xt7b8g8fj388 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fj388/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1941 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs, North Carolina Board of Health; v, 121 leaves, plans, 28 cm; Typescript (photocopy); Included bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81c/ser.8/no.1 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Regulatory Agencies, Series VIII, Number 1 North Carolina Board of Health text Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Regulatory Agencies, Series VIII, Number 1 North Carolina Board of Health 1941 1941 2015 true xt7b8g8fj388 section xt7b8g8fj388 1 i UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
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i I _ I Inventory of the State
€ l ` I I Archives of North Carolina g
@ I I
. V -—-·—-—————— R
gl Series VIII
U \ Social Service Agencies
N O a 1
_ ; North Carolina Board of Health I
T i 1
North Carolina Historical
I U Records Survey V
Q Division of Community .
l Service Programs l
Work Projects Administration
R&].€j.Gh’ No   n
o December 1941 l
5 GDVEHNR€ENr%" F’liBL,iCA'?`IOP·3c¢
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130. 1 I
Prepared By
The North Carolina I~Zistoricu1iRecerds Survey
Division of Community Service Programs
Work Brejeets Administration
x * * >e· =a< * >s
Raleigh, North Caroline
The North Caroline Historical Records Survey
· December 1941 · _ .

 Historical Records Survey Projects
A Sargent B, Child, Director
Colbert Fo Crutchfield, State Supervisor
Research and Records Program
Harvey E. Becknell, Director R
Milton W} Blanton, Regional Supervisor
Charlie Huss, State supervisor ‘ ‘ `
Division of Community Service Programs
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
. Hay E. Campbell, State Director
Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner
Roy Schrober, Regional Director
C. C. LcGinnis, State Administrator
Sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Commission
M. C. S. Noble, Chairman
C. C. Crittenden, Secretary

 F O R E W O R D
The Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina is one of a
number of guides to~histcrical materials prepared throughout the United
States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of the Work Projects
Administration. Each state department, institution, or other agency
will be represented by a separate section of the inventory; the sections
I for functionally related agencies will be grouped in series.
The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter
of 1955-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy
unemployed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical
workers. In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to
compile inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished
government documents and records which are basic in the administration
of local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of
political, economic, and social history. Up to the present time approx-
imately l,55O Survey publications have been issued through the country.
The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the require-
ments of day—to-day administration by the officials of the State, and
also the needs of lawyers, businessmen, and other citizens who require
facts from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs.
The volwne is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his
research in unprinted sources in the same way he uses the library card
catalog for printed sources.
The inventories produced by Historical Records Survey projects at-
tempt to do more than merely give a list of records--they attempt to
sketch in the historical background and to describe precisely and in
detail the organization and functions of the agencies whose records
they list. The inventories for the entire country will, when completed,
constitute an encyclopedia of state and local government as well as a
bibliography of state and local archives.
The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records -
Survey, even in a single agency, would not be possible without the sup-
port of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and mamy
other groups in the community. Their co-operation is gratefully
The Survey program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as
Director until March l, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child.-
The Survey operates as a Nation»wide series of locally sponsored projects
in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which Mrs. Florence
Kerr, Assistant Com issioner, is in charge.
Commissioner of Work Projects

The Historical Records Survey was created in the winter of 1955-56 as
a Nation-wide`Uorks Progress Administration projeetfor the "discovery,
preservation and listing of basic materials for research in the history of
the United States."l Under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans, the
Survey undertook an extensive program for the inventory of state and local
archives, early American imprints, church archives, and collections of
manuscripts. Pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act
passed June 50, 1959, the existence of the Survey as a single Nation-wide
project sponsored by WPA itself was terminated August 51, 1959; and the
work of the Survey was continued within the individual states by locally
sponsored projects operating within the National WPA Historical Records
$urvey which continued under the direction of Dr. Evans until his resigna-
tion and the subsequent appointment of Sargent B. Child as National Lirect-
or on March 1, 1940.
The North Carolina Project of the Federal Historical Records Survey
was established February 1, 1956, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of
the North Carolina Historical Commission, as director. Until November
1956 the Survey operated as an autonomous unit of the Federal Writers'
Project, directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkman. Dr. Crittenden
resigned as State Director June 50, 1957, and was succeeded by Dan Lacy,
who had previously served as Assistant State Director. The work of the
North Carolina unit of the Historical Records Survey was continued by the
North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project established September 1,
1959, and sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Com ission. Mr. Lacy
resigned as State Supervisor on April 2, 1940, to accept an appointment
as Assistant to the Director of historical Records Survey Projects in
"Washington, D. C., and was succeeded by the present State S upervisor.
The Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina is being publish-
ed in nine functional-groups or—series, namely: I, General Governmental
Agencies; II, Agencies of Fiscal Control; III, Courts and Law Enforcement
Agencies; IV, Regulatory Agencies; V, Public Works Agencies; VI, Agri- —
cultural and Conservational Agencies; VII, Educational Agencies and
Institutions; VIII, Social Service Agencies; and IX, Miscellaneous Agen-
cies. The order of offices within each group is based partly on age,
partly on importance, but chiefly on functional relationships with other
offices in the same group. The present section, the inventory of the
records of the North Carolina Board of health, No. 1 of Series VIII, Social
Service Agencies, gives the structural organization and evolution of the
office, its powers and duties, and the housing, care, and accessibility
of its records. The record series of the agency are described in entries
l-215, which show the following information: title of the record, dates
for which available, quantity, labeling and variant titles, description
of contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size
of volumes or containers, and location.
1. Works Progress Administration, Operating Egggedurp E2. W-2, Revised
July 2, 1957. __*—

The inventory was prepared under the supervision of Branson Marley,
Assistant Project Supervisor in charge of public archives. Field work
was done by George B. Umstead, Willa C. Sauls, and Susie F. Harper under
the supervision of James W, Parker. Legal research of the laws relative
to the State Board of Health was done by Nathaniel Bass. The inventory
was road for the sponsor by Dr. C. C. Crittenden of the North Carolina
Historical Commission and was edited by Mabel B. Eisenhart of the central
office staff. The survey is indebted to the members of the staff of the
State Board of Health for their generous co-operation in the work.
December l9él

`v_• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••V€TSuS
vol. (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . volume (s)
—— . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . current or to date
Exact titles of records are written in all capitals without brackets,
as in entry l.
Explanatory titles, written with initial capitals and enclosed in
brackets, have been added to exact titles which are misleading or which
are not sufficiently descriptive of record content, as in entry 40.
Descriptive titles, written in all capitals and enclosed in brackets,
have been assigned to records having no exact titles on volumes or con-
tainers, as in entry 14.
If units of a record have distinguishing numbers, letters, er other
labeling, such labeling is indicated in parentheses following the state-
ment of quantity in the title line.
A title-line cross reference is used in the entry for a record if a
art of the record is ke t for a eriod of time in the same volume or
container with another record and consequently appears physically in
another entry. It brings into the title line of the entry for the record
any separate parts and shews in what other entries these parts are con-
tained, as in entry lO: “l938—- in bubject File, entry 3."
A body—of—entry cross reference, appearing in the entry containing
the part and referring to me entry describing the record, is used to
complement each title—line cross reference.
Third-paragraph cross references are used to indicate relationship
between records or to refer to records of similar nature described in _
other entries.
Dimensions of volumes or record containers are given in inches.
Number of papers contained, as shown in title lines, is the approxi-
mate total number covered by the entry.
Unless otherwise indicated the condition of the record is assumed
to be good or excellent.
All records are housed in the Health Building unless otherwise

1. Structural Organization and Evolution
The North Carolina Board of Hea1th,l originally called the Board of
Health of the State of North Carolina and generally spoken of as the State
Board of Health, was created by act of the General Assembly on February 12,
1877,2 and was the twelth such board created in the United States.5
Prior to the establishment of the State Board of Health, health
legislation in North Carolina was concerned largely with the prevention
of the importation of diseases by vessels visiting the ports of the State.
The first such law, enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly in
1751, ordered the commander of Fort Johnston at the mouth of the Cape Fear
River to examine all vessels entering the river and to detain any vessels
on which were found persons infected with contagious diseases.4 Another
act was passed in 1755, "to prevent malignant and infectious distempers
being spread by shipping, importing distempered persons in this province
and other purposes."5 Since this act has been preserved only by title,
its provisions are unknown; however, it was considered to be so stringent
and so prejudicial to the commercial interests of the province that it
was repealed 5 years later.6
In 1764, the commander of Fort Johnston was again made quarantine
officer for vessels entering the Cape Fear River. He was empowered to
halt all inward—bound vessels, to order the master of each vessel to come
on shore and give, under oath, a statement as to the condition of the
health of people on his vessel and whether there were any contagious dis-
eases in his last port of call, and to require, when it appeared from the
sworn statement that there were such diseases, that the vessel spend 40
days in quarantine at Battery Island opposite the fort. After a vessel had
performed its quarantine and before it could enter port, the master was
required to wash the whole ship with vinegar and smoke it with brimstone.7
Since the existing laws were inadequate, the Governor, Council, and
Assembly required each master of a vessel, before he could disembark his
passengers and crew, to go on shore and swear before some customs official
whether he had contagious diseases aboard. Furthermore, each county was
empowered to levy a tax to build necessary and proper pests houses for the
isolation of communicable discases.8
In 1795, 1795, and 1815, similar laws were enacted for the quarantine
of ships, especially at the port of Wilmington.9 In 1868, provision was
1. IEps_pf_Np£th Carolina, 5. Laws of 1755, c. 9, Clark,
  C•   S• ]-• Opc cit., p•  
2. Ibid., 1876-77, o. 96. 6. .iaws—5f 1760, c. 2, Clark,
5. North Carolina Board of pp. cit., p. 515.
Health, Biennial Repeat, 7. Laws*Ef 1764, c. 6, Clark,
  p. 7Q E2!   pj  
4. Laws of 1751, c. 2, Walter 8. Laws of 1774, c. 8, ss. 1, 8,
Clark, ed., She State Clark, op. cit., p. 956.
Records pf North Carolina, 9. Laws of“NorthICaro1ina, 1795, c.
semi, $25. sev; "Wes‘j`°€§. ie, 20; isis,

 ..»:¢g .. ’
(Structural Organization (First entry, p. 48)
and Evolution)
made for a medical quarantine officer, appointed by the Governor, for
In 1865, the Surgeon General of North Carolina was required to keep
on hand a supply of genuine smallpox vaccine matter,ll to appoint an agent
in each county to vaccinate everyone over 6 months of age free of charge
and to keep a record of such vaccinations,l2 to adopt proper measures in
counties failing to provide hospital accom odations for those stricken
with sma11pox,l and to draw on the State Treasurer necessary sums up to
pso,ooo annually for fulfilling these duties.l4 When the militia was
called out, it became the duty of the commanding officer of each unit to
have every man therein vaccinated, the penalty for non-performance being
revocation of the guilty officer's oommission by the Governor.l5
The State Board of Health, as created in 1877, consisted of all the
active members of thc Medical Society of North Carolina, a body which was
organized in December 1799, declined after 1805, was reorganized on
January 27, 1849, was incorporated by act of the General Assembly in 18591
and agitated the organization of a Board of Health for the next 18 years. 6
The Society selected a committee to discharge its public health responsi-
In 1879, the organization of the Board of Health was changed to con-
sist of nine appointive members, six of whom were chosen by the Medical
~ Society from among its active membership, and three of whom were appointed
by the Governor.18 Since 1895, the Medical Society has chosen four of the
members from its active membership and the Governor has appointed the five
’ other members•l9
There are no specific qualifications for membership on the Board,
other than the provision that the appointees of the Medical Society be
from its active membership. In 1879, it was required that one of the
Governor's appointees be a civil engineer;2O this requirement was changed
in 1895 by substituting a sanitary engineer,2l and was finally repealed
in 1951.22 Custom, however, limits the Governor's appointees to two
10. laws of North Carolina, F. Kendrick, Public Health
l888,_b.—55T- II- Administration in North Caro- _
11. ibid., ieee-ss, C. ei, "Hi{éj`“i¤T`i§T`“`“ `"`
- ET"l. 18. Laws of North Carolina, 1879,
‘ 12. Ibid., s. 2. c. 117, s. 1. _——___-_.
· 15. Ibid., s. 5. 19. Public Laws of North Carolina,
14. T1 id., S. es. -18-95, CT`Q'i¤1TS. 1; 19-11, ET
15. Ibid., s. 4. 82, s. 1; 1951, c. 177, s. 1.
16. _Ibid., 1876-77, o. 96; Pri- Hereafter cited as Public Laws.
· tate Laws pf Eppth Caroliga, 20. Laws of North CaroIiEET*1879T“
1858-59, c. 258; Guion Grif- c. 117T s. 1; fublic Laws,
fis Johnson, Ante—Be11um 1885, c. 257, §TTET`"`““
Qpgthlgpgplgna, pp. 758-762. 21. Ibid., 1895, c. 214, s. 1.
17. Ui11iam.A. Mclntosh and John 22. Ibid., 1955, c. 177, s. 1.

 - 5 -
(Structural Organization (First entry, p. 4S)
and Evolution)
physicians, an engineer, a dentist, and a pharmacist.25
c In 1879, the terms of office for members chosen by the medical Soci-
ety were as follows: Two members chosen for 2 years, two for 4 years, and
two for 6 years; members appointed by the Governor served for 2 years.
Their successors were chosen for 6—year terms.24 In 1895, it was Provided
that all members be chosen for 2 years.25 But in 1901, it was provided
that two members chosen by the Medical Society serve for 4 years and two
for 6 years, and that one member appointed by the Governor serve for 2
years, two for 4 years, and two for 6 years. The members chosen to fill
the expired terms were to serve for 6 years.26 The Board was reorganized
in 1951, and provision was made for the terms of all the members of the
old Board to end on April l, 1951. At that time, the medical Society chose
two members to serve for 2 years and two members to serve for 4 years, and
the Governor appointed three members to serve for 2 years and two members
to serve for 4 years; at the expiration of these terms, the medical Soci-
ety and the Governor were directed to choose members to succeed their
respective appointees and to serve for 4 years.27
Compensation of each member was originally $2 per day and traveling
expenses during the actual time engaged in the performance of their
duties.28 In 1885, the compensation was changed to @4 per day and travel-
ing expenses.29 Since 1911, the members have received necessary expenses
in addition to @4 per day for actual time served.3O
The Medical Society may, for cause, remove any member appointed by
it, and the Governor may remove any member appointed by him.$i
From 1879 until 1895, the Board filled any vacancies that occurred in
its membership.32 From 1895 until 1911, the appointive powers filled
vacancies.33 In 1911, it was provided that the Board fill vacancies in
the membership appointed by the Medical Society, and that the Governor
fill vacancies in the membership of the Board appointed by him.54 Since
1951, however, it has been provided that the Medical Society at its next
annual meeting make an appointment for the unexpired torm.in case of any
vacancy among the members appointed by it, although the executive committee
of the Society may make a temporary appointment until the next annual meet-
ing of the Society. The Governor fills any vacancy among the members ap-
pointed by him.55
25. McIntosh and Kendrick, op. 29. Public Laws, 1885, c. 257,
cit., P0 16a l-in  
24. `iaws of North Carolina, 50. Ibid., 1911, c. 62, s. 5.
--187-9,-'c—.`-_-117-, E,‘T`Is`. 51. ibm., 1951, C. 177, S. 2.
25. Public Laws, 1895, c. 214, 52. lEwE_gf north Carolina, 1879,
S'. `2`. "”“" C. 117,   1¤ub1f€`1Iaws,
26. Ibid., 1901, c. 245, s. 1. 1885, c. 257, s. 5.
27. Ibid., 1951, c. 177, s. 2. 55. Ibid., 1895, c. 214, s. 2.
28. Laws of North Carolina, 54. Ibid., 1911, c. 62, s. 2.
`i§“7§,”E. 117, S. 4. ss. -lb.-—id., 1951, C. 177, S. 2.

 . · 4 ·
A (Structural Organization (First entry, p. 48)
and Evolution)
The Board organizes by electing a president and a secretary—treasurer.
The president is chosen by the Board from its own membership and origin-
· ally served for a term of 2 years.56 Since 1901, his legal term has been
6 years,37 but because the term for members was shortened to 4 years in
1951, the president now serves for 4 years. _
Originally, the Board was required to choose the secretary—treasurer
from its own membership;58 but in 1909, it was required to select him from
among the registered physicians of the State. Since that time he has been
known as the State Health Officer, and, as executive officer of the Board,
has devoted his full time to public health work.59 Since 1951, the Board's
selection has required the approval of the Governor.4O From 1879 until
1895, the secrotary—treasurer served for 6 years;4l from 1895 until 1901,
he was chosen for a 2—year term;@2 from 1901 until 1951, he was chosen for
a 6~year term;45 and since 1951, he has been chosen for a 4-year term.4%
Until 1885 the secretary-treasurer received the same compensation as
a regular member.45 In 1885, the Board was authorized to fix his annual
salary;46 and that he be paid not over $1,000 per year was required in
1895.47 In 1909, his salary was increased to not over sa,ooo and actual
traveling expenses.48 In 1921, the Board was authorized to increase his
salary to $5,000 annua11y,%9 and in 1927, to $8,000.50 The Board may
remove the secretary-treasurer for cause and may appoint his successor,
subject to the approval of the Governor.5l
The secretary-treasurer is ex officio a member of the Eugenics Board
of North Carolina,52 the joint board of directors of the North Carolina
Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis and the Western North Caro-
lina Sanatorium,5$ and the North Carolina State Commission for the
56. Laws of North Carolina, 42. Ibid., 1895, c. 214, s. 4;
1879;_5. 117, s. 4; Public 1901, c. 245, s. 4.
Laws, 1885, c. 257, s. 4; 45. Ibid., 1909, c. 795, s. 4;
1895, c. 214, s. 4. 1911, e. 62, s. 6.
57. Ibid., 1901, c. 245, s. 4; I 44. Ibid., 1951, c. 177, s. 5.
1909, c. 795, s. 4; 1911, 45. Laws gf North Carolina, 1879,
o. 62, s. 6. c. 117, s. 5.
58. Laws of north Carolina, 46. Public Laws, 1885, c. 257, s.4.
"1‘a"·r`e,‘”6."'i`JWj“`é,. 4; Public 47. 'fbie., ieee, C. 214, S.  
Laws, 1885, c. 257, §T"4E— 48. Ibid., 1909, c. 795, s. 4;
1895, c. 214, s. 4. 1911, c. 62, s. 6.
59. Ibid., 1909, c. 795, s. 4; 49. Ibid., 1921, c. 150.
`I9II, c. 62, s. 6. 50. Ibid., 1927, c. 145, s. 1.
40. Ibid., 1951, c. 177, s. 5. 51. Ibid., 1951, c. 177, s. 5.
41. 1§ws_qf_§2rth Carolina, 52. Ibid., 1955, c. 224, s. 5.
1879, c. 117, s. 4; Public 55. Ibid., 1955, c. 91, s. 2.
Laws, 1885, c. 257, s. 4.* 54. EEE8., 1955, c. 285, s. 1.

 - 5 .
(Structural Organization ` (First entry, p. 45)
and Evolution)
The Board also chooses a vice president and an assistant State
Health Officer.55
In 1909, theBoard was authorized to have an executive committee, com-
posed of the president as ex officio a member, the engineer member of the
Beard, and one other Board member.5G In 1913, the engineer member was re-
placed by another member chosen from.the Board.57 Meetings of the execu-
tive committee are •al1ed by the secretary with the approval of the
president, The committee exercises such authority as the Board gives it
to act on matters which arise between meetings, but any action taken by
the committee must be presented for confirmation by the Board at its next
Regular annual meetings of the Board are held at the same time and
place as those of the State Medical Society, and special meetings may be
held on call by the president through the secretary.59 Meetings of the
Board for the purpose of electing officers were originally held on the
second day of the annual meeting of the State nedical 8ociety.6O From
1893 to 1901, such meetings were held biennia1ly.6l Since 1901, such
meetings have been required to be held every 6 years.62 Since 1931, how-
ever, because the terms of the president and secretary have become 4 years,
such meetings have been quadriennially.
The Board must maintain its executive offices in Raleigh.65
From a strictly legal standpoint the term "State Board of Hea1th“
embraces the Board proper and all the operating units which have been
organized by it to execute its public health functions. The Board is
responsible for the performance of duties and functicns assigned it and
is empowered to appoint the necessary experts and assistants, such ap-
pointments, of course, being subject to the usual supervision of the
Budget Bureau. Even in the cases of its four operating divisions which
are recognized by law, the Board or its executive official is ultimately
responsible for their organization and operation.
In the early years of the Board's existence no distinction could be
made between a de facto and a legal viewpoint, for the members of the
Board themselves_actua11y executed the duties assigned insofar as they
were executed at all. Because of small appropriations little was done
55. biennial Report, 1938-40, 1893, c. 214, s. 27; 1911,
passim. c. 62, s. 8.
56. Eublig paws, 1909, c. 793, 60. Laws of North Carolina, 1879,
S. 4; ieii, 6. 62, S. 6. ,57*11-7-; S. 7; 1¤ubi'i'5"iav£s,
57. Ibid., 1913, c. 181, s. 1. 1885, c. 237, s. 7.
58. Ibid., 1909, c. 793, s. 4; 61. Ibid., 1893, c. 214, s. 8.
1911, c. 62, s. 8. 62. Ibid., 1901, c. 245, s. 4;
59. Laws ef_Ncrth Qggelina, 1911, c. 62, s. 7.
1879, c. 117, s. 13; Public 63. Ibid., 1909, e. 793, s. 4;
Laws, ieee, C. zsv, §'°.‘iTs’§ FIT, C. 62, S. 6.

 - 5 -
(Powers and Duties) (First entry, p. 48)
beyond the publishing of a few pamphlets on health problems. In 1885,
however, the annual appropriation for the Board was increased from e200
to §2,000 and assistants were employed to undertake specialized work.
Thereafter the Board itself gradually became a policy-making body, only
indirectly controlling the actual execution of the health laws, although
until 1909 the secretary was a member of the Board and until l9ll the
engineer member largely exercised the work of inspecting public water
, · W Today, there can be distinguished two ahnost separate organizations
~ within the field of State public health administration. At the top is the
State Board of Health, a policy-making body; at the bottom is what might
be called the Health Department, the corps of experts and assistants which
actually performs the functions of a public health service. Between these
two is the State Health Officer, a kind of liaison officer who coordinates
and directs the work of the experts and is held accountable by the Board
for the proper execution of its responsibilities.
The Health Department consists now of approximately 106 employees
working in nine divisions: The Division of Central Administration, the
Division of Preventive Medicine, the Division of County Health Work, the
State Laboratory of Hygiene, the Division of Vital Statistics, the Division
of Epidemiology, the Division of Sanitary Engineering and Inspection, the
Division of Industrial Hygiene, and the Division of Oral Hygiene. Each
of the divisions is headed by a director and to each is assigned a phase
or a group of related phases of public health work, although there is of
necessity some overlapping.
The discussion of the work of each of these divisions will be given
as an introduction to its records.64
2. Powers and Duties
The State Board of Health, through its secretary who is its executive
officer and is the State Health Officer, is required to take cognizance of
the health interests of the people of the State; to make sanitary inspec-
tions and inquiries; to investigate the causes of diseases, particularly
epidemics, the sources of mortality, and the effect of location, employment
and conditions upon the public health; to gather information on these
matters for distribution among the people with the especial purpose of
informing them about preventable diseases; to be the medical advisors of ‘
the State, and, as such, to advise the Government with regard to the loca-
tion, sanitary construction, and nmnagemsnt of all State institutions and
to direct the attention of the State to such sanitary matters as, in its
judgment, affect the industry, health, and lives of the people; to make
inspections at least once a year, and at such other times as requested by
the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, of all public institutions
and convict camps under the control of the State's Prison and to make
64. Seo below, pp. 48 ff.

 1.. 7 ..
(Powers and Duties) (First entry, p. 48)
reports and reoom endations as to sanitary conditions to the various
boards of directors or trustees; and to report biennially to the General
Assembly, through the Governor, on its work.65
Subordinate to the State Board of Health, there was created at the
same time a county board of health in each county. Origina1ly,the county
1 board consisted of the county medical society,66 but in 1879, this board
was changed to consist of all physicians in the county eligible to member-
ship in the State Medical Society, the mayor of the county seat, the chair-
man of the board of county commissioners, and the city or county surveyor.
The county board was required to select one physician to serve for 2 years
as superintendent of health or county physician.67
In 1879, it was provided that the superintendent of health be elected
by the board of county commissioners.68 There was created, in 1901, a
county sanitary committee, composed of the county cmmuissioners and two
physicians resident in the county, which was empowered to choose a super-
intendent of hea1th.69 In 1911, the county board of health was recreated,
consisting of the chairman of the board of county commissioners, the mayor
of the county seat (or clerk of superior court when the county seat is un-
incorporated), the county superintendent of schools, and two physicians
chosen by them,7O and in 1951, a dentist was added as a sixth member.7l
This body chooses the superintendent of health, who is now a full-time
health officer in most counties.
The county superintendent of health (or county physician) advises the
State Board of Health of contagious diseases in the county, performs autop-
sies at the request of the coroner, attends inmates of the county home and
county jail, acts as sanitary inspector of county institutions, inspects
annually all public school buildings, examines all school children referred
to him by their teachers, and performs other functions assigned him by the
State Board of Health.72 The superintendent of health is usually quaran-
tine officer in charge of diagnosing and isolating contagious diseases.75
Whenever the county board fails to select a county physician, the State
Board of Health makes a selection and fixes his salary.74
65. Laws of North Carolina, 69. Ibid., 1901, c. 245, s. 5.
l`e°7s-’r`7,"&"§sTS. 2, vo. IE5., 1911, C. sz, S. a.
1879, c. 117, s. 2; 1885, 71. Ibid., 1951, c. 149.
c. 257, s. 2; Public Laws, 72. Laws of North Carolina, 1879,
ises, C. 214, S". `5`;'--1"1"-9 1, E`i1?j'  Putin `Isws,
C. sz, S. s. isss, O. zsv, E'Z?sTl`a§`§f'¤.
66. Laws of Qprth Carolina, 214, s. 5; 1901, c. 2é5, s. 5;
15%-*r`7,'¤. Tis, s.'€T` 1911, C. sz, S. 11; isis, C.
67. Ibid., 1879, c. 117, s. 5; 181, s. 2.
1885, c. 257, s. 5; Public 75. Ibid., 1895, c. 214, s. 9.
Laws, 1895, o. 214, s. 5. 74. Ibid., 1911, c. G2, s, 9.
68. Ibid., 1897, e. 201, s. 1. __-T'

 (Powers and Duties) (First entry, p. 48)
If a county board does not select a quarantine officer or does not
appoint the county physician as quarantine officer, the State Health Of-
ficer may choose a quarantine officer for that county.75
The term of office of a quarantine officer is 4 years, except when
the county health officer is quarantine officer, in which case the term is
coterminous with that of the county health officer. The county board of
health must select a successor to the county quarantine officer on or
before the expiration of the term of service of his predecessor.76 The
quarantine officer must take an oath before the clerk of superior court
of his county.77
Each county board of health must notify the State Health Officer upon
its selection of a quarantine officer. The officer selected m