldest Republican I’m going to go pout until April. See you
heart. Even though she hasn’t officially then.
torched any closets, Foster is still a favorite of
those “ladies of alternate lifestyles."
Personally, I’m still waiting for co-star Richard ' '
Gere to dump his tone-deaf Barbie Doll wife, Ann Olllges
Cindy Crawford, and burn down some closets —_————- -—_
of his own. But, he and Foster make a lovely fl Licensed Massage Therapist
on—screen pair. A must see for people of all Dee Tissue
persuasions. S rtpM
‘ Speaking of closets, comedians are p0 s assage
busting out like Mel Gibson wannabe’s at a Digital Page!
gay cowboy convention. The latest is Scott (606) 259-8203
Thompson, who is a member of the Canadian LIC. MA001a773
comedy trou e, the Kids in the Hall. After ,
being featured) on HBO and Comedy Central, thtCertzfimtesAvadable

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 i O

; What Do You Call Your PHOENIX

; Significant Other?

0 A recent issue of Partners contained the results of a

0 survey of lesbian/ gay couples and what people call

° their significant other:

: 40% Lover

. 27% Partner/Lifepartner

: 9% Spouse k I

6% Mate/Lifemate

: 5% Roommate/Friend Kentuc y s

' 2% Boyfriend/ girlfriend

: 1% Wife/husband Newe S t

o 12% other/multiple responses


: NOW Host Celebrity HUCTIOD and

0 NOW (the National Organization of Women) will hold

: a silent celebrity auction on March 21 at the Carnegie C l eane S t

. Center (the old library Off Gratz Park). For more

information, call C nd Brown at 277—1140. I

5 y y Adul t V1 deo

. Your Community Needs You!

: Nominations for the GLSO Board are now being S tore

. taken. If you know of someone (or yourself) who is

o willing to work for the gay, lesbian and bisexual

' community, please call GLSO President, Craig Clere

: (271-8477). Latest Rel eases We Buy and Sell
° ' of Adult Videos Used Adul t
; New Student Group Forms at and Magazines Magazines
. Murray


0 Alternative Voice, a support group for lesBigay students, - _ -

0 has formed at Murray State University. For more M151 t1 Channel Gay and Les?”
' information on this group, please contact Jeff Hyde at V1 deo Arcade Theme T'Shlr ts
: (502) 755-7370.


: Kudos

. Community thanks goes to Barry James and Keith Hours

0 Elston for doing a wonderful job on their appearance (1 .

: on the Sue Wiley show about lesBigays in the military. Sun ay °

. Kudos also to EKU 5 GUESS for holding a public forum 1pm _ lam

. on homosexuals 1n the military.

0 MON - THUR :

: Chicago Hosts international AlDS 9am - 2am

: Conference FRI & SAT :

' The 7th International Conference on AIDS Education

: is scheduled from Sept. 17—22 in Chicago. The new, 9am _ 3 am

0 outspoken US. Surgeon General, Dr. Jocelyn Elders,

O is a scheduled speaker. For more information, contact 9 33 Winchester Rd. Lexington, KY
' Planning Committee member, Collin Schwoyer of 2 l- 1228

1 Louisville, at (502) 574—5601. 606/ 8

@ 95.; am '90,: £594“ ROOMMATE WANTED: Non-smoking
female preferred but “family” man is OK.
ergo Wm/mayofirmafng ”0.4me 0/3409 WWW; Must like big dog. 2 BR to share. $300 each
swam... My... ammogrsoeA/M more... ”47719.95... rent With all utilities included but telephone.
XXL/40575.0:m1f27675383- Call Mary at 266-3008.
04nd'zsa [anon anal 235%: $51.19 c5[££'la££ figsi'z 7" W W 6‘
two 55am anniusmmvzy on. Mani 3. gdmdi agar: W 6%“
in 1555 fol] oftflii Jay [01 135111 wondsmfuflbaiz. W’ W' ”795 Am,
0:0: W 4442):“ m tau «454
9.550, @130 c/Mem, Wflmfida and ' ‘ '
£55 many elf/25': organization; gang/(£251 55 £51 WANTING TO SALE: 50% share in Stone
do at' [[5 J , ,5 Club Mountain Estate in Russellville, KY. Estimated
95'”qu '1 mm 0 m an Tall/gm “70 i 5 value of Estate at $250,000. Will sell to
@1230 avg.” Editor; 17(1an Sine/Z on 1221 highest bidder. If interested, write Jim Turner,
[int/May, (/Vlaw/Z 77/ PO Box 10, Ahoskie, NC 27910.
. ON THE MOVE..........SO0N.’
117 N. Limestone
OPEN MON - SAT 4pm — 1:30am.

 figg%§%fifi§g§figfigfifigg§%§ group will have their first meeting on March
:‘ggfifii‘éfi git igrés‘é: €333 fir; :fiéfiifigfigg 8th and will report their results at the general
1g §Efi§§$fifiéfifigfifififigifi§fié meeting on Monday, March 22 at 7:30 at
K. gfimfimfihfinmfifiwfimfizflmwaxssa’t'xzzzmmwmfiwa Alfalfa’s. We Will also be hearing reports
3h by Chris MCDaVId from Tomi Ross, Brad Garrett, and Laura
'6' Even within this last short month, the Kaplan, who attended a conference on
Fairness Campaign—Lexington has continued creating Change in Los Angeles recently. The
its rapid growth and managed to stay busy community is encouraged to attend the
with several projects. general meeting and get involved in creating
The group contributed to the national change at a grass roots level. Why? Because
movement to lift the ban on gays and lesbians this community is our community!
in the military by distributing hundreds of
fliers at the Bar Complex, joe’s, Alfalfa’s, SUPPORT
Crossings, the Unitarian Universalist Church,
16 and the University of Kentucky campus OUR
is featuring the telephone numbers of the White
3r House, Sen. Ford, and Rep. Baesler. ADVERTISERS!
, Remember that the religious right has (THEY SUPPORT YOU!)
by inundating lawmakers with phone calls 7
and letters, so it is vital that we let them know BUI—I-Dofi
that we are a real political force as well by SIGN S
calling the numbers on the flyers.
A lively full house enjoyed the \ and pictorial;
Valentine’s Day Dessert Social at Alfalfa’s SPECIHLIZIHG I“
hosted by Fairness to raise funds and PHINTED WORDS
awareness. Thecrowd was treated to Sinful “ND IMHGES o“:
sweets and passronate poetry by volunteers _
from Fairness. Look for information tables VVohIclcs Vrlotol Vflugnlfliu
for Fairness at the upcoming concert by Vthm VWoog VPloshc
Heather Bishop and the play “Sisters.” Be VBmM“ kun‘ VSM‘” cm"
sure to stop in and say hi, and see how you VCmtlvc “I’m "mm" for
can get involved. business. home. or school.
Lack of direction is often a problem of VF‘Iim'd ““de '0'
new organizations, so at the general meeting 3M“ mu-
on February 8th, the campaign elected a
nine—member steering committee to guide 233-14 52
them in the early stages of growth The ggi2E253Eif1E3E335:133E33I515331513I31i3313131315213133333333333353313333E153333155:351E335:35151:515?5151E5:?51523153E1:3533133:3Eiiif3E335:12;31EiE5:1:5E13335:?iI3I33E???13333151333335153333555$5131315355:

 Lexmaton Pride Week Planning Surging Ahead
by Ann Olliges
It is an exciting time for the gay community. With the recent overturn of Kentucky’s sodomy
law, the new presidential administration and all the new services/organizations which have
emerged, Lexington is becoming a better place to live for lesBigay people. Included in this
change is the formation of the Gay/Lesbian Services Network. Dynamic individuals
representing most of Lexington’s services/organizations have been meeting since November
to prepare for Lexington’s 1993 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Pride Celebration. Various events
have been planned to appeal to our diverse community.
If you’ve ever thought about getting involved in our community, now is the time! Pride
Week will not be the same without your participation. Support is needed in all aspects of
production including donations of time and money. Pick an area of interest below and call
the contact person! Or, call Ann Olliges, Pride Week Coordinator, at 266—6568. One person
can make a difference. Come create the celebration!
Date Event Contact Phone
6/5 ICBE Kickoff Show ICBE—Thom/Michelle 255—2299
6/4 Mr/Ms/Miss Gay Pride ICBE also
Worship Service Mens Spirit—Steve 233—178
6/5 Celebration of Union Iris Events-Phyllis 272-1182
Rainbow Ball Iris Events also
6/6 lnterdenominational Svc. Iris Events also
Barn Dance TSGRA-Terry 255—5469
6/7 To Be Announced Fairness/Lex-Tomi 266-1318
6/8 —open—
6/9 -Open—
6/10 Dance (under 21 allowed) UK Lambda-Jeff 276-5383
6/11 To Be Announced Ouvrir LaPorte-Linda 266—9748
6/ 12 Pride Picnic:
5 Km Run/Walk Frontrunners—Heith 255—2945
Health Fair Dignity/Mens Spirit 299-4458
Gay Games Charlie W. 233-5948
Artists Fair Ouvrir LaPorte-Linda 266-9748
. Bar-B-Que COLTS-Mark 233-7266
parking Fairnes/Lex.—Tomi 266-1318
6/13 Volunteers Banquet T SGRA-Terry 255—5469
Also, please contact Jeff at GLSO News (276-5385) to list and advertise events. The Diversity
Business Coalition is also planning to release Pink Pages 11: The Pride Issue. Contact Brad
at 278—5109 to place an ad. UK Lambda has also donated a $50 prize to the winning logo for
Lexington’s Pride design. Be looking out for buttons and t—shirts. Lexington is getting it
together. Be a part of it!

 Hate State Update Imperial Court Working in March
1y Colorado continues to feel the fury of a The Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire
re nationWide boycott of the state over will host the 12th Annual Closet Ball on Friday, March
.15 Amendment 2, which bans civil rights based i a? :1?“- The Ball Wiflbbe {161d 215011: Uélfierglrloundt

. - - exrn on’s newest gay ar, ocate un er eP oenix
15 31:11 flfféggéalogée?tauo% Thel filmefilcan Bookstore at 933 Winchester Road. There is a $5 cover
8r _ C CW an severa 0 er arge and $10 entry fee for contestants. As with all ICBE
.ts conventions have. pulled out of Denver and events, the money raised oes to a fund to be
other Colorado Cities. To show their support distributed to charities at the end of the year. Contestants
16 for a repeal Of Amendment 27 the town Of in theCloset Ball present themselves to the audience
3f Telluride passed a sexual orienation clause 1“ ilelalusual fiend“ ml“: and the“ havfifine hourfo
it ten tnen town fully knowing tnnt Amendment a: a it“:§;::.:xaesameaz insets:
)n 2 makes such clauses illegal. There has also welcome to compete Entry forms can be picked up
been an enormous increase in reports of at’fbe Phoenix Bookstore or by contacting the reigning
harassment and violence to Denver’s Gay monarchs, Thom Branscum and Michelle Carrington,
and Lesbian Community Center’s Anti— at (606) 2552299
V' 1 P . t Th D P l' Also, Club Underground will be the scene of
10 ence rOJCC ~ 6 enver 0 105‘ ICBE’s Tough Drag Pageant on March 17th at 9pm.
Department,_ hOWCVC‘I, SQYS [hEY haVC SCCH Contestants appear unshaven (legs, face, etc). For
no increase 111 reported attacks. The GLCC more information, contact Thom or Michelle.
says that 75% Of their callers say they will or Finally, the Mr./Miss Club Underground
would not report their attacks to the police. Page?“ W‘H be held at Clubundergmund on TQM“
Ri ht—wing fundamentalist Christian rou 5 Marc 25’ at _10pm. There 1-8 a $5 cover and $“0 entry
8 7 . . S p fee which WIll go to charities.
haVC targeted .15 States including Ohio and If you think that the weekdays are boring in
Idaho for initiatives similar to Colorado’s Lexington, then Cget out to the Imperial Court’s
Amendment 2. pgrformances an find out what excitement is all
a out!
Dandelion BeadConnection
EKU Groups Makes Some Changes
Open: Tues:11-G, Wed:11—8, Thur:11—6, Fri:11—6,
Sat:11—6, Sunz1-6, 'Closed Mondays‘ >
Eastern Kentucky University’s lesBigay '
support group has undergone a restructuring. [flglgigfifficioggi‘ 1453
The group has now changed its name from Y _
GLSSO to GUESS (Gays United in Education, figf “‘ . our connection for a
Service and Support). Also, GUESS will now fl ,. F, ' beautiful selection of
hold two monthly meetings that are primarily > E \ seed beads, crystals,
aimed at homo/bisexuals and are not 16/22 ; s: . .
publically announced. Every other meeting ‘2” ._.. 2 S} semi-preCious stones,
will be “open” and announced to the general 'r ,5} [35 trade beads, bells and
public as a forum. For example, the March l A I § of, findin s
ty 3 meeting is an open forum on “Alternative V" *5.“ S l g I
id Lifestyles.” The March 29 forum will focus on 8M! lF‘fi ,
or “Discrimination, Prejudice and Hate Crimes.” iii A AWl’Rffl '-’. 224 Walton Avenue
it For more information, contact Laurie Davison , 231 6604
at (606) 623—6844. '

 March 1993 Jim MCKeighe“
\ .- 75-." 1 '
o ’ v I .
Happy St. Patnck s Day from GLSO! -,D__ no.1 - I];
1 2 3 4 5 6 710 E051 Main 51. 11 Lexing':g§|;v{~ 4050?
cam ome
D “- 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al—Amn 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. 7:00 PM Gay Men’s Spirit. 9200 AM Frontnmmrs 606-252—6677 606-233-9995 606-231-4724
itxcmzvm 7:30 PM Partners of HIV+ 6:30 PM MCC-L’ville 77:):131 mefims G .Potluck 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS 8-1.6 .
1 ) s .G . 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U r L. 1 . _
7100 PM NMCH M .. 8:4?PMmRainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Ga lusbian‘AA 7:30 PM Men's Chorus 7:30 PM I‘m-Yam? Gm“
scum men??? % WM 3 , Th L f 1
: S—EKU '
e 1 esty e
A 77 .
7 8 9 1° 1 1 12 13 5? "6 of total fitness
MCC-L’ville: Ham/6:30pm Fairness/Lex-Steering le. 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Amn 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. 7:30 PM Men‘s ChOI'llS 7-00 PM Dignity 9-00 AM
4:00 PM Ga ILesbian AA 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 7:30 PM Partners of HIV+ 6:30 PM MCC-L’ville . . .
7:00 PM NMCI-I M _. SPPt.Gfp. 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8;):pf’lgr:IV/AIDS 8-00 P M Gay / Lesblan Ogg‘ffi‘é/ S ARE CH LI V E IT 1
. 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA - : AA 1 : AID .
“’0 PM 1mm“ CW“ ‘ Southlnnd 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU s t G
8:00 PM POE-MSU pp ' rp' . , . . .
Lexmgton s Premler Personal Fltness Flrm
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 offering
AVOL M .4 m/5:3 - 7:30 PM Ga IL: b‘ Al-Ano 7:30 PM M ' Cho - ’ - - -
mutt: 11:06:03; 3:33 {3% fig‘fcg‘fi” 7:30PM Enema“ “ w WM Ugngmm 7.09m Gay Men s Welght/Fltness Consultatlon
4:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ ' SppLGrp. 233 PM ”swig;- 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. Spmt.Grp. 9:00 AM Fromm” . n trit' l 1
4:00 PM Diversity Business 7:00 PM GLSO Sppt. 8:45 1:114 Rainbow Bowling- 3 PM MCC' . ‘3 8:00 pM GUESWKU 8:00 pM Gay/Lesbian 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS s 1.6 . u Iona p an
Coal. G .. Southland W AA I6:00 PM “EPIECW NE MEI - complete fitness program
. .
- 1n—home fitness equlpment
21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 $300.00
MCC-L’ville: 11nm/6z30-m 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Amn 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus 7:00 PM Dignity Mass - ' '
7:00 PM NMCH M . 7:30 PM Partners of mv+ 6:30 PM MCC-L’ville 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. 8:00 PM Ga [Lesbian AA Q‘PQSOQM ers Personal Tralmng
_ Sppl.Grp. 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU 3100 pp; Heme 3- ho IllIlIl . _ . - 1
. ' 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM POE-MSU 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS one—on one fitness tr‘nmng’
4:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA Southlnnd 9:00 PM COLTS M . Sppt.Grp. In home or gym
”WWW w“ 1286310115 $30000
MCC—L'ville: Ham/6:30pm 5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 5:30 PM Lesbian o.A.
4:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 PM NMCH M _. 15:11:13: SELjZTWBZT; 6:30 PM MCC—L’ville -
4:00 PM Diversity Business : y s um - In 7:00 PM GLSO Board Mtg.
Coal. ‘ 7130 PM Farmers of HIY+ 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L.
8:45 PM Rainbow Bowlmg‘S-u 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA
February April I a“ /Jé§e é
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 9 W1? a» ere/ewe
78910111213 45678910 /
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 1213 14 15 16 17 ’0 ' /M
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 Mfeflflfllm (mfg/«e
28 25 26 27 28 29 30 ’
Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour. 2/ 17/ 1993 255—6209

 l=| 1:! g .
‘5; NEWS SHORTS “—1 -_ MIAMI: Attorney beneral apporntee Reno
- '- ‘ N- :t publically stated that she is “just an old maid
. . who likes guys.” During her recent re-
ggmgigfigréfi’céaélszzfif; fleélggtis election campaign as IgladeuCountsé1 lgistrict
dentists, restaurant workers or anyone with a rAatdOiéal§Y7 ifggfifigihécsig golfijubllilcglly
gogogigpéifdeclafilmgg gig/ESSEHX— $1)an acknowllfdge nor deny that she was bisexual
money issuing certificates based on or a es ran.
unsubstantiated documentation where a NORTH CAROLINA- ACT—UP Triangle in
person might well not yet show a positive Raleigh won its case against the NC
reaction to aanIV F63? [hAIDS servrces are Commission for Health Services to have
warning peop e agains ls scam. anonymous testing re—instated in all 100
- county health departments. Since 1991, ‘
gwur? 31::fissisflgfigfitgeizgftsgflelse: anonymous testing was limited to 17 .health
only sodomy law violated the state constitution departments after a. p OhUCal campaign by
in a case involving a lesbian denied right—Wing conservatives to limit testing Sites.
employment by the Dallas’ police department. MADISON WI: The US Postal Service has I
The sodomy law is still legal in Texas but is chosen Madison resident Jean Anne
currently before the Texas Supreme Court. Hlavecek’s design for the first AIDS awareness
WASHINGTON DC- President Clinton has stamp. 12 other countries have already
said that he will lift the ban on HIV+ immigrants ISSUEd SUCh a stamp.
and visitors to the US. This ban was the BRIDGE , Kenneth Reeves the
, . . ’ 1
A1 isasfeazvrsilsgta ma sfs's‘s; mafia-32:, ssssshssssss sss sss
at considerable loss to Boston businesses. open Y gay, ac mayor m t e U '
ISRAEL: Under pressure from international - DC
outrage, the Israeli government has backed WI
away from its new policy of denying entry to
any immigrant who is HIV+. The government APRII‘ 25’ 1993
now exempts Soviet emigres and Ethiopian
Falasha Jews. There is speculation that this —— .4 h
law may violate a section of the Israeli ‘ :1:
constitution providing for the return of any J I.»
Jew who so wishes to Israel. W
WASHINGTON, DC: San Francisco City \ £2? f/ 3
Council Member, Roberta Achtenburg, has /’ fl ‘3
been appointed by President Clinton to ©
become Assistant Secretary of Housing and E
Urban Development. Achtenburg is the 5
highest placed openly lesbian woman to ’ ‘ “J 3
hold office in the US.

 . . _ —————————————————_——_______. . .
' . . Benefit Recrtal at Christ Church
3 Artisans, Craftspeome Pay Attention! Cathedral
_ PO C3170? haye crafts, produce, Ems? t-shirts, Cross Ministries and the AIDS Ministries of
t '00 , liwe FY; pamulldgsl'ir 0t er servrces/ Christ Church Cathedral are offering a benefit
7 items t at you V}VO_U9 1 e to 5316 at the recital as a fundraiser. Diane Slone (violin),
, Lexmggm I’rrde Picnic. Whatever your wares, Sarah-Theresa Marakai (piano) and Joanna
1 [hip]? 6; 1cnic on june 11255,: good place to Binford (viola) will appear at the Christ
ex 1. .lt t em. _We W0” 11 e to create a Church Cathedral Sanctuary on Sunday, March
tradition here Similar to the Woodland Park 7 at 5pm Tickets are $7 50 with student /
1 and Berea arts festivals. If interested, please senior tickets a