xt7b5m628546 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m628546/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1929 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 17-20, 1929 text Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 17-20, 1929 1929 1929 2020 true xt7b5m628546 section xt7b5m628546  






Kenmtkg Negrn
Etmcatiunal Azanfiatinn


“An equal e d u c a-
t i o n 31 npportuniy
tar every Kentucky

10 7 7


53rd Annual Session

Louisville. Kentucky
April 17. 18, 19, 20

Central Theme: Professional Progress








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Officers for 1929-30. . . . . . . . .............. . ...... . ........ 4
Minutes of the General Associatiun . , . . . ..... . . . . , . . . . . ‘ . . 5
Departmental Reports ..... / ...... . . . . . , ........ . ........... 10
Resolutions............... ...... . ............. . .......... 14
Report of the Legislative Committee . . . ‘ . ‘ . . . . ‘ . . . . . ...... . .16
Secretary’s Financial Reports ...................... . . . . . . ‘ . . 19
Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune’s Address .................. ,. . . .23
Declaration of Principles ........................... . . . . ‘ . .29
Constitution of the K. N. E. A ................... . . . . . . . . . . .32
Roll of 1929 Membership. . ............. . ................... ‘36




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K. N. E. A. OFFICERS, APRIL, 1929 T0 APRIL, 1930

W. H. HUMPHREY, Chairman Ex—foicio ............. .Maysville
W. S. BLANTON, (Term Expires, 1930) . . . . .Frankfort
MRS. L, C. SNOWDEJ (Term Expires 1931) . .Lexington
P. MOORE, (Term Expires 1930) ..... .Princeton
F. A. TAYLOR, (Tex-m Expires 1931) . . .Hendersnn








W. H. HUMPHREY, President ..... .Maysville
A. 5. WILSON, Secretary-Treasurer . .Louisville
MISS L. v. RANELS, Assistant Secretary. .Winchester

W. J. GALLERY, Historian. . . ........... . . ..Little Rock

MRS. FANNIE H. WHITE, First ViceePresident. ..Lexington
G. H. BROWN, Second VIESJ’resident .Louisvme
G. W. PARKS, High School and College Department. ..Laneester
MRS. L. H. SMITH, Elementary Educatiun Department Lexington
MISS R. L. CARPENTER, Music Department. . . .. .Louisville
MRS. BLANCHE ELLIOTT, Primary Department. ....Greenvilie

MRS. DORA c. WILLIAMS, Jeannes’ Teachers’ Conference
....................... ...........,.....Hopkinsvine











MISS S. B. SNOWDEN ,Industrial Education Dept ...... Lexingtcn
MRS. T. L. ANDERSON, Rural School Department. .. . . .Frankfort
LEE L. BROWN, Commercial Department. . . . . .Lanisvili‘e
R. D. ROMAN, Principals’ Conference. . . . . Flemingsbntg
J. H. COOPER, Athletic Department. . .. .............. . .Ashland

MISS M. S. BROWN, First District. . . . . . . . . . . .Mayfield
MRS. NORA ROSS, Second District.. .Madisonvilie
H. E. GOODLOE, Third District . . . . .Russellville
R. L. DOWERY, Fourth District .EIizabet'htown

South Park

MRS. D. L. POIGNARD, Fifth District...
H. R. MERRY, Sixth Dis
J. L. BEAN, Seventh District.
J. W. BATE, Eighth District
W. E. NEWSOME, Ninth District.
K. L. WALKER, Tenth District. . .
W. H. CRAIG, E'I‘event'h District.


. C ovington
. Danville
. Cynthiana
. .Hazard







 Minutes of the General Association
APRIL 17»20, 1929

The Fifty-third annual program of the Kentucky Negro Edu-
cational Association, was opened at Quinn Chapel, Louisville, Wed-
nesday evening, April 17, 1929. The evening session was opened
with an invocation by Rev. A. A. Crooke and music by the Girls’
Glee Club of Central High School. The welcome address was made
by Rev. Julian Caldwell, of Louisville and the response to the We]-
come hy Miss M. S. Brown of Mayfield. Mr. R. Todd Duncan and
Mrs. J. H. Walls, of Louisville, rendered a duet and Prof, E. W.
Whitesides, of Paducah, rendered a sols-l Ruehen Post Halleck, M.
A., L.L. 1)., made the address of the evening. The Glee Club of K. S.
1. Ci, directed by Miss 1013 Jordan, next rendered several selections.
Prof. J. W. Bate of the Eighth District of Kentucky was then award-
ed the enrollment trophy for 1923—29. Prof. A. E. Meyzeek pre-
sided. After announcements by Secretary A. S. Wilson, the session
was adjourned, a. very large and appreciative audience ‘being


The Thursday afternoon session was opened at 2:30 p .m. with
music by the band of The Kentucky Schocl for the Blind, Mr. Otis
Eades, directing. A chorus of Jefferson County School children,
directed by Mrs. Mayme Moms, then presented several selections.
Prof. Horace M. Bond, cf Fisk University. delivered an address,
using the subject, “The Capacity of Negro children to Learn.” A
chorus ref the Jefferson County Children’s Home, Mrs. Juanita
Lonas, directress, then presented several numbers. An address by
Mr. L. N. Taylor, Rural School Agent for Kentucky, was the next
feature of the program.

The Nominating Committee made its report near the close of
this session, naming the following: For president, (1) w. n.
Humphrey, of Maysvillo, (2) D. H. Anderson, of Paduceh, and (3)
c. L. Timberlake, of Greenville. For vice»presidents, (1) Mrs. I“.
H. White, of Lexington, (2) G. H. Brown, of Louisville, and (3)
Mrs. L. B. Sneed, of Louisville. For secretary—treasurer, (1) At-
wood s. Wilson, of Louisville and (2) James A. Ward, oi Owens—
boro. For assistant secretary, (1) Miss L. v. Ronels, of Winchester,
and (2) Mrs. Jewell Jackson, of Covington. Fur Directors, (1)
Mrs. L. c. Snowden, of Lexington, (2) .1. Bryant Cooper, of May—
field, (3) F. A. Taylor, of Henderson, (4) c. w. A. David, or Lex-
ington, and (5) c. R. Bland, of North Middletown. For historian,
w. .l. Gallery, of Little Rock. Mrs. L, B. Sneed declined to run.

A proposed amendment m the constitution which added past
presidents of the K. N. E. A. to the list of active members was


 then npproved by the general body, seine being voted by acclamav

After some discussion the presidential candidates were allowed
ten minutes each for nominating speeches. Mrs. T. L. Anderson and
Prof. s. L. Barker made speeches for President D. H. Anderson.
Prof. w. H. Perry, Jr. and Mrs. Rebecca Tilley made speeches for
Prof. w. H. Humphrey. Prof. H. E. Goodloe and Mrs H. v. Tay~
lcT' made speeches for Prof. (J. L. Timberlake. it was announced
that voting on the officers nominated, would be by haunt and that
voting would be permitted on Friday, April 19, from s a. in. to
6 p. in.


The program of the evening was opened by a chorus of Sim-
mons University students, directed by Prof. 17.. Todd Duncan. The
invocation was rendered by Dr. co H. Parrish, President of Sim-
rnons University. An inspiring address was then delivered by
Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, of Daytona, Florida. The audience
was one of the largest in the history of the K. N. E. A. and was
thrilled by the eloquence of the speaker. A second address fc-l~
lowed, Dean L. A. Peckstein, of the University of Cincinnati, speakr
ing on the subject, “To Him that Hath." He made an address
characterized lby practical suggestions and it was enthusiastically
received. Mr. Otis Eades rendered a saxaphone solo and the meet
ing was adjourned until Friday morning.


This session was opened with music by the Madison Depart
mental School Orchestra, Miss M. Lyda Johnson, Directress An
address was then delivered lhy Prof. c. T; Hyte, of Terre Hnute,
lndiana, his suhject being, “Modern Trends in High School Teach-

The state Spelling Contest, directed by Prof. G. H. Brown, of
Louisville, was the next feature. The judges selected were Prof.
G. w. Jackson, of Louisville, Prof. it L. Dowery, of Eliasbethtown,
nnd Mrs. L. H. Smith, of Lexington. The following were prize
winners in the order mentioned, the prizes having been given hy
the Louisville Times and CourierrJournaJ: (1) John M. Douglas,
of Versailles, (2) Majorie Miller, of Bardstown, (3) Joy Brans
ford, of Glasgow, (4) Sara E. Watkins, of Providence, (5) Bernice
McCadden, of Louisville, (6) Birdie Lee Hooker, of Hopkinsville,
(7) Isaac Hawkins, of Christian County and (8) Mabel Boatnight,
of Lancaster. About twenty-five pupils of various counties in
Kentucky, were entries in the final contest

The Friday afternoon general session was opened by a chorus
directed by Mrs. Mayme Morris and with music by Thcmpson’s
Traveling Quattette. Mr. H. 0. Russell delivered an address on
“Modern Trends in Education.” An address was also made by Dr.


 Jennie Porter, of Cincinnati. Both of these addresses contained
many vaiuable teaching suggestions. Music was next furnished by
an Octet‘te from Linwln Institute.

A repc'rl: on research studies being made in Negro Education
was then presented by Prof. w. H. Fouse, of Lexington. It was
suggested that this work be continued, the Association voting that
a standing research committee of eleven be appointed with Prof.
Fc‘nse as chairman. Prof S. L. Barker, of Dwensboro, than read the
the report of the Committee on Declaration of Principles, which was
approved and filed. Prof. W. S. Blanton, of Frankfort, then read
the report of the Legislative Ccmmmee, which report was approved,
adopted, and filed. A motion was passed that the president appoint
a special committee to confer with a. committee from the K. E. A.
relative to Negro adulation in Kentucky and on serve as a legislative
committee. The committee appointed consisted of A. E. Meyzeek,
Louisville, chairman; W. S. Blanton, Frankfort; W. H, Fouse, Lex-
ington; P. Moore, Princetnn, and Dr. E. E. Underwood, Frankfort.

The State Oratorical Contest was the next feature. Prof. J.
S. Hathaway served as director and the following persons served as
judges: Mrs. L. B. Fouse, Lexington; Prof. Joseph Riggs, Jeffer-
sonville; Mr. C. W. Merriweather, Hopkinsville, and Mrs. M. G.
Egester, Paducah. The following pupils, representing their
respective districts were Winners: First prize, Miss Frozene Stewart,
Hopkinsville; second prize, William Martin, Lexington, and third
prize, Miss Bolder), of the Fourth District.


The final session was a business session and was opened at
9:15 a. m. on Saturday with devotionals led by Rev. R. D. Jones.

The election committee reported the following official results,
naming K. N. E. A. officers for 1929-30:

Fur Prenident

Prof. W. H. Humphrey
Pres. D. H. Anderson.
Prof. C. L. Timberlake


Mrs. F. H. White.
Pref. G. H. Brown.


r... Secrellry—Treuurer





Prof. Atwood S. Wilson .491
Prof‘James E.Ward...... ............125
For Dixeeum (Two 1. be elm“)
Mrs.L.ClSncrwden...“.H....i........ .387
Prof. F. A. Taylor. . . . .200
Prof. .7. Bryant Cooper . . .195
Prof. C. W. A. David.. . _ 72
Prof. Chas. Bland.... .100


Prof. W. J. Gallery . l...Historian


 Assistant Secretary
MissL.V.Ranels........ ................... :~..........295
MissJ.A.Jacksan ................ ........ 110

Total votes cast: 629. The report was approved and filed.

The report of the Resolutions Committee was read and ap-
proved. A ccndelence committee, consisting of A. E. Meyzeek, H. R
Merry, and P. Moare, was appointed. This committee is to report
at the 1930 session of the K. N. E. A.

The secretary awarded exhibit prizes and made his annual
report, the latter being adapted and filed.

A report on the organization of an athletic department in the
K. N. E. A. was read and the plans recommended approved.

It was decided that there be a State Declamato‘ry Contest
rather than a State Oratorical Contest at future annual sessions.
It was also decided that the State Spelling Contest be a feature of
the Elementary Education Department and not be a part cf 3 gen-
eral session.

Mrs. Essie D. Mack, President of the State P. T. A. Department
made her report in which she‘propased that this department become
an affiliated organization in the future in order to better carry
out its programr A motion was passed to this effect after much

Prof. w. H. Fouse, of Lexington, next made remarks relative
to the proceedings of the 1928 annual meeting of the National in.
sociation c'f Teachers in Colored Schools. After some discussion.
it was moved and seconded that Prof. A. E. Meyzeek nnd Prof. W.
H. Fouse be official delegates of the K. N. E. A. at the 1929 meet,-
ing of the N. A. T. C. s. to meet in July at Jackson, Miss. The
moticn was carried. The association also Voted to refund the ex-
pense of Prof. Fouse to the 1928 meeting. A motion was next
passed authorizing any Kentucky teacher who would attend the
N. A. T. C. S. at Jackson, Mississippi, to represent the K. N. E. A.
as a delegate.

Prof. w. H. Perry, Sr., then presented the newly elected presi-
dent, w. H. Humphrey, cf Maysv'ille. President A. E. Meyzeek,
after expressing appreciation for the splendid co—operation given
him during the two years of his administration by the teachers and
principals of the State and others interested in the organization,
turned over the chair to Prof. Humphrey. After brief remarks,
Prof. Humphrey presented Pres. D. H. Anderson and Prof. c. L.
Timberlake. Both made short speeches in which they pledged loy-
alty and support ta President Humphrey and the future program of
the K. N. E. A

A motion was carried that expenses cf the legislative and re-
search committees of the K. N. E‘ A. be left the Board of Directors

of the K. N. E. A.
With final remarks by Prof. Meyzeek and others, the final


 sessinn was adjourned, being declared as one of the most outstanding
in the history of the K. N. E. A.
(Miss) L. V. RANELS, Assistant Secretary
A. S. WILSON, Secretary-Treasurer,
A. E. MEYZEEK, President.




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 Departmental Reports


The Primary Department of the K. N. E. A. held two interest-
ing sectional meetings on Thursday and Friday mornings of the
annual meeting. Each session was opened with devotionals, the
chair-man, Mrs. Blanche Elliott, of Greenville, presiding. Forty-
two members were enrolled in this department At the first session
after remarks by the chairman, “Devices and Methods in the Teach.
ing of Spelling" was introduced as a topic for general discussion.
Other topics discussed were: (1) “The Correlation of Language
and Drawing," by Miss E. Glodean Cox, of Henderson, (2) “The
Values of Play," by Mrs. Annie P. Belle, of Mayfield, (3) “Methods
and Materials in Reading,” by Miss Clam McGhee, of Covington,
“(4) “Six Weeks Outline of Pro—Primer Reading,” by Mrs. Blanche
G. Elliott, of Greenville, (5) “The Health of Primary Children," by
Miss M. Quisenberry, of Winchester, and (s) “New Types of Teach.
ing," by Miss Gladys Evans, of Louisville, the latter being featured
by a demonstration.

A special feature of mils program was a lecture, “The New
Primary,” by Miss Ruth Johnson, a primary specialist in the schools
of Cincinnati. Miss Johnson gave out some very helpful teaching
materiais and her work was appreciated by all. Officers elected
for 1930 were Miss Blanche G. Elliott, chairman, and Miss E,
Glodeen Cox, secretary.


This department, was organized at the 1929 session and sub—
mitted the following resolutions:

WHEREAS, there now exists in the State of Kentucky a need
for improvement and development of Athletics in the Colored High
Schools of the State.

WHEREAS, a tentative organization was called in this present
meeting of the K. N. E. A.

WHEREAS, a permanent organization has been formed with an
outlined program for Athletics iu the Colored High Schools in the
State, operating on a general program for the development and
growth in Athletics with an opportunity for all classes of Schools
to participate to become identified and affiliated with the Associa»

WHEREAS, in said meeting a Summer School for teaching of
Coaches has been proposed to be held probably at Lincoln institute
during the coming summer,

We hereby request that the Kentucky Negro Educational Asso-
ciation now in session do hereby unanimously approve and take over
this new organization, which is an important factor in our educa~
tional system and lend its support, endorsement and approval to the


 constructive program that has been outlined by this newly organized
department, known as the “Kentucky Colored State High School
Athletic Association."
Respectively submitted this 19th day of April, 1929.
H. A. KEAN, Chairman, Louisville,
T. J. LONG, Louisville,
J. H. COOPER. Ashland.
N. 13.: Mr. J. H. Cooper, of Ashland, Kentucky, was elected
chairman for the 1930 session.


The Rural School Department had for its 1929 theme, “The
Needs of the Rural Child." The program outlined was carried out
successfully and a large number of rural- teachers attended the ses—
sion. The sessions were featured by demonstrations item the
pupils of the Jefferson County Rural Schools. Mrs. T. L. Anderson
was elected Chairman of this department and Mrs. D. Lillian Poniard
was elected Secretary.


Professor J. H. Ward, of Owensbcro, served as the 1929 Chair—
man of this department and reported a profitable session. Mr.
Ward was ire-elected Chairman of this department hot, on account
of leaving the State, President Humphrey has appointed Mr. G. w.
Parks, of Lancaster, as a temporary Chairman for 1930. Mr. Ward
rendered eff‘ 'ent service to the K. N. E. A. for several years as
Chairman of this department.


The Elementary School Department Was led by Prof. L. W.
Gee, cf Hopkinsv’iile. Some interesting addresses and discussions
featured the program. “The Problem of Individual Difficulties"
and “The Teaching of Reading" were among the subjects discussed.
Mrs. L. H, Smith, cf Lexington, Was elected as the 1930 Chairman
of this sessicn.


This department of the; K. N. E. A. had two very interesting
sessions, with Mr. G. T. Cordery, of Lincoln Institute, Chairman,
presiding. At the first session, Mr. G. L. Bullock made his report
as Chairman of the committee 'on exhibits. Pref. T. H. McNeil was
then introduced and gave a lecture on “Shop Problems.” His
paper was discussed at length by members present. The Friday
mornin’! session was featured by an address on “Preparedness." by
Mrs. Rabat; and an Mldz‘ess on “Occupational Infcmati‘an” by
Prof. M. E. Brown, of Louisville. The final address of this depart—


 ment was made by Mrs. Emma Bennett, of Jefferson County on the
subject, “Facing Facts." A special committee was appcinted ta
secure a speaker on the general program of the 1930 session and to
urge the combination oft the Jeannes’ and Rural teachers with the
Industrial Education department. This committee consists cf 6. T.
Cordery, G. L. Bullock, E. A. Mundy, S. B. Snowden, and Mrs.
Emma Bennett. Miss S. B. Snowden, was elected as Chairman of
the Home Economics session and Mr. G. T. Cchery, Chairman of
the Manual Arts senior} for 1930.

This department of the K. N. E. A. held an interesting session
under the direction of Mrs. Dora 0. Williams, of Hopkinsville. A
report was given by the various Jeannes’ teachers of Kentucky re—
garding the work which they had done. Special addresses were
given by Prof. c. L. Timberlake, of Greenville, and Prof. H. E.
Cannon, cf the Western Kentucky State Normal School at Bowling
Green Mr. L N. Taylor, State Rural School agent, took an active
interest in the proceedings of the session and Miss Nina L. Anglin,

of Ohio County, served as secretary of the conference.


There were two interesting sessions held by this department,
Prof. R. ’1‘. Roman, the Chairman, presiding. Addresses were made
by some of the leading principals of Kentucky schools. The first
day’s sessicn was characterized by addresses by Prof. G. H. Brown,
Prof. A. S. Wilson, and Prof. A. E. Meyzeek, relative to “The Prob-
lems of Adolescence" and “The Nature of the Junior High School.”
There were also very interesting addresses made by Prof. S. L. Bare
ker, Miss M. M. Elliott, and Prof. w. J. Gallery. Both sessions‘af
this department were very helpful and were largely attended by
principals of Kentucky.


Miss R. L. Carpenter, Chairman of this department and Super.
visor of m sic of the Louisville Public Schools, held very interesting
demonstra ':ns in this department at the 1929 K. N. E. A. meeting.
The music hour program on each evening was well attended and em
jcyed by all. A number of our local artists were presented on these
programs as well as on the general programs. A feature of the
1929 session was a demonstration of the work done with the Ear—
monisa bands during the School year. The crehestra of the Kentucky
School for the Blind, directed by Mr. otis Ehdes, was another inter»
esting feature on the program of the music department of the K.
N. E A. Miss R. L. Carpenter, Chair-then, also lad in the pruduc-
ticn of a musical pageant at the Jefferson County Armor-y on Fri-
day, April 19, in which the various schools of Louisville participated.


 This pageant was featured by the sungs and dances of about sixteen
natiuns. Miss Carpenter was ably assisted by‘ a speeiai committee
of teachers and principals {ruin the Louisvme and Jefferscn County
Public Schools. Abuut five thousand patmns attended this feature

of the meeting.


Miss Essie D. Mack, president of this department of the K. N.
E. A. reported an interesting session. The asscciation passed a res-
olution asking that it become an affiliated organization instead of
a department of the K. N. E. A. in order that it might better 31-
filate with the National Congress of Cclared Parents and Teachers.
(This request was voted on by the K. N. E. A. and approved, thus
the name of this lurganizstion is omitted in the K. N. E. A. constitu-
tion herein published). The S. P. T. A. pledged cantinued interest
in the K. N.E.A.snd asked the snppcrt of the K. N. E. A. in its
future work. Flirty-nine delegates enrolled in the P. T. A. depart;
ment, one dollar for each delegate being paid intn the K. N. E. A.
treasury. The organization repnrted a bamnce of $39.10 to begin
its wvrk as an affiliated crgazlization.


The program of the Commercial Department, directed by Mr.
Lee L. Brown of Louisville, was featured by two addresses: “Open-
ings for Negraes in Business.” by ‘Mr. B. F. Larke, president of the
Lcuisvine Business League, and "Banking and Insurance in High
Schools," by Mr. W. F. Turner, secretary of the Domestic insuranee
Company. Each subject was also discussed.





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 Resolutions Adopted

li That all of the visiting teachers of the K. E. A. extend
a Vote of thanks for the hospitality we have received, to the
president, Prof. A. E. Meyzeek, the secretary and all others, who
my be responsible for the excellent prcgram of music and in-
fluentizl speakers who have come to our meetings—to the pastor
and officers of Quinn Chapel for the various accommodations and
use of their church.


2. That we express our appreciation for the interest taken
by the heads of the sectional groups and the tendency shown toward
a higher ground leading along the line of professionalism, in
stabilizing our association by follcwing the highest standards of
dignity and poise 3nd in reflecting such attitudes of action and
thought as would appeal to the Ieflectian of thoughtful citizens and
would be Worth examples for the junior citizens among us.


3. That while we appreciate the emphasis that has made the
manual srts take an import-mt piece in programs by awarding of
prizes in all the branches of these departments—yet the fact that
there exists a need of more interest in the field of soienee, language
and art.


That the range 'of prizes and awards be made larger so as to
encomge science, thrift and other worthwhile activities.

4. That a committee of file K. N. E. Al meet a committee of
the K. E. A. so that each may more thoroughly understand the prob-
lem of the other, and the solving of the some become a common

(Signed) H. R. MERRY Covington, Chairman,
W. H. FOUSE, Lexington.



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ville; “a Louiwille “a lmml... n.ilm.a.,
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 Report of Legislative Committee

To the members of the Fifty-third Annual Session of the K. Ni E. A.:

Your committee on legislation for the 1929 session submits the
following as its 1929 report:

At no time in the history of education in Kentucky and espe-
cially Negro educaticn, has there been a greater demand that Ken-
tucky leadership take an inventory of our educational assets and
measure them by standards by which all progressive systems are
being measured. The time has come when Kentucky leadership
must cease to View our educational system through the rose-colored
glasses of misguided pride and view our conditions as they are.
The time is here when to resolve must be to act and tc‘ act must
be the expressed Will of every teacher from every quarter of this
great Commonwealth.

To meet here year after year and to listen to well rendered
oratories and to hear beautifully worded orations falling from the
lips of the nation‘s best, is far short of the ultimate purpose which
must be ours if the youth of our state is to have its rightful heri-
tage of an equal opportunity to grow in mind, belly and soul to the
same degree of growth offered any youth in this great Common-

This ultimate purpose must be one of service to the children of
(he Commcnwealth, fostering professional zeal and creating educa-
tional standards commensurable with the best standards. Long
since have we recognized that the program of the K. N. E. A. must
include a program of legislation based upon a sincere and scientific
research into the educational ccnditions in both rural and urban

We are rapidly sensing our utter helplessness in securing the
fulfillment of our fondest hopes for ‘our children, separate and
apart from any aid coming from the K. E. A. We are rapidly learning
that there is an ever increasing singlcness in the destinies or each
of ’Lhese bodies—the one does not create an educational standard for
Kentucky aside from an increasing share of opportunity for the
other 03‘ occupy a similarly favorable condition.

0111' friends are repeatedly joining us in deploying the lack of
standardization of our two spl’endid schools for higher training, and
we have, ourselves, sensed what is expressed in the following letter
from Dr. Ezra L. Gills, registrar of the University of Kentucky.

“There is not a fully accredited college in the state to which
colored students may attend with the exception of Simmons Univer-
sity for the first two years’ work The colored teachers in order
to attend a firstvclass institution must. go north of the Ohio River.
One of the most outstanding needs for Kentucky today, is the pro-
vision fc-r adequate college training for the colored people of the
state. (Signed) Ezra L. Gills, registrar University of Kentucky."


 We believe that our friends are ready to join forces with us
in correcting this evident inequality of opportunity. On every
side they urge us to sane concerted action. Our friends from the
other side have hinted the desirability of this ‘body going on record
as making proper 'overtures to the K. E. A. for a cltser ell-opera-
tive relationship to the end that our program before the Common-
wealth and the state legislature might be made a part of their own.

Inequalities in salary schedule is nm a question of lack ‘af the
proper statutes. It is a question of execution cf law. The ques-
tion of inequality in school terms and administrations <01 Negro
Eahot'ls is not one resulting from lack of law but one resulting from
Sack of conscious responsibility for Negro education on Lil? part of
local school administrated-s.

This committee, therefore, suggests, that the following be the
legislative objectives of the K. N. E. A.:

1. That the twelve objectives as announced by the K. E. A.
have the full endorsement of this bcdy.

(a) The development and inauguration of a sound system of
State and local taxation so that financial needs of the public schools
may be adequately met withcut an unreasonable burden on any

(in) A bill creating an appointive State Board of Education
at seven members, not more then two of whom, shall he appointed
any year, charged with the powers and duties that pmperly belong
to such boards.

(c) An amendment to the Constitution to make possible the
appointment of the State superintendent of schools by the State
Beard ‘of Educafion.

(d) The removal of the constitutional limitation on salaries
so that Kentucky may pay h