xt7b5m62817r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7b5m62817r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1980 1980 1980-09-15 2020 true xt7b5m62817r section xt7b5m62817r D
. y'oi. Lxxni. No. 22 Ker e] “'l":'i:":u‘: 22:11::
Mondny‘ September '5‘ I980 an independent student newspaper .e ' ‘ '
§ —
Student Ce'nter [ans — »
455V '(3 ax” ‘ _ fl .
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He said the present 276-seat . ., .. ff- ‘2 H _; W" 531.‘ .4 . _ _
By LESLIE MICHELSON cinema will be used by other organi- . " dz?" 2 ‘2 Moi? ' -,I
Stall w'nicr zations for meetings. videotapes and r 2,1 ‘.' . ti 9 fig. =52; is.
lectures. in addition. foreign films ‘ ‘. V ,5? it. it.
and other specialty series with *4” d . __ _. -'v""‘3,fi?;=,-,;E'=g,; V v I ’ y k. "
Although cuts in the state budget smaller audiences will be shown. - ' . . /’5 a H ii -
have postponed or canceled many the new cinema will have 500 Matti" fll'fl;;giv, ; ' Cg { ' "72K
, construction plans. expansion at the seats. and. iunds permitting. thv ~ .. “* fig“; ’ " .;
SIUde (Chm has “01 been theater will hayeaconces‘sion stand. 3; . .. 34,3; ‘ '. f M - . _ ‘2‘“ if t *5-
aifected. According to Herbst. the area ..; . “it a» 1 " ’- . 7% '5' I;';.;,._2:'23- “V“aivyiff .5"
”it "We ' WW in new» mm; the book "’ . ' ., z am ~’*
the form of a revenue bond for siip- will become a student activities tee. .. . . 4,; 494 ,fi; ‘3’ . .
plemental services, according to center 4-; . curiae. 2:5;‘5'3‘ i MIL/£57 I .. ’29 ‘ if; W33» 21%.??? ’ .:I .v" .
_l ihn Herbst. director of student llcrbst listed three or oses for s .527 . " ‘ "%’/ ,xiflt 535%, ',r ' .' ‘1 3‘9"“ 7’33; j
i . ; p p ..éezi 4:. .;:;" ‘ . .L-g‘" "-z;=::-’-=' ......w... 22222391. {5’ 7&2:- 3%? 041 =" . X ' . .:'=
activities and associate director of creating the center. ’ ' " // ., 5% ”4’” y,’ ' t if” a
the Student Center. / lo give student organi/ations a I/ " 3/ % é; ""3-33,":.';:.;:" ' . u, we. "4 ‘
He said an increase in student special place to work. ’ M/fi/ «:31 ,, g " m ,‘I m... v
dCllHl) fees will also help pay for the t/ lo promote "a cooperative 512% V ”’1’. 3“ fl II: . . ..
expansion. spirit in planning programs " / “° . ;:; Isz .. 2.
lhe proposed two—floor addition Vio add extra services such as ,4,” _. M; ‘r 2:1 r: .m- 49' i.
will be where the “A "faculty parking iinancial planning. promotional 4’” y, ,' g” H 1 ~ 1' a. '
lot is on Rose Street Herbstsaid new assistance and minimal printing 3 “1% .. Imam ( 9”.»
parking facilities will eyentually be services. :4 "y ray ’
made. lhe student actnities center will 33’ . .' _ ‘ -,..« ...”.
lhe new Student (‘enter will con~ be open to any organized student ; . .. _ . ._ VX‘.‘ . .. ' 'm
tain a larger book store. additional groups. “We are hoping to get it all ""1- "‘__- ‘ _ Lg,- ,_ ' ,r . . M "‘ . W“ ‘ ””
meeting rooms. lounges. a television together to make it easier for the stu- WIil..._.;;. .. .. ”tin-4:213”, ; _ .- , . I51... .. s” _ 1‘ ”I in“; gift;-
urea and a new. imnrmcd Cinema; dent or 'ani/ation." Herbst said. ///W“ ‘ I; ”I /“9 -. :%-""3-E"’34
Her bst said much of the vacated l‘i‘ani: Harris. dean of students ”WW"M4§W/¢/’~/’/ /7 .v':’-”""‘:“f:‘:«:r’%°» .;:. 2.2.. “/«4’ ‘ f " "fliiglfigi 1'“: v‘; ””7222 '
space in the older part of the building and director of the Student Center. B. l ' B) \ ll) ( 0‘ [13'me Na"
will be usedior student organi/ation said construction bids should be lcyc e aCCIdent
offices including Student (iovern— back before December and it is
nient. Student (‘enter Board and hoped that work will begin this _ . . . B . I B k who received an armin'ury after fallin from her bicycle Saturday evening at Rose and ('Olumbitl
mmum) ai‘i'iairs ‘pnng Roger [)aus aids riding partner ever y ar er. J . E . ~ . -
Ed i th H O t d t B0 C1 fT t
Hy \IAR\ H:\(I\“()R1ll at “‘1, 1., I: HS? , . 4:5. gray/v; a tub people were suspicious oi tl.ilL work in special Ltlllcitllslli. .idtilt
suit: is; to UK h; F“, m “mm. ”UM" hm I353; ”537734. hiiirig an ix-seai»iilii with .i degree education. and administration at l is
read a Li: oi hugkbitiund iriiornia» and l‘astern keriiucky l riiycisity
pe ople In,” Mist MHMN WWW: 1”}an I V "i don‘t recommend tltHilL‘, it this Hit)“ 1‘ 4‘ "W”‘hH "I “‘5
(rm John Y. Brown‘s appoint~ in):c:::;:::”;,'m?:;: as d Mlldun 1. way." Hayes suld.".‘\ll i had wasthc_ [A‘C‘sington-l .iyette l rban (oiinty
. ,, _ __~~.,;_...; .. on no es eiiencc to mesh with . irport \iithoiity and the Salvation
”1“” “l i dythc Jim“ “silt" “‘1 k ‘ ___—___....__.— Preparation is important. Hay es ' /" ' ‘ ; p . t\rm\ l3 ”rd
, Board 0! lrustees might be regarded said. “i don't believe I can d” my iob I , 5;: my training i feel its best to go out ; t t
b\ many people as a kind of miles~ black oi white societies became of without first going through this -:_1 fl. :1 andwork "I”! beiore coming backto "I don‘t think most of us do
tone but Hayes merely takes it in race." Hayes said “()r at least it ldid. learning process It will strengthen 3/3.. Mg! get your "I‘m“ ‘ MESH.“ enough tor the community." sht-
stride . I didn‘t know about it I‘m Usually my decrsionvmaking abilty later on " °’ ’ Hayes began teaching in |.e\irig~ ‘3“‘1- "I m” ‘4‘“ an interest m m‘M
‘ She is the first blasts woman to iiioieiri d ienialeminoiiiy.wherethe Hayes is presently Assistant Ix.” :33 ion at (‘aryer Hementary in 1953 anything. and i like to he .is‘lI\L‘l\
hold sticli a position here other boaid members are most]; Superintendent 10,» Fayette (‘oiinty‘s 1593*" 5., ;;t ’I She worked with the city schools ,0, iiiyolied in useful things I don't like
iht‘ ht’iild.‘ ““1 hhtk‘k ”“th men In last i think il i had to “(iris Area ll schools. and views her iob in . ' I/ mam .‘ears and was head of the do. tht’ ‘ttitttis’ suit til boards where it's
“t“ 1’” l’itihm- it “Whit-"Uh i‘h'dt‘ “ith a httutd that “its all women. the school system as “very challeng- ; / ' isioti of iedcral programs in the “it iust a name and you don‘t. do any»
. niacist. who seryed from W“: to then I’d have to adriust, trig and satisfying " I 1’ ’4'; " .- ‘ schools from l96‘ to [96‘ A thing If I‘m told that a particular
Wu) ”H )0“ hit” Whlt‘thlhil 1“ 0””. She is the liaison between the a V“ 3"" board is likethiit. or if it reaches iha'
“I think that "“ "1”“ “l m" hm'd‘ PWPh' are WWPUW 1” UN." ”81)“ superintendent and the other con— EDYTHE JONES HAYES Mter the city and county schools point. 1‘“ hand in my t‘enlllhtm‘m H
l‘ye been on. people would rather said cerncd parties. “It‘sa busy iobwitha merged. Hayes became director oi
iust forget that I‘m black." Hayes Since her appointment. Hayes has lot ofdecrston-making We haycthc West Virginia State l'riiyersit\ in the adult education program She Hayes 1‘ an Alabama mm“ and .
‘ said “-\riy bias I've encountered was spent tiriie i.iiiiili.iri/ing herself with overall responsibility for all Area ll I952 at the age of lb’ She finished scry ed in that position until I‘VE. ‘hc X‘ married to Arthur [1 ”JR" “
more toward me as a female than her responsibilities on the Board schools and the daily operations of high school early and completed her when she was chosen for her current Ph5“‘"| ”WNW" 5h" “”d h“ h“‘
because of race. although that's been “It's a period oi learning. and getting these schools." she said undergraduate studies in three years position .is assistant superintendent band 1‘“ n “ "rm" “he” ”‘9‘ "m“
' ht‘ 'Wi Pttlhicm “”1“" tt‘ds'ttltitlnt'id “Ith l'K " Her experience in education goes “i went straight iiiio graduate beet “this" tttld ttihus‘s'ti. lhey h.i\e
’ “l'ye nt'\t'l ha." Problems in e:.hci llaycs lCLL‘ind her niaster‘sdciliee back d longwa) She graduated from school mainly because l couldn't get Sht‘ has iii“) titlht‘ advanced Eritd‘ two sons. in”: '6‘ and Rodney, H
B d 1 ° ' t
tb r . u get cuts canoe renovation pr01ec s
on e nSide
gigglgfitl‘ PTOJCC“ lhdl‘ deal “'lh Wit") and primary “”5 facility. “V9553“ ‘ald- the Medical(‘enterandthel'ineArts .
. with renovation that is essential to »\iter the plans are finished. further mummy
\ew gmdelines for construction the preservation oi a budding. deiclopmeni oi the proiect will be 5/ Inclination oi tire escapes at
Proposals. Inntttutt‘d its a result of “lhe state is essentially allowing fro/en until funds become ayailable “,1!an and Boyd hall
' Today's editorial deals with Iranian state budget cuts. have littcL'd oiii~ protects to be built that are for tire for its completion. y‘ Installation 0i fire alarms and tr
Parliament and their role in the release cials in the l)esign and (‘onsti'iictiori safety. safety oi students and renova< Wessels said when iunds become \p, mgr” “cu-m m Scoycll Hall
of the American hostages. and Physical Plant diyisions to can- titinsysuch .i-s roots that would cause available for the protect. eonsiruc~ Wessels \md proiects which did
sssss> Ct" ”"60 large renovation protects substantial damage to the interior of non Pl‘dnn may Will” not meet the state‘s new guidelines
‘ k‘§\§\\\ss\~\ and delay the development oi two the budding if they are iioi donc."hc Although lTniyersity officials had “(imit-
Ilentertainment Editor (‘ary - \3 others. said askedthestatetohireanarchitectfor ./ Replacing rotten window
“ illis reviews Jackson g: In addition. the guidelines issued l’ians iorii new pharmacy building renovation of the Journalism Build- immes at Barker Hall.
Browne's Friday night concert _. Is: by the Department oi l-inance haye and a primary care facility a: the trig. one had not been hired when the ,/ installation of an orchestra lift
at Rupp Arena on page 4. influenced decisions on smaller Medical Center have been fro/en in budget cuts necessitated a rc- and construction m arehearsal room
. % _‘_ protects. their current stage oi deselopment esamination of'construction propos- M my (‘enter im the Arts
“ a s t h e K e n t u c It y - " ~ 9‘ According to Hilton Marshall. lllt' pioiccts were fro/en instead oi als. Wessels said. . . ;
Oklahoma game closer than director oi Design and Construction. canceled becaUsc architects had Because an architect was not hired Rmmau‘m ”1 lhc Mming lgdbfui
the score indicated? Find out the canceled ienosation protects already been hired to do the design the project ne\cr reached the design “on,“ one protect thatVWessc‘ls Sim
on page 6 where both Fran include. work tor the two buildings. Wessels stage. and the decmon was made to me l.ni\ersity would 'Ihc to “" gain
('urci and Barry Switzer hand V522 million two»phase rcrim.i- Wit cancel rather than ire-cm its “a” “Wm“‘l‘ “n“ ““mdnsu‘m m
nut praise and excuses. _; tion of McVey ”all He used the proposed constriic- development. the mining engineering” “Non
. . £5.14; , I’ $800,000 rcnmation oi l-unk- iion oi the primary care facility and Wessels said projects must adhere “mild chcnd 0“ m renovation.
Thel K Rugby ("Uh opened * § § .4. ._:é':::‘ij5€%5fiii:' ht’UV-‘t Building. the renovation oi the Journalism to the new guidelines However. he "th ““me “WWW ”“0””
its I980 season. Get the results ‘ ... .t- k I’ $500000 renoyation oi Jotiinal~ Budding to explain how the decision expects the state to approve several ”W Mining 1 aboratory and hi“
0" P'ge 7- f 15m Budding. is made to either cancel or have 1 projects to repair faulty roofs and “‘th the “at? h" permission. but
~ “xx“ .lames Wessels. director of the protect upgrade fire-safety standards. 'l hose the 513‘“ has not yet “PP"m‘Cd a "”h'
JACKSON BROW'NE Physical Plant Division. said the new lhe architect will be allowed to proiects include, ' sultant." he said. "We can‘t proceed
gUIdelines place hlgh“ Prltllll.‘ "h finish his plans for the SIS millior‘ / Roof repairs on Memorial Hall. “hill lh" “it“: Sit.“ we can d" ”
. O
““5"“ —--—- Former Fayette County sheriff sentenced
l l-XlNUlON (AP l‘ormer lhe indict merit said he received I" lpperson and Betty Hoopes pleaded He “8‘ replaced by David Kiscr.
The weatherman “ys the skies will be partly layctte (‘oimty Sheriff Philip .I checks totaling Sikm‘) In for out :ttlttt‘t'fim ‘0 charges they submitted his chief deputy. but‘Kiser resigned
. . . . Angelucci Jr is to be sentenced of-statc trips he did not take it ‘lhtd vouchers it" NY mrlcagc Ihurgda) amid reports m- at“, falsi—
cloudy ""5 morh'“ “In" some Cleqnng m the today on a federal maiHraud charge Angeliicci's attorney. Robert ”‘0” ”'3' 1‘ scheduled ‘0 begin ()Cl- tied vouchers
afternoon. The ma" todly should be "P the "pp," involving falsification of travel lloulihan .lr . said the former sheriff ti
70‘ m low 80" Tonight will he dear will! I '0“, m vouchers would make “full restitution“ to the lhk‘ deClmt‘m ‘3'd M" Chm“ Kiser, in his resignation letter to
the (00' “pp" 50s. Ah‘ but ‘.omono“ It '5 back '0 Angelucti oil resigned Aug IS state and M" ”00W“ *hi’Wd the money ludge-ercutiye Pd Hahn. denied
“arm" “cam" Wi'h ' high "3 the “pp" 80" Who and pleadedgutlity before l' S, l)is- Biit Houlihiin said he and state lhs‘} allegedly received from the “a” any wrongdoing and said he did not
k""w"? Maybe summer wont end. trict .ludgc Hernard I.Moynahan.lr ofticials had “been in contact .. for with Angeluccr It said Mrs lppt't- espcct to be charged.
to one of ioiir counts in an indict- some time in an effort to arrive at a son allegedly kept all her payments ‘
.. ‘ . , , -, _ Hahn named as Kisers replace-
ment against him andthree deputies. figure hcow‘es, Houlihan would not i‘\nnglKCl. a member of a prom .. ‘ .
.. _ ‘ . ‘ _ _ ‘ , . 'l ctcd ment |.ones laulbce. a former she-
Angclticci admitted usrng the comment on the amount mentioned 'Itnl |.i\ington family. M‘ t t‘ g ‘ h h'd . d‘
. mails to submit falsified vouchers to in the indictment .heriff 'h “’77 H" ”rm M" to tune n“ ‘ dtpm) “ 0 d 7becn d Lpuu
i ——————————-———-<-——-—--‘——~—~-— the “Hi? Department Of Finance Deputies (‘arnlyn (illrlls. Mane expired next year county S'crh "n“: '9 4
‘ t y I " t

Stew \Iassey ’
KENTUCKY I‘IIMHHVUHH h) Fossett (if) Willis John ('Iay David Maynard
M.“ Green Am" (‘harles I.Illl’l!dllll)l¢‘lll [fill/or Sporty Izt/Ilor l”"""" t” I’hf‘lllt'lilfl/H
Debbie McDaniel Ron Hall
I . Kirby Stephens ('indy McGee John Little
K6 ”6] ”WWW“ “In“, Annual" “I’m“ “C“ Poole Steve Lowther
Barbara “3rd 8.1. Robinson Donnie “ard ”Mid ('oyle
Senior Sid/f “rllt'ry 4tirirum Hirr'numnwm Mirror ,‘I\.\I\l(ll1l .\/mrI\ Mirrors Plium hlrmr
Jacki Rudd Paul Mann ,
O I I’m [ill/or lztlirorrul Mirror
editorials & comments
‘ ' h '11 ' 1 th ° t t [k
X Release of A merzcan ostages wz m v0 ve more an jus a
Although it has {twine undertones the Iranian ofShah Mohammad Re/a Pahlavi. PresidentCar- Ruhollah Khomeini and the Iranian militant stu- Iranian. Revolutionary" Party :ind 5tltpportcd‘hlra-f
. V Parliament's dcmmn to begin debdui .tn the ho». ter has whemently refused to do so. _ dents: Ihe outburst of Violence and anger in qiaii military efforts against ran. ose mule 507
tage situatior tornor:ow should be tiiiten with a I‘hentherewcre statementsthatthelranian Par— Washington DC. when Iranian students demon: their impact when considering the fact that .-
, gnaln of can iiament would act upon the hostage issue as soon strated against the United States is an example of Americans are being held by Iran. , ,
l I Take. tor instance. last February when an as the parliament was in session. . ‘ increasmg tension felt by Americans. . And these statements carry even less yalidity
exchange between Iranian President »\ holhass‘an But the elections. amidst internal bickering and Perhaps some of the tension lies not with Kho- considering the internal. struggles between dliicr-
. I Bani-Sadr dim \ftw‘ttsdn otfis‘lalh ‘Ildisdls’d that POW” *lrUEt-‘IU‘ dmymg 1h? hard-liners and the meini and the militants, but'with the realization ent factions of the Iranian government.” . .
V . f the hostages would he released alter in. pending moderates m the RCWJUUOMFY Party. [00k W0 among Americans that the linited States didaid Despite reports ofanational malaise. thel ni- ,
, [ mm: \iiiions ilistsllgutlttn. Ihe ('4. m .idminis- months to complete. Andafter thatsanother long the cause of a regime which apparently cxplorted ted States is a proud country. Its people-are unable
, . t'dIIOn Nutmusly espressed optiniioii and the process was undertaken withthe picking of cabinet many of the Iranians through various methods. to shoulderywhat they consider terroristic acts and
V .- Tit‘dltt euicltly turned to the ht)sl.if_'" i o'iilies tor members. ‘ There are those in the United States who are irrationality on the‘pa-rt of (the Iranian got cin-
‘ response :ind'reaezion to the news Ihe result was a fading ot hope towards any sympathetic to this fact Ted Kennedy. for one. merit. although the feeling may be mutual'iti Iran.
. ‘ But {by way c in tiptiniisn] was si‘ti'. down aim quick resolution of the hostage situation and But constant rhetoricalstatements byKhomeim And until the Iranian goyerriment actually
' . Ishomc-irii denoui uni any such niIYyt‘ JS'ILi instead tant‘aSCd eyrmism 0” ”W P11” 0' the American and the militants. such as the one made by Kho- releases the hostages. man)‘ Americans will not be
V insisted that hat the I'..\ goyeriimtr: admit to people. _ ~ ‘ meini lfriday'teferringtothe United States as “the willing to accept. or even ‘inyestigate. the pio- ‘
A being guilty for .iltvged misdeeds digrii a the reign And much of the cynicwm tsaimed at Ayatollah great Satan‘ which has fueled opposition to the ported crimes of the shah regime.
R 11 still perceives ‘Old South’ image '
' . ' H “mm; 5c hwy, m _: [I were not \tair . gains ~ ‘sc been made tiganst they are wrongin antICipatingadrift Are we to Iiyc in the past. or moye ‘ L tt P I. ‘
I 3" st serious Rt‘iirl.\! iteagaii‘s on» (It: in .L'tti. .otd awlessness which back toa I9th»eentury racialanalysis confidently into the future‘.’ 8 9’8 0 Icy
I , again vii—again tori-rump of the Ii’lt‘uit’llt‘si the region. 'I he threat ot oftheir dilemma. which blames their Reagan's tendency to “play to the ~
». M uth ..t (in slim w is real. and the a, crowd“ with pithy one-liners seemed
_ hm (dumb... Re :aari pg,” ott shrimp gust-nuns who demanded ‘ to work well in the suburban ghettos ”IV/‘1’”“WH AWN “shouts“ Ill sottttthutrons from the
. . . I“ caritpa‘gh 1.1 .m‘ \hgfismppl Mr; "E” or!) 1pm.», Reagan remember of Repubhcamgm~ but it will con— ‘ l l\ coriiriitiiiity fill PllhlILtIIlUll on the ed totiiil and opinion
" - , county Mirth m, t, “again/ts no. the ,_ 'imes Iney are themselyes the _ g .~. tinue to create problems among the l page
iertce ‘mg {cplcsshilj in the South. \'.t ‘Ys our the torces of fear and ' g broader spectrum of voters. l letters. opinions.oidtoiiiiiieritiiiies must betypedaiidtiipli I
, . lmd speaks M “-....vmg "states' wort-“ion lodiiy. Alabama schools " I hope it is not possible to win a ‘ spdc‘cd. and Hills! include rhe “more signature. yum-Cc. um; ‘
_ y ' . rights -' Ihe" may.“ .tpgyr when ,. , to more ‘ri':t.t.ited thanthose ot s -» nationalelection ID 1950 Wllhdl‘ldc' phone number I k students should :ticltrde their year illlti i
, ‘ ‘ 1y... W“ m,” P"“l‘if‘ .thri hiiyc been _ aw“ . * and-conquer tam” pitting NOth ' minor and l lll\'\‘l\ll\ etiiployces should list their posttoii .iiid
é f . VIL'VImilz'd by the obs.- e est-rose Andrew . .» w “gall“! South. black against white. dqmmmm
,. ' ti "stag. rights t..l;“\ldnd his _:- . one; City against suburb. but men if that Hie [\H‘H / ‘ ‘ _ . . M _ ‘ . . .
1 , 3 .' tosses as... i N strategy succeeds. I arti coriyinced ‘ m“. “mm“ H m‘“ “m‘llhl””m" "”d H" I
f L“; A” - 1)” IN ‘sr'..\e identlli~ Y :::;._.-~'33' ‘ .. that one “mm" gmcm m such an i querit wirtcisriiny tx-h'iittt'd Iditorsieseiyctlieright toedit ltri :
'7 . r _.i', .3 w, \Ulw, H; tum). Mm» Dung ' .. ; atmosphere. kftll't'e'l spelling. iliilllllllitl .iiid clarity. .iiid IlItI\ delete libelori- :
,. , ' j "tings -r. 'r» Item»: and maligns ‘\ .f» ‘ 'lhe |980s require leadership that ‘LIICII‘M‘I‘ :
‘ - .' i. mmhl“ Md ‘ mm hum/mg 1h;£1 — gigs. _. breeds trust and inspires confidence ( oritiibutioiis slioiirri he delivered to Room Il-l Journalism
.g . (j my” h a ”Menu“? my \ortherri suburbs. and "\cw s‘: I I that national difficulties can be oven Building. l niyersity of herituclty. I eyington. Ky. 40506.
" 'V " ‘ It is tlltit’Ld sci” “..it (my Rea» ‘~ politics Is a result of a :oafi— .- n: *‘ come. the complex problems ot lot legal It'thltils .i Liilllilblllttl iiust present .i I ls I It
. - g in and h s .idsisois .rmiotisly don‘t 2 . r .z stack .iiitl white yotcrs station in life on the black people. energy. Ire-industrialization and the NIH“. my AHW/ ,- .r// M ”M I“ a“ {'1 ml mm M“,
‘ - ,,ii;rsr.uiu wliii' has nippeiietl in the h 1 the lot; tit rc‘dt‘lltt'l still ’I his was the mind of the Old South internationali/ation of our economy Letters:
K . ,‘ states of the tile ( tint: it-itit‘y during . w lhert- rs a. resurgence of the Ru the South of the past. the problems of this decade \hoiil l h‘ tol H , .t . w _ .. I l
. . t e iiirsor .\\\.llltilllllillt L tri.ti-tt(lwords IhLy
, ' tre past It) sears ts , «. kiiir. In;- \zvuths problems Old South politiCians such as cannot be solyed by one-linesingle‘ mm”) m” ‘ ‘ ' . . ‘ _ |
’ ,‘ ' ;.' \ y.sit m RC.:‘.‘.ii Io ldehKUIi. ..r= llt'lIl being solyed. d’id Sens. Herman lalmadge ot (reorgia Issue politics. butonly' by a newscon- “ U “H"‘H “M‘” ”w“ ”I“ "“”' “9”“ ”km" I
,’ (licensing. Islam t monst- i' ziii :eiidirsliqi must turn the and Strom lhurmond of South census on the total strength of our ”W ['k “'I""E‘:"!I"
- . v\ I ‘silss .i org will‘ .;: appiopmtr ._ , a rllf'it‘ilt readership in attempt, ('arolinii. have managedtoremain In nation and faith in our tuture “WW"W
: . . ,- \I‘CL".h. would tttitt ...~:d my tea: or ... .'1I"‘\.'U mrward Iher. can be office in part because they have Should hem) iil.L" «‘l itssiriiil slioiiitl giie dild mph,” .. pm;
7 ‘ f s s t bout in .r ' iii'tiiieiit ti» p'aiizce -. t \lfllldfi of a return to embraced this New South and have ’rori pt‘lidllilllil to topical '\\lIL\ ..: rim-HM to 1m. | Is ‘
i , 4 t E" . :ghts .rrtu », .i ls'..LL‘ “L .‘ood old days." which were publicly confessed theerrors of their t'orririiuiiiry l
3 I ' .rrii;.' ..,i-y.or*i wt ,. _ t; ;.‘.L-t.-nt- - , ~ good to: .iiiyotie. previous deeds. I
‘. ' ,. . riots we; I:- ‘ylt'editns . ls'laii‘s:tstiigvncerepreseiitsti (joy. Reagan‘s flip-flops on the ‘J
‘i '4”? V1'”: '«' ‘l \I ~ i\i't.t’tcrt: ' v to bring wli‘tr working-class gouth. like his confusion on (‘hina —~_._._._..._.___—____—..,._
. - ‘ ‘ , : .. «runs (int: i ii» s .i lilyht‘t r * ~ nu. “’L‘ mainstream of and his nostalgia for“atiobleeausc" . '
. V‘ "f .' .iioirt, suitixtzt t lltlrt‘lll than \ witi timer: ~~ [hey are rightly (his description of the US war in Andrew Young Wm“? nationally
1 ‘ ruostl \ stilt- ,.i’l,‘s..»il.t'\ mailed (it“ltl‘ their chridreri‘s Vietnam).clearlypointouttheessen- syndicated column “hm" appears
‘y .' there ,\ moth-en ,r4 the South «tlrrr .i' t r. and future. but tial difference for American voters every Monday.
I ~ .- ' W
' L it 1 th Edi
- - W
; ' ' ‘5 . Economic woes . . . i e ,t. “not. “f“ “” "T‘I“°““f"“,“" “"d ‘“‘1’”.‘ “' mmhd m.» “ai‘t‘tulm‘” 0‘ Wis 0' hing Prime W . ‘
. ' . - ., Join/m, stpt is. RJPL 0." . felt lrUmSLLIIIgIhL woman wort of.. m“ realitv and understand how instead of iaywalking and eypeeting
:" 3, . ‘. 1» ' ti kt iii. t it reported rant-s ACCUUM'"?! freshman I reali/ed that although I had heard many liyes were painfully affected m cars [0 stop for me. I will either lcaye
n r ' ‘ H“. “V‘ ”' ‘I' ‘ ‘ 1"" A“ W" I ‘ ‘H‘m‘: ‘ H) 4“: mp” ‘” Martha I)ittmeier or read of "mm” “OMEN“ l ““1““ i! m’dHCT 0' SCCUndN home earlier ortake my timeititiials- .
3 , ». ;' “Cpl i'rt‘spr tl\il;i ' J .‘\‘sl'.',"t.c ttl 'V H» "‘9 El l9?” HIL' I'dpt‘\ lndccided freshman lng a class driying. After all. I could hth.‘ been the
' » ‘ , ; y 2 .I'itt‘i s"i"lli.iit\.’il i ml \ i‘LUll ' - .d to pri‘itr . :iowewr. still Nth M) I’UFPWC '“ “““ntl 1h" 1m” l‘ .\s a student. I hayerushed toclass woman who was killed.
5 . . “NIT” "V" " "it “WW“ ' ' " " M ' ‘ k“ “WW”, ”1 m“ . . , to alert Pedestrianstothc dangers of without any thought for my safe!)
. ‘ ‘. I I . "1‘ “4““ 'V ”HM“ ‘ ‘ "‘H“ 7 .mitted i: ‘\ him,“ mm; “1.0 “7"” due? not “UMBWI-“E and 1" “mm“ (”"0" 0‘ rust to be on time. After seeing the Mary Ina Dodson
. ‘j ,' 2.. ops ;\':p.itriii- ' ll \iticriear. it that . s by? is due to ”It feelDalt-‘hirtonsartmlementittned the consequences of irresponsible “9““;an l have reconsidered the Social Work Graduate Student
hi. A . . a A. MM mg“ and _ ”MN ”my“ .‘ ‘1“Hymns“,Andpcnmm. above was indifferent. insensitiye,
. . ) 3‘ ‘ .. 1. H “rm-d ; m. H d inu'mm yiolent Cmm. derogatory or written in poor taste.
:t-‘ -' ’ ‘_ ‘t‘: :m- ~.\-' ' 7*; rttmlttt ‘ . s' mild ht ii't‘rigni/ed Rtipt'can The article “3‘ ‘ b““‘ "9'“ "WIV- .
J, , V ' tr" ' ' ‘ ‘s 11"I.t.t Es ‘ '..ti\ t.'i‘L~ l:;l.lil\k‘l\ .itlct‘t .t and considering the limited amount
y ,‘l a” , fl .. Jr; \ , . {in in; Mr“, ,. 1. '\ “an“. .mrmmm, tthd of [information available from the “ , ' _ . i,
ii. ' ' - " t" “g 't“r' 3:...'i ‘ tt' tuition“; tot heath 'trtu [hCIIIIIErIiIId‘tI 1" pollu’ department. ”W I‘Wm’l , ‘, a; ' . . Its called
. "'- ' . " ~ .r. l: - .t “humour, . 'xp.,"':‘li. r'rm-mpL-dndkrn... believes Horton‘s story was r, \
'. _u_‘ t ‘. t‘cologt. \‘t't'l‘i'h , ile'U\L‘ pitss. ‘.flc.lllt i‘ts -, ht made to pol re “CI-"3W: .. . if "‘ // /’/7/,; re ie unk
' 3' ‘ ' " Ptih'ir .: true "‘w . : t iciet‘ioni tit r' Vitxtt‘tes "it horror still liyqs R'P“ '5 ll yery SenSItly‘e topic. but I / p pp p
' 1‘ 5 .zt: acrili‘ ! . ti 'ii.ii.i.tr hr the liililir .t tiiiiiti .~: ‘fttf warm I rider “0'10““ article ““5 E “”32," "W“ 4 N
f "' l ; tiiitoliti Mir,- iir. .v ’iu 'i’tt‘ s"!iuisnt‘ss of ittt‘i “("3 '— "0‘ a featuresque “Hide- [M ‘ ' . 7 I. i ' A
“. I, '. ."‘ How i. l yr. .'-'.r: in: rrnptt-sr , .; it. tilt .: :~ .- til itsell The “("d‘ "freshman“ and "filed" \ \ ,l: ‘— Ike It s the
‘. ', ‘. . Win ii‘ “rs' : 'tess \Lllltt' I , i "‘-t\l r‘r article got- 2 W"? U'N’d “Time "If woman ' f‘i - 5‘ n
. g 1', «i r» _ .7 t- i'.\ 7- .mv writ. berm-tn , .ylns-t ong‘ir-ssutn [m m inyolyed was infactafreshmancocd. * 7‘ I t t I
. V .' A '_ ‘ .t k'.‘ i" ii 1‘ or. "Lit “hull «I 4 . word can blatant llt'lltlliH "0‘ befall“ the writer thought she \A" a es , man .
. 'l V. .3 , - 4!: hail uroly ..;~.j . ,‘ . . r, Rm». .ml use or “AH-t was irresponsible. lfshe wasascnior ' V/ ‘
. ‘ t3" '3' . ‘ .. . '~ -..‘ ._ at w is .riyr-t-ti n t 3 Jr? t .r' r Freshmen ( rat-if and commuted eyeryday fromLousi- k
. . ' ,L .- .li. ei’"13‘it' wit! i....'iiptii.i ... i \‘.i~ :1.- or* the \dildll\ ot th. yillethosewould hi" beenthefacts. / 1 ‘
, --l A : ' ’ ‘ :' ..-i. ‘s ' g w: cw: «, mutt : I‘L' is \IIilP-\ .i thus the story would haw been i I
’ I ".: . ~t‘.trt‘~ :iot » t'. ti .\ w‘wtit proten 's'T reported as such. X \fl,’ / 1 I I i
’ . ' r dry run... , .. it“: a n uteritii. .r: .t The use of the word "alledgcd" I 4d i x
it "' . His and \('lente yum." - , r. ..; .sr ‘Iin .Wnidm does not indicate the woman‘s story , \
.' '1' ii“ ‘ mm, m :i:.:tlit \gcnj at was fabricated. l'ntil the assailant is J l - f
, ' '.‘ . ' Rapfl I'CDOI'I .M. "ii.- gr: uti‘t‘ttt't‘tl the CIIIJ" arrested. "it’d h)‘l‘"y.comicted and l fb‘. '
" ,1 . 5 .. |_ “I It “will in wt mm in. the llst‘ ol tht sentenced. the crime in question is ' l " [3‘1
, g 4 tin “revel-ltd! 10' 'Htiri' 41’1“: : ie [m ttrwis ’trislitii..ti .irid “coed" was refered '0 " alledged. ‘3. 4 ¢\ \\
. i‘ I" VLHM‘idfi lhjL“ .l' r, -. '13.: s.iry \ stile bet would ht pay/b . A.\
. ci'ttiitis iri'bi- illt~ .i \tpt At'i H ' ‘ ' I . _ ' , . _ ' f f I \ \
iv :‘iitiori AI‘ It'el tfit ii" rlv' was writ ‘ ‘1‘ I! 'm ‘LH‘ m’d .11 an d“ girl H t nd rurl ' I? J] I,
. .'I ,- m] I'm rim-r taste III using .irrarigeti‘t'rit it would htiye l a M V f») I )1 ,
.l ' [Mir \Iutttin tihyi » .s . while the F Hnmcmmmd Hm MC“ “‘0' v .
. . r: or m total dlqu .. , ‘m r‘roli‘s- r‘ r‘ silt' was .i it. vi“:i.ttl scciiicd to Whilcon\iicdtiontit \1yrtlcllcncli 0 lv‘vf‘x" /
' . .i m4! or. 'thv r i.- :r d1lli'lcll' "‘1' w" "" ‘l" ‘- “Jk “h‘” m": this summer my roommate and l *0 Y- ; ‘ em...“
' ' [mtmflm d,” ‘r, “H,“ “Mm” ' ‘ '|'= ' *1" " ”l the report wtincssed .i hit and “Ill rlL\||iClll V" i . ‘ .W‘ V
4 V “ 1b ““1 i1 ...V,_ mun“- “ “rump“, 1‘ "”14“” "' “' d “dd“"m "I which rsulted in the death of .i .‘2 W p ' . ‘_ ;.~ \'
. .s uripal , g. ' "' “ " ‘ ““1"“ l" m‘ poor yearold woman Ihe woman \\.i\ ‘ “ , "1.355535:
\ ,m 4;, “up ,.. [hum w, ”my \- ' "' '"" J" ' struck by .i kill in front ot us while & i (as _. T
' Pl.\ .l‘ “65! 1‘ “.1 i"" ( r‘v'ltpltW \At' l'. Y'lt‘ i‘ri‘pt‘ r? .H \i.‘ I).I|C(I Mon standing (HI kl median “til'lng h‘ - ‘13:- .
tr -l the (NH 4- ”\m‘ V.“ " nonthal It. in the ilil‘ill' will refrain from cross the street Ihedriyci ”1 ”WM” "Q' -- J ‘
.irit .irzuiuit towards tthttli‘oh‘tl ‘~“"““'”*’ “h'” “" “““‘ 3‘ Pm‘m‘” farlcd to WP alter the nmdvm but ‘ ' ' J
, ' , MM w, ”mm“ d Mar tvrimi w.ih .lt'lllJl lacrwchaycwrit- my roommate and l follered my m . ‘ .. ‘-
LN WM. m N-J “,3 “p” m.“ I-“H 'im :‘Llllttlldr \yi. suggest that obtain a license number . M's-2‘0": “WW-”Q ‘ /
“‘pm‘cd w the RM“ ( ”m ( mm NI: \Iorton It \It‘wllht‘ three consec ’When we returned to thit tang of DU '8 ® 6,0
hcfc m lummon ,md HM rapes "t” “"“""‘ ""h‘ "V"”“"”"( “”"r‘ the atctdcnr we discoyetcd 'iiol the
hint- been tcpoitr rt ., rr: liils sear " """1’ Vi" “'0 on unwst woman was seriously Inllllt'ti fill that
«Limiting to .. l vimro’ir 1“" ”'m “' ”P" "am“ she was bleeding profusely ii in. the
o . t t 3 I »

 l llll kl \ l l ( kl kl.R\H . \lllndus. ~u-ptembt-r l5. ”NU-l
l . .
l .
l . , . V
l .___._____———————————__ . 1
l 1' I - I.
' compiled from AP dispatches three take part it will run two hours lhe (illnage youth “as rertrmed lltinl the "\M'l. not [‘llllllrl.‘ r!.. ’l‘11' A - ‘l1r1l l 1.:- 1 t ' :1 1.1 :11. ,;-1 .1 $111 ' 1 .
' ()l the 4,000 twkets. shc stud the ”C“\ sellotts llst trllllmrng tlle .llllprrl.rrl.m \1c that part at the lll\L’\l.‘V._’.tllr1l . _ 1 _ «5.1;. 1: l . .' :1.:1: \ .._: ,, -' I 1' 1",
V rnedla mll get 1,000. natlonal l eagrre um. /lngm.lll sard He Is no“ ll\lL'tl lrr satrstae- k'l\k‘."lte said "\MVr. .. .,,. W“: . . \ .1 1:. \1 V... _\ . A: ,. .. ii.:1..- J“ ' ,3 1‘ '1’
c elals and members ol eandrdates' stalls mil ‘1'” L'Ulldlimn Kaprls'h :ellrsed 1... .1 : - \1:.1r...:: 1 .2 1 1. :-1: “1.1.1: \1 ._ 1 “j, '1 L f- ‘: :
l ampus get 800. local league members mllger about nature or lhe sahutayt .l. :1 1 . i ll.1 " 115'3'115 1‘ 11 1 ’1' i ' “Inga-:1"-
l. 600. and state and local ollrelals and other . . Ullle‘lrll\ llt \1ranll turl‘l :1 .1 11.1 .- . 1 .. , . . . . ..-’. I . ’1l13
- . . imrted h\ the lca1ue mll et about mm I . , V V , . 11M! 1 : ’1 :1 .l1.1.;1.. .. -V: ’VI' -V:V,1V,
Student tickets for Saturday‘s Kentucky V . . . £- 8 natlona tsamlnlng rltrsrlrlr... l _: 1 \i .ll1. .V‘ .. .11 : _- V _ 11.~ I'r‘ 1 . .
. - About 100 dlt. rescued tor enrergeneles ernpllllees lll.lrrrl.r1e 11 1 1 1 : ‘1 ' '1 '1'1 1
Indiana football game wrll he dlslrlhuted g . . . . ' ‘ “ ‘ l “‘ ‘1 ' 11"~~" 1‘1" 1 ‘ -‘ ' 1 1"? ' 1' ' ”
. . .h: sald the 700 public tlckets Will he tree. \A ho “ere lri ed '11 l 1 1 1 » '1 1 ”r ‘ " '
today at Memorral ( ollseum lromil .l m. to but there urll he only two er erson , . rt. 5 5 W H “ ”I" ‘H l' " L I 5 ’ ' " “1 "V1": '1".
l0nm. [1'PPCT'IC‘C’15(".\Md “numb “Ill be Requests mu“ be m MFR,“ p”, ll ' ll’t‘sldent ( ruler and Ronald Reagan .tlL' ‘ M “m 1t .: - . 1 {'11".-/" l ‘
distrlbuted between 6 and 10pm, VV V 1 . ‘V ‘ . l d. ‘“ runnlng exert m then race lnr the presldenn } 1.: 1.; 1 : : - ,".",.". 1- :1 l. ‘3‘
. Itaguc ol “omen \ oters. Post ()llree Hm h (1 . 1 .. - ' "Intern... lll‘llL‘\ .:. - ‘ ' " J -' 1"“ 1- I .
DIstrrhutron ml! cor‘tlnue tomorrow l9‘6 loulsxllle 40‘01 l h ll ul .lllti \ sllLllg‘ll’t .\ lll1.l:lerl r..1ire\.lrrtll. \ : . . 1 . «.1, ‘- 1. 1 ‘ _ VV , ,3 r r': .1: 5 V
beglnnrng at K am. Guest tlckets vrlll go on Include 'VV st'lm ed sell ad lr “1|:in s (Vlll r .leeorrlrng 1.“: my“ pub...- llplllllill pull m 1‘ 111“"1 11"1'i‘l~‘ 1‘ . - 1 . ... . . . _ _ . . .. ”CV :V‘,V-.V1 -..;
V V , . . . . . . I .l . st 1‘. «‘1‘5' . _ . .. ..—.,'.'. 1"11
sale tomorrow at noon. ltam lleketsarestrll . p L L L um up: In. ti .rmmuru” 1...; 1“ l) ll‘ 1 11L _. ._ ., 2‘1 1. .'.- .l-'1'1' .1 ”.5
. . - and the names ol those who ulll use the (1 .. . hell