xt7b8g8fj363 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b8g8fj363/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-02-11 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 20,  February 11, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 20,  February 11, 1915 1915 1915-02-11 2015 true xt7b8g8fj363 section xt7b8g8fj363  
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l H E   ID EA I
“ University of Kentucky
lllilllil °“‘*"N "“""“" Nm Ilill IIEFIIIIEIIIIY Illlll lss S°°""L EVENTS 'IEW HHII Hill IHE
t. M. ll. A. ll 0N LYCEUM COURSE l Font MILITARY Boys
[1       A., .¤n,un,, ........ 0.   it-       ..,..,,.......,...   being ...... by th.      
'• terest wee mdde tut week by mote" Military Department of State Univer-
-—-——— ser Fm-dub"' whe hu chute °t me ’-'*"" stty for the two big social events thatl ‘-‘i*·*
Mercer and   warmly l[;:ce:mFlizur;:0lo; i}::t»ef0:·;l;ll:’::st;:; Twéllty-ODE StUd?l'll'»S ATG close the season for the battalion, the Judge Laffgrty Calls for C0-
S Received by the UIllV€l’- ganlst of the United States, will give     SQEGLSgiriagugdrtggzsxgrfrgz,1;;; 0P€I'3.t10l1 lll Pl.1ShiIlg'
* sity Studgntg, dn esdm secltel in eee °t the d°w¤` q ____ O lngton's Birthday. Lieutenant Under- W0rk•
g town churches the latter part of Feb- ;,___
  -_-1- ruary s treat few of th• Iluslc lovers 100 ARE   P  Wood announced yumrdu met the
   G A   of Léiugtou wm are w min Doc. _____ latter would be a Valentine Hop. Al     A  AR
· Forty-nlne students have been ¤ut¢>· box will be provided at the door into __,___,
The University Y. M. C. A. cdmpnn ter Welle wss the dnt te sender me ¤18tlelllY suspended !l’0¤l |el100l ae a which everyone may drop Valentlnes,l In conversation wlllt Juduo wllltum
°°“t"“’ ls ts" °°‘“‘t"’ ts° '“"“ts' result ot s faculty ruuns which vro- and later they will be distrlbutodl
was opened Monday night, when E. C. out Bach M". in B lkml Tm. he vida that L student hmm in mm of among the young mms This is s l T- Lllferti. dew of the del>lrt¤•¤t· of
• d';:j,)t?,iftr:lt:‘l::; :,¤:o:otlt°u‘;,·:o·t)o:tt:,; dtd et e greet three ee", music he l1l• W¤r¥ ll to be drevved from the novel custom ln the University and lslmw at State U¤t"rmy’ nd mm
tlval at Lehigh University. At this mu. dt tho Uulvonltu Au not uu tho expected to prove popula; nent member of the Lexington Board
the bottom, gave a stirring talk to two uma be pnwnwd me Bah Cyclo with l t C
examination grades ot the first semes- The Mllimyy Bal] wlllolt lo glyoo in o ommerce, Judge Lallerty touch•d
l“““l"°‘l "t“‘l°“t'· su orchestra or 150 pieces for which tm, wm lu umu. um lm two wmks h b 'H d 1 1 ed' h
Treating of the situation in Ameri- be www the °mh“"·l more an uhm · onor of the atta on an nv t lupon t e wonderful posslbllltles wlth-
· can colleges today, Mr. Meme`, nid chcmlotzw who- ud ab°;.'ch°m· those students Who were dell¤¢l¤e¤t guests, including Governor James B. in reach of the board ln the work ot
I that the mom] standard of the mb of th. um. number The enum tau- were notlded that they were no louser McCre•ry, his stal'1, and the officers Ielaborating the lleld of educational sc-
mm, is higher than it wor '“ b°_ nl wu ·° bru"·m'·nd mnecud such enrolled l¤ the U¤lV•¤’|lU· of the local mllltla, will be more elab- tivlty in this city, in which he held
fom. He nm also that the noon mb nut cram on Dr Wouo unt he wu Aocordllll to the ellule Dr0Vldl¤8 orate than anything of its kind that | that greater service could be renderod
ms of the funny of the Umvonny immodhmy cmu; to me char of for Mloltttemeut of Buell ltude¤t¤ l>Y has been attempted previously. The to the city, and incidentally to the
of Kentucky on the automatic dmv Mmm lu me Umvonny of Cancun thesctlon of the faculty of the e0lle8e boys will all appear ln uniform and l State, by pushing to the limit this
Ulu! of delinquent students gave evi- which pumon he hu hem mlm the la which tlleY Were matl'l°ulated· the girls will be dressed in coloulallphase of business promotion at
dence of the raised standard which is Int you In his mmm here he Wm twenty-elsht have been reetered to costumes. All former cadet officers.: this time, than tn seeking to bring to ,
two also in other umvcnmol an W";.] Bach number. In mdmcn their former ¤t&¤dl¤8. Wlllle the who will appear in uniform, are ln- the city mannfactorie•—a work in
In his lmumont for good, clan mon to work. by other compogon amou r•¤ll¤l¤¢ tWe¤tY·0¤e l1¤·Ve beet! vlted to be present at the ball. which the board's achievements have
• in cone" for du und. of wan. ML mom th. ccmwnr-wot, Lmiér smc, dN»•d. Theee. however. Will be ¤l· An attractive program has been ar- so tar been indifferent, at best.
Mercer smh of me numb: of uu the Oran nun'. ut. .0 ax si! nn lo\V•d to reenter the U¤lVe¤`|ltY ¤e¥t ranged, refreshments will be served Judge Ls.lferty's presentation oi the
athletes ln Harvard and Yale unlver- M", we no puuémulsyeeidmndcbted to fall. and an enjoyable time is expected by matter follows:
Smeg. Au who had entered the 0lym_ Pmfosmr Fuqua md me University The Automatic rullus ello Dr0Vlde• all. Cadets who are now ln the bat- Judg• Laf!•rty’• 8t•t•m•nt.
plc games he Bud, were clam men for this aplandid Opportunity —L°xm‘- thtt Btudelltl f¤lll¤8 in onethird of tallon and former offloers may get "As Lexington will no doubt have
morally, which was demanded of them ton Lauder ' their work, sholl be Dllwed 011 ¤· Pr0l>¤· their tickets from Lieutenant Under- a great deal of potent work done for
before they could become successful. I _ ded use md mule than we hundred “'°°d· her ddyaucdmdat by tlltl racaatly °l"
The students of the university seemed I- ea °° the list" Th°°e in this class -—•••-—-—· gddlsed Board °t C°mmal`°°· l am
much impressed with his talk and       are laedatble td represent the Uni'] ’ grateful for the ovvortllulty you oder
many of them remained after the versity on any athletic team, debating       to oroooot u otutoulout of tootu do
meeting to discuss plans for making tee·m» Klee Club or dramatic Club- concerning the importance ot State
the comin! msetthss entirely success.       There Me ¤¤¤r¤¤l¤¤¤¤~l>* M500 Sw-     tnlversity speciucauy as an met to
ful. dents in the University and it will be _llo city_ Loxlugtou uuu not properly
I Mr- Mercer spoke at special chapel · *-" · seen that o srutlfylbzly Smell Der lshown her appreciation of this asset,
exercises Tuesday momlug ou ··Tho Wm From M3.PyVlll€ But cent felled to eeme up to the 0¤e·l1¤ll| _ _ not because she has intentionally over-
Klnd of College Men the World De- Lose to T€Ill’l€SS€€ OH standard' From general Observeuoulslx Of Etght Games, to be meked tt' but seesdse she dee deve"
mands." The faculty rule that not Southern   and eXPel'le¤ee lt has beeu leuud that, Played on Stoll Fleld stopped to calculate what lt amounts
more than one chapel be held in one the sdasdns tds sdcd taddrds are, Next   t0- Wllet l Shall Dreeeut l¤ Dr¤¤1Dted
week was rescinded lu order that thas PERCENTAGE _333 °ltl“‘—"” la°l‘ °t l"°P“'°·tl°“ l’°t°"° the by the bene: thut 1-exlnston will ln
were held on Tududum woduouduy The Southern trip as to number of dlltereut work efter he takes up ble` {ably expected ln advancing. not only
and Thursday at tho usual chapel games won was not encouraging, but e0ul‘ee· lt le belleved thdt thle rule   ·l—llo Kentucky football Schedule) for state University, but all other school
hmm Coach Brumage’s hopes are not at all Wlll ellmlnete both of these <1e¤¢ie¤-i tho fall of 15 was ggmpletgd last week l interests wlthln her boundary.
On Tuesday evening the thlrd of the tllmmllm- The Wlldcata Wall tha that etesl that it wm tdsdre tds the tdtdte l by the graduate manager, Mr. J. D. City Trelted Il Corporation.
meetings was held in the University €am° tram Maryyllla C°llaK°· but last better sdhdldrsdtpl mere tddr°dgd`Turner, of the Experiment Station. "'1`here le no e¤tel'l>l`lee or buelueee
u chapel with a crowded house. Arthur bath Kamaa t° tha Ualyaralty °t Tell` W°t`k· better ettdst °d the pdrt dt the   Six of the eight games will be played luveted here that ¤DD|'0¤el1eB the
Rush and Mu Mordor both uddroooodanessee. Student and faculty Mid more luteuwlu lloxlogtoo Ou this llst oopom-S value of this asset, nor are there sev-
tm meeting um. Judgo Cuulltloy had They might have won both the Hive 8DDll€¤tl0ll· lt Serves uotioe also molly schools ot grootor otlllotlo eral that might be added together that
read a selection from the Bible. Mr. Tenaeeeee Kllmee had det tl¤eY l>ee¤ da l”`°sl’°°tl"° stddedts that tlldy must prowess and it is evident that the would equal its value. To Drove this
Rngh talked on "Wlnning Anyhow." tlrad Ollt tar the that Uama wd la tha be tddrddghly prepared betdse tdktdg students and football fans will haveletetemeut. tlle beet WEY that occurs to
Mu Maroon Addrosu wu. ugtoo and last half of the second Captain Mor- up their courw la the Udtyessttyl thdt , the opportunity to witness spectacular me to estimate the value of State Unl-
Thlnky Ho ohowod u uuulbol. of lot. gan, Tuttle and Server were put out lllgll ¤¤¤¤o1¤ ell °Vel‘ the State are ex- guuloo versity as an asset is to treat Lexing-
tom, plcturuu dud telegmms from ool. of the game for personal fouls, up to vetted to Prepare more eflloelutly I »l·llo outlook to,. tllo oomlog Sooson ton ln her true light as a great busi-
logo mon who by roculouu llvluu had which time State was in the lead. tllelr Kreduetee Y0? u¤lVer¤ltY Wurlkilu very lu.lgllt_ The uloulbot-o of tllo ness corporation operated for the ben-
reached the bottom of the social scale.`C°aell Bl`llmll89 did not want to crltl- 'l`lll¤ ¤l'¤te¤1 ¤l¤0 Wlll ellbleet tha ad'   past Freshman team, with the remain- edt of ber eltlzeue. To succeed as
The Association Quartet, composedlclsa tha walk at Referee Salla°aK· atlll tddrtttes dt the Udtyerslty td tde1lug   men, will constitute one of elle should. elle ¤1u¤t lluve ¤10ueY. Or.
or Messrs. nan. Kennedy, R6dWlll0`tt Seemed te ¤<>¤¤e et the ¤Pe¢t¤t¤r¤ “°°°“'lty °t betas °“"°t“l °°t t° all°“’ t the best Wildcat roothell teams that in other words. workin: capital upon
and Dean, sang after the two ad- that tll° ¥°a°l`°lla wd tall' mluded stddedts td tdke dp mdse wdldt thddlever performed at State ln the annals Wlllell to depend for BU00088. The
O dresses. official seemed to be of the same opln- the? e|·¤ hwdle- lof football lllotot·y_ greater the amount of such working
Mr. Hugh and Mr. Mercer, im- lon of Coach Claydngar all l’al`a°llal The edttse stddedt dddy lldtds l‘°“"t`l The schedule is as follows: t`ul>lte·l out Judlel0u¤lY lu use. the
modlutoly uttot. tllo chapel oxol.olooo_1 (Continued on Page '1`wo.) llv Wltll the faculty la thts step aadi llutler, October 2, at Lexington. greater her success. Therefore, the
went to the Alpha Tan Omega house Their time Wednesday was devoted tt ts the dddsedsds dt dlstdtdd tddt· Earlham, October 9, at Lexington. tlret business of the Board of Com-
where they spoke and were enter- to personal interviews with men ofthe de"t`et°sth· tttts U¤lv¤*¤l¢v vlll hsydl Zlllsslsslppl A. & M., October 16, at llleree eliuuld be to do tbut which will
tained by an the rrsterhltles or thelnhlvel-stty who desired to have a talk “ “t“'“l“"l °t °°l‘°la"°l‘lP '“”l‘l“¤° Mlsslsslppl A. & lu. ¤¤·¤o¤¤¤1l¤l¤ most toward increwns
University. About 60 young men werolwlth them. Mr. Rugh spoke at the with the very best tn the °°ddtsy‘ 1 Sewanee. October 23. at l»eXllll·$t0ll· tllls “`°'l*lllK °aPlt¤l·
llresent at the "Get·Toðer" meeting   chapel exercises.   i t‘lncinnatl, October 30, at Lexlugtou- l't“ T‘*'° 8°l·l'°•• °' l°*‘•ll\·
and refreshments were served. Both} 'I‘he evening meetings were closed ` University of Loulsvllle, November "lll urrivins at ru? oouclullons. I
Mr. Mercer and Mr. Rugh are trster-jlsst night when Mr. Mercer told his The IDEA will be glv•n out In th•i•l. ut Louisville. "lust asalllua that l·e¥l¤8t0¤ liu! We
nity men and much of their work ls wonderful Ilfe storyl. Today chapel Armory next Thursday, February 18,— Purdue. November 13. ut l·e¤i¤stou· ltlllds °t tralla wlllell ller W°l'l¤l¤8 elv-
among college men in fraternltylexerclses conclude the campaign, and not at th• Business Ag•nt'• offlc•l l'nlver¤ltY of 'l`ennes¤eo. 'l`b¤uli¤· ltal lllllat talla care °t¥ the l>¤¤l¤e¤¤
hound, lwhlch hss been very successful. as usual. slvlul. ut l»e¤·l¤8t0u-  

  . A (W
2 T H E I D E A
.......1. ~   r
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s G . l
”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"’*
Me At Admission lzlc ‘ . ;
ptgq-.gLAgg in gvgnv APPQINTMINT J. H. OTAMPIR. Jr., Owner and Mana cr. OPEN 10 A. M. tc 11 P. , M l
t l • 1 I
WILDCATS MKET WITH NOTICE. ,scrlhc for one now. A Kcntucklan Is rg Q t
THEIR FIRST DEFEAT) —-— `lhe host record of your Freshman year   & #0. g A ‘
A D A M   D E |T° EV"! $*¤d°"* "’*°•`••*¢d lll 0** that you can obtain and wlll always hc °°;°"°r t° SAM". ‘ c°‘ l
t(`ontlnuod from Page One.) I *°"Y I" me U"'""*“Y· ]:l. ro mlndcr of your many frlcnds and   w' Main SL l
7 U Aid -—- -m_;_—·_-—_——_‘¢-_‘ °_-_— lf\t‘f|llf\lf\[8fl(‘PS \'0\I h8.\'(‘ Hlildp            
    fouls. Had lt not been that Coach The Intercollegiate Prohlbltlon As-l` in ` ClTY. FINE CANDIII
l '(H .
lllrumagc had an able bunch of sub- soclatlon wants flfty State Vnlvcrslty `  
`stitutcs along the score might have students to write short oratlons ont S0 get busy and oloo up at Once  
2       lbecn one-sided and at that it was al- some phase of the prohibition question A h` only mk" ···o’<;¤ty·**vo wuts and •
3 __ snows DMLYU 3 g,,,,,,t, ,,t.r..mr,- tm student mmm not to exceed inn was ln ¤»¤¤u·.l’"" “`"' """"'"""" """ ""‘“" “""“‘“" Ul\lV¢f$ity
lAbc Roth to don a suit and take part. A try-out will be held in the chapel The two dollars ooo R half U"` b°°k
I All things seem to give evldence about April flrst to select one out of mgm you does not pay for the prim`  
      ltliat a great deal of credit ls due to the the number to represent the Univer- T hm and binding The S°"i°r (hss
ipxtrgordinnry work of Scott and Tut- stty ln the Kentucky oratorlcal coll- l aways Supplies the balance` S0 dont   Q
      tlc. The former, although barely Pe- test. The winner will be awarded a think W) are trying to beat you out _ _
mvprpd from a span or Sickness, an Cash prize of $50 and a chance to or your money. The important part Offers /7*430 tuztwn in 8]] depart-
t ls to subscribe for a Kentucklan im-
u•·¢•r ¤••t•r•¤y Nw M···•¤•m•¤l :""" "“` "‘“j “:";t° “;“"; T;;"° ““° ;°‘“"°“; “;’d ";" ":“""”‘t t’:“"°"“;l,,,r,,,at,,,y ,,0 r,,,n.t roam ann, rn, ments to tho tr ra d u n t e s
t. crver were c cc e an p ay a won- onors n s u cn ora ory a ie ncx ‘ ,
· . . of Kentuck
,derful game at forward, although he ls biennial grand national oratorlcal con- TZUDA" vm] Miss Bessie whim' y High Schools who
lrogularly a guard throwing four goals. test of the Intercollegiate Prohibition ;:;;:;tI;t (tlottllxstngit Rm;°k:‘ rSt°;" are prepared to enter the Fresh,
* _ q As Tuttle guarded Lum Reeder, Association, which may be held ini l ’ ' " ' ‘ ' 8 rs"
f t   ltoutod so one of the best forwards in I Lexington. omg are eligible as well   man Cl°”•
to - .· {hg Sguth_ and guard him he did, forlas boys. For further particulars 869 DR" J' D'   EBC}! C0l1Ilty in the Statq ig
Q   the aforesaid gentleman was able to R. E. L. Murphy, phone 506X. EYE• EARéP*é%?ELrg_?_ THROAT _
  , "',  X,/ pitch the astonishing number of five ot"-,. omaha ta Ord". entitled to send FREE of mi'
p ;/ /  T soolo in thc two s¤l¤o¤—fo¤l‘ lll UWIPATTERSON trrznanv SOCIETY. Mcclelland Building. tion, matriculation, laboratory
  · ./ // first and one in the second. __ OWN Ph¤n• 982-X R••Id•nc• T30-X •
    The scores and lineups for the ghrcel The Patterson Literary Society met ;i—··—ij·;•- —- and other fees: one or more ·p•
I   games are as y0“0wB; last Saturday night with fairly good pointooo.
U Eli`?)/gr Maryville vs, Kentucky; IEUGHGBIICB. On account of the glrls' FOR   AND  
  pm- Kgntucky-M0rgan (captain) |basket ball game a motion was made TABLETS AND FINE Necessary expense; mgdu·;{;,_  
and zerross, forwards; Server, cen- ond carried that the program be dls- For fun informatto r d '
ter; Tuttle and Gumbert, guards. P€¤¤€d wml Bild the b¤¤l¤€¤¤ m€€ll¤8 STATIONERY n 8881. -
For Mar-yvme.Sm|th and Robmaont was entered into immediately. Mr. R. JOHNSTON,s CANDY ing 8·pp0iIlt€ES, C0\11‘8€8 of ltudy,
forwards; Hodges, center; Proffitt E. Cullen, 8. Junior law, rode the goat
C0 ,
and (`]&f‘k, g1,l8l‘dB, imuch to the amusement of th€ m€m·         ’   to V
Scot-€.g3.gg_ ‘bers. Mr. Edwards was elected to Wm. Et   H. S. BARKEQ,
Tennessee and Kentucky, first game. *`°P"°B*’¤'- Us °¤ tm b°‘*"d °f °°“"°l 309 Went Maln Strut President,
Kentucky·—M0rgan and Zerfoss, for- of The IDEA. A motion then carried in ¤ Ky
wards; Sgrvgr Cerner; Gumbgrf and thlt. thi! DBXt. méétillg be C8.u€d for   " °
ITuttl•;>, guards. Thursday night, February 11th. The • a • `— Q
l Tennessee-Kline and Reeder, for-|$¤¢l€¢Y ¢h6¤ ¤·dJl0¤l'¤€d·   S Lex7ngtOn Orchestra .
Ewgrdgg Grggnwogdr qgn[g]·; jgcqbg NEX}, IDGBHDQ Th\1!‘8d8.y night, Feb- d S It T o lt
ltmd iuorsddsn, guards, ruary 11, 7:00 p. m., sharp. Election an axop ONE T10
' Goals——Morgan, 1; zet-ross, 2; ser- ' of oftlcors- All mcmboro orsod to bo Formerly Opera House Orchestra
ver; 2; Tuttle, 3; Gumbsrt, 1; Kline, Present °¤ time- FRATERNITIES PLAYED FOR LAST YEAY:
  Roodoo 4= Grooowooo 2i Jooooo- ———•-••———— Kappa Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Tau Bm Tllata, Alpha lata
Ever thi Reduced 2 I Hun"! "°""Y" Pan llallanlc and Lamp ani Cross E E
y ng St-ore—36·21. K Q k_ ii F b 15 ’  
. en uc ian nc urea ue e . . . · . ..
And at Prim that com T .... m.K,...,,.cty. B ..,. d gm. __ Address. 0. E. KIDD, 611 Price Avcnualcxlngt in tly. l
'I`ennessee—Kline, two goals, Reed- S . . ’ ·‘
tudcnts, you hate one more chance THE POPULAR COLLEGE A .
""· lh"°€$ Greenwmd- we- J“c°bs· to get pictures for the "Kentucklan," ND FRATERNITY ORCHESTRA {
S •   t ODE] ]`l(‘F8,dd€Il, t.W`O. in on ti[]]Q_ R€n]QfnbQf that Fébfuafy   ·  
    S) Stlli<*—Yll0l‘8¤¤· ll0 SONS? Ireland- 15th is the date on which these plc- Don•t Be rueceivej r
` 0ll*‘1 Kl¤¤t“· two: Z€l'Y0¤S· two? Sel" I tures are due, and that pictures taken F ° '
    ver, none; Tuttle. one; Gllmb6l‘l» I later than this date wtll positively not ranz    
’ ’ ¤o¤o¢ Scott- tllroo lbe accepted unless accompanied by IS YOUR OF FICIA PHOTOGRAPHER »
N k H t l"l`“‘ lll"0“`B"T€¤¤9SB°€· Moo Out Uflthe following assessment: Individual Appointed by Your
ec   twenty trials; State, four out of four- totnroa r0o and ron ttnro $100
i a* S9 lp ·° · g ppc S · · Annual Management ;
l€€’l trials- See Professor Nollau or (‘ (Y Mc-
` " ‘ For F i t n ·
C   V 5"°"°-27‘22- Cormlck about your club pit-tures. I   far? we have done 85% of the QU?
apsy C• l The team is in not the best physlcall The necessary compensation rnnat ifge $,2;,.ei: a iihzitonilzregty goczd record. tran t l
condition to meet the Vandy Commo- aorornnany ntotnroa ootoro they are [Ong run     €3¢‘-at of f C clxzgtatygtg |
prices marked Way doo/.ta’;tlores Friday and Saturday night, as art.t.ntt,d_ Ratoa $500 nor nano Fra ‘ " v~• . l
look at the winkows as youl(`*?;;t“i'; §l°r§”‘" ‘;"°:°"°““t;`°;;‘;:;? toroltloo ood oororltlco Wlll occupy —"‘—oi oiio W i   ‘   an · e e -——-—-—-~-- ·
“'l l “Ju"€ 5 Ou ers- 0 · two pages, while all clubs, societies · ·
pass" ~<‘ont·h llrumage says they will be flt and otnrr organizations wm aaa ono WHERE AM I GOING?
tfor the coming contests and expectsloago anaoo_ To
ito will both- nvsmnss STAFF ··x1~:N*1·ucl, ·\llFl>l*‘N llllflllll lllltl lll*‘k•‘\. 1\*·l•  
. — - -—»— *S·-liool ot this city. oro tor tl1•· most. *'*- llt—<•-el in tho second lllllll and !·lllU\\Q'd\ ` “
Floyd 'H"”U’ “rmm' Im- Hmm inurl r•·gist•·r¢·il ln the- ('ollvgo of Arts Pr"'.- ·'· T- U- No*’· ol. ll"` U*’l’*l"l#1u<»<»‘ lll. on ond More was as follows: l ,• L Zl,••••·"
¤ Giovanni] Auwrmm Lmglw mlm {mulls tho A¤rl¢·nttnrnt t‘olle·¤•· zltit belnn "M""""‘ll·" The l¤·ct11r•·s nrc lN'lllM l<»-ntnt·ky Mlssm tlugllos ¤<·n11t.t so
' O » will report "ml H"` S"'""| "' N"' A"`},—,.,ii,.i,.i·,.ii iiioi H,.i,,,.Ni,.,._ Th,. i·0ii,,w_ nlvon nt. tho hlszh school uudltorlum unit Tout, t`ot·xxnrtls; lloller, (i(!IlU}l`§   ‘  
{onto Februnry Lili. 'l`l1•· l•‘l`lll% ot tl1•· I mg IS HW pnmiinwm UI. 4,m,h i.,,ii,,L,,, nnili-r tho ntisplcos ot' tho Junior und inn. —. uml \\»i1t1t|, tgnnrils, >\nbstit.11t•·s! 1-h° NEWEST
lluntrupt wp". nut giwm (mt" lI;1>·t_ torm; Arts unt] Ht·It—n(·n RRG, Agri- .*~¤·l··r l·1¤sll¤l¤ (`lngovs of tho (`."N‘ _\li><1~;4 Ilgjpitjyi gui;] |)\(gkgy_ R G
l w¥`lSll¥· WM Wlllllllll of lh" l¤ll`*·ll'l Iiilimmi 2,;]. Civil i,imiim,m.iIIi_: iiii,_ tlainnn lllgh School for the !)(‘ll(‘ll[ ot i·i,,,.iiii,uii xiiiiswt iniriii i(;i,_i,i_)
mst year' HO is u Senior this M`ar.ll··<·l1n11l<·ill l‘;ll}!lIN‘t‘l"lllK 223. Mining tl1•· library fund. l’rot`•·¤so1· Non will nnil Madison, torxxilrelsg l’oxx·ell. 1-•·n- O A
_— and would hmlp grmlumwl in `luml H. Tll_ I,ilxx· l0tt_ Tho l]l|]l]h('l‘1)f grtuluittv gil" the third l""'~m`o F"brU?*·".Y 24- tot'; (’()(fI|I`i[ll mnt Snyilor, ,;11itr(|s, __C'“’-M P°‘L"d,,Y,&-C°•_&'..“,'· }L*•'•.
he lllill <•l<*¢‘¥*‘¤| lll Sllly t|1•· l'•*lll1llll¤l•‘l' iiimipmx is MI .i»h,,Be inst iigurps i"_ talking us his sillljwzt, "XlllgU.Z|Ill' l'o•· giiimiiiiiiii Miss Ami..i·,.imi_ I`-""‘_°"_—"”"*"”""
ii tI1•· year. \V1·lxllt ls frown l·ll1•·l‘f>’.I(_iWI,_ Mi me Himri ,.,,u,·S,,i,’ and ll`} ··l` WN-" i*n¤•¤1x 1-tom sleek
ENTER SECOND TERM   ····»   ¤·<·¤¤>·     ¤¤¤=>» "T""€" “"""""""’*   °‘."‘° "f?‘T`I Mit. Nell   0. Paducah, ... "°"'"°°°"' Kikmms
-; appointed, Commandant Underwood [ dere ol the ¢l1¤·Dfel` at U18 bmw —‘m‘ mum to Coiumiim was im, guest of I FlRST·CLAS8 WORK G
{yn . 'l`lle second term enrollment ut State und Prof. W. E. Freelllan. The old l “’l`SiU'· Solo an interesting history ef Miss Rebecca. Smlth last week elld- I Meet Me After the Gln. ·t
RA i llntverslty has been exceptionally m<·mbers, Prof. (‘. l’. Weaver, l’l‘0Y.Ilh" local °rg*·'·niza’ti°n‘ Uocmr Mac` Judge llnrker spent the day llll
  good. About H0 linvo lllntrictllntotl so l·1. 1., tiillis und ll. i`. (‘11rtis wlll ro- . k""Zi° *`*"'€i"€o his M““‘"‘i*” d"**r"“ in |,..nisyi1tt» *l‘no$tlnx_ I  
· 2 I`u.r and more- oro •·xp+·cte·d. 'l`l1ls tnin their seats. te·»·»¤·u¤¤¤. Miss iiiiiii, Speck is quite iii wiiii
l shows an il1<·1·x·user over the- ss~<·o11d ’l`ln~ 1l[)p()ill[ltl€ll[ by l’1‘usitlet1t llur-I mo A· M· P°’l""· A*"*i5tuuL Ui"*’*’L°*`_ iiigrippii Where nll io wcu and  
glp mann iii i tl ·_ ti i ii- i,. .(i · .. ii ,. -·ii ...1o1‘ tho tdxperiulellt Stntton, und ui     , _ _ .  
i ln 1 > ICI as )Pl.Il xx l<;‘ll Olly it xx ISVHIJ ein mor anu lxl luilx I e i · N I   Miss tntolyn llsrkel, ot LOUl¤\lll€‘» Hot Chocolate, Clndy end lc“
about twenty (¥ll[Hl‘t*ll. Pho total reg- t·t·nt rnhn; ot the S. I. A. A., which lll**"•*’*’l ol l·e><¤¤¤lo¤¤ Lodge °» · Mis iiii. uiinsi ui Jiiiigi, and Mi·S_ nur.
t lstratlon now stunds about 1,400, [ll't)\'ilTl*(l that u.tlllt·tit·s should be nn “'u*‘ l"`*“*"“( ono 'lmoo ”· mm to UNI k,.i· inst wwk.Bnd_       d G d
\\'lIl(fll shows ul10[h9l' nlarked advance ttul- tho control ot' nwn nppointed by lll*‘llll‘*‘¥`$- Doctor Pol·‘=‘*` ‘$ eleo u- Chmn Miss Aim ·i·ui·u,;li·_ of yi_.iQgm· {gout],. • 1*      
I as the entire enrollment last year was 1l1¢— president. W" 'llombo" of tho. loeel Cllaptor ori _\iui,uiii,i_ is Visiting ii-iiliiiis this wcelel DENTIST
‘ ’;*"”‘*ii R   R i so R 1 1"""*'d *°· F°"°w‘“g uw “d“"’*‘“$l Miss Lilllutt xssn, or 111t»lnnond. is M ci d Bun .
I i   in    the members enjoyed at short illf0I`lI1£ll{thc guest Ol. her Comm uiee MMIIIMI C 8 dye-
I     "“`_S  L€X|ngt0n,§ B]gg¢$t Store Isession, at which refresllnlents were mmcuu this week. G0 To
a _ _ A lstlm/ed` Miss Fisher left )`t‘S[Cl`d2l)' for Mt. J h so Dru Store
{Ii; , { The Lilllléd Pe fraternity is com- et__I. I I _I_ l_ [I _ el_),IcI_e I o n K
n ` Y • I • lttosod of the students who are 1116111   U mb